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Tom cotton and ben sasse, the times naming Vice President mike pence. The Vice President calling that report, offensive. He has no plans to run against President Trump. More doubt being cast on the president s tax cut plan, with the president , house, senate, theyre taking a break, from what, i dont know. Senator orrin hatch, said it would be miraculous if the president can get it done. That is not good news. Despite turmoil the rally chugs on. Money and politics. Varney company starts right now. President talked about three brackets, 10 , 25 , and 35 . Are these the rates that look good to sue . Is this what you would like to see . What would you like to see in terms of a individual tax rate for the majority of the country . I would like to see it very, very low, if we could get to those rates that would be miraculous and very beneficial for the country. Ashley miraculous, not the kind of word were hoping to hear. That was gop Senate Tax Reform leader orrin hatch that it would be miraculous if President Trump could achieve lower tax brackets which he campaigned on. Coming in, john lonski, moodys chief economist. Based on what is coming out of washington, john, orrin hatch may have a point. He has a point. Revenue fiscal stimulus is very hard to do. In order to get tax cuts in one area, you have to height taxes elsewhere. Ashley what does this do for the economy . Certainly for corporations out there, even small business. How can they plan ahead if they dont know what the tax future holds for them . They dont. They dont know how they can write off Capital Spending at this point in time. They delay Capital Spending until those matters are clarified, if they are ever clarified. Fortunately were still growing payrolls. Capital spending is lagging behind. Low rate of Capital Spending means low productivity growth. Slow productivity growth means slow wage growth. Ashley we know the consumer is critical to the economy. Where is the psyche of the consumer . More people are looking for jobs and finding them. You said, the kind of jobs are not highpaying jobs. Theyre not great. 63 of the jobs created in month of july were relatively lowpaying industries, hospitality, health care and like. Wages are growing 2 1 2 yearoveryear. 4. 3 unemployment rate. You should look at wage growth in excess of 3. 5 . A lot of consumers are still struggling. They are hurting. They have no savings. Theyre basically a little bit concerned about what lies ahead. They will not run out and spend. Ashley quick look at stock futures. Well go higher again despite all turmoil we said, all action in d. C. 22,042 on the dow. John, can stocks keep up the pace . Were seeing more and more articles and opinions saying were way ahead of ourselves. Many stocks are doing great but many are not. Last time stocks fell sharply, late 2015, early 2016, they were down 16 from their highs. We had an outright contraction of profits. In order for the market to get hit hard we have to have profits shrink yet again. Do i think that will happen anytime soon . No. We should avoid a deep selloff. That doesnt tell us stocks will keep going higher by 10 or 11 . Maybe well tread water, go slightly higher. Ashley not the big correction . That big correction will require a deep slump by profits and i dont see that happening. Liz Central Banks around the world created estimated 16 trillion in liquidity. That money has to go somewhere. That tech stocks are treated like a safe haven like utilities the only place money can be had. That has to be parked somewhere. That is why there is momentum play. Ashley especially big tech stocks. All right. The economy is moving, john, not at a pace we like to see. A lot of that is what we see going on in d. C. . Part of it is, yes. Ashley theyre on break. How frustrating. Stay there, john. Now this, Deputy Attorney general rod rose 10 stein clear who the Justice Department is targeting as it clamps down on leaks in the administration. Roll tape. Look at the facts and circumstances. What were the potential harm caused by the leak, what were the circumstances. That is more important than who it is the leaker. We identify somebody no matter what the position is, if they violate the law warrants prosecution well prosecute it. Including white house officials and members of congress . Including anybody who leaks. Ashley all rise, judge Andrew Napolitano good to see you on this monday. Make it very clear, if you get the information and that information obviously is not to be shared repercussions are there. The key phrase what Deputy Attorney general rosenstein said, anybody that breaks the law. If im an official in the state department with a security clearance and i have in my hands or in my iphone or desktop matters that are classified, confidential, secret or top secret, i give it to you a journalist and you publish it here on fox business, you havent broken the law no matter what is in the document, no matter the level of secrecy. Ashley you person has . The person passes it on would have broken the law. The question arises can the government ask you from whom you got this material . Ashley when they made the announcement they were getting tough last week, judge, Jeff Sessions said, look were coming after you, including issuing subpoenas to journalists. That upset a lot of people. Rightly some that is what the barack obama Justice Department under former attorney general eric holder did to our colleague james rosen in which they subpoenaed materials from him. Actual got a search warrant to listen to his phone calls in an effort to find out from whom he received information which was truthful, accurate but secret, which he was protected by the publication of it. Look the Supreme Court made it very, very clear, in 1973, it has an about the law consistently since then, if the matter is of material public interest, it doesnt matter how the journalist got it, the journalist is privileged to publish it. The journalist is privileged to keep his or her sources secret. Ashley right. Next one for you, you brought some props for this issue. Loretta lynchbill clinton tarmac meeting, we talked about this on friday. Yes. Ashley turns out documents did exist but the story faded into the headlines this weekend. You have some props. I usually dont bring props. Ii want to people to see what it looks like. This is the blackedout area of the emails ashley that were provided. That were provided. Emails from the Justice Department in the Loretta Lynch era concerning communications about liz talking about golf and grandkids, why is it so heavily redacted . Redacted by the trump Justice Department. That is so upsetting to me. Jim comey was fired, according to President Trump, for the failure to do his duty properly with respect to Hillary Clinton. Part of that Hillary Clinton debacle was the meeting between Loretta Lynch and mrs. Clintons husband, while mrs. Clinton and her husband, the former president , were both under criminal investigation. Ashley yes. Why for heavens sakes is the trump Justice Department blacking out. Mails were entitled to see. Ashley theyre entitled to do that, wouldnt be in their interest. Makes no sense they would black out shows you the government mentality. Keep secrets from the public that we work for because we are entitled to know more than they do. I condemn that. Donald trump condemns that. And Jeff Sessions should condemn it. And bureaucrats that did this nonsense shouldnt be doing it. Ashley all we got on emails, who it was from, who it was to and date. Subject by. There is a lot of material in here in the public domain. Transcripts of press conferences that Loretta Lynch had about the subject matter. Ashley more you learn, the more upset you get. Judge, thank you very much. Come back at 11. Talk about my favorite subjects sanctuary cities. Makes me so mad. Sounds like charles lawton, hunchback of notre dame. Im in the cathedral, you cant prosecute me. Ashley the bells are tolling. Judge, thank you very much. Quick look at stock futures this morning. Im smiling. We kick off in 20 minutes, modestly so. Dow up 27. S p and nasdaq slightly higher ahead of the opening bell. Meat process every tyson reporting before the bell, results expected better than expected. Here we go. Chicago mayor rahm emanuel will file a lawsuit against the Justice Department over efforts to deny funding to sanctuary cities. Makes me so