and mayor cummings widow may get in. baltimore has been run by democrats for a long time. how do you break that democratic power structure. >> it's going to be tough. i need help from anyone and everyone that can possibly help me. it's going to be an uphill battle. a lot of people said, are you crazy? i'm a person going to knock on every day and shake every hand and listen to everyone in the community and figure out what to do to make a difference. i just hold your audience, everyone could maybe go to my website and it's live now, kim k for 22512, kim k. i'm-- >> you sound like-- >> i said it better than he did. ed: thank you very much. >> thank you. ed: we'll follow your campaign and a lot of campaigns as we head democracy 2020 as we call it. and missing in iran for 12 years. tehran making a stunning