now. >>dave: good saturday morning. a serious morning in the middle of the country. we start with an extreme weather alert. the heart of the country, from iowa to texas bracing for a violent life threatening outbreak of tornadoes. >> joining us from missouri, this is only the second time in history that something leak this has happened with this much of an advance earning, right? rick: yesterday this was a high risk issued today for severe weather and they have only done that a day ahead of time, twice. in their hit. a very elevated risk today and it happened around three to five time as year but to get it issued a day if advance gives you an idea how serious they take this. it has been a multiday severe weather event but today will be the climax. the tornado activity will significantly wrap up. and some of the images from oklahoma from yesterday, a lot of hail and tornadoes in texas. excuse me, in oklahoma, and yesterday, a tornado went through norman, oklahoma, where the storm prediction center is, so it is where everything is forecast and the tornado is going right through that area causing some damage but, again, today is going to be the big event. that is a scary tornado going blocks away from the storm prediction center. i will show you what is going on, there is a very cold winter storm across areas of southern california. we can see that there is a lot of snow that will fall over the next couple of days, like colorado, but as the energy moves across parts of texas and oklahoma that is when we will see the worst of this fire up. and we are talking about a bull's eye from oklahoma through kansas and up to nebraska. you already see the storms firing across oklahoma. that is not the main event. that has been going on yesterday and still this morning we could see tornadoes early hours but later on this afternoon when a very vigorous system hits the soupy air. in branson, it is muggy and it feels like late spring with warm temperatures. that will hit. as it does we will see the big storm blowed and quickly, the high risk has been issued in two spots, one in nebraska, and one in kansas and oklahoma, so omaha, lincoln, increase folk, down to wichita and garden city, that is where we see the biggest threat for dangerous tornadoes and it will go on during the overnight hours and that makes it seem more dangerous when to happens. guys? >> thank you, and the bottom of the hour rick will tell us about the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the titanic. here is at the museum. >>alisyn: great wanting. and now the headlines, we have a lot of news. the summit of americas is met with explosions in colombia, two small bombs exploded last night hours after president obama's arrival. two bombs exploded in the capital of both that near the unembassy and the attorney general's office. no one was hurt in any of the explosions, and the president attended a dinner. the summit is expected to discuss trade expansion between 32 leaders. >> and those assigned to protect president obama have been relieved of duties and sent home after allegations personal misconduct, a law enforcement officials tells us that the agents were recalled because "allegations involving prostitution." the agents have been relayed and a secret service spokesman says it will not affect security for the president. the white house has not released a comment. >> he is considered armed and dangerous, police in washington, dc, on the hunt, for this suspect in the white hat robbing a rite aid pharmacy and he is shown taken money from the cash register. the manage confronts him and he is shot in the back. he is in stable but serious condition. >> she may look sweet. but, this 73-year-old grandfather is a gun toting drug kingpin. you her me. she is accused of running a multistate marijuana ring. they found her stash and $300,000 in cash, several semiautomatic weapons if her home in rural oklahoma and she started the business in hero time selling weed in oklahoma, arkansas, kansas, and missouri. call her ganja granny. >>dave: and the race for the white house takes the n.r.a. on friday at the convention and the subject towned to working moms with mom and his wife on the stage. >> this is in response to what unfolded on late thursday night into midnight and twit error ruperted with the out rage over the comments by hilary rosen talking about ann romney not working a day in her life and not understanding the light of other stay-at-home moms. they spoke at convention and got some nice applause. listen. >> there is one more person i would like to introduce, this is a hero of mine. i happen to believe that all moms are working moms and if you have five sons, why, your work is never our. my sweetheart, ann romney. all let me give a shout out to all moms that are working. and, by the way, to all dads that are working. we love all of you. >> she included the dads, too, which, obviously the audience appreciated but the twitter exploded. her mentions, her name, ann romney's name mentioned went from ten a minute which is a lot to 260 a minute dug all -- during all of this which exceeded justin bieber. people have always liked her but the fact she struck a chord with everyone. the president wants to move away from this topic, it has been uncomfortable for the white house that the democratic consultant said this and started yet another war between women. the president sat down and said this on the topic. miss rosen apologized and that was appropriate and now we need to remind ourselves that we have big issues to debate on tax policy, how we will grow the economy, how we will make sure everyone in america get as fair shot and this are more than enough differences between me and romney that should be the focus. >> he wants to focus on the buffett rule and the fairness. will it grow the economy? that is up for debate. the buffett rule is what the president continues to push. that of course, 3 percent minimum tax for anyone making more than $1 million a year and some people, a very small issue, but, an issue of fairness. >> and this comes on the day when the president releases hi tax return information and the vice president, as well. so, people love to dive through and lock at some of the numbers. 2011 income with $789,000. it dropped from the book sales he made previously well he was well over $1 million and paid $162,000 in taxes and he gave a sizable chunk to charity and that is the tax rate of 20.5 percent. >>alisyn: the white house came out and said that the president's own secretary pays a higher rate than the 20.5 percent. so, remember the buffett rule came about because warren buffett's secretary pays more than he does pay in tax rate, so it is fitting that this detail fits into the narrative. >>dave: but it does not cover the president. he would still pay that lower rate so i am not sure that helps the president a lot. >>alisyn: his point is people who make a lot of money should pay higher taxes. >> but at the end of the day we get the sense of the numbers and what the buffett plan would do and you have even democrats saying, look, we know this is not beginning to do a lot but it is a first step and conservatives say this is trivial and tell not do anything. breakdown the numbers. the deficit $1.2 trillion. so, if you get the money from the buffett route and it is $30 billion, total, which is, really, a drop in the bucket, maybe $5 million to $6 million a year. >>dave: interesting way to break it down. but the over all issue is not just the grandfather there -- just the grandfather but the president wants to get on with what will grow the economy. that is what american people would like to hear. it is popular to make the rich pay more taxes but how does it get anyone a job? how does it grow the economy? how does it cut the deficit? >>alisyn: charles krauthammer was on television and said he did the math, he crunched the numbers, and found the buffett rule to be equally silly as our graphic just showed so we will hear how he did it. >> it isry deck -- it is ridiculous, it is lunch money. i did the math. the egypt committee on taxation said, yes, it will bring in $4 billion to $5 billion a year so if you connect the buffett tax for the next 250 years, that is longer than the life of our republic, it would take in less than the deficit spending obama engaged in last year alone. >> obviously the white house is aware of that but it is the internal polling that shows this is popular as you said, the poll out this week showed 60 percent of americans support the buffett route. that is why they are doing it. and 63 percent of independents support it. so, does it do negative? probably not. does it hit on a narrative they can sell on the campaign? >>dave: they try to sell it as the reagan ronald reagan saying reagan would be in favor of it. well, bill kristol is coming up on the program to point out many flaws in this statement this is not something that president prt reagan would have embraced. >>alisyn: north korea's missile failed but it is not about north korea but about iran. was this really a dry run for iran? 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[ male announc ] you plant. you mow. you grow. you dream. meet the new definition of durability: the john deere select series. with endless possibilities, what will you create? ♪ learn more about the new select series x310 with power steering at >>dave: north korea may have failed to launch a rocket into orbit but trouble is far from over and north korea is not the only threat to our nation. >>alisyn: we have author of nuclear showdown, gordon chang. thank you for coming in early. obviously it is a relive the test failed but is this more than meets the eye? >> countries learn from their successes, and the technicians will go bake bake -- go back and make improvements. all it takes is one successful launch and they are a real missile threat. >>dave: we hear the talks with iran are beginning this weekend, so we hear, in turkey, to try to tamper down on the nuclear program. have they learned from what north korea did and how the united states did little if anything to stop it? >>guest: north korea and iran have been running a gent missile program if and if you are the head of iran's program you look in dismay but if you are the supreme leader you are so happy at the feeble response because you know there is no political will to stop iran's own ambitions so this is really the issue. it is not just north korea. north korea is also iran, and we have to worry about the knock on effect. >> president obama dismissed this test fire as a non-even, what should he have done to send a message to iran? >>guest: we need to put if place the sanctions that the public administration imposed in 2005 which cut the north off from the global financial system. unfortunately we took those off too early in 2007. and the other thing we should be doing is we should be imposing sanction on chinese banks involved in the sale of north korea's missile and nuclear technology to iran. >>dave: you mention the supreme leader of iran and he says iran has in interest in pursuing nuclear weapons, are you not buying that? >>guest: no one is bying that. because the iaea, the n watch dog has discovered troubling information that the iranians cannot explain, so, clearly the eastern easterns are doing things only consistent with a knock weapons effort. if it is a civilian program it is not buried beneath the mountain where a bunker buster cannot reap. >>guest: and you do not do testing necessary to create a nuclear weapon. >>alisyn: thank you, gordon chang, for coming in. >>dave: coming up, a democratic congressman pushing to kill small business tax cuts but will this cripple the all right hurting economy? we always hear about jobs leaving america. here's a chance to create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now. pull on those gardening gloves. grab the nearest spade. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advise to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot lay down a new look, with earthgro mulch, now three bags for just $10. on my feet and exactly where i needed more support. then, i got my number. my tired, achy feet affected my whole life. until i found my number. i tried the free dr. scholl's foot mapping center. in two minutes, i got my foot map and custom number. i'm a 440. that matched up to the dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with the right support and cushioning i need. i am a believer. i'm a believer! i'm a believer. go to to find your closest walmart with a foot mapping center. >>dave: a dallas-ft. worth t.s.a. agent has been suspended accused of stealing eight ipads from passenger's luggage. the 36-year-old reportedly took the devices while being a baggage inspector and is charged with public by a public servant. easter weekend for argument do christians around the world. thousands packed in the church of the holy church in jerusalem taking part in an ancient ritual of fire that celebrates the resurrection. >> several groups are urging congress to scrap a proposal for small business tax cuts and, instead, focus on closing the loopholes for large corporations. democratic congressman pushing to kill the bill claiming it will only help companies that are already doing fine in the economy. >> the false claim that the army is to help small business when, in fact, the aim is, again, to help hedge funds, to help a lot of washington high-priced law firms and lobby efforts. and other companies that are doing fine. >>clayton: is the true claim? or will killing it cripple the economy more? >>guest: good morning. >>clayton: respond to the congressman's claims this will hurt, this will help his hedge fund owners rather than the economy. >>guest: this is exactly what people who don't know topics do, they push two subjects together. one conversation is about big corporation and one conversation needs to be about small business and the fact he wants to close loopholes, no problem. but do not say we will throw the baby out with the bath water. two separate conversations. >>clayton: so when he goes on to say that this tax break will mean everyone else is left holding the bag, you say what? >>guest: absolutely that has nothing to do with it. the focus is that the number one concern we have is jobs, that means big corporations are put open hold because the big corporations and government, that is not the person who puts the job in the marketplace it is those small businesses, the small businesses have said that for years. here is what we need to start jobs. and it is a clear conversation that should never be confused with the needs of big corporations. >>clayton: on what the tax cuts do, specifically, a bill to grant 20 percent tax cuts to small businesses with fewer than 500 employees and with the loopholes for larger corporations in there. >>guest: right. and i am saying, again, when they put the bills together the minute they put the tag on "we will do this," you cannot do that. it should be about small business and then address corporations. this is why anyone can come to an agreement, because you are tying subjects together that do not beyond together. >>clayton: we have not had comprehensive tax return in 25 years or longer but everyone agrees on the loophole but the lobbyists and special interests keep both parties from doing anything. and american small businesses have to pay $2,100 to fill the $60 billion tax gap left by the loopholes. >>guest: this is why nothing gets resolved. you are trying to have two conversations. this is the example would be punishing one child for what another child did. >>clayton: but do small businesses have to hold the bag of the loopholes of bigger corporation. if you have 250 employees and the big companies go overseas. don't they get hurt? >>guest: everyone is hurt. the conversation should be what are we beginning to do about the big oil companies, what do we do to better it, over all, and then, what can we do about small business. small business moves at lit anyone speed. any conversation about big corporations it is a multiyear conversation, because when you push them they have the power to push become. small businesses are saying we are under the gun right new so just have a conversation, just have something about us, small business. >> and some of the businesses have big buildings on k street in washington, dc. do you plan on making a call from your car? there is a price on talking behind the wheel even from a hand screen device. i'm more of an absentee plant parent. 