i've reported oned this for years. this is the hugest story in boston, this guy was on the f.b.i.'s top 10 most wanted list for millions of years. >> 19. >> and, you know, frankly, people thought he would never be found. there were so many different theories on where he was. he must be in europe. he must be in the caribbean. he's obviously some place where he'd never be extradited. no, he was actually in santa monica, california, living with his girlfriend, katherine grieg. >> the other thing that's interesting, last week when bill o'reilly had on howie carr who has written a book about this. wasn't howie carr targeted by this guy. he said look, the word is now that he's caught in europe and after 9/11, there's been a crackdown with passports and identification and he can't get out. little did they know he's in that tough land of santa monica, california. probably living the life of bulger. >> indeed. we can put up a timeline to show you what this guy did through the years. he was the head of a gang out there called -- he was the leader of the winter hill gang, among other things and what's -- >> how do you get that a leather jacket? >> at one point he became -- after it looked like the jig was up, he became an f.b.i. informant and there was a guy at the f.b.i. who protected this guy and it was a gigantic embarrassment to the agency when it was discovered about all this stuff. >> yeah. >> that's the guy who was at the f.b.i. and then he then got in trouble. >> because he tipped off whitey as the feds were closing in. john connolly of the f.b.i. agent tipped him off and whitey was able to go on the run for the past 16 years. he's wanted for 19 murders. i can't underscore enough what a huge catch this is for the f.b.i. and just how much this has really been a focal point in boston so many years. everybody looking for him. there were always reports of people spotting him in the caribbean or different places but they were never confirmed sightings. one in london in 2002, they did say it was a confirmed sighting. it was somebody who knew whitey that thought they had seen him. the fact that he was in california is a mind blower. >> his brother was a good guy. whitey ford still on the loose. >> right. >> it took 16 minutes but his impact will be felt for a long time. i'm talking about the president's speech in afghanistan as promised a year ago when he said i'm going to put 30,000 troops, military wanted 40,000 into the theater to surge in afghanistan to try to get leverage over the taliban and momentum behind the karzai government, the president hopped behind the microphone last night at which time he made it clear he was not going to go to the outgoing secretary of defense gates' recommendation nor would he go with the recommendation of general petraeus. he would somehow, some way split the baby. >> that's one way to put it. what did he announce during that 16 minutes? we got it right over there. 5,000 troops coming home this summer and 5,000 more by the end of 2011. an additional 20,000 plus to continue by september of next year. what that means is all the surge guys will come back so two months before his re-election, election if he is re-elected he'll be able to say look, you know, i didn't want the surge but it worked for a while and now the guys are back. >> part of what he -- his motivation and what he predicated all this is on was the cost of war and he talked about how obviously we need money back home and we need to do nation building back here at home. let's listen to what the president said. >> already this decade of war has caused many to question the nature of america's engagement around the world. some would have america retreat from our responsibility as an anchor of global security and embrace isolation that ignores the very real threats that we face. others would have america overextended, confronting every evil that could be found abroad. over the last decade, we have spent a trillion dollars on war. at a time of rising debt and hard economic times. now, we must invest in america's greatest resource. our people. we must unleash innovation that creates new jobs in industries while living within our means. >> this is more biden's plan than it is petraeus' plan. here's what secretary of defense gates said after the speech was released and delivered. i support the president's decision because it provides our commanders with enough resources, time and, perhaps most importantly, flexibility to bring the surge to a successful conclusi conclusion. >> meanwhile, admiral mullen tweeted this, i system the president's decision on afghanistan transition, responsible approach that gives commanders time and flexibility. strategy same. we should point out -- >> what are they supposed to say? >> yeah, you know, his national security team met with the president three times over the last week and they wanted them -- and don't take so many out. of course, the democratic allies wanted more. come on. let's just end this thing now! >> right. he isn't pleasing anybody because the democrats wanted it to happen sooner and faster and the republicans say he's doing this solely for political purposes because there's an election coming up so i don't know what the right answer would have been. here's what john bolten and congressmen out west have to say, the drawdown is politically motivated. >> i think the way he's handled the timing of the withdraw of the extra surge forces has a lot to do with politics, too. he needs to appease the left wing of his own party which he's done but he needs to avoid a debacle on the battlefield before november of 2012. so he's pushed the withdraw of all 33,000 off until very close to that point. this is not a military decision. this is a political decision. >> one of the things that you saw tonight was a highly politicized mission accomplished speech that was absent of the aircraft carrier and the banner and i think that you saw the facade of a president that wanted to get involved in the combat theater of operations in afghanistan but really, that was not his comfort zone. >> meanwhile, that is -- that's a colonel, lieutenant colonel who not only served in afghanistan and iraq but went there as a private contractor. he speaks with experience. coming up, we'll be the closest we'll get to see how general petraeus really feels. a fox news contributor will be joining us, co-author and had a lot to do with the successful surge in iraq and was able to go to afghanistan and see the stunning success, he is deeply concerned about pulling out troops especially in the middle of the fighting season in the summer, it just so happens the election is in the fall. >> indeed. also the president talked about the vast cost of what was going on over in afghanistan. it costs something like $2 billion a week. meanwhile, the congressional budget office has come out and told americans with their outlook going forward, how much that stimulus thing actually put us in debt. now, take a look at this. it's not good. before the stimulus, 36% of the jet was the gdp -- >> of the gdp was the debt and afterwards, 62% so not quite double but near. >> almost double it because of the stimulus spending and this was huge news. this is a bombshell yesterday when this came out and obviously, this calls into question whether or not we should do anymore stimulus spending. >> absolutely not, right? there's no sentiment at all on either side of the aisle for stimulus spending at this juncture. >> as you'll recall even prior to the stimulus, the democrats felt that -- some economists, i don't know that they were all necessarily democrats thought it didn't go far enough. some democrats now still feel that the best way to boost the economy and to help the infrastructure is to continue with spending projects on, for instance, infrastructure and green jobs projects. >> right. debt spending, chuck schumer has come out and said this. they said they've got favorable reaction from the vice president to add stimulus spending to the debt ceiling talks. can you believe that? >> they're talking about using it to create jobs and what chuck schumer says is that the republicans are opposed to that because the republicans want the economy to tank and so barack obama will not be re-elected. >> that's why chuck schumer is not allowed in the negotiating room. if that attitude was brought into the biden talks, we'd have no prayer of anything coming out. so far, the talks are very high intensity amongst the people talking there is eric cantor and chris van holland and, of course, joe biden has the gavel. >> all right. in the meantime, we have more news to tell you about. let's get to the rest of the headlines and start with an extreme weather alert. take a look at this video of a funnel cloud forming over louisville, kentucky, the unconfirmed twister touched down and hit churchill downs where the kentucky derby is held. it knocked down parts of barnes. 200 horses got loose but they were all rounded up. there were no races at the time and no people or animals were hurt. there are stunning new details about david laffer, the 33-year-old army veteran charged with first degree murder after allegedly killing four people at a pharmacy in new york. police say laffer is a junkie who stole thousands of pills during the massacre. they reportedly tracked him down through prescription drug records along with several tips from people who recognized him from this very surveillance video. laffer's wife melinda brady was also arrested. she told police her husband had just lost his job, and was desperate to support their drug addiction. both laffer and brady will appear in court later this morning. secretary of state hillary clinton demanding to know which side congress is on when it comes to libya. she says arguing over the military operation is getting in the way of helping the people of libya. and for libyan leader muammar qaddafi, this -- >> i understood that perfectly. let me tell you what he said. that was broadcast audio address and he says because a nato missile hit a civilian building in tripoli, european homes have now become legitimate targets. >> welcome, terror is what he's saying. >> sarah palin shooting down internet reports that she's canceling the rest of her bus tour. the former alaska governor and fox news contributor said the tour is just on hold for now while she reports for jury duty in her home state. she'll be back on the road after her civic duty is done. those are your headlines. >> right. >> good for her. >> took libyan in high school. it really worked to your advantage. fantastic. to me, i took german and i didn't know what was going on. >> it was libyan, libyan, libyan on the label, label, label. >> i remember that like it was yesterday. meanwhile, straight ahead, move over joe biden, a gap that would make the vice president blush. >> over the top. [beep] homosexuals and a granny. >> how the nasty rant was broadcast for everyone to hear. and get ready because here he comes again. the governor of new jersey makes it crystal clear he's not putting up with protesters. what's chris up to now? i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have cess to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. top gear magazine's luxury car of the year. and with its virtual instruments, sensuous leather interior and modernesign, jaguar has once again raised the bar. learn more at didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. >> some quick headlines for you on this thursday morning. the missouri river flooding parts of north dakota. take a look at this home breaking apart as it's engulfed by the waters right there. homes along the river in minot, north dakota facing similar problems. thousands of residents have been forced to evacuation. oh, boy. and surprising new census numbers show caucasian babies are now the minority in the united states for the first time ever! government officials say more nonwhite babies were born last year than white babies. all right. brian, over to you. >> president obama rejecting the advice of some of his top military advisors in announcing plans to bring home 10,000 troops from afghanistan by the end of this year and more than 20,000 by the end of next summer. how will the president's plan shift our tactics there and is it really a good idea? retired general jack keen is the former vice chief of staff of the army and a fox news military analyst, good friend of david petraeus. what's the big deal? only 10,000 troops. how will that affect everything in the theater. there's still tons of troops there. >> the problem is simply this. we're conducting two major campaigns in afghanistan. one in the south against the taliban network which we have largely defeated in the last 18 months, the momentum is on our side. and because the president gave us 30,000 vs. 40,000 troops, we were not able to conduct this year, a simultaneous campaign against the hikani network east of kabul so our plans were to do that next year. reinvest the forces that we're using in the campaign in the south this year against that network next year. those are the plans. the reduction in forces, the 10,000 now and certainly the 20,000 by the -- by september of next year puts all of that strategy at risk. the tragedy of it is we're winning this thing. the momentum is clearly in our favor. and the president's decision undermines the counterinsurgency strategy that he asked general petraeus to execute. >> general petraeus was not mentioned in the speech last night. how significant is that in terms of wondering where his support lies? >> well, look it, we can assume that -- secretary gates was on your network last weekend talking about his recommendation was for a modest withdrawal. we can assume that general petraeus' recommendation was also probably for a modest withdrawal. somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 troops. so this decision by the president is repudiating those decisions by his field commanders and by his secretary. >> by the end of 2012 in the middle of the fighting season, soldiers will be coming out which is bizarre and on top of that, the election will be happening. some people on the sidelines say what's the big deal? there's still 70,000 troops in theater. can't they handle 20,000 taliban? >> the fact of the matter is the taliban is spread out, connected to the people. the counterinsurgency warfare, the nature of these kinds of wars soaks up lots of troops because you have to deal with very decentralized on a squad and platoon level. that's why the president made the right decision in giving general petraeus the additional forces, the additional 30,000 that he needed to conduct the campaign. the fact of the matter is the ratios of your forces to the enemies' forces has got to be rather significant. >> general, describe this. people at home say look, war fatigued. we're war fatigued and standing on the sidelines. people fighting the war must be -- you put that to the 10th power, do you think people inside the military on some level are celebrating? the president talked about 2014 being the end of the conflict and the beginning of the end starting now. >> look, these kinds of wars certainly test the metal of the american people in any democracy because they're protracted wars and they're ambiguous in terms of are you making progress? are you not? what's the definition of success? that's the ambiguity that deals with these kinds of wars but the enemy has selected these kinds of wars because they're so challenging for us. that's the reality of it. our troops are not exhausted. our troops are fighting and fighting exceptionally well. and they have a winning hand. and they know it. they know they've lost their teammates and their buddies have been maimed and wounded catastrophically. they want to win this thing. so the talk about troops are exhausted, we got to bring them home, that's rubbish. these troops are there fighting hard and they have the will to win and they have the right strategy to win. what they need is the right numbers to win. >> right. general jack keane, thanks so much for coming in. i know you can't be happy about some of the elements of the speech. thanks for sharing your thoughts. o.j. simpson ready to come clean? new rumors he confessed to killing nicole brown simpson. shocker from al gore calling president obama a failure. stu varney here next. i'm chef michael, and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. desperate for nighttime heartburn relief? for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms caused by acid reflux disease. talk to your doctor about your risk for osteoporosis-related bone fractures if you take multiple daily doses of nexium for a long time. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. talk to your doctor about nexium. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> revealed newt gingrich had a second line of credit at tiffany's for up to a million dollars. that sounds like a lot until you realize congress has a line of credit with china for $14.3 trillion. suddenly doesn't seem that bad. >> that punch line is close to reality mu reality. the u.s. debt is bigger, if you can believe this, than the entire economy of china. >> stuart varney says obama has exploded the debt and he joins us live. we were talking about this a little while ago. the cbo came out with their outlook looking forward. before the stimulus, the debt was about 35%, 36%. now it's about double that. gdp. >> you can juggle around the numbers any which you please. cbo had its set of numbers yesterday. if you take the total debt of the united states of america, that big number that we always quote $14.3 trillion. that's almost exactly the size of our u.s. economy and it's bigger than the economy of china. now, that's a danger signal. >> you think? >> clearly, that's a danger signal but there's worst news and that is that our debt situation is actually getting worse much faster than we thought. >> why's that? >> primarily it's because of health care costs and in particular obama care. when obama care comes in, it will explode the deficit. we've had these studies recently that all kinds of private employers will shove off their employees out of their health care coverage and on to the public rolls. adding to the deficit enormously. so we're getting worse and worse and worse in terms of our debt situation. i think we're getting much closer to the point where we have the debt crisis. that's where lenders say, enough. no more. up go interest rates. down goes the economy. >> that's one thing that worries a lot of people, stuart. that is if we lose our triple a credit rating, the amount of money we pay to service the debt is going to go way up. >> exactly. that's right. because interest rates go up. you have to pay people to lend you the money. >> because we're a bigger risk. >> yes. the risk goes up. so the total amount of money paid in interest on our debt keeps going up. do you know it's now $661 million a day that we shell out in interest alone. that's $661 million that is not going towards our defense or towards social security payments or medicare. no, it's going to pay off our debt. pay the interest on our debt. >> the numbers are so staggering. but let's get to another topic that's also very curious and that is environmental groups and even al gore are now criticizing president obama because they say that he has not done enough for the environment and for all of the, you know, clean -- green jobs. >> interesting that the greens are beginning to turn on and criticize president obama. i find that unusual because president obama -- >> look, he's gone after drilling in the gulf and really rolled it back. fossil fuels. doesn't like oil. doesn't like coal. he's unleashed the e.p.a. to go after c02 emissions. i would have thought that president obama has a pretty good track record on the environment as far as the environmental activists are concerned but al gore says no, he's not done enough. >> let him down on global warming. >> we'll be watching three hours from right now on the fox business network. you'll be talking about? >> the greeks. will they get their money or will they not? and the june swoon in the economy and president obama is not looking good. >> thank you, sir. we'll be watching. >> all right. coming up, houston, we have a problem. >> 11 [beep] over the top [beep] homosexuals and a granny. >> all right. if you think that's bad, listen to this next chapter. that pilot is still on the job. >> ok and shock and awe from the top dog of the federal reserve. ben bernanke says he's puzzled obamanomics hasn't worked. >> and then calling all vets. we'll take you live to a major job fair on the uss intrepid dedicated to helping members of our military find work. >> first, happy birthday to jason moraz, the singer of that song, 34. ok guys, how's the family gonna use less? i'm gonna use less honey. i'm gonna text less. well, i'm gonna use less bath tissue with charmin!!! [ female announcer ] with charmin ura soft you can feel good while using less. charmin ultra soft's ultra-cushiony design is soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ahh, using less never felt so good. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go. [ engine revving ] [ male annncer ] 125 years ago... we invented the automobile. ♪ and 80,000 patents later, we're still reinventing it. ♪ it's no coincidence that the oldest car company has the youngest and freshest line in the luxury class. mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers on the c-class. ♪ excuse me. him? he's helping me get back to normal. hey, i don't even live in a floodplain. but i've got flood insurance, so i'm covered. how's that? nice. flood insurance, it helps make your home a home again. or, your me a me again. ooh, check it out fred, new foundation. got any of those in my size? [ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. for a free brochure, call the number on your screen. yeah, let's check out the horses under the hood! show me the carfax. show me the carfax. horsepower, foxpower, same thing. just show me the carfax. before you buy used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax... and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. >> how many times have we told you that embarrassing things happen when microphones open? >> how many times have we fallen victim to this ourselves? not to the degree that this southwest pilot has. his mike was open and everybody else in the sky on southwest heard him talking. >> how did that go? let's listen. >> can you just stare out the windshield and fly the plane? wouldn't you think that would keep him busy enough? evidently he was ranting. that cost him a little bit. he's been suspended without pay for commenting on the physical attributes of flight attendants. >> that was in march, he's been reinstated after he went through diversity training. apparently, what prompted that particular little exchange, that outburst of 2 1/2 minutes was they were -- he was up in the cockpit commiserating with whether or not they like to socialize with people they work with and out came that. well, over in one of the towers, one of the control towers, one of the air traffic controllers said attention, all airplanes, somebody's microphone is open. they checked and realized, oh, wait a minute, it's that guy. >> he was expressing displeasure that there weren't enough people for him to date because obviously, he's such a charmer that he would have ample opportunity if there weren't so many grandes in his way. >> right. and that comes back to march 25th. so we don't know if he's recovered. i cannot believe diversity training is that effective. i guess he's totally over it now. >> what does grande mean? a big person? >> a latte. >> thanks a lot. >> i'm not sure. >> he would be talking about a venti if he was talking about a really big person. >> right. >> you speak starbuckese clearly. >> a tall is a small. i still don't get that. >> i don't describe to it. that's why i don't go back. i take out a small business loan and i buy a latte. >> we have to get your headlines. lot more news to tell you about. the labor department releasing jobless claims in two hours and economists expect the number of claims to rise again. this time to 415,000. this comes as federal reserve chairman ben bernanke admits he's confused as to why the government's economic plan has not worked. >> we don't have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting, some of these head winds may be stronger and more persistent than we thought. >> the fed blames the worsening economic outlook on high energy prices in japan's earthquake which slowed down production. >> ok. 25 minutes now before the top of the hour. just unbelievable that he does not know. testimony continues today in the casey anthony trial. yesterday, the defense called a string of forensic experts. all of them disputing key evidence in the prosecution's case. we also heard new information about anthony's former cellmate april waelen. she reportedly confident that casy knew the real story of her son's death making it more plausible she copied the story of her own defense. >> oh, boy! >> meanwhile, new jersey governor chris christie mocking a group of holocaust slandering protest -- of holocaust slandering protesters as they're booted from his town hall meeting. >> the protesters linked to a democratic candidate for congress were bogusly singing about being sent to auschwitz. christie on the verge of a major victory today, the state assembly expected to pass a massive overhaul of the public workers pension and benefits system down in trenton, new jersey. >> is o.j. simpson ready to confess to oprah? simpson reportedly agreeing to sit down for an interview with winfrey after telling one of his producers that he killed his ex-wife and friend ron goldman in self-defense claiming nicole pulled a knife on him. if this interview actually happens, it will be taped in a nevada prison where simpson is serving nine years for robbery and kidnapping. it will air on oprah's network which has been struggling in the ratings. bombshell. >> that would be a bombshell. >> why would he do that? wouldn't they retry him now after confessing to a murder and give additional time in prison? >> i don't know if you can. >> double jeopardy thing. >> all right. meanwhile, as president obama starts to bring home troops from afghanistan, a lot of our soldiers are facing the same problem millions of americans do. they are having trouble finding a job. >> in may, the national unemployment rate for veterans was 8.3%. that's up from the year before. but there is help for our american heroes. >> our own dave briggs is at the hiring our heroes event on board the uss intrepid air & space museum. hey, dave! >> hey, great to work once again, miss alisyn camerota. how are you, my friend? the unemployment rate doesn't sound too bad when you consider it's lower than the overall unemployment rate but consider these veterans from iraq and afghanistan. that unemployment rate is 12%, much higher than that of the overall population and up from 10.6% a year ago. the career fair here at the uss intrepid starts in about an hour. if you're in the new york area, come on down. you can still register. marine lieutenant colonel here with more information on what some of these vets can expect. it's not just jobs that are available this morning. it's transitional services. how important is that for veterans? >> you're going to have veterans show up with different challenges at different times. some veterans are coming today looking for employment so we have the hiring fair. 100 employers. on the skin of the ship, inside the ship, we have transitional services for vets to help them with resumes and help them with interview techniques so if they're not quite ready for work, they have the services there to kind of help them along the way. >> it's a very diverse group. you've got five of the biggest wall street banks here today. you've got the new york police and fire academies. talk about some of the assets, some of the attributes that military veterans bring to the table that these employers do like? >> they bring unique leadership skills to the table and they have advance technical abilities and they're also very reliable. i think what the employers are finding when they're introduced to veterans for the first time, that they actually improve their businesses. >> and lastly, i talked about that unemployment rate for veterans of the iraq and afghanistan wars. 12%. so much higher than the population overall and up dramatically in the past year. why so? >> well, i think there's two main reasons we have to look at. i think first, veterans need to do a better job of explaining their skills. you know, they serve in the military for four years. they do something very unique and very meaningful for our country. when they come back and meet with employers, they have to be able to talk to those employers about what they did so that the employers understand how that translates in the workplace. for employers, we need the hr managers to understand what veterans bring to the workplace and i think the chamber working with