advantage of this? >> well, we immediately jumped on filling out the loan and getting with the sba. it's not the easiest of processes. we understand why. nonetheless, we wish it was easier getting over20 documents together immediately so our bankers are fully prepared. so that that way, when everyone does come back to work, we can go back to status normal. and lieandolini's is our goal. it is going to be hard to get everybody back on payroll because some people -- it's a transient industry some people come back or move on for whatever reason. we want them to cock ba when it's safe or appropriate. also we want to do it as quickly as we can while still doing it safe. steve: yeah. you know, nobody saw this coming. you know, three months ago, six months ago. you built up a business with 11 pizzerias it must break your heart that you have had to furlough these people who not