mad. Emac. Liz about 3 million worth federal grants Police Departments get for vehicles. This is drop in the buckket, 3 million, versus 10 billiondollar overall budget for the city of chicago for this. This is political gambit by rahm emanuel to get the minority vote in, ostensibly suing. Basically the feds want 48hour heads up if cities will release illegals. They want their fed agents to be in jails to talk to illegals. Ashley right. Liz the fed ral government says we will pull back on the grants if you dont apply. Congress appropriates the money. Big fight between chicago and sanctuary cities, federal government. Has to do with congress appropriating money. Can Jeff Sessions adjudicate it. Congress has power of the purse. Ashley you dont play by fed rules, dont get fed money. End of story. Well get into that. Deep breath. Amazon story of the day, filing for new patents, what else, for mobile drone work stations, train cars and bigrigs with a drone workshop, making it easier for amazon to bring drone delivery to rural parts of the country. Well have that coming up. Oprah winfrey takes 10 stake on Weight Watchers, stock goes on a tear. Oprah get as huge payday. Well tell how you much she made on her investment. She is good, isnt she. Question is it time for our president to start channeling reagan, sell those tax cuts directly to the American People . Well talk with a former reagan cabinet member after this. Its a highly contagious disease that can be really serious. Especially for my precious new grandchild. Its whooping cough. Every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. Only if the Congress Passes all of its major component does it have any real chance much success. This is absolutely essential if we are to provide incentives and make capital available for the increased productivity required to provide real permanent jobs for our people. And let us not forget, that the rest of the world is watching america carefully to see how we land at this critical moment. Ashley he could deliver a speech, couldnt he . President reagan addressing the nation back in 1981. Joining us bill bennett, former u. S. Secretary of education under mr. Reagan. Thanks for joining us. You bet. Ashley President Trump needs you could say take a page maybe from the great communicators playbook to start selling taxes directly to the American People, would you not agree . Yes, reagan can make a great speech and often did and often were spontaneous. Donald trump can make a great speech. How did he win the presidency. He went around the country persuaded people to his point of view. He is more comfortable with the tax issue than the health care issue. Neil seedingly complex, i dont fathom it. I think the tax issue is much more familiar to him and i think probably easier to explain. He ought to hit the hustings and he likes it, go out there and sell it. Ashley how would you compare the political environment today than when reagan was president . Seems more toxic now . These are toxic and poisonous waters. I have never seen anything like it. We keep hearing this is not a fishing expedition after trump called it a hunting expedition. That is what it is with the lawyers mueller has hired. Look, people want to discredit trump. They want him out. Democrats want him out. A lot of the press wants him out and this is, this is a fullscale effort. So they will try to do anything they can to discredit him. But, i learned one thing in washington many years that i worked in washington, youre either on offense or youre on defense. Be on offense. Ashley good advice. Next one for you, bill, check out this headline from the New York Times, republicans Shadow Campaign for 2020 takes shape as trump doubts grow. Vice president pence rejected this report that he is gearing up for a 2020 run. Is this just more attempts to undermine the administration, that there is problems from within and sharks are circling right now . Yeah. You remember the browning poem, how do i love thee, let me count the ways. How do we despise you . How many ways we can discredit you. That there are officeseekers ready to take your place. I cant speak to ben sasse. Tom cotton is ridiculous idea. I spend a fair amount of time from the pence people. I know them before. I visited with the Vice President. This is bunk and this is nonsense. When i go to the Vice President s office the question im asked most often is, are we doing enough . Do you think were doing enough to help the president . My answer has been yes, you are. Ashley i have to ask but the leaks because its gone beyond ridiculous. Jeff sessions speaking tough now saying were coming after you. Have you seen anything like it . No, i have never seen anything like this kind of leakage, it is a torrent and a tidal wave. I disagree with the exsteamable judge napolitano. The feeble schedules i learned at harvard law school, the press does not have absolute privilege. They do not have immunity. In general mattis orders secret orders to take out isis in raqqa, that is disclosed by report are and people get killed there should be prosecutions of those reporters. The press has privileges but theyre not absolute privileges. Look it starts at home. Got to start in the white house and elsewhere but this is a terrible thing. This business with the president of mexico and the Prime Minister of australia, how can you do business, how can you have a candid conversation . Ashley i will take that up with the judge, mr. Bill bennett. Bill bennett, thank you so much for joining us this morning. We appreciate it. Check exchange between jim comey and trey gowdy a month ago. It was on this very topic. I will yield to that discussion. Ashley i will fill him in. Thanks so much, bill. Appreciate it. Alphabet employee sends a memo to his colleagues, my, oh, my, blasting companys stance on diversity and gender. Lots of on both sides argument. How alphabets newly appointed diversity chief is responding next. Where to get in. Where to get out. If only the signs were as obvious when you trade. Fidelitys active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. The internet is waiting. Start for free today at godaddy. Track your pack. Set a curfew, or two. Make dinnertime device free. [ music stops ] [ music plays again ] a smarter way to wifi is awesome. Introducing xfinity xfi. Amazing speed, coverage and control. Change the way you wifi. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Ashley google condemning an engineers anonymous manifesto blasting the companys stance on diversity. Here is a quote from the memo. Open and honest discussion with those disagree can show the blind spots help us grow, which can help us grow. Google has blind spots about these biases and it is being silenced by the dominant ideology. Here is the response from danielle brown, googles brand news Vice President of diversity and governance, quite a title. Im not going to link to it here as it is not a viewpoint that i or this company endorses, promotes or encourages. All right, this is caused quite a big stink, emac. Your thoughts on it. Liz the price president of engineering at google, i think he got it right. There is bias and stereotyping eninherrent in what that person wrote when he said that, suggest is that most women and men feel or think a certain way or the same way or they all think in a block. That women all think in a block or men all think in a block, conservatives agree with what he is saying. That in of itself is stereotyping. I think a lot of Emotional Energy wasted on this topic. I think, this is bad timing for good gel. Theyre underlabor Department Investigation for pay disparity systemic throughout google. It is bad timing for the company. Ashley john . Not supposed to be practicing socialology at google. Computer engineers should focus on software. Ashley on engineering. Not worried about memos. Ashley to emacs point the timing could be pretty bad. Interesting. Caused a big stink. Thanks, guys. Look at futures for you. Were less than five minutes from the opening. Yes, well open up higher on this wet monday morning in the northeast. The dow up marginally as is the s p and nasdaq. Well be back with the opening bell right after this. Its time to rethink whats possible. Rethink the experience. Rethink your allergy pills. Flonase sensimist allergy relief uses unique Mistpro Technology and helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. Most allergy pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Rethink your allergy relief. Flonase sensimist. Ashley the opening bell ringing in just about 15 seconds from now. Were expecting a slight gain at the opening bell. The dow above 22,000. The market continues to chug on despite all the stalemate going on in washington, d. C. There are questions now, maybe there are inherent problems in the market. I dont buy it. Some do. Have a look as we kick it off. Were up modestly up 22,103, there you have it. It dips a little lower. [opening bell rings] check the s p 500. That is showing slightly higher in the futures. That is exactly what weve got. Call that earningsly flat. Taking a look at nasdaq, up about a 10th of a percent at 6360. Who is here. Liz macdonald, keith fits, the keith fitzgerald, john lonski ticking around kindly with us. Keith, beginning with you, stocks riding high, how long can this go on . That is the question i get asked the most. As long as illusion of growth continues, we follow ceos, not politicians, ash. Ashley that is very true. John, do you think it is an illusion . I dont think it is an illusion. I think profits are ever slowly are expanding. The i stated earlier the important point we avoid outright contraction of profits. If we do that there is no reason for the market to sell off. I dont think Interest Rates are he headed sharply higher anytime soon. Ashley gop Senate Tax Reform leader orrin hatch, saying it would be quote, miraculous if President Trump could achieve lower tax brackets for americans. That doesnt sound good. Keith, do you agree with what mr. Hatch has to say . I tell you what the honorable senator has been in there a long time. He is one of the very few i believe knows what he is talking about. For him to say miraculous, it gives me pause. Ashley yeah. It is a bit, very disappointing to had to what we saw with health care reform. Now this, john. It is disappointing. Revenue neutral, fiscal stimulus appears to be an oxymoron. The only time you get real tax reform and tax cuts is the economy is in great danger or shrinking. Ashley and it is not. It is not happening. No sense of urgency. Ashley lets talk about the tesla model 3. It will cost you more than the advertised 35,000, the mainstream version. That price tag a little deceiving. Liz it is just shy of double that if you want it fully loaded. Comes in at 62,000. Ashley ouch. Liz a 35 million new vehicle from tesla, elon musk wants a million cars a year produced by tesla. That means 5000 a week up from 1500 a week. He has to sell them. This is a play for tesla. They have to he will is the cars. They have to get to main street america. They have to get to Middle America. I dont know if Middle America will pay for bmw type vehicle fully loaded at 62,000, when chevy volt gets more on a range of a charge. Ashley manuel windows . No ac . Liz that is the point. Pay extra forethe color, different color other than black. Pay extra if you want autopilot. Ashley wheels . Liz bigger wheels you have to pay extra for. Engine, battery . I dont know. There is another item on tesla. Keith is laughing. Look, the stock by the way as we know is outperforming much bigger rival carmakers. Keith is this really about tesla being a tech company and not a Motor Company . Thats the thing. These fees are smoke screen. Like airline, you can have a blanket, or pay five bucks for a clean one. Those fees are supposed to go away and every carmaker pads the bill. It is not a car company. It is an electric company. Musk wants to control from the sun all the way to your garage. He has batteries, cars, solar panels. Building a picture. The best part the market doesnt recognize that. What happens to utilities when they do . There will be consequences. Ashley that is a good point. Check the big board for you. Literally four minutes into a new trading week. Here we go, were up whopping 3, 4, 5 points. Were on upside but essentially flat. Take a look at oil for you. Oil falling down more than 1 , down to 4898. Look at gold for you. Nothing much with gold, down about 50 at 1253 per troy ounce. Tyson posting better profits. That is good news for the stock up 4 . The big tech names we check every day. We like to keep a tab, theyre the big drivers, arent they. There you go, facebook, amazon, microsoft, alphabet, all up a 10th to a quarter of a percent. Office depot will start offering same day delivery in atlanta, los angeles, Fort Lauderdale, miami. Everywhere else youre out of change or out of lock. Office depot shares with a big unch, unchanged. Varney regular David Stockman raising a red flag on amazon. What . Liz he is saying they have not, amazon has not invented anything explosively new like the iphone or personal computer to to justify its rich multiple of 190 times earnings. Ashley really . Liz he saying 91 of sales comes from selling goods on the website. What he is missing here all of amazons operating profit comes from the cloud. Amazon is plowing a lot of its money back into the cloud. Taking on rivals in a beg way. It is undoing price cut wars with competitors. Building out new data centers and new service personnel. Stockman is really missing what is driving amazons operating profit. Without it would be 290 million in the red without the cloud. The cloud is driving amazons profit. Ashley keith, let me bring you in on this. Is mr. Stockman missing the point . He is brilliant guy. He has been wrong about rates and wrong about markets and calling for calamity. Liz is spot on. He is stuck in the Gold Standard mentality. He doesnt understand the new variables driving this company. The value hasnt been fully realized. It is due for a correction but so what. Ashley do you agree, john . Reminder, amazon is more than a retailer. It is a hightech company. On the other hand it is selling 250 times earnings. That tell me if any bad news and amazon starts to sink amazon will come down hard but only temporarily. Ashley it is spreading its tentacles in many areas the broad impact is huge. Costs are rising very sharply in order, when he gets into this liz could get into cars, real estate, drug selling pharmacies. Ashley well live in amazon land at some point. We already are i think. Apple reporting a cellular watch, dick tracy. That cuts out reliance on iphone. Keith, will you buy one of these . No way. Ashley why . I want a watch that does nothing but tick. To me all this stuff is becoming intrusive. At some point i think market will revolt bense this. It is net nanny, 1984 George Orwell whatever you tag you put on it. Will it create profits . You bet it will. A lot of people want this stuff. Im a ludite here. Ashley itch a massive big fat finger that will call five numbers at same time. Are you into this . No im not. Im wondering as baby boom are who has to have reading glasses look at this little tiny watch . We want to have this a watch where you could talk to it and would go ahead and respond with whatever question youre asking. Liz actually you could have a lot of people walking into lampposts. [laughter]. Sorry. Ashley we already do with people looking down. Would you buy one emac. Liz no. Ashley not interested . Liz i like your watch. Ashley im a gadget kind of guy. I dont know. Well wait and see. Anyway, get this story, big pay day for Oprah Winfrey on Weight Watchers stock. Up to 340 million. She did well on this. What do economists say about the newfound wealth . Oprah is astute investor. Knows what she is doing without any question. She is so sharp it is incredible. Ashley all she has to say she is into the stock, immediately gets the benefits of that. Selffulfilling. Liz she is saying personally benefiting from Weight Watchers. Look at this, she bought 6 million shares for 7 bucks a share. The now theyre worth, awfully loaded with the options, 341 million. Ashley amazing. She spent 42 million to get that gain. 43 million. Ashley takes money to make money. Boy, does she ever. Nissan, this is interesting story. Nissan u. S. Workers voted against joining the United Auto Workers union. Are you surprised by that, john . Not at all. I think these workers realize the benefit of having flexibility, give nissan the flexibility to pay them what theyre worth. Dont have to pay union dues. They saw the uaw didnt exactly save the jobs of perhaps tens of thousand of workers in michigan and big three automakers. Ashley keith, how would that go down in seattle. I cant speak from seattle, speaking professor hand experience in japan, they tend to work with management, not against them. Im pleased to see this, what that says workers at nissan, among other manufacturers recognize value of being globally competitive and uaw i believe is not conducive to that. Ashley not paying dues for something they dont know what theyre getting for it. John, thank you very much for sticking around. Keith, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Check the big board. It has been essentially flat. Were up a massive eight points at 22,100. Still pretty remarkable level. More violence in venezuela. The countrys socialist government repelling a opposition attempt to take over a military base. Well have details on that. Good news in the fight against islamic tear tore. More signs that the President Trumps strategy to beat isis is working. Lieutenant colonel ralph peters on that and much more coming up after this. Potsch you each drive a ford pickup, right . in unison russ, leland, gary yes. Gary i have a ford f150. Michael ive always been a ford guy. Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing ashley were 13 minutes into the session. Were on upside. Up 10 points on the dow, 20,102. At least were on the right side. Netflix, get this, buying a comic book company. Go to Nicole Petallides. Nicole. Netflix continuing to expand. This is expansion into the comic book world, buying miller world. Netflix is down. Why are they doing this . They will pick up all kinds of stories and characters everything from kings men, and logan. Netflix look forward to everything, using these characters for scifi, superhero, horror, just to continue to expand on the franchise. You know that netflix has done so great here at home. 52 million subscribers here at home. More than 50 abroad here as well. Last 52 weeks up almost 86 . Emmy nominations, got 7th emmy nomination for house of cards. Ashley very impressive, nicole, appreciate it. Venezuela managing to stop an antigovernment uprising on a military base. Emac youve been all over the story from day one. Predawn raid, two hours west of can ruckus at a fort. 10 got way. Two were killed. Rest were apprehended. 10 got away, led by former captain of the national guard. This he took off with weapons, ammo and grenades. Here is the thing. Is this big enough to spark an overall military uprising . You see jubilation in the streets with people cheering this. Maduro is saying they were apprehended. Ashley are they cheering the up rising . Liz theyre chiefing the uprising. Failure of socialism, ashley, see it right here. The concern this is basically cuba. It has trained the military. Cuba is heavily into venezuela. Now were looking a at nicaragua, bolivia, ecuador, colombia, there is concern these other countries could go both the way of cuba and venezuela. Ashley all in our backyard. Lots to be worried about. Emac, thank you very much. Liz sure. Ashley the United Nations Security Council passing a resolution imposing new sanctions on north korea for its continued mess sill testing and violation of u. N. Resolution. They do it all the time. Come in colonel ralph peters. Ralph, im surprised there are any sanctions left we can impose . There is very good news. That the u. N. Security Council Voted 150 to impose tougher sanctions on north korea. The bad news it wouldnt make any difference whatsoever. China has mastered the art showing us enough leg to keep us from imposing any kind of economic sanctions on them. You know, china literally gets away with trade murder because they keep dangling this possibility of help with north korea. Now, china on this 150 vote, that sounds great but we didnt get the sanctions we wanted. We wanted tougher sanctions but for china to come on board they watered them down. There are two reasons for it. One is the macro reason. China regards north korea as a critically valuable ally in peace and war. The second micro region or economic reason is that china, chinas Steel Industry is a Great International weapon whether you consider the prices dumping or not. China doesnt have the right coal, soft coal. North korea, one of few things it has high quality anthracite coal that goes into coking furnaces for chinese steel. There are all the back stories here were not paying attention to. Bottom line is this, if we expect china to stop north korea, aint going to happen, brother. Ashley the question is, ralph, how can we even know the chinese are complying what they say they are . Is there any way of doing that . Coal is a bulk product. There are twoways to get it into china. One is by ship, we can trace that. One is by coal trains going across the border we can track that even there is rub. You have finite number of satellites and analysts. If were watching ports for coal, were not watching missile complex with the same assets. Im laughing about it this is deadly serious. The north korea problem is far from being resolved. And these fake palliative measures that china keeps feeding us, they just turn us into Global Economic suckers as well as strategic suckers. Ashley on that note lets move on to another topic, colonel. On friday, a Senior State Department official said under President Trump gains against isis have quote, dramatically accelerated. Your reaction to that . That is absolutely true. Ashley yeah. It is very, that is good news. What the Trump Administration did, they kept the obama era strategic concept which we provide support, air power, logistics and intelligence but the locals do the grunt work, the fighting. The difference is president obama, President Trump, much to his credit really unleashed military. Under obama you virtually had to have white house approval to throw a hand grenade. Trump delegated through general mattis delegated authority down to the battlefield commanders allowing them to make battlefield decisions. Were seeing enormous progress destroying isis as a force that can occupy, govern and control. Now terrorism aspect isnt going away. Were making progress. The other reason is, once you start beating up the enemy, once the enemy starts losing as isis losing, if you keep up the pressure which we are doing, the losses compound, morale plummets. Harder to get recruits. Things fall apart. So again while were not ever going to get a perfectly Clean Solution to islamist terrorism, isis is losing big and yes, the Trump Administration deserves credit for that. Good, we finished on an up the note. Colonel ralph peters, as always, thank you so much. Thank you. Ashley check the dow 30, a 2 3 green and 1 3 red. Gives as you market just slightly higher. Im losing my voice. Checked up. Very emotional for me. The market up about 10 points also. All rights up next, the guest who says amazon isnt behind the death of tradition retail. He says it is you, the consumer asphalt. Well explain that next. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . 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Saving you money wherever you check your phone. Yeah, even there. See how much you can save when you choose by the gig or unlimited. Call, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Xfinity mobile. Its a new kind of network designed to save you money. Ashley dow component United Technologies, the u. S. Maker of otis elevators as youve seen them everywhere, carrier air conditioners, submitted an offer to require Aviation Technology firm rockwell collins. United technologies down on the news. Rockwell up 4 . Check shares of caterpillar hitting another alltime high, just moments ago up. 4 of a percent at 114. 83. That is cat, cat. Our next guest says the retail ice age isnt entirely amazons fault. He is with Investment Management associates. Thank you so much for joining us. We talk about the retail ice age all the time and we look at amazon as one of those, you know, major causes. Make your case. Well i think it is very complex problem where amazon is just one of the many variables. If you think about it, the u. S. Retail sells 5. 