billion worth of social security checks are supposed to go out. they will almost certainly, definitely, go out. then on august the 15th we have to pay an interest bill of $30 billion on debt that's already outstanding. that will almost certainly be paid. and so on and so on and so on. but sooner or later somebody will not get the check that they are expecting. and that will be called a technical default. different from a mainline default, but a technical default nonetheless. martha: it sounds something like families or businesses when things get tight, and they say, okay, we absolutely have to pay this bill, we have to pay the college bill, and we've got to pay the mortgage, okay? we're not going to pay this one, and we're going to hope we get some grace period before we figure out how to pay the debts. that's one thing that comes to mind. the other one is, why are we living like this in? why are we live anything this precarious situation in the united states of america -- which the president reminded us the other day -- why are we living like this? >> reporter: well, i can't answer your question except to say that we have run out of money. we cannot borrow anymore. there is a limit on how much money, gross amount of dollars, that we can borrow at any one time, and that limit is $14.3 trillion. we've hit the limit. martha: we hit it every year, basically, right? >> reporter: that's true. now, we need to borrow more money. we haven't got a deal which lets the politicians say, all right, go ahead and borrow more money. on august the 2nd we absolutely run out. all we've got is the money that comes in from tax revenue which is not enough to pay all the bills going out. there could be some pain here, martha. our colleague, brit hume, suggests supposing that we didn't pay for beef, pork and poultry inspections. it takes a government check to pay those people to go out and inspect all that stuff. if checks don't go out, you've just shut down the beef, pork and poultry business in the united states. significant pain. that kind of thing could happen. martha: yeah. you've got a lot of people on capitol hill raising the question, what if we don't do it? we're going to get some answers to some of those questions. stuart, thank you very much. we've got more breaking news on this. moments ago white house press secretary jay carney was with talking about the debt deal in the press briefing, and remarks from speaker boehner earlier today, he talked about those as well. now, this morning the speaker said this is now the president's problem, says john boehner. the white house just hit back on that notion. look at this. >> the need for the united states to take action so that it fulfills its obligations and pays its debts as it has in the entirety of its existence is not a democratic problem, it's not a republican problem, it's an american problem. and it's something that we have to do together. the president feels very strongly about this. i would also note that while congress has to vote to raise the debt ceiling, the president doesn't have a vote in this. it's congress that has to act. the president didn't stand up here yesterday and say, hey, show you a lot of charts and graphs about how previous congresses under a republican president accumulated enormous amounts of deficits and debt and that this is what they needed to vote to deal with. and it wasn't his problem. he didn't say that because he doesn't believe that. he believes it's his responsibility as president of the united states to lead, to work with congress to resolve these issues together for the american people. martha: all right. well, how about this? just as stuart varney was sitting in that chair moments ago predicting, moments ago this just came across the wires from michelle obama saying that, no, he cannot -- from president obama saying that, no, he cannot guarantee that retirees will get their social security checks august 3rd if two parties don't accomplish some kind of deal. stuart varney just said the government won't let that happen, those social security checks are likely to go out, but now you have the president laying down the gauntlet saying there will be no guarantee you'll get your social security check on august 3rd if they don't reach a deal. so clearly ratcheting up the politics to a certain extent. all right, florida congressman alan west joins me live to tell me why the republican party needs to demand fortune just deep spending cuts in his opinion. he's one of the people that john boehner needs to pull over to his side of this argument if they're going to get anything through here, so that's coming up moments from now as well. all right, well, if it's not hot enough in that debate, folks, how about just stepping outside for a few moments? because there is intense summer heat that is baking much of the country today. it's gotten so bad that the national weather service has issued heat advisories for many areas including new york city where the temperature and humidity are rising to potentially dangerous levels. usualing folks to drink plenty -- urging folks to drink plenty of fluids, stay out of the sun if you can, and also remember that not everyone has air-conditioning, so check on your relatives and neighbors and make sure they're doing okay in all of this and get them to some place that is air-conditioned if you can. parts of the u.s. are now in the middle of a drought that is so severe that it's being compared to the dust bowl years of the 1930s. the long dry spell is now impacting 14 states. "the new york times" reports that farmers are now running wells dry, crops are not growing and livestock cannot be fed. weather experts are blaming a strong la nina storm system, so we've got some very serious weather going on across the country as well. and we are now hearing that a tour bus making twice-weekly trips with tourists across the border to mexico was also carrying hundreds of pounds of marijuana inside those buses, and that triggered a major bust. trace gallagher is watching this story for us live from the west coast. hi, trace. >> reporter: hi, martha. really another black eye for border security here because the indictment says this tour bus showed up in denver twice a week like clockwork. the tour bus was carrying tourists from mexico, from durango, mexico, through el paso and then up to denver. it was also carrying up to 400 pounds every trip of marijuana. of cocaine, of methamphetamine hidden in secret compartments beneath the bus. now, the bus would pull into a warehouse after the 1500-mile trip, end in denver. it would drop off the passengers and then unload the drugs. get the numbers here. this bus was bringing 45,000 pounds of drugs in to the united states each and every year. that's a $36 million street value. and now we're hearing that the violent zeta drug cartel is the one that's behind all these drugs. twenty-three people have now been indicted. of those, 18 have now been arrested. it turns out that denver served as base of operation to distribute these drugs all across the rockies. we mentioned durango to el paso? remember, we've been doing these stories for months and months. that's a lucrative drug corridor that the gulf cartel and the zeta cartel are fighting over. it costs 42,000 lives in mexico over the past four years. imagine 45,000 pounds of drugs on one bus day after day after day. martha: trace, thank you very much. trace gallagher. all right, brand new fallout in the news of the world phone hacking investigation. the british paper printing its issue on sunday, and now former prime minister gordon brown is accusing other news corporation reporters of obtaining private information about his finances and his family. news corporation is the parent of fox news, and we're joined now by chief foreign affairs correspondent amy kellogg who's on this story live. >> reporter: hi, martha. and there are financial implications to all of in this as well. the british government is expected to ask news corporation to drop its bid to buy the remaining shares in v sky b which is a satellite broadcasting giant here. now, the opposition labour party initiated the motion, but the ruling conservative party is saying that it plans to back that motion because it believes that news corporation should be focusing its energies now in cooperating with the inquiries that are ongoing into the phone hacking and put off this bid to buy a greater chunk of the media market. a vote on that in parliament is expected tomorrow. in the meantime, three top executives from news corporation, rupert murdoch himself, his son james and their deputy here, rebecca brooks, have been asked to, um, answer questions before parliament. brooks used to be editor of "news of the world." they have said they will cooperate, but brooks is the only one who is required to do this as she's a