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[ cellphone rings ] everyonews with miracle-gr i can get a smartphone with verizon 4g lte ? it'd be so easy to check facebook, send emails. and the screen is easier to read in sunlight ! the universe is practically telling me to get a smartphone. it's like, "lisa, it'd be super cool if you got a smartphone. also, i like your outfit." thanks universe, let's get me a lucid. come in and say hello to your new, easy to use smartphone. the lucid by lg for only $79.99. verizon. the next generati and then countless more. how do you kill them? frontline plus. it uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks. plus another to eliminate flea eggs and larvae, annihilating the next generation of fleas. and, frontline plus works non-stop for thirty days. no wonder it's the number one choice of vets for their pets and yours. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. >>dave: and bubba watson came over interesting obstacles but another had to worry about an alligator on the course. on the 15th hole. the caddie found a new use for the bunker rig. he works it pretty well. shoes away the gator but this is not first time he actually grabbed a gator by the tail a few weeks back. he missed the cut but i am guessing he tipped his caddie very handsomely. >> is that a court violation, you are not supposed to move an obstruction? >> as long as you do not touch the ball. >> that is a real crock. a crock. a real crock. >>alisyn: would knew it was so dangerous to golf. >> we have been talking about this around the offices here. what would you do if a police officer pulls you over for making a phone call. you do not have the 15 to your head because most cities have banned you making phone calls but you are driving with a hand's free headset and you make a call. in chap capitol hill, north carolina, no more driving with a hand free headset because too many getting killed. >>alisyn: it will be the first in the country, chapel hill, to ban blue tooth and all that stuff because the council said it is not the holding of the phone but the fact you are not concentrating on the road. studies have shown just talking makes you more prone to accidents. >>dave: is it the conversation you are taking your focus off of the road or the actual act of using the phone? in chapel hill there are throughs of college students, that is where the university is they will not pull you over for talking on the phone even on hand's free but they have to pull you over for a violation and it would be a secondary ticket. but the college kids do not like the policy. >> if new york city with the cab driver he was talking on a cell phone and he was pulled over. cities have different rules. and they do not just have to see a broken taillight but it is interesting the argument is if someone is sitting if your passenger side you are more engaged with them than not on the phone and more aware of the road if someone is in the passenger. >>alisyn: that does not make sense you would think you would be more distracted by a like person. but business owners do business in the car. realtors. you are always on the phone and you is to pull over? >> but people are getting killed. what do you think, viewers? let us know on what is the distract? >> party is over, the gsa inspector general seeking a criminal investigation over the conference out there in sin city that cost taxpayers more than $800,000. all this days before the matter goes to the house oversight committee. >>alisyn: and peter is leave in washington, dc, with more on this whole mess. the $4 shrimp are coming home to roost. >>guest: that is right, and the house of representatives oversight committee blamed for the western region conference in 2010 wants it keep its mouth shut in washington, dc. his attorney sent a letter to congressman issa wants to lead the 5th and that "requiring him to travel from california to appear before the committee when you have been advised he will not answer any substantial questions posed to him does not advance any legitimate purpose," but the subpoena is in effect so he must testify on monday at 1:30 because he is "deeply qualified to answer questions about the wrc and invited to appear with the specification the testimony will advance the committee's investigation of wasteful spending by the gsa and the committee requires his appearance because of, among other reasons, the possibility that he will waive or not assert the privilege." the $822,000 las vegas conference featured a $3,200 mind reader. a clown. and a phony $2,700 awards ceremony, designed to get workers a free dinner and the awards were presented by this man who was subpoenaed, and we will hear from him, first, not video praising the best of gsa. >> amazing. was this anyone in region seven that wasn't in that? thing? >> if they didn't work on friday that changes things for saturday morning. >> congressman issa makes clear that six witnesses were invited to testify and the other five have agreed to appear voluntarily. back to you. >> one thing that hasn't gotten a lot of attention is the hat's off rewards program. in your office you determine who is worthy, who gets points and you cash in the points for ipods and he is accused of taking the ipods without earning the internal points. >> hats off to everyone. >>alisyn: and now the headlines, in the news, two days interest a truce and gunfire again erupts. activist say troops shelled through neighbors in the extra city as they boost a resolution authorizing deployment of the first military observers to monitor a peace fire between the syrian government and opposition fighters to end the year of blood shed that has killed thousand of people. >> an emotional scene in greenland with hundreds holding a vigil for the town's police chief. the 48-year-old, days away from retiring, was killed during a stand off with this man, you are about to see him, he opened fire as officers tried to serve him with a drug-related arrest warrant and he shot the officer and four others and two are still not hospital. he and a female friend later found dead inside that home. >> hollywood's hottest couple, brad and angelina could be tying the knot finally. gentlemanly -- jolie was spotted wearing this engagement ring. is she double jointed? well, this has been sparking rumors, and the news was con felled saying it is a promise for the future and their six kids are very happy. there is no date set at this time, and they have been together since 2005. >> there are reports that brad actually designed the engagement ring. >> he dined it. he designed the ring. >> and now sports this morning, nhl layoffs wasting no time providing entertainment. and the red wings and predators drops the gloves a minute in as detroit even the series at one. and crosby, in the penguins got going quickly and crosby scored 15 seconds into the meeting part of a wield night that saw hat treks from two different flyers players. 13 goals in all, and 8-5, and they lead philadelphia two games to nothing. >> would not the penguins? and in baseball the fans, a-rod home run number 630. and yankees hit three rbe's from swisher and winning the home opener 5-0. and a-rod, 30 back of willie mays. >> this weekend it is 100 years since the sinking of the titanic. and the most respected titanic museums is in been son, missouri. rick: it is 100 years ago, today, that the titanic hit the iceburg an amazing day and amazing event landed in been -- in branson, month in. you have a long history. all 25th career i have been on this ship. rick: you dove down, one of the first, below the water to get a bird's eye view of the titanic. >>guest: in 1987, being a television producer, we put a expedition together and we dove 32 time over 44 days. rick: you are done with that, you worked with cameron on the movie, and that is what modern people thing of as the titanic, and decided to build this museum. >>guest: what brought us out of this in 1987 we brought up artifacts and by 1997 we were touring the artifacts and when we opened it, gigantic crowds came, it was the most amaze thing, we did memphis, and in six months we had 600,000 people coming through to see the titanic. rick: what about the titanic carries so much fascination? >>guest: it has mystique like there is nothing i have ever seen. really coming down to all part of our life, part of our life at any given time. we are taught in public school and catholic school and it becomes part of our fabric. rick: today you have a big event planned to an those who died and on the family members of those who survived. >>guest: we will celebrate in branson the 100th celebration and we have 40 descendents traced to passengers and crew on the ship. rick: a great day to be here. good luck. much more coming up with this and guys at top of the hour more open severe weather threat today. and branson has been hit by a tornado and plenty of damage a month ago, and today, this area under a big threat and areas to the west. back to you. >>alisyn: thank you, risk. they used to defend terrorists and now the department of justice wants them to prosecute terrorists. is this a good idea? i've never slept better. 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>>guest: well, we would have thought that attorney general holder would have learned his lesson and not tried to meddle. he tried to move the 9/11 suspect in to court in new york which would turn it into an amended catch and giving the sheik a mega phone. and now holder has replaced the military officers leading the prosecution team under the public administration with the civilians and that may not seem leak a big deal on paper, unless you look at who the civilians report to. and, the reason i say that is because this are nine senior officials that attorney general holder has hired in the justice department and the number three official is tony west who was promoted to the be associate attorney general but is higher in the government than a four star governor and he was the lawyer for john walker lindh captured with the taliban after 9/11. so it is strange to have lawyer who defend lawyers and the taliban voluntarily now in charge of people that are prosecuting them. it does not make sense. >>dave: is there precedent for to department of justice involvement in the military commission? why would they want to get involved? >>guest: there is precedent having justice department involved. in the bush administration we had attorneys who assisted and of the cases from the justice department. and there was a justice department civilian who was a reserve captain in the navy. and he was assisting. but, there is not a precedence for justice department officials to lead military commissions. these are military commissions, supposedly a function under the armed forces. so to have civilians run them from the justice department is trouble some especially when the political bosses helped defend al qaeda. >>dave: but why would holder want to get involved in the military commission? >>guest: he wants influence and remember, attorney general holder worked as a senior law firm before this, and one of their websites efforts was to represent guantanamo detainees and they thing that is a badge of honor, the supreme court said that detainees are entitled to lawyers harks is fine. but why would you want to have lawyers who help defend taliban prosecuting them? it is like a far left idol and puts, really, their thoughts about how the country should be run above practicalness and safety of american. in february, there was a high valued detain he would grew up in baltimore and charged with murder for the marriott bombing in jakarta in 2003 and he killed 11 people, injured dozens and, also, he was planning to blow up gas stations but his sentence for a plea with the justice department civilian was capped at 25 years for that, to me, that like you have to be kidding. so, i am very concern about what attorney general holder is doing now with the commission. >>dave: thank you, sir, retired navy commander. still ahead a plan that literally stinks cutting back on garbage peck young to get people to recycle more [ sighs ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make brady miss his favorite part of the day. ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barking ] [ whines ] that's why there's beneful plful life, made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day. beneful. play. it's good for you. this is my grandson. and if it wasn't for a screening i got, i might have missed being here to meet him. the health care law lets those of us on medicare now get most preventive care for free like annual wellness visits, immunizations, and some cancer screenings. and that's when they caught something serious on mine. but we could treat it before it was too late. i'll be around to meet number two! get the screenings you need. learn more at you don't want to miss any of this! >>clayton: a plan that stinks. seattle is forcing people to recycle cardboard and other rash and they are considering outlawing plastic bags. the city wants to cut trash pickup from once a week to once every two weeks. should the officials be forcing residents to recycle? >>alisyn: and we have a resident of portland oregon who started this type of garbage collection last fall. seattle could be following portland's lead. the good news is that there will be fewer landfills. and the bad news is stinky trash could be sitting around in your home or on the seats. how does it work in portland? >>guest: not working. not working. not working for the residents. they want to force the recycle and there are certain things that cannot be recycled such as mass technicals they package the food in when you shop, and dirty diapers. so, you get this stuff and where you had a problem once a week pecking up, now they are not pecking up until every other week. and thing are sitting in the garbage, getting rotten, and they do not pick it up until every other week and you have sea gulls that hung out in the departments are now not neighbor. they are talking about weight restrictions. i can understand wanting to recycle because portland we recycles but when they pick up this garbage every other week that is where the problem comes because it is citying, dormant, it thinks you have people this have day cares, people have large families, and people that have medical conditions that have to throw things away, you have little women that have their visitors this come quite regular, that also it is in garbage cans so these are becoming problems. we are in the spring and it is a little cold but when it gets hot sitting in the cans, it will start manifesting, and we will have worm, maggots, flies and we have a sanitation problem and this is the part about the recycle i don't think they figured out. >>alisyn: i guess in. >>clayton: talking about the daycare center, thank you, we are out of time. >>alisyn: you paint add very vivid picture. my name is robin. i'm a wife, i'm a mom... and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. 