60 degrees today. crazy weather all across the country. ainsley: we will take it for now. brian: i have tear away pants on for that reason. just wear shorts. steve: you have shorts on under your pants? brian: right. they are tear away shorts. it's the nba principle as they go in and just tear their pants off. steve: ainsley, i don't know if you for this. but brian was married -- tell the story. brian: tell the story. steve: tear away pants at your wedding. steve: at his wedding he wore tear away pants. brian: thought would be good. i was really into sports back then. when they announce your name and you take off your pants and you run out there. and i thought wouldn't it be great if my whole wedding party switched pants to tear away pants. we couldn't get those tear away pants amazon wasn't hot. i actually went to the tailor, bought pants for everybody, and they put velcro and whether they go out they all had boxers on. ainsley: do you have it on video?