there room there? or are we stuck on stuck here? >> in doesn't require legislation. the president just has to change. quit trying to make it harder the produce on public lands. quit making it harder to export lng, this is within the purview of the executive branch. the president could with the stroke of a pen get us back in the production business so that not only could we meet our own needs as recently as 201 but export to europe as well. >> dana: president biden said several times in the speech he is going to lower costs. and then all the policy prescriptions were extremely vague and i know that going into the 2022 mid-terms there is a battle for the independents in the suburbs and we can see if the republicans can win back those voters. did he do anything last night that made you think people concerned about inflation will feel better today when they go to the grocery store and see the high prices? >> no. i think he was arguing for what they've been trying to do all