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"fox & friends" starts right now with hour two. >>alisyn: thank you for joining us bright and early it will be a rough day not midwest. just unprecedented weather. and now, to branson, missouri, where wreck -- rick is joining us. is this more dire or just seems that way to me? wreck risk well, it is very dangerous situation today. generally we get high risk issued about three to five times a year and the last time we had it, one time already this year when we saw all of the tornadoes in indiana and kentucky that killed 39 people so that is the kind of day we are talking with those numbers, larger but hopefully less because we get out the warning but a big event planned today right across tornado alley. on the weather map i will show you what is going on. we have a very strong system that is out across areas of the west bringing snow across the west with higher elevation significant snow, and a few feet in the higher elevation but that hits into the plains where we have april air mass and there has been sever weather in oklahoma, and some of the video if you look at them from yesterday in oklahoma cutting right law norman which is to the south of oklahoma city. it is also an area brought storm prediction center is where we saw a few tornadoes going through and causing damage. today, that area, again, will be unthreat, but this expands and it is a more significant threat and where you see the white on the map from an area that stretches from oklahoma city up to wichita, right along interstate 35 and a second bull's eye up across the eastern part of nebraska and parts of iowa, that is a high risk, and wherever you see the red that is a moderate risk and we will see significant tornadoes but you get the high risk and the bull's eye is very extreme and we are talking about tornadoes that will be large and long lasting and those are the ones that cause very significant damage. there are chances that today we will see an event like what we saw last april down to the southeast, and there is not as much population in the areas which is good news, but, it takes just one spot. so everyone needs to be warned, and guys i will put out a ton of information on twitter so follow and after we are done here in branson we will drive up to nebraska to be there for tomorrow's she if this is negative significant that happened in that area. >>clayton: twitter can be a great resource because communication is shut down. and owe reporter is in oklahoma city with her family tweeting out at 3:30 in the morning as tornado warning woke her up from bed so pay attention to that with more coming up. >>alisyn: the headlines, a manhunt is beginning on in washington, dc, for a so-called robber. police say this suspect seen wearing a white hat in this surveillance video, is armed and dangerous, and you can see him taking cash from the regular -- register and the robber shot the store manager in the back. she in serious condition. call your report authorities if you see that go the we will learn more about a dozen secret service agents who are assigned to protect president obama. on a trip to south america but they have been relieved of their doubts after allegations of personal misconduct. a senior law enforcement folks says the agents were recalled because of alleges involving prostitution. they have been relisted and a secret service spokesman said it will not affect security for the president. the white house has not released a comment. >> north korea facing serious backlash after the embarrassing rocket launch yesterday, but, you would never know it from the celebrating going on over there. and now greg palkot is like with more. >>greg: well, we will get to the celebrating in a moment, but, yes, first, we will talk about the ongoing fallout from the failed rocket launch the regime is dealing with today. it is now estimated that rocket which took off from a site 100 miles from where i am standing early friday morning in north korea time was only not air about to minutes before it blah up. scattering debris in the seas off of south korea. south korean ships are now scouring the water looking for any clue as to what happened, and the cost of the whole project for this impoverished country is estimated at $1 billion dollars. seemingly undeterred the she goes on, here, and we checked out a mass gathering of troops and civilians marking the 100,000 anniversary of the birthday of north korean founder kim jong-il. his grandson, the current leader, kim jong-un was at center stage of this, and those gathered pledged their support and they really are all about consolidating the backing for the young leader and members of the government and he has a bunch of new titles in the last couple of days at meetings, putting him right up there with his late father and, also, former leader kim jong-il. those questions at the gathering, that the troops and others, they stayed remarkably on message including expressing no disappointment about the failed lift off. tomorrow, we are expecting a mammoth show of force, big military parade, and a lot of money going to the military, it is a military first here, and sometimes as i have noted, people second. >>clayton: the amount of money that could have been spent to help the starving people and they spent that money on launching a rocket did not go to help stabbing people. >>alisyn: what has been happening at home, and that is ann romney is the belle of the ball, a topic of conversation at every dinner table because of this war of words about working moms versus stay-at-home moms. ann romney has come out looking wonderful during this because she raised five sons. by any account that is one of the toughest jobs in the world. >>dave: dealing with m.s. and a bout of cancer. allegation and saying she had no ill-will toward hillary rosen. >> and a hero of mine, i happen to believe that all moms are working moms. and if you have five sons, why, your work is never over. my sweetheart, ann romney. >> let me give a shout out all moms that are working. and, by the way, to all dads that are working. we love all of you. muammar qaddafi you have lived in massachusetts. she has never been visible in any of the past races whether running for governor or senate or for president last time around. this has pushed her to the center of the stage and it could be a great thing for romney, humanizing him a little bit, softening him up. >>clayton: there was a time when she was more visible when he ran against ted kennedy and was criticized because it did not put him in the best life with someone criticizing or arguing, they pulled her back when he ran for governor, but, now, all this attention on what she has done to raise five children in the way she carries herself with such grace, president obama weighing in on this and a lot of senior officials at the white house saying this was a mistake, leave spoutses out of it, she is a good person by all accounts and this is off limits. he said this yesterday, regarding miss rosen. miss rosen apologized and that was appropriate. now we need remind ourselves we have big issues to debate on tax policy and where we will grow the economy, how everyone gets a fair share and there are more than enough differences between me and romney and that should be the focus. >> the president wants to move on of course, because he is hammered. hilary rosen is a connected democrat she went to the white house 35 times, at least that was the name on the sign in, more than the secretary of defense, so, of course, they want to move on, but this is a conversation that has caught fire in the country. it is not easy to move on from this when it is lit up on social media and the cable news channel is talking about it and the fightly news people are talking. >>dave: and the obama administration and democrats pushed until the rosen commends came. they were pushing this war on women, and how the republicans had the gender gap and now they want to runaway from it and get back to taxes and the issue of fairness and the buffett rule the president wants to shift the attention to millionaires needing a higher tax rate than buffett's secretary. you know the story 30 percent tax for anyone making over $1 million a year and releasing his taxes. >>clayton: they came out yesterday afternoon his taxes between him and the vice president, and here is the obama income $789,000, below the $1 million in the years past because of become sales. and paid in taxes $162,000, and the tax rate is 20.5 percent. so, the white house quick to point out yesterday that president obama paying pore than does his administration secretary much like the buffett rule. she makes $90,000 or $95,000 a year and her tax rate is higher. >>alisyn: they did not say what tax rate she is in, they just said it was higher. so, there was a new poll that asked by fox, that asked americans are you comfortable that your tax money is being spent carefully. or is it being spent more or less carefully than five years ago? well, probably not a surprise, a majority think that tax dollars are being spent less carefully, 53 percent say that is the answer. >> all of the talk of the buffett rule comes back to the tax loopholes and the money we could make, if we next the loopholes and we did not have the waste. you write a check april 15th for the taxes, for $1,000 for taxes and do you thing that will make a drop of difference? if it is hard for you as a family member and now maybe you cannot take the family vacation this year, that is going in a fraction of a section. >>alisyn: if you are at a gsa conference if las vegas it is gone. stories like that have made people thing that maybe tax dollars are not being, ship herred as well as they should be. >> bying shrimp platters in las vegas. >>dave: speaking of the buffett rule the president invoking ronald reagan to push higher taxes on the rain. is he taking the words out of context of the former president? we look at what ronald reagan said. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. when we were determined to see it through. here's an update on the progress. we're paying for all spill related clean-up costs. bp findings supports independent scientists studying the gulf's environment. thousas of environmental samples have been tested and all beaches and waters are open. anthe tourists are back. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. 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[ male announcer ] at amway, we use the best of nature, science and research to develop and manufacture our products to the highest quality standards. ♪ in fact, amway offers a 180-day satisfaction guarantee. because amway believes the aces our products ome from... are just as important as the places they'll go. amway conveys quality. to learn more, contact an amway independent business owner. ♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] purina one beyond. food for your cat orog. >>alisyn: listen up, have you filed your taxes yet? you have only three days left to do so and we have all you need to know as the deadline approaches including last minute deductions you may not know about. we have consumer expert. there are lots people who is not done their taxes and you have great tips. if you have not filed, what do you need do? >>guest: you must file even if you can no pay the debt, the i.r.s. make as clear distinction between those people who fail to file and the people who fail to pay. and you will incur a fee if you do not file by tuesday, april 17th. now, this year we have a two day extension so that will help you out. you can e-file with easy online services, and if you have a complicated tax return and you have a lot of pave work or in a different financial position, file an extension so you do not miss out on any deductions which will be important to you. >>alisyn: speaking of doses talk about the hidden last minute deductions that people may is overlooked. >>guest: first of all, if you cannot pay this are payment options that i.r.s. will give you, they will give you an installment agreement or a six month grace period but you want to do that by april 17th. and, other deductions you may miss out on, gambling losses, just leak you have to announce, g.m. peopling winnings you can write off the losses but it has to be a legal g.m. belling like horse races nothing during march madness. >>alisyn: can i deduct the $1 or $5 i put in for the mega millions? >>guest: you may be able to, go to the i.r.s. website and they list over 500 deductions that you might miss out on. >>alisyn: and you wrote the exchange student if you house an exchange student how much can you get back? >>guest: you can write off up to $50 a month for each month they are living with you, you are hosting the exchange students, and it must be through a qualified organization and it cannot be a relative. and but, however, if the student was living up for 15 consecutive days that qualifies for a movement >>alisyn: home office is confusing. if you have an office like we do at fox, can you also deduct your home office? >>guest: it depends. if it is exclusively used for your business post likely for a freelancer, say you are a web designer with a home office, and it takes up approximately 10 percent of the home you have the opportunity to deduct 10 percent of your mortgage interest rate, your insurance, home utilities and home maintenance so you do not want to miss out on it but if it doubles as a recreation room or anything else, the i.r.s. will not allow you to do deduct it. so it is a tricky and fine line. >>alisyn: i am writing this down and i hope to use them. thank you for the great information we appreciate it. >>alisyn: the gsa debacle is getting worse and now we are hearing of bonuses and a potential criminal prosecution. pull on those gardening gloves. grab the nearest spade. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advise to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot lay down a new look, with earthgro mulch, now three bags for just $10. >>dave: the cow is coming up. but, first, sometimes we are referred to as "work husbands," and where do you draw the line. how do you determine when someone is your work spouse. >>alisyn: there is a litmus test. some with whom you work are work friends and and are work dating. i will determine if you are work dating each other. okay? you may be. >>dave: we are work married. >>alisyn: you and rick are work married according to this test. so here we go, here is how you know if you have work friends. if lunch plans are we will meet in the kitchen and microwave our lunches developedly you are work friends. to your nickname, sometime to the name plate, you call each other clay continues to be clayton and dave. and you are work dating, this is where you two come in, lunch plans go together to get soup on wednesday when the place has the chowder you both live for, it says. possibly you. nicknamed for each other, initials like, do you call him like, say, big d. >> yeah, i call him big d. >> you got it. >>alisyn: and you borrow snacks from each other. >>clayton: no, dave is gluten free. >>dave: you eat my gluten free granola. you lie. >>alisyn: and now here you are married you split the huge salad you both like if his office. do do you what? >>clayton: do you have a pet name? >>alisyn: you have a pet name. and items borrowed are things like beach houses. >>dave: he refuses to go to my house. >>clayton: but items borrow, you borrow items from each other. >>alisyn: wait, wait, wait, you exchange clothing. >>dave: i have won his socks. >>clayton: you are like you and the judge. like the judge. judge napolitano and i exchange clothing? what? >>clayton: you and judge shapiro. >>dave: but a lotkñ of spouses get jealous of their work, their husband or wive's work spouse. you see where i am going? can it cause a problem. has it caused a problem for you at home when your spouse has another spouse at work? >>alisyn: is randy jealous of rick? >>dave: i hope not. i hope not. let us know. >>clayton: my wife is jealous of you, she will say would you stop texting dave. >>alisyn: we have a lot of news because the florida judge supposed to oversee the tray try case -- trayvon martin case may have a conflict of interest. the circuit judge disclosing her husband worked with an attorney who referred george zimmerman to his current lawyer and may have inside information. she has not recused herself but she did give both sides the option to ask her to step down. word that george zimmerman's attorney may do that just before he is due back in court for a bail hearing next week. party's over the g.s.a. inexpector general seeking a criminal investigation into the lavish get aways including a so-called conference in las vegas that cost taxpayers $800,000, and we have newly released e-mail to prove the g.s.a. knew of the scandal for months and the top g.s.a. leaders were concerned about the guy plan the event, the administrator and she admitted she should have used more common sense but gave him a $9,000 bonus anyway. and he will assert his right to remain silent during congressional hearings next week. the cost to relocate a bush in san francisco, $200,000. guess what? taxpayers are footing the bill. it was in the path of a highway renovation project funded by stimulus money, ad bush that can actually be purchased at any garden story but this one is thought to be the last one to exist in the wild and that is why a memoranda was developed to save it and that rehigh school and re-establishment of the bush costing a pretty penny. new york city's newest crime fighter packs potato chips rather than a pistol. >> close the door. >> close the door. >> stop. >> [blank]. >> that's being hailed as a hero stepping in while munching on the chips, he is 6' tall and was standing in the way of two people fighting. >>dave: just hungry. >>alisyn: a hungry hero. he was caught eating. the video is an instant hit with more than a million hits on youtube. >> they are fighting and he walks in the middle to keep them from fighting. >>dave: we are lose with "hero," on that. this weekend it is exactly 100 years since the searching of the titanic. we send rick to one of the big of the titanic pew -- museums in the country. rick: 100 years ago today that the titanic hit the iceburg and sunk. think of the titanic, and we mad it largely from the movie, be honest, but the images are because of this man, right heres his name is father brown, and he was a priest who got on the ship in england and want to the stop in ear land and got off. he wanted to continue on the journey to america but the priest above him would not let him continue. he took pictures of the ship while he was on it and those are the pictures, now, that we have. if he had not gotten off the ship we would not have any record of the pictures. and i am joined by tommy, least historian. >>guest: this room consists of the only perks ever taken of the titanic, the maiden voyage and here we are 100 years later, the only photographs. rick: a few of the pictures, this one right up here of the dining room when i think of seeing the movie, and the images, that is where it came from. >>guest: the photograph you are looking at is iconic. they were almost divvied by the father before he realized the response. the only photo of the dining room. the little boy is robert femton, six years old, he lost his best friend, a little white bear and reunited the next day and his mother wrote a classic children's story about the world giving a great inheritance to the children. rick: and now tom goldsmith, there have been survivors, 712 survives of the "titanic," and your grandfather was a survivor and his story is told here. >> that is true my grandfather and my great grandmother survived, my great grandfather passed away on the ship. rick: what does it mean to you 100 years from the day this happened. different feelings today than at other times? >>guest: well, i never gave it a lot of thought but something clicked in my mine, my cousin and my brother used to say that we are survivors, also, and i get to thinking about it and it is true, i look at it not as a celebration or remembrance of a disaster but as a rebirth of our family because if my grandfather had not made a lifeboat i would not be here today. rick: and he was later settled detroit and you are here later. this spectacular museum here in branson, missouri, you have to come and see this, so many artifacts and they have done a beautiful job retelling the story and the big event, if you are in the area, to come and see. >>alisyn: lots of cool stuff. today one of the first-class tickets in today's dollars would be $50,000. rick: thank you. >>dave: on friday the 100 year anniversary of fenway park. 100 years old on friday. they will never sink fenway park. >> democratic strategist's comments starting the mommy wars. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at [ male announc ] you plant. you mow. you grow. you dream. meet the new definition of durability: the john deere select series. with endless possibilities, what will you create? ♪ learn more about the new select series x310 with power steering at ♪ na, na-na, na [ men ] ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ goodbye [ flushing ] ♪ [ both ] ♪ na, na... 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"say you, say me." >>alisyn: and hilary rosen's comments about a choice being a stay stay-at-home mom has caused quite a stir. and here is what has happened. >>guest: his wife has never worked a day in her life and never dealt with the economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing. my career choice was to be a mother and all of us need to know we need to respect choices that women make. >> i apologize. working moms, stay-at-home moms are both extremely hard jobs i have shared them both. i am sorry if that offended. >>dave: what is the psychology behind all of this attack on stay-at-home moms? we have a doctor from boston. so, put hilary rosen on your couch. what is the psychology here? >>guest: well, what she did was expose the psychological fault line, there are women who want all barriers and men who want this, all barriers that are unfair, torn down. placing women at lesser role not workplace or limit their choices. other women, though, would believe that those who choose to be at home, those who choose to focus on the family and those who choose what was more traditional role are less than, that they are worthy of being denigrated. hilary rosen is enraged with the women would choose traditional roles and focusing on their families. this, really, really, really, psychological level i believe causes her terrible rage. >>alisyn: you are paid to get in people's heads so it is hard to challenge you but use the word "enraged." isn't that a little strong? more likely that she cannot relate to ann romney's life choices? >>guest: well, listen, i am paid to listen and i have not evaluated her in person but what i detect when i listen to the tape of her comments, it is an attack, we should not down play it, it is an attack saying, look, this, would hasn't worked a single day in her live. how is that not a criticism? how is that not fueled by feeling greater than this woman? that is what is happening here, and it is interesting because it really does shed light on the whole obama issue because if those people who were thriving in traditional roles, that this administration has it in for. if you have a business, and it is doing well and you are happy, if you make a lot of money and you earned it, if you want to be part of a traditional family in which traditionally women have stayed at home and your husband is going out to make the money i think there is hatred for you because you are not identified as alternative lifestyle as enraged, as put upon. that is the constituency that they represent. those who are doing well, they not their people. >>dave: next well turn you on the boston red sox and analyze that is happening at fenway park. >>guest: i am graying the couch to continue way next to the green monster. >>alisyn: the midwest is bracing, today, for potential life-threatening weather [ male announcer ] introducing a powerful weapon in your fight against lawn weeds. ortho weed b gon max. with a new continuous spray wand. so you can kill invading weeds down to the root. without harming your lawn. guaranteed. ortho weed b gon max. without harming your lawn. guaranteed. 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"fox & friends" hour three starts right now. >> welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. still some cow controversy because viewers writing in saying oh, it's a steer that you had on. and what was the other, a steer and/or a bull. >> a bull. >> but mike who was out there with it said no, we still call them cows. you can get away with calling them cows. i've never seen -- >> thank you for getting to the bottom of that. >> twitter exploded with information on the cows. thank you to our local viewers. let's turn to our friend rick reichmuth in branson, missouri with the latest of the terrible tornadoes coming to the middle of the country. i asked you last hour about the severe language being used. the national weather service is moving towards more severe language, life threatening type language but that's not what we're talking about here. >> yeah, that's not in this case. some local weather offices are starting to use some different language, things that say something like there's a life threatening potentially devastating tornado on the ground. there are some local offices in missouri and kansas that are going to start testing that kind of language. they'd -- they'll likely have a chance to use some of that language tonight. here in branson, six weeks ago, a tornado cut through this town right across from the museum that we've been all morning. you can see some of the damage they're dealing with. today, in much different story and in potentially much more dangerous story, take a look at the weather maps so i can show you exactly where this is going and what the set-up is for this severe weather. a very strong winter-type storm is out across areas of the southwest right now. california and arizona, you see that snow there across the higher elevations into arizona. that's going to pull out today in towards the high plains and meet up with that moisture that you see that kind of brought severe weather yesterday and towards oklahoma and we have had severe weather the last number of days. there's been a lot of images of hail out of oklahoma, of tornadoes yesterday in the norman, oklahoma, area which is right by oklahoma city. today is the main event. and we're going to start to see this firing around 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon and those areas where you see the white, that is the high risk for severe weather. you don't see that often. you see this about three to four times a year. this year, we've seen it once and it was the same day that we saw all of those tornadoes in indiana and kentucky. that event killing 39 people. today, a similar type event that could potentially be deadly and that's why we are warning people so strongly to take cover and to be prepared with all of your preparations that you might need to take and be prepared for that early. anywhere you see the yellow there, there's a slight risk for severe weather so those areas could see tornadoes as well but that red and especially the white are the big bull's eyes and likely see some large, long lasting, very dangerous and possibly deadly tornadoes. this will go into the overnight hours as well. once it turns dark, that makes conditions much more dangerous. after we're done with this show, we'll be driving up to nebraska today so we can be there for tomorrow morning's shows and monitor the situation there for any tornadoes that do happen. all day long, i'll be tweeting out any information that i have. important for people to be doing whatever they can to stay informed of this breaking weather situation. guys? >> people will really appreciate those warnings, rick. thanks so much. check back in with you. more news to tell you about because the summit of americas is met with explosions in colombia. two small bombs exploded last night hours after president obama's arrival. two small bombs also exploded in the country's capital of bogota near the u.s. embassy and the country's high court and attorney general's office. no one was hurt in any of these explosions. the president attended a dinner after his arrival. the summit between 33 world leaders is expected to discuss trade expansion. at least a dozen secret service agents assigned to protect president obama on his trip to the summit of americas have been relieved of their duties and sent home. this after allegations of personal misconduct. a senior law enforcement tells fox that the agents were recalled because of allegations involving prostitution. the agents have been replaced and a secret service spokesperson says it will not affect security for the president, the white house has not released a comment. he's considered armed and dangerous, take a look at this guy. police in washington, d.c. are on the hunt for this suspect in the hat that you see there. he robbed a rite aid pharmacy in broad daylight. surveillance video shows him taking money from the cash register and the store manager eventually tries to confront him but gets shot in the back. that manager is said to be in stable but serious condition at this hour. call your local authorities if you know who that is. michael bloomberg was upstaged while he was hanging around with his newly appointed family ambassadors, the muppets. >> ok, frog. i can take it from here. >> michael bloomberg doesn't appear to be having that much fun in this video. miss piggy, kermit and gonzo said they're on board to bring in more tourists. the mayor says they're very grateful for their help and sealed the deal with a kiss. >> that first one was right on the snout! >> you know, one day lady gaga and then miss piggy. you're both great people -- great women. >> which is the better kisser? >> i never kiss and tell. >> there you go. he's playing along. the muppets will do their promoting on line and through social media. >> governor mike huckabee -- >> love the way that ended. >> as a politician, you get dragged into those things or can't you say i don't want to be part of that. >> i don't want to kiss a pig. >> you have to be prepared and understand that if you're going to have something like the muppets, you got to go along with the joke. michael bloomberg looked like he was having a colonoscopy right there. i've never seen anyone look more uncomfortable in my life at a public event. >> a smile wouldn't kill you, right? >> no, you just got to relax a little bit. or don't do something with the muppets for heaven's sakes. >> equally uncomfortable is president obama when the conversation has turned to hillary rosen's comments. he's not enjoying this conversation. trying to move it towards the buffet rule and things of that matter but mitt romney and ann romney owned the conversation last night at the nra convention. here's what they had to say. >> there's one more person i would like to introduce. this is a hero of mine. i happened to believe that all moms are working moms and if you have five sons, why, your work is never over. my sweetheart, ann romney. >> let me give a shoutout to all moms that are working and by the way, to all dads that are working. we love all of you. >> what do you think of this whole kerfluffle. >> can it continue much longer? >> well, i can guarantee the romney people would love for this to continue as long as possible. but what we've seen this week is gold medals being awarded to democratic officials for their -- their exceptional performance in the backstroke. i've never seen democrats swim backwards so much. >> referring to some senior administration officials who immediately within 24 hours came out and said we disavow what she said. >> david mussina issued a retraction and the president had the most interesting response and said some person on television as if it was some anonymous person, he has no idea who it was. jay carney says it was three or four people. she had been to the white house 30 times. met with the president five. this is not someone he's unfamiliar with for heaven's sakes and i thought her comment was just utterly bone headed because it showed a level of contempt toward women who do, frankly, one of the hardest jobs there is and that is making a household where kids are able to grow up in a wonderful environment. >> they're not talking about right now is the substance of the matter and that gender gap issue. 13-point advantage right now for the president, for women although it's much, much tighter, of course, for men, for president obama. does this linger very long and do you think that mitt romney is able to capitalize on this problem among women for him? >> maybe he can a little bit. but let's face reality. democrats typically do better with women voters than republicans do and republicans do better with men voters. and it's always the challenge for the democrats who try to win men and the republicans who try to win women and he does need to do a better job of showing that he is sensitive to issues of women. but the real point that ann romney has made which i think is true is that the real issue for women is the economic viability of their family, their kids being able to get an education. putting food on the table, gas in the car and looking at the future and saying we're going to make it. >> right. and meanwhile, the president eager to turn the page. stop talking about the rosen comments and start talking about the buffet rule, specifically about fairness, about issues of fairness and everyone making their fair share. this is a popular thing. 60% of the people favor the buffet rule. how does mitt romney spin that and say look, i know this is a popular issue but it may not be one that's effective for our economy? >> he's got to change the conversation from one of tinkering with tax rates to one to talking about the bigger issue and the more important one, changing the tax structure because it favors people even if you change the buffet rule, people like warren buffet will hire a bunch of lawyers and accountants and find a way around 67,000 pages of tax law, you know who won't? the person who makes $40,000 a year. they can't afford the lawyers and the accountants. let's get rid of the current tax system completely. >> no one has talking about it. we haven't had comprehensive tax reform in 25 years in this country. neither party, neither president obama or mitt romney talking about comprehensive tax reform right now. they would much rather talk about this small stuff. can either of these guys actually convincingly make the argument for comprehensive tax reform? >> probably in this campaign, they may not. but mitt romney should have done something bold. people forget that herman cain's entire explosion as a candidate was based on three things. 