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better tomorrow is the basic promise of america. but today that promises being threatened by a faltering economy and a failed presidency. for the millions of americans who look around and season jobs they can't get and bills they cannot pay. i have a message. you have not failed. you have a president who failed you and that's going to change. >> we are in this thing not because i so badly want to be the most powerful man in this country. it's because i want so badly to return the power to you in this country. >> i hope the analysts in washington and new york who spent june and july explaining our campaign was dead will watch this tonight and learn a little bit from this crowd, and from this place. >> i said so many times, the american people are way ahead of washington. washington is sound asleep, we are on the right track, so make sure they hear our message all the way to d.c. martha: there you go. mitt romney and rick santorum 12,000 votes apart in the keystone state. bill has more on how the state broke down last night. bill: i think we made this call at 12:30 in the morning which was only 8 and a half hours ago. santorum in red and mitt romney in orange. you can see how these two broke down based on the vote tally. i'll show you how romney was a winner over rick santorum. he had a million votes cast and there was a 12,000-vote difference. this was hillary clinton country in 2008. that's where she put. you her fire wall against barack obama. rural countryside, southeastern ohio. also santorum sweeping the counties in the northwestern part of the state. how did romney pull it out? he won the cities and the counties around them. to a lesser degree, columbus, ohio, and the north eastern part of the state starting in cuyahoga county and moving east towards the pennsylvania border. traditionally southwestern ohio is conservative and north eastern ohio tend to be more liberal. and romney won both corners of that state to take ohio last night. i want to pop down to the state of tennessee and show you what a lot of people saw was a big surprise based on the polling we are seeing in tennessee in these closing days. rick santorum did not win every county, but he came close to it with the exception of davidson county which is where the town of nashville is located. in georgia, gingrich said you have got to win your home state, sweeping so much of the part of the peach state last night. that's where we find john roberts. he's up and at space' em this morning. >> reporter: even though ohio was close, that's the one he wanted to win. this resets the race and adds that sense of inevitability to his nomination. mitt romney had the super tuesday he needed to have last night. >> tonight we have taken one more step toward restoring the promise of tomorrow. tomorrow we wake up and we start again, and the next day we'll do the same. >> reporter: let's go back to that ohio county map. you take a look at this and overlay this to the 2011 general election results. romney winning in the cities the same way president obama did. romney needs if he wants to become the nominee to be able to win across the state. in a general election winning in the cities is a very important thing. romney well shy of the 1,100 he needs. santorum winning oklahoma and tennessee. that was a blow to newt gingrich and romney. >> this was a big night tonight. lots of states. we'll win what few, we'll lose a few, but as it looks right now we'll get at least a couple gold medals, and a whole passle full of silver medals. >> 176 delegates for rick santorum and new calls from the santorum campaign asking for gingrich to drop out. they say if this is a battle for the heart and soul of america let rick santorum carry that banner. bill: what about newt gingrich? >> reporter: he's going to stay in this. saturday he's going to kansas, he thinks he can do well in the caucuses. two important primaries, alabama and mississippi where it's likely he will do well if not win them outright. last night during this speech, the first state he has won since south carolina. newt gingrich said he's the best person to go up against president obama in november. >> i believe i'm the one candidate who has the ability to debate barack obama decisively. >> reporter: gingrich with 105 delegates. but this southern strategy shredded this morning. he didn't do well in tennessee. they those was going to do very well. now he lost tennessee. he wasn't on the ballot in virginia and he lost florida. there is not much of the south martha: there was a major jump in the delegate count. mitt romney more than doubled his pre-super tuesday count. 415 for mitt romney. rick santorum nearly doubled his total as well last night. newt gingrich tripled his total at 105. ron paul who did well in vermont and virginia. 1,144 is what you need to clinch this nomination. bill: a lot of voters leaving the polls saying the economy was priority number one. check out the exit polling we found. georgia 57% saying america's financial recovery was the most important issue. 54% in ohio. 50% in tennessee and 50% in oklahoma as well. martha: reaction is pouring in from every corner of the political world. the dust is settling after a long night. mitt romney's home state brought in more than 70 per of the vote. all candidates up late weighing in on the outcome. i'm joins by ed rollins. also chairman of the mike huckabee presidential campaign. you know, so this morning all of these campaigns after they wipe the dust out of their eyes from a long night, they will sit down and have a talk. if you were in the romney discussion this morning with his top campaign team as you have been so many times with others, what would you be warning them about, what would you be congratulating them on? >> they microtargeted effectively in ohio and won the places they had to win to get the 1% victory. that was the biggest part of the night. the other part of it is don't get overconfident. it won't be a knockout. we have to be careful our resources. they are starting to run out of money. martha: let's look at exit polls that may cause pause. four in ten say they like their candidate when they vote for mitt romney but they have reservations about them. 39% said that about rick santorum. that goes to the basic issue of whether people are enthusiastic about these candidates. the independent went for rick santorum in ohio. obviously that's got to be a bit of a red flag if you are on the romney team and look at ohio you have got to get that independent vote. >> when you look at the map, the places that romney won are the places a democrat will traditionally win in the fall. so it's good if you can hold it. but you have got to reach out to that rural area and look across the country. there has been a weak:ness among the romney campaign. you have to spend a lot of time convincing them. most people last night said business experience is more important than government experience. that's been his message which he has done well pushing that forward. martha: great analysis last night. great to see you this morning. bill: we just heard from john roberts. newt gingrich looking forward to more southern primaries. the former house speaker holding an event in huntsville, alabama, where he tried to rally early support. here is what his pitch was. >> i think the people of alabama and the people of mississippi deserve to see the candidates without the advertising and the various experts, without all the consultants, and i think the debates have been helpful. i think they changed things successfully and i don't think you could describe this campaign