the department of labor vet and the employers in the guard and reserve can educate them about why it's good to hire a veteran. >> important information from a marine lieu tent ant, and again, 10,000 coming home from afghanistan by the end of the year. a lot more veterans are going to need jobs. if you're in the area, come on down. if you're a military member and have proof of that or you're a spouse, you can register on site. back on later on with two of these unemployed veterans later on the program. guys? >> all right, dave, great. thanks for an important story. thanks for bringing it to us. >> it's the video that made a lot of people cringe. the tsa changing the way it screens kids but not everybody thinks it's a good idea. look what he's doing to her. >> and does president obama have a female problem? up next, hear from a panel of females who say the commander in chief has a lot of work to do when it comes to women. inside all of us is a compass and it always points true north. toward mountains of sand. townew sights and sensations. toward the true bounty of nure so let's set our compass for traverse city and find ourselves. in the magic, and the moments of pure michigan. your trip begins at didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. time to deploy the chex mix boring potato chip decoy bag. now no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. producing products that save on fuel and emissions like ecopia tires... even making parts for solar panels that harness the sun's energy... working on social activities like clean up programs on beaches in many locations... and regional replanting activities that will help make a better world for all of us. ♪ one team. one planet bridgestone. >> president obama got a lot of help from women voters in 2008. he won 56% of the female vote according to john mccain's 43%. a lot of those women, former hillary clinton supporters. he might be losing those same supporters in 2012. on our panel this morning is former advisor to hillary clinton and fox news contributor, lynne forester derothschild, she was a supporter of hillary clinton. then became a mccain supporter in the election. and sam bennett, president and ceo of the women's campaign forum. welcome to all of you. >> good morning. >> so you were all hillary clinton supporters. so i guess it's no surprise that you never really were crazy about barack obama. but you say that now you're feeling, what, disenchanted? let me start with you. you're not happy with how he's treated women in the past two years. >> that's absolutely not correct. he did the pay equity act right out of the box and he updated the status of women, that report for the first time in 30 years and bottom line, the far right have hurled such horrible legislation at women, i think the choice is very clear for women in the election season. it's either obama or awfulness and i don't think they're going to go anywhere near the republican candidates. >> you are pleased with some of the progress that he's made. how are you feeling about how women have been treated over the past two years in this administration? >> i feel that the democratic party has no moral authority with women after what they did to hillary. i mean, it was -- they threw hillary clinton urged the bus a -- under the bus, no matter what they say, that's what they did. from nancy pelosi to everybody, they threw her under the bus. there's no moral authority in the democratic party as far as i'm concerned for women. but i don't think the election is going to be about the gender issue this time. it's gng to be about the economy. and barack obama's handling of the economy has been very bad for working people. it's been very -- >> and harder for women, in fact. >> and harder for women and i think that's going to be the issue. the economy and what has he done for jobs? it's a pretty horrible thing to have 16 million people unemployed, 25 million people underemployed. that's a terrible place to be and that is because there's not enough economic growth. the stewardship of the economy has been very bad. i'm sorry, with all due respect, i love you. but i can't let that go. if he hadn't done the economic stimulus work that he did, we'd be in the great depression right now. not the great recession and this is a horrible worldwide situation. let's hear what she has to say on this. >> the great recession. >> no, where are you -- >> no, but -- >> i'll let you guys talk in a second. i think like the vast majority of former hillary clinton supporters that, you know, went to obama after the primary and will continue to be with obama through the 2012 elections. i think it really boils down to looking back at the debate we saw a few days ago where they didn't even mention the middle class. the term wasn't even on the table. and yes, the economy is -- the economy is absolutely going to be the number one issue and working women, look at the presidential candidates on the republican side and see them not even talking about the middle class. that's going to be problematic for them. i do think the obama administration is going to have to address what some have been calling the war on women in the past year and when it comes to reproductive rights, the ledbetter act was the first bill he passed but we still don't have paycheck fairness, that failed. we saw the wal-mart suit, you know, get a side -- >> it's not his fault. it's not his fault. >> women are feeling it. obama will have to address it and get them engaged and excited. >> this is a war on women by the far right, unmitigated, unrelenting on a state level and federal level. there's no choice, you pick obama or awfulness. >> that's so unfair and ridiculous. >> no, it's true. women -- >> not obama or awfulness. >> it is awfulness. for women, absolutely. >> it's insane to say it's obama or awfulness. that's not true. >> absolutely. >> and if you want to buy the company -- >> it's totally true. >> no other choice besides obama. particularly for working women. >> no other choice. >> so -- >> that's so ridiculous. first of all, to divide the way the two of you want to divide and you want to take women and put a little noose around their neck. and you want -- >> no, we do not. no, we do not. no, no, no, no, no. >> no, no. >> willing to -- >> invite comments from our viewers. you can find us at twitter. we got to go. we'll continue this up until the election. >> thanks so much. >> meanwhile, moving on, donald trump not supposed to be on "fox & friends" until monday. but the president's speech last night got him fired up. he'll be here live to react in the next hour. and they claim to help you lose weight but do they really? the food and drinks that are actually making you fatter. ♪ proud to stand on our own ♪ proud to be homegrown ♪ a familiar face and a name you know ♪ ♪ come on ♪ we know you and we know your needs ♪ ♪ we know what being a neighbor means ♪ ♪ and got a reputation to uphold ♪ ♪ can you hear it? ♪ fuelin' the american spirit ♪ no matter when, no matter where ♪ ♪ marathon will take you there we could've gone a more traditional route... ... but it wouldn't have been nearly as memorable. ♪ auto t >> if you are looking to drop pounds or stay slim, it makes sense to reach for the locale diet foods. right? wrong. fake fats and artificial sweeteners can actually make you fatter. oh, man. that's why fox medical a team dr. marc siegel and the author of the new book "the inner impulse" is joining us live. good morning to you. >> let's start with the pringles. they have something in there called olestra or olean. it's a fake fat and people who eat them wind up gaining more weight? >> first of all, the study was done in rats so we don't know about people yet but i was pretty impressed with it. olestra has been on the market since 1996. it's a fat and it's not absorbed. you know what it does? it prevents the body from absorbing vitamins a, d and k and other things like carotine. at the same time, the point that you're making is that it actually may break the trend that the body has to learn. the facts are coming next. in other words, you eat a greasy potato chip and you're expecting fat. if you don't get it from the potato chip, you look for it somewhere else. these rats were eating their heads off after they had the potato chips. > >> it flies in the face of what you consider normal. if you eat a low fat thing, you would not get fat. >> because the brain is very complicated, steve. the brain looks for symbols to turn on eating or shut off eating. it's not getting it from the olestra, it keeps eating. >> same thing for equal and the splenda. >> they did another study there. you get the diet coke and get another artificial sweetener in the drink, you think you're not going to eat after that. the brain is still hungry and saying where is that sugar? i need that sugar fix. you get it somewhere else. you don't get it in the soda. >> let's move on to the salad dressing. people think i'm going to eat a salad and they put on the no fat salad dressing and they think i'm in great shape. >> we were talking before we came on here that you may need the fat in salad dressing from something heavy like olive oil or canola oil to help you absorb that carotine or that lycopene, the nutrients that you need in the body, you need a little fat to help you absorb it. >> that's crazy. let's move on to yogurt and fruit smoothies and things like that, that's bad for you? >> i added that one myself. i'll tell you why, everybody thinks we're going to have a low fat yogurt. wow, that's healthy. they're loaded with sugar. 16 grams of sugar in plain yogurt itself so you may think that's going to help you lose weight and i think yogurt is very good for you. you need to know you're getting a lot of sugar in that low-fat yogurt. >> if you're going to go for the low fat yogurt, check the label and see how many calories are in it. >> watch for the artificial sweetener and watch out for too much sugar. >> generally, if you think you're eating a low fat product, there could be some of the fake fat in there and that may not be so good for you. >> the lesson here is check the label and use food that's natural. what's intended. don't try to fool your brain. it will fool you right back. >> all right. thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you, steve. >> and i loved pringles, too. we're $14 trillion in debt. it seems reasonable we should shell out $18 million to pay for balloons and booze for the 2012 conventions, right? we'll tell you about that. and a major personal announcement from one of the world's most beautiful people. the skinny on george clooney. top of the hour. 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"fox & friends" for thursday starts right now. >> good morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us bright and early. are we interrupting you, brian? >> i'm tweeting. >> you are? >> it's my responsibility because gretchen is out to tweet and i've fallen down on this. >> can't get up? >> right. and evidently, the break wasn't quite long enough for me to do it. >> all right, fine. listen, we have an action-packed two hours coming up. take a look at the guest list over the next two hours miss america is with us today. >> going down to brazil to win the universe! >> and speaking of the universe, donald trump owns the universe. well, the miss universe pageant. he'll be joining us live. >> yes as will michelle malkin, vickie gunvilson, i hope i'm saying that right. >> from "the real housewives". >> here's what you're talking about. miss u.s.a., alyssa campanella, her name is similar to mine. she's a former jersey girl. she just won big. we're going to ask her how she got from new jersey to california to miss u.s.a. >> a fox news alert. >> this is gigantic news. for 16 years, whitey bulger, a mobster responsible allegedly for the murders of something like 19 people. the guy who headed up boston's winter hill gang has been apprehended in los angeles. it's interesting, apparently just last week, the f.b.i. started a program where they were running 30-second psa's trying to find him. but they didn't show him. they showed his long time girlfriend katherine krieg and they said be on the lookout for her. she had $100,000 reward. he had $2 million. >> this works. this publicity campaign worked. they splattered her picture all over tons of shows. this was a massive publicity campaign. and you know, the power of television, it works to have so many millions of eyes out looking for them. what's fascinating is that this story, i mean, in -- >> santa monica. >> they found him in santa monica. he was last seen in london in 2002. people often thought he was on a caribbean island or in some country that didn't have extradition. the fact that he was hiding basically in plain sight in an apartment complex in santa monica is really stunning. >> he's not a master of disguise. he looks exactly the same. what's going on there? >> apparently when he was apprehended, he was not in good health and you mentioned a little while ago how good cop, bad cop. here's a guy that headed up the mob and then his brother was the former president of the state senate up in massachusetts. >> and the university of massachusetts. it's been incredible. they were the -- these brothers on different sides of the track and so fascinating always to cover it. lots of books had been written about it. but the idea -- he was one of the f.b.i.'s most wanted people. there was usama bin laden and there was whitey bulger in the top 10. >> the president will hop behind the microphone in the east room of the white house and talk about something that should matter to every american and in the war on terror. in the 16 minute address, he told us the way forward in afghanistan and for many troops, many more troops than we understand secretary of defense recommended, the future secretary of the army recommended, and reportedly what general petraeus recommended, the president was bringing more troops home than expected and here's how the numbers line up. >> 5,000 troops will be coming home this summer starting next month. 