kids in the city will have to be vaxxed or vanished from public life. >> less about covid and less about safety and more about control. >> aaron rodgers has tested positive for covid. he has been ruled out for playing in sunday's game. >> backup quarterback jordan love is expected to start ♪ you make me want to roll my window down and cruise ♪ down a back road >> that is the national harbor in maryland. look at all those beautiful boats and ferris wheel not going yet. a little early. 7:01 on the east coast. thanks for waking up with us. steve: thursday after a big tuesday. thursday, november 4th 2021 here on "fox & friends." welcome aboard, folks, for hour two. we have one more after this and we have lots to talk about. brian: i will let you go, ainsley? ainsley: no, you go ahead. ainsley: i was just thinking it was amazing you immediately do