without the impact of the debates. [applause] bill: no debate on the calendar now. gingrich holding several events in alabama throughout the coming week. martha: for the latest on this presidential race head to our web site for up-to-the-minute headlines, everything you need to know. you can keep it open on that screen and push around those amazing statistics they have got. it sums it up in a great visual way. coming up. two police officer hailed as heroes. they saved a man from a burning car. you have got to see how that incident played out. bill: republicans argue the president is okay with skyrocketing gas prices. that question was put to the president by our own ed henry yesterday. martha: straight off super tuesday those candidates are preparing for more primaries. we head down south. who will take the conservative vote in the south. big question. >> remember when it was tim pawlenty who was going to crowd me out. remember then it was michele bachmann. then herman cain the first time. then for a brief moment it was donald trump almost. and then it was our good friend rick perry. then it was herman cain the second time. now it's santorum. and you just can't get across to them, it's all right. there are lots of bunny rabbits that run through. i'm the tortoise. i take one step at a time. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! 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[applause] *. martha: a thin margin between santorum and romney in big state like ohio. how will this play out when all this heads down south next week. bill: a teacher took a student's turkey sandwich away because it wasn't healthy enough. bill: devastating story out of north carolina. a war vet with four bronze stars and a purple heart dies trying to save his children. he and his wife jump from the second story as the flames engulf their home. she ran to get help. he ran inside to get his two young daughters. but by the time firefighters arrive the far it and the young daughters are dead. >> it's heartbreak. bill: he served six tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan. his wife has been treated and she has been released from a local hospital, north carolina. martha: there was a big defeat last night for one prominent democrat. ohio congressman dennis kucinich who has been in his seat for such a long time lost his primary battle. the two incumbents were forced to run against each other because they are losing a house seat. >> reporter: kucinich showed to animosity in his concession speech. >> i would like to be able to congratulate the congresswoman, but i have to say that she ran a campaign in the cleveland media market that was utterly lacking in integrity. false statements, half-truths and misrepresentations. >> reporter: this is about redistricting. they were both drawn into the 9th district after ohio lost two seats due to slow population growth. here is the reaction from nancy pelosi. she says after a difficult race the voters of theth district made their decision. we thank representative kucinich for his 16 years of service to the state of ohio. martha: what's happening on the republican side of this race? >> reporter: in the tbop race for that same seat. samuel wurtzelbacher, joe the plumber will face off with kaptor. martha: it will be interesting to watch the joe the plumber race for congress. only in america. meet the president on a rope line and end up in congress a few years later. bill: on that jean schmidt battle, she vote for the debt increase. nightmare on wall street? it wasn't that bad, was it? can stocks rebound after the largest single-day drop since thanksgiving. martha: newt gingrich in alabama. also mississippi is where he's bound. what does it take to win over the deep south. you must do it if you want to become president. here is a little bit from mr from last night. >> we won't settle for this president's new normal. i have a plan that will deliver more jobs, less debt and smaller government. president obama raised the national debt, i'm cut, cap and balance the budget finally. he passed obama-care, i'll repeal obama-care. he lost our triple aaa credit rating, i'll restore our triple aaa credit rating. amazingly he rejected the keystone pipeline, i'll approve it. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower olesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. [ male announcer ] for a better-looking tomorrow. vicks nyquil cold & flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪ martha: all eyes are on wall $street and those 401ks. the dow down 200 points in trading yesterday. the biggest one-day drop since we have seen last november. over the past five traiting days, a pretty steady decline due to concerns about europe. there is a look at the last week. not a pretty picture. cheryl casone joins me now with a look at why this is happening. >> reporter: here is what's going on with the markets. you mentioned china. alcoa is sensitive to china, the aluminum maker. we have had six days with the dow losing 200 points. but we have recovered. if you look at year-to-date performance the numbers are not bad to look at. this is based on the u.s. economy. we hope things are getting better. year-to-date up 4.4%. context is important. martha: long term, six months, a year, what is the outlook. >> reporter: there are a couple opinions that are interesting. the rest of this will be about jobs data. is the u.s. economy getting any better? we hope so. other thing is some analysts are saying we had this massive pop for january and february. there could be a flat line for the rest of the year. all bets can be off the minute you get a good jobs report or a bad jobs report. martha: we'll hear friday. cheryl, thank you so much. see you. also today there is news for a father whose son suffered a traumatic brain injury in afghanistan. david mcarthur made a tearful plea to mitt romney during the huckabee form. he complained about their access and communication. now we can tell you those claims for benefits have been processed and his son will receive the care he needs. mitt romney reacted to that news last night. listen. >> i met parents like david mcarthur, maybe you saw him on the huckabee show whose children served their country in war. david's son was seriously injured in afghanistan. he only returned from the front lines to face a new fight to get the medical care he needed and he surely has earned. is a told david, i believe to those who put everything on the line for us we owe everything to them that they need. martha: a lot of people think that moment between mr. mcarthur and mitt romney may have been a significant one in terms of his efforts to connect with voters and people out there. that may be a moment we look back on. he has discussed his plan, mitt romney if he becomes president to work on that issue of improving veterans' benefits. that man pulled every heart string in america. it's so heartfelt. he had his moment to speak to power. we hope those who don't have that moment will also get some attention. bill: we are unveiling a new poll with our colleagues from fox news latino. 58% of likely latino voters giving the thumbs up or 42% disapprove or don't know. that first poll number, what does it tell you? >> this is a snapshot in time. but as we move forward and 9 months is a long time. when we go into the general election the republicans will do great against barack obama the economy is the number one issue. bill: the first batch of polling we got monday shows president obama has a clear advantage among latinos. not very satisfied and not at all satisfied. 