5 trillion. Online sales, 350 billion of that, and amazon is about 1 3 of that. If you look at our retail footprint it has been developed basically in the 90s and mid 2,000s, when consumers were borrowing money to buy goods. Since then consumers are deleveraging. So that is issue number one. Look back 10 years ago we were spending 10 billion on cell phones. Today, 10 years ago we did not even have smartphones yet. Today, 10 years later we spend 200 billion a year on our smartphones. That is the money diverted away from retail spending towards, from traditional retail spending. So its a brand new industry. Look at our wireless bills. It is up about 150 wireless bills are up 150 billion last 10 years. Between this too, 350 billion diverted from retail sales. Ashley but, vitale, would you not agree brickandmortar stores are very slow to react the amount of business being done online and in some cases too late . I think they have been slow because they have been looking backwards. If you look at, if you look at our retail food print, we have four to five times more retail Square Footage per person than in europe. So we just have too many stores and the business is changing and to make things worse, think about this, 10, 20 years ago, we had such a thing as casual friday. Ashley right. Employers through us a ball to allow jones to work. Today, ever day is casual friday. So our preferences as consumers have changed. And so clothing is not as important for us but still very, very slow to respond to that. Ashley sorry so short. Interesting points. Thank you so much for joining us. It is casual friday in the studio every day. Believe me, take my word for it. Isnt that right, sarge . Dow hitting alltime high even as d. C. Agenda stalls within washington. This is profits versus politics. Second hour of varney next. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. You didnt know that. No. Yeah. But, wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease and lower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Ra bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Ashley im Ashley Webster in for stuart, hell be back tomorrow, and here are the big stories for the 10 a. M. Hour on the east coast. Attention white house colleague r leakers, the department of justice is ready to prosecute, the Deputy Attorney general telling fox he will go after anyone breaking the law. The is on vacation and the house and senate are also off leaving a lot of work to be done. Top republican senator orrin hatch said getting the Trump Administrations tax plan through congress would be, quote, miraculous. Doesnt sound good, does it . Remember, when congress does return this september, there are only 12 days when the house and senate are in session at the same time. And according to the New York Times, theres at least four republicans interested in President Trumps job in 2020, calling it a showdown campaign. I would say a Shadow Campaign, at least one person on that list, Vice President mike pence, strongly denying the report. Hour two of varney, lots to talk about, starts right now. Ashley all right. The market has been open for all of 30 minutes and 54 seconds. Lets take a look for you, up 11 points at 22,103, i still blink twice when i see that level on the dow. Some news, netflix buying a comic book company, looks like an original content play. Netflix up just a third of a percent. Cbs and at and t reaching an agreement that will put cbs on directv now which is the live tv streaming service. Take a look at the shares, at t up about half a percent but cbs and direct tv down on that news. Vice president mike pence is fighting back against a New York Times article that claims he and three other republicans are considering running against President Trump in 2020. Vice president pence saying, quote todays article in the New York Times is disgraceful and offensive to me, my family and our entire team. The allegations in this article are categorically false and represent just the very latest attempt by the media to divide this administration. Joining us now, jordan faber, White House Correspondent at the hill. 9 your reaction to this news that came out over the weekend. Well, look, President Trump is someone who demands loyalty from people on his team, and i think that Vice President pence knows that, and thats why he put out such a stronglyworded statement the other day pushing back on the story. But i dont think its going to do anything to quell the speculation that someone in the republican party, maybe mike pence, is preparing themselves to run in 2020 in the event that President Trump doesnt. Theres so much chaos and uncertainty surrounding this presidency, his Approval Ratings are below 40 , and and thats only going to give other republicans incentive to keep their options open over the next few years. Ashley its hard when you have people in your own party who are even behind the scenes actively working against you and certainly not getting onboard with the agenda. Its very difficult for the president to get anything done under those circumstances. Absolutely. And, look, it speaks to this divide that still exists in the republican party. President trumps victory in the republican primary last year was something akin to a hostile takeover to. Theres still a cadre of traditional, you know, conservatives in the party who dont, who disagree with him on policy, and they also stylistically dont see eye to eye. Ashley right. Theres still that conflict there, and they havent bridged that. Ashley new chief of staff john kelly is working to bring order and discipline to the white house, we are told. Is this going to work . We understand he may even vet some of the president s tweets. Thats right, ashley. Theres some early signs that hes succeeding. [laughter] you know, hes putting in a process where the door to the oval office is now closed, aides cant run in and out and drop news article on the president s desk anymore. We saw the president get up early, hes watching television, hes tweeting about things hes seeing on cmn. So cnn. So there are limits to what general kelly can do to control the president and the process of the white house. Ashley but a muchneeded, perhaps, person in charge whos really trying to get some order to. Yeah. , and look, i think the differences between general kelly and reince priebus, his predecessor, is that the president really respects general kelly. I think he respects people, you know, former military brass, respects people who have had success in the business world, and general kellys a peer of his. He might be more willing to listen to the advice and the new policies that general kelly wants to put in place. Ashley well see what happens, as they say. Jordan fabian, thank you so much for joining us. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Ashley new emails show reporters at the Washington Post and the New York Times werent exactly interested in covering that infamous tarmac meeting between former attorney general Loretta Lynch and president bill clinton. Joining us now is a media reporter at the hill. This is interesting, because when this story broke, joe, it showed in parts at least some of the emails that were released that both the Washington Post and the times were essentially trying to push this story aside, bury it, if you like. Yes. One reporter said, and i quote, he was being pressed into service. Ashley he didnt want to do it. Exactly. A story like that with an attorney general whos investigating the spouse of a former president ashley big story. Thats a huge story, and it wasnt on anybodys schedule. This was only discovered because a local reporter found out that they were meeting. Then afterwards when it is discovered that the meeting happened, theyre talking about golf and grandkids [laughter] which, you know, obviously, no one bias. So, yeah, the fact that he was going to write it just to put it to rest, and his editors or were pushing him to cover it, thats ridiculous. This is bias in broad daylight. Ashley yeah. And we didnt even get any reaction this weekend that i could tell saying exactly what you just said, theres no outrage. Lets play a game. Ashley all right. Lets see if this story would have been covered, if you take out the name Loretta Lynch and replace it with robert mueller. And replace bill clinton with donald trump jr. , Jared Kushner or ivanka trump ashley wed be hearing about nothing else. Thats for sure. Another one for you, the latest cover of newsweek showing President Trump sitting in a chair watching tv, eating food. The cover reads, lazy boy, your thoughts. I mean, come on. This implies that, a, the presidency is a failure, right . Ashley right. You do business news, so at last check gdp at 2. 