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3,000 u. S. Troops to europe as the threat of a russian invasion looms over ukraine. Hello, welcome to America Reports for a wednesday, john roberts in washington. Sandra, good to be back with you. Sandra great to see you. Welcome back. Sandra smith in new york. Additional forces are deploying to poland, germany and romania, all of which are nato members, on top of the 8500 troops already on high alert and ready for deployment if needed. John the pentagon says the u. S. Is committed to defending nato allies as tensions rise, and new Satellite Images reveal the extent of russias military activity in the region. Sandra steve live in kyiv, what is putin doing now . Whats he doing now and whats he going to do, the question many World Leaders are asking themselves. Putin kept quiet about ukraine for a month, he broke the silence yesterday in classic passion. Twisted it around saying the u. S. Was trying to drag russia into war in ukraine, not mentioning the massive buildup of Russian Forces and colorful language, too. He said, basically in russian said nato has screwed us, that sort of rough colorful language will certainly play well at home, but there are new Satellite Images, new videos that show the massive buildup along three sides of ukraine to the east, to the north, and to the south, thats why u. S. Is sending 3,000 troops to the region. U. S. Officials say putin is hard to predict, jen griffin sat down with Admiral Kirby a short time ago. Do you have any evidence that putin plans to move beyond ukraines borders, why are you bolstering the Eastern Flank allies if you do not have evidence of that . Because its important that we send a strong signal to mr. Putin and frankly to the world that nato matters to the United States, it matters to our allies. Now, putin has not shut the door completely on diplomacy, hes expected to have a talk with the british Prime Minister tomorrow. Here in ukraine, the president is warning if diplomacy fails, it could lead to a much wider war of devastation. Sandra, back to you. Sandra ok, steve in kyiv, thank you, and john, heads up, the press secretary during the briefing last hour said on concern the u. S. Deployment could give russia a pretext for invasion, psaki said one aggressor here, that is russia. Well ask john kirby, The Pentagon Spokesperson coming up, top of the next hour and ask him more about what putins next move will be. John and talking with a texas congressman recently in ukraine and can report back to us on a firsthand basis what the government is thinking about, potential response could be, and moreover, what ukrainians, rank and file are thinking about all this. All coming up on America Reports this afternoon. Meantime, emotions running high as family, friends and fellow new York City Police officers pay final respects to officer wilbert mora today, 1 of 2 officers killed in an Ambush Attack in harlem, and 1 of 30 officers shot in the line of duty this year. Tim scott joins us in moments, but first brian enes is live outside st. Patricks cathedral on 5th avenue. Emotional day for the nypd and the city of new york as they honored the fallen officer, fallen hero, posthumously promoted to detective 1st grade. Hundreds of officers lining 5th avenue as Detective Mora and his family were led through in a final procession. He was seven years old when his family immigrated here from the dominican republic. 63, 250 pounds, known as a gentle giant, a teddy bear. Infectious smile. Commanding officer said he was the american dream, calling to be an nypd officer. He would respond to every call, he was a rising star with a promising future, and officer for only four years but somebody bringing other young officers under his wing. Commanding officer talked about how his precinct is suffering excrutiating grief, so too is his family. Youngest of four siblings, and his mother broke down as she clenched the flag as the casket was put into a hearse. On the night he and his partner were shot and killed an army of Friends And Family were by moras side hoping he would make it through after two surgeries and four days of fighting, he did not. Here is wilberts oldest brother moments ago. I just want you to know that i was always proud of you, you choose a life of service for your community and to our adopted country. Your fellow officers were not only coworkers, they were Friends And Family, and now they are my family. I love you, baby bro, and i will always miss you. Mora was a hero. His inspector said as the gunman opened fire in the harlem apartment striking him and his partner, he kept fighting back, kept fighting to the end, his Commanding Officer said. And he donated his organs and five strangers to mora will now be able to continue on and live their lives. Nypd commissioner said Detectives Mora and rivera were gifts to this city that they never got to keep. Mayor eric adams promised new york Police Officers he would provide the resources they need, this is new york against the killers and we will not lose. John continuing to serve even after death, amazing, what a tragedy. Brian, thank you. Sandra. Sandra and john, sadly another tragedy in virginia. Two Campus Officers shot and killed at Bridgewater College yesterday after the school reported an active shooter on campus. Police arresting 27yearold alexander campbell. He is charged with murder. Due in court this afternoon. The School President identified the victims as campus Police Officers john painter and Safety Officer j. J. Jefferson. They were Close Friends and beloved by students and faculty. John known as the dynamic duo. South carolina senator tim scott with more on all of this. Crime has been a central issue for you and your constituents, 30 officers shot, up 67 over 2021, january. You could be forgiven if it feels like its open season on Police Officers. John, its it puts the apple in my throat, its just hard to imagine that people who do their jobs as a mission are being slain in our streets. Its devastating to watch and frankly, the lack of enforcement of existing laws only makes the situation worse for our officers and the communities that they serve in. I cant imagine hearing anyone more clear than mrs. Rivera as she spoke about the fact that the d. A. In new york not enforcing the laws makes it worse and makes it harder and more dangerous for officers in new york city, that is playing out and progressive cities around the country, it has to stop. The president used his bully pulpit to tell d. A. s and prosecutors to enforce the laws in the country, to keep the officers safe, allows them to do their job. My goodness, i dont want to see another funeral, i dont want to hear another widow, too early. Sandra why its so important we know this is a priority on the part of the president , and the white house, and senator, i have not seen you react to this, but its gotten a lot of play and the White House Press secretary jen psaki on a podcast the other day seemingly mocking our coverage of the network of this crime crisis. Here is psaki. And then on fox is jeanine talking about soft on crime consequences. I mean, what does that even mean, right . Theres an alternate universe on some coverage. Whats scary about it, a lot of people watch that. Sandra the fraternal order of police, one of the Largest Police unions slammed the comments. This is no laughing matter, its president said. Is this white house taking this crisis seriously . Its obvious that the white house lives in an alternate universe. Anyone who thinks that they have comments that are worthy to be heard, i dont understand where shes coming from, number one. Number two, thank god fox is actually covering the stories that matter to everyday americans. They have been soft on crime, they have been bad on crime, and they have been terrible for the communities that they say they have in their focus. Crime in vulnerable communities is really bad for those folks who cant go anywhere else, and for the officers coming into these communities, we are seeing what you put on the screen, 67 increase in crimes against our officers, a nearly 50 increase in homicides around our country. What we need is a tough stance against criminals who are violent. We need a tougher stance from the white house giving the officers the resources. Listen, this is a the people who block Police Reform that would provide more money for equipment, more money for training, they are progressives. I dont understand What In The World shes talking about, no one else does. John the president is going to new york city tomorrow to rub shoulders with the new mayor, eric adams, i suspect to bolster his credentials on crime. See if it turns around for him. And a bill you are introducing called the kids in classes act, allow parents in underprivileged communities to use title 1 funds to get the education going if the School Closed down because of covid. Curriculum and materials, educational, outside the home, testing fees, diagnostic tools, and things for students with disabilities. If it just a short shutdown like in chicago, could parents pull the trigger on some of those things . Seems to me as a parent it would take a while to get that arranged. Yes, what we need to do. We need to move in the direction of giving our