british citizen. the murdochs are american citizens. it's not clear whether or not the murdochs will sit before mps to answer questions. and other news international or news corp. papers are under suspicion of crossing the line now, the sun, and the sunday times face allegations that they used unethical methods to access personal information about former prime minister gordon brown and his family including the fact that the son accessed brown's medical records. brown was said to have been in tears, but news international is denying that saying it actually got the information from a private citizen and then ran the story by the browns before publishing it. didn't understand that the browns had any problem with the story at that time. finally, martha, police today on the line of fire, in the line of fire being asked about why they didn't do more to investigate the phone hacking scandal earlier on. back to you. martha: all right, amy, thank you very much. >> so just one week after a jury acquitted casey anthony of murder, the investigators in that case are about to speak out for the very first time, responding to charges that the case was too weak for the jury to convict her of the most serious charges. we're going to hear what they have to say. and there are new questions today about this incident at the home run derby last night where a fan almost plunged to his death. we're going to get into that story moments from now. and also, all kinds of breaking news on this debt battle this hour. the president now warning that social security checks may run out august 3rd. that has just crossed the news wires moments ago. the senate gop leader saying that he's growing doubtful that this president really wants a deal. we'll speak to a major voice in this debate, congressman alan west, coming up on that next. >> i've heard, i think, what, three or four different dates since i got up here on the 5th of january, and i find it very suspicious that the august the 2nd date coincides when when we're supposedly starting this summer recess month and break. you know, the proof is in the pudding. i don't think that fire and brimstone will be falling from the sky after august the 2nd. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure hh protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! martha: well, just moments ago we got news from president obama that there is no guarantee that social security checks will continue to go out on august 3rd. now, that is the day after the u.s. would hit this default l deadline that has been announced on the debt of august 2nd. now, on the other side of the argument there's a group called the national tea party, and they are today warping americans this. quote: martha: that comes from the national tea let's bring in somebody who has been a major voice in this debate, congressman alan west of florida. good to have you here today. >> thank you so much, martha, for having me. martha: so just moments ago it crossed the wires president obama says there's no guarantee that folks will get their social security checks come august 3rd. that's going to scare people. is that -- do you believe that that's the case? is. >> can i don't believe that's the case, but what i do know is that you saw on sunday when secretary geithner during his trip around all the sunday shows and now with the president that all they're trying to do is have leadership by intimidation and scare tactics. and that's not what the leader really does. a leader looks for viable solutions, and it is important that the president and his secretary of treasury understand that it is their job to prioritize the spending of the united states of america. and if this president was successful in his economic policies, we would not have record deficits of the past three years of $1.29 trillion, 1.42 trillion and 1.65 trillion. and the debt that he has brought upon this country since he has been president is what has brought us to this critical point. martha: you know, the administration is bristling today at that idea that this is their problem and that the gop is trying to sort of push this back on the president and say, you know, it's the administration that decides whether or not to raise the debt ceiling. they're pushing away that notion. what do you think about that? >> well, the thing is this; we are trying to come to the administration with the viable solutions. if we want to have that short-term fix or put the band-aid on the sucking chest when we're just raising the debt limit, that's not going to solve the long-term problems that we have. we've got to have spending control measures put in place, we've got to look at a cap on federal government spending, look at having a balanced budget amendment because no american household or business can run the way we're running the government. and we should not be talking about tax hikes in this fragile recovery. martha: there's probably 90-some people in the house of representatives that basically say, no, to any increase in the debt ceiling, and there's another group that say, you know, possibly yes, but only with promises of a balanced budget agreements and that we won't see any tax hikes. simply, are there the numbers, is there anything, and if there isn't anything, what could persuade you to sign on to an increase in this debt ceiling? >> well, you just talked about it. there's an agreement on principles where we look at, we've got to have the right type of spending cuts. and i'm not just talk about the fairy dust over ten years type of number. i'm talking about what are going to be the immediate spending cuts within this year, within the next five years and then out to the next ten years. i think another thing that's important coming off the heels of this abysmal jobs report is we cut the tax rate from 35% down somewhere to 20, 22%, and we rad candidate all loopholes in subsidies. we have to have that cap on federal budget spending and steer clear of tax hikes, and i think those are viable solutions. martha: i don't know there's anything that's going back and forthright now that looks like you're going to get something that that big a deal. so are you concerned, congressman west, about what happens come august 2nd? and that if it is, you know, the situation where people stop getting social security checks, that folks like you will pay for it come election time? >> no. my concern is we have a president that is not willing to do his job, and that is to prioritize the spending that he is digging in his heels being a rigid i'd log, and he must understand that every single one of his economic policies have failed. it's time he realize that he does not have the moral high ground in this argument and that we do have the right type of viable solutions in the near term and for the long term. martha: let me ask you this, in the caucus meeting that you were in this morning, what did you walk out of with in terms of whether or not there's going to be any deal? are we going to get any deal, or are so many republicans in the house basically digging in their heels and saying no deal? >> well, i think the thing right now is that we understand there's some principles that we're looking for, pretty much exactly what i just articulated to you. we got a blow by blow, detailed understanding of the three different courses of action that were presented, the biden plan, the reid plan and then president obama's plan. but everyone continues to talk about tax hikes, and that's a nonstarter. not just for us as the house gop, but also for the american people. martha: all right. so that's a nonstarter. we'll see where this goes. congressman west, thank you for sharing those thoughts with us this morning. >> thanks. martha: all right. in the meantime, federal officials are trying a controversial new approach to gun control today. up next, is that fair, and is it legal? and how about this, for the first time since the casey anthony verdict, the police in that investigation are starting to speak out. we expect that live in five minutes. we're going to hear their sort of stunning new insight about what they saw in their investigation. and also we will hear from a juror in this case. the exclusive fox story you do not want to miss. that is coming up after this break. >> did you, were you ever convinced how she died? >> no. never. >> we don't know the cause of death, and that was one of the major issues we had and one of the major issues we had addressed. we don't know the cause of death. everything was speculation. to keep in balance after 50, i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has ginkgo for memory and concentration, plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine. 