51%. that's a right track-wrong track suggestion for where the country is headed. what does that tell you? >> i think as we move forward and as we all know, this election season is far from over, the republicans have a great message and i think obama has failed on the economy. gas prices are higher, hispanic unemployment is up. they have a high amount of foreclosures. when you compare -- when you have a strong comparison between president obama i think a lot of latino voters will see a strong opportunity to move forward. bill: the polling shows they are still in his column. item number 3. your top issue in the upcoming election. economy and the jobs. 49%. that reflects what we are seeing in some of these primary caucus states. >> the economy is the number one issue driving hispanic voters. what we have seen in this poll is the hispanics are an important swing vote. they are looking for a candidate that will give them a strong economic message of strong economic opportunity. and i think the republican party is just that. it's that ticket. here is the rnc, we have a strong multi faceted event focused doing more hispanic outreach. we have a lot of social media effort with twitter and actual pler -- and tumbler *. bill: this is how latinos feel about i am graiption. 50% say it's too strict. >> i think immigration is a sensitive topic for a lot of hispanics. immigration is important to me but it's not the number one issue when we go into the polls. our candidates are talking about immigration. but if we do a head-to-head between barack obama and the republican candidates and move forward, this president has failed on immigration on every topic. he made a promise he would do immigration his first year and three years later we have not seen anything. he supported more immigrants and breaking his promise of keeping families together. one republican against the president i think we have a strong opportunity. bill: 42% say it's about right or not strict enough. thank you for your time. breaking down the numbers and too your viewers at home, check out our colleagues. they are doing a great job. martha: these folks ran towards those flames when others might run away. today a man is alive and can thank them because of what they did. bill: newt gingrich won big in georgia. some more southern states up for grabs. we'll find out what voters are looking for and whether mitt romney has a chance of getting some of that. >> governor romney came to town and said i was pandering by picking that. i want to explain to the governor this is called leading. [applause]  this was the gulf's best tourism season in years. all because so many people came to louisiana... they came to see us in florida... make that alabama... make that miissippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose... and now is a great time to discover it. this year millions of people did. we set all kinds of records. next year we're out to do even better. so come on down to louisiana... florida... alabama... mississippi. we can't wait to see you. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. bill: north carolina school district suspending a teacher who took away a student's turkey sandwich because it was not healthy enough. she replaced it with chicken nuggets. the school says a substitute will teach class until issue is resolved. >> the kids all loved her. she seemed like a nice lady. >> she is being blamed to take the blame. bill report mother who complained said she did not want the teacher punished. >> it's more than a chapter in the race for the nomination. it's a chapter in the fight for the soul of the republican party and the nature of america. it's a chapter defining who we are as a people. let me be very clear, i believe that i am the one candidate who has the ability to debate barack obama decisively. [cheers and applause] martha: he won his home state in a huge way in georgia last night. we have mississippi and alabama which newt gingrich and rick santorum said they think are strong placed for them. let's talk about the issue of the deep south. steven shays -- steven hayes joins me now. let's look at some of the exit polls we looked at last night with regard to white, evangelical christians. this is the ohio poll. romney does better with this group in ohio. santorum has 47% and gingrich at 15%. in tennessee those who consider themselves to be evangelicals or born again. he gets 42%, rick santorum. this is a challenging group for mitt romney as you have seen across the board. >> if you add to that and take the same set of exit poll result and impose on the very conservative voters and romney had the same kind of gap. these are the voters he will need to win in the south to be competitive and in order to try to win there. i think he's got to tell voters like that that their vote is important to him. he did this in michigan. he talked their lang, talked about cut, cap and balance. he said we need to have a conservative house, conservative senate and conservative president. that's the way we are going to change this country. make the arguments that will appeal to conservatives. but that's a tough calendar coming up. martha: one moment in tennessee became very well known. this is how. >> remember the song born on 0 montana top in tennessee. raced in the woods so he knew every tree. killed him a bear when he was only 3. davie, davy crockett. martha: is it better for him to be the ceo, be the guy who says i know i'm not a southern guy, i'm not a born again christian, but i can help fiction this economy. he was having fun there. but does he try to relate to them in ways like that. >> he tries too hard. he tries to win over voters. when he's in detroit he says i love cars. in tennessee he sings davy crockett. in wisconsin he says i love cheese. it might work for me. martha: we'll see if he puts a cheesehead on. >> i have worn one. the thing for romney is to own who is. i'm the ceo, this is what i did with companies and the country. if i were mitt romney i would find a fair amount of time talking about the bailouts. talking about the fact he opposed the auto bailouts. he has been beat up by the without house, he was beat up by the left. that was a big issue in michigan. now it's time for him to go to the southern states with conservative voters and say when i was in michigan i didn't pander, i said i opposed the bailout. and these are the reasons why. i think he can make that argument and own it. martha: is his mormonism going to be an issue? >> it could, people who say religious values mean a lot to them. vote less regularly for mitt romney so it could be. martha: great job. i look forward to seeing you with a cheesehead on at some point in the future. bill: you know he owns one. the showdown with iran. a campaign issue for president obama. a major headline from the white house regarding the potential for military action. we'll have that for you next. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. martha: fox news just learned some of the americans held in egypt are head to capitol hill. paradise lost. relentless rain drenching parts of hawaii and spewing sewage. the governor declaring a disaster for a few counties. prince harry showing off dance moves at a center for children in jamaica. he's on a caribbean tour to celebrate queen elizabeth's 60 years on the thrown. i recognize that song by bob marley. bill: a new deal could soon mean millions of dollars for producers of wind energy. but in this case they would be paid not to generate electricity. how does that work? explain what's going on, dan. >> reporter: a lot of regions around the country might like to have this problem. in late spring and early sum they are is too much renewable energy in the pacific northwest. you have snow melt sending tons of water count rivers. at the same time the wind is howling in the columbia river gorge. so the wind farms are cranking out maximum energy. as it turns out too much energy for the demand. so last year the federal agency shut down the wind mills for 38 days. to compensate the wind generators for their losses they will be paid up to $50 million a year, a fee that will eventually be paid by rate payers. >> we require utilities to buy renewable energy, we require taxpayers to subsidize them and now we want rate payers pay them when they lose money. >> reporter: it mr. fluctuate between $50 and $100 million a year. martha: breaking news. mitt romney pick up an endorsement from former new york governor george pataki. reaction from the romney camp is coming up next. and first more rick santorum from last night. >> tonight it's clear, it's clear. we won races all over this country against the odds. when they thought, okay, he's finally finished. we keep coming back. [cheers and applause] home protector plus from liberty mutual insurance, where the cost to both repair your home and replace what's inside are covered. to learn more, visit us today. martha: it was super tuesday and the candidates are now pushing ahead on this wednesday morning. there is no rest for these folks. mitt romney has a big lead now, and here is where it all stands. mitt romney won 415 delegates. sapbt toeurpl is in second with 176. newt gingrich took his home state of georgia, 105 delegates. ron paul has 47. how many do you and i have? we didn't win anything. we have no delegates, but we are here with a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." glad you are joining us on this wednesday morning. i'll martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. we just saw each other a few hours ago. you stay right there. it was a late night. that is cool. martha: it was. bill: nobody is bowing out. if you were up late with us you heard a lot of determination in the election night speeches. you also heard increasing criticism of president obama, case in point. >> i thought today in one of the most shallow and self-serving comments by a president that i've heard in a longtime he was candid in his press conference. he said, you know, i'm really worried about higher gas prices because it will make it harder for me to get reelected. >> this is the reason why it is so important if you're talking about peace and prosperity you have to change the constitution and have a lot less war and make a lot more sincere effort to promote the cause of peace. [cheering] >> we need a person running against president obama who is right on the issues and truthful with the person public. [cheering] >> for this administration the unemployment number is just another invent statistic standing in the way of a second term. but it's more than a spread sheet, it's worried families and anxious faces. i want to say to each of them, you are not forgotten. martha: stand out words from last night. we get started this hour in ohio, which was clearly the headline state of the night last night. steve brown is in steubenville. the romney campaign feels really the stops he made in the last few days in ohio were really what pushed him over the top there. is that what folks on the ground are agreeing with as well or do they have another idea about it? >> reporter: certainly it does help. campaign stops generally boost your numbers, get more attention, there is local media attention, free immediate yeah and almedia. romney visited places like hamilton county, starkton. all places that he won. there are really big television markets. cincinnati, columbus, cleveland, akron and youngstown. and the romney campaign had been running for two weeks millions of dollars worth of television ads not just on their before but on behalf of the proromney super pack. while the grand visits certainly play a role and can raise your points, in terms of the turn out for votes, so can television ads, and those were a much more persistent presence in ohio. martha. martha: rick santorum can certainly argue that he had a very good night in ohio. for a while there it looked like he was going to win it. he had three state wins last night overall and they feel they have some momentum now in the coming states, right? >> yes, they do. they would really, really, really like this race to be between them and mitt romney. and they talked about it quite a bit off of camera, to reporters much of the night last night at the steubenville high school. what gets under -- the burr underneath their saddle blanket if you will is they lost ohio by 12,000 votes. they lost michigan by 32,000 votes. if they selected all the anti-romney vote, that meaning votes that newt gingrich and ron paul got in those two particular states those might have been rick santorum victories. they've been talking a great deal to the media about, you know, if the anti-romney vote was united behind us then it would be a completely different story it's not, but expect that talk to continue. martha: well, that is very true. you can look back at that scenario, it's would of, could of, should of in some ways. a very close race and very good performances by rick santorum in both of those dates. bill: newt gingrich came out first in atlanta of all the candidates to make a speech and he was having frankly a good time. one of the big zingers was when he talked about the president alenvelope policy. >> the president says we have to be practical, drilling won't solve it. then he offered his practical solution, anybody here remember what it was? algae. algae. i mean, i think this summer as gas prices keep going up one of our campaign techniques should have people go to gas station w-s a jar of algae. [laughter] >> and say to people, would you rather have the gingrich solution of drilling and having more oil or would you like to try to put this in your gas ta*fpblgt i'm amazed that "saturday night live" hasn't taken this and turned it into a ask it. you can't make this stuff up. bill: i made a long beach gee was enjoying himself. bill: it was entertaining. the former house speaker in alabama today. he was there yesterday also for a short stop. alabama, mississippi hold their primaries next tuesday in the deep south. martha: that's his strategy right now. rick santorum is already back on the road as well. the presidential candidate hitting kansas today. they've got the caucus in kansas on saturday. from there he will fly down to the magnolia state ahead of mississippi's primary, which he very much would like to win mississippi and alabama coming up next tuesday. bill: kansas is on saturday this week. three more contests in the next seven days. six out of ten go for romney, rick santorum takes three states on super tuesday. romney scoring a majority of the delegates, something that is not lost on his campaign. >> we are doing some counting, we are counting up the delegates for the convention and it looks good and we are counting down the days until november, and that looks even better. bill: with me now a senior adviser to mitt romney out of boston. good morning to you. how is the team feeling today? we are feeling terrific, bill. thank you for having me. last night was an incredible victory for mitt romney. it exceeded our expectation. we won six out of ten states. mitt romney now has 40%, almost 40% of the delegates he needs to win the nomination, and the road ahead looks very good, because there are 34 contests remaining. we're going to pick up delegates whether we win a state or not. i don't see any opportunities, i don't see