been searching the area for watson. we will keep you updated on this developing story. >> another fox news alert. we are learning new details about a foiled terror plot. a christmas tree lighting ceremony, i'm julie banderas. >> gregg: and i'm gregg jarrett. the f.b.i. busting a somali born teenager last night. agents say he was about to detonate a van that he thought was filled with explosives but that bomb was actually a fake, begin to the suspect by under cover federal agents. >> julie: 19-year-old man allegedly told the agents he knew women and children would be killed but said, i'm quoting, it's going to be a fireworks show, a spectacular show. casey stegall is following the story for us. >> reporter: they say the plan was months or years in the making. the teen told police according to affidavit that has he chose portland because, quote, it's oregon and no one seems to think about it. he went on according to the affidavits that he wanted to attack people when they were in their own element. when families are celebrating the holidays. it shows how calculated the plotted was. however, police say the hundreds of spectators at this christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown portland last night were never in danger. that is because the f.b.i. had conducted an undercover operation. the feds say 19-year-old mohamud had been in regular contact with an associate in northern pakistan since 2009 where we know there is a taliban stronghold. agents learned of this and contacted mohamud pretending to be an affiliated terror network. they supplied the teen with fake explosives which he allegedly loaded up in a van. police swooping in and making the arrests from the somali born teen after he dialed a cell phone that was intended to detonate that bomb. now witnesses say mohamud was yelling god is great as he was carried away. he has been charged with attempted use of weapons of mass destruction. they are trying to ig out who this young man is. again, we know he was born in somalia but he was naturalized citizen of the united states. >> gregg: saudi arabia announcing a crackdown on al-qaeda. busting 149 suspected terrorists over the last eight months all accused of plotting attacks on security officials as well as journalists. the announcement coming at a time of deep concern over the recent al-qaeda in yemen that shares the long border with saudi arabia. the group has been linked to plots to blow up aircraft and the shooting at fort hood. >> julie: department of homeland security is cracking down on piracy online. having dummy names rerouted and replacing their pages with a warning saying the sites have been seized in critic goods. some owners say they were guilty of copyright infringement. >> gregg: president obama calling for a real and honest discussion on taxes just ahead of a key meeting. white house on tuesday, molly henneberg is live in washington with more on that. >> molly: there is not agreement on this issue. republicans want to extend the bush era tax cuts for all americans but president obama and congressional democrats say the government cannot afford to lose all that tax money coming in and they want to extend tax cuts for families making $250,000 or less. that is about 98% of taxpayers. he said that democrats and republicans need to work on this quote to keep our economy moving forward. >> next week i invited the leadership to the white house for a real and honest discussion. i believe if we stop talking at one another, start talking with one another we be get a lot done. >> mitch mcconnell said democrats should make this the top priority of the week of the lame duck session, but they aren't. mcconnell says they plan to use the last few days that lawmakers expect to spend in washington this year to prevent this tax hike which will cost more jobs. a repeople of the don't ask don't tell, a reorganization of the fda and more environmental regulations. as for the meeting that is coming up at the white house, it's expected to include democratic and republican leaders from both the house and senate. >> julie: it may be a lame duck session of the congress but lawmakers are facing a lot of deadlines on a number of key issues this week including coming to some sort of agreement on the extending of the bush tax cuts. that is the huge issue. avoiding the shutdown of the federal government. president obama is inviting republican and democratic leaders to the white house tuesday night and try to avoid a standoff on this and other issues. so what has to be done to avoid a standoff? campaign reporter for the hill, is there anything to avoid the standoff when he meets them on tuesday? >> i'm not sure that anything that president obama says in this meeting is going to create some sort of bipartisan meeting of the minds on capitol hill when congress returns. the problem is this lame duck session is so jam packed and democrats have chosen not only deal with the bush era tax cut issue. they have to fund the federal government, the continuing resolution expires at the end of next week. but they have the dream act. they put don't ask, don't tell on the table. there is so many issues in such a short time. >> julie: i just want to the touch again on the tax cuts and obviously what is at issue the republicans are very adamant about extending the tax cuts for all households including those households with less than $250,000. democrats say they can't afford the $700 billion of fax cuts and tax cuts are handed out to middle-class but obama has said he is willing to compromise. how carefully do you think he will side with republicans that will take control of the house? >> i think there is going to be some compromise and moving toward that. i think what is going to happen for sure is that there will be at least two votes. this is everybody's expectation, a vote on what democrats want which is the extension of the tax cuts for just the middle-class and be another vote in the senate presumably for what senator mitch mcconnell and republicans want which is a permanent extension. neither one of those votes is expected to pass the senate. the realization here is there is going to have to be some compromise and to the chagrin of a lot of democrats on the left and many libs, it does appear that the white house and president obama is willing to compromise with republicans on this. ultimately, you'll see it end up. >> julie: we would need an hour to go through the other issues in depth, but i just have about a minute for us to go through some of them. senate is expected to vote on long stalled food safety modernization act, increasing agricultural inspections and record keeping. number two, a measure to ban all earmarks. gregg gets fired up because he has done a bunch of stories on this. they direct them to specific projects in their home state. ending earmarks was a campaign theme but it was also supported by democrats. how do you think the ban on earmarks will vote? >> that will be interesting fight. in the senate and the house have already voted within their respective caucuses to ban earmarks but it certainly when it comes down, when some of the bills get to the floor and some of the earmarks that are in them that will be an interesting exchange. it's one of many things that could grind this to a halt. >> julie: also the deficit reduction commission, due to release a report on wednesday in reducing the deficit and coping with rising social security and medicare costs. and congress needs to vote to fund the federal government because the existing measures expire on friday. now, congress could consider a one or two week extension to avoid a shutdown, what happens if there is a federal government shutdown? >> that would be disaster for both major parties. that is the thinking among republican leaders. the republican leadership does not want a government shutdown. they don't want a standoff over the deficit and spending to lead to that. i think that is unlikely. i think the option that are out there of a one or two-week extension to put this off and continue debate. right now that looks to be the most likely scenario. i would not