carley: what was first? steve: waterloo. they named it waterloo first. owe ahmadinejad to him referred to as essentially the father of texas. the secretary of state for texas they said, you know what? enough with waterloo. let's call it austin. steven austin thought a great idea. ainsley: lot of people moving down there. brian: steve has gotten into this. steve: i started it with the temperatures and the mottos. brian: i don't know. ainsley: he is the mayor of austin we are being told. steve adler. and elon musk is living there now, too. or moving there. moving his company down there. steve: austin. brian: austin matthew mcconaughey's own soccer team and attracting big teams. ainsley: he owns a soccer team? brian: yes. ainsley: he played soccer. brian: no a football guy. he takes his shirt off a lot as steve points out. big football guy.