to the nation during the difficult vietnam and watergate years. peter doocy is live in washington with mo. >> reporter: the petty ford clinic in rancho mirage has treated 90,000 people since 1982 and inspired by the first lady's own problems with drugs and alcohol, in a way she showed it was okay to seek help for things like addiction and president obama says that will be a big part of her legacy. while her death is a cause for sadness we know that organizations such as the betty ford center will honor her legacy giving countless people new least for life. she was public about her treatment for breast cancer and fund raising for hand capped kids and, kids say mother a mother's laughter enriched our lives and those throughout this great noigs. to be in her presence was to truly be in warmth of a truly great lady. under the martha graham performed at carnegie hall and went back to michigan and met gerald ford she says she probably wouldn't have married if she knew he wanted to run for congress. he of course went on to become president and mrs. ford made a lot of headlines for off color things she said about a variety of subject and her husband joked she was the ford family spokeswoman and here she is giving part of the concession speech after he lost the election to jimmy carter and then lost his voice. >> dear jimmy, it's apparent now you have won a long and intense struggle for presidency. i congratulate you on your victo victory. >> betty ford was married to president ford for 58 years, after some services in california her body will be buried next to his at the ford museum in grand rapids, michigan. mick. >> peter doocy in washington, thanks, peter. >> betty ford impact the lives of so many people as peter was telling us and included the first ladies who followed her path. former first lady nancy reagan, herself turning 90 this week, said in a statement, she has been an inspiration to so many through her efforts to educate women about breast cancer and her wonderful work at the betty ford center. she was jerry ford's strength through difficult days in our country's history and i admired her courage in facing and sharing her personal struggles with all of us. rick. >> for more we're joined on the phone by a spokesman for the gerald r. ford foundation in grand rapids, michigan. first of all, our condolences to everybody associated with the ford family. >> thank you very much, rick, it's a very difficult time for the family at this time. >> this was a woman so beloved, one of our most loved first ladies. why did people love her so much? >> as you mentioned, rick, she almost single landedly took the stigma out of breast cancer and for those struggling with addiction to alcohol and drug addiction, and opening the ford clinic in 1982. she was a marvellous and strong lighting and time magazine quoted her as the fighting first lady. >> the fact that she had to deal with monumental challenges, breast cancer and addiction in the public eye and did it with poise and grace like really few others had before her, these were things that people didn't talk about at the time. >> that's true, her time in the white house may have been brief, rick, but her impact will be timeless. betty ford helped millions of american women to be themselves, it's a legacy that transcends any label she might have worn over those years. >> she had strong views and well-known advocate for women's rights and abortion rights and issues that may not have jibed with some in the republican party. what was she like as far as the first lady trying to influence her husband? did she try to do that. >> i'm not familiar with that territory. she was known for her work combatting aids and alcoholism and life long commitment to rights and possibilities of those afflicted with disability. >> and i'm wondering what you'll think of first when you think of the former first lady in the days and weeks and years ahead? what, what stands out the most? >> personally, it's a picture of strength, a picture of grace, a picture of sincerity. and i think she transcends all of those and her legacy will indeed be remembered by nos for years to come. >> tim, a spokesperson for the gerald r. ford foundation in grand rapids. tim, thank you very much. and please pass along our wishes to the ford family. >> i will, rick. thank you. >> well, what may be betty ford's greatest leg sit drug and alcohol rehab clinic baring her time, but the ford center has treated more than celebrities. more than 97,000 people walked through the doors. opened in october of 1982, the first licensed addiction hospital in the world and the celebs who have gone there the late elizabeth taylor and kelsey grammar, mckenzie phillips to name a few say that betty ford changed their lives forever. what a legacy she leaves. >> switching gears now and a busy weekend in washington. the debt showdown inching close tower a face-off tomorrow at the white house. and president obama making the trip to camp david today, but what will be the next critical round of talks? aen what will they hold, with congressional leaders at the white house tomorrow. the putting a machete to our debt and will we see a bargain between the president and leaders? caroline shively with more. >> hi to you, rick. we maybe seeing a deal coming up tomorrow possibly. the key players, president obama and john boehner apparently look to cut a deal. cuts to the deficit over about ten years and there's talk that speaker boehner may be allowing tax cuts to the wealthy before they expire and president obama may look at change in entilements, here is the president. >> we agreed on things, racking up deficits and debt. we need to get our fiscal house in order. we agree that to do that, both sides are going to have to