Enthusiasm going to caucus. Donald trump is far superior on the enthusiasm front. 49 of his supporters who choose him, first choice say they are extremely enthusiastic. By compareson its 23 for ron desantis. Less than half what trump gets. Nikki haley it is 9 saying they are extremely enthusiastic. We use it as a proxy for how committed are you to go up and show for your candidate . Dana Nikki Haley was on with us as well yesterday. She thinks it will be a Twoperson Race after tonight. Watch here. I think he has got a strong lead here. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. I think everybody sees it for what it is. I saw that he fell below 50. So it always thats what you look for. Is he falling below 50 . You look at him in New Hampshire and were very close in New Hampshire. I think it will be a two Person Race with me and trump. Dana your poll her