people american citizens. whereas if you are somebody who is more interested in security. when you hear we are going to secure the border you are thinking okay, somebody is going to actually stand at the border and say hey, if you don't have papers, you have got to turn around and to the other way. he didn't say either. >> right. here is the fundamental problem. you know, the president had talked about again amnesty for group of individuals, not only dreamers but if you listened, he talked about a number of other populations. so in the midst of the worst border drivers where every continual pull factor driving people north, the president now announces that we are going to give millions of folks amnesty. well, guess what? you are going to have sump a push towards that border, additional populations that it's just simply the wrong approach. until you secure that border cure not talk about other populations that are here illegally and what to do with them. >> the first step is securing that border and, again, no vision, there was no strategy. was not talk about a border wall