step outside of their comfort zones and make some political sacrifices. >> even if the key players reach a deal tomorrow, congress has to vote on it and convince at least some tea party members and liberal democrats to go for it. rick? >> and how far are both sides willing to go here? it seems like if the republicans are talking about letting some tax cuts expire, democrats are talking about potential cuts in entitlement programs and these are things that would never have been discussed only about a week or so ago. >> you're right. meeting in the middle is certainly not easy in the environment we have in washington. what's helping i think is the unemployment figures that came out and surprised everyone, jumping and those sides are spinning the numbers, democrats saying the americans are hurting and need help from the government and republicans say it shows it's not time for a tax hike. here is republican address out today. >> from the look of things, the democrats who run washington don't have a jobs plan. they have a spending agenda. they're proposing a rehash of what's already been tried. more spending, more taxes and bigger government. and these are the washington knows best policies that steered us towards a dead end. >> now, those numbers will certainly be big in tomorrow's negotiations. rick? >> and finally, caroline, what kind after deadline we keep hearing about some date in early august when the debt ceiling must be raised by. is anybody talking about a deadline for an agreement? >> they've got to come up with something soon. the key players meeting at the white house and need a deal in the next few days if they're going to beat the august 2nd deadline they were talking about when the government runs the money to pay the bills. it will take three weeks to write the bill and tweak it and push it through both houses and the next days the negotiations are incredible. rick. >> we'll keep our eyes on d.c. tomorrow to see what happens. caroline shively in washington, thanks. >> you bet. >> president obama is also trying to calm anxious americans on the heels of a dismal june jobs report. a slowdown in hiring last month, pushing the unemployment rate to 9.2% now. so, what kind of impact will that have on the debt negotiations we have been talking about. kristin powers, new york post columnist and a fox news contributor joins me now and gretchen happen mill, a former spokesman an executive director of public notice and great to see you both, ladies, thanks for coming in. >> good to be here. gretchen, are the stakes higher not now only to come up with an agreement about the debt ceiling, but also to get jobs in order after seeing the numbers between march and june, unemployment rising so much? >> the stakes are higher, but we first have to realize where do jobs come from, they don't come from politicians, but politicians can help create an economic environment that fosters job creation and two things are driving the market right now and that is fear and hope. but there's not a lot of hope and there's an awful lot of fear because of government spending. government has been spending so much that now companies are holding on to more money than in decades because they don't know if their taxes are going up, they don't know how to manage the new regulations introduced over the course of the past two years and know what new regulations are to come and a lot of uncertainty and fear and anxiety out here. >> can i here this a lot from strategists and employers who say how can we hire when we don't know what we'll be paying not only for taxing, but potential health care. >> what are the options the government has available. there isn't talk about a second stimulus, we don't have the money. where will we go to create jobs? >> there hasn't been a the lot of talk in terms of proposal for a stimulus, but there has been a lot of discussion since the jobs numbers came out about having some sort of stimulus in the latest package because they do feel that there needs to be some kind of spending to try to help the market. you know? because i don't think that they see much else that you can do. one of the underlying problems, also, is the housing market. so is it possible there's things they can do in the housing markets, such as, you know, tax credit for first time home owner, things like that, but overall, i do think they're looking to try to get some sort of small stimulus into this package. >> and we'll pay for that how? taxes? >> exactly, i don't think that spending is the answer here, i think we've tried that experiment and it's failed. the obama administration promised in february of 2009 the stimulus bill will keep the employment at 8% and create millions of jobs and failed by its own measures and i don't think that's what we should do here, we've tried it. >> in fairness, the first stimulus did create 2.4, i believe, million jobs, but for the cost to all americans, at least the individual cost for each of the jobs until we create more jobs. really, where will that money come from? because the big fear employers have, and individuals, too, are more and higher taxes. >> well, they've been talking about closing tax loopholes on various things for corporate jets, for hedge funds, you know, so that the oil and gas industries, so there is some revenue raisers on the table already and in terms of the stimulus, it's not, you know, the most exciting argument to make, but the argument that a lot of dmifts make about it, it staved off things being much worse and staved off moving into something more like the great depression, so, even if it didn't meet the standards of how it was sold by the obama administration, it still was a success because things would have been so much worse without it. >> jamie: