provide it. >> sandra: senator, appreciate you joining us. >> john: thanks, senator. we are hearing the russian journalist who stormed the news studio live on air to protest the war and now could face, get this, a decade or more in prison. bryan with the video feeding in to us in new york. >> this is the news reporter, marina, she's a channel 1 employee, and she's the woman as you see in the video went behind that anchor on channel 1 and put up that anti-war sign. no war, stop the war, don't believe propaganda, they are lying to you. she just walked out of court after receiving a 30,000 ruble fine, about $280. walked out of court and had a few things to say, including in english. here is something she told producers, there she is, you can see her walking out. she actually said that she was interrogated for 14 hours by the