anticipate a government shutdown. maybe when we get to the new year and raising the debt ceiling, that option is a little more likely depending on the posture that republicans take. >> julie: and gays openly serving in the military, also the dream act which you touched on. we do have to wrap up here, but that is an immigration measure many may not know about, which would provide young people a path to citizenship. its controversial one. how will that vote? >> both the two bills, i think they will unlikely to gain passage, there is not enough time for debate and given the controversy, i don't think it's going to happen. shine, thank you so much. >> gregg: a major cold snap is blasting california especially northern california. temperatures tying record lows over the thanksgiving holidays. meteorologist maria, checking sonoma which dipped in the 20s, truckee, 8 degrees below zero. this is major, isn't it? >> it's all because of an arctic front that dipped down there and brought on that brutally cold air, all that snow that we saw earlier this week. and guess what, we have another front saturday night into sunday. this will continue to move on eastward. all these winter storm warnings and advisories across the region. good news it's not going to be as bad as the last one. so we don't have any blizzard warnings out but keep in mind the gusty wind will definitely producing near zero visibility. so drive carefully. a lot of snow across the sierras and move eastward and impact parts of utah. northeast, another low pressure bringing lake effect snow. most of that is dying down so that is definitely good news. we had one snowfall and brought out had a snow north of syracuse and continued to dissipate. some improvement is in store for the northeast, but, check out the precip bringing that snow right there. >> gregg: we're ready to snap on the skis and head to the snow. >> julie: it's going to be an annual tradition. >> julie: we normally to have stay at paul's house but -- >> police are searching for the husband of christy martin. james martin accused of stabbing his wife tuesday night. christy martin says her husband attacked her during an argument. she later made her way out to the street and flagged down some people. you know the three teens rescued after two months at sea reportedly now admitting it was all for a girl. the two 15-year-olds and 14-year-old spent 50 days and three surviving on a bag of coconuts a seagull and they captured. they are now back at home and small village. they admit they were going to see a girl who caught their eye. she apparently visited their island for a sports tournament. emboldened by alcohol consumption they stole the boat and ended up stranded trying to reach her island. >> julie: the website wikileaks, you guys will never learn. >> they are set to release sensitive documents warning allies that the diplomatic fallout from the leak but can anything be done to plug the leak. >> most people come home from the vacation with stories of fun and games. then there is the expectations when something goes wrong and vacation turns into a fight for survival. we're going to bring you some of the biggest jaw droppers ahead. you won't want to miss the videotape we are going to show you. >> how to handle this treacherous trail. whoa -- of vitamins, fiber, or minerals. and who brings you more natural colors than campbell's condensed soups? 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[ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it coulbe?! what's in your wallet? >> julie: time for a look at the headlines. the u.s. and south korea moving forward with joint military exercises despite heightened tension with north korea right now. north warning that drills could lead to unpredictable consequences and threatening retaliation. >> iraq's prime minister says there is no need for u.s. troops to stay beyond next year. an agreement between iraq and u.s. have them leaving by the end of 2011. nouri al-maliki offering comments that iraqi forces will be able to handle security on their own. >> in afghanistan, two homicide bombers disguised as police blowing themselves up and killing four officers and wounded 11 others. >> gregg: the united states is bracing for a diplomatic nightmare. wikileaks website is run by this guy, julian assange is set to release sensitive government documents, this time diplomatic messages. the united states is warning allies the files may include candid and embarrassing comments on foreign leaders and governments. is there anything to be done to plug the leak? jamie is ceo of the global security form fcg international. about we talk about how to plug this thing, how to stop it, is this a serious challenge to national security for the united states? if so, assess forth how many damage it's going to do. >> it is a challenge to the united states. this is a threat. the people out there can kind of think like a conversation you might have with your attorney. you have the attorney-client privilege. right before trial somebody comes out and release all your confidential communications with your lawyer. that is what is going on here in the international arena. we've got united states trying to have a conversation with our diplomatic partners in countries and cabling back and forth between offices and agencies within our own government. in there, we're going to assess this particular person, this government and now all of this is made public. it hampers our diplomatic ability. >> gregg: in the past. assange has revealed sources of intel whose lives are now in jeopardy and some of whom may have already been killed. julian assange is on record on saying that he wants to defeat the united states' efforts in two wars, iraq and afghanistan, which would be a clear act of war against the united states, aiding and abetting the enemy. mark thesen has written about the c.i.a. here is what he wrote on the washington post. wikileaks is not a news organization its criminal enterprise. it's existence is to get classified information and disseminate it. it's likely a violation of the espionage act and supported for terrifically. jamie, should he be indicted for espionage? >> i made the same comments two months ago when we had the last leak like this. yes. this guy is as much a threat to the united states and should be pursued just as vigorously as those that we have sitting in guantanamo bay right now he is already an alleged criminal, he is wanted for rape and stand trial for those things. we have him doing this. if he were working for the russians, working for cuba, this would be somebody we would be seeking to capture and place on trial for espionage. what used to happen is a foreign agent would have access -- you remember about a decade or so, russians were accused of having penetrated the state department and placed a listening device. that is how it worked. today you can do it off shore and hire a kid in his garage you can do this. >> gregg: which is why we have the ability to disrupt julian assange's operation because we establish the u.s. cyber command. all it takes is an order by the president, president obama and we could eliminate wikki leaks ability to disseminate information. they can disable or shut down wikileaks. sit frustrating to you that we haven't done it? >> well, what it is, it's like trying to get urine out of a swimming pool if you'll pardon the analogy. once it gets out there, it will be on multiple servers and that is what happened with the previous leaks. we got the same thing going now. yes, it is frustrating because you are correct. our government has the capability to knock this system off line. even if they have multiple servers in multiple countries we can take the threat out. why is it not happening, because they waged a very good public relations war. it's in the media and everybody knows this and if it went off line, we'll get the finger pointed back at us. there are things we can do to plug the leak. but really, what the exposure has done more than anything else it exposes the weakness in our own classification system within our government. >> gregg: too many people have too much access to critical information and we got to stop that. the on office of it is chilling effect on our ability to communicate. jamie smith, former c.i.a. officer, thank you so much. >> julie: this is a fox news alert. pakistan saying that a cargo plane has crashed into a residential area soon after takeoff in pakistan's largest city. this happening in karachi. saying that the cargo plane crashed in the largest city, casualties are feared. 