9, 9, 9. people loved it. herman cain will probably still be a major force in this race had he continued on that particular message. i'm a strong advocate of the fair tax that taxes consumption. that doesn't tax productivity. i think we're penalizing productivity and we subsidize reckless, irresponsibility. >> let's talk about where mitt romney was last night at the nra, nra event. in the past, the nra hasn't necessarily embraced mitt romney. >> not so much. >> but he's changing his rhetoric now. >> in fact, let's listen to him. >> ok. >> we need a president that will enforce current laws and not create new ones that only seek to burden lawful gun owners. president obama has not. i will. we need a president who will stand up for the rights of hunters and sportsmen and those who seek to protect their homes and their families. president obama has not. i will. and if we're gonna safeguard our second amendment, it's time to elect a president who will defend the rights president obama ignores or minimizes and i will protect the second amendment rights of american people. >> democrats basically saying, though, that president obama hasn't even talked about guns almost at all. so is that unfair to president obama? >> well, not completely because here's what president obama has sort of moved toward. even while they're willing to put guns in the hands of mexican drug dealers in operations like fast & furious, they started making these overtures of proposal where they won't deal with the guns but they'll deal with the ammunition. and it's like, you know, you have all the razors you want, we're just not going to give you blades. >> do you think that mitt romney was saying, does that sound more authentic than he has in the past? will they embrace him? >> here's what mitt romney is doing which is smart. he's not going out there trying to say i've been a hunter all my life. really? when did you hunt last? when i was 16. he may not know the difference between an ar-15 and weatherby 300 mag, that doesn't matter. all that gun owners to know is leave us alone. don't act like you're something you're not. >> good to see you, governor. good job on the radio. rare good news out of afghanistan. geraldo rivera will join us live from there next. >> if you plan on making a call from your car, think again. one town putting a price of talking behind the wheel even if it's one of those hands-free blue tooth devices or ear buds. good idea or is this going too far? 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>> yes, we trust them to do the job because we train them and they volunteered for this knowing what the circumstances were ahead of time. and it's a mutual trust between one another. they trust us to train them properly. and support them and we trust them to help protect us as we train them and work with them. >> how are they doing so far? i know that six of them were killed by the taliban just four days ago. >> despite recent tragic events, we have had no one quit the program and we still have more volunteers coming forward. >> this is the district governor and the governor told me earlier that he is pessimistic about how things will go once the -- once the united states pulls out. but i want to ask the governor, wait, i think he's honoring me in a way. i want to ask the governor if he feels the afghan local police trained by the special operators like captain wilson can do the job here. all right. so -- all right. so what is he saying? >> trust afghan security forces to give their support, yes, we will be optimistic. >> they're optimistic, captain wilson, are you optimistic? >> i'm optimistic. we're doing our best to train them and the national police participating in training them, equipping them with the necessary supplies, weapons, uniforms and it's a bright future for these guys. >> i hope so. i hope so. it's going to be a tough fight but thank you, governor, thank you for making geraldo up. thank you. >> our country, thank you for coming to my village. >> thank you. my pleasure. my pleasure. fox news is proud to be here. back to you guys in new york. >> it suits you, geraldo. i think you've been named an honorary governor there. somehow. it works. >> well, i would love to. these people have been so hospitalable to us. they really have. they're, you know, there's been so much bad news, the quran burning, the sergeant b ales an all the rest of it. it's nice to see a positive story. they're trying to protect themselves against the bad guys. >> thanks so much for showing us that. >> he was america's favorite bodyguard but he's got some singing chops as well. oscar award winning actor kevin costner and director, we should add, live this hour with a special tribute to our troops. >> plus, we have a guy who has tried every single diet out there known to man kind. which ones work? which ones don't? which fitness crazes are the best? he's the author of "drop dead healthy" and he'll be here. ess. 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>> a few years ago, i was in terrible shape so i was what they called skinny fat. i looked like a snake that had swallowed a goat. >> there's a picture. >> wow, that is not pretty, a.j. >> i know. i'm sorry. but my wife said, you know, i don't want to be a widow in my 40's. you've got to shape up. so i said ok, if i'm going to do this, i'm going to go all in. i'll test everything out and see what works. >> that's what you did in your book, "drop dead healthy." what were some of the nuttier fitness or diet crazes that you tried? >> i tried some bizarre ones. there's something called the caveman workout. these people think that we should not be going to the gym because gay -- cavemen didn't go to the gym. we went out to central park. we took off our shoes and tossed boulders around. >> you took your shirt off to pass them around. >> here's the numbers. he was 172 pounds before doing all this, dropped down to 156 1/2. your waistline shrunk. your body fat went down dramatically and you have some specific tips for what worked for you and what didn't. and you say number one, you learned you need to chew your food over and over again. why is that so important? >> this is a surprising little tip but it can make a big difference because we are a nation of underchewers. the slower -- the more you chew, the slower you eat. the less you eat. it's all about slowing yourself down. and as alisyn said earlier, you also digest your food better. so yeah, there's a movement on the internet called chewedism, that's their phrase, not mine. >> some of these guys go a little even nuts, they even chew juice? >> yeah. they are a little out of control. they say we should be chewing like 100 times per mouthful which takes like a day and a half to eat a sandwich so i don't do that. >> moderation! >> one other thing you thought was effective was self-tracking, keeping a food journal. >> that's right. the more that you keep track of your own numbers, the healthier you will be so writing down your food journal. pedometer. you got one! >> putting that on -- >> yeah. >> he's the king of that. >> i love that. >> the other thing is the sitting. we sit all day long. you say just stand up. >> every hour, you should stand up. walk around a little. i mean -- >> continue to move. >> sitting is, i say in the book is as bad as a paula deen donut with bacon inside. >> with the hamburger in the middle. >> there you go. >> finally you say destress. my co-host dave is something he's looking to do and that destress, how do you do that? it's easy to say, how do you do it? >> there's a lot of great techniques. one, i went to a laughter club which i don't know if you heard of this but you gather in a room with a bunch of other people and then you just laugh for an hour. it's very bizarre. i don't think i'm going to do it again. but i did feel better afterwards. >> all right. >> maybe just watch a funny movie. that's a good way to go. >> i love the tips what to do. what not to do if there's one thing you learned does not work. >> i would say avoid colonics and juice fasts. i did not like them on either end. so -- >> and there's no science behind them. they don't really work. >> all right, dave will have to change his morning routine. a.j. jacobs, his book is great and it's called "drop dead healthy". it's really funny and entertaining. thank you for sharing it with us. >> try that caveman workout. that's me after the show, buddy. >> coming up, oscar-winning actedor and director kevin costner has a new field of dreams. he's honoring military families who have lost loved ones in battle. kevin costner joins us live coming up. >> and hang up or pay up. one town saying no phone calls at all when behind the wheels. is it going too far? we report, you decide. >> plus we're remembering the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the titanic. rick is live in missouri at the titanic museum standing by with a very special guest. ♪ [ male announc ] you plant. you mow. you grow. you dream. meet the new definition of durability: the john deere select series. with endless possibilities, what will you create? ♪ learn more about the new select series x310 with power steering at >> all right. welcome back. time for your shot of the morning. call him the jumping rover looking at geronimo, a german shepherd doing double dutch like a pro. you can see all four legs working in perfect harmony so he doesn't miss a beat at all. no word of when this video was shot. it quickly became a huge hit on you tube. they have a camera, looks like a shot from a blimp right there. aerial shot right there. >> question for you this morning, when you're driving in the car, you're on your cell phone, be it the phone or the hands-free device, the question is what causes you to be distracted? is it just the act of talking to someone else? or is it the actual physical phone that you're dialing that you're on? one north carolina town is banning it either way. no phone conversations on a phone or hands-free in chapel hill, north carolina. >> chapel hill is about to become the first municipality in the entire country to give this a shot. if accidents go down, it could be coming to a city and town near you because they say it's the conversation that's the problem, not the hand holding. >> even done studies where individuals will sit in the passenger's side of the car and have a conversation with the driver and that's not as distracting as being on hands-free headsets and ear buds or having a phone conversation. you guys weighed in on this. writes us on twitter and says, ban passengers and drinking coffee. those conversations and activities are more distracting than talking on hands-free. actually they're not according to the research. >> eating fast food and fries and ketchup. let me tell you what. >> i was driving yesterday eating soup. it's a challenge. >> what? that's not a smart move. >> i know. tweet says very smart move. no phone call is worth hurting someone while driving, texting and talking. let me add, you should ban parents driving with three kids in the back because i can tell you that's the most distracting thing i've ever done. >> it's worrisome. a lot of stuff are going on in a car when people are going down the highway. barbara from maine says it's a conversation and not the cell phone blue tooth that's to blame than will driver and passenger conversations become a fineable offense? >> the research shows those sitting in a passenger's side having a conversation with a driver isn't anywhere nearly as distracting as a phone conversation. >> right, though it's counterintuitive. >> jonah writes us let's not ban bluetooth devices, let's ban cars. they are the root of all accidents. >> they will not pulling you over for talking on the phone. they have to pull you for something else, a secondary violation so not a popular one nationwide but they don't pull you over specifically for that. salesmen in this country are not happy about the prospect of having to pull over to talk. >> right. they use their car as their office. we'll keep debating that. let's get to the headlines in the meantime, two days into a truce but gunfire erupts in syria. >> activists say troops shelled two rebel neighborhoods in the country's central city killing at least one person. this comes as the u.n. votes today on a resolution that could steer the way for military observers to monitor a cease-fire. it calls on the syrian government to visibly withdraw troops and weapons. more than a year of bloodshed has killed thousands of people. an emotional scene in greenland, new hampshire. hundreds of people holding a candlelight vigil for the town's police chief. 48-year-old michael malony was just days away from retiring when he was killed during a chaotic stand-off with a man there, he was opening fire as officers tried to serve him with a drug-related arrest warrant in his home. that's when he shot malony as well as four other officers. two of those are still in the hospital this morning. they were later found dead inside that home. amazing story that we brought you yesterday. the newark, new jersey, mayor who risked his own life to save his neighbor. cory booker is being hailed as a hero for carrying his neighbor through flames and out of her house to safety. now he's speaking out about what he says was a terrifying night and his mother is also reacting. >> i could not breathe, no air. that's when i was starting to think, if i don't find this woman in a few minutes, we're both going to die. >> i think he's a wonderful guy and i loved him before he saved my daughtmother's life. >> she's suffering from second degree burns on her neck and back. booker was treated and released for minor burns and smoke inhalation. he is really going above and beyond the call of mayoral duty. that's incredible. hollywood hottest couple bradgelina are reportedly tying the knot at some point. angelina was spotted out wearing it. brad designed it. >> i need a better shot. a ref confirmed the exciting news saying "it's a promise for the future and their six kids and their six kids are very happy." there's no date set at this time. the two have been together since 2005. >> all right. let's check in with rick reichmuth out in branson, missouri, this weekend is exactly 100 years since the sinking of the titanic. rick is out there at one of the biggest and most respected titanic museums in branson. good morning, rick. >> good morning. can you believe it's been 100 years today since the titanic struck the iceberg? it's such a huge day for people who are fans and followers of the titanic. if you are a fan or a follower, you might recognize this staircase here. this is the exact replica of the staircase that was on the titanic. i'm joined by first mate, first classmate jany. >> you got that right. yes indeed. >> if people come to the museum here, they encounter people like you, all kinds of information about the museum. >> but we try. when people come, we give them a boarding pass and they become an actual passenger or crew member and then we, as maids, or officers, are here to give them all the information they need as far as what happened to the passenger at the end of this fateful tour, you know. >> ok. now, this is a really beautiful room. one thing that i was told yesterday is that the flooring which looks marble was made of something much more expensive. >> yes, it was a new product line. it had just come out and it was called linoleum. >> amazing. linoleum was it. all right. i want to go up the stairs here, this is such a beautiful room but they've set up all kinds of replicas here at the museum of different living quarters and one of the quarters kind of the most famous person who was on this ship when it went down was mr. astor and i'm back with john jocelyn. he was the wealthiest man in america at the time. >> he was. and this was his suite. this is the bedroom part of the suite. there was actually five rooms accompanying this suite. and bedroom. look at the bedroom. you'll see it's very small. he was a very small man in those days. >> i notice all the beds, any time you have a museum, it was very small. it was before, i guess, the milk and meat that we eat today. >> mcdonald's. >> exactly. but the astor, he died. this astor family, of course, was a big, wealthy family in new york for a long time. >> oh, yeah. for a very -- madeleine got off and they had the baby and the heirs go on today living in new york. >> you have this museum here. there's a replica museum in pigeon forge? >> it is. it's not a perfect replica. it's kind of the next generation but same thing, it perpetuates the same message that we pay attention to the titanic every day. >> and both places today on the 100th anniversary are having big celebrations. >> that's right. one is here at noon in branson and one at 8:30, a live performance in pigeon forge tonight. >> thank you so much for letting us be here this morning. i'll tell you, what is a spectacular museum. if you have a chance to be in either of these, certainly a wonderful place to see. thank you so much. guys, send it back to you. >> thanks so much. >> looks really interesting. rick. thank you. coming up on the show, two blasts rock colombia as president obama arrives in that country to meet with the world leaders for the summit of the americas. latest on that explosions at the top of the hour. >> you've seen him several times on the big screen. now kevin costner is honoring our nation's fallen heroes with this song that he's singing. he's going to join us live. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em, with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds, and stops new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control. ♪ for up to four months. ♪ ♪ ♪ that should do it. enjoy your new shower. [ door opens, closes ] >> all right, everyone. this is the moment you've been waiting for. you know our next guest as an oscar winning actor and director but kevin costner is also a musician and his song "the angels came down" struck a chord with military families who lost loved ones in battle. today, a special ceremony is taking place to honor the brave service members who died in the chinook helicopter crash in afghanistan last august. >> kevin costner is taking part in that event this morning and joins us this morning from ft. knox along with the president of the gold star mothers and jeanette early, president of the gold star wives. welcome to all of you this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> kevin, let's start with you. you dedicated this song, "the angels came down" to the gold star families. why did you want to dedicate this song and what does this mean to you? >> well, this song was written about a year ago, a little over a year ago and we weren't even sure we were going to play it in the sets because it was so different but i loved this song immediately. i didn't write it. john who is in the band with me wrote it and we started playing it and eventually we recorded it as it speaks to the last moment of a soldier's life before they pass. and what that moment means to the people who are still living wondering about it and it really paints a picture of what we hope happens vs. what we let our mind drift to. and somehow this song has found its way after that terrible tragedy that happened in afghanistan when we lost the 30 men in the chinook. it found its way to one of the funerals and it's been playing as a steady drum beat being passed along from mother, from wife to mother, and it's led up to this day, so to be sure the song didn't start with this in mind, it just happened in a very organic way and, you know, the mystery is as great to me as the relief that it seems to be giving these women. >> norma, you are the president of the gold star moms and as kevin just said, it's a song for the living. so what does resonate about this song, "the angels came down". how does it resonate to yourself having lost someone so close to you? >> it's a very peaceful song. and it takes you back to the time of the actual death, but it also lifts you up and gives you hope. and a feeling that personally, i had not experienced until i heard this song. and it's comforting to know whether it's true or not, it's comforting to know that -- or to feel that an angel did come down and carry my son home. >> and jeanette, you are the president of the gold star wives. tell us about the dedication ceremony. >> i'm sorry? >> tell us what's happening today with the unveiling and the dedication ceremony? >> today, with the ceremony, this is in honor of the troopers who were killed in the helicopter crash in afghanistan in august of last year, 2011. and we are here especially to support and be with those families, the survivors, to let them know that we love them. we care. we are supporting, very supportive of the wives and the mothers of those who lost loved ones. >> and kevin, more broadly, what does it mean for you to be involved in this ceremony and with these families who have given so much to this country for the past number of years. what does it mean to you? >> the first feeling is that you feel a little inept, you know, you also don't feel very worthy to either be sitting between them, not ever having to suffer a loss like this or to be on that stage with john who wrote the song and i will both be there and we both question, you know, why we even find ourselves on that stage. we're pretty humbled by the whole thing but, you know, the impact that it's had, it couldn't have been possibly measured when we were creating the song and so it does mean a lot. i think any time you can affect another human being in a positive way and to bring a level of relief is probably the greatest gift and to think that it could come from a simple song is -- i mean, that's what we're experiencing right now. >> kevin costner, norma luther, jeanette early, we hope you will stick around for two minutes. we have more questions for you. we want to talk a little bit more, we need to take a quick break. >> all right. we are back now with actor, oscar winner, oscar winner, director and actor kevin costner as well as norma luther, president of gold star mothers and jeanette early, president of gold star wives. they are in ft. knox to dedicate a memorial to our fallen soldiers and they are playing kevin costner's song that's been dedicated to our troops and kevin, we want to talk about some of the other projects you are hard at work on. we'll see you on the history channel next month. we know you're a history buff. what drew you to the project about the hatfields and mccoys? >> well, just that. it was history but it was also written really well and history channel decided they would make an epic miniseries and they would invest six or seven hours or try to tell this great american legendary feud and i was surprised at how far i got into it. i mean, it was clearly part of the fabric of america coming out of the terrible civil war that we probably still haven't recovered from. we're trying to. and actually got so deep into that that we began writing music about it and we ended up writing a concept record about the hatfield and mccoys and we call it famous for killing each other. and so i think anybody that's attracted to that -- that's attracted to the miniseries might find that music kind of just takes you on a journey to that time. and those people who were absolutely real. i mean, they're not cartoons. they weren't just people with funny beards and funny accents. they credibilitied to society. went on to become lawyers and governors and senators. so they are a part of the american fabric for sure. >> well, speaking about cartoons, you talk about the american fabric, superman. this is as the nerd in me, i am really excited about this. the new superman film you will be starring in called "man of ste steel" which is the new film on this. you're playing superman's father. forums and blogs will go nuts if you say anything. >> it feels like we've moved pretty far past the subject, haven't we, guys? it's called "man of steel" i think it will be exciting movie. but i'll tell you, you know, i've had a handful of things happen to me in my life, you know, maybe two hands full. i mean, it's been a pretty extraordinary thing and nothing more extraordinary than this moment to be able to be here and kind of be a part of what's going on and to be a part of what will happen in the future that in some way without ever trying to be linked to this moment and to these women who have suffered this -- this is a club you don't want to belong to. this is -- make no mistake and so as we -- as we kind of -- as we kind of see what happens today, i think no one is really prepared for exactly what is going to happen because it is something that they live with every day. and i'm going to see first hand today on the stage. >> and, of course, you're talking about the dedication today. the reason that you're there for the brave soldiers and crew that we've lost in the chinook helicopter crash. i want to bring back in norma and jeanette because ladies, you know, so many of the women who watch our show said they were very excited for this segment. they couldn't wait to see kevin costner includings clayton morris' mom here. what is it like to sit next to him there? >> really. thrilling actually. he's my hero before and definitely is with this song. it's wonderful. and he just said so much. >> the ability to bring such star power and an important message so more americans are educated to what military families are going through is obviously a really important message that you can bring to us, kevin. great to see you this morning. thanks for joining us and we'll be having more reports about what's going on at this memorial ceremony a little bit coming up later this morning. >> and jeanette early and norma luther, we appreciate your contribution as well. thank you for sharing your personal day with us. >> the song is "the angels came down" and the band is modern west. check them out on twitter, on line. they'll have tour updates throughout. they are traveling the country. more "fox & friends" when we come back in two minutes. don't go anywhere. there he is, poised to discover plum amazins, the amazing alternative to raisins and cranberries with more fiber, less sugar, and a way better glycemic index. he's clearly enjoying one of the planet's most amazing superfruits. hey, keep it down mate, you'll wake the kids. plum amazins. new, from sunsweet. ask me. [ male announcer ] did you know there's a new surprisingly affordable tempur-pedic? ask me about my tempur simplicity. [ male announcer ] these real owners are talking about their new tempur simplicity beds. surprisingly affordable, plus a 10-year warranty. ask me what a step up this is from my spring mattress. 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"fox & friends" hour four starts right now. >> good morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. we start with breaking news because as david has been pointing out, the warnings coming from meteorologists about what's going to happen in the midwest today are dire. i mean, language that you rarely hear including life threatening. >> rick reichmuth standing by for us now in branson, missouri, with the latest on this. what's the latest? >> again, they only issue a high risk for severe weather a handful of times. usually about three to five times on average each year. it's happened once already this year. that was the day where 39 people were killed in indiana and kentucky. today, another scenario where we could be seeing that kind of weather. kind of similar to what we saw last april when we saw that big outbreak and that big tornado in tuscaloosa. 300 and some tornadoes. there was a tornado here in branson, missouri, about six weeks ago and behind here, you can see some of that damage fortunately we'll see a lot more of those kinds of pictures and actually, unfortunately, i think much worse than that branson saw by the time we get to the end of the day. take a look at the weather maps and you can see what's going on. out across areas of the four corners and into california, there's an upper level disturbance and it's been very slowly moving in across this area and it is going to quickly eject into parts of the southern high plains. there's been severe weather in the last couple of days. look at the images coming out of the oklahoma city area. yesterday afternoon, norman oklahoma just to the south of oklahoma city, incidentally also where the storm prediction center is. i think we have some of that video coming out of this area where you can see the tornado that hit that area yesterday. it did cause damage to a number of buildings that lost their rooves and trees damaged. today's event will be the mother load and much more significant in terms of weather. today is when the upper level disturbance ejects out into the plains. go back to the maps if you can for me one second and you can see what we're talking about. warm, moist air and the storm ejects into the area. go back to the maps for me for one more second, if you can. get to weather a and we can see, actually there's some change. essentially we're on last. if you remember earlier, we had two bull's eye of high risk for weather, one in nebraska and one across oklahoma and kansas. now you've seen this, they've expanded that to include one broader area, gigantic bull's eye for bad weather. they've updated this and expanded that high risk area. that means we'll be seeing some large and destructive tornadoes and, unfortunately, some of these will go into the overnight hours tonight and that's when they become more deadly. >> repeat of what happened in joplin, missouri, where over 100 people lost their lives. rick reichmuth standing by with more information here. >> keep it tuned here. it's up to the minute changes as rick pointed out. let's talk about the political news of the day, obviously, the subject that eclipses everything for the past 48 hours is whether or not working moms were angry at stay at home moms. the white house, as you can understand, tried to change the subject after this democratic consultant, well placed democratic consultant came out and offended ann romney. the president wanted to talk more about the buffet rule. >> yeah, before -- heading to colombia this saturday morning message, the you tube message that he always releases is about this buffet rule once again. he landed in tampa before flying to colombia and told telemundo he wants to move on. mrs. rosen apologized sxing that's appropriate and now we have to remind ourselves that we have big issues going on in this kunlt. there are more than enough differences between me and mr. romney, that should be our focus. the gender gap, of course, is the issue that they want to continue to exploit, take advantage of. >> right. and this is the conversation to your point that the democrats began in the first place. about this gender gap, about the republican war on women and now it's one that they quickly want to move away from now that the narrative has changed, not in their favor. so what does the president and their team do? release their taxes and call on mitt romney to do the same thing. here's what we found out. the president made about $790,000 last year. paid $162 grand in taxes. that breaks down to just over a 20% tax rate. why is that important? because his secretary who makes 95 grand a year pays a higher tax rate. that may be somewhat inconsequential because, of course, the buffet rule would not affect the president. he doesn't make $1 million a year. >> but the president is talking about the buffet rule in part because he's realized that it does resonate in polls. the poll numbers show that the 60% of the country actually favor the buffet rule. >> of course they do. >> but ask people, hey, do you think rich people should pay more money in taxes? of course they're going to say yes. i'm surprised it's not 70. now, ask them how it will impact the economy. will it create a single job? will it do anything to knock down our deficit? i'm curious about those poll numbers. >> here's what the president says about that. >> this is the real world that we live in. we have real choices and real consequences. right now, we've got significant deficits that are going to have to be closed. right now, we have significant needs if we want to continue to grow this economy to compete in this 21st century hypercompetitive technologically integrated economy. that means we can't afford to keep spending more money on tax cuts for wealthy americans who don't need them and weren't even asking for them. next week, members of congress will have a chance to vote on what we call the buffet rule. we just need some of the republican politicians here in washington to get on board with where the country is. >> ask americans what they think of people paying their fair share of taxes, they agree with that but when you actually get to the nickels and dimes of whether or not this does anything to reduce the deficit, not so much. take a look at this. right now, without the buffet rule, $1.2 trillion deficit. the estimated money if you enact the buffet rule is about $30 billion, like $4 to $5 billion per year. look at that bar graph. so there's no blip or movement at all when you enact the buffet rule to cut the deficit. >> i see a red there but you're right, the point is -- is it $5 billion a year with our looming deficit? >> we're talking about trillion dollar deficit year after year. >> charles krauthammer last night said he did his own math and it's even more ridiculous that our bar graph makes it look. it is ridiculous, it's a rounding error of a rounding error. it's lunch money. i did the math on this. the joint committee on taxation said yes, it will bring $4 to $5 billion a year. if you were to collect the buffet tax for the next 250 years, that's longer than the life of our republic, it would take in less than the deficit spending obama engaged in last year alone. >> all right. let us know what you think about that. meanwhile, the g.s.a. boondoggle continues. we continue to take this stinky onion and peel it back a little bit. we learn more