siege on most of the country but not enough troops to hold that land. the complication becomes not whether you can take it or whether you can hold it which is a lesson those of you was in the iraq and afghan war understand quite well. one thing to defeat and topple a regime another thing to control it especially because these regions here, many of which are largely russian-speaking have a bit more of a historical connection to russia. and, therefore, might be more apt to be welcoming might not be the right word but open to the idea of a russian occupation. the further you move west, the more likely you have younger generations of ukrainians who want to be oriented towards europe and want nothing to do with being russian speaking people they don't speak russian either. it becomes a lot more imlicketd. let's put a bow tie on this real quick why it matters to us. we heard from jesse watters in the next clip about that. energy. from as far as back from rondell arresting in the 1980s he warned should russia be allowed to you build a pipeline that bypassed ukraine or bypassed