8 people were on board. it is not clear yet whether anyone was hurt or killed on the ground. however, according to the associated press there are casualties and could potentially be due to this crash. we're making calls on this right now. no word on whether it was just an accident. a cargo plane crashing in one of the largest cities does raise eyebrows. we'll stay on top of this story as we get more information. it's been ten and a half months since the earthquake in haiti destroying countless homes and killing hundreds of thousands of people. sadly there is little improvement on the ground for those that survived the disaster. >> reporter: in port-au-prince more than a million men, women and children live in conditions no one should be forced to endure. they are densely packed into tents, where there is no privacy and scarce water. thousands are crowded here. the shelters were quickly constructed now have extra layers of tarp material. there is nowhere else to go. they watch close for anyone who can pay. she has five children to feed and is determined to find any kind of work. >> we have to help ourselves instead of begging. >> reporter: but people are resilient and proud and a will not just to survive but to thrive. this young lady hopes to one day go to college. roughly nine months since we first visited here there has been some changes because of the proximity to the national palace. they have priority. they have run electricity and few camps that has electricity most days of the week. a risky wiretap is how some manage to get electricity. for a small tee they hook up families in tents. it's a luxury at this location where the priority is finding a. >> how do you get money to eat? >> those that put the tents on the private land face another set of issues. they will eventually be forced to move. this is where we met a woman, her tent in the corner. she has no food or water and nothing to feed her nine children. there are tents as far as the eye can see, on hillsides and next to overcrowded roadways. trash and animals nose through piles of garbage. but we found a slightly different sight like this. there are signs of more. there are more than 1300 tent encampments each with the own problems and everyone has unique story and families hope they are one day closer to putting their lives back together again. >> gregg: police are now finding a body in the same area they have been searching for this missing college student, jenni-lynn watson. we'll have a live report straight ahead. 3q if you have osteoporosis, and you take once-monthly boniva, check out the myboniva program. it's free to join, and it shows you lots of ways to help improve your bone strength. like bone-healthy exercises that are easy to do. boniva works with your body to help stop and reverse bone loss. and myboniva gives you calcium-rich recipes... monthly reminders... and even a month of boniva, free. so call or go to and sign up now. 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>> these are not the days of the wild, wild west where we allow people to fight in arenas to death. i understand that the duty to retreat and analyzing that when you are in your own home, you should protect your castle but to extend that outward like barriers of businesses and homes and street. it's far too much because it encourages confrontation. duty to retreat means we're going to prevent, we're going to avoid. we need to prevent these things. the governor did the absolute thing. >> gregg: bob, you disagree, why? >> let's take that horrible story we just heard this girl was found murdered. if she had a gun she would be alive. bottom line is the fact we should have the right as citizens to defend ourselves and gregg, has it always been, correct me if i'm wrong, that you and i have the right to exercise reasonable force from deadly force? i mean why all of a sudden why can't we defend ourselves on the street? >> gregg: a lot of laws imposes people on out the street to the duty to retreat. here is what the altuna newspaper said in an editorial when they argued in favor of the governor. why should pennsylvanians outside their home to have run away when somebody is going to kidnap or kill or rape them? why, indeed, joey, why do we have to run away. >>? >> i think that overstates the case. we have enough violence in the streets of america today. when you have a bill like this which is basically a shoot first measure, what is troubling about this to me is that it's a perception bill. what i perceive to be. if i perceive myself to be threatened i should stand my ground guns ablazing. >> joey, you and i know, every case the law is on the books or turn on the fact you'll determination by a drier of fact. >> the bottom line. >> the bottom line i give more credit to citizens of this country. i would guarantee that most reasonable people, even if they have the opportunity they will attempt to retreat but if there is impending deadly force, it doesn't matter if you are at a home or street or restaurant or some woods where this girl was murdered by some animal, shot the guy 50 times. >> here is the problem the status of law you would be protected. understand what is happening here. in the event that you need to exercise self-defense or otherwise prevent impending danger you can do that. if there is an imminent threat because in that situation we are not being emboldened by a law that encourages lawlessness. there is a reason that district attorneys, law enforcement throughout pennsylvania lines up against this bill because it encourages.... >> gregg: i'm wondering whether, thinking of the second amendment recently upheld by the u.s. supreme court giving rights to states -- i'm whether if that is being violated as well as pennsylvania's constitution. quote, the right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves in the states shall not be questioned. doesn't, bob, the current law which imposes the duty to retreat in pennsylvania violate the state's constitution? >> do i love the facts that you bring that up. gregg, when we got this subject, i know you well enough you are going to dig into it. i absolutely agree. you did your job as journalist and lawyer and as a presenter. there is a constitutional issue. >> i disagree. >> the constitution has been a responsive document. we know that the united states has a constitution, we have the second amendment. does that mean the states cannot reasonably regulate the right to bear arms? there are laws on the books regulating a person's ability. >> gregg: they can regulate it as long as they don't violate the constitution and if they do, then the law passed by the legislature is unconstitutional, right, bob? >> i'm with you. let me tell you the one thing about this law that i wish also. i do agree with the civil immunity part of it. that would be good but the civil immunity because we see too many cases but for my i have no problem. somebody is coming at me, you know what i'm going to do. >> gregg: we do know what you are going to do. it's the wild west out there. okay, bob, joey, great to see you guys. >> julie: if you brave the chaos in the stores the past few days, there are some good deals but the lines and the stress over spending. there has to be a better way, right? 