5,000 more by the end of this year, an additional 20,000 plus troops will follow by september 2012. so that basically makes up for the entire surge that the president had sent over. >> and interestingly enough, the last two words on that big screen over there, notice they were followed by september 2012. that will be done two months before the election. >> and meanwhile, that's also peak fighting season for those who actually fight the wars in afghanistan. is that the time for guys to be leaving? when they need to be fighting? general jack keane to who co-authored the surge strategy in iraq and a mentor to general petraeus was here about a half-hour ago and talked about the president's decision. >> it is reduction in forces of 10,000 now and certainly the 20,000 by september of next year puts all of that strategy at risk. the tragedy of it is we're winning this thing. the momentum is clearly in our favor. and the president's decision undermines the counterinsurgency strategy that he asked general petraeus to execute which those troops are doing remarkably well. >> speaking of troops, it got us noticing, the president did not mention general david petraeus, not one time during his address to the nation from the cross hall last night and yet, he mentioned himself a whole bunch. listen to this. >> by the time i took office, the war in afghanistan had entered its seventh year. and one of the most difficult decisions that i've made as president, i ordered an additional 30,000 american troops into afghanistan. when i announced this surge at west point, we set clear objectives. i also made it clear that our commitment would not be open ended. i can tell you that we are fulfilling that commitment. and we will bring home a total of 33,000 troops by next summer. fully recovering the surge i announced at west point. there should be no doubt that so long as i'm president, the united states will never tolerate a safe haven for those who aim to kill us. i speak for all americans when i say we will keep our sacred trust with you. i met some of these patriotic americans at fort campbell. a while back, i spoke to the 101st airborne that's fought to turn the tide in afghanistan. like so many others i've met on bases in baghdad and bagram. >> he said i a lot. >> he's going to be addressing and expanding on what he mentioned last night at fort drum today. i don't understand politically why it matters. left is not going to go anywhere. the right is relatively split and if you go out and are successful with the surge, the president could almost walk his way through re-election. >> because the country is war weary. i mean, there's no new pugh poll that says 56% of americans are ready for it to be over. >> if you call up somebody at home and say would you like the troops to come home or would you like them to stay? how many people are going to say what do you think? let's let them stay. >> he's a guy that looks at the polls. >> but he's the president. >> and his base -- he has been an anti-war candidate since 2008 and as he sails into re-election, he's got to have his base and there are a lot of republicans, as you said, they are split over whether or not this is a good investment of our time treasure. >> if president bush looked at the polls, he would look at that 33% were against and it worked and now everybody is in favor of the surge in iraq. >> what do you think? should we be staying in there even bigger than the president has announced? or are you with him or would you like to see a much different plan? e-mail us, friends at or"fox & friends." >> we start with an extreme weather alert for you. take a look at this video of a twister forming over louisville, kentucky. >> whoa! >> the tornado touched down and hit churchill downs, the home of the kentucky derby, of course, the tornado knocked down parts of barns and about 200 horses got loose but they were rounded up. there were no races going on at the time. no people or animals were hurt. federal agents leabelieve the m who was behind the chaos last night was the same guy that shot targets last fall. he is being held on more than two dozen vehicle break-in charges in the leesburg, virginia, area. the marine corps reservist detained for suspicious activity near the pentagon on friday morning. remember the video of the 6-year-old girl getting a patdown at the airport? >> yeah. >> the tsa is hoping this will happen much less moving forward. the agency is changing its training policy for children 10 years and younger. airport security workers are being told to make more attempts to screen children before patting them down. listen up, ladies, george clooney is back on the market. this hollywood heartbreaker has ended his two-year relationship with his italian girlfriend, elisabetta canalis. >> what is he thinking? >> i think he's thinking there's a new version that he can go get right now. >> really? 32-year-old italian. is there a better one? >> sources speculate that clooney's unwillingness to walk down the aisle for a second time causes the breakup. that often causes the breakup for he and his litany of hot brunettes. >> i hope he lands on his feet. >> yeah. this nation is $14 trillion in debt. $14 trillion and yet, next week, the u.s. treasury is going to cut checks for $18 million to the republican party and to the democrat party to pay for their big conventions next year. and where's that money coming from? every stinking penny is coming from us. you know that checkoff on your 1040, on your tax return? would you like to donate $3 to the political convention, the campaigns? that's where it goes. >> i could check organ donor. was there another box? i had no idea scl! >> you can't imagine how much money for your organs. it pains me to say this, we should do away with the conventions. i mean, i've covered them many, many times. >> let them pay for them. >> they're the biggest parties. they're fun, ok? they are the biggest parties all four years, complete revelry. they're expensive and they're not really necessary. >> it doesn't happen -- nothing happens. they don't name a vice president. they don't name a president there. there's no drama left. you go out there and you make contacts, you rub shoulders and look at people with funny hats. >> the whole idea is how it's become a great big television show and building to the big night. >> we don't need another tv show. >> i'll tell what you, we need a lot of tv shows because that's our business, remember? but do we need to be paying $18 million of our dollars? keep in mind, you check off that you'd like to give them the money, but it doesn't really come out of our pocket. it's a tax credit extended to the candidates and their campaigns by the federal treasury. it's, you know, it's the politicians scratching their own backs with our cash! >> just charge at the door and handle it that way. >> right. like brian's keg parties, that's the motto they should use. >> it ends with the cops coming and my mom in trouble. >> ok. >> let us know if you think the conventions have outlived their usefulness as well. meanwhile, we told you how ben bernanke is baffled that obamanomics have not worked. >> we don't have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting. >> we don't know. >> donald trump says that's easy. he's here to explain. this hour. >> yep, in about 10 or 15 minute, then weighing the president's decision to bring our troops home is what's right for re-election right for afghanistan? juan williams, margaret hoover duke it out next! [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. when someone changes lanes without warning? or when you're distracted? when you're falling aeep at the wheel? do you know how you'll react? lexus can now precisely test the most unpredictable variable in a car -- the driver. when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer the world's most advanced driving simulator. you engineer amazing. ♪ >> president obama last night saying it's time to get out of afghanistan and focus on issues here at home. >> over the last decade, we have spent a trillion dollars on war at a time of rising debt and hard economic times. now, we must invest in america's greatest resource. our people. we must unleash innovation that creates new jobs and industries while living within our means. america, it is time to focus on nation building here at home. >> even if it costs us the war over there. is this all about politics and a political strategy for re-election? let's examine. here with both sides, two of our fox news contributors and the finest out there juan williams and margaret hoover. is this about winning the war or about winning election? >> i think it's about winning the war. i think that at this point, we won the war. it's been 10 years. bin laden is dead. when you think about the state of al-qaida and the taliban, you'd have to say they're not in position right now to pose a threat to america so the question is were we there to defeat al-qaida, answer yes, if that's about winning the war, we've done it. >> remember, margaret hoover, in 1989, we left afghanistan. in 2001, al-qaida took root and attacked us here and we spent trillions and lost countless since. >> you'd be shocked to find, juan, that i 100% disagree with you on this. this is clearly political. this is 100% political about shoring up his base. the only thing you need to know about barack obama is the reason he won the nomination from hillary clinton in 2008 is because he was not pegged with the decision to authorize war in iraq the way she was. he got the base. he got the anti-war base of the democratic party, they came out for him, not hillary clinton and so he needs to shore them up in order to get re-elected in 2012. he promised them he would end the war and now by saying he's going to bring the troops home by september of 2012, right before the election, it just -- it's evidence that this is a political decision driven by politics, not by what the generals are necessarily saying is best for the battlefield. >> margaret, let me remind you, this was one of the options that the generals gave to president obama and secondly that when president obama came into office, he promised to get out of iraq, not afghanistan and third, remember that when the president came into office, there were only 30,000 boots on the ground in afghanistan even if we talk about the kind of withdraw pace that we are agreeing to, that the president talked about last night, there's going to be 70,000 boots on the ground by election time in 2012. >> that's a good point. i brought the same thing up to general keane who you have a lot of respect for and a colleague here who is looked over there and came back from afghanistan and said we can no longer go after the network with this troop level and we can no longer go and settle the north on this troop level. we are sacrificing the operation to a degree. >> we can't do everything and that's why i think the president used that language last night nation building. we can't eliminate every threat. it's been 10 years and we have definitely decimated the enemy. the question is what happens next? in terms of nation building in afghanistan, we should try to shore up the karzai government but we can't be engaged in building afghanistan. >> i thought they loved nation building. i thought that was the whole point. i agree with you, barack obama has done a very good job of trying to balance the demands of his political base with the realities of war and i agree with, it was bold of him to do the afghan surge even though we sent last troops than the general has asked for. i would agree with you, he's been responsible. he risks compromising the gains made by the u.s. military and the blood and treasure that he's spent by withdrawing too expeditious expeditiously. >> always great to hear from you. not agree but always get along. thanks so much. >> have a great day. >> coming up straight ahead, call it sweet revenge, the bad markets hitting bernie madoff. details on his sinking ship and then get ready, washington, d.c., theresa scanlan dreaming of a future in politics. she'll be here live and she wants to be president. yotake any surce, and place it between the earth's justice down upon it. oh. please sign that card for carl. ♪call 1-800-steemer. haven't we alway wanted our own island? one without car horns or stoplights. but one filled with forts and uncharted paths carriage rides and bike rides. and games we play all day. where the sun can't wait to wake up. and adventure waits around every corner. nestled in the deep blue waters of lake huron our island imackinac island. our island is pure michigan. your trip begins at sculpted by an unyielding passion for design. ♪ and tempered by 125 years of legendary performance. introducing the all-new 2012 cls from mercedes-benz. where the world's greatest automobiles take shape. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. aflac! oh, i've just got major medical... major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! 