he broke both of those promises that he made to her and that's more upsetting than getting followed into a bathroom. >> trace: people echoed that. we're waiting for the opening statements to begin in the hearing of the facebook whistleblower. when that starts we'll get to it. this is from "wall street journal" bill mcgurn. in the same way john mccain was hailed as an independent against voting for republicans priorities including the decisive vote for the repeal of obamacare. if sinema tanks the -- there is a new maverick in town, that is countered by "the new york times" quoting but what really makes her different from mccain is nobody seems to know what she stands for. there is a difference it turns out between being a maverick and being a narcissist. mark, your thoughts. >> first of all, senator sinema is representing her state. and if this is not what her