6 , under president obama right. Markets way up, unemployment at a 17year low, and even if you look at isis, that caliphate is being diminished and destroyed. You could point to a lot of things the president has accomplished particularly from an economic perspective. This is also bias in broad daylight as well. This is a lazy cover. To talk about the president s work ethic, right . You want to criticize him on health care, you want to criticize him on not moving fast enough on tax reform, thats all fair game. When you start going after the president s work ethic, we saw during the campaign this guy works. You could go after him on a lot of things, but his work ethic is not one of them. Ashley hes remarkable. And hes done a lot. And hes supposed to be on vacation now. Hell be the nurse to tell you the first to tell you, really . The white house is a dump, were getting it fixed up. Right. He just spoke with the south korean ashley right. Prime minister or president just yesterday to talk about that u. N. Resolution passed by nikki haley 150. That sounds to me like things are getting done while hes on vacation. Ashley let me ask you about this report that there are republicans that are not happy with the Trump Administration working, trying to feel out their potential candidacy for 2020. My sense is while these lawmakers are back at home talking to their constituents, theyre the ones that are getting the heat, not donald trump. Because theyre the ones who are not working with the administration and not doing what it takes to get health care done, tax reform, deregulation, you name it. Yeah. Trump says he wants to move on all of these things. Ashley yes. If health care passed, he said he was ready to sign it. You see this during these rallies in West Virginia and ohio that the crowds are still just overwhelming. I think the base is still with him and they understand this is a congress problem, not so much a trump problem, but the president ultimately does bear the responsibility of being the leader of the party and the person that should be uniting ashley yeah. I just spent a week in florida. My god, i got an earful if from a lot of people saying, you know, keep flying the flag, dont give up. Hes fighting his own party, hes fighting everyone in washington, d. C. , and they are behind him 100 . You get out of the beltway and those other elitist strongholds around this country and go into Middle America or wherever you want to go, his base of support to your point is still remarkably high even when we read the New York Times and is Washington Post, we believe this countrys in disarray and hes a terrible leader and, you know, were all going to hell in a handbasket. It sounds familiar. During the campaign we heard that was a campaign in disarray, that he had no chance of winning. And, obviously, that didnt happen because in those states that you mentioned, in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, ohio, that decided the election. How many stories do you see of reporters actually going to those places ashley none. And getting the pulse of the American People. We were it would they were going to do that that. Again, this is the ivory towers dictating news that does not relate to ashley so true. The left has not used a damned thing excuse my language, im getting fired up from the election. Whats that old saying about mistakes and not learning from them, doomed to repeat them . That appears to be happening. Ashley thank you so much for joining us. Ill calm down. City of chicago no, im not going to calm down. Get this. Planning to file a lawsuit against the Trump Administration over its sanctuary city policy. E. Mac, department of justice is already firing back. Yeah, thats right. The federal government, the white house, rather, saying we will withhold more than 3 million worth of grants to chicago if chicago does not comply with the Trump Administrations and the dojs sanctuary city policy. So Rahm Emanuels administration is suing. Heres the Justice Department firing back. Last year more chicago wans were murdered than in new york city and los angeles combined ashley thats incredible. Yes. Just saying its especially tragic the mayor of chicagoing is less concerned with that staggering figure than he is spending time and taxpayer money protecting criminal Illegal Immigrants and putting chicagos Law Enforcement at risk. Ashley i also think it encourages human trafficking. If you hold out a carrot, if you can reach us, well protect you. We saw tragically those immigrants piled in the back of a big rig left in the sun with no air in a big rig in texas. I think theyre responsible for this. Theyre encouraging people to break the law. Yeah. Ashley now they want federal money for not carrying out federal law. Thats the Justice Department would say exactly what youre saying. Its about three million in grants to buy things like police cars. Ashley right. Is it a drop in the bucket versus the 10 billion overall chicago budget . Yeah. But this city is in insolvent, the property taxes are going up, and the murders and homicides are still at near record levels. Ashley deep breath. Are you fired up . Ashley its an issue that just really angers me. E. Mac, thank you very much. Sure. Ashley coming up, its the ipo that could bring in fat returns, haha. Fat burger looking to go public, its ceo will join us next. And the United States could soon be facing a shortage of primary care doctors. How that could impact you. Try getting an appointment. Dr. Siegel joins us later this hour. And patriots Quarterback Tom Brady just celebrating his 40th birthday last week, he says hes got five more years left in him. Who could doubt him . Jason whitlock will give us his take on that. Youre watching the second hour of Varney Company. microphone feedback listen up, Heart Disease. You too, unnecessary er visits. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. And fragmented care stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Ashley all right. Lets take a look at that big board as we kick off the new trading week. Okay, were up, up 10 points at 22,103 on the dow can. Some stocks to a talk about, office depot says it will start delivering sameday delivery, good news if you live in atlanta, los angeles, Fort Lauderdale or miami, Office Depot Shares up about 1. 5 at 6 and change. New york mayor bill de blasio wants to tax the citys wealthiest residents this time in order to repair the subway system. E. Mac . The details. Well, yeah. Theres pushback because now critics are saying this is de blasios answer to everything, just tax the rich. This is a decrepit new york city subway system that has been engulfed in problems right now this year. Ashley right. Massive delays, accidents, some people falling on the tracks and getting killed. He wants to raise taxes on individuals earning more than a million a year and also for couples as well. You know, so is this the answer, new cash to fix a decrepit subway system and Transit System in new york city . Cuomo, the governor, oversees the mta. The mta itself has been mired in controversy as well for being slow to repair and fights with unions. Ashley to you take the subway much . Yes, i do. Ashley is it that bad . Yes. Ashley all right. Its always the rich that have to come to the rescue with de blasio. All right, the Los Angelesbased chain fat burger looking to go public, and the companys ceo joins us now to talk about it. Andrew, thanks for joining us. When are you planning to go public . Well, right now were just testing the waters which means we cant take orders, were waiting for the sec, were on file with the sec, so thatll be a few weeks,ing and hen well be ready to go. Ashley hows business . Our sales are up significantly. Were double digit up in california right now, like 13 . I attribute a lot of that to the delivery business. Its just been racing to the sky for us. Ashley so a lot has been made in the fast food industry, andrew, of automation, essentially taking away workers jobs and in part in reaction to this, you know, movement in this country for 15 minimum wage. What are you thoughts on all of that . Well, certainly automation is something that moves business forward. Weve seen it increase our sales, and it really hasnt decreased our labor at all. Weve reallocated labor, so we have more orders. Maybe less people taking orders, but more people cooking the food. Now, if you talk about labor costs, there you have a real issue, right . Everyone must have known what they were getting into when they voted in favor of their politicians wanting minimum wage increase, and Everyone Wants their