banned crt in public education. yet it continues. >> pete: interesting. carol, so exvariety sod have you on this stage 9:00 a.m. miseducation of "america live" summit. it's a beautiful stage. >> it certainly is. >> pete: what's the thing you want to emphasize today? what do you want people to hear about the way in which our kids' minds are being crafted. >> critical race theory is something i have been talking about now for several years. i'm very pleased that people are responding. i want to talk about the importance of this five part series on the miseducation of america because it effects everyone's child. whether they're in public schools. private schools, christian schools, parents need to know what is taking place. and so i would urge everyone to watch the entire series and to react to it and, you know, you focus mostly on -- you focusing on everything that's taking place in our schools.