let me ask you this, if i could, kirsten and then i want gretchen to respond. the debt ceiling. if we raise it now, which it sounds like we must do or we will go into default and do it again. what's your thoughts on having to raise it again. >> i have no idea because i don't-- that's something that's decided by a career people in the treasury department they know what our responsibilities are in terms of you know, what we have to pay and so, they can then calculate from that, you know, this is the date that we will default if we don't raise the debt limit. i don't have any sense when that will be. >> should we be concerned if we don't have the money to pay back what we owe know. where will we get it from once we raise it. >> well, once we raise it, we can pay for it by doing a number of things, shift around some assets and sell some hard assets that the u.s. actually owns, but going back to the point on more spending, harvard economist albert alonzo put out-- put out a study saying that government overspending actually harms the economy and economist after economist will tell you this, the more we continue to spend the more businesses will hold back. if america is going to do what it does best, that is to create jobs and have the number one manufacturing country in the world, then we have to let the government get out of the way, cut spending and let them grow by letting private sector jobs grow. >> all right, kieir ten powers, and gretchen, we hope they can get back to creating jobs. rick. >> interesting discussion, we'll have more on the economy later in the hour. getting word a surprise visit overseas has taken place from a u.s. ambassador. it set off new arrests in syria. this, as a shocking new report reveals what soldiers say they were ordered to do. we have a live report coming up on this breaking news. >> jamie: plus, atlantis astronauts, do their due diligence and checking for damage to the shuttle and we are going to have the details on their first full day in space. >> also, a superstar welcome for the royals. prince william and his new wife, kate, now in southern california where a polo match is about to get underway and we're there live when we come right back. ♪ >> oh, very nice wakeup call for the crew of atlantis and that was cold play's viva la vida, i have that on my ipod actually and the crew is waking up to the second day in space and the mission to inspect the shuttle's heat shield to see if there's any damage out of the historic launch. and they're expected to deliver a year's worth of critical supplies and atlantis as you no doubt know is the final space shuttle mission marking an end to the 30-year shuttle program. >> prince william preparing to take part in a charity polo match in california and the crowds are turning out everywhere and his new wife kate on hand to cheer him on. casy stegall live in california following the royal couple's every move and casey, are they having a good day out there? >> reporter: they're having a good day and make this fast because i have tea with the buick and dutch chis scheduled in a few minutes. i'm kidding, i really wish. here is how today will shake out. the duke will be making remarks at about twelve o'clock, between twelve o'clock or one o'clock local time and then a fancy luncheon with the royal couple and lucky ticket holders can rub elbows with them, a mere $4,000 a head and three o'clo o'clock, the polo match will begin on the beautiful greenfield behind me. last night, the video what went down there, an official dinner party, a very fancy dinner party to welcome the duke and duchess of cambridge to the golden state is taking place at the consul general's home in los angeles about 200 people in attendance, mainly movers and shakers of california business and political world, david beckham was there and tonight after this, they are he' headed back to l.a. for a black tie affair and that's the british academy of film and television arts and don't have anytime to rest in the whirlwind tour out west, jamie. >> they're such a good looking couple and nice to have them here and you are dressed for the occasion, casey, you might get to invite. what are they up to tomorrow? >> tomorrow it's about philanthropy and focusing on charitable events. in the morning they're going to attend a special event at an inner city arts program in the skid row area of downtown los angeles and that services low income children, and then, from there, they will be headed to a job fair for veterans. you know, we talk an awful lot about how our country's veterans have such a difficult time coming back from war and reintegrating back into society, even gaining employment and things like that so they will be headed to a jobs fair, specifically designed for veterans, and then from there, they will be heading back to the u.k., and they've been gone for some time. they were in canada last week of course for about five days or so from los angeles and they will be headed back to the u.k. again, we are he' going to be here following every step of the way. it's going to be an interesting weekend, jamie. >> we're checking back with you for sure. >> casey stegall live for us there, thank you, casey. >> rick: when we come back, brand new developments overseas. the u.s. ambassador's surprise visit, sparking arrests, we've got a live report straight ahead. >> a rare look at the front lines of the battlefields in libya, we are he' going to show you what's going on on the ground. >> also, football and "dancing with the stars" winner hines ward in trouble with the law. details on his arrest early this morning when we come right bab. back. the whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil no and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪ >> glad