employees to make more money. But in the restaurant industry, your labor cost is 30 and youre going to increase it from 10 to 15, a 50 increase, now youre going up to 45 . So consumers are going to have a price increase because a Restaurant Operator cant afford that bottom line. Ashley how many stores do you have . Just about 200. Were also all over the world. Were in 32 countries, so we really see it everywhere. Different you know, in the u. S. Its a real issue for us. Ashley and what do you plan to do with the money whence you do go public . Is this all part of just expanding the product . Well, weve become a global franchise company. Our company will trade under the symbol fat brands [laughter] and we own a second brand called buffaloes, and were in the middle of a third acquisition, so we plan to franchise and buy more brands to distribute to our franchisees. Its an offering which allows consumers of all sizes to be able to invest and buy stock. Ashley how do you sell fat to the healthconscious millennial, among others . Fat stands for fresh, i authentic, tasty, and is all of our brands need to meet those standards. [laughter] ashley veried good. So the word fat in burger does not, in your mind, turn some people off who want to eat healthy. No, its a very lean burger. Weve been around for 70 years serving the same burger. Its less than 20 fat, we even have a skinny burger which doesnt have a bun and a is about 300 calories. Theres a lot of options for healthy eaters. Ashley you were once convicted after filing a false tax return, do you worry about any of that impacting the ipo filing . It was a long time ago, i served the sentence, i paid the fine, this is a different company. Its been years and years, that was 20 years ago, and im excited to bring this business to all of our fans around the world who can invest and be part of it. Ashley we wish you the best of luck and thanks for talking with us today, ceo of fat burger under the symbol fat. Appropriate. U. S. Automakers reporting sluggish sales last month, especially gm, so is this just the time you should be buying a car . Is our jeff flock investigates next. Im. Im so in love with you. Whatever you want to do. Is alright with me. Ooo baby lets. Lets stay together. Rethink your allergy pills. Flonase sensimist allergy relief helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. Most allergy pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Flonase sensimist. Or a little internet machine . [ phone ringing ] hi mom. It makes you wonder. Shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. [ laughing ] so all you pay for is data. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Call or go to xfinitymobile. Com introducing Xfinity Mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Ashley dow component United Technologies, elevators and carrier air conditioners among others, have submitted an offer to buy Aviation Technology firm rockwell collins, up nicely as you can imagine, United Technologies down 2 . And the dow, by the way, isnt the only major stock index in record territory today the, the s p 500 currently on track for a record close. Any gains these days is another record, up 51 points on the s p. U. S. Automakers are struggling with a big downturn in car sales. Gm, in order and other automakers all reporting lower sales last month. Jeff flock is live in illinois. Jeff, i guess the question is, is this a good time to buy a car . Reporter well, the specifically to buy a car, maybe it is. Im in the showroom of woody buick gmc here outside chicago. Ive got an acadia, a terrain, another suv, thats a yukon denali back there, over to the right a smaller buick envision. Theyre all suvs in this showroom, this is one car. That is to say, Passenger Car sedan. Ask thats whats killing and thats whats killing it. Sales of small cars. Take a look at these numbers. Chevy sonic last month, down 47 . Chevy spark down 81 . This Buick Lacrosse that we have got in the showroom, down 56 . I want to know something about cars, i come to woody. People dont want to buy cars. They want to buy vehicles, they want to buy suvs. Yeah. With the gas where it is and the safety and the room, its just must much more appealing than the cost value of the sedans. There were so many that were leased three years ago when people were in such a low lease payment, now the car has slowed down in sales, therefore, the residual values much higher and just hard to put a good deal together on a sedan. Reporter speaking of deals, incentives are up though. We looked at the numbers, average incentive on a vehicle now 3600, up 5 last month. Is this killing your profit . Oh, its definitely not helping. Our day supply of inventory is a little higher hand it needs to be, and the way youre going to get it down is we have to sell them for less x the manufacturers going to have to pony up. The markups somewhere. Reporter yeah. You look at the number of days on the lot, average now 76 days on the lot. Ask thats the highest its been since 2009. Are you worried were getting a bubble here . Im not that worried that we always tend to to survive and get these cars out of here, but my supply is much higher than that. Im somewhere around 110 days, and i am uncomfortable with that. Reporter good place, time to buy a car. Hes got too many cars, woody is ready to make a deal. Come to suburban chicago. I leave you with a Buick Lacrosse. You can get a deal on a lacrosse, ashley are. Ashley in the showroom, remarkable. Therell be more or varney right after this. Dont go away. So new touch screens. And biometrics. In 574 branches. All done by. Yesterday. Banks arent just undergoing a face lift. Theyre undergoing a transformation. A data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. Which is why comcast business delivers Consistent Network Performance and speed across all your locations. Hello, mr. Deets. Every Branch Running like headquarters. Thats how you outmaneuver. Ashley a little bit of beatles on this monday morning. Lets take a look at the big board, and what a rainy, rotten monday morning it is in the northeast. And the markets kind of like the weather, blah, but Holding Steady on the dow, essentially flat. Big tech names, we like to the check them every day. Mostly on the upside, microsoft moving lower, but for the most part, the big tech stocks again grinding higher. Our next guest says its crucial for congress to get tax reform done. Amen. In an oped in the wall street journal, Michael Solan says, quote, Economic Growth faded as president obama raised taxes and smothererred the economy with unprecedented regulatory burdens we reverse those policies, could we not bring back the reagan growth rates america enjoyed in the 1980s . Yes. Evidence suggests that answer is, indeed, yes. Joining us now is Michael Solan, i couldnt agree with you more, but im going to let you make your case anyway. Well, thank you. [laughter] were having an interesting debate here about washington, how to fix our economy, and its glad we can have this debate. And the good news, we can go back and look at history to get some sort of feel for how this is all going to play out. And one of the wonderful things about looking at history is when people go back, they can see what actually occurred, theyll get the confidence we can move forward. So a number of critics of the tax reform that the republicans are proposing said its going to repeat the reagan tax cut and that it had an adverse effect on the deficit and revenues. We went back and looked at the facts, and what we saw was a total misunderstanding of what was going on at the time when reagan took office. And at that time inflation was ravaging the american economy, it was hitting families and taxpayers with these massive taxes through something called bracket creep. Back then there were, like, 15 tax brackets,ing and what happens is as you tried to keep up with inflation, you kept moving up in these higher tax brackets. So as a result, people were getting nailed with increased taxes, and this was middle class families, and it was just creating massive flow of revenues to the government. In fact, it was creating so much revenue flows that service essentially going to essentially going to trigger a recession. The cbo warned if you didnt do something about these massive revenue growths, it was going to constitute a significant fiscal drag, which is the understatement of the year. Ashley right. They suggested that the way this inflation was working, that it was going to increase revenues by 2. 