do to actually provide some relief to the principle costs that the american families are facing. if you look at our build back better plan, what it really is, is about going at the principle costs that a typical household face necessary a month. what they're paying for childcare and healthcare and what housing costs are. to do that in a way that doesn't add to the aggregate demand of the economy but offset across time. if you do that you don't add to inflationary pressure but reduce people's costs. this bill would say to your viewers out there if you have a family with kids you won't pay more than 7% of your income in childcare. it provides you peace of mind of one of the big costs you face and may help women get back into the workforce because they can afford the childcare they need. we'll keep working on trying to get that legislation through congress while we take practical measures to unstick some of the supply chain challenges we've seen working with companies to help unstick