parents the most choices possible so their kids have a better chance of success. What we have learned in the pandemic is a couple years of Learning Loss impacts the rest of your life, and so if it takes 3 or 4 days of a shutdown to allow that money to be put into a backpack, so to speak, and taken with the kid, thats the good thing. The beginning of the process may be cumbersome, but the long view is that we need to empower parents and title 1 schools that are closed is the first step down the road of making sure that every child and every zip code receives a high quality education. Its in our longterm best interest and it is in fact in the parents portfolio of necessity, a necessity for the parents. Senator, i spoke with James Clyburn last week and seems to suggest with the Supreme Court vacancy, filling the seat, that Michelle Childs already had the support of Lindsey Graham and yourself. I was wondering if you can confirm that here. Would she get your vote . I think she has to go through the vetting process. One thing i do know about michelle is she comes with people, republicans and democrats, universally praising her job as a judge. I have not talked about her as a Supreme Court justice, because i want her to be vetted as a justice. So, i am not committed to voting for her, but i am impressed with the fact that she is admired and respected by republicans and democrats in my state, and frankly, the one consistent word i hear about her is nonpartisan, she follows the law. I may disagree with her, get into her records and to her ruling, so make the decision, but i have not made a decision to support her and thats really important. John suffice it to say, you think shes an impressive individual, you are not quite sure if you can support her for the Supreme Court . Well, john, yes, she is an impressive individual. Theres no question about it, that her work as a state judge was celebrated on both sides of the aisle, work as a federal judge, appreciated and respected. But you do have to get into the specificity of her rulings to have an appreciation for how she would serve. One of the things i like about her the most is she is a product of public schools, k12, Public College education, and frankly, she has one of the best legal minds of anyone we have seen in a very long time, having started the process of looking through her records. Sandra senator tim scott, appreciate you coming on. Thank you very much. John thank you. Good to see you. Sandra and john, a huge welcome back to you. So good to have you back and we are so glad that you are feeling better. John for Folks At Home who didnt know, this time last week i left our show and immediately went into the hospital. I had not been feeling well for a while. Turns out that one of the stents, or the stent i received after the trump trip to helsinki with putin had blocked up again. And the electrical circuitry in my heart was going bad, so now im battery powered, i have a pacemaker. And the former Vice President heard about it and called me on monday to lend a measure of support and what its like to be a Pacemaker Recipient and the way forward. Thank you to my wonderful family and friends and the team of doctors at Inova Fairfax hospital, took really good care of me. We are glad you are back and feeling well and missed you. John maybe 75 , but hopefully 100 soon. Sandra we tried to get you to rest. John give me a pink drum, ill be ok. Sandra energizer bunny, you put out. Media world, cnn president jeff zucker has resigned effective immediately. More on that and what the investigation into chris cuomo has to do with this. United states stands shoulder to shoulder with our nato allies. The Current Situation demands we reinforce the deterrent and posture on natos Eastern Flank. John thousands of troops heading to Eastern Europe as fears grow that russia is planning to invade ukraine. We are joined after the break with observations and thoughts. I brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks Sighs Wearily here ill take that excited yell woohoo ensure max protein. With thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. You had me at allison® 10speed transmission. Features available on gmc sierra heavy duty. Premium and capable. Thats professional grade from gmc. Psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,. Swollen, painful. E. Emerge tremfyant®. 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Indeed a stunning development, jeff zucker was cnn, high Profile Network president who previously had run nbc, acknowledged a romantic relationship, executive Vice President and Marketing Director at cnn. Put out a statement, i was asked about a consensual relation with my closest colleague, someone i worked for more than 20 years. Acknowledged the relationship evolved in recent years, i was required to disclose it when it began but i didnt. I was wrong. Allison saying she regrets the lack of disclosure. A couple of interesting threads, this came out during the cnn probe of chris cuomo, who zucker fired for improperly aiding his brother, then governor andrew cuomo, and allison before that worked for andrew cuomo. And jeff zucker was friendly with donald trump, created the apprentice, and the network largely a Reporters Network to a liberal antitrump operation. Donald trump putting out a statement calling him a world class sleaze bag. Its in the midst of a major ratings slide, three interim coheads but has to search for somebody. And what does cnn do now we are no longer in the trump era to get some of the ratings back. So, jeff zucker left his imprint on cnn, no question about it. Whether you liked what he did or didnt like what he did, he was a major figure, i briefly, would worked for him a decade ago, he would call the control room, and ran the place with great energy. People think he took it in the wrong direction, making it a more ideological network. Sandra thats the latest we have on the story. I feel still more to come. Hour by hour. Sandra update next hour. Howie, thank you. John we are looking forward to next hour, a lot of things to talk about. My sense of it is, this was hardly a secret. Everybody in the industry knew about it but perhaps the reason why, speculation, he did not disclose it, im sure upper management at cnn would not allow them to continue to Work Together in the way that they were had it officially been disclosed. It was not a secret. Sandra and well have janice in the next hour. John pentagon announcing 3,000 more troops heading to Eastern Europe as the threat of a russian invasion in ukraine. August pfluger part of a delegation that recently traveled to ukraine, on the ground look at whats going on there, and what the ukrainians are feeling about it. Let me ask you first of all, the idea of sending 3,000 troops to romania, poland and germany, is this a deterrent to Vladimir Putin or could it aggravate the situation . Deterrents do not happen last minute. You have to work for every single day, so while this may have some sort of positive impact, what i would like to go back to is as a Military Officer i was stationed in europe under nato command in 2014, i saw the first invasion of the crimea, and now going back meeting with people like president zelensky and others when they were asked why now, why is putin doing this now, its because they perceive that this is an environment of weakness and you have to look at the administration and see the weakness on energy policy, on the nord stream pipeline, here at home on the southern border, weakness when we had the botched withdrawal from afghanistan. Deterrents happen every day and the president has been weak. Thats the environment of weakness we see. John we have john kirby coming on in about 35 minutes to talk more about this, but during the Pentagon Briefing he was asked by Jennifer Griffin and others why are we sending u. S. Troops there, if they are not going to act as a deterrent, because they are not going to be in ukraine. So its not like russia would be attacking u. S. Forces, theyll be on the sidelines in nato countries. Why are we even sending them . President zelensky made it clear to us he does not want and has not asked for american troops in the ukraine, and thats, you know, he said something very interesting. He said our borders matter, Border Security matters, we are going to defend our borders. So, this is part of the nato effort and i think its probably in The Grand Scheme of things it is a tool that we can use and nato should be strong, look, putin wants to re consolidate former territories. And President Biden, we have been saying it along, the presidency, a pulpit where you can be strong and you can send strong signals last minute, last ditch effort to send troops, it may not be enough. John we can show some pictures of your recent trip to ukraine, we have them Vladimir Putin the first time in a month commented on all of this, saying in a statement that nato has screwed us, but also saying i hope that well eventually find a solution, although we realize its not going to be easy. Maybe hes looking for an off ramp here as opposed to confrontation. Lets hope that we can get to that point. Nobody wants to see this, and why it matters. This is a sovereign country, they tasted freedom, they have had their freedom over 