of course is something they do not like to do. they absolutely should consider it. it would certainly do more to lower gas prices for a lengthy period of time, unlike releasing two half days worth of reserve oil from the emergency reserve. let's not forget that republican, glenn youngkin, campaigned on suspending the state gas tax in virginia and he won that race. when it comes to republicans wanting to try to help people at the local level, think gas tax is of course can be repealed temporarily as well. >> sandra: katie pavlich, always good happy. have a good weekend. thank you. >> katie: good to see you. thank you. >> sandra: john, when you really dig through these numbers, showing the inflations causing hardship for 45% of american households, that is a real number. when you dig through, according to household income, those who are hit the hardest by these inflationary pressures, severe hardship, 28% for those making