have the manpower to go out there and search for them the way we should. >> ainsley: why don't you have enough officers? are they just not applying for the job because of what is happening around the country? what about the court system? you were going into that a little bit. you touched on it. can you explain what you meant by that? firm the recruiting efforts we are trying to get in place are difficult right now because of the type of job doing. vilified every time you make a mistake. we understand that this is a job that we took on. now, as far as the warrants go, we can't control how many warrants or how many bonds judges give. we have people on multiple felony bonds, again, we have had over 165 people murdered by someone on multiple felony bonds. that should never happen. you have more than two felony bonds, you are proven you are not going to be a productive member of society need to lock these people up. they refuse to do that. >> pete: when did that bond