january 10th. white house officials say on those discussions january 10th there will not be direct involvement between presidents putin and biden. back to you, mike. >> mike: rich edson lives up the road in wilmington, delaware. thanks so much. gillian, big phone call between the world leaders. we will see what we get out of it. >> gillian: it's not just diplomacy on the line here and threats of new sanctions. the national security counsel had a background call with reporters yesterday. they said, actually, the u.s. is prepared to respond militarily if russia can continues to troop buildup or actually invade. we'll see. laying it on the line there. >> mike: we got general jack keane and marc thiessen coming up. plenty more on this straight ahead. >> gillian: the white house making a last ditch effort to avoid enforcing president trump's border wall policies. critics are warning that if the administration is successful