30 years now. They believe in their borders, we obviously have been saying that its important for us to believe in our borders, and so we must stick up for that and i hope they can have off ramp. Unfortunately, putin has done this before and theres nothing to suggest that hes not going to go ahead with it. John running short on time, ask you quickly about this, john kirby in his briefing confirmed the existence of a leaked pentagon government suggesting that maybe theres a deal in the works with Vladimir Putin over missiles. Military time saying United States will be willing to discuss in consultation with nato partners a Transparency Mechanism to confirm the absence of tomahawk cruise missiles, happen on condition russia has reciprocal, and kind of the idea to cut a deal if putin would. Would you support that . They want us to return to pre1997 structure for nato, unacceptable, and the most important thing right now and what zelensky said is they want nord stream 2 stopped, the most tangible reason and the most tangible effect, we must end strong. Midland over moscow, not the other way around. John congressman august pfluger, from texas, thank you. Sandra stunning new study on covid19 lockdown. What we are now learning about whether they actually did more harm than good. Dr. Mark stegall on that. John snow is falling across much of the midwest as a massive winter storm moves across the country. The weather is expected to impact more than 100 million americans this week. Forecast for you from the snowbelt coming right up. Woman whats my safelite story . I see inspiration right through my glass. So when my windshield cracked, i chose safelite. They replaced the glass and recalibrated my safety system. Thats service i can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. When you shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. So you can bring your vision to life, and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams. Spend less. Get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair today. John more than 100 Million People under Winter Weather alerts as a powerful storm begins unleashing a messy mix of freezing rain, ice and snow from states from texas to maine. Already causing some travel headaches. Hunter davis is live in Oklahoma City where its not so much snowy as it is icy, which hunter, i guess, is worse. Hey, yeah, john. It definitely is worse, especially for the conditions on the roadways, which is what the city is concerned about. Perspective of the big concern with the storm and ice, this video here in downtown Oklahoma City. We got a little bit of rain earlier today right before the sun came up and it froze almost immediately on to tree limbs, chairs and tables in the park, thats one of the big concerns in the overnight hours. Another big concern is the ice and the snow piling up on power lines, giving us a repeat of February 2021 when a lot of oklahoma went through the rolling controlled blackouts. We talked to og and e, the largest Electricity Provider here in oklahoma, servicing under a million customers. They say they are ready this year. Its not going to be as cold, not going to last as long, or as widespread. We are not anticipating to have to do that. This will be the largest Winter Weather event since last february, but we are prepared to handle it. Power companies are preparing, cities are preparing and people are preparing. Typical scene that you see in the south is any time there is a chance for rain or snow or ice, those Grocery Stores definitely take a hit, going to the Grocery Store last night and this morning i found very little bread, meat, and milk and dont get us started on those lines. 10, 15 minutes in some cases to get the necessities, john. So hopefully if people have not yet gone to the store, they are kind of out of luck. Hopefully they have what they need in the house. John oklahomans are ready to prepare. And stay warm. Sandra More Fox Weather Coverage coming up, as always, Log On To The Fox weather app for your resources. Stay safe and try to stay warm. And Johns Hopkins university, shedding new light on the covid19 lockdowns. Devastating lockdowns of 2020 did little to actually prevent deaths from the virus. The may have actually made things worse. We are joined now. Dr. , thank for being here. Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument. This just hurts our brains, our hearts to think back what we all went through and so many businesses went through, so many individuals living in isolation and such, that they did not even work . What is the actual number they have come up with here . I believe that they said the lockdowns during the covid lockdowns of 2020 reduced the Mortality Rate by 2. 2 . Correct, and sandra, when they were combined with Business Shutdowns and closures of all kinds, multiple studies they even increased mortality by up to 5 , so specific businesses that were closed, that were considered nonessential may have decreased mortality by up to 10 , but shutdowns where you close, where you have a shelter in place, where you combine that with the lockdowns actually increased mortality by up to 2 to 3 . So, what am i saying here . Im saying what ive been saying all along. Look back to the spring of 2020, the whole purpose of a lockdown was to decrease traffic temporarily for two weeks and a study, back in 2020 that showed that 70 of the spread occurred in the households. Only 1 occurred on subways or transportation. So saying wait a minute, we are keeping people home, they are not using the subway, not going to work, they are spreading covid19. Thats this is no surprise whatsoever and this does not take into account this eye opening study, does not take into account the enormous Psychological Mental Health damage and damage to our businesses that we have not recovered from. John dr. Siegel, do you expect the Public Health officials that suggested we shut down the economy, kids out of school and lock down the United States will come back and say oh, gosh, we got it wrong, sorry about that . I hope they do. You know, dr. Redfield has said to me point blank it was wrong. I dont know what dr. Fauci will say. But really important, the measure came from the 1918 flu. Came from st. Louis, and you know what the problem with super imposing this model was, its because the flu does not spread as easily as covid19. The flu, you might be able to lock something down. But this thing spreads everywhere, especially of course with the Omicron Variant but even the original variant it spreads no matter what and they use the wrong model and they should have admitted it right away and not wait for the study so far along. Sandra you just think about all the consequences of all of this to then look at our National Debt as a result of all the spending during the pandemic, exceeding 30 trillion for the first time and that has major consequences as well, and i kind of tie into the lockdowns and the shutdowns and the fact that you are saying and the study says it actually did more harm than good and how it exacerbated problems all around it. Because we were shut down and locked down, dr. Siegel. Thats right. And your background in business and economics you know how much damage that was and many restaurants have never reopened, and school, the damage done to the children we are not recovering from. And even now, john asked the question, are the leaders going to look back on it, even now lets look to the United Kingdom which is opening up and maybe we should be thinking you know, this study just proves, lets not talk about these restrictive measures anymore. Lets get the restaurants across country open, the businesses open, everybody back to work, less remote businesses and Remote Learning so damaging. This study proves we dont have a benefit from that. John amen to that, doc. See if anybody takes heat. College lecturer suspended for tweeting about a Supreme Court nominee, why he may be the victim of cancel culture. Sandra nine months to go to the midterm elections, republicans are accusing democrats of a double standard. The alleged hypocrisy explained next. Sandra democrats who once complained about redrawing District Maps are now using it to their advantage. New York State Legislature is set to vote on the proposed redistricting plan skewed towards democrat. Throws out three republican seats clearing the way for safe blue seats. Karl rove, former Deputy Chief Of Staff and fox news contributor. Tell us what this means, what should we take away from it . Well, right now the new york congressional delegation consists of 19 democrats and eight republicans. President trump got 38 , the republicans should have about ten seats. Now, under the new redistricting plan it is drawing 22 democratic seats and four republican seats and again, if you take a look at the president ial vote, 62 38, republicans ten seats and the democrats 16, rather than the 22 that are forecast in this plan. So, look, the democrats have used the power of controlling the new york house, the new york general assembly, new york senate and the governorship to draw a plan that will advantage their party. We call this gerrymandering, and so much to the effect of democrats, when President Obama and eric holder have spent the last two years talking about fair maps and we need to end gerrymandering and then completely silent on this kind of extreme, it shows exactly what the democrats have been up to and what President Obama and Attorney General holder have been doing, building the base for the democrats to do extreme gerrymandering wherever and whenever they can. Wall street journal took it on, new yorks gerrymander, this to be the end of progressive sanctimony, and how they rig district, albany, sacramento and springfield. Karl, this exchange from chuck todd and new yorks 18th congressional district, sean patrick maloney. Watch this exchange. The Democratic Party in general is against gerrymandering. Hr1 would like to see it put to an end. But for it in the case of new york in 2022. Try to square that circle for me. We can argue for Fair Districts and pick up democratic seats because if the republicans have gerrymanderred it to hell over the last couple cycles. You dont accept that you are gerrymandering in new york . If we win the majority of votes why are we losing seats . Ill let his statement stand on its own. In new york, donald trump got 38 of the vote and now the republicans are going to be getting basically less than 15 of the seats. 