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[ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. ♪ martha: all right. we've got a little bit more on you now on the breaking news from the debt deal, and this will not sit well with many republicans. president obama upped the ante in the debt negotiations on thursday saying he cannot guarantee that retirees will receive their social security checks, and that could start on august 3rd if two parties in if congress do not come up with a debt deal. quote, i cannot guarantee the checks will go out on august 3rd, he told cbs news that earlier today because there may simply not be enough money in the coffers to do it. is that really the case? and will we find out? we'll get to that limit, that is what we're in the middle of finding out right now. let's take a look at this selection for just a moment here as a sidebar to this discussion. you've got some primary voting that's underway in wisconsin's recall elections. today's vote stems from that controversial budget battle that happened in wisconsin earlier this year. you remember all the people camping out, basically, in the city -- in the state capitol there. that ended collective bargaining rights for most public employee unions. but on the ballot now are six democrats who aren't even democrats. here to explain all that is mike tobin who joins us live from milwaukee today. hi, mike. >> reporter: hi, well, you mentioned the standout feature of this particular primary is the use of bogus candidates. six republicans running as democrats just to get on the ballot. and what that does is force a primary on the democratic side and give republicans an extra four weeks in which they can campaign and they can distance themselves from that very contentious legislative session. however, what we are seeing is some republicans are showing up and voting for the bogus candidate just to be spoilers. >> democrats are trying to run this recall campaign against the republicans who are out doing their jobs, and even though sandy package et will win, it's just a primary, i just wanted to be here to mess with the democrats. >> reporter: now, the recall petition started during the big union budget battle last winter. you saw it all happening. outside money is now pouring in. you have some six republican state senators, three democratic state senators who are on the ballot. it has very little to do with the candidates themselves, everything to do with the big partisan divide in wisconsin. and this recall effort does have the potential to change the balance of power in the wisconsin state senate, take it away from the republicans. martha? martha: all right, mike, thank you very much for wisconsin. all right. so we are now just moments away from a press conference held by the investigators in the casey anthony case. they're about to speak out for the first time since a jury acquitted the florida mom on charges of killing her daughter. we'll get their reaction, the police, the investigators who did this case. that's coming up moments from now, so you want to stick around for that. and if you live in certain states, the atf will be tracking your gun shops. the new controversy surrounding these latest gun control rules getting a lot of people up in the arms, so to speak. we'll be right back. martha: any moment now we expect casey anthony murder trial will get in front of podium and start to answer questions about the case. all 7 men testified in the trial, but the jury found her not guilty of murder and other charges related to her daughter's death. she'll be released from jail on sunday. we'll get you there for that news conference when it gets underway. we awaiting potentially big news from republican senate leaders on a new approach to resolve this debt crisis. we have been hearing this has been bubbling up through the ranks as this high-stakes showdown continues to play out this afternoon in washington. there is new fallout today over these comments that president obama made about americans and what they think about all of this in this debate. take a listen to this. >> let me distinguish between pro pegsal politicians and -- professional politicians and the public at large. the public is not paying close attention to the ins and outs of how a treasury auction goes. they shouldn't. they are worry being their family, they are worry being their jobs, they are worrying about their neighborhood. they have got a lot of other things on their plate. we are paid to worry about it. martha: that answer was in response to a question by chip reid. the question basically was, mr. path, when you look at polls it appears there are lots of folks out there -- i believe the number was 47%, saying do not raise the debt ceiling. the that was the answer to that question which is important in the context. leslie marshalll and jason lewis, welcome to both of you. what do you -- what do you sense, leslie about you a engaged americans are? >> i agree 100% on this. i think more americans were watching the casey anthony trial than watching arguments on any network about the debt ceiling. martha: wait a minute. what are you suggesting there? what are you suggesting? >> what i'm suggesting is we care more about things that are attractive or sexy newswise like the casey anthony trial than we do about hard core numbers. the debt ceiling raising it, it's not sexy talk. it's not necessarily foxy talk. when we look at americans who say should we raised debt ceiling and borrow more? that doesn't sound good to anybody regardless of the ideology. but if americans study what happens we don't raise it, i believe those number ofs would change greatly. so i believe the president was accurate. martha: i think in all of my years of covering the market and economy and politics and what's going on out there, i have never seen people more engaged in any debate than i think they are in this. i think there is a certain amount of -- and i understand the president was saying this is our job. this is what we are paid to do and elected to do. i respect that part of it. but there is an under lying current there. i want to see if you think that's the case that says, you folks don't get it. you have to leave to it those of us who do. view * if the president and his party are paid to watch the debt, they need a salary cut. look at where we are headed. does greece ring a bell? italy in portugal, spain, ireland? the president knows that the american people don't want to raise the debt ceiling because you can't spend your way out of a debt crisis so he's pushing this thing down the road. saying they are not engaged, leave it to us. the real chance of default is if we continue to raise the debt ceiling. if you add on more of this. we are already approaching vast numbers of certainty in the debt. if you get to 18% or 19% of the budget on interest costs we'll get a downgrade from the a & p and moody's. the. the president is operating on this false assumption everybody realized we need to raise the debt ceiling. we need a compromise. that is not an assumption. martha: we heard the same thing from john boehner, there was agreement you are the table that they have to raise the debt ceiling. i think it's interesting so many people say they don't think this is necessarily how this has to go. i want to play this from jay carney which is from one of the news briefings that goes to this issue of how engaged people are. >> most people do not sit around their kitchen table and analyze gdp and unemployment numbers. they talk about how they feel, their own economic situation. they do not sit around analyzing the "wall street journal" or bloomberg to look -- analyze the numbers. martha: there is -- that's part of the same argument. that it's so complicated, and that most people don't want to spend their time thinking about it. but people do understand basic things. they understand the job market and they understand paying their own bills. they understand that if they run out of money they will have to give up stuff. they might have to sell their car or home. i think people relate to that completely basic analogy in their own lives. and they say something is going wrong up there in washington. >> i don't disagree with you there temp. however, if they say what happens once we hit that deadline in august? what happens when we have to cut homeland security and we can't claim to be safe. what happens when the president says he can't guarantee social security checks. and the bottom line is, for all their politicking on both sides of the aisle, republicans are going to come to an agreement and they will have to for democrats. at the end of the day they need the vote. martha: the president has said today -- he just said it moments ago. social security checks might not go out. if that happens, jason, and republicans, we spoke to allen west earlier. if they hold the line and say we are not going to vote for any increase, is that going to come back to bite them come election time? >> it