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[ female announcer ] for a noticeably whiter smile. crest 3d white toothpaste. you can see the driver tumbling like a towel in clothes dryer. they make a terrifying discovery as they rush to help. >> i couldn't believe he didn't have a seat belt on. >> julie: wow, that is when vacations attack and next time you go on vacation, this series may make you safer and sound. you have had bad experiences on vacation. we don't have enough time to go there, but this you have never experienced. >> gregg: i've seen the videotape on this. this is show that premieres tomorrow night, 8:00 eastern time on the travel channel. joining us to talk about it is host of burt the conqueror. let's begin with the clip number one. so, you spend your vacation and up in the air. this is southern california and on jet blue and all of a sudden, something happens. explain this one? >> i saw this live, gregg, because i was in l.a. watching this happen. you watch the footage of the guys about to land the plane but this is better because they have a dude that has camera on himself. didn't say anything, just left him and he is saying goodbye to her in camera and videotaping the stewardesses and it's insane. >> the landing gear wasn't working. you would think that something would blow up but great john by the pilot, didn't happen. >> julie: there was an unforgettable mountain biking adventure that went wrong. tell us about that? >> it's a slow roll. you see it coming. the guy slowly, like when you cut your knife when you are thopg up tomatoes or potatoes and you cut your finger. >> julie: 150 feet up. >> if he lives and then he has to get back on the bike and ride ten miles out of there. i bet that was a slow ride back. >> gregg: you hear the guy saying, okay and you hear this voice, not really. >> no one dies but it is funny saying, are you okay? the guy says i'm not doing so good. >> gregg: this is the one that made my heart jump, 12-year-old boy he is skiing with his folks in part city, utah. take it from there? >> he goes and they pull him around. he has hooked up here and helmet and he starts strangling himself. like high noon, she suffocating. the best part about this. if there is anything good that comes out of this, you learn if you get caught in this situation how to get out of it. he takes the helmet and he falls 30 feet, unconscious. >> gregg: there he goes. >> julie: he is unconscious at that point. all he had was a bloody nose. >> julie: and video of a jeep rolling down a cliff. a bunch of buddies were on camping trip and they saw the jeep traveling down a narrow path and it looks like they are trying to back up and then what happens? >> you here the commentary holding the video camera. i don't think he is going to make out. and somebody might want to rescue the guy. he is not wearing his seat belt. you watch the guy getting thrown around like a rag doll but gets up and walks out. that is about it. >> gregg: this next one, a bunch of surfers and spectators in northern california, half moon bay which i used to go to all the time. suddenly, there is a maverick wave. tell us? >> rogue waves, i think about this every time at the beach. i keep one eye on the horizon. the best part of the video is there is a guy, you have to watch this tomorrow night, this guy, right there. he goes to pull up his pants and i'm going out to sea. you watch it. it's hilarious. >> julie: burt, thank you very much. it premieres tomorrow night 8:00. it pack as a lot of adventure. >> gregg: thanks, burt. >> fox news alert we are waiting for the autopsy results on the woman's body that was found in clay, new york. police believe it is that of a missing student jenni lynn watson. we'll have a live report straight ahead. 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do we know yet? >> what we are hear from eyewitness reports that the right engine caught fire soon after takeoff. this is a russian made plane flying on its way from karachi, which is pakistan's second biggest city. carrying relief goods. they came down at 1:45 a.m. local time, crashing in a a residential neighborhood. we understand that it actually landed on a house and killed a family who were inside. three bodies so far have been removed from the wreckage, plus it was eight crew members who were on board the plane. nationalities, mostly pakinstanis who are dead, but two foreigners, the pilot and copilot, we believe. their nationalities have as yet to be released. one body is being recovered from the debris. we expect the casualty figures to mount as the rescue crews try to gain access to the scene. at the moment, these are just ablaze that they're trying to put under control. wondering about the cause of this, we have seen cargo planes targeted by al-qaeda and there are elements of that here in pakistan. although, the majority of militants are taliban related. news coming here. we'll have more for you as soon as it comes. >> julie: thank you very much. >> gregg: we're getting new details on the christmas tree lighting event in portland. the police arresting this guy, mohamed osman mohamud. he was nabbed in an undercover sting operation. federal agents say he dialed his cell phone he thought would detonate that van that was filled with explosives. casey stegall is following this for us live in los angeles. >> the teen-ager originally caught the f.b.i.'s eye last year after he was allegedly in regular e-mail contact with an associate in northern pakistan, which we know for sure is a major taliban stronghold. fast forward then to this year, over the summer when f.b.i. agents reached out to the 19-year-old, contacted him pretending to be part of a terror network. and then over the next several months, the f.b.i. had regular contact with mohamed osman mohamud, and he allegedly told them of his plot, quote, to target a huge mass, like families celebrating the holiday. according to affidavits, he went on to name the christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown portland last week as his target. that's when agents provided fake bombs to him. associates sweeping in after the arrest after the suspect dial add cell phone that was intended to detonate that device, a van packed with explosives. mohammed was born in somalia, but was a naturalized citizen of the united states and told police he had been thinking of commit ago violent jihad since the age of 15 and thought portland would be a good spot because, quote, it's oregon. nobody ever thinks about it. he has been charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and police are quick to point out that no spectators at the celebration were ever in danger because the explosives were fake and the whole thing was a set-up. we also want to point out authorities believe he was, in fact, acting alone and not part now of a larger terror organization. the information still unraveling and coming in and we're following it closely for you. >> gregg: casey stegall with the latest, thank you. >> julie: next week's lame duck session of congress will be focusing on taxes. they are set to expire. president obama is calling for a real and honest discussion with bipartisan congressional leaders when they meet at the white house on tuesday. molly henneberg is live in washington. what's the main point of contention between the two sides? >> hi. what to do with the tax rates for american families making over $250,000. as you were saying, the breaks are set to -- bush era tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this other i wouldn't. republicans want to extend the cuts for everyone. but president obama and congressional democrats want to extend them for families making $250,000 or less. so far no compromise between the two sides. the president says that's where next tuesday's meeting at the white house comes in. >> i believe that if we stop talking at one another and start talking with one another, we can get a lot done. what we are called to do again today isn't about democrats or republicans. it's not about left or right. it's about us. >> the leaders of both parties and the house and senate are expected to head to the white house on tuesday morning for that meeting. julie. >> julie: republicans argued this could also hit small businesses as well as families. right? >> yes. specifically those small business owners who file business income as part of their personal tax returns. the top gop senator, mitch mcconnell, is urging democrats to cut spending rather than to allow any of the tax cuts to expire. he said last week, quote, after adding trillions to the debt on big government policies, most americans didn't ask for and which we couldn't afford, democratic leaders say they need more money, which they intend to take from small business, even though small businesses create the majority of new jobs. americans don't think we should be raising taxes on anybody, especially in the middle of a recession. democrats counter that only 3% of small businesses would be affected by allowing the tax cuts to expire for families making over $250,000. julie. >> julie: molly henneberg, thank you so much. >> gregg: most americans agree that taxes are at the top of their list. according to a new usa today gallup poll, 56% say preventing an estate tax increase is very important. 