you're with us on a saturday. coming up on the bottom of the hour, give you the top headlines today. history unfolding with celebrations as the world's newest nation raises its flag and the republic of south sudan achieving independence after two bloody civil wars that lasted almost 50 years. former super bowl mvp and reigning "dancing with the stars" champ hines ward arrested this morning for drunk driving, the star reportedly nabbed near atlanta. secretary leon panetta is in afghanistan the first time since taking over for the pentagon and saying the defeat of al-qaeda is now within rea rea reach. >> jamie: and this is a fox news alert. we have brand new video to he show you of the latest rounds of arrest in syria, anti-government protesters taken into custody for showing support over the u.s. ambassador's trip to the region. syrian officials are said to be furious over ambassador robert ford's unannounced visit there, meanwhile, we're getting chilling new details from defected syrian soldiers and they say they were ordered to shoot and killed unarmed syrians, rina ninen in jerusalem for us, rina? >> hi, jamie, we've been waiting to see what happened to syria, following the visit of the u.s. ambassador to syria. and take a look at the new video uploaded a short time ago to a syrian opposition website, shows people being arrested and even fired at. the video claims to have been shot in hamma, syrian commandos reportedly showed the security forces they're fighting terrorists and ordered them to fire into the protesters even after they discovered that the protesters were unarmed. the allegations were made in a report out today by the human rights watch. it interviewed defectors, and r ford came to hamma, an a sign of solidity for the protesters and greeted with flowers and excitement from the demonstrators and large crowds of protesters gathered to show their support for him. but syrian state tv, the headline is the syrian state new jersey, syrians are angry and the syrian government said that this is proof that this unauthorized visit is proof that washington is trying to stir up the violence. the state department called the accusation, quote, absolute rubbish. >> jamie? >> rina ninen reporting on that tense situation there. keep an eye on it for us, thanks, rina. >> and dramatic developments today on the fighting that continues to rage on in libya. some explosive mortar and machine gunfire ringing out on the front lines as the rebels pushed closer to the capital than before. and leland vittert is streaming live from misurata. >> the rebels have gotten help in the past week, not only n.a.t.o. air strikes, but about a thousand reinforcements with gnaw weapons and ammunition arrived in the besieged city and pushing out on to that western front where we were today and we found a lot of people fighting with whatever they had. had. >> nearly 20 feet high along the sand berm on the desert road to tripoli, give the citizen soldiers their only cover as they try to push forward. we shielded ourselves behind a shipping container and then moved up to the very front line. this is the tip of the spear for the rebels and on the front line a heavy exchange of fire, you get a sense how fierce the battle is how much ammunition has been expended here and what you're hearing is both incoming and outgoing rockets that make an awful large explosion and the problem for the rebels they're fighting with pickup trucks and machine guns against gaddafi's heavy armor and he has no problem using it against these citizen soldiers.soldiers driving to the front lines is a challenge, bumpy robes in the back of pickups as the rebel fighters head off. a couple of days ago, gaddafi fighters controlled this part of the road and now burned out tanks sit along the way. at the front often times incoming fire lands behind us as gaddafi forces try it zero in their mortars. that bang you just heard is right there. that's where it landed. the rocket came in just about 50 meters from where we are. that's just how close things are here out on this battlefield and gaddafi's army is taking absolutely no prisoners as they continue to try to pound these guys and he said god is great and that's what they say when they're not hit by incoming fire and now these guys are pushing forward. >> every mile they move forward in terms of this line is paid for dearly in the the blood of these rebels, a number of the men who we were with today were bandaged, wounded and they were still fighting on. the important thing for them is they push farther out, it means that the city of misurata where many of them are from, gets farther and farther away from gaddafi's artillery and rockets and the population, a number of the fighter's families are no longer in imminent harm. >> rick: be safe, leland vittert in misurata, thanks. >> jamie: here in the u.s., job growth near a stand still in june, troubling for the nation's hard hit urban areas. a vast majority of them won't fully recover the jobs they lost during the recession in the next few years and in some cases until after this decade. but, some cities, like new york, are faring much better. laura ingle took a look, and joining us now live in our new york news room. >> hi, laura. >> hi, jamie, according to the report one in seven metro areas across the nation will not reach pre-recession employment levels until at the least 2020. now, metro areas have traditionally been the engines of u.s. economic growth as we know, producing 85% of the country's jobs. and with slow growth, expected in cities offer the next decade it doesn't bode well for the u.s. economy. the california, the southwest and florida are expected to struggle as housing continues to be a problem. and while