well as look cool. you should wear a helmet. ainsley: those and the jet packs you love. brian: the jet pack is never going to work. ainsley: my parents live away from there in colombia, south carolina. brian: did everyone celebrate thanksgiving this year? ainsley: we did. steve: we did. ainsley: what did you do? brian: you want to see? we have pictures. steve: look at that. brian: my brother and his wife kara did unbelievable job getting everything ready. ainsley: beautiful table. brian: devin came from north carolina from raleigh, north carolina. you see the lovely family there. there you are on the left. >> there i am making sure the younger people drink. they're all both of age. that's my son brian and niece 21. steve: serve your children alcohol. brian: if they ask nice. ainsley: they are beautiful, brian. what's it like having them all home again?

Related Keywords

Brian ,Ainsley ,South Carolina ,Parents ,Helmet ,Jet Pack ,Jet Packs ,Look Cool ,Colombia ,Steve ,Everything ,Everyone ,Pictures ,Job ,Okara ,People ,Family ,Age ,Left ,North Carolina ,Both ,Niece ,Devin ,Beautiful Table ,Raleigh ,Children ,Home ,Alcohol ,21 ,

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