85 of the seats go to democrats. But look, there is a problem for the democrats in new york. State constitution requires the districts to be compact and contiguous. One district i understand that is not tied together by a land mass or bridge, you have to go across Long Island Sound to connect the two parts of the district and also a constitutional requirement the map not be drawn to advantage one party over the other and this clearly is designed for the democrats, maloney said if we have the ability to do it, we are going to do it. I think they have some constitutional challenges. It has to pass the legislature this week, be signed by the governor, and see if the judges uphold it. Sandra months away from the midterm elections. Karl rove, thank you. John. John here before you know it. A warning for olympic athletes. Why they need to be careful about what they say while in china. Sandra a fired nfl coach filing a bombshell lawsuit. One interview was bogus from the start. Your strength can outlast any bad day. Because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms and ask about vraylar. 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Com so you only pay for what you need. Isnt that right limu . Limu . Limu . Sorry, one sec. Doug blows several different whistles. Doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks. ] there he is. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty [ ] only pay for what you need. Did you know you can shorten your cold with coldeeze® lozenges . Coldeeze® can shorten your cold by 42 try coldeeze® the number one bestselling zinc lozenge. And try new coldeeze® ultramelt™ chews in a greattasting orange flavor with ww, i lost 30 pounds dissolves on your tongue. And i feel incredible. I love the new program because the app does all the work for you. Its never too late to start. Today only, get started for just 2 at ww. Com. Sandra i hope you like the cold, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, six more weeks of winter. Thousands were on hand to watch the prediction. According to records dating back to 1887. Phil has predicted a long winter more than 100 times, including last year. And in case you didnt notice, there is another big winter storm on the way, possibly a sign that he already got it right. Im a little bummed. John you know, i figure being in pennsylvania and predicting six more weeks of winter on february 2nd, is a pretty safe bet, pretty safe bet. Sandra probably right. Button up, put your woolies on and six more weeks. Former Miami Dolphins coach brian flores filing a lawsuit of Racial Discrimination with coaches and general managers. Phil keating is outside Hard Rock Stadium in miami. Super bowl heading up to the big game, a damning hit with the Class Action Lawsuit filed by the former head coach of the dolphins, the team he coached to winning two straight winning seasons inside that stadium. In the suit it alleges the nfl has a problem with systemic racism. After three seasons with the dolphins, coach brian flores was fired january 10th, top brass saying he was difficult to work with. He alleges the billionaire owner steven ross told him he fired him because he would not tank the 2019 season in order to get the number one draft pick. Flores also claims he twice interviewed for Head Coaching Jobs he was never going to get, only to fulfill the rooney rule, that teams interviewing minority candidates for head coaching vacancies. Range of emotions, humiliation, disbelief, anger. These interviews were in 2019 with the Denver Broncos and just recently with the new york giants. Both jobs went to white coaches. The lawsuit states in certain critical ways the nfl is racially segregated and managed much like a plantation. The dolphins response, the implication we acted in a manner inconsistent with the integrity of the game is incorrect. Nfl also defended here responded we will defend against these claims which are without merit. Flores claims ross offered him back in 2019 100,000 if they loss. Three coaches were black, now just one left, of the pittsburgh steelers. John well keep watching the lawsuit and see where it goes. It does not look like they are going to get six more weeks of winter in miami. Sandra all new at 2 00, a major move by the u. S. Military to counter russias aggression toward ukraine. Will it influence putins next move . Pentagon press secretary john kirby will explain this decision when he joins us live the top of the hour. But, rand paul, and janice dean in the brandnew hour. Dream of the amerin homeownership more than veterans. At newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. And theyre holding the line on Purchase Loans with rates in the twos. Already own a home and need cash . With the newday100 loan, you can get up to 60,000 or more and lower your payments 615 a month. No bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. naj at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. other Money Manager how do your clients know that . naj because as a fiduciary, its our responsibility to always put clients first. other Money Manager so you do it because you have to . naj no, we do it because its the right thing to do. We help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. other Money Manager sounds like a big responsibility. naj one that we dont take lightly. Its why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. Fisher investments is clearly different. Sandra brandnew at 2 00, his career at cnn is done, the questions are just beginning. New reporting on jeff zuckers secret lover and her cuomo connection. John and a report weeks ago little notice at the time but signalling the unfolding drama today. Sandra the reporters who First Published the story say they received telling them to think twice before getting on the bad side of the cnn big boss. John America Reports rolls into a second hour. Good to be back, sandra. Sandra and you were missed, john. Good to have you back. Zuckers resignation put the firing of chris cuomo in a new light. And his brother, andrew cuomo. John and furious that zucker got to resign and was not fired. Sandra and russia, threat of invasion looming. Extent of moscows military buildup. Tanks, missiles near or within ukraines border, including bases in the russian annexed crimea. John Biden Administration is deploying 3,000 american troops to germany, poland and romania, those troops on top of the 8500 on alert. Sandra john kirby will be joining us in a moment. John but first, Steve Harrington is live in kyiv with the latest. The buildup and sending the u. S. Troops comes after harsh words by russian president Vladimir Putin. Said basically it was the u. S. Who was actually trying to drag russia into war over ukraine, and that the west was pretty much ignore russias security concerns. He did so still leave the door open for talks, scheduled to talk with the u. K. Prime minister tomorrow. But some officials have little optimism about what those talks might achieve. There is always room for diplomacy but frankly, we dont trust the diplomacy. Worthless on such issues. Here in ukraine, president zelensky is saying that if diplomacy fails in this case it could lead to a much wider war. A devastating war for all of europe, and when you go around here and kyiv and out to the lakes and frozen rivers, even the peaceful scenes, you see as they prep for war, people are thinking about the possibility of having to fight soon. Here is one ice fisherman. If war comes we will defend our country. Im not a military person, but i have other skills and i will do whatever i can to help. Im not alone in saying this. All my friends say we will defend until the last man standing. President putin scheduled to head to china for the olympics on friday. For kremlin watchers, a slightly lesser threat of imminent invasion. John ill pick it up for you, now back over to sandra. Sandra bring in Pentagon Press secretary john kirby. Mr. Secretary, thank you very much for joining us. Appreciate your time. Admiral, if you could just tell us what you think the likelihood is at