depends who wins the debating game. this is a washington monument strategy. interest costs are $19 billion a month. the government will take is $177 billion a month. they will have money to prioritize. would other government functions have to stop? yes. if the president chooses not to send out social security, the republicans need to make it clear that was of his doing. the money there is. tim geithner says we are not going to prioritize, it's not fair to the american people. then it am not about default, it's about keeping the spending spigot open. coming up. an investigation now underway into a scary incident on a united airlines flight. have you heard about this? in this case was a saudi national who is under arrest for strange behavior that caused the flight to be diverted. just after he head how he ended up in duct tape and handcuffs before this whole thing wrapped up. new questions about this incident at the home run derby last night where a fan almost plunged to his death on a week where we have already seen a similar case. that is straight ahead. unbelievable video. you will have to see what happened there. casey anthony will walk out of jail a free woman is a weekend. we'll hear from one of the jurors who decided she was not guilty of murder in that case. you will hear directly from that juror what he says about this. and what his attorney is warning about they are upcoming release. >> get her out of town. she can't be here. the jackles are out there calling for her blood, threatening the jury, threatening the lawyers, threatening everybody. i don't know if the judge has didn't threats but it wouldn't surprise me if he has. it's not a safe place for casey to be. 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[ ma announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. martha: as promised. these are the investigators with the casey anthony. >> a missing toddler by the name of caylee marie anthony. little did we know it would become the casey anthony case. martha: we obviously have audio breaking up. we'll listen to it and get you some of the sound bites and play them back when we find the most interesting parts of that. we'll go back to it right now? let's go. we are goaghts new insight into what happened in the deliberation room among the jurors because gretta van susteren spoke with the jury foreman on the record. >> reporter: the people who watch on television, we can divert our eyes from the pictures of the remains. you are the fact finder, you can't. you actually -- you had to look at the really pictures. >> we did. it was right there in front of us and we had to make sure that we took the notes we needed to take on those pictures, and it was tough. you know. and i told the judge this. i have never wouldn't made a decision where i wanted to get in a profession where i would have to see those times of things. we were forced to. it was tough. >> reporter: in terms of the pictures, one of the issues was the duct tape. did you see a picture of the remains on the ground and the placement of the duct tape? >> we saw that numerous times. that was shown to us. the duct tape, the skull that was something that was a major focus at times. and we were able to see all of f that. >> reporter: the prosecution thought that showed an effort to suffocate. >> that's what the prosecution explained to us that that was the purpose of the duct tape was for suffocation. and they explained to us where the vicinity of where that duct tape was. the age of the duct tape the the one thing i never bought was the duct tape was placed at a later time. you could look at that duct tape and tell it had been and. as far as where the duck tape was at the initial point and where the duct tape was when the body was found, that was argued. and that's where a lot of the discrepancy was. you know, it was attached to a part of the hair which makes you think that it was placed on there, but that was -- placed on there before the body was placed where it was. i don't like using the word dumped. about it was something we had to take a long hard look at. it was there for some time and we needed to -- where it was actually from the get-go we don't know. >> what did you believe to be or conclude with how the remains other body got to wherever the child died to where the remains were found a couple blocks away. >> we know it was -- obviously the body was dumped there. it was left there. as far as -- there is a lot of gray area, a lot of gray area from that june 15 when the body was discovered. and there is a lot of that -- you know, is just a lot of speculation as to how out got there, who took it there. and just a lot of unanswered questions in that regard. so i can't comment on that. i don't know how it got there. how caylee got there. i can't tell you how or who. but ultimately the body ended up there. >> reporter: were you ever convinced how she died? >> never. >> reporter: what is your most likely apart from beyond a reasonable doubt is a different standard than what us most likely or what you guess. where do you fall in the spectrum. >> this is all speculation. there is a number of ways that caylee could have died. you know, there is -- there is the possibility there was the evidence of chloroform which we can touch on later. there was a pool right there. just feet away. a couple feet away from the doors that has had pictures of her being able to open. ladders that she potentially could have climbed up herself. and i know that that is a major way a lot of children die down here in florida. but we don't know if that was the cause of death. that was one of the major issues we had and one of the major issue wheeze addressed. we don't know the cause of death. everything was speculation. >> reporter: when cindy testified she said the car smelled of death. the prosecution theory is the child decomposed in that car. did you credit what she said? did you believe that the body -- that the child decomposed in the trunk? >> there was the smell of decomposition that some police officers said they noticed and others did not. here is the problem i have with the decomposition. some people smelled it, some people did not smell sit. so far as whether the body did decomp in that trunk. again we were looking more towards the cause and the who and the how with that car. there were a number of people with a number of different -- they could have access to that car. there wasn't just one key. you don't know how the body was actually or who put the body in the trunk. or how long the body was in the trunk. was there the smell of decomp in there? there was from some people. that would speculate the body was put in the trunk, blue were others who did not smell it. martha: basically he's saying a lot of the questions were left unanswered for that jury. you will want to catch the rest of that. juror yum 11 on the. >> reporter: with gretta van says tern. fascinating stuff coming up tonight at 10:00. also just ahead. president obama set to award the medal of honor'second living soldier ever to receive it for his service in afghanistan. coming up we'll tell you the extraordinary story of army ranger leroy petry. also new questions today about this incident at the home run derby. that story coming up. there is more to this perhaps than meets the eye. we'll be right back. martha: an attempt to catch a ball almost took a tragic turn at last night's home run derby when a man fell over a railing in the right field stands. his brother and friend managed to snag him in the nick of time. hay, trace. >> reporter: the guy's name is keith carmichael. he's from arizona. they had already caught two home run balls. and another one from the red sox adrian gonzalez. prince fielder hit a moon shot to right field. take a look at this. he hits this shot and it is up in the air. the guise standing on a little table. he misses the fly ball by 2 or 3 feet. you slowly get to it. he misses the ball. he loses his balance, and there he goes toward the railing right there. he's a big guy, you fall below there goes down to the pool deck at the ballpark. it's 20 feet down. they pulled him back up. he clearly didn't get the baseball. he said afterwards, as i was going over the railing i thought to myself i lived a good life. this came the very same day 39-year-old shannon stone with us laid to rest. he died staff josh hamilton tossed him. but he caught that ball that josh hamilton tossed to him in the stand. his son watched him. there was a lot of speculation that maybe this was a stunt, these guys were pranking, this was staged. they say it absolutely was not. if you look at the pictures, it's hard to believe that he did this on purpose. these guys -- they had a good grab on him but he has to be 225. you would hope that that tragedy you were just referring to which is one of the saddest stories of this week