any momentum shifters, no game changers for our opponents in the calendar ahead. there are no more super tuesdays. super tuesday was the last opportunity for either rick santorum, or newt gingrich to derail mitt romney, to make a major statement, and they failed. bill: you're saying today this race is over. and mitt romney is the republican nominee. >> i'm saying that each of the candidates has to make their own decision about going forward, but reality will set in. it may not set in today, may not set in tomorrow, but it's hard to argue with the math. rick santorum, for instance, with the remaining contests, he's going to have some win 65 piers of the delegates going forward to over take mitt romney. to this point, bill he's only won 22% of the delegates. there are only four winner take all contests remaining out of the 34 states left to go. that is in utah, delaware, d.c., and new jersey. those are states that favor mitt romney. in fact rick santorum is not even on the ballot in d.c. with illinois coming up there are four congressional districts where he failed to submit enough delegates to appear on that ballot. bill: has your campaign approached gingrich and rick santorum on what you're describing to our audience here? >> no, but you had george pataki on your show earlier today, and governor pataki announced his endorsement for mitt romney. i think one of the reasons is because he recognizes the importance of having executive leadership in the white house. he's a former governor. he also said that he's thinking about uniting the party and getting the party behind the eventual nominee. he believes that tern is mitt romney. we've seen other leaders in the party come forward, eric cant torques the majoritcantor, the majority leader. bill: i'll let you finish your point. i want your viewers to hear it unless they missed it last hour. this is the former governor of new york endorsing your man, mitt romney. >> this the morning after super tuesday you're endorsing mitt romney as the republican nominee. >> yes i am. understanding that he has things he has to do to reach out to blue collar families and to latinos and put in place a real economic conservative program that people can say, yes this can work. bill: i wanted to get your reaction on that, eric. >> we are thrilled. like i say he's a former governor, he recognizes the importance of executive leadership. even more important he knows what the delegate allocation rules are going tpofrpltd it's going to be exceedingly difficult, virtually impossible for either rick santorum or newt gingrich to over take mitt romney in the delegate count. he's 40% on his way toward amassing the delegates he needs to win the nomination. we are a hundred percent confident that he will go to tampa in august as the nominee of the republican party. bill: i understand exactly what you're saying. i want to put a fine point on this. there has been no discussion with sapbt toeurpl's camp or newt gingrich's come for them to fold at the moment. >> that is a decision they'll have to make for themselves. as i said, bill, reality will set in, maybe not today but over time. it's hard to argue with the logic of the math. bill: three more contests this week, we'll see how you do deep in the south. thank you. martha: it did not go unnoticed by president obama that super tuesdayess is now in the past. he is revving up his campaign at this point as well. very interesting news conference yesterday. he said the candidates are basically war hawks and that they are full of just talk. bill: also the white house saying industry speculators are to blame for the high gas price you're paying at the pump and now they have a solution to tackle it. will that solution work? martha: going above and beyond the call of duty, two police officers risk their own lives to go in there and do the unthinkable. >> we got one person in the car unconscious, unresponsive right next to a huge fire. >> sir, are you okay? you've got to get out of the car, buddy. come on. [ male announcer ] say goodbye to "ho-hum," and hello to "whoa, yum." use campbell's cream of chicken soup to make easy enchiladas, cheesy chicken & rice, and other chicken dishes that are campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. bill: a last minute reprieve for a valedictorian facing deportation. a high school student will be allowed to stay in the u.s. for two more years. she is a native from the country of columbia. came to the united states at 4. a judge denied her deportation appeal. she is waiting to hear from several ivy league schools she has applied to. for more on this story check out our colleagues at fox news martha: we've been watching the gop side duking it out for the nomination, but the president is clearly moving ahead with his re-election strategy, as would be expected. he used his first news conference of the year to say this -- >> we've clearly seen some positive economic news over the past few months. businesses have tkraoe eight bed 3.7 million new jobs over the last two jobs. manufacturers are hiring for the first time since the 1990s. the auto industry is back and hiring more than 200,000 people confidence is up and the economy is getting stronger. martha: there you have it. vice president joe biden has a busy slate of activity. he will be doing framing speeches, they are calling them to frame their argument. no surprise he'll be ending up in key battleground states as he do that over the coming weeks on behalf of the president. joining me for a fair & balanced debate about the president's side of the president's election campaign is alan colmes. and tucker carlson, editor of the daly caller and a contributor. a lot of talk yesterday about the president in that news conference, that he appeared presidential, that he sort of shifted gears, tucker in terms of who i is presenting himself and the comfort really of being the incumbent, and what the office, the power of that imbues. >> there are massive advantages electio electric tore lee. the economy is the problem. if the president is running on the economy, if the conversation nationally is about the economy going into this election. if in act we're talking about the economy it's over. the president loses. the recovery isn't real, it's fueled by the federal reserve that has put fake money into our economy that they just printed. that is not an actual recovery. if that is the conversation we are having, there is nothing they can say, it's over. >> i welcome that point of view, and given the fact that the conference board shows 7 of 10 economic indicators are up this year. 243 net job gains in the last know, you go to all the numbers, and in fact what tucker is saying is just not accurate if this trajectory continues. of course things could tank, but on the trajectory we are on it seems to be in favor of an improving economy. i d economy. martha: when we talked -- i talked about the pulpit that he has when he walks into the briefing room. it's very powerful and it made me go back to thinking about the next stage of this campaign. when we start to see debates again, when you start to see the president go head-to-head with gingrich or santorum or romney or whoever it ends up being. it certainly looks ike romney is on that path this morning. how do you think he will fare in that environment, tucker? >> well, look, the president will not be talking about the economy come this fall. trust me. he'll be talking about his opponent, likely to be mitt romney. he'll be talking about how the republicans are scary, the implication always is that they are racist. it will be about the character and the background of whomever