this morning and this morning, we're learning that now the inspector general's office has asked the justice department to investigate criminally sources close to this, whether or not they're actually involved or not, we don't know yet but fox news learning that a criminal investigation is now, perhaps, under way as they look into this boondoggle in the g.s.a. >> and darrell issa has subpoenaed jeff neely, one of the guys from the g.s.a. and he says he'll plead the fifth. he doesn't want to come to the hearing that they will hold on capitol hill. at the heart of this is mr. neely and this program called hats off. let me describe this for you. united airline has their own frequent flier program. they decide what -- so i fly to denver, you get 500 miles and you need like a million to get a free flight anywhere. we know how difficult that is. at the g.s.a., no, no, they determine internally so i say clayton, you did a great job in that tech segment. you got yourself 1,000 points and you know what you can do with 1,000 points. you can trade it in right in for an ipod. >> all in house. hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. >> we should do that, the three of us. >> on the taxpayer dime? >> yes! sounds great! >> jeff neely actually went around this program and said i'm going to go grab the ipod myself. >> out of petty cash. >> and he was using this stuff without even earning a point that he could earn for doing nothing. >> the heck with the phony contest. i'm going to go to the storage closet but he got -- >> called petty cash for them only it's our cash. >> right and the prosecutor says it might be called petty theft because there are possible criminal charges related to some of this and he did get a $9,000 bonus and at the moment has escaped any sort of punishment. >> right. >> so it's $823,000 this spending spree now being looked at by the justice department. so there's your update on that. >> in the meantime, let's get to your headlines and tell you about these explosions in colombia at the start of the summit of americas. two small bombs exploded just last night, just hours after president obama's arrival. two small bombs also exploded in the country's capital of bogota near the u.s. embassy. and the country's high court and attorney general's office. no one was hurt in any of these explosions. the president attended a dinner in cartagena after his arrival. the summit between 33 world leaders is expected to discuss trade expansion. we expect to learn more today about the allegations of personal misconduct that sent at least a dozen secret service agents home from colombia. the agents asigned to protect the president on that trip, a senior law enforcement official tells fox that these agents were relieved of their duties because of allegations involving prostitution. the agents have been replaced and a secret service spokesperson says it will not affect security for the president. the white house has not commented. the florida judge who was supposed to oversee the trayvon martin case now saying she may have a conflict of interest. circuit judge disclosing that her husband works with an attorney who referred george zimmerman to his current lawyer and may have inside information. she has not recused herself but gave both sides the option to ask her to step down. word is that zimmerman's attorney may do just that before he is due back in court for a bail hearing next week. some sad news. there are new reports that former bee gee robin gibbs' health has taken a serious turn for the worse. >> ♪ you and me to show ♪ how deep is your love ♪ how deep is your love >> they were the best. gibb reportedly fighting for his life in a london hospital. sources say he's gravely ill with pneumonia and in a coma. the 62-year-old battle liver and colon cancer. just a few days ago, doctors announced he had gone into remission. they believe a secondary tumor has developed. his family including his brother barry holding vigil at his bedside. we are thinking of them. those are your headlines. >> coming up on the show, we've been telling you the democratic strategist's comments against ann romney that sparked the mommy wars. let me ask a real life panel to weigh in. is there a war on women? and more importantly what do they want from their government? >> plus, trade in your stilettos, dave, for a pair of sneakers. the latest party trend is helping you burn calories and avoid that sunday morning hangover. anna clyman here to show us how it's done. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. ♪ [ male announcer ] with 50 horsepower, dual overhead cams and fierce acceration, the gator xuv 825i will shatter your expectations. ♪ and so none gets left behind, check out our affordable xuv 550s at ♪ >> welcome back. the democratic strategist's comments sparking the mommy wars this week you've heard a bit about. listen. >> what you have is mitt romney running around the country saying well, you know, my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when i listen to my wife, that's what i'm hearing. guess what? his wife has actually never worked a day in her life. >> my career choice was to be a mother and i think all of us need to know that we need to respect choices that women make. >> apologize to working moms, stay-at-home moms, they're both extremely hard jobs. i know. i've shared them both and i'm sorry if that offended you. >> so is this apology good enough and is there really this war on women you've heard you will about? joining us now, a panel of stay-at-home moms, elizabeth esther. christie howington, a blogger and betsy hart, nationally syndicated columnist for the scripps howard news service and also of "from the heart." good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> elizabeth, we'll start with you. what do you make of the comments and the huge firestorm it has since set off? >> well, i think that she probably didn't mean it to make a personal attack against at homes but she did unwittingly participate in the mommy wars by suggesting that the work of an at-home mother is not real work and that what we bring to the table is we don't have a valuable insight into the economic plight of other women, you know, whether or not ann romney has struggled financially which she hasn't. she's still a mother. she has worked hard as an at-home mother and she knows hardship. she's battled multiple sclerosis and cancer. she knows what it means to work hard and to struggle and to carry herself with the grace and dignity. i felt that the comment was even if it wasn't intended to be hurtful, it was a personal attack. >> and betsy in chicago for us this morning, if she apologizes somewhat, are you accepting and buying the apology? >> it wasn't much of an apology when you have to say if anyone was offended, that's washington's dig for it's still out there and this is what i really think and of course it is. because that is the tact democrats have been on, operated under for decades. what they've done is sort of thrown her under the bus which i think is not really fair considering she's representing a wider mindset much the comments i found fascinating in her original interview that haven't gotten as much play when she said the real problem with mitt romney is she's an old-fashioned male and doesn't see women as his equals. wait a minute, so if a man actually thinks he should take care of his family instead of letting the government do it which the democrats are all for, suddenly that's the real problem? i'd really like to see a lot more play on those comments. i think they were much more offensive. >> i haven't heard much about that at all. i must acknowledge kristin, you are in los angeles this morning. a column in "the washington post" this morning surprised me a bit by a female author saying hillary rosen spoke the truth. you think there's any truth in these comments? >> you know, i think she used a really poor choice of words. i think there's some truth to the point that someone who has not been in the workplace, who hasn't been in the work force before, may not be the best person for him to consult with if that's the only person he's consulting with in terms of the issues that women face in the workplace. i completely agree that stay-at-home moms are the hardest working people probably on the planet. however, they may not be in touch with the issues that working moms face in terms of negotiating maternity leave, in terms of what to do with a child who is sick and they have to go into work anyway. there's a whole set of issues there that she may not be privy to and so if this is the only person that he's taking into consultation with in terms of working moms and the economy, that may not be his best bet. so i do think there's some truth to what she was saying. however, i think it was derailed into this mommy war. >> we will carry this over -- >> hang on to those thoughts, elizabeth, betsy and kristin and folks, we want you to weigh in on twitter. is there any truth in these comments? i'm at dave briggs tv. and our panelists are sticking around. when we come back, gas prices continue to soar at the pump. that's hitting families the hardest. will they take out their frustration at the polls? then this man attacked by a woman with her designer heels. post a picture of her on line offering a reward like a bounty. is this even legal? we debate it next. only $79.99 for a lucid by lg ? i can get a smartphone with verizon 4g lte ? it'd be so easy to check facebook, send emails. and the screen is easier to read in sunlight ! the universe is practically telling me to get a smartphone. it's like, "lisa, it'd be super cool if you got a smartphone. also, i like your outfit." thanks universe, let's get me a lucid. come in and say hello to your new, easy to use smartphone. the lucid by lg for only $79.99. verizon. on ourar insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> we're back with our panel of stay-at-home moms talking about the war on stay-at-home moms and the economy and what matters to women and something kristin just said touched a nerve with betsy hart so i want to let you react. betsy? >> yeah, we're talking about whether or not ann romney represents real women. i actually don't think that highly paid democratic lobbyists who operate solely within the beltway and are all about getting more tax dollars into washington for the programs they support, i don't think those are really representative of typical moms working at the wal-mart either. so let's get away from that whole conversation and start talking about what do real women want? i think what's interesting in noting about the gender gap that mitt romney is experiencing where he is behind when it comes to the votes of women is that gender gap disappears with marriage. he has a marriage -- democrats have a marriage gap. single women vote overwhelmingly for democrats but once they get married and particularly when they get married and have children, they become republicans and i have to wonder if there's a little bit of a vested interest democrats have in promoting single motherhood. >> one of the things around this country certainly concerned about is the price they're paying at the grocery store and that impacted, of course, by the price of gas and the price of a gallon over $3.90 actually today per gallon. so elizabeth esther, is this something women in this country are concerned about, one, obviously but will they take this to the polls? >> i think for my family it will definitely be a consideration. i mean, right now in los angeles, the average price of gas is about $4.25 a gallon and that is huge. that makes a huge impact on my family budget. and a couple of week ends ago, we were going to take a family excursion and we cancelled it once we realized how much it would cost in gas to go to and from and for us, definitely. whoever can come up with the economic plan that turns this country around, that's the person that's going to get my vote. >> there's my question, kristin, if it's not gas prices, what do you want to hear from a politician right or left? what is going to get women to the polls? >> yeah, i definitely don't think it's for me going to be gas prices because the president doesn't really determine the global market in terms of oil. but for me, i think what's going to get women to turn is really we want to know how we can best care for our families, that's going to involve economic issues. for me, that's going to involve the price of health care and how i can take care of my family's health needs, you know, so i think it's a variety of issues of which person is going to really take our country forward and give us an environment where we can raise our children without fear of not having food on the table. >> and betsy, what do you feel about the issues that are most important to women today? >> well, the republicans can't just be mini democrats. they're going to really have to convince women like me that they are for an entirely different mindset of being self-sufficient in our families, husbands and wives being responsible for their families and not leaving that up to the government. a lot that can come in the form of very different tax rates that didn't penalize a second spouse that works, that kind of thing. an environment where we say, you know what? we're for free enterprise, lower taxs and we're for women who want to work or not and let them have the choice and not have that dictated because government is taking so much of the family income in taxes that they don't have a choice but to work. that's what we want. i'd like to be more left alone by government, not have more of it in my life and that's what i'm looking for the republicans to convince me they're all about. >> politicians on both sides of the aisle, let's hope they're watching this program this morning. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. thank you. >> great job. >> oscar winning actor and director kevin costner has a new rule. he's honoring our troops. we'll tell all about that coming up. and if your backyard lacks space, try growing a vertical garden. home depot here to show you how to transform your yard into living works of art. plus are your work relationships going too far or are they healthy for you? why a work spouse may be good for success. >> and welcome back to "fox & friends." time for your shot of the morning. bubba watson overcame some interesting obstacles this week to win the masters. nothing, though, compared to what brian gay had to deal with at the hbc heritage. that's an alligator on the 15th hole. it's pretty large and the caddie finally when he was using the bunker rakes that are used for raking the bunker, he grabbed that and pushed the gator back into the water. apparently, this isn't his first time doing this. >> no. he actually grabbed one by the tail on the course a few weeks ago, actually grabbed four or five gators by the tail. that's the first time it's been caught on the tv camera, though. >> i was terrified once i did a segment in florida going to a gator farm when i lived down there and oh, boy, i was scared out of my mind. one started hissing at me. but even after -- >> would you have gone down there and made that shot. five minutes later, i'm not going down there. >> hot dog at the clubhouse. >> this is why i don't golf. all right. we have to tell you about this article in "women's health" magazine that helps you determine the people that you work with, are they your work friends or are you work dating or are you work married? >> you often joke that we are your work husbands. >> that's right. >> because you spend a lot of time with us. >> i do. >> and we know your idiosyncracies. >> which are many. by this criteria, i don't know if you are our work husbands. here's how you know if you're a work friend. you meet in the kitchen and you microwave your frozen dinner there, that's what you do. in terms of what you call each other your real names. that's it. no nicknames. the items you borrow from each other are limited depends and post-its. but here's where it gets more intimate. if you're work dating, you make lunch plans, it says, to go out together to that great soup place on wednesdays to get the chowder that you both live for. you guys seem like -- >> dave and i are probably work dating. >> i think that's possible. >> and then you also have some nicknames or might shorten a name. it's also a part of this. and you borrow things from someone's office. >> you guys do borrow snacks from each other. >> he borrows mine. i bring a lot of snacks. >> do you call each other nicknames? i'm curious. >> no. no. >> like sugar bear once and a while. >> sweetheart. >> work married -- what makes you a work spouse? that becomes when you actually split a salad or you get the footlong subway and each of you gets 6 inches. >> and