this hour that putin does intend to invade ukraine. Difficult to say, sandra. I wish we had that kind of a crystal ball, we dont. What we do continue to see, he adds capabilities literally by the day, giving himself more military options, literally by the day. We still dont believe hes made a final decision about whether or not to conduct another invasion into ukraine, he certainly has the capacity to do so any time should he choose. John john, let me pick up on something you were asked at the Pentagon Briefing, why are we sending u. S. Troops overseas . Its not like they are going there to confront u. S. Forces, and where is natos contribution . We have lots of troops overseas, just in the european continent alone, upwards of 80,000 troops on any given day, and we are sending some small numbers here in addition to bolster the capabilities of our Eastern Flank allies. The nations that are bordering or very close to bordering with russia. John to what end . Do you believe what zelensky said, if ukraine is invaded that it will lead to a wider war . We certainly dont want to see war, and it is certainly possible that mr. Putin could invade ukraine again and spark an armed conflict. And we want to make sure that should that happen, that we have drawn a bright line around the Nato Alliance and our article 5 commitments and reassuring them and making sure that we as nato allies are able to defend ourselves. Sandra so we understand you are planning for all contingencies, we have heard from the white house, and from the pentagon. But certainly you have probably got a better picture than we all do as to the timing of this possible invasion. Obviously with the olympics quickly beginning here, we have had general jack keane on the program tell us he believes if putin will invade it would be after the olympics. Any further color on the expectations . I dont want to get into intelligence assessments as what we are looking for and the indicators and the sense of timing. He has the capability to do something any time, and by any time, i mean any time. He could do something very, very soon, he continues to an add to his capabilities. There is still a path for diplomacy here, we have laid that out clearly for mr. Putin and he can accept the path and deescalate the tensions. Start by moving some forces away. Sandra surely you dont think hes going to invade while attending the olympics. Its a dangerous game to get in his head in that respect. We are watching this very closely, he has the capabilities to do something very, very soon. We want imminently, that means imminently. We are watching this closely and have to assume that he could do anything in just a matter of potentially days, if he wants to. John john, in terms of potential off ramps here to forestall invasion, you talked about the existence, the u. S. Response to russia, russias concerns, you said the do you want was accurate. One of the thing it says is that the United States and nato rejects signing a Bilateral Agreement on security in europe with russia, and also closing the door on future incorporation of ukraine into the atlantic alliance, saying you are not going to say ukraine will never become a nato country. One of the other the thing i found most interesting was this potential for a Transparency Mechanism about the use of tomahawk missiles and the system in romania and poland, whats that about and what kind of a deal are you offering to russia on that . I would rather not get into too specific here on national tv but its unfortunate it leaked, but speaks for itself and shows we are saying privately to the russians the same thing we have been saying publicly, that we are serious about putting real ideas on the table to negotiate with them, with the spirit of reciprocity. Not just giving things up for russia, they have to be reciprocal. Now well see where it goes. Mr. Putin as you ran the clip thinks theres a path for diplomacy, we hope hes serious about, we certainly are and you can see it in black and white. Sandra trying to dig through some of the words we heard from the White House Press secretary, obviously speaking off behalf of President Biden. Jen psaki was asked about linda thomasgreenfield, said she would not use the word imminent. Does not think of the russian invasion as imminent. Psaki said she used that word once, i think others have used that once, and we stopped using it because i think it sent a message we were not intending to send, which was that we knew that the president said it could happen at any time. Is it imminent . Are we not using that word . I think there was i think the way translates in ukraine, i think maybe led to some confusion what we meant by imminent. What we have said consistently is that he has the capabilities, and that he could he could launch operations, militarily operations at any time right now. Now, we dont know that it will happen and if it does happen we dont know what its going to look at. Size, scale, scope, the exact timing. We dont know. Sandra how do you respond to criticism you are not getting ahead of it . Waiting for putin to make the first move. There does not need to be a first move. He can easily choose not to go back into ukraine militarily and deescalate and the next move ought to be diplomatic move to take the tensions down. In the meantime, we have allies we have serious commitments to who have expressed concerns what they are seeing on the continent, we share those concerns, we will do what we can to bolster their defenses. John another leaked document, my bailiwick today, august 14th, the day before kabul fell reported suggesting that the Biden Administration was wholly unprepared to evacuate people from afghanistan. I recall a briefing that you had where you were asked if this was going to be a neo, a Noncombatant Evacuation operation, you said no, it turned out to be that and more in the end. In the early going here, was the Biden Administration unprepared to deal with this Mass Evacuation . Without talking to leaked documents and meeting notes, what i can tell you is we were focussed for a while on the possibility that there would have to be a Noncombatant Evacuation, as far back as early spring here in the pentagon. We are running Tabletop Exercises for just that event why was early summer such a mess . We prepositioned forces from elsewhere in the middle east closer to afghanistan to get them there in a reasonable way, and look, we have all talked about very honestly and openly about the challenges over those 17 days, and the things we could have done better, we all recognize that, especially the first 48 hours. Nobody wants to see those scenes again, nobody wants to lose troops again, certainly we regret the mistake that caused an errant strike that killed ten innocent civilians. But john, we got 124,000 people out of afghanistan and safely and in 17 days and in concert with allies and partners on the ground as well. John a lot left behind, too, we should point out. And we are still working, john, to get more people out of afghanistan. Part of the joint task force at the State Department to do exactly that and people are getting out, as recently as the last few days. Sandra admiral, we appreciate any time you can join us, give us an update as this goes along. Happy to have you here any time. John appreciate it, see you again soon. Well, a lot to chew over there. The idea not holding out an olive branch to putin, clearly, but the idea maybe some wiggle room in terms of Security Assurances on this Egus Ashore System may give putin some measure of comfort but i think its the ukraine nato thing hes worried about. Sandra timing is a big question. Didnt seem we got any further clarity on that. They maintain then ready. John and covid and omicron, the president is speaking about the new manhattan plan, if you will, for attacking cancer. Lets listen in. Make the system a prevention, research, and patient care. Take advantage of the 21st century science and technology. Begin the process. Many of you in this room are part of that. We harnessed the resources of the federal government to change the culture, increase Cooperation Among scientists and break down some of the silos. I know, i remember i wanted to transfer a particular scan from a hospital in pennsylvania to a hospital in d. C. I was told couldnt do it. The werent able to do it. Transfer just about anything else in the world but couldnt do it. Hospitals didnt want the other hospitals to have access because patients could change their mind with all the records. That includes everything to making federally funded Cancer Research more accessible to public instead of hiding behind a payroll. We launched trials. Cancer. Gov so you can look up Cancer Trials across the country and world. Traveled the country, bringing together leaders of healthcare, technology, education, business and technology, i visited most of the major Cancer Centers literally in the world, met with Heads Of State in those countries and decided how we could Work Together to try to make progress. And a particularly good meeting in australia. One of the final pieces of legislation President Obama signed into law was the bipartisan 21st century cures act, with the help of members of congress, particularly, is fred upton here . Fred upton part