50% believe the focus should be on extending the bush tax cuts. much lower down on priority list include 32% favor repealing don't ask, don't tell. the ban on gays serving openly in the military. and 31% would like to see the dream act passed, giving a path to citizenship for children of illegals. so what, if anything, will this lame duck session of congress actually pass? let's bring in our political panel, alex alexander, ron, former senior advisor, trent lott. harry reid wants to vote not only on the dream act, but don't ask don't tell. the president says i want a vote on the new nuclear arms treaty revised and millions of americans and businesses are saying, huh-uh. we want you to do something on taxes. is the democratic leadership in congress tone deaf? >> no. obviously democrats in congress know that the extension of bush tax cuts is going to be the number one issue for this lame duck congress. obviously democrats and rips have different ideas as to what we need to do to get there, which tax cuts should be extended, should we increase tax cuts for small businesses? >> gregg: shouldn't she focus on tax cuts? any goodness, it takes them a month to rename a post office. maybe they really ought to concentrate on tax cuts. >> certainly they should get that one day first before think move to other topics and my understanding is that is what they are planning to do. but considering that this is going to be the most contentious piece of legislation that they look at, it will take more time for them to negotiate that deal. >> gregg: ron, one of the bills that harry reid is promising a vote on would extend the existing tax rates for everybody making under $250,000, which by the way, is most americans, but republicans are vowing that they're going to block that. does your party run the risk of becoming the political villain here? >> you know, i think the american people spoke loud and clear in november and they said they want lower taxes and they want lower spending. that's what republicans are planning to do because they know they won the house majority not because of a mandate, because the americans gave them another chance. >> gregg: they blocked the proposal by harry reid, you guys are going to look bad, aren't you? >> i don't think so. i think what we're going to do is say, we need to prevent tax hikes for everyone, including smu businesses, which is the job engine creation of america's economy. >> gregg: ron, if your party is genuinely serious about cutting the deficit as it claims to be, how can it justify extending the top marginal rate, which will add $750 billion to the deficit of the next decade? >> yeah. we're talking about keeping the tax rates in place. the democrats would love to take that money and spend it on other programs and waste it. and right now we want to keep those tax rates the same. >> gregg: if you do that, it adds $750 billion to the deficit, is my question. >> no, the more you keep the tax rate the same, the rates the same, the more you create certainty for small businesses, they say okay. we know that we're not going to have tax hike, we're going to start hiring people and we start growing the economy. >> gregg: that's the fair answer. there are reports the president is waiting for congress to act on the tax cuts and many in congress are waiting for the president to take action and he has refused so far to say even whether he would veto an extension of all the tax cuts. is the president leading or following here and if it's the latter, doesn't that kind of reinforce the negative image of him? >> no. i think that what we'll see happen is tuesday after the leadership goes to the white house, we'll see where people are on certain issues. democrats have several proposals on a compromise on this issue, one of which would be increasing the cap to a million dollars, one would be taking the money that would be saved by not extending the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans and putting that towards additional small business tax cuts. i think we'll see where everyone stands on tuesday. president obama has said from the beginning that he strongly favors extending tax cuts for families making less than $250,000 a year. as you said, gregg, the real issue is going to be on those families with higher incomes and whether or not republicans come to the table and play ball. >> gregg: it's the same thing over and over again. the president does get criticized for this. he decided he wasn't really gog take a position on health care. we're going to let nancy pelosi and harry reid make the decisions on that. of course, it's wildly unpopular, according to polls. now you got him saying the same thing when it comes to tax cuts. i'm not going to lead. i'm going to let them do it. isn't that a problem for him? >> no. i think the president always sets out broad principles. let's remember, he is a former senator. i think he has a little more respect for the process than some of his predecessors did. >> gregg: how is that working for him since he got shellacked a couple of tuesdays ago? >> i wouldn't necessarily agree that it had to do with the policy per say. >> gregg: the exit polls say it did. the exit poll voters said it had to do with the president's policies. >> that's a whole other topic for another time. >> gregg: i'll let you off the hook there. ron, last question. your party, fair and balanced here, your fair has another problem in the lame duck session. i mean, the gop is promising to vote against any extension of the jobless benefits for families that are roughly 2 million workers in america. if they do that while simultaneously pushing for an extension of the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans, doesn't that reinforce an image that the gop only cares about rich folks and not the poor or middle class? >> well, what i think you'll end up finding is that this negotiation goes right up until almost christmas eve and that we'll have some deal where you'll have an extension of unemployment benefits to some period of time. the congress has done that repeatedly. but what republicans are looking for is the extension of the tax rates, prevent the tax hikes from going up. >> gregg: are you telling me that the gop will go along with extending unemployment benefits? >> i think you have to look at the fine print to see what that deal would say. but i think in the end, they're going to do is something for the unemployed. but i think you'll see the democrats keep coming towards republicans with different proposals to extend the tax rates, which is a huge signal and huge admission that in the end, they're probably going to end up going along with this, 85 to 95% of the deal. >> gregg: good to see you both. thank you. >> thanks. >> julie: the u.s. and south korea pushing ahead with war games set to begin in just hours from now. sparking new warnings from north korea in what has been a deadly and tense week. growing ager and demands for retaliation over the north deadly artillery bombardment. malini wilkes has the latest. >> north korea is suggesting the u.s. and south korea share some of the blame for this week's conflict and casualties. the north shelled a south korean island tuesday, killing four people, two marines and two civilians. crews began rebuilding damaged homes, the north declared seoul was partly responsible, claiming the south used its own civilians as human shields, then hiked the casualties for propaganda. they accused the u.s. of willfully orchestrating the conflict to justify including a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and joint u.s.