mass testing in the city of wuhan. this after a wide series of outbreaks of covid reached that city, remember that's where it all was first detebted in late 2019. three cases confirmed in wuhan yesterday. the first non-imported cases in more than a year. there are other cities, too, throughout china experiencing this as well. we want to bring this to you and follow it as well. >> dana: we don't know but is it a new variant is what i would love to know and what do we need to know? >> bill: is it home grown? it could very well be. arkansas has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country. as the state sees a spike in covid cases and as the delta variant spreads how to convince people to get the shot. governor asa hutchinson is with me now. good morning. >> great to be with you today. >> bill: here are the numbers. alabama 34%, mississippi 34 1/2 and arkansas 36.6 of total