ainsley: sound all too family. we will read it after its pa was do you remember when that happened in 2010. steve: no, i don't do you have a video? >> pass a bill so you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy. steve: the fog. we are in the middle of the fog right now. yesterday, did you see yesterday? what a disaster on the democratic side yesterday. because they are at each other's throats. you know, joe manchin wants one thing. joe manchin wants something closer to 1.45 trillion. bernie sanders says he wants something closer to 10 trillion. >> trying to stronk arm. this bill is not being done under regular order. they don't have any text. a lot of these deals are going on behind closed doors. some members know what's in it. there was a big scuffle between two committee chairman yesterday about some parts of the bill