manufacturing is picking up, cities around the great lakes will suffer for years to come. >> unfortunately, those places were also hit very, very hard during the recession so they've got a long way to come back and they probably won't recover, all the jobs they had before the recession were another decade or more. >> this new economic report commissioned by the u.s. conference of mayors shows one bright spot. new york city, which expects to be back at pre-recession employment levels by 2013. a city booming in the big apple. on top of giants like google and facebook, and they're thriving and four square, the social networking phone app that allows 10 million users, 50 million bucks from investors and are looking to double the work force in the next year, something they say would not have happened outside of new york. >> new york is the hub of everything, it's got every industry here and i think that's helped out four square because we have been able to work with brands and able to work with all different types of industries, from sports to fashion, to finance and it's all here in new york. so we've leveraged that and been able to get our product in front of a very diverse user base. >> so come on east, that area of opportunity to tell you about, all of the tech companies that we talked to for this piece have the same message, they're hiring and looking for talented workers, jamie. >> that's good news. the numbers so disappointing, laura, thank you. >> thanks, jamie. >> the recent back slide in jobs is confusing analyst that is projected that the u.s. would add 110,000 jobs in june and they were way off. and we only picked up about 18,000 jobs last month. as we take a look at the speaker of the house, john boehner, why is this recovery so brutal and so slow? are we headed straight toward the double dip recession? joining us now is david nelson, chief strategist or bell point asset management. it's good to see you and i hate to mention this, unless we're talking about egg rolls and duck sauce, but are we headed to double dipping here? >> it's possible and headed in the cards and the employment report is dark. no way to paint lipstick on this pig. it was an awful number and now what made it particularly dark, when you delve into the numbers, it got worse. and you know, generally there's a silver lining, and you know, some part of the economy that did better, but this was an across the board miss and at 18,000 you're not even producing 150,000 you need just to keep even. >> rick: 300,000 is the target number in order to help bring the unemployment rate down and obviously we're nowhere near that. what's the story though? this is unprecedented. normally, when we're in a recovery, which apparently we've been in for two years, you see these numbers start to improve, jobs numbers. where are the jobs, david? >> well, the jobs aren't here right now, and what's frustrating for the unemployment. is that a lot of their, the large potential employers, you know, they're rolling in dough. corporate profitability is quite high. bank balance sheets in many cases are overcapitalized and expense the taxpayers and salaries in the executive suite are rising, a lot of questions of being asked. this has been particularly vicious, but he we must keep in mind that, you know, this is the worst environment we're coming out of in '08 since the great depression. >> rick: about these corporate profits, why are these companies sitting on all of this cash rather than reinvesting in their businesses, in their companies, by adding people to their payrolls? >> well, they're running lean and mean and learned how to do more with less. and as a matter of fact, in some retailers, they've actually got software going where they can figure out that if there is he' a, you know, a down part of the day where they don't need all of their employees they'll send some home. it's become very sophisticated and that's got to be very frustrating for the work force. >> rick: you know, policy-wise, we are he' pretty much tapped out. >> that's true. >> rick: the fed, interest rates are so low, they can't lower them anymore. and is there anything that the fed can do, anything that lawmakers can do or is this pretty much every man and woman for himself here? >> well, you know what? we're probably out of policy options at this point and i guess you'd have to look to washington and maybe it's time for our leaders to stop like democrats and republicans and start thinking like americans. get in the room and get the job done and try something different. now, the sign of good leadership is also knowing when your current policy isn't working, and that may be where we are right now. >> and we mentioned the corporate profit. what about small businesses? because we always hear that it's the small businesses that do the bulk of the hiring in this country, and we saw an extension of the bush tax cuts at the end of last year that was aimed at helping those small businesses. has it helped? >> it hasn't yet. and it's pretty clear when you look at the economy, there's the big and the little, now? you've got large corporations with lots of access to capital, but they're not going to put that capital at risk until there's certain of return of investment, with the struggling consumer and work force, not likely to do it soon. on the other side of that, like you said, i'm glad you brought it up, small businesses, tremendous potential for employment there. but they have no access to capital. no lines of credit, and are just struggling to stur vief. the banks are holding on to the money. >> rick: well, it's a frustrating situation, as i read it, you commented in the notes that i got, people are going to think about this when they go to the poll and vote next