reporter to get out into the public domain and go viral on social media alarming parents across the country. this story did go viral. you know what didn't? the limp correction. the allegation gets 1,000 times the coverage than the correction. "the new york times" was off by 840,000 hospitalizations of children with covid. this is very important, by the way. no accountability. the reporter in the piece declared the wuhan lab leak theory was based in racist roots and now another covid story she gets wrong. you have to wonder at this point are these mistakes being driven by a motive to push a narrative of fear? i guess she can work at the "new york times" for life and be promoted. no rep remind when you make a mistake that has serious implications. >> dana: they did fire don mcneil a long-time science reporter because he offended college-age students and he got canceled basically. long career. since the 70s. all of a sudden they fire him?