of streamline the food and Drug Administration f. D. A. So new Cancer Treatments can be evaluated faster, provided seven years of new funding, including research on cancer disparities, Trial Networks to discover new drugs and new efforts for childhood cancer. President of the senate, ask the president of the senate, i presiding over the overwhelming vote after the election had already taken place, the president ial election, when everything is supposed to come to a screeching halt. A bipartisan vote to fund over 6 billion and i watched my friend, it is my friend, we disagree a lot, mitch mcconnell, stand there and ask to name the Cancer Provisions after our son bo. Cancer moon shot brought the country and the world closer together on this issue and when we left office, we had to keep it going, so we took a lot of you, we had five Nobel Laureates and others, and turning the moon shot into a moon, to create the Cancer Research and care system that most people think we already have and that they all deserve, but they dont know we dont have it til they try to deal with it. L and everywhere we go people would share their stories, Grocery Stores, airports, rope lines. We heard stories of loss and despair, stories began to change just a little bit, a change of feeling, real hope. Not because of me and jill, but because of all you in this room and so many more at home. Doctors, researchers, advocates, caregivers, patients, survivors. And thats why today im proud to announce our plan to super charge the cancer moon shot as an effort of the bidenharris administration. The its bold, its ambitious, but its completely doable. Just as we harnessed the science and developed cutting edge covid19 vaccine and treatments, well bring a fierce sense of urgency to the fight against cancer. The goal is to cut the Cancer Death Rate in half in the next 25 years, at least by 50 . And to turn more Cancer Death Sentences to Chronic Diseases that people can live with. More supportive experience for patients and their families, and by doing these things and more to end cancer as we know it. And here is what we are fighting and how we know what cancer looks like today. A disease where we often diagnose too late, too effective ways to prevent it. Stark iniquities based on race disparity, zip code, Gender Identity and other factors still exist. And know too little in patient, it doesnt work in that patient. But we still lack strategies to develop treatments for some cancers, where we dont do enough to help patients and their families navigate through the process. We dont learn enough from patients experiences or their data. In fact, we first started this work one of the first things we did is make sure that doctors and researchers worked together to share information, allowed patients to share data with other doctors and researchers to help others. So much more to do. I remember going through this in the moon shot and my saying that i was told patients dont want to share their data. They all want to share their data. [laughter] sometimes yall dont want to share what you know. And for each [applause] for each of the ways we know cancer today, we know we can change its trajectory. For example, to prevent cancer, scientists are exploring if the new mrna Vaccine Technology that brought us safe and effective covid19 vaccines could also be used to stop cancer cells when they fail and when they first arrive. Get them then. To target the right treatments to the right patients. We are learning more about how to use genetics, Immune Response and other factors to tell which combinations of treatments are likely to work best for a particular individual. To address inequities, to all americans, urban, rural or tribal communities have equal access to cancer diagnosis, therapeutics, clinical trials. So much more we can do. As i said at the beginning, this is the president ial priority. I will do my part on funding and using my authorities as president to break log jams and speed break throughs. I challenge and encourage all of you, all of you to continue to do your part. This will be bipartisan. This will bring the country together and quite frankly, other nations as well. First, i formed a new Cancer Cabinet which is convened, will convene in the coming weeks to include members of the cabinet here today, all the people sitting on the stage here. Theyll drive a whole of government effort to unleash Everything Possible in our power and our jurisdictions. The White House Office of science policy, dr. Eric landers on the end there will chart the path of the cancer moon shot 2022 and beyond. Im calling on congress to Fund Proposed arpah, advanced Research Project agency for health, a new agency in the n. I. H. , autonomy and authority to drive unprecedented progress through bio medicine. Based on darpa, most Everybody Knows what that is, Defense Department advance Research Project agency. That is led to Breakthrough Technologies to protect our National Security from the internet to g. P. S. And so much more. Arpah will have a singular purpose to drive breakthroughs to prevent, detect and treat diseases including cancer, alzheimers and diabetes, and other diseases. I think there is strong bipartisan support for this. But it costs money, and its the best, these are the best dollars we could spend. So we have to get it done, we have to get it done now, not wait a year. Im also calling on the scientific and medical communities to bring the boldest thinking to this fight. Im calling on the private sector to develop and test new treatments, make drugs more affordable, and share more data and knowledge that can inform the public and benefit every Companys Research and im calling on People Living with cancer, caregivers and families to keep sharing their experience and pushing for progress. Youll have a voice and a seat at the table, i promise you. The here is the one thing we can all do. America missed more than 9 million Cancer Screenings in the last year, 9 million. Get screenings back on track and accessible to all americans so today announcing a Call To Action for Cancer Screening and early detection. If you were supposed to get a Cancer Screening during the pandemic, call your Primary Care Doctor today. If you are that doctor, talk to your patients. Get a screening schedule, whether its in the office at home or through telehealth because the Affordable Care act now will cover most private insurance plans as well as medicare and medicaid to cover the recommended Preventative Care screening free of charge. Calling on companies, healthcare providers, nonprofits and others to step up including developing mobile units and popup clinics to reach people where they live. And if you are putting off screening because you are afraid of what youll find theyll find, let me say this and so many are putting it off, last november i got a colon Cancer Screening. Glad i did. Trust me. I know cancer is scary. Going to the doctors can be scary. But screening is how you catch it early before its too late. The earlier you get it, the better shot you have. Close with this. Theres a quote that i made one of these speeches years ago, 5, six years ago, attributed yoyo ma, and later said it was attributed to vince lombardi. But whoever the hell, it makes sense. Here is the quote. Practice makes permanent. Only Perfect Practice makes perfect. My challenge to everyone involved in this fight against cancer, take a hard look at your practice. Ask yourself if you are practicing perfectly. Am i practicing to make the old way permanent. Old practices are creating data silos, foster the wrong kind of competition, instead of the right kind of collaboration. I know we can get this right. Im positive we can by not losing site of the ultimate goal, the patients health. By not losing sight of Something Else i also believe. America is the single place on either, single country that can be defined aone word, possibilities, possibilities. When we Work Together in america there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity, nothing. So lets show the world whats possible. Lets show the world that we are committed. Lets show that we can do big things, the United States of america, when we Work Together there is nothing beyond our grasp, nothing beyond our grasp. And i know of nothing as i think my colleagues would say thats bipartisan, take on this fight and fundamentally change cancer as we know it. Its a mission that can truly unify the nation. Working the best instead of against each other. Ive met with over 3,000 researchers from various organizations and they are good, they are devoting their whole lives. And they work really long hours but they are not practitioners. They have not had that patient come up and say doc, can you give me just two more weeks so i can see my daughter married. Doc, all i need, if you do anything, give me just six more months to see the baby born. Thats all im asking for, doc. Theres a sense of overwhelming urgency, overwhelming urgency for a patient or a Family Member of a patient. Every patient asking just for one more day. Not to cure me, one more day, one more week, can i get another year to be able to do boom, for survivors and caregivers who carry the physical and mental scars of treatment and recovery and those who have