november. >> nell. >> rick: which is what's exactly going to happen with that. david nelson chief strategist for bell point asset management and joins us in our news room. >> thanks. >> jamie: what do you get when the lawmaker lops off the top and ditches the hatchback, you get nissan's cross cabriolet. may i present to you what is possibly the strangest car in the world. the nissan morano is exactly what it sound like, chop top two door popular version of of the crossover and seats in the rear and trunk. this roof this long takes a long time to come up. one model is fully loaded. the heated seats, bose stereo, stereo. if i'm spending $47,000 on a car, i am he' not leaning over to do that for someone. riding around with the top down, sitting up high like this is kind of like being in a parade float. it's very much in the come bye 1950's convertibles with room for four and all about cruising around and showing off. hit a couple of bumps and it shimmies like cheetah rivera doing the mambo and that's what happens he when you strip off enough metal to build another car, cheetah rivera, who complains about that? and it's an all wheel drive and perfect for snow birds and fighting your way through hurricanes down in boca. where i expect you'll see quite a few of these, ultimately it's a pleasure craft, reward for a life well lived, like those boats over there. 2011 nissan morano, gary gastelu, fox news. >> jamie: i can't believe he likes it. you want to learn more about this, go to, click on the leisure tab. i think it should be the fun tab. >> rick: looked like fun. backlash continues to grow over the casey anthony verdict this past week, and details on the legal push underway in more than a dozen states. >> jamie: while everyone is still talking about that trial another high profile murder trial is about to get underway. why a man some say got away with murder, this guy in the natalee holloway case reportedly believes he's going to do it again. ananannouncer ] the network. a living, breathing intelligence that's helpi drive the future of business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn. ♪ machines have a voice. ♪ medical history follows you. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities... committed to delivering the most advced mobile broadband experience to help move business... forward. ♪ he needs some gellin'. yeahhhhhhh. gellin' is like having a teeny tiny foot masseuse in your shoe. you like ? nice ! dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. outrageous comfort, all-day long. is actually finding choices the whole family will love. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor. and it's nice for me to be able to syes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavor gluten free >> the casey anthony verdict prompting lewis for missing children. lawmakers in over a dozen states introducing bills that would make it a felony for a parent not to report the death or disappearance of a child within a certain window of time. and caylee anthony's mother casey who will be free next sunday, report add month before she reported her missing. the bill will be named caylee's law. >> and six today, another high profile missing person's case captured national headlines, alabama teen natalee holloway disappeared in aruba on that day, and the main suspect. joran van der sloot never faced trial for her alleged murder and this month he's expected to go on trial accused in the brutal murder of a 21-year-old in peru. police and people who have met joran describe him as a sociopath, a predator and a psycho path. what kind of verdict will he face in peru's justice system. it's different. they have no death penalty. don't offer a life sentence as an option. cole thompson co-author of portrait of a monster, joran van der sloot, a murder in peru and the natalee holloway mystery. the thank you for coming in and so much attention on the murder trials after casey anthony. we could have forgotten this one and you haven't let us and you have unprecedented information and access on joran van der sloot and you visited room 309 at the hotel where he and stephanie flores were, what did you find. >> i didn't visit the room 309, at the hotel. i i did visit the hotel. they opened the doors to us and gave us their investigative files, access to just about anything you can imagine. and so we've seen crime scene photographs, i've seen sketches. >> jamie: there were sketches in your book where you show actual had i how they found the room. >> a brutal, bloody crime scone. why was he in peru in the first place and information why they were together? >> his mother, he had gone to aruba to attend his father's funeral, died at 57 playing tennis and his mother had him lined up to go to a psychiatry facility. she came home and there was a note on the counter, bye, mom, i'm going to peru. and this was after he extorted natalee's mother for information. he'd been there nearly a month and introduced to stephanie by another gentleman, elton garcia. they knew each other, he wasn't a total strange and his phone number was programed into her phone. >> now, she comes from a prominent family and her family not only with totally devastated by her loss, but probably by the justice system down there. what is he looking at, joran, once he's put on trial there? what do authorities think they'll be able to do to him if found guilty? >> what they're hoping for is life sentence premeditated murder down there 35 years, you mentioned they don't have a the death penalty. 