-south korean war exercises planned for sunday in the yellow sea. sharp words from south korea, at a funeral for the two marines killed tuesday, one commander promised his troops would take 1,000 fold revenge. as protesters demanded tougher action, washington and seoul kept pressing china, the main ally, to restrain the north. chinese envoys met with south korean officials saturday. in a tv interview, president obama stressed the importance of beijing's role. >> china is a country that has influence on north korea, one of the few, and i've communicated before and will communicate again to china that it's important that they stand firm and make clear to north korea that there are a set of international rules that they need to abide by. >> the north calls sunday's war maneuver has provocation. china is not terribly thrilled about having u.s. warships off its coast line. julie. >> julie: thank you so much. how much more volatile can the situation with north korea get? coming up, we'll talk live with the former u.s. army vice chief of staff on what can and should be done to avoid an all out war. >> gregg: iran's first nuclear plant now fueled up, it's ready to go. iran's nuclear chief is saying the reactor will begin providing electricity to iranian cities by late january. the power plant built with russian help faced years of delays and american officials say they are not concerned about this power plant because safeguards are in place to make sure that spent nuclear fuel will be returned to russia. it cannot be divert to do weapons making, but there is concern that part of the plant is an energy program being used to cover up a secret nuclear weapons program. >> julie: iranian officials reporting today they foil add hijacking attempt on a plane carrying iranian lawmakers. state radio reporting the plane was heading to damascus and minutes from landing when a man on board said he was going to hijack the air bus. security guards arrested him and disarmed him. but there are no details on what kind of weapon he was carrying. >> gregg: bitter cold and snowy weather hitting parts of great britain, northern ireland and france. forecasters are saying it is not easing up any time soon. the temperatures expected to dip even further in the next several days. some schools shut down for a couple of days. and there are heavy snow warnings for parts of scotland and britain's east coast line. maria here with a look at the weather there. >> not a whole lot different. reports of over a foot of snow across northeast england and parts of asksland and guess what? snow across parts of northeast. specifically in the tug hill plateau. we saw the snow move through. now south of syracuse and albany and beginning to taper offer just a bit. just clouds and light snow about an additional inch is possible throughout the next couple of hours. we'll begin to see some improvement as we head into tomorrow. sunday, a lot nicer across northeast. more shine, but still a little chilly. across the west, we have a trough of low pressure bringing in additional snowfall. we have feet of snow reported across the higher elevations and that's going to continue. there are several warnings and advisories across the region. this storm, as we head into late tonight and sunday, will begin to see the brunt of it across parts of the higher elevations of utah. its -- otherwise, not as bad as what we saw in the west. >> gregg: that's a lot of snow. thanks very much. >> julie: a violent stand-off in a brazilian slum. take a listen. more than a thousand armed police officers have the area surrounded and now they're issuing an ultimatum. and who wouldn't want to spend money? the reality sisters putting on, well, putting out their own debit card aimed at kids. we'll take a close look at the fine print next. >> julie: police in new york now confirming the body discovered earlier today is, in fact, that of jenni-lynn watson when went mittsing from her parents' home for more than a week now. police also saying that they have made an arrest in this case. jenni-lynn's boyfriend of 18 months, season piper, under arrest. he willer arraigned later tonight and charged with her murder. we'll have is a live report coming up later this hour with more details as we get them in. >> gregg: also making headlines this hour, federal agents say the 19-year-old arrested in that plot to bomb a christmas tree lighting ceremony in portland has been on their radar since last year. law enforcement officials telling the associated press he believes mohamed osman mohamud was acting alone. two homicide bombs exploded at police headquarters in afghanistan close to the pakistan border. 12 police officers killed in the blast. the bombers made their way through three security gates disguised in police uniforms. the taliban now claiming responsibility for that attack. and brazilian police in a stand-off with drug traffickers in rio telling them to turn themselves in. more than 1,000 officers have surrounded a shanty town where drug traffickers are believed to be holed up. >> julie: we are hours away from a scheduled new round of war games off the korean peninsula. the u.s. and south korea planning to go ahead with naval exercises despite warnings from north korea in the face of this week's deadly artillery attack that killed four people on a south korean island. all this as a new poll comes out on where americans stand on this. 46% saying we should provide military aid to south korea allies with 29% saying we should not. but 39% say any military aid should not be in the form of additional u.s. troops. what options are on the table? general jack keane is a fox news contributor and former vice chief of staff of u.s. army. thank you for talking to us. it's interesting that according to those polls, they say that the u.s. should help south korea, our ally, however, we should not send more troops. right now we've got about 28,000 troops in south korea. how does south korea defend itself against the north without pouring more troops into south korea? >> first of all, we would obviously send considerable troops and considerable air power and significant amount of maritime power as well. so make no mistake about that. what is happening now is which is largely symbolic. we're reinitiating the exercise. we're sending a small number of ship, including aircraft carriers. that message is designed to tell the north koreans that the united states, under this administration, will defend south korea just as any previous administration would and it's sending a loud message to the chinese as well to get them involved in this and helping take control of this unpredictable, belligerent ally that they have. >> julie: this is not the first time that north korea has done this before. they flex their muscle. they've got a new regime, kim jung-il's son, who has no experience is soon to be taking control. is this how they're trying to set a precedent of some sort, trying to tell south korea and tell china that when the son takes control, this will be the new dictatorship, if you will, a continuing power of kim jung-il's son? >> that's been the pattern before and seems to be in play again. this is consolidating this youngster's power base who is about to take over from his father, sending a clear message to the country itself and also to south korea and the region that he's going to be very much in charge. so that's part of this. there is other issues certainly on the table. they want concessions. they want to get back to the six party talks, will be the vehicle for those concessions. the good news, i think, is the administration is playing this about perfectly in terms of not going back to those talks, standing tough, and unwilling to concede anything to them and get them to back away from heightening this crisis. >> julie: it's been 60 years since the close of the korean war. the u.n. drew a border at the close, which considers