the question, what's the level of enthusiasm and personal decisions of millions of americans from whom we're not going to hear. if both sides have the problem for different reasons, but both of them have it, and right now, if you look at the national polls, that donald trump is doing a better job of keeping his team together than is joe biden, but joe biden has improved over the last couple reas is because democrat the blacks, hispanics and young voters have decided reluctantly that their choice has got to be biden. this is what the election is going to come down to. how many people say i'm holding my nose and voting for the person i'm inclined to vote for as a republican or democrat and we don't know how that's going to play out. neil: some, not to vote at all. >> right. neil: that's a wild card. let me ask you, one of the things that bill barr was mentioning as well, karl, was this notion of how donald trump would perform and lead as president, that he hopes it