35 years, and tuberculosis, and other diseases there, and he could outlive the sentence there if he does make it when you look at the case and interviews you conducted with police, are they on track for a conviction? >> they seem to be, the tricky part is going to get premeditated murder, proving he lured her to the room to kill and rob her. that might be difficult. you're an attorney, you might know better than i, that he killed her, everybody thinks he didn't kill her initially. everybody thinks it's a blitz attack she was lying dead on the floor and walks out and gets the coffee. that's not the way it happened. she lay on the floor and the detective said she was agonizing, gurgling, making sounds, he took a shower, changed his clothes, and cooling off period, realized she was alive and smothered her with a shirt. >> an and diagram, people will get a sense of what went on as they watch it unfold a different system and a very different personality, joran van der sloot. >> certainly. >> and you point a picture of a monster, hence the title of the book. thanks for coming in and telling us about it. and an interesting read. portrait of a monster, cole thompson, thank you for meeting you swl. >> thanks for having me. >> rick: a kick break, when we come back, america's report card, our weight like here, take a look at this. the highlighted states where one in five residents are considered medically obese. with so much education on abed risks, why are americans getting fatter? our medical a-team doctor with some answers. >> jamie: put down the sandwich. >> here are stories fox is following for you, derek jeter one hit away from baseball history. just making his 2,999 career hit during his first bat, at-bat, thank you, rick. the 37-year-old is trying to become the 28th major leaguer to get 3000 hits. at least i knew how exciting it is. former super bowl mvp and reigning "dancing with the stars" champion hines ward arrested this morning for drunk driving. the pittsburgh steeler star reportedly nabbed near atlanta and leon panetta is in afghanistan the first time since taking over at the pentagon and says that the defeat of al-qaeda is now within reach. >> well, america getting a failing grade when it comes to our health and the new report finding obesity rates along diabetes and high blood pressure are skyrocketing. despite large scale efforts to get americans to slim down and eat right and exercise, every state in the country except for colorado now has an obesity rate over 20% and colorado is not far behind though at 19.8%. dr. caroline cromwell is had a professor of medicine in new york and fox medical a-team. i'm glad you're with us. and it's serious stuff and reminds us of the war on drugs and more money we pour into educating people, it seems the worst things get. >> that's true. we have to look the at things over time and even the study published by a huge organization looking at obesity rates. we understand that, looking back 20 years ago, obesity rates have jumped tremendously and it's frightening, but we have to realize that the flip side is true. all of our efforts which we need all of them in place, all of our efforts will take time to reverse this obesity trend. >> well, i mean, some of those efforts include letting people know, for example, the calories in various menu items and you can go to a restaurant and see exactly how many calories are in each item on the menu, but the study that came out show that people don't pay attention to that. >> that's right, although i can say i have looked at those sometimes. >> rick: i have, too. >> it's the dietary choices, but it's true. in the end a lot of the times the people changing their dietary choices based on the restaurant menus are already thin, not the people we're trying to target, but we have to rec niedz it's not the labeling in a vacuum, it's a labeling along with education. education about what those labels mean and the implications behind them. and not to mention, some restaurants have actually added lower fat options to their menu because of the labeling and i think that's a plus for everybody. >> rick: you know, i was reading that this situation seems to be far worse for minorities and lower income people. why is that? >> a the lot goes into that and shows how complex this problem is. it has to do with access to healthy food, convenience and costs. if you go into a fast food restaurants we've seen the menus where you can buy a meal for two or three dollars, that meal may not be the healthiest, but it's fast, easy and cheap so a lot goes into what plays a part into what we eat. >> rick: you know, i'm joust wondering if you think, where you fall in the debate between personal responsibility, people sort of making these decisions for themselves, versus the fast food industry, for example, being forced into doing certain things. i mean, should we have rules, mandated rules about these things or do each of us sort of have to take responsibility for our own diets? >> that's right, it's definitely a combination of both. you cannot ever force everything through mandates and people have to own responsibility for their health. but these implications are so serious, the rates of hypertension and diabetes that we're seeing across the nation and actually across the world, i want to point out it's not just the u.s. that's seeing this. >> rick: dr. caroline cromwell, assistant professor of medicine. thank you. >> thank you. >> rick: that does it for us. >> jamie: rick will be back at six and i'll see you tomorrow and the journal editorial report is right now. have a great day. >> everybody is worried about the future, people don't spend, they don't. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, available only with berty mutual auto insurance, if your car is totaled, we give you the money for a ca one model year newer. to learn more, visit us today. responsibility. what's your policy?

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