merkel when she was the german chancellor, what was the reason for her getting rid of all of of these nuclear facilities she could have created so much clean energy with those. >> pete: great question. steve, you might have thoughts. nuclear energy is cleaner. >> steve: right now france is moving toward more nuclear exant. they're also importing u.s. liquid natural gas. >> pete: most of their fracture turning into larr income. some of it is the residue that nuclear sun safe and had those accidents. >> steve: 3-mile island 50 years ago. >> pete: it's an answer and mystifying. there is a lot of interest involved. a lot of international business interest. the oligarchs when they get hit. oil and gas is going to go up big time. >> steve: thank you very much. excellent job. we hear about all of these places and we don't know how they all fit together and when you see them on a map it starts to make sense puzzle pieces. >> pete: still a long ways away