waters around the island, the south territory that is the island, the north attacked. the north obviously doesn't recognize the border and still doesn't so many years later. and as a result, south korean civilians and military personnel were killed. can this border be reinforced without going to war? >> well, the border has been in contention over these years. i don't think we'll make much improvements over that issue. that's the reality of it. the major issue we're dealing here, we've got an eye lated regime that's shut off from the rest of the world and the only thing, the only thing that they care about is preserving that regime. every action they take is in accordance with that desire. that strategic desire. the projector tragedy is people suffer significantly. >> julie: i have to bring this up, north korea, pulling the stunt before and essentially washington and seoul have pressed china to use its influence to put pressure on north korea and the minister met with north korean ambassadors last week. does this appear that perhaps china is taking a responsible self forward? >> i think it's hard to say. look, the chinese are frustrated with the north koreans. this is an ally of theirs to be sure, but they're sort of stuck with them. and they certainly don't appreciate therblig recognize and provocation. but here is the issue, china wants stability on that peninsula, number one. so they do not want war. secondly, they do not want unification of that peninsula because that would bring a prosperous democracy right to their border with u.s. military bases in the country. the chinese want no part of that. so they're going to influence north korea to a point. then there is some attitudes and behavior that north korea will continue to use and take advantage of. that's the reality of it. >> julie: thank you so much. we appreciate you coming on. >> glad to. >> gregg: he's the president's top political advisor, but also a father raising a child with very special needs. coming up, the struggles and triumphs david, susan axelrod place as parents. >> gregg: welcome back. as americans celebrating thanksgiving holiday weekend with our families, we do want to bring you a story about the private struggles of one of the president's most trusted advisor, david axelrod, the genius, if you will, maybe, the political strategist behind barak obama's presidential campaign. but one of his toughest battles ever was fought at home. he and his wife, susan, are raising their daughter who suffers from epilepsy. this is a story to which every parent can relate. >> i get excited when i try new painting. >> this is lauren axelrod. she's the daughter of david axelrod, president obama's closest advisor and the architect behind the president's historic 2008 campaign. far away from his political success in the world of washington, d.c. is a family life that has been filled with challenges. >> what are you painting? oh, nice. >> beautiful. >> david and his wife, susan, struggled to help their now 29-year-old daughter live a normal life. >> i was thinking a flower one. >> so you don't like this? okay. back in the bag. i lost. >> seeing her healthy is a dream come true for them in the wake of a very long nightmare. lauren has a severe case of epilepsy. she's had it since the day she came down with a bad cold when she was just 7 months old. her pediatrician prescribed a small dose of cold medicine and even today, susan axelrod wonders if it caused the onset of the disease. >> at that time, they didn't make pediatric formulas, but i gave her a quarter of adult dose and she seemed to sleep through the night and i thought this is unusual, but she's been up for several nights a row. i went into her bedroom, looked into her crib and she was just blue and listless. >> tiny little baby, you know, and all of a sudden, her one arm went back, it was frightening. >> she was so salivating at the mouth and making a gutterral sound. >> i think i was in shock. >> what was the first thing you did? >> i first thing was called my mom and i said, do babies do this and she said, um, no. she said i think you need to get her to the emergency room. they identified it as a seizure. >> they weren't as alarmed as we were alarmed. they said it's probably a seizure. >> which can happen with with a high fever in a baby? >> yes the. >> only she dewpoint have a high fever. >> she was admitted, but the seizures didn't stop. they kept coming, sometimes five times a day and the doctors couldn't figure out how to stop them. >> and a month later, they released us from the hospital and said, we've done what we can. they told us at that time, well, don't worry. these seizures won't damage your child. of course, we sadly learned after the fact that it wasn't the case and that these seizures were doing tremendous damage to her. >> especially when seizures with that severity and that quantity happen in the brain, a developing brain under age two, it can really wreak havoc with development. >> what are you doing? >> very active. class is not over. >> how do you go from that wonderful feeling of being a young couple, having your first baby, this is mott what we thought? >> it's a very lonely feeling. no one could give us answers. we didn't know anybody else at that time who was going through it. >> we held out hope because the one thing we kept hearing was, she may outgrow this by age five. even as serious as her condition is. so each birthday, each event we sort of held our breath and thought, okay. when that fifth -- >> instead the attacks intensified, coming in clusters. the only treatment large doses of medicine that sometimes put lauren into a coma-like state. >> she would grab susan's hand in between. she'd shriek, mom, make them stop. and then she'd go back into the seizures -- >> hard for everybody. >> yeah. >> sit there and cry because there was nothing we could do for her. >> when she was about ten, there was a particular incident then. she started dropping the f's in every word. i thought maybe dealing with a learning disability, some bizarre thing. and she finally said, seizure starts with s. and if i don't say that, maybe they won't happen. >> the attacks held her back from school. she didn't go to birthday parties or most other activities. her two younger brothers, michael and ethan, suffered in a different way. >> family vacations would be scrapped and sometimes family vacations would be ruined. if you're a young child, you can't help but resent that, but then on the other hand, you ask any sibling of someone with a chronic illness, you say it must have been hard. you say, yeah, but it was a lot harder on my sister. but the truth is it's hard on everybody. >> i feel tired. >> by the time lauren turned 15, she had been on 20 different kinds of drugs. various experimental therapies and special diets, but the seizures, they kept coming. now up to 25 times a day. that was when they decided to try surgery. >> they had to drill holes into her skull and implant electrodes through the holes directly on the surface of the brain, put grids of eeg's in there and put medications to bring on seizures. >> they had her in intensive care after and she was so bloated that she was unrecognizable. it was just a miserable thing. >> worst of all, it didn't work. david and susan decided to look for their own answers. >> this year we received 108. >> susan, with other parents, founded a nonprofit called the citizens united for research in epilepsy. or the cure. >> our focus has really been, let's try to truly once and for all start to understand the disease and approach it more rationally and not just think about the seizures. >> they have given out more than 100 research grants world wide. >> the money that you raised, do you see progress? >> the initial impact we had was to really change the conversation. the focus from looking at just stopping seizures to looking at what is the disease process here? why do they start? why do two-thirds of them, we have no idea why they start. why are fully 40% uncontrollable? why do they sometimes go into remission and then return? >> i thought this is a preposterous idea. you