would indicate to some people you wouldn't want to stand on top after table to try to catch a ball. sometimes you have to shake your head and wonder about these situations. coming up. a saudi national gets tackled and subdued on a commercial flight after refusing to leave the aircraft bathroom. we'll show you why he's in federal custody. that coming up. martha: president obama has said just moments ago that social security checks could stop after august 2 if there is no deal on this debt. that's a brand-new hour starting off "america live." i'm martha maccallum in for megyn kelly. we are awaiting the dueling statement to cut spending. you have the republican leaders in senate, they are supposed to come forward with a new proposal. we haven't heard the details of yet. we are being told they will announce somewhat of a new strategy to try to break this stalemate. screen right. you have senate majority leader harry reid ready to respond. and after a firey day of debate. >> after years of discussion and months of negotiations i have little question that as long as this president is in the oval office a veal solution is probably unattainable. >> what is the president's plan? when is going lay his cards on the table in the debt limit increase is his problem and it's time for him to lead. martha: wendall goler joins us live from the white house. it's getting testy between the folks. >> reporter: senator mcconnell set to propose a series of short-term increases in the debt ceiling but the president ruled that out. meanwhile the president sold cbs news if he and congress can't reach an agreement to cut the deficit in time to raise the debt ceiling it is true that social security and veterans disability checks might not go out early next month. both sides sniping at each other now. house speaker john boehner saying the debt ceiling is the president's problem and mitch mcconnell saying mr. obama seems to be incapable of dealing with government spending. >> this wasn't a debate on whether taxes need to be raised. it was a debate about the kind of government we want. this is a debate between those who believe washington doesn't have enough money to spend and those like me who believe washington has become to big, too expensive and too burden some already. >> reporter: mr. obama will be in office another 18 months and americans expect congress to work with him. press secretary jay carney says the consequences of not doing so will be catastrophic. >> the president said that and the leaders themselves have said, the consequences of default would be so severe and they would not be is o esoteric. it would be a problem on main streets across the country. it would affect jobs, it would affect interest rates. it would be severe. report up with cans say a balanced plan is not cutting spending in exchange for tax hikes, they say it's cutting spending in exchange for raising the debt ceiling. the president and his aides say the reason the debt ceiling needs to be raised is it's spending approved by path presidents and parties. the latest polls so americans -- very little faith in uncle sam when it comes to solve this debt issue. 23% think that washington knows what it's doing on this issue. 65% doubt that anything of significance will actually get done before the elections next year. and neither party -- this is across the board, gets high marks from voters. scott rasmussen is the one who brings us this happy news. good to have you here. a pox on all their houses. >> absolutely. i'm a new york giants football fan. when the redskins play the cowboys i want them both to lose. when americans look at congress they want them all to lose. they are fed up with this. martha: you keep going back to the feeling the folks on the outside of the beltway get it. they know what they want from their government who they have elected to do this job. and you hear them talking about pushing around numbers. then you have got the president saying we note administration will make decisions this happens about who can get paid. they can say yes to social security checks and no to other things. but this no confidence. >> people say no matter how bad anything is, congress be make it worse. we talk about this debt crisis. they don't think the leaders are being honest with them. spending has gone up every single year since two years before i was born which is way before you were born. but despite all of that, people aren't explaining why that is happening. because they have been promising to cut spending taxes. voters vote for them based on those spending promises. martha: why are those folks disenchanted with the democrats and it's equal measure, i think 3 percentage points apart. and why is it that the gop folks are unhappy with their guys specifically? >> there is not a pure distinction. a lot of people are unhappy with both of them. a lot of republicans are angry at president obama and they think their guys in washington haven't done much to challenge them. martha: the gop is -- when we spoke to allen west earlier. where the people say therg dissatisfied with the republicans in office, are they saying they are not doing enough? they are not tea party i shall enough? >> tea party is maybe the wrong phrase. they are saying we want somebody to explain where the money is going and how we'll spend less of it. we want a real solution. and they are not sensing it. we had that big discussion earlier in the year where the president and the congress said they cut spending and spending went up. that's the story people don't like. martha: they see this process and wonder if this is smoke and mirrors, too. if they were going to turn around and see the debt higher than it was before. we'll see how all that plays out when it comes elect time. scott, thank you. all right. we are minutes away, folks, from a rare and very special moment that's going to happen at the white house. president obama will award the medal of honor to the second living soldier to serve it for service in afghanistan. army ranger hero petry lost his right hand when he threw a live grenade away from his fellow soldiers during a rare daylight raid. the remarkable soldier saving lives despite taking live round to both of his legs before he reached over and bailed that grenade out of that area. james rosen is live with us on the ranger's story. it's an incredible one. that happens a few minutes from now. hard at work. high above the. this is a live look at astronauts take place in the only space walk scheduled for this shuttle mission. it will likely be a long time before you see american astronauts doing this type of work again. hey, chris. >> have you wondered how do astronauts train for those times of space walks? houston is home to the world's largest indoor swimming pool. it's 202 feet long, 40 feet deep. it is an enormous buoyancy lab. particular a look. it looks and feels like you are playing a video game. high-tech glasses and special gloves transmit what i see to a video monitor where instructors watch my every move. you feel like you are in space? look how beautiful that is. shuttle crews practice their space walks in this virtual reality lab. >> it gives an idea way it's going look like and how we are going to communicate with each other. >> this allows to us practice in taken environment that is similar to what we'll see. >> reporter: astronauts also practice handling heavy loads. a system of pulleys help me lift what would feel like a 1,400 pound piece of equipment. and to build the international space station it took 15 space walks. martha: we'll be watching that live and get those pictures throughout. back to this story now. with his right hand, blown off by a grenade that he bravely tossed away from his comrades, today the highest honor a soldier can receive. live to the white house where they are gathering for this rare event. we'll take you there to see that. a passenger bound and gagged onboard a united airlines flight. what he did that made flight attendants suspicious. turns out their instincts may have been right on. >> a lot of commotion. flight attendants running up the aisles. grabbing myself asking for help. >> after he started the screaming and pushing. we took him in a headlock. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. naturals from delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. martha: president obama will award the medal of honor to and army ranger to lost his right handing to a grenade away from his fellow soldiers. he saved lives that day and never hesitated despite taking live round to both his legs. james rosen joins me live with more on this. hi, james. >> we hear about the a kri fiestles our soldiers overseas. this puts flesh and blood and bones on that word. with today's ceremony that will start any minute now. sergeant petry will become the second living recipient of the medal of honor. may 26, 2008, then staff sergeant petry of the 75th army ranger regiment was the senior comon commissioned officer on the scene during a day time helicopter raid. the mission that way was to clear a set of building of the terrorists believed to be inside. fox news prepared an animated graphic that recounts roughly what happened next. as they cleared the final target building they came under ak-47 fire from two terrorists who pinned them down behind a chicken coop. sergeant daniel hugins. one of the terrorists lobbed a grenade. petry threw it back at the terrorists but it blue up as he did so and his hand was amputated on the spot. >> we threw multiple grenades. there was no good way to do it without completely exposing ourselves. >> reporter: all of the terrorist in this battle were killed by u.s. forces. the american survivor from that day all attested sergeant petry saved their lives. even as he lay wound with gunshot wounds to his leg and his hand blown off. he radios for help. private religion on and sergeants higgins have left the army to attend college. the married father of fewer plans to continue his career in an army uniform. just such heroism, it, incredible. martha: it's an incredible story. i remember what we heard from the previous medal of honor winner from afghanistan. so humble and this is what any soldier would have done. this is our training as it kicks in. tell us what we know about him personally. >> he's a married father of four. his army ranger comrades told us in a news conference about a month ago shortly after this award was announced that he did not have time to think about what he was doing. that had he had time, he wouldn't have used his right hand to throw that grenade back at the terrorists because that's his shooting handle. he applied his own tourniquet to his hand. he had that presence of mind even after suffering all these injuries. once they got there he was bark out orders saying "you, don't just stand there, go pull security." they pointed out to us that he wasn't really supposed to be on the scene that day. he had an option to opt out of that mission but he close to go anyway. he was the senior non-commissioned officer on that raid. martha: there was a lot of discussion before the first awarding to the previous recipients that it hadn't happened enough. there were so many actions of gal amountr --actions of gal actions-gallantry. >> reporter: for them to understand how deeply the nation and the commander in cheech come commander-in-chief appreciates their heroism. martha: this is sergeants petry who is about to serve the medal of honor. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states accompanied by medal of honor recipient sergeant first class leroy petry ♪"hail to the chief" >> let us pray. almighty and living god. you have give up us this good land for our american heritage pnl we ask your presence as we recognize a man who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in defense of that heritage sergeant first class hero petry saved the lives of his men and fellow rangers that day in afghanistan. by your grace we know he continues to live today according to those same values. other such heros have woven the tapestry of this great nation. pray that you may enable each us as americans to likewise live lives of valor and a cry nice every day to continue weaving the tapestry of america. we celebrate with sergeants first class petry's wife, mother, far it, grandparents and his children. his grandfather leo celebrates with us in a special way. we are grateful for the people and events used to mold this man before us today. we are grateful for the rangers, our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen. give your grace and strength to their families and friends. now may your presence be with us in this hour. may your guiding grace be upon our national leadership. gras grant to tall our military especially those who serve in harm's way the strength and wisdom that comes only from you. you will be honored in every endeavor you call america and her citizens. and finally your favor be upon sergeant petry and his family. calvin coolidge says a nation that forgets it defenders will itself soon be forgotten. we hold him and those like him not forgotten. we pray in your holy name, amen. >> please be seated. good afternoon, every one. and welcome to the white house as we present our nation's highest military decoration, the medal of honor to an extraordinary american soldier, sergeant first class leroy petry. this is an historic occasion. last fail was privileged to present the medal of honor to staff sergeant salvatore junta for his heroism in afghanistan and sal join us this afternoon. good to see you. so today is only the second time during the wars in afghanistan and iraq, the second time since vietnam that a recipients of the medal of honor from an ongoing conflict has been able to accept this medal in person. having just spent some time with leroy, his lovely wife ashley, their wonderful children in the oval office, then had a chance to see the entire petry family here, i have to say, this could not be happening to a nicer guy or a more inspiring family. leroy, the medal of honor reflects the deepest gratitude of our entire nation. so we are joined by members of congress, vice president biden, leaders from across my administration including deputy secretary of defense and leaders from across our armed forces including the vice chairman of the joints cheeferls of staff general jim cartwright. and army chief of staff general marty dempsey. we are honored to welcome more than 100 of leroy's family and friends. many from his home state of new mexico. as well as his fellow lane evers from the legendary delta company 2nd battalion 75th ranger regiment. as always we are humbled by the presence of members of the medal of honor society. today we honor a singular act of gaact ofgallantry. this is an occasion to play tribute to a soldier and generation that has born the burden of our security during a decade of sacrifice. i want to take you back to the circumstances that led to this day. it's may 26, 2008. in the remote east of afghanistan. near the mountainous bored of pakistan. helicopters -- mountainous border of pakistan. the army range jerusalem target i --notice rangers. their target is an insurgents compound. the insurgents are heavily armed. intelligence indicates that a top al qaeda commander is in that compound. soon the helicopters touch down. and our rangers immediately come under fire. within minutes leroy, then a staff sergeant, and another soldier are pushing ahead into a court yard surround by high mud walls. and that's when the enemy opens up with their ak-47s. leroy is hit in both legs. he's bleeding badly. but he summons the strength to leave the other ranger to cover behind the chicken coop. he raidees for supports. he hurls a grenade at the enemy, giving cover to a third ranger to rushes to their aid. an enemy grenade explodes near by, wounding leroy's two comrades. then a second grenade lands. this time only a few feet away. every human impulse would tell someone to turn away. every soldier is trained to seek cover. that's what sergeants leroy petry could have done. instead, this wounded ranger, this 28-year-old man with his whole life ahead of him, this husband and father of four, did something extraordinary. he lunged forward toward the live grenade. he picked it up. he cocked his arm to throw it back. what compels such courage? what leads a person to risk everything so that others might live? for answers we don't need to look far, the roots of leroy's valor are all around us. you see it in the sense of duty instilled by his family who joins us today. his father larry, his mother lorella, and his four brothers. growing up, the walls of their home were hung with pictures of grandfathers and uncles in uniform. leading the young leroy to believe, that's my calling, too. we see it in the compassion of a high school student who overcame creed: never shall i fail my comrades. or as leroy puts it, these are my brothers, family, just like my wife and kids. in -- and you protect the ones you love. and that's what he did that day when he picked up that grenade and threw it back just as it exploded. with that selfless act, leroy saved his two ranger brothers. they are with us today. this valor came with a price. the force of the blast took leroy's right hand. shrapnel riddled his body. said one of his teammates, i'd never seen someone hurt so bad. so even his fellow rangers were amazed at what leroy did next. despite his grievous wounds, he remained calm. he actually put on his own tourniquet, and he continued to lead, directing his team, giving orders, even telling the medics how to treat his woundsment -- wounds. when the fight was won, as he lay on a