lost the ones we can still save, lets end cancer as we know it. I refuse to believe, i refuse to believe this is beyond our capacity. I refuse to believe it. You know when we put together the cancer moon shot i was Vice President , the president gave me authority to task anyone in the administration. I found out i had the department of energy, ernie monis, i found out i had the i had a massive and a lot of other agencies looked to me like whats the matter with you. I said guess what, nasa knows more about radiation than all of you. Seriously. And ernie, a place we get a billion, billion calculations per second. And it goes on. Skills people never thought would impact on this can do it so my pleading to scientists is share data as best you can, plead to my members of congress, fund this particular program and focus on it til we beat it. The american people, keep the hope alive. There is hope. There is hope and im confident, absolutely confident if we deal with it we can make fundamental changes in peoples lives and families in a better position than they are today with regard to cancer. Thank you all for being here, i appreciate it. [applause] john President Biden announcing a reboot of the cancer moon shot he oversaw as Vice President. Hold it there for a second, see if he may answer questions, does not appear hes going to. Of course the president knows all too well the toll that cancer can take on families, losing his son to brain cancer in 2015 and should remind people in the middle of everything covid for the last two years, that cancer takes a devastating toll on americans, 600,000 people died in 2019 from cancer, lets see what he says here. Doesnt look like hes going to take any questions. Some 600,000 people died from cancer in 2019. 659,000 died from heart disease, so a lot of things out there that need attention paid to. This cancer moon shot aims to reduce deaths by 50 from cancer over the next 25 years. Well see if it can do it. Sandra incredibly important thing to focus on there at the white house. The president concluding his remarks and as we continue to deal with covid and the fallout from it, bring in a brandnew study out of Johns Hopkins university that found the lockdowns did more harm than good. It is a bombshell new study, john. It did show that stayathome orders may have caused more deaths when it comes to covid19. Somebody who has a lot to say about that is Kentucky Republican senator rand paul. It like breaks my brain and heart i said earlier to think about this. After all we did to mitigate the spread, to lighten the load in the hospitals, you know, to get rid of this virus, lockdowns, shutdowns, business loss, the economic pain and toll it took on the country. This new study out of Johns Hopkins says it basically did nothing. It could have even harmed or increased the spread of covid . Well, lets hope we learn from our mistakes. In the 14th century the pope surrounded himself with candles because they thought the infection could be burned out of the air to save people. A wronghanded motion, took a few centuries, really to the 19th century to understand the germ theory. Now we have lockdowns, not based in science, and really we know that by and large masks did not work, plexiglass did not work, six feet of distance did not work. The one thing we do know that did work is vaccines and natural immunity. Those worked to protect people from hospitalization and death, and also slow some of the spread. So we should emphasize what works and not it was a real disservice for dr. Fauci to say cloth masks do work, an 80yearold taking care of their spouse with covid and wearing a cloth mask that has no value whatsoever and thats a mistake. He caused people to engage in activities they wouldnt have normally by telling them it was safe when it wasnt. I hope we learn from this. The study is an extensive analysis looking at dozens and dozens of studies, bringing them together, and said lockdowns did not reduce mortality but devastating to the economy. Sandra and we can, we have the numbers to prove it. All the spending during covid. Youve seen the brandnew number, the harm to the countrys finances, National Debt exceeding 30 trillion the first time. That is economic pain in a toll that generations will feel for years and decades to come, senator. This is from that Johns Hopkins report on the lockdowns, with the Meta Analysis includes lockdowns had little to no Public Health effects. Imposed Enormous Economic and social costs where adopted. Lockdown policies are ill founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument. You mentioned dr. Fauci, he is being highly criticized for a lot of the Flip Flopping he did during the pandemic. Rewind to june 17, 2020. Dr. Fauci. The fact this we shut down when we did and the rest of the world did has saved hundreds of millions of infections and millions of lives. Sandra is that proving to just be wrong . Absolutely its wrong. Its false, the same way as saying shutting down travel saved millions of lives. Basing it on a model that was an erroneous model anyway, republicans have said this, too, but not accurate. No way to prove 900,000 people died but would have been 2 million. No way to prove things like that. We do know now the masks allow the virus to go in and around the mask and through the mask, we also know that the six feet of separation, and if you are in a room for a long period of time, the virus might travel 20 or 30 feet, six feet did not do much. And mandated behavior, mandates in countries or states, no change in the trajectory of the virus. So the virus so going up like this, increasing a daily incidence, you put mask on kept going. No correlation between the mandates and change in the incidence of the disease, its so politicized i dont think dr. Fauci will ever apologize or admit to the country but need to have people like him removed from office because they have been so wrong on so much policy. Sandra and we have seen you publicly challenge him throughout the pandemic and the hearings in washington. And put up on the screen, the video we have of you, sir, feeling so passionately, the way it shut down businesses, you showed up to grab dinner at a bar in d. C. , a bar that lost the Liquor License after refusing to impose the citys Vaccine Mandate on customers, now of course being shut down. So, why did you decide to go grab a bite to eat at that d. C. Bar, senator . I saw the owner of the bar interviewed, a tenyear navy veteran, loves the country, hes not very political, he says, he just does not want to be the Vaccine Police. He doesnt think its his job to insult his customers by asking for records. He said if the city wants to do this, come and check peoples cards at the door thats fine, but hes not going to be an agent of government. No one is paying for to be the Vaccine Police and i feel people like this who have the guts to put, you know, the real risk of his livelihood at risk to do something for freedom and for the rest of us, he deserves credit and 500 restaurants in d. C. Would do the same thing, not enough police to shut them all down. We need more, a huge massive boycott of government edicts that make no scientific sense and restrict our constitution. Sandra i dont know if you have the time to visit 500 of them if they decide to do that. John they had a great burger, big board, may have to go back. Sandra the name of the restaurant, the big board, h street in d. C. All right, john. John developing now, a judge in virginia will decide if kids need to mask up or if the parents can continue to make the call. A hearing happening right now on whether the Glenn Youngkin mandate will stand. Marc. Good afternoon, the hearing still underway in the building behind me, you have seven School Systems throughout virginia suing to block governor Glenn Youngkins Executive Order to allow parents and students for that matter to decide if they want to wear masks on school grounds. Governor said he believes the Mask Mandates are impractical and ineffective, and parents have applauded the governors efforts. She should not have to wear a mask all day long. How many are wearing a mask for 7 to 8 hours all day long. The people that are making these decisions are not having to suffer in these circumstances. Opponents say without todays actions, School Boards are placed in a legally untenable position based with an Executive Order, in conflict with the Constitution And State Law and todays action is not politically motivated. Also i want to mention we are watching in Loudon County, not too far away, its not part of the suit, students are facing suspension if they show up to School Without a mask on. We heard from a number of parents, as well as students earlier today that have been suspended saying they dont regret the decision, they feel they are following the governors Executive Order and also should mention no matter what is decided here in the courthouse behind me, john, this issue is far from over. You have a federal lawsuit just filed yesterday by the aclu chapter of virginia, basically saying its a violation of the american with disabilities act. No doubt its a long time from over. John maybe a few parents want to sue the Loudon County school board as well. Sandra jeff zucker shocking cnn by calling it quits as the head of the network. And janice dean is not happy about it one bit. She wants to weigh in. She wanted to see him get the boot. Shes next. How bout sushi . 