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[ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! >> 23 minutes past the hour. here's the news by the numbers. first, $65 million. that's how much the facebook twins are getting from founder mark zuckerberg. they finally dropped their case against him accepting the deal they agreed upon in 2008. >> cha-ching. >> next $4.3 million, the new asking price for bernie madoff's yacht, the bull. how appropriate? that's 50% off the asking price. all right. and $4 million. that's how much auctioneers hope to raise in today's auction in 14 dresses worn by princess diana. most of the money will pay the debts of the current owner. all right. >> all right. at age 17, she became the youngest winner of the miss america crown in 90 years. >> but theresa scanlon is not stopping there. she's aiming for 1600 pennsylvania avenue. that's right, the reigning miss america joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning. thank you so much. >> you want to be president? >> absolutely. >> you've got quite a plan, don't you? >> i do. i do. i would like to be a criminal prosecution attorney and i would like then to go on and become a judge and eventually join the political arena. >> you're leaving out you'd like to go to harvard law school. >> absolutely. i have no complete my undergrad next year but in the future, we'll see how everything goes. >> you're leaving out not only do you want to be president, after president, you have a retirement plan. >> absolutely. >> as a supreme court justice. >> that's right. and that has been my plan since i was about 7 years old. hasn't changed but i really do think that it's -- i'm getting the experience that i need for it right now. and i want to all the more now. >> if president, would you wear the crown in the white house? >> no. actually after i'm done with my year as miss america, i'm no longer allowed to wear it. only the current reigning miss america. >> you'll be fine? >> i have no idea how that works quite honestly. >> you have been up close and personal with the british royal family. tell us about the prince -- the duke award that's been ongoing. >> we have spent the past three days with his royal highness prince edward so sam who chairs the miss america organization chairs the u.s. award and has arranged this visit. we've gone from d.c. to baltimore and new york with events with the prince. it's been absolutely fantastic. we had many different events in baltimore with student groups. all -- all about this award which really does do the same things that the miss america organization really focuses on with service, physical fitness, special skills and adventurous journey. incredible award. >> another fascinating tidbit on your resume. you love duct tape. >> absolutely. i started making a couple of things with duct tape. when the duct tape company found out about this year, i was able to go to the duct tape festival and judge the prom contest. >> this is one of the top 10. these are top 10 pictures. >> made out of duct tape. >> absolutely. >> do you hate scotch and masking? or just prefer duct? >> no, duct tape is a way to let your creativity out. that's what's so fun about it. i encourage anybody to find those things that they love to do and make things out of them. >> show -- just show your -- you've got a duct tape ring right there. >> some students made me this ring. and it is great to see that these kids are using their imagination, being creative and doing these things despite what people say, you can do those things that you love to do and find your passions and interests and go for it. >> these are your duct tape flowers. >> yes, they made me for these as well. >> and duct tape sash. >> yes. they made all of these for me. >> you can do anything with duct tape. >> absolutely. >> i saw "apollo 13" and duct tape was very handy up there. >> and i watched apollo creed on rocky. >> best of luck with all your many endeavors. >> future president and future supreme court justice. >> she'll be able to fix the ticket one day. >> thank you very much for having me. thank you. >> donald trump wasn't supposed to be on "fox & friends" until monday. but he got so fired up over the president's speech last night that he had to join us today. that's next. >> and from delays on the tarmac to fees on top of fees. we'll ask the ceo why they are nickelling and diming us all over the place. >> tom hanks is feeling hot, hot, during the weather forecast but his moves got even better. the outside looks good... let's see the engine. yeah, let's check out the horses under the hood! show me the carfax. show me the carfax. horsepower, foxpower, same thing. just show me the carfax. before you buy used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax... and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies. more passion for the one ya love. more fun with your family and friends. it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. come on, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. >> speaking of seeing, did you see the video where a crying baby is handed to president obama and as soon as the president holds the baby in his arms, it stops crying. you know how rare that is these days? that is a politician is handed a baby from a crowd and it's not his? that never happens. never happens! >> all right. that's horrible! >> 30 minutes until the top of the hour. first, pakistan is reversing its position and will let three dozen american agents into the country but the country won't say when they'll grant the visas as part of an agreement to rebuild the joint u.s.-pakistan intelligence effort. the relationship between the two countries have been strained since they were housing bin laden and didn't tell us. >> just a little. meanwhile, self-help author james ray, guilty. he was convicted of three counts of negligent homicide in the deaths of three people in that sweat lodge in arizona. 18 other people were hospitalized. remember that story? ray said he warned participants it would be grueling. the state says he was negligent. >> officials are closely watching nebraska's fort calhoun plant and cooper nuclear station. the calhoun plant near omaha is already partially underwater. the plant has been closed since april for refueling. floodwaters are also closing in on the cooper station which is still operational. >> the weather cloudy with a chance of tom hanks busting to move on the weather map. watch. >> ok. [speaking spanish] >> i don't know what's going on there. it's a spanish language channel, i guess, it's the univision host, i think he's trying to dance rather than speak. he was on the spanish speaking show to promote his new movie "larry crown" not to audition with st with" dancing with the stars". he simply got carried away. >> what is that? >> performing the heimlich maneuver on him. >> they were spooning on the map. >> i'm pretty sure. >> meanwhile let me show you our map. remember when we had tom daschle do the weather? >> we were kids then. >> can you do that for us right now? >> they want me to actually be on the map. >> if you can re-create the tom hanks. >> first, get a spanish weather girl and then a mega star from hollywood. now, you can go. >> ted, can you find me some of that? >> take a look. widely scattered showers as you can see through portions of the great lake states through the mid atlantic. heavy stuff along the gulf coast. heaviest down around the brownsville area, the bottom portion of your screen. middle part of the country, nice and dry. high temperatures today, glad you asked. current temperatures, 76 in raleigh/durham, north carolina. >> wow! >> somebody back there? >> look at that. >> look at this. >> you're not doing -- >> we're going to do the hokey pokey? >> way too much tom hanks going on over there. >> look at that. >> it's going to be 100 today. >> you're covering that -- >> 110. >> this is great. >> in phoenix. >> steve, your -- >> i've never seen this side of the map. 92 today. >> i've never seen this side of ali. >> it looks like it's going to be 76 degrees in new york city. the home of donald trump. good morning to you, donald trump. >> good morning. >> sorry about that. >> yeah, it is the home of donald trump when you think about it. >> i know, you are here more than ali and steve combined. >> i think so. you keep calling and i keep accepting your call. i don't accept a lot of calls but i accept your call. >> we appreciate and we know you wanted to come on and talk about your reaction to the president's afghanistan speech last night. what did you think? >> ali, i think it's time that we start rebuilding our own country. you look at what happens with karzai over the last couple of months, the horrible statements he's made. he's mocking us. he's laughing at us. he thinks we're fools and he's the head of afghanistan and you look at what's going on with all -- with the world even but you look at afghanistan where we're spending trillions of dollars ultimately and this is money that should be poured back into our country and i'm -- by the way, and into our military because you have the world that's out to get us so we ought to have a strengthened military but we're actually dissipating our military by being there and frankly, you think anyone -- does anyone really think that government is going to work? they have a tribal system. they're never going to have democracy. it's a joke. >> is karzai a crook? >> he's a crook and he's mocking us. he's laughing at us and he's -- and the diplomat that just left was saying how horrible and how embarrassing it is. the horrible things he says and how our soldiers react to his statements that we're an occupier and that we shouldn't be there and here's a man that we're fighting for. look, it's time to rebuild our country. afghanistan is not going to be a democracy for 1,000 years. it doesn't want to be a democracy. their leaders are laughing at us. and it's time that we spend trillions of dollars on our country and not other countries. >> only thing i would say to that is you're a master deleg e delegator and you oversee a lot of projects and petraeus wanted something to be successful. he's got a great track record. they're not giving him what he needs. >> well, i don't know why you say he has a great track record actually. because, you know, if you look at petraeus, in iraq, do you really think iraq is going to work out about two minutes after we leave? ok, well, we disagree. two minutes after we leave, that's going to explode and i think that afghanistan is going to be really a worse -- it's a worse situation. so, you know, i mean, we follow petraeus because he says oh, gee, let's do this or that. i believe we should be rebuilding our highways, rebuilding our schools, rebuilding our transit systems, putting money into this country and making our country great again. and there's nobody that's more of a hawk than me and you folks know that, rebuilding our military. our military is being dissipated by these ridiculous wars. >> we have a lot of topics for you. let's move on to ben bernanke. he was asked in a two-day conference, what's going on with the economy? listen to him. >> we don't have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting. some of these head winds may be stronger or more persistent than we thought. >> what's your reaction to that? >> well, you know, i went to the great wharton school of finance and i studied economics at length and i will tell you the one thing i learned is that nobody knows what's going to happen. and he obviously doesn't know what's going to happen and we're spending, again, close to a trillion dollars on artificial stimulus. it's ridiculous. this weekend, i was in scottsdale and it was very windy and the wind was blowing like crazy and there were hundreds of reporters there because i'm building a big job in scotland and they said take off your hat. take off your hat and i took off my hat and they saw it was my hair. with bernanke, it's like if i was wearing a hairpiece. you'd take off your hat. it's an artificial stimulus. by the way, they were shocked to see it was my hair. >> head wind. >> blowing viciously in the wind. but it's really an artificial stimulus and it's proven to be and now the country has another trillion dollars in debt. and it's absolute ridiculous. >> tell me about the golf course. what's going to make yours good? >> it's a special piece of land and it's the great dunes of scotland. i was lucky enough to buy it seven or eight years ago. it took a long time to get it zoned. i got it zoned and we're building a golf course that's going to really be the greatest golf course in the world because the land is so incredible. >> donald, we want to talk to you about something in the new york papers yesterday. "the new york post" reported that you got $130 million to do "the apprentice" franchise for nbc for two more years and i notice that nbc came out yesterday and denied it and in fact, their official statement said that in regards to "the celebrity apreseprentiapprentic information, grossly inaccurate and overstated. >> i don't talk about what i get. they pay me a lot of money and the show is a big hit and it's been a big hit from the time it was on. i never discuss what i get. they pay me a lot of money and other than that, i just don't discuss it. >> so you're not going to tell us how much. >> i never discuss how much i get. but, you know, it's been an amazing hit. it's been an amazing success and i just don't discuss the numbers. >> so that number came from somebody? >> can you tell us who is on the next season? >> we're just casting right now. i think it's going to be an amazing season. john richards won, joan rivers won, pierce morgan won and even if you look at trace adkins who is great by the way. he came in second and he's like the biggest country singer so all of these people, everybody wants to go on. it's very good for their brand. >> all right. you can watch more of donald trump every monday on "fox & friends" at 8:30 eastern time. donald, great to talk to you. >> good-bye, folks. >> thank you, sir. >> meanwhile, straight ahead -- >> they are nickel and diming you all the way to the bank. the ceo of a major airline here to respond to all those frustrating fees, folks. >> and spiderman is caught in a new web? and this time he's the bad guy. toby mcguire's trouble with the law. [ female announcer ] only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value. pass on the news and make sure you and everyone you know is getting the calcium they need. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] and just like that, it's here. a new chance for all of us: people, companies, communities to face the challenges yesterday left behind and the ones tomorrow will bring. prudential. bring your challenges. >> all right. here are your headlines now. toby mcguire getting real caught up in real life web of lies. listen to this. the spiderman star being sued for more than $300,000. money he allegedly won doing an unlicensed gambling ring. it was allegedly financed with money from a ponzi scheme. boy, does that sound bad? glenn campbell announces he has alzheimer's disease and will quit performing after this fall. he wanted to go public so fans would forgive any slip-ups he may make on stage. that's sad. >> that is sad. >> americans are unhappy with their airlines. a new consumer report finds that airline passenger satisfaction just dropped to a score of 65 out of 100. that's the lowest satisfaction score since 2008. joining us right now is the ceo of jet blue, one of my favorite airlines. david barton. good morning to you. >> yes, we're live at altitude. >> you are. >> but it -- and it started a couple of years ago and i know that it's becoming harder and harder for airlines to make money but the fees, the nickel and diming of -- two days ago, we announced that spirit airline now going to charge going forward $5 if they print out the boarding pass for you at the airport. >> pretty amazing. you're right. the bulk of the industry is nickel and diming. i think we're taking a different approach. i saw that university of michigan ross school index and i think it's accurate on the industry. but i look at j.d. power & associates, seven years in a row. we're not about nickel and diming. we're about being transparent. >> sure. jet blue does a great job and for families, we love it because you got a free tv on there while other airlines do charge for the tv service. >> which is nice. and i think what's different, too, we don't overbook. a lot of airlines will charge, right, because you're changing a reservation or whatever the case might be. but they're overbooking. we also don't overbook. so if you're with a family, that's a nice attribute. >> what about the bag fees? that's the number one complaint that people have. i need to take a bag. some airlines actually charge you to put in the overhead. >> and you're right. first bag flies free on jet blue and that's been really well received. and there's a couple of airlines doing that and i think we're differentiating our services out there. >> and we're looking at -- look at how much money delta made $952 million on bags, american about half a billion. you can see all that stuff right there. i don't see you in the top five. >> we're not in the top five, steve, but i'll tell you there's about $5.7 billion in fees last year. when i look at what the average fare is with the cost of oil rising, i do think asking the american public to also share in the cost of energy is not a bad thing and that's what we're doing as an industry. >> sure. and when you look at budget airline like spirit and if they're charging you $5 for this or $25 for that, ultimately, it adds up but you look at the base fare, it's pretty low. >> and everybody's got a different model, right? so whether it's the truly budget airline, the network guys, we think we're in the middle of the value proposition and over the first decade, people are really responding in a positive way. >> no kidding. all right, let's talk about soar with reading. >> we're kicking that off today. soar with reading going into the summer partnering with pbs kids and hooper and where's hooper and it's really all about getting kids to read over the course of the summer. the summer regress when it comes to that reading. get ready for september. >> how are you going to get them to read? >> i'll tell you, soar with and it's kind of nice because we're going to be partnering with not only a contest in the bahamas but also library donation of $10,000 but mainly parents and just family members ensuring that kids are reading over the summer. >> great idea. thank you very much. >> thank you very much for joining us. >> the top guy from jet blue. >> thank you. >> all right. straight ahead, dirty pilot and an open microphone. >> grandes. more of his rant and why the pilot is now back in the air. that story. and then a major forensic feud in the casey anthony trial. it could make or break the case. we will bring in our own expert to examine the evidence for you. [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. let's do this. look who early! [ female announcer ] prepare to ace your dental check-up. fight plaque and gingivitis and invigorate your way to better check-ups. new crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. >> tea >> there's been some shocking new testimony in the casey anthony trial. a forensic chemist testified that the trunk of casy's car did not test positive for human decomposition. they look to get key evidence of duct tape thrown out. michael hunter joins us now, good morning, dr. hunter. >> good morning. >> it seems like what's been happening in the past couple of days of this trial, the defense keeps calling these forensic experts up to the stand and they make these sort of wild claims and then the prosecution gets up and shoots them down. let's start by talking about the duct tape. ok? so the defense basically had an expert on who said that there was no -- none of casey's d.n.a. on the duct tape that was found on caylee's skull. how do you explain none of casey's d.n.a. on there if she in fact is guilty? >> right. you know, the defense wants to pull out the fact from an expert saying, you know, there's no d.n.a. there. why isn't there, you know, my client had nothing to do with this. and it -- it brings into question the prosecution's theory. but when the prosecution comes back trying to get answers, it's simple to describe that, you know, decomposition, the breakdown of tissues is going to affect d.n.a. d.n.a. is actually very fragile molecule. it will decompose to the point where you may not be able to get any kind of d.n.a. testing so i don't think you can use d.n.a. testing to really look at this case and say that the tape was placed either prior to death or long after death. >> the defense also made a big deal about the fact that there was no soil found on casey's shoes. there should have been soil if she's the person who dumped the body of the child. there should have been soil. let me play for you what happened on the stand with this forensic geologist. >> you did not find any meaningful to connect casey anthony to this? >> that's right, i didn't. >> how do you explain no soil found on the shoes? >> you know, come on, alisyn. it's been six months. the chances of actually finding soil on any of those shoes that you can match up to the scene six months previously is extraordinarily unlikely. so the defense once again, they're pulling out a point and then the prosecution has a chance to clean it up and rebuttal. >> ok, and then last, what about the fact that they could find no evidence of human decomposition in the trunk if that's in fact how casey transported the body? >> right. well, the defense expert, the defense chemist in this case, he basically got an air sample from the trunk of this vehicle. he got it after the vehicle had been processed. the carpet had already been removed at that point. so he's sampling something different than what the prosecution's witness was sampling where he actually had portions of that carpet. with decomposition, that fluid is actually going to soak and saturate that carpet. that's where that material is going to be. and that's what you really need to test. >> gotcha. dr. michael hunter, you're a forensic pathologist and we really appreciate you coming on and giving us a reality check on some of these things. >> ok. >> all right. thanks. >> meanwhile, coming up, one of the f.b.i.'s most wanted fugitives, whitey bulger, captured in the middle of the night. how the feds nailed him after 16 years on the run. then, a shocker from al gore. he's calling president obama a failure. but michelle malkin says gore should give him a break? really? what's going on here? she's here at the top of the hour. i will send this to shelley. yeah. and i can have a proposal to you within half an hour. we're a small business. with 27 of us always in the field, we have to stay connected. we use verizon tablets, smartphones. we're more responsive. there are no delays. delays cost money. with verizon, we do things quicker and more effectively. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier because they know the small business with the best technology rules. time to deploy the chex mix boring potato chip decoy bag. now no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. i really didn't see it coming. i didn't realize i was drifting into the other lane. [ kim ] i was literal falling asleep at the wheel. it got my attention, telling me that i wasn't paying attention. i had no idea the guy in front of me had stopped short. but my car did. -my car did. -thankfully, my meedes did. male announcer ] a world you can't predict... demands a car you can trust. the e-class. see your authorized merces-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. that's thursday, june 23. i'm alisyn in for gretchen carlson. he fled from the feds nearly two decades ago and while you were sleeping, a major mob arrest. one of the f.b.i.'s most wanted fugitives arrested in the cover of night. >> steve: and he kept his promise. campaign promise to bring our troops home, but is he doing what's right for reelection really right for afghanistan? michelle malkin weighs in live shortly. >> brian: ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking and it's totally inappropriate. >> after that, it was just a continuous stream of gays, and grannies and grandes. >> brian: why the pilot caught on an open mic is back on the air. that's a forgiving -- >> steve: and in the air. >> brian: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: look at that. >> steve: in the spirit of tom hanks who actually did some dancing during the weather on a spanish language channel over the weather, ali and thought of doing the same thing. interestingly enough, i got an e-mail from jerry. >> alisyn: we were trying to recreate this. >> steve: i was trying to do albuquerque's high temperature. >> brian: that woman was dancing at one tune. tom happenings was on a whole different country. it reminded me of in sync. >> alisyn: that's where there's looked interesting. we resisted that move, thankfully. >> brian: it's a family cast. >> steve: jerry sent an e-mail. after that last segment, i'm disappointed donald trump did not insist on financing the new steve doocy school of dance. >> brian: fantastic. as opposed to the weather. one thing about you, steve, unlike the female spanish broadcaster, she gave up. she said, tom hanks is dancing, i'm going to dance. you kept on the weather. >> alisyn: you're such a professional. it's really incredible. >> steve: i would say we do the sally dance. that's named after our daughter. that's all you have to do. that's my version of dancing. >> alisyn: thank you for indulging us. that was great. let's go to the news because we do have a fox news alert for you. huge news. late last night, the f.b.i. arrested notorious boston mobster whitey bulger. he has been one of the f.b.i.'s ten most wanted fugitives after he was tipped off about an upcoming raid 16 years ago. that's when he went on the run. bulger, the basis for jack nicholson's character in "the departed". >> i'm sorry. it was necessary. >> alisyn: well, bulger is now 81 years old. he was the boss of the irish winter hill gang and captured with his long-time girlfriend. he was wanted for the murder of 19 people in the 1970s and 1980s and also for drug dealing, extortion, and money laundering. incredible that he was caught. all races at churchill downs are canceled after this twister hit the kentucky downs. it hit barns and 200 horses got loose. they were rounded up. there were no races at the time and no people or animals were hurt. sarah palin shooting down internet reports that she's canceling the rest of her bus tour. the former alaska governor and fox news contributor says the tour is just on hold for now while she reports in for jury duty in her home state. she'll be back on the road after her civic duty is done, she says. here is brian's favorite story. a southwest airline pilot back on the job after this rant about flight attendants. >> 11 (bleep) over the top) bleep) homosexuals and a granny. after that, it was just a continuous stream of gays and grannies and grandees. there is like maybe a handful of cute chicks. >> alisyn: the pilot was surprised to learn that his cockpit microphone was open during that and broadcasting his comments and his whole conversation to air traffic control and other pilots. passengers, thankfully, did not hear it. southwest will not release the pilot's name, but he is back on duty after being suspended without pay for a brief time. >> brian: because he got training. >> alisyn: diversity training so he doesn't call people grannies and grandys and other things. >> steve: let's go to colorado springs. michelle malkin joins us every thursday and there she is. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: last night, 8:00 o'clock eastern time, the president was right there heading toward the east room when he announced that next year by the end of summer, 33,000 american troops will come home from afghanistan. was this a military decision or was this simply a political decision because they will come home two months before the reelection? >> yeah. well, every policy speech delivered by this president over the last several years has been a political speech. this was no different. it was a vague muddle with undefined goals, undefined markers, and i think it's clearly meant to mollify the antiwar left and much of the left flank for many different reasons, of course, has been on obama's case. but the fact that you have several tens of thousands of troops that will be withdrawn this year and then more precipitous withdrawal right before the election tells you everything you need to know. >> alisyn: you said it didn't have clearly defined goals and basically the president said as of 2014, the afghans will be responsible for their own security. isn't that what we were working towards? the country as we know from polls, are tired of being in afghanistan. >> yeah. well, what i mean by undefined goals and undefined metrics, of course, are with a purpose. there was a time when so-called principled liberals would distinguish the wars in afghanistan, between the war in iraq and they would always call afghanistan the necessary war. but of course, now that the michael moore left, the michael moore wing of the democrat party has become disenchanted and disillusioned with obama, it is no longer necessary. training the afghan forces is what they're doing right now, of course. and ultimately, the goal was to permanently remove the taliban and now obama has announced that they're going to be part of the solution, when they were the problem to begin with. >> brian: right. so far he actually cannot win over the left because senator jill brant, not good enough. senator levin, i want 15,000 out right away. so why even bother? why not go with the general, the war experts who actually got the surge working to begin with? >> yeah. well, they've been thrown under the bus for this futile attempt at mollifying the left. i guess i'm not as confident as you are, brian, that they won't be mollified because in the end, they will stand with their guy. >> steve: all right. you mentioned the president's base earlier, that they would like to see us out of there. let's talk a little bit about this. there are a number of big environmental groups that are angry with the white house because they say that the president is just saying yeah, let's do all this green stuff just to get votes. in fact, you say he is a geno green in name only. >> that's right. >> alisyn: it sounds medical. >> in any case, yes, we had a huge amount of hot air blown by al gore, i think it was a 7,000 word essay in "rolling stone." the guy has nothing better to do, of course, these days. and it reminds me of a bumper sticker that is now gaining a lot of currency across the country, somebody tweeted the other day that said, i was anti-obama before it was cool. the entire left is jumping on this guy now. it is the cool thing to do. but my reaction is, i don't know why they're so upset, the enviros, with obamas. he has pandered to the eco nuts. he has destroyed so many job, here in the west, i talked many times about how mining industry, all sorts of western industries are suffering under the boot of these eco zealots. you have lisa jackson at the epa, salazar at the department of interior. really? what are they complaining about? >> steve: no kidding. >> brian: it's impossible. in one way you feel for the president 'cause he can't win regardless when it comes to certain walks of life. when al gore is ripping you, i really think for not being left enough and the right is ripping you for being too left, in a way, the president can't win. >> yeah. of course, all of this was precipitated, at least this week it was, over envie rows pointing out that solar panels that obama promised a few years ago haven't materialized at 1600 pennsylvania. that goes to show you that with these enviros it's always, you don't practice what you preach because, of course, they realized just how fruitless these policies are to begin with. >> steve: they do have a garden. >> alisyn: michelle, thanks so much for coming in with your perspective. >> you bet. take care. >> alisyn: more military families facing foreclosure. what happened to the government program that was supposed to help them? real estate guru bob massi explains what needs to happen next. >> steve: and has prince harry found his perfect match in pippa? details on the next royal couple. oh, boy. thanks to the venture card from capital one, we get double miles on every purchase, so me and my lads earned arip to san francisco twice as fast we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what we're buying. ...and all of those. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! whoa dude. [ male announcer ]et the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. >> alisyn: we have major breaking news for you. as we told you at the top of the hour, while you were sleeping, notorious gangster, james whitey bulger, has been busted after 16 years on the run. he was taken down in santa monica, california. joining us now from there, gina silva of fox affiliate kttv. how did this happen? >> as you know, this was not an easy capture for the f.b.i agents have been tracking him all over the world. but every time they got close, he would disappear. not this time. we're standing in front of the apartment complex. this is princess crew gina in santa monica where he was taken down, along with his girlfriend after being on the run for 16 years. he was one of the f.b.i.'s ten most wanted for more than a decade. again, after those 16 years, he was arrested last night with his girlfriend, katherine. the f.b.i. got a tip they were living here in santa monica. they began trailing the 81-year-old all over town. he was shopping with his girlfriend. she would always go to the dentist, manicures, the whole thing. finally when agents felt they had the right man, they came to the 1,000 block of third street in santa monica near the beach. they're at the princess eugenia apartment complex. he was wanted in connection with 19 murders, racketeering and other crimes. we spoke to some of the neighbors here. all surprised that such an alleged notorious mobster was living here next to them. one neighbor happens to be from boston and he's been following his story for a long time and just couldn't believe that he was taken in. >> alisyn: help us understand how it was possible that whitey and katherine were basically to hide in plain sight and live in that apartment complex behind you. who else lives there? >> well, i'll tell you, a very smart man, as you know. he was able to elude authorities for so long. he managed to come into this community where there are a lot of senior citizens. so he was able to blend in. the neighbors suspected nothing. he's 81 years old. she's in her 60s. so they were able to blend in, very quiet, never made noise. no one thought anything about it. >> alisyn: oh, my gosh. what an incredible run it has been for whitey bulger and now the f.b.i. got their man. thanks so much for explaining how that happened. brian, over to you. >> brian: it's a battle that many of our nation's heros are fighting here at home. the homeowners assistance program, hap, was supposed to protect troops from foreclosure. instead, many find themselves under water on their homes. fox news legal analyst bob massi outraged on this. talked to one law maker and they're hoping to make a change. >> my understanding is to take care of this entire problem would cost about $1 billion. so this is one, 37th of 1% of the federal budget that would solve this entire problem for all of the deserving military families. i think we should just do it and stop talking about it. >> brian: bob joins us now. why is it necessary for congress to get in the picture as opposed to the defense department? >> because the department of defense really is not stepping up to the plate the way they should have. this whole thing is ridiculous. listen to that number compared to what we're spending for foreign countries. these people are now faced with having to have homes that are foreclosed on, stuck with the deficiencies. the military is going to retirement and savings and they're getting no precedent whatsoever to those men and women who are deployed or relocated and we really as americans should be outraged that our military is in this spot. >> brian: what about the lenders, why don't they step up to the plate and do something for the military? >> you know what, brian? the lenders recently, several lenders recently had to repay millions of dollars for wrongful foreclosures on military families. they are so far removed from reality not only with the military, brian, but at the civilians that you and i have talked about from the last several months. this is just another indication that these lenders really, who were given billions of dollars to bail them out, have no concern whatsoever. this should not be congressional. this should be lenders having protocols in place to help the military families not to worry about deficiencies against them to help save their credit, to have them not have to go through this worry of leaving families and children and going to defend this country. it's ridiculous it's happening. >> brian: did the senate armed service committee help you at all? did they step up to the plate? >> no. this really would aggravate me. they did not do what we call a markup for the budget. you heard what congressman andrews who should be commended. they have not even earmarked the amount of money that was needed. i asked him what, could we do? he said there are other legislative things through the senate that they're going to try to get this hap program taken care of for our military. he said by the end of the summer or september. what i asked him is, what senators would vote against this? we're going to find out who is against this program and try to expose this to keep this thing going 'cause this is not right for our military, brian. >> brian: i think one call to senator john mccain. he has a way of fixing stuff like that. he's on the armed services committee. thank you so much. great work. meanwhile, still ahead, o. j. simpson ready to come clean. new rumors he confessed to killing nicole brown simpson and she's the only "original artist" county housewife still on the show. orange county wife purina cat chow helps you well-being. we're all striving for it. nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. "a modern interpretation yet an instant classic." with sports car yling and power, plus the refinement and space a luxury sedan, the jaguar xf is a timeless blend of performance d craftsmanship. see how jaguar outperforms the competition at or visit your local jaguar dealer. >> alisyn: she lived her life in front of the cameras for seven seasons on "the real housewives of orange county." >> steve: right now on the couch with us, the only remaining original oc housewife, vicky. how are you doing? >> great. >> steve: as we watched -- we do watch your show at our house, at the finale, you made a really tough decision. you're going to call it quits with your husband after many years together. >> yep. 16 years hotel. i've known him since i was 23. a long time. >> alisyn: was it because of the fact that you're playing out your whole relationship -- >> there is a lot of reasons why. >> alisyn: did that exacerbate any problem? >> i'm sure it did. i don't know what it would have been like if we didn't, so we are here now. it's half time of the year. i'm looking forward to a better half and we're going forward. >> brian: how tough was that decision? >> it was very tough. i mean, any time you make a decision to get divorced, it's tough. but i'm looking at the positive now. we're moving forward. we're trying to get through some of the really tough times, we're separating property and amicable. so sometimes life gives you some lemons and you make lemonade. >> steve: but he's still living in the house with you? >> i'm not going to talk about that. we're separating assets right now and we're moving forward. >> steve: okay. >> alisyn: so one of the things you're known for is being the successful business woman. you're not just famous for being famous. you have a business. does that distinguish you from all of the other housewives and what do you think is the key to your success? >> thank you for asking. i actually think that the key to my success is really trying to do a balance. i had this business before i started filming. a lot of the housewives are trying to make a business from their celebrity status, i already had been selling insurance since i was 29. i'm 49 now. it's been a long time. i'm also looking at product development of new products. i have a lash product. >> steve: what is that? >> it lengthens your eye lashes. looking at bringing more products. it's selia. this is all natural. >> steve: before and after. >> look at my eye lashes. everybody stops and says, what are you doing to your eye lashes. what's nice is you don't need a prescription. they don't change the color of your eye. >> brian: could we try some of that -- don't do that, steve. let's read some tweets. here we go. of the other housewives, which one do you like the best? >> i like tamara. we're best friends. she and i have gone through a lot together. we're dear friends. she told me this morning, knock them down in new york. she's a really great friend of mine. so we're good. >> steve: what about the other housewife shows? >> i love new jersey. i love new york. jill and i are friends. i try to be sweet to everybody 'cause i want them sweet to me. karma is sometimes coming back to bite you when you are mean to people. >> alisyn: here is another tweet. they want tho know if you have any tips for small business owners in this climate. >> absolutely. i think, first of all, you have to have a business plan, goal setting. you have to have people around that you are positive, that you can learn from. i surround myself with influential people in my life, somebody that i'm going to learn from, somebody that makes me happy. so i really think that number one, you've got to have a passion to what you're going to do, you have to have a good business plan. get your toxic people out of your life. set your goals. have good time management. >> alisyn: great advice. >> steve: thank you very much for coming in. >> alisyn: your eye lashes look fabulous. >> thank you. >> steve: you watch, brian will take it out of my backpack before i get home. >> brian: nice seeing you. thank you very much. so much better than his. >> steve: those a whole another reality show. straight ahead, here he goes again, the governor of new jersey makes it crystal clear he's not putting up with protesters. hear what he says next. >> alisyn: we are just minutes away from the latest jobless numbers. is the economy showing signs of picking up? eric bolling will be here live to break it down. >> brian: then if you are a veteran looking for work, we want to help you find a job today. dave briggs live for a major military job fair. inside all of us is a compass and it always points true north. toward mountains of sand. townew sights and sensations. toward the true bounty of nure so let's set our compass for traverse city and find ourselves. in the magic, and the moments of pure michigan. your trip begins at caw caw! 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>> well, good morning. as you know, the president said we're facing some economic head winds, a few bumps in the road. well, yesterday the fed chairman, ben bernanke, held one of his famous news conferences and said some of those head winds, like problems in the housing sector, maybe stronger and more persistent than we thought. and it comes as the congressional budget office issues a report on our skyrocketing public debt. that report says that as a result of president obama's stimulus measures or at least partly as a result of that, the national debt almost doubled. it says before the stimulus, debt was 36% of the gross domestic product. afterward, it climbed to 62%. and the report is ammunition being used by republicans as democrats talk about further stimulus measures as part of the current deficit reduction talks. >> democrats think that spending money that we don't have is the only way to create jobs. guess what? we tried that. it's called the stimulus. guess what? it didn't work. >> now, one democratic idea that reduction in the payroll tax, others would be investments as the white house calls it, in infrastructure or clean energy products to create more jobs. democratic senator chuck schumer questions gop motives, especially since republicans in the past have supported the idea of a payroll reduction. let's listen. >> it almost makes you wonder if they aren't trying to slow down the economic recovery for political gain. >> now, today democratic leaders come to the white house to talk with the president about the deficit reduction plans and later today, the third meeting this week of that deficit reduction panel of negotiators up on capitol hill as the deadline draws for a congressional recess, draws closer for a recess on july 4. back to you guys. >> steve: money, money, money, money. that's what they're talking about. thank you. >> alisyn: thanks so much. let's get to the rest of your news. we have major developments in this tragic formes shooting in -- pharmacy shooting. # 3-year-old army veteran charged with first-degree murder after allegedly killing four people at a pharmacy in new york. police say he's a junky who stole thousands of pills during the massacre. they reportedly tracked him down through prescription drug records, along with several tips from people who recognized him in this surveillance video even though he was wearing a fake beard. his wife, melinda do brady, was arrested and told police her husband had just lost his job and desperate to support both of their drug addictions. both will appear in court later this morning. >> steve: is o. j. simpson ready to confess to oprah? he reportedly agreeing to a prison interview with her after telling one of her producers that he killed his ex-wife, nicole, in self-defense after she came at him with a knife. if he goes through with the interview, it would air on oprah's own network, which has been struggling in the ratings. it would be a gigantic show that millions would watch. >> brian: i'm sure she would do the interview. not rosie o'donnell. chris christie mocking protesters as they were booted from a town hall meeting. the protesters linked to a democratic candidate for congress. were bogusly singing about being sent to auschwitz. the state assembly expected to pass a major overhaul of the public pension and benefit system. >> alisyn: talk about keeping it in the family, there are new reports that prince harry and pippa middleton may be an item. now, you remember this cropped up during the wedding, people were speculating about this. they're both newly single and they're reportedly spending lots of time together. looks like the romance may have started at the royal wedding. prince harry gave a toast in his brother's honor that ended with a request that pippa, quote, call him. now, that is not appropriate 'cause he had a girlfriend at the time. >> steve: did he do that thing with the pretend phone? >> alisyn: i don't know. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, as president obama starts to bring home troops from afghanistan, a lot of our soldiers face the same problem millions of americans do and we just saw what the unemployment numbers, more and more are. they captain find a job. >> brian: the unemployment rate for veterans last month, 8.3%. up from the year before. but help is here. >> alisyn: let's go back to the uss intrepid where dave brig is at the hiring our heros event. dave, great to see you. what's going on there? >> there are veterans streaming in, about 1500 expected. if you're in the new york area, get down here. you can register on sight. proof of military status or you can be a military spouse. it's a great backdrop. the uss intrepid. but the economic background far from ideal. 12% unemployment rate for those that served in the iraqi and afghanistan wars. we are joined by two men who served in irak and afghanistan. good morning to both of you. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> alisyn: happy birthday to you. you're 28th birthday this morning. tell me what the difficulty is in particular for those who did serve in iraq and afghanistan. i know you did 28 months in iraq. >> i found that in today's fiscal climate, businesses are holding back from offering entry level positions, which for younger iraq and afghanistan vets, that's generally probably what is the most available opportunity. and what i found is there are not many out there today. >> you've been out there for more than six months, army captain brian. you've seen the job environment. what is it that employers are looking for and why is it difficult on military veterans? >> well with unemployment being so high, employers can dictate who they want in qualifications. they're looking for people that exactly fit the skills that they need. unfortunately, veterans have military skill set that doesn't exactly translate and when it does translate, they don't note that it does. so i think this event will help educate employers on the skills. >> i think that skill set is something employers need to know about. christian, what is your situation? what type of job are you looking for and what are the attributes that you learned in the military that would make you a good hire? >> i repeatedly graduated with my undergraduate degree and after serving my country, i'd like to continue federal service. there is nothing like serving your country and whatever job i get, i'd like to continue in that mold. i believe with most soldiers, you have a known commodity, self-motivated, team work, a variety of skills and myself, i think i have a lot to offer. >> as a green beret, you're not going to get nervous. brian, what attributes do you think you have? >> we all have the attributes of leadership. the military, probably the premiere developer of leaders. i don't think it's business school. and i'm looking for a management consulting type position, but i'm flexible. there is a lot of stuff to do. i'm keeping my doors open. >> we hope maybe today we got both of you jobs. retired army captain brian and staff sergeant christian, they both served in iraq and afghanistan. you can see this place is packed. but there is plenty of room and more than 100 employers down here at the intrepid. back to you. >> steve: a great program today on new york's west side. >> alisyn: great work, dave. let's get all of them jobs. >> brian: coming up, it's the video that made a lot of people cringe. the tsa changing the way it screens children, but not everyone thinks it's a good idea. >> steve: plus, the newly crowned miss usa reveals a big secret. she's a geek. i'm not kidding. she's here to explain and answer your questions. tweet us or e-mail. >> brian: i can see she had a hard time fitting in anywhere. must have been horrible. congratulations, miss universe is yours. ♪ [ male announcer ] what is the future of fuel? the debate is over. ♪ lexus hybrid drive technogy is designed to optimize any fuel source on the planet. even those we don't use yet. because when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer a future-proof hybrid system. you engineer amazing. ♪ >> brian: quick headlines. remember this video of a six-year-old girl getting a pat-down at the airport? the tsa is changing its screening policy for kids ten and younger. airport security workers are being told to make more attempts to screen children before patting them down. >> alisyn: she looked dangerous. >> brian: and dramatic video of a hit and run at a 7-11 in pennsylvania. police looking for the driver. the car slams into an employee, sending them flying through the store front, incredibly, the employee survived. the driver still on the run. >> alisyn: we just talked about those new jobless numbers and the news is bad. 429,000 first-time unemployment claims filed last week and that figure was higher than the 415,000 claims that were predicted. >> steve: we promised you, we predicted eric bolling would be here and here he is. that number is 14,000 higher than they were thinking. >> and like we talked about last week, they're thinking higher than it should be. these numbers should be in the 3's. it's getting depressing week after week. it needs to start coming down. here is the bottom line, obama nomics, it ain't working. next week, next friday we'll get the following month. we'll get that unemployment number. just about everything they're doing is failing on jobs and most important thing in the economy, it's not creating jobs. >> steve: i know you have been a critic of these particular policies, but then you see ben bernanke yesterday and he goes, i don't have any idea why it's not working. >> isn't that disturbing? we spend $4 trillion in stimulating in various ways. the only thing we're stimulating is the deficit. it's not working. if bernanke doesn't get it, if obama goes, bump in the road, don't worry about it, that's insulting to the american people. we did a study last night on obamamonica versus reagan womannics. opposite ends of the spectrum how to treat the economy. reaganemics worked. obama is doing the opposite and guess what's happening? unemployment is going up. inflation is going up. >> alisyn: speaking of money, the president is now in fundraising mode for the next election. so obviously wall street is a great place to begin to hit people up for lots of cash. how will that go since he's had sort of astrand relationship with them? >> he's called them out. he's called them fat cats. he really pointed the finger at wall street for a lot of the ills that have gone on in the housing market and economy, but then he turns around and invite has group to the white house last week and under scrutiny saying, should you really bring these people to the white house and raise funds? is the white house a fundraising event? but then today he comes to midtown manhattan. he's going to bring a group again. some of them have decided to stay back. jpmorgan says we're not going to go. but wall street will fork over hundreds of millions of dollars to both democrats and republicans. they're still going to do it. that's what they do. but he did something -- monday he had a fund-raiser raised almost 3 million bucks from a pro-israel-u.s. relations board. 35,000 bucks a plate. meanwhile, a month ago, he threw netanyahu under the us and tried to difficulty up israel. wall street is doing it because they have to play it safe. they have to say, we donatedded to you. either side. it's a safe bet. >> steve: they're regulated by washington. >> it's funny how he flip flops on how he feels about these people when he needs campaign contributions. >> steve: we think you're great. check out his program on fox business "follow the money." >> alisyn: she just grabbed the crown as miss usa and now our own brian kilmeade is grabbing her. just to bring her into the studio. don't worry, gentleman. >> steve: he's escorting her. let's check in with bill hemmer for what's on this channel in 12 minutes. >> call hr. good morning to both of you. great show this morning. breaking news on the economy. also this hour, leaders in congress will examine our long-term economic outlook. how do you think that's going to turn out? karl rove and how obama wins or loses in 2012 and a republican presidential contender making his case on why you should vote for him or her. mystery guest, we'll see you in ten minutes. >> alisyn: miss usa 2011 is california! >> brian: wow, that was alyssa campanella's winning moment at the 60th annual miss usa pageant just on sunday. >> alisyn: and the new miss usa joins us now on the curvy couch. hi. >> hi. >> alisyn: a pleasure to welcome you. >> thank you. >> alisyn: particularly since you won miss california. but you're a jersey girl. but you plead new jersey for some reason. >> i didn't flee new jersey. i wouldn't say it like that. i was offered a modeling contract in l.a. and i decided to jump on it. >> steve: when you tell people, i understand that you're from new jersey, they go, wait a minute. you mean like the jersey shore jersey? are you a gtl girl? >> i wasn't. i was just a g and l girl. >> alisyn: that's better. >> i know you found out i'm partially allergic to the sun. i'm a pale person. >> steve: you are? so you were never down at the shore much? >> i was. i was the ohm one under the umbrella. >> brian: when you were about to win, i think the story was as you were about to win, but you didn't care who won because you were so close with the runnerup? >> yes, tennessee and i were really good friends during the past three weeks. we had a mutual friend who kind of helped us -- >> brian: bonded you. >> she helped us get to know each other a little better and then when we met in vegas, we were just -- we say we were attached at the hip. it was really nice having a bond with a girl that was awesome. >> steve: how do you like working for donald trump? the guy who owns the pageant? >> actually i got to meet him today for the first time. >> steve: actually? he was on our show. >> this is the day. we take over your show today. >> alisyn: so we have some tweets from viewers who have some questions for you. how can miss usa encourage young girls to depend on brains over beauty in today's world? that's a great question. >> especially because miss usa today is all about the modern woman. it's not all about what's on the outside. we are girls that have a sense of humor. we're girls that -- i'm being named as a history geek, like we have interests. we have a wide variety of things that we're just -- we're not just all about the typical beauty queen anymore, the typical stereotype. >> steve: somebody wants to know what your joshouts are like. >> i love pilates. i wasn't a very flexible person growing up and ever since i started doing pilates, i'm closer to starting to reach my toes. >> brian: we'd like to see that in the after the show show. you've been abled as a geek. you said a history geek, but also a science geek? >> yeah. well, it depends what you mean by geek. like history buff. when i was growing up, i used to love to watch the space shuttle launches. i pretty do. >> steve: and you would watch the weather channel, right? >> yes, i would. my parents -- >> steve: you want to do the weather? >> yes, i would. >> steve: come on over here. cue the music. have you ever done the weather before? >> no. >> steve: just for you, we've got your home state of new jersey for you. and miss usa, action. >> okay. so looks like it's going to be beautiful weather in this area, in newark, and bellmawr. 80 degrees. let's all hit the pool if it's not cloudy. >> steve: these are today's daytime highs. >> 82 degrees. i like that. camden, 86. philly, that's a good area. atlantic city, 87. this is warmer than it is in l.a. right now. l.a. is cold. so i think i'm going to -- >> brian: she's like rubbing the town. >> steve: i saw that. round of applause for miss usa! we're sticking around for the after the show show. that was excellent. >> thank you. >> alisyn: she's taller than you. that's part of the problem over there. >> brian: more "fox & friends" in two minutes. i'm chef michael, and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. we don't just make a taillight... ..we make a sculpture. we don't just make a sunroof... ..we make the heavens wide. we don't just make a crossover... ..we make a statement. the cadillac srx. we don't just make luxury cars, we make cadillacs. what brings you two into my office? i looked up, and my jell-o pudding was gone. and i know he took it. jeremy, look at me. look at that smile. that is pudding face. you took my pudding! the evidence is hard to dispute. [ school bl rings ] you look really sorry. i'm gonna let this go. that's unfair. [ male announcer ] get your pudding face on with oh-so-cool and irresistibljell-o pudding. >> alisyn: can we see the jersey bump?

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