he's running against. and again, he could be running against the most impressive candidate imaginable, and that would still be tough for that person. the conversation has to say on a single point, which is, are you happy with the last four years? if the republicans can keep it there, they win. and by the way that is a legitimate way to judge who to vote for. martha: indeed it is. allen, that is exactly the decision that most americans will make. most americans are not micromanaging every moment of this campaign as they go through it. they will look at these two men on stage, whoever they end up being, and romney looks in the best position at the moment. they will ask themselves, am i better than i was four years ago. is the country going to the right direction, right track, wrong track. jimmy carter was in excellent shape at this point in his term as he faced re-election. as a democrat and supporter of the president what concerns you the most as you look over the next few months. >> there are so many variables as you point out. anything could happen. there could be an international insuranc incident, an incident between iran and israel. there could be an attack. there is no guarantee the job numbers will stay the same. if things go on the current trajectory i think the democrats would welcome that debate. once it's head-to-head -- you talk about scaring people particular, you have mitt romney saying if the president gets reelected there is going to be -- iran will get a nuclear weapon. he doesn't know that. and if i'm elected they won't. you make those broad statements. newt gingrich says i promise 2.50-gallon a gas. he problem below won't be the nominee. they are making outrageous claims and statements that they can't back up. certainly when it's head-to-head i think president obama does very well in light of there is no definite plan we've seen from the republicans. what are specifically they going to do to fix things? >> you could boil it down to this. if you had an election in witness only people who could vote are those who do the hiring in this country, the people who actually drive the economy, who create jobs, only they vote. who would win? it would be a landslide, because none of them would both for barack obama. actually the clear verdict ever on the competent comes from the people who create the economy and they are not supporting obama. >> i'm sure you would love it if only the very rich ceo's -- that -- >> you want to know the effect on the economy. >> of course you'd rather have the 1% vote particular. martha: all right, guys. >> have just the 1%, just appeal to the 1%, you'll do great. >> spare me. martha: it's not going to be a 1%, 99% election. i think people have got very basic things that are going through their minds as they look eight, which one of these guys they are going to want around the country the next four years. i hope we have this conversation again, a lot of water to go under the bridge on this whole thing, right, bill. bill: i could watch them for half an hour. well maybe not 30 minutes. did a public official steal an election? an update on a possible case of voter fraud that we've been watching coming up in a moment. martha: the nuclear showdown with iran will be a central issue in this campaign, and the president spoke about it yesterday. >> without the united states i can hardly see how we are going to meet the greatest danger of our time, which is basically iran. bill: now to the high ranking public official expected to plead guilty for trying to squeal an election during the 2010 primary season. he's accused of falsifying more than a hundred absentee ballot applications. eric shawn is on that story. what is happening here, eric. >> reporter: lincoln county sheriff jerry bowman was sworn to uphold the hall. he's in federal court expecting to plead guilty to committing voter fraud. they say he tried to illegally stuff the ballot box with illegal absentee ballots during the democratic primary back in may of 2010 in west virginia. he's submitting more than one hundred fraudulent ballots, even voting on some of them himself. they also will admit he lied about the whole thing. he says there were 800 applications, six times the normal number. the candidate who lost the election that night was charles brumfield. he told me was stunned, he was ahead by 235 votes, and they kept on finding more absentee ballots all night. the judge declared him the winner but he says he's sickened that the election was stolen. >> reporter: how did it feel that you were the victim of voter fraud. >> it's hur hurtful, you know, you didn't think that that would happen in today's society. >> reporter: one could be seven tee voter could go to prison for like. he pulled a gun and threatened to kill people from the f.b.i. and natalee tennant's office. >> if you attempt to chip away at our democracy and manipulate the system you will face the punishments. >> reporter: bowman and whitman have both been barred for life from holding public office. if you suspect voter fraud when you live we want to know about it. voter traud at is our email address. bill: eric shawn. charleston, west virginia today. martha: big news out of iran. they now say that they are willing to talk about their nuclear program. so how dangerous has this game become, and who will make the next move? could be a big issue in this election. a former pentagon official wants to react to that. bill: mitt romney pulling further ahead in the delegate count. rick santorum showing in the south highlights a potential trouble spot. chris stirewalt is live in the studio and he's loaded with caffeine. >> we are in this thing, we are in this thing not because i so badly want to be the most powerful man in this country, it's because i want so bodily to return the power to you in this country. [cheering] [applause] ] [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. bill: we want to take a look back last night at what happened in ohio. ohio held all the drama in the buckeye state. in the end it was mitt romney beating rick santorum. this is a call we were not able to make until about midnight last evening. 12,000 votes about the difference right now between romney and santorum. the final number could change a little bit. but again romney gets the call in ohio. he did it in the big city, cincinnati, columbus, cleveland. you can draw a line that connects these three cities to the interstate 71, i71 highway that runs right through the central and northern part of ohio. romney could have had a major headline had he taken a state in the south like tennessee. this was a state that in the closing days the polling suggested that santorum and romney were neck-and-neck but the final tally was not that way. santorum beating romney by 9 points in tennessee. santorum in red took all the big counties here from east to west with the exception of nashville. that is davidson county, romney did very well there four years ago. this time he won the county but not the state overall. your final tally, super tuesday, ten states now in the books, romney with six victories, santorum with three and newt gingrich won in georgia, his home state of georgia. chris stirewalt, fox news digital politics editor and the host of power play on foxnews.comlive tv, everywhere you want to find him, he's your guy. how you doing chris and good morning to you. >> reporter: i feel like i just left. bill: because we did stack up romney last night. he's a winner in six states, and from this point forward he goes to what? >> reporter: we talk about this all the time, but the truth is when you're the frontrunner you don't get credit for