the senate through the 2022 mid-terms to be illegitimate, what did you think? >> it's tremendously irresponsible, dana. to be honest with you, we've entered a new level of irresponsibility when the president trying to characterize what they have on the floor as voting rights at all. honestly, it has nothing to do with voting rights. nothing to do with the bills in the past that provided voting rights for under served communities across this country. this is about federalizing elections. about things like eliminating voter i.d. unbelievably radical proposals that democrats had packaged for decades to have an advantage in national elections across this country. nothing to do with preserving anybody's voting rights. to say something like he said i'm not surprised jen psaki had to come out this morning with a bucket and mop to clean things up. it was a dangerous statement. >> bill: they were arguing 2020 was legitimate and then now