can't just start a national research foundation. what i learned is what i should have realized from the beginning, which is that there is nothing like the power of moms who are heart broken and committed and help make a difference. >> then in 2000, a breakthrough. lauren was in the hospital with another severe seizure attack when her doctor told susan about a new anticonvulsant drug. >> and immediately she responded to it. >> in a few days, the seizures stopped. how has she changed in the period she's been on the drug? >> amazing. the further away she gets from the seizures, the more you see who she really is. her intellectual capacity improved dramatically. what's this? >> a plant. >> look at this. >> so when you realize that this drug is working for her and months go by, you're overjoyed? >> yeah. but still, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. >> ten years later. >> david and susan had something else to worry about. >> all of a sudden, we were staring at our own immortality and we realized if she lived with us for the rest of our lives, that she could be 40, 45 years old and all of a sudden -- and we didn't want her to have to cope with that. that's when we started looking for a better answer. >> you can go to our home page at where the entire story will be posted, along with a link on how you can help. tomorrow we'll look at another really inspiring part of this story. stay tuned for that. >> gregg: new details on the murder of 20-year-old jenni-lynn watson right after this. >> gregg: this is a of course news alert. police in upstate new york arresting the boyfriend of 20-year-old jenni-lynn watson. she's the college student who vanished eight days ago, spark ago massive search. authorities discovered her body this morning in the woods not far from her parents' home. now police say they're charging her boyfriend with murder. heather chilledders is following this latest development. first of all, authorities just finished up the news conference. did they confirm indeed that that was the body of jenni-lynn? >> gentlemen. unfortunately, it's what a lot of people expected. the body is confirmed to be that of jenni-lynn watson. it's currently at the medical examiner's office. he will perform an autopsy. that will be resolved by tomorrow morning. the d.a. saying it's foolish to speculate of cause of death at this point, but they are treating this as a homicide. the body discovered as we said earlier, in an area that they have been searching extensively, about 1200-acres was involved at clay central park. her body was discovered behind a shed in that area, a utility shed that had been abandoned. police also, as you said, saying that they have arrested within the past hour, the boyfriend of jenni-lynn. that being steven piper. he was a suspect early on in this case. he was the last person to see her alive. that was back on november 19. they say he saw her that morning. they also say that they believe she was not alive when she left her home. gregg? >> gregg: did they know the motive for the alleged murder and what more do we know about this guy, the boyfriend? >> we do know that they dated off and on for about 18 months. they did not say anything about motive. apparently jenni-lynn wanted to break off the relationship back in october. they also said, and this is a quote, that her parents were very well aware of the relationship and they did what they could to protect their daughter. so you can make your own decision based on that statement. the d.a. also going so far as to say that he believes watson removed watson from her home, and then, and this is a quote, dumped her like trash, shortly after. we should also tell you that piper did voluntarily turn himself into authorities. he did come with counsel as well. >> gregg: heather, thanks very much. >> julie: closurey, kim and courtney, three names making a big splash in the tv world, i'm talking about "keeping up with the kardashians." you can get a credit card featuring the sisters. but it could get your teen-ager into financial trouble, i'm assuming your teen doesn't make as much as these girls. we'll explain next. >> gregg: if you're trying to keep up with the kardashians and who is not, you'll need some hefty assets. the wealthy sisters showing off their luxury lifestyle on thank you reality television show. now there is a new debit card tied to it. >> julie: the card is apparently aimed at teen-agers and already some experts and a connecticut attorney general are warning that you could be in for your own ugly reality show when parents open up the bill. the president of voyager wealth management. first of all, what is all the buzz about this kardashian card? why would teen-agers want to get it? >> it's a debit card so their parents can load it with a certain amount of money. >> julie: it's a prepaid card? >> innocent enough. the major problem with it and most of the criticism is coming from the cost of it. it can cost -- the fees in general are over $100 per year and then there are a lot of other fees on top of that, like atm withdrawal fees and personalities and things like that. for the most part, the additional fee is kind of outweigh the benefits you might get from having a card like this. those benefits could be things like teaching your teen-ager how to budget, keeping an eye on what they're using the money for. >> gregg: in fact, the attorney general in connecticut calls the card laden with per knishes and predatory fees that swallow up the card value. you agree with that: right? >> yeah. fees are a big problem and something we focus on a lot in terms of overall finance. whether it's investing. it can be really anything. fees have a big impact on that. >> julie: i use a debit card and i have a bank that doesn't charge me to use it. why wouldn't you open up a checking account and give your card a debit card, put a certain amount of money there and that's it? >> i think the con accepted behind the card is the status symbol asset. trying to appeal to people who want to play to that status symbol. i agree with you 100%. there are a lot of other ways to accomplish your goals where much lower fees. a debit card through a bank, or even a regular savings account with an atm card attached to it. >> gregg: we have seen what happens when people spend beyond their means. so maybe this is a good learning opportunity. sit down with your kids. right? >> that's the way i would approach it. if this came up, i would use it as a great opportunity to talk to my kids about planning for the future, saving, budgeting, all those things are really important and the earlier you get started with that, as you've said, we've seen firsthand the impact of not doing it. it can be really important. it's a great tool. >> julie: it's very scary actually. the statistics that you said, 54% of workers report having less than $25,000 in savings and many people nearing retirement just haven't saved enough. you have benefits that could potentially end up saving our viewers and assumes a 5% annual return. why don't you run through them? >> just a simple kind of example is, it really goes to the fact that the earlier you start, the better off you'll be. if you look at someone who saves $3,000 annually for 30 years, at the basic 5% interest rate, you can use whatever rate you want. you would end up with over $200,000 in savings at the end of that 30 year period. if you waited ten years and went for 20 years instead of the 30, you would end up with that half. and that's a big difference. it really adds up and kind of could be an example to teach your father-in-laws that the earlier you get started, the better off you'll be in the long run. >> gregg: good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> gregg: you look like you could be a kardashian. >> julie: we have the same hair color. all right. that's going to do it for us. rick folbaum and juliet huddy are taking over. i appreciate the compliment. >> gregg: she's going to hit me as soon as we're off. we'll see you tomorrow. >> julie: i'll see you on the fox report in one hour. a

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