stretcher being loaded onto a helicopter, one of his teammates came up to shake the hand that leroy had left. that was the first time i shook the hand of someone who i considered to be a true american hero, that ranger said. leroy petri showed that true heros still exist and that they're closer than you think. that ranger's right. our heros are all around us. they're the millions of americans in uniform who have served these past ten years. many, like leroy, deploying tour after tour, year after year. on the morning of 9/11, leroy was training to be a ranger, and as his instructor got the terrible news, they told leroy and his class, keep training, you might be going to war. within months leroy was in afghanistan for the first of seven deployments since 9/11. leroy speaks proudly of the progress our troops have made. afghan community is now free from the terror of the taliban, and afghan forces that are taking more responsibility for their security. and he carries with him the memories of americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice to make this progress possible. earlier in the to value office, leroy gave me the extraordinary privilege of showing me the small plaque that is bolted to his prosthetic arm. on it are the names of the fallen rangers from the 75th regiment. they are quite literally part of him. just as they will always be part of america. one of those names is of the ranger who did not come back from the raid that day. specialist christopher gaitherkill. christopher's brother, sister and grandmother are here today. i would ask that they stand briefly so that we can show our gratitude for their family's profound sacrifice. [applause] [applause] >> our heros are all around us. they're the force behind the force. military spouses like ashley who during leroy's many deployments, during missed birthdays and holidays has kept this family, army strong. so we're grateful to you, ashley, and to all the military spouses who are here. [applause] >> the military children like britney and austin, reagan and 7-year-old landon who at the end of a long day is there to gently rub his dad's injured arm. and so i want to make sure that we acknowledge these extraordinary children as well. [applause] >> our heros are all around us. there are men and women in uniform who through a decade of war have earned their place among the greatest of generations. and during world war ii on d-day it was the rangers of d company who famously scaled the cliffs. after 9/11 we learned again rangers lead the way. they were some of the boots on the ground in afghanistan. they have been deployed continuously ever since. today we can see our progress many this war and our success -- in this war and our success against al-qaeda, and we're beginning to bring our troops home in afghanistan -- home from afghanistan this summer. understand there will be more fighting in the months and years to come, but i am confident because of the service of men and women like leroy we will be able to say of this generation what president reagan once said of those rangers who took the cliffs on d-day. these are the heros who helped end a war. i would ask all of you our rang, members of the 9/11 generation, to stand and accept the thanks of a grateful nation. [applause] [applause] >> finally, the service of leroy petry speaks to the very essence of america. that spirit that says no matter how hard the journey, no matter how steep the climb we don't quit. we don't give up. leroy lost a hand, and those wounds in his legs sometimes make it hard for him to stand, but he pushes on. and he even joined his fellow rangers for a grueling 20-mile march. he could have focused only on his own recovery, but today he helps care for other wounded warriors, inspiring them with his example. given his wounds, he could have retired from the army with honor, but he chose to reenlist indefinitely. and this past year he returned to afghanistan, his eighth deployment. back with his regiment on another mission to keep our country safe. this is the stuff of which heros are made. this is the strength, the devotion that makes our troops the pride of every american. and this is the reason that, like a soldier named leroy petry, america doesn't merely endure, we merge from our trials strongly, more confident, with our eyes fixed on the future. our heros are all around us, and as we prepare for the reading of the citation, please, join me in saluting one of those heros, leroy petry. [applause] [applause] >> the president of the united states of america, authorized by act of congress march 3rd, 1863, has awarded in the name of congress the medal of honor to staff sergeant leroy a.petry, united states army. staff sergeant at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in the action with an armed enemy in the vicinity of paktia province, afghanistan, on may 26th, 2008. as a weapons squad leader with delta company, 75th ranger regiment, staff sergeant move today clear the courtyard of a house that potentially contained high-value combatants. while crossing the courtyard, staff sergeant and another ranger were engaged and wounded by automatic weapons fire from enemy fighters. still under enemy fire and wounded with both legs, staff sergeant led the other ranger to cover. he then reported the situation and engaged the enemy with a hand grenade providing suppression as another ranger moved to his position. the enemy quickly responded. the first grenade explosion knocked his two fellow rangers to the ground and wounded both with shrapnel. a second get mate then landed only a few feet away from them. instantly realizing the danger, staff sergeant petry unhesitatingly and with complete disregard for his safety deliberately and selflessly moved forward, picked up the grenade, and in the effort to clear the immediate threat, threw the grenade away from his fellow rangers. as he was releasing the grenade, it detonated, amputating his right hand at the wrist and further jurorring him with multiuntil schaap knell wounds. although picking up and throwing the life grenade, the staff sergeant's gallant act undeniably saved his fellow rangers from being severely wounded or killed. despite the severity of his wounds, he placed tourniquet on his right wrist before communicating the situation by radio in order to coordinate support for himself and his fellow wounded rangers. staff sergeant p eric try's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, 75th ranger regiment and the united states army. [background sounds] [applause] [applause] [applause] >> let us pray. lord, be upon us this day as we honor the values and celebrate the commitment to our nation sergeant first class petry has modeled. keep us always in your care as we pray if your holy name -- in your holy name, amen. >> thank you all for attending this extraordinary ceremony for this extraordinary hero. i hope that all of you will join the family. there's going to be an outstanding reception. i hear the food is pretty good around here. [laughter] and i know the music's great because we've got the marine band playing. so thank you so much for your attendance, and once again, congratulations, leroy, for your extraordinary devotion to our country. thank you very much. [applause] martha: well, our congratulations and our thanks for his extraordinary service. sergeant petry joined by his wife and his four children. he is 31 and has done eight tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan, an extraordinary story, and our thanks and our heartfelt thanks go out to him and his family today. what a moment. all right. and now we take you to another big moment at a significant event in our country's history that's happening right now at st. margaret's episcopal church in palm desert, california. the family of former first lady betty ford just arriving to pay their final respects moments ago. funeral services for mrs. ford getting under way there just a few minutes from now. she passed away on friday at the age of 93, but she mapped out very specific plans for today's ceremony years ago. including who would deliver the eulogies. former first lady rosalynn carter, journalist cokie roberts, and a former director of the betty ford center will all honor the life of this great woman m -- who gave so much of herself and allowed all of us to get to know her in her own way. also on the guest list, a long list of former and current first ladies including michelle obama, nancy reagan and secretary of state hillary rodham clinton will remember betty ford who passed away at the age of 93. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes and lexus for audi than ever before. experience e summer of audi event and get over 130 channels of siriusxm satellite radio for 3 months at no charge. i thought i was invincible. i'm on an aspirin regimen now because i never want to feel that helplessness again. 