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John he admitted to not reporting a relationship with a subordinate who happened to once work for disgraced exgovernor andrew cuomo. Janice, kind of funny, hardly a surprise. Everybody knew about it. I guess he just did not disclose it because if he did the management at time warner would have said the two of you cant Work Together. Right, everyone is being held accountable, finding out about andrew cuomo and his brother chris cuomo and how they gt away with this for so long at cnn. We were shaking our heads like why does this guy still have a job if he is clearing covering up for his brother and now we know he was trying to smear the women and get research on the women coming forward against his brother. So we knew that, it was just curious to me why he wasnt suspended or taken off the program. He continued to just do his job even though there were all these scandals unfolding, and listen, i was on tv in may of 2020 when i saw andrew cuomo and chris cuomo with the giant cotton swab talking about covid tests when Nursing Homes could not get the covid tests, thats what got my back up. And here we are today with jeff zucker finally resigning and all of these people should be held accountable. Its not a domino effect, we are seeing the results of the tangle web that has been weaved. Sandra janice, i know you have so many ways to look at the story, put up on the screen jeff zuckers official statement with this news today saying as part of the investigation into chris cuomos tenure at cnn i was asked about a consensual relationship with my closest colleague, i worked with 20 years. I was required to disclose it when it began but i didnt, i was wrong. You knew nothing good was coming when it started as part of the investigation into chris cuomo. The relationship with chris cuomo and a coverup of the president of cnn and how did that unfold. I do hear, one of the worst kept secrets, the zucker relationship and the fact this woman, his second in command, was also at one point working for andrew cuomo. You cannot make the script up. John probably the idea he did not disclose it, everybody knew about it. Let me ask about the future direction of cnn, strays a little bit out of your bailiwick here, but joe concha said this earlier today. When you are looking at the book on jeff zucker, legacy taking the News Organization and making it a blatantly active organization geared to target conservatives. John he did take a very partisan direction and i think its safe to say over the course of the Trump Administration zucker did pretty much everything he could to bring donald trump down. The result of which has been a stunning decline in cnn ratings. So you have to wonder where its going to go from here. The interim management, consists of amy intellis, michael bass, i know him, i worked at cnn, and another i know quite well, are more the traditional, from the traditional stream of news and not so much the partisan stream . Well, i hope so. Listen, i still have friends over at cnn and i hope they do well, obviously. We are in a competition, but we cant have, you know, all of this corruption happening in these, you know, big companies. That just is not appropriate and it should never happen. It happened here at fox news, we helped clean that up. Its happened at other News Organizations, cbs, nbc, so you know what, we need to do more in this industry to hold people accountable and make sure that they are following the rules. Sandra janice dean, always telling us exactly the way it is. John, so glad to see you back, my friend, you look great. John good to be back, good to still be here. You are amazing, we love you very much. John appreciate that. President biden promising to make history with the Supreme Court. But critics say he is trying to take credit for something he once stopped from happening. Marc thiessen on deck with that. Stay with us. Than Gross Domestic Product . World war ii and right now. Thats a deep hole. And i dont know how well climb out of it. Thats why i buy gold from Rosland Capital. Rosland capital is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. Gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. Call Rosland Capital to receive your free Rosland Guide to gold, Gold Precious Metals ira, and silver brochure. With rosland, there are no gimmicks, no hassles. And they have fast, reliable shipping. Ask yourself. Are you safe . Make gold your new standard. Call Rosland Capital today at 8006308900, 8006308900. Thats 8006308900. Veteran homeowners, need a financial boost . The Newday 100 Va Loan lets you 80borrow8900. 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Dont do silly things like that. Sandra theres no shortcuts. All right. A packed jet. If you can imagine being on this jet when it happened. The plane touches down momentarily. The pilot made the call the call the plane back up in the school. Winds topped 90 miles an hour in that moment. The plane obviously landed later. He didnt feel safe. Took back off. It was remarkable. John if you have ever been in an aborted landing, their terrifying. President biden sticking business his promise to nominate a black Supreme Court justice. Mark, your column in the washington post, you brought out a blast from my past when i hosted cbs Face The Nation and had biden on to talk about the nomination of just Janice Rogers brown to the Supreme Court by george w. Bush. Listen to what biden said here. I with assure you that would be a very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered. Wasnt she confirmed . The Circuit Court of a judge is bound by star decisis. Your thoughts . Its a remarkable irony. Here he is taking credit for this historic nomination of the first black woman to the Supreme Court when he warned that if george w. Bush nominated the first black woman, he would kill her nomination. Janice rogers brown was an accomplished jurist. She served on the california Supreme Court for seven years. She grew up in rural alabama under jim crow. She rose up on her own out of poverty, put herself through law school and rose to be a justice on the california Supreme Court. Joe biden when bush nominated her, joe biden killed her nomination and he voted against him. When Sandra Day Oconnor resigned from the Supreme Court, she was on the short list to replace her. Biden goes on the show with an interview with you and threatened to filibuster her. She calls the Filibuster A Relic of jim crow. He wanted to use a relic of jim crow to keep a woman from serving on jim crow from the high,court in the land. John your memory is better than mine. I forgot about that interview. Putting a black woman on the Supreme Court would be historic but youre suggesting it plays to democratic Identity Politics. In your column, you wrote for democratics, its about Identity Politics. Biden might not be president if he had not made the pledge to nominate a black woman. Ronald reagan did the same thing. October 14, 1980. He said im announcing today one of the first Supreme Court vacancies in my administration will be filled but the most qualified woman i can find. One that meets the high standards i demand for all of my appointments. Its time for a woman to sit among the highest jurists. Who are they different from each other . One difference is that Ronald Reagan did not kill a nomination like joe biden did. Joe biden killed the nomination of Miguel Estrada because he didnt want him to be the first hispanic john speaking of the idea of Identity Politics. If joe biden said im going to pick the most qualified person to sit on the Supreme Court and that person was a black woman, problem with it. What hes doing is using racial Identity Politics to advance his own president. He wouldnt be president if it wasnt for that pledge. That was jim clyburns demand for his endorsement and he got it for making that. So joe biden, its not when he nominates this woman, remember Janice Rogers brown. John we will. You reminded us. Thanks for the blast from the past. John thanks, mark. Sandra how was your first day back, john . John good. Things are hazy. I spent most of the last week in a hospital or in an mri or a cat scan or in a cath lab or various other things. Sandra youve been through a lot. John yeah. A tough road. Hit some setbacks. Had a great team of doctors. Im on the mend and feeling strong. Sandra and your partner in crime, keira pushed you to do it. John yeah. When my wife says do something, you do it. Sandra good to have you back. Im sandra smith. John im john roberts. The story with martha thanks right now. Martha good afternoon. Im Martha Maccallum at fox news Head Quarters in new york. Tomorrow President Biden will come to this city to stand side by side with mayor eric adams. He will in many ways confront his own handling of the crime issue in this country, his on relationship with law enforcements. Today we saw an unbelievable outpouring of men and women in blue. They lined fifth avenue as far as the eye could see. They came from everywhere. I saw them driving in this morning

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