beginning after horowitz's opening statements. you'll hear questions about what the former f.b.i. director jim comey knows. what his deputy andrew mccabe knew, and this conclusion by the i.g. that there wasn't political bias in the 17 mistakes or screw-ups at every level on the fisa application. i interviewed jim comey in april of last year and i asked him a lot of these questions and if you go down that interview you can get to we just got a clip of it right now. >> you call the dossier unverified and salacious, why do you use it with the fisa court to carter page. >> my recollection was it was parts of a broader mosaic of facts. >> there was a lot more than the dossier in the fisa application? >> there was a significant amount of additional material about page and why there was probable cause to believe he was an agent of a foreign power. >> this i.g. said it was