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[ laughs ] [ female announcer ] swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. martha: and a busy day here on "america live". we go to health care now, and a side effect under the microscope on capitol hill. republicans trying to eliminate an independent advisory board that would have the authority to control medicare spending. they say that it amounts, in their opinion, to rationing care. but the health and human services secretary says that the panel will only take over if congress fails to limit medicare cost on its own. listen to this. >> this is where i don't understand it. ultimately, don't you believe that there's going to be a time where if you're going to so dramatically underpay for a service to a provider that they would provide to a bebb fishery, that they'll just stop providing that service? >> i would suggest that what is going to, um, occur and is occurring across the country is a different kind of service being provided, a different strategy around health care services, and one that actually suggests that, um, doctors and hospitals through mechanisms like the accountable care organization actually, um, group together around quality care delivery and share in the savings that they achieve. martha: okay. so that's the back and forth between paul ryan and kathleen sebelius, and that on your screen is dr. kathleen london, of course, she's assistant professor at wild cornell medical college, and dr. manny alvarez, senior managing editor of welcome to you both. dr. manny, let's start with you. your response to that exchange. >> fifty bureaucrats and a baby, that's basically what this panel is. look, basically, this panel is going to be in the charge of setting, really, the care of medicine in this country. thai going to -- they're going to ration access by seniors, they're going to sanction physicians, they're going to tell physicians that if they save money, they can save in this extra pool of money, and they're going to be better off. this is really, basically, the nationalization of health care whether you like it or not. martha: dr. london. >> if wishes were fishes, because the law that congress actually passed does not give that much power to this independent board. they are allowed to restructure. it doesn't say what you can and can't pay for. it's not like what europe has -- martha: what are they going to do then? >> so, thai basically allowed to restructure how payment happens, either through acos or the rest of it -- martha: but won't that affect what kind of service they give? >> right now the average couple puts about $140,000 into medicare over their lifetime, but they take out three times that amount in services. of course it's going broke, yes. and rationing should not be a dirty word. you can either have your private insurance companies and an individual's wealth determine what is covered and not covered, or you have have a panel that is going to look at efficacy and everything else -- martha: let me ask you this, dr. manny. one of the things we've heard about the bloated health costs in this country are tests that don't really need to be done, that are overdone, overdiagnosed. so if this panel were able to sort of say to doctors, you know, that we need to cut back on that, would that not help to lower costs? just as one example. >> listen, america has to wake up and live the reality. um, you know, you need to empower the individual. and, basically, if you're going to fix any kind of system where you have cost overruns, you know, empower the individual and, ultimately, they're going to change a lot of the behaviors, people are going to get thinner, their going to -- they're going to get healthier. and folks are living a long time. new drugs are expensive, you want pharmaceutical companies to kind of create new drugs to heal. those things cost money. now, the only thing america has to do is take a little trip to europe when you go on vacation whether you go to france -- >> and you're covered. >> no, you're not covered. >> yes, you are. >> you have a duality of system -- martha: in paris, you know what they do? they go out of their own pocket to get private medical care. >> i've been fighting socialism all my life. i came from cuba -- >> communism and socialism are different. >> yeah, you know what? in the health care system there's no difference. you can go to any of these countries right now, my father-in-law's from sweden, and my wife was born in sweden, and they have the best health care system that money can provide, yeah. if you want to wait ten months to get an operation. i had to bring my father-in-law in to this country to get his knees done because i could not get it done in sweden on time, and here's a man who worked in sweden all his life, paid his taxes, was a great citizen. martha: health care politicians in be canada crossing the border to get health care in the united states. >> every single patient who's come from either canada, europe -- >> oh, come on! >> here you have your insurance company boards making the same decisions without any transparency. at least when the government does it, there's transparency about where is that money -- martha: you think the government's transparent? >> because of what's covered and not, absolutely. >> if you empower the individual -- >> give people vouchers for something that won't even cover their policy at all. >> the americans don't want that. >> oh, so you talk about granny being ditched at the side of the road, that's what that is. >> i want the power to make my own decisions, absolutely. martha: thank you, dr. manny! you walked in the here, you could already tell he was having a good day. >> because i hate socialism. martha: dr. manny, we're going to talk during the break. we'll be right back. i'm robert shapiro. over a million people have discovered how easy it is to use legalzoom for important legalocuments. so start your business, protect your family, launch your dreams. at we pu. martha: well, a big scare aboard a united airlines jet bound for germany. the right? was from chicago -- flight was from chicago when a passenger had to be bound and flagged. this is the mug shot. the guy got into a violent scuffle with flight attendants after he'd been in the bathroom for almost 30 minutes and refused to come out. it turned out folks had a reason to be concerned. trace gallagher's got the story. >> reporter: hey, martha. this guy is described as a very big man, he went in and out of the bathroom, and then he finally stayed in there for some 30 minutes, and the flight attendants were banging on the door saying, come out. he refused, and when he finally did, he began shouting at the flight attendants and began pushing them. that's when other flight attendants began going around recruiting passengers saying things like, you need to come with me, and the passengers jumped into action. listen. >> after he had started the screaming and pushing, a big man came up, took him this a head lock. >> several others jumps on him, took him to the ground, handcuffed him, ankles bracelets on him. >> reporter: then they put duct tape around his mouth because he kept spitting at people. he chewed through the duct tape and almost choked himself, they put a surgical mask over the duct tape, and inside the bathroom he'd apparently pulls some wires down and moved a mirror. that flight was diverted to cleveland, he was arrested upon arrival. he is still in jail. he's being held on a million dollar bond, seven counts of aggravated menacing, martha. unclear what his motive was. martha: what a story. all right, trace, thank you. wow. all right, now this for you. a moment ago senate republicans announced a complex new approach to the debt deal, but will the house republicans go along? that may be the big question there. bret baier has an exclusive interview with speaker john boehner tonight who's going to come out of these meetings and talk to bret, 6 eastern. don't want to mess that. and in three minutes, how the president now finds himself in hot water with a vegetable lobby, folks. it's right after this. to keep in balance after 50, i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has ginkgo for memory and concentration, plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine. [ female announcer ] one a day women's. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. martha: the president is catching flak from left to right and now a vegetable lobby gets on his case. >> it will not get easier, it will get harder. so, we might as well do it now. pull off the band-aid. eat our peas. martha: when the u.s. dry pea council caught wind of that, if these were served more frequently in the white house and the cafets

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