winning anything you're supposed to win. and so the situation for mitt romney is last night he did everything he needed to do. he needed to beat rick santorum in ohio. he needed to do that, and santorum needed to win in ohio to get the mo going. romney got what he needed but it wasn't the kind of knockout punch that he had before. i want to put it in some perspective for you. based on his performance last night, in that super tuesday, it was a better super tuesday for him on paper than it was for john mccain in super tuesday 2008. bill: really? based on the vote tally. >> reporter: based on the share of the popular vote. the number of states won, the percentage of the delegates won. it was the smaller super tuesday. the republicans have shr u.n. k their super tuesday. out of the ten states he wins six, he gets all the ones he's supposed to win. he wins alaska which was a little surprising and he overcame about a 10 or 15 minute santorum lead in ohio and did it. so mitt romney did enough. he hued out a win. bill: had he lost ohio the mainstream media would be saying, no republicans, romney lost ohio, therefore his campaign is dead in the water. >> reporter: and you think about what it would have meant to santorum to be able to twin a win in a southern propert state, that would have been a really big deal for rick santorum. bill: we talked with the romney count in boston about 30 minutes ago. he said, look, it's over. you can't catch us. you can stay in, you can continue to campaign and run, but you can't catch us. in separate hillary clinton was -- she was beating barack obama with blue collar voters. she was beating the women vote, well in her favor. in november of 2008 all those voters came home to barack obama. >> reporter: right. bill: if mitt romney for all the weaknesses that some find in his campaign right now, if he's the nominee, do all those voters on the conservative right come home to mitt romney. >> reporter: not all. some of them especially the paul voters may not. they may stay away. remember the other thing, and this is important, when you talk to conservative activists you see awareness has grown. the house is up, the senate is up, the republicans have the chance to take over the senate, i think there is a growing idea among republicans that say, let's be over with this presidential nonsense, nobody is going to be that enthusiasm as i can about any of the nominees but they are eager to start concluding the process and move on to the business of taking on obama. bill: i think it's a great point, i think the establishment says get it over with. i don't know what the public feels about that. >> reporter: the myth about the republican establishment. i've met them and it is them, it's all the people who complain about the republican establishment. tens of thousands of people across the country who are bloggers, local activists, party volunteers, they constitute them and i dein them a desire to have this con collide. bill: kansas on saturday, alabama mississippi on tuesday. what if gingrich and santorum split the states? >> reporter: great for romney if they split. if this you get in the south, the deep south is a split between gingrich and santorum romney is hroeufgt. they are not states he's likely to be able to win ain't keeps both of them in. what he doesn't want to see is one or the another's sweep them especially santorum sweep in the deep south and demonstrate he has the strength. that sets him up going into the next long slog for the month ahead with big wins in very important republican states, a lot of delegates. bill: thanks for getting up early. it's terrific to see you in new york and tell the family hello in washington. >> reporter: love it. bill: you're coming home soon. is a long republican primary good or pw-d for party?"america's newsroom" cast your vote right now. yes, it's good, no it's damaging. vote now, results are forthcoming before we sign off today. martha: to a story where a lot of folks think that a father may have gonna little bit too far. a hockey dad, listen to this. accused of pointing a laser light at players at the goalie while she was in the goal during a hockey game. does this sound strange to you? he's facing criminal charges now. julie banderas has more on this from our newsroom. i feel like i've seen a lot of stuff happen on the sidelines over my years as a sports mom. but i've never seen anybody point a laser at a hockey goal. >> reporter: i'm going to bet that you've probably never taken a bright green laser and shined them into the ice. ithe question is did he take it too far? well if you have the massachusetts police or a judge, well they say he did. spectators at the game would actually agree with them. they say they saw the whole thing happen. witnesses say they saw this man point a bright green laser into the eyes of the teenage goalie opposing his daughter's hockey team last week. as his daughter's team winthrop played its rivals, they tracked the laser beams to a man sitting by himself in the rink's upper bleachers. he had something tucked in his right hand which signed a hraeudzer at the goalie. after resraougt evidence authorities are charging the 42-year-old with disturbing the peace, a misdemeanor. police say they wanted to make sure that they had the appropriate charges and they didn't want to over charge him but didn't want to under charge him either, listen. >> i assume if there was serious injury involved the charges might escalate higher. >> reporter: he is expressing remorse, saying it was a stupid and completely immature thing to do. martha: what does the goalie say about this whole thing after practically being blinded by this laser after playing. >> reporter: she had no idea what was going on at the time. she said she thought someone was taking a picture of her. she sort of saw spots, kind of like when you see a spot when you look into the sun, when you look away all you can size the bright spot for a second. she obviously got distracted by this. and it could have cost the team the game. the team requested a rematch but the local athletic association decided to let winthrope's team win, which was a major disappointment. martha: they take ice hockey very seriously in tpa part of the country. i love that all the girls play ice hockey right now. it's a great sport. thank you very much band band. do you think parents should be shining green lazers into the opposing players eyes. bill: i actually don't. martha: come on it's not such a big deal. i'm kidding. bill: high gas prices, the white house has an idea when it's been tried before and failed. kit work this time? we'll tell you what that is all about. martha: he says the only way too kind iran from getting nukes is regime change and boots on the ground according to our next guest. it is a dramatic position and he will make his compelling argument to you. >> they don't spare life. they sue sport terrorism in the world, including what is happening in the united states. this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? 