know, we're trying to get a handle on it and you are making it worse, right? listen to his answer. >> well, certainly it's a cause of concern. they have very significant masking requirements there. but it is certainly possible. but, you know, let nobody try to say that's why the u.s. is in trouble. the rate of infection in mexico is actually lower than it is right now in places like texas and louisiana and florida. i think that's a bit of a distraction. we have got enough of a problem without w. our own citizens who have refused to roll up their sleeves. so maybe that would be a better thing to focus on if we are trying to end this that seemed like it was not going to get us where we need to be. it's an issue but certainly not the cause of our current dilemma. brian: these guys always play politics. same guys aren't critical of the race riots that took place last summer. you have a huge problem with of the biker convention over in south dakota. you have got a big problem any time that you don't hear of any criticism about that in chicago