i don't think the problem right now is that somebody who works 40, 50, 80 hours a week at minimum wage, that their life is too easy. i think the problem right now is a lot of folks with armies of lawyers and lobbyists who figured out ways to pay literally nothing in some cases, or if you look even at wealthy individuals -- neil: but they're quite few -- >> even on a percentage basis, even on a percentage basis, if you count the true accumulation of wets, you got billionaires paying a lower percentage of their income than school teacher s or firefighters and it's just a common sense fact that that's wrong. neil: real quickly, the president looks at the supply chain crisis as covid and covid-only related but not wouldn't have it do you agree with that? >> i would say this , clearly a lot of this is driven by covid, it's supply and demand and it's covid. now when you see , for example, the president was pointing out if the shoe factory in vietnam closes because of covid outbreak