russian oligarchs and businesses. we have to hit them where it hurts. ♪ >> we start with a fox news alert. breaking news, ukraine is on high alert today over fears that russia will launch a full-scale attack. >> pete: overnight russian tanks moving in hours after the white house announced new saxes on vladimir putin. steve. >> steve: hair began is leading our coverage once again from the capital of kyiv which may soon be under a state of emergency that could be true, steve. yesterday, as well actually earlier your day sounds like the president called up the reserves and said come on, save your country. , that's right, steve. things getting more and more alarming. we could see a state of emergency if there is a full scale russian invasion we could see martial law. that would be the military would be in charge here. that's what will happen if there is invasion. meantime though sanctions not just by the u.s. but by more than 20 countries against