interviewee, if he finishes third, he's done. nikki haley doesn't have that pressure on her, she just has to finish strongly. she's competing in new hampshire and south carolina, she has a shot at winning both states and ron desantis is flatlining everywhere else, i'm optimistic how she'll do on monday. neil: at lo of-- lot of the attention on her is for new hampshire, for the time being, and a lot of anticipation about the chris christie vote and where it goes and that she could be a beneficiary of that. what do you think? >> well, i think it's absolutely right. remember the last time i was on the show i was predicting that chris christie was saying he had no path to the nomination and you were skeptical of that. he's now dropped out and i think that he was the quintessential anti-trump vote. his voters are not going to donald trump, the only logical place for the voters to go is to nikki haley so i'm