you forgive student loans across the board. i don't think it has the momentum it once had. >> dana: i think president biden will cave. senator schumer walks around with his cancel student loan mask and concerned that alexandria ocasio-cortez could get to hit left. we can't make people start paying this again. a lot of people out there on the merits they want to go to college and make bad decisions and own the debt now, maybe there is a better way to finance it but forgiven it seems too far. i think president biden, i bet it will be in the state of the union address. >> his proposal is $10,000, not $50,000. he is on the record for that. we'll see if that what he comes back with. >> bill: you cover prices every day. skyrocketing meat prices. jen psaki had an excuse for it. >> they've both spoken to what we've seen as the greed of meat