you split it at your desk. you eat in your office and you have nicknames for each other. funny pet name like p wow and johnny o. >> what do you call rick? >> i call rick ricky. mine is more like -- me, rick and clayton all have a complicated marriage here. >> i'm getting that. i'm realizing that. i think we may have revealed a little bit more than we hoped for in that segment. >> only one spouse for me. she's at home. >> got it. let's hear from you if you have any -- >> i've never seen you tongue tied before. that's rare. >> that was strange. >> let's get to your headlines now because two days after a truce was called, a gunfire has once again erupted in syria. activists say troops shelled two neighborhoods in the central city killing at least one person. this comes as the u.n. votes today on a resolution that could clear the way for military observers to monitor a cease-fire. it calls on the syrian government to visibly withdraw troops and weapons, more than a year of bloodshed there has killed thousands. the health of the lockerbie bomber is worsening. the family of former libyan intelligence officer abdelbaset ali al-megrahi, sorry, says he's gone to the hospital for a blood transfusion. this is his second trip to the medical center in two days. al-megrahi is the only person convicted for the 1988 bombing over lockerbie, scotland, that killed 270 people. he was released from prison because of his health, you'll remember. doctors said then he would die of prostate cancer within three months. that was back in 2009. and you know him as oscar-winning actor and director but kevin costner is also a musician. >> ♪ came down ♪ to the fallen man ♪ and >> that's his song "the angels came down" and it struck a cord with military families who lost loved ones in battle. today, a special ceremony is taking place to honor the brave service members who died in a chinook helicopter crash last august in afghanistan. earlier, on "fox & friends", kevin costner told us what this all means to him. >> pretty humbled by the whole thing but, you know, the impact that it's had, it couldn't have been possibly measured when we were creating the song and so it does mean a lot. i think any time you can affect another human being in a positive way and to bring a level of relief is probably the greatest to think it could come from a simple song is -- i mean, that's what we're experiencing right now. >> costner will be speaking at that memorial today in ft. knox, kentucky. and new york city's newest crime fighter passed the potato chips rather than the pistol. let's watch the 24-year-old break up a subway scuffle by eating chips. >> no, no. no. >> do not follow me. >> no. >> i'm not sure if he's breaking up this scuffle or just trying to find a place to stand but either way, he is being hailed as a hero for stepping in. it could have gotten more violent. all while casually snacking on his cheddar pringles. he said he wanted to help but got caught up in eating. the video became an instant hit and has more than one million hits on you tube. i bet the pringles people will be calling for an ad campaign. >> cheddar pringles. he was focused on the cheesy stuff on his fingers. no heroes, just hungry. what do you got for us out there with your friends from home depot? >> you've heard of wall flowers. did you know that you can grow them physically, make some vertical gardens fortunately mike is here from home depot to tell us how to do it. we'll show you the finished product in a minute. you have parts late out to put this together. explain how this works. >> a lot of folks live in condos, apartments, townhouses and maybe don't have a lot of space to garden or maybe they are down sizing, they're empty nesters, they sold their home and always kind of gardened and they want to do it some but don't necessarily have the space or the time to do that. perfect project for them. >> back patio and back deck to put it on. >> exactly. this is kind of how it looks. if you go to at the garden center, you can find the detailed instructions to do this. this is kind of how it looks as it starts. you have a bunch of one byes. a piece of play wood. all that goes together. let's transition over here and i'll show you how it comes together. so once you put that all together, this is kind of what you end up with. basically, we've attached the background which is the plywood to the 1 x 6's and it forms this box, also those 1 x 2's that you see, we add those to the side to add a little more surface area. you need to attach the plastic sheeting you see on the inside. we've folded that up and stapleed it to the inside and added this pvc pipe for irrigation and you can see on the top there's a hole that you pour the water in. >> it will drip down. >> we've drilled some holes in the bottom. one is for the bottom half and one for the top half. this centerpiece, before we drilled that hole in it, we actually clamped that to the top. drilled this hole and then when we did this hole, we did it through both of them to ensure that they lined up and we attached that. the next step is to add obviously some garden soil. once you get the garden soil, you shake that, let that settle. you want to add some weed block fabric. >> i bought this for a raised garden and put that down so you don't get weeds popping up through the middle of it, right? >> this serves two purposes. you attach that on and trim that off. this will help keep the soil in place. once that's on, you want to cut some lattice work that fits this and that's going to keep the soil and the plants in place and then, of course, the frame to kind of frame it out and finish it off. but once the fabric is behind this and that's attached, you just go in and cut little x's in each of the spaces and that's where you're going to reach through to actually put the flower. >> almost out of time. we have to get the big reveal. how does this look now that you're all done? >> once that's all done, if you'll grab that other side right there, this is what you'll end up with. >> tada! wow! >> is that beautiful? >> it stanldz upright. >> you can stand it up where we've done or you can add -- there's a lot of ways you can attach this to the wall. but again, it's living art. you see it's kind of framed. it's colorful. it's very unique, obviously, you don't see a lot of these today. water on a regular basis. it's beautiful. >> and you stained it as well. for all this information, go to center and you can print ought owl the instructions. get out there and garden, guys. back you to. >> better yet, can you bring that into me? that would look great in my apartment. >> that would look nice and her office. >> her picture posted on line with a bounty like reward by the man she allegedly attacked with her designer heels. is this legal? the debate next. >> plus working out never looked so fun. anna clyman showing us off the latest exercise trends that will help you shed pounds and avoid that sunday morning hangover. >> let's check in with neil cavuto for a look at what's coming up on the cost of freedom business block. >> hey, guys. good morning. the evidence piling up, american companies are holding back and piling up the cash. as a tax bond gets ready to take hold. are jobs and the economy going to be the next to take the big hit? forget next week's hearings on the g.s.a. spending scandal. why someone here says congress should scrap the government agency all together. plus in the hospital, well, how about a happy meal? how about a food fight while you're at it. we'll explain. "cost of freedom" at the top of the hour. see you then. let's play indoors this weekend. all we need is a couple of gallons of our hardest-working paint... ...from the get-it-done place that gives us more top-rated brands than anywhere else... prices that won't shake up our budget. let's make a one-wall statement... ...or tackle a total room takeover ...with paint that'll get the job done in fewer trips up and down the ladder. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. the number one brand of paint just got better. starting at $23.98. >> the search is on this morning for a california woman who sent a man to the hospital by smashing him over the head with her designer heels. after he was just trying to stop an altercation. so now, restaurant manager matt medinger is on the hunt to catch this woman. he posted this picture of her on twitter offering $500 for her last name. is what he doing legal? joining us for a legal debate is criminal defense attorney joey jackson and litigator rebecca rose woodland. this man came out of a bar with a couple of buddies and saw a scuffle. he tried to break it up. the woman promptly took off her heel, and smacked him over the head reportedly with the heel which made him bleed. he had to go to the emergency room. posted her picture on twitter. is this all legal? >> well, there are a couple of now little nuances to the story. he posted her picture and apparently people wrote in and gave him her last name because he said hey, i want to pursue charges against this woman. supposedly, we don't have now an official police statement but supposedly she's claiming self-defense! so she claims now that she felt nervous that this man was coming to help her and hit him over the head with the shoe. the whole thing is ridiculous. >> back to the point of putting up a wanted poster with social media, can you do that? >> dead or alive, at this point you can. it doesn't make it proper. california has in 2003, what they did, alisyn, is they had this on-line privacy protection act. it doesn't necessarily apply here but it lets us know that california is concerned about privacy. having said that, i don't like what she did for multiple reasons. >> what she did or he did? >> well, i don't like what either of them did. i don't like certainly what he did as far as posting the picture. i think what it does is it invades on the province of law enforcement. that's why we have police. those are the ones that investigate. furthermore, it leads to number 2 which is vigilanteism, when we have vigilantes, it has negative results. third, privacy protection. why should her picture be out there? and last thing, we're getting this story filtered through a guy who was in a drunken stupor. how do we know his story was proper? >> that's my point from the beginning to clarify the story right away just in case his story isn't proper, there is an appearance that it is by him going on twitter saying, hey, this woman beat me up. well, she's saying whoa, whoa, whoa, self-defense. >> does she have a case against i don't know what it would be libel, character assault. >> what's interesting about this, alisyn, is an absolute defense of defamation is truth and that means if it was true, she would have no claim but putting it out there and putting her in a negative light without her due process and defending herself is a bad thing. >> however, the police didn't know who she was. >> but to the police. >> good point. give her to the police and let the police go and investigate. let them figure it out. you know? we're not saying that he's right, she's right, but we're saying let the police determine and the courts determine that. >> rebecca rose woodland, joey jackson, that's what i will do the next time someone clocks me with the louie vattons. thanks, guys. all right. up next, burning calories and having fun at the same time? that sounds impossible. anna is here to teach us how to soul cycle. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. >> we have a severe weather alert for you right now. at least three possible tornadoes were just reported in central oklahoma. there's no word yet of any injuries. you are looking at video of one twister that did hit last night. today's outbreak could be a high end life threatening event. that's what meteorologists are calling it. our chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is headed to nebraska right now. dangerous tornadoes are expected there as well. he'll have everything for us tomorrow morning but in the meantime, everyone, please be careful out there. very dangerous situation in the midwest. meanwhile, let's go outside to clayton. >> all right. thanks so much, alisyn. well, we all want to slim down as fast as we possibly can and shed the pounds. now there's a new fitness trend that let you do that. anna has been testing it out and here to tell us about it. >> new spin on indoor spin classes and essentially it has participants feeling like here in a club on a friday night rather than in a gym on a back to work monday. check it out. >> it's the latest trend in group fitness classes. only requirement, come ready to party. i'm here at soul cycle in new york city to find out about party ride and why pticipants are trading in their saturday night stilettos for sneakers. you can rent special cycling shoes to keep your feet attached to the bike right at the front desk and after strapping mine on, i'm ready to go. >> let's rock! >> soul cycle instructors combine the intensity of a full body workout and the wild atmosphere of a nightclub. inspecting lights, glow sticks and even bubbles. >> we might just pop out a few extra effects like a strobe light or we might, you know, spray some champagne on the front row. >> riders don't just burn fat and get their hearts pumping unlike other spin classes they use hand weights and tone their cores and upper body. >> instead of going and drowning your sorrows in a big, fat, pizza and a pitcher of beer, instead, you're burning calories. >> exactly. it's a much healthier alternative to going to a nightclub. >> custom playlists and mood lighting allow riders to let loose and really pump up their confidence leaving them re-energized. >> it's not -- the music is great. the energy of the whole group and everything they say. >> soul cycle's popularity has recently gone bicoastal and other party inspired workouts are popping up all over the country and any soul cycle rider will tell you, this is one friday night out you won't regret in the morning. >> a lot of celebrities have been doing it, too, you saw jenna bush while we were there. we had our own celebrity sighting. kelly ripa is known to go there as well. this is becoming a trend not just at soul cycle but at gyms across the country that they're starting to have these party inspired classes. >> because you get bored! >> many people have a good time. >> when you finish a big race, typically it's all right to have a beer or something afterwards. is there cocktails there at soul cycle? >> well, you saw that, they will actually spray champagne on the front row. >> champagne -- >> and if you decide, yeah, what goes on in the champagne room stays in the champagne room. >> ali! >> cycle in a skirt? >> you have to clip in to those pedals, alisyn. >> have you been on a bike? >> a bike? clayton doesn't think i've been on a bike. >> as evidenced by this. >> so the shoes -- >> put them in the pedal. >> you want to come help? help her get in? >> what's great about these shoes is they clip into the bike and they help you work your entire legs because you're actually working as you pull up, too, not just on the push down. >> if you're going for like 45 minutes or how long is the class? >> 45 minutes. how many calories do you think you burn? >> you can burn up to 1,000 calories in an hour on their soul survivor classes. >> is this now your saturday night plans? >> not saturday night but i do like it. it's in my neighborhood and i do hear that it's all the rage because it also -- it's like a sort of zen like feeling that it achieves. it gives you -- >> ali elaborates on that at the break. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. only $79.99 for a lucid by lg ? i can get a smartphone with verizon 4g lte ? it'd be so easy to check facebook, send emails. and the screen is easier to read in sunlight ! the universe is practically telling me to get a smartphone. it's like, "lisa, it'd be super cool if you got a smartphone. also, i like your outfit." thanks universe, let's get me a lucid. come in and say hello to your new, easy to use smartphone. the lucid by lg for only $79.99. verizon. [ male announc ] you plant. you mow. you grow. you dream. meet the new definition of durability: the john deere select series. with endless possibilities, what will you create? ♪ learn more about the new select series x310 with power steering at >> welcome back. apologies to bill o'reilly. this is the spin zone, friends. >> there you go. >> our thanks to anna this morning for showing us the soul cycle and coming up tomorrow on the show, we have ann coulter plus an author about this book, the behind the scenes of what it's like to be involved in the most exclusive club in the world, ex-presidents. >> you're peddling faster than me. >> because i'm burning calories, baby.