what works, what doesn't work. what are we still in this thing? let's start with the first one, which is actually the vaccines do work. but they work differently than you may have been told. here's how they work. they are 90% effective. i mean 90% at keeping you out of the hospital much. from keeping from you getting the severe illness. that's been studied in the united kingdom, here in the united states. the cdc finally came through with that data. kaiser permanent, 90%. i had a example in op-ed dr. james hodges from texas way over weight 67 years old e got covid despite having the two shots and then he got omicron despite having had the booster. you mate say wait a minute, the vaccine didn't work except he is in a very high risk group. he never ended up in the hospital and with omicron he had a very, very mild case so the vaccine works. >> steve: absolutely. for people who got the shots. 12,000 people died last week. those are people who didn't get the shot and they died of omicron, right? >> omicron for the most part,