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[ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. bill: a news conference in afternoon in california to reveal a new apple ipad. there is also a news conference in indianapolis that could bring the independent of an era, the colts expected to part ways with star quarterback, the future hall of fame ir, peyton manning. he missed all of last season after a series of neck operations. >> it's a sad day i think to see peyton leave, because easement so much to the city and the colts. but it's just business, that's all it is. and i think he'll come back with a vengeance and we'll be hurt. bill: that is the end of a significant era. martha: it certainly is. bill: in nfl history. there is a team out there that will get a great quarterback. martha: we wish him well. he's had a enough time. but he's back. maybe he'll be better than ever. all right. so we have talked a lot in the past few days about the issue of a possible nuclear showdown with iran, and it will be a campaign issue to be sure over the course of the coming months. president obama blasted g.o.p. critics of his efforts to reach a diplomatic solution to this crisis with this jab for some of the republicans who would like to have his job. watch. >> that's my track record. now what is said on the campaign trail, you know, those folks don't have a lot of responsibilities. they are not commander-in-chief. and when i see the casualness with which some of these folks talk about war, i'm reminded of the costs involved in war. martha: joined now by j.d. gordon former defense department spokesman for donald rumsfeld and gates. good to have you with us jd, good morning to you. >> thanks for having me on the show today. martha: what was your reaction to what the president said there. >> i think it shows weakness. i think the only thing the iranian regime is pressure, and lots of it. the sanctions have been good, covert actions have been good, short of a game changer, short of massive military threats on iran you'll see iran has nuclear weapons within a year or a shorter period of time. martha: you say really the best course of action you believe is regime change in iran, and everybody knows we had an opportunity, and the president had many reasons he would site why he thought it was not night, in 2009 there was an opportunity to urge that along. how would you urge it along at this point will? >> i think we need to pick up where we should have been in 2009 during the green revolution. we had hundreds of thousands of iranians that wanted democracy. i think we should have fully backed the opposition then. i think right now we should be helping to organize them and train them and get them secure communications. i think that the best chance to stop iran from getting a nuclear weapon is regime change. even if we had air strikes there is no guarantee that is going to stop the program. it will delay it by a couple of years but it won't stop it. martha: you also talk about iran -- you're very concerned about iran's relationship with some countries in south america. and you feel according to what you said to me earlier this morning that it's possible we could have another cube inch missile crisis situation. explain that. >> absolutely. president ahmadinejad has traveled to the region a couple of times. i was in venezuela, bolivia recent leave. i met with a couple of bolivian senators in wrarbg ton. they told me there are will a hundred revolutionary guards. that are actually training people in bolivia at a alba school. that is the anti-u.s. block there. i think if iran should develop a nuclear weapon they could certainly try to interviews them into venezuela or bolivia, because both chavez is very anti-u.s. libya is very anti-u.s. we could have a cube inch missile crisis redux, and that really concerns me. martha: the president spoke about war tpa dealing and what ifatigue and what it means to commit our troops overseas and there is clearly an exhaustion with the efforts underway. the american people may not have the will for what you are talking about. >> what it comes down to is a choice, whether we want to act before iran has a nuclear weapon or after. and i think if we try to act after its going to be too late. i think you could see another type of a holocaust with israel unfortunately. it's a threat not only to israel but to the arab countries. saudi arabia is a staunch foe of iran. iran is also a threat to european to our own country. martha: i'm looking at pictures of some of the facilities we know about that are underway in iran. thank you very much for coming one. >> thanks, martha i appreciate you having me on the show. bill: "happening now" rolls your way in a moment. jon scott we go from studio j to studio h a mere 15 feet away. jon: right next door. how are you doing after a late night? i'm jon scott. we are digesting the results from super tuesday, ten states, no change in who is still in the race on the republican side. we have carl cameron, karl rove, chris wallace, mary katherine ham and juan williams on tap for analysis. new polls from scott rasmussen. and why gas prices could end up being a big issue in the upcoming election. plus the future for peyton manning, a big announcement expected at a live news conference about an hour and ten minutes from now. and iran agrees to six-party talks, but is this just another delay tactic for that rogue regime? we'll see you in a few minutes. bill. bill: you mentioned gas prices. a lot of democrats, the president pointing a finger of blame at speculators on wall street. jon, see you in a moment okay. the white house says they have a plan to fix all that, it involves another task force. will that do anything? martha: and these guys say that they are not heros. we have to disagree with that. see how these police officers ran toward danger. you'll hear the communications between the man who was threatened by that fire. incredible stuff. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? 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rich edson live in d.c. on that. what is a task force going to get done for us. >> reporter: president obama says he's reconstituting the task force to examine speculation. the administration created it last year. it involves several federal agencies and tasks them with watching oil markets for illegal activity. the department of justice official says the group is productive sharing information, however the task force has announced little more than its creation. many of the agencies involved say they are conducting their own investigations. when fox business contacted one agency involved a few weeks ago an official there wasn't even sure his office was part of the task force, bill. bill: rich, when they talk about speculators, what is the truth? how much of a role do they play? >> reporter: well it depends. you know with wide springs in oil prices officials have debated that for years. one analyst says a handful of factors have driven oil prices. mostly global demands and prices producing it and shipping it. bill: rich, thanks, from washington. thanks. martha: you know super tuesday has now officially come and gone, but the republican race far from over, folks. we want to know what you think about a long republican primary. is that a good thing or a bad thing for the republican party do you think? let us know, you can vote online."america's newsroom." you can send me a tweet at martha maccallum or at bill hemmer for my friend here. bill: 140 characters or less, so make it count. martha: we'll be back. kiss those lines goodbye! discover juvéderm® xc, the smooth gel filler your doctors uses to instantly smooth out those parentheses lines around your nose and mouth for up to a year! temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps or risk of infecon. lose those lines! the way you look with juvéderm® xc, might just change the way you look at everything. ask your doctor and visit a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ @? i'm always looking for new ways to help me manage my diabetes. so, where to next? take a look at this. freestyle lite test strips? they need just a third the blood of onetouch ultra. really? 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