>> pete: true. >> brian: guys, i'm so hopeful that eric adams is the real deal as mayor. if you are a politician, you want to follow somebody who is absolutely terrible and a marxist and that is governor mayor de blasio. so eric adams comes in here, who maybe understands what the city needs. he doesn't hate business. he talks about loving america and he also says i have got to fight crime and i'm going to have this thing called a plain clothes unit in order to find out where the crime is hang. i'm going to go after the gangs, listen. >> the balance is not just heavy handed policing. it's public safety and justice. what we do long term and what we do right now. we're going to go after gangs. we are going to take down some of the large gangs in our city. whenever you see a shooting take place, look at the next line, gang-related. we want to zero in on gangs. we want to reinstitute a plain clothes anti-gun unit and zero