7 of gdp. Now, what does that mean . Well, many todays term that sort of tax hike from inflation alone was going to add about 500 billion of tax hikes in one year. Now, 500 billion compared to the obama tax hike of 2013, that was just, like, about 65 billion a year. So you understand the tremendous burden this was placing on the american economy. And, of course, congress the cbo was right. They were right. [laughter] they said by 1982 that this would constitute a significant fiscal drag, and so the economy that was in recession in 1980 fell into recession again in 1982 because we did not lift this significant fiscal drag ashley but, michael, i hate to interrupt, but we know that tax reform is good. It puts money in the pockets of the consumer, it allows businesses to expand, it just allows the economy as a whole to grow. Yes. Ashley the problem is Getting Congress to agree. Now, senator orrin hatch says hes doubtful, says, in fact, it would be a miracle if we get any tax reform done. Roll the tape on that. The president has talked about three brackets, 10 , 25 and 35 . Are these the rates that look good to you . Is this what youd like to seesome what would you like to see in terms of an individual tax rate percent majority of the country . Well, id like to see it very, very low. If we could get to those rates, that would be miraculous are, and it would be very beneficial for the country. Ashley you know what, michael . That doesnt sound very optimistic to me. Your reaction. Actually, i think that orrin is excuse me, chairman hatch is trying to explain exactly what the challenges are. And a great tax reform is not going to be easy, but it is necessary and it is powerful. Look, heres the challenge for orrin hatch. If you want to get to a 25 tax rate, thats 1. 1 trillion of offsets in status scoring. If you want a 20 rate, thats approximately 1. 5 trillion, and if you want to get it down to 15, thats 2 trillion. You have the individual rates, you want to fix the international taxes, this is a lot of money. But i think it goes back to the fundamental question here, are we going to do a tax reduction here with a few offsets or are we going to do comprehensive tax reform . I think senator hatch is correct that if you want the big bang and all the benefits that can flow from fixing this tax reform, you have to do something thats very aggressive, you have to go after base broadenners in addition to the Economic Growth. But itll be very powerful medicine that America Needs right now. Were looking at 1. 8 Economic Growth for the next ten years ashley not good enough. Exactly right. I want the big bang. I want the full blown tax reform done, signed, sealed, delivered and i hang onto that hope. Michael solon, thank you so much. A lot of facts, figures and information. We appreciate it. Thank you. So glad to be here. Take care. Ashley thank you. Now this, the United States could soon be facing a shortage of primary care physicians. A new report claims there could be a shortage of 35,000 doctors by 2025. Thats not far away. Joining us now, dr. Marc siegel. Doc, why are we seeing such a shortage, and its going to get worse apparently in the coming years. Well, theres several reasons for it. Number one is probably baby boomers. 80 of the reason here is that people are getting older. 75,000 75 million baby boomers, many of them reaching medicare age now. And as you get older, you have more health problems, you need more services. Plus, heres the good news, new technology. We have more to offer our aging population. We have more tricks, we have more arrows in our quiver, more medical treatments. The problem is whos going to administer them. Im tell you what we are doing ill tell you what we are doing, were wringing on more nurse practitioners, theyre up 30 ashley is that a good thing. According to the Health Services resource administration. Pas, physicians assistants are up is that a good thing . Not entirely. Ashley all right. Its better than nothing, but they dont have the same training physicians do, and i just told you were talking hightech solutions. So to get to the point where i can administer a hightech solution, ive got to do specialty training. So the people were bringing on to the work force dont have that training. Ashley is there also a tendency for people getting into be the medical field wanting to specializesome it pays better, the gps are the ones who refer patients to them. Is it a problem with actually just being, you know, a gp . Thats a hugely important problem. Theoretically, when obamacare came in, they said lets get more gatekeepers, more primary care physicians like you, dr. Siegel. But the truth is the big treatments are coming from specialists, and doctors dont want to be that primary care doctor. They dont want to be like me sitting in front of that computer all day long. They dont want to be the doctor that has to give the referral, that has to find the specialist. Theyd rather be the guy that can do that hip replacement, treat that use that botox, you know, that can do all the newfangledded things. Thats the excitement in med kin. Ashley i understand that medical schools are putting those that want to become primary care physicians, theyre putting them to the top of the list as far as admissions go because of the shortage. Somewhat true, ashley. Theres 17 new medical schools over the past decade, 17, and those 17 schools are focusing on primary care doctors. Ashley okay. But the truth is no matter what medical schools do and theres not enough seats for medical students. Again, we expanded insurance. We added more cars to the train, but whos driving . We dont got enough drivers. So even if medical school says we want you to be primary care, thats not where the bells and whistles come. You get out to the work force and they say, look, 150,000 a year. You, surgeon . Much more. Ashley right. And im not saying we dont have a shortage in specialists too, we also do. But your point is right, doctors are still choosing specialization much more, and thats a problem. Ashley it is. Interesting topic. Dr. Marc siegel, thank you. Appreciate it. Good to see you, ashley. Ashley authorities in venezuela say they stopped an attack on a military base in the country and, e. Mac, they claim the soldiers and armed civilians are behind this attack. Yeah. Led by the former captain of the national guard. Ashley, it started around 4 30 a. M. Predawn on sunday. Twenty individuals, many former military members ashley just 20. Yeah. Ten got away, two were killed, the rest were apprehended, one was injured. It gave hope to the people on the streets of venezuela that members of the military are standing up against maduro. It was fleeting, he squashed the raid. Ashley could this be the first of more to come . Its a good question because remember that Police Officer also shot grenades at you know, a couple months ago. Ashley yes. Maduro has basically kicked out louisa ortega, the chief prosecutor, and is putting her on trial. So is there any hope for the opposition . Ashley right. Its slim, few and far between. Theyre waiting for help from the international community. Ashley all right. And youre on it every step of the way. Yes, every day. Ashley check this out, this is boston dynamics atlas robot taking a bit of a tumble. There he is. That still freaks me out, these things. Oh, hes down the company was showing off its robot at a science and technology expo, the robot goes and walks off the stage, caught its foot on a light, falls right new the curtain, and there it goes. [laughter] he needs a doctor. Needs a mechanic. All right, coming up, Miami Dolphins needed a quarterback in a pinch, signed jay cutler. The first game of the season a month away, is there any hope Colin Kaepernick will get a job . Not so far. Fox sports host Jason Whitlock on that next. Mike and i are both veterans, both served in the navy. I do outrank my husband, not just being in the military, but at home. She thinks shes the boss. She only had me by one grade. We bought our first home together in 2010. His family had used another insurance product but i was like well ive had usaa for a while, why dont we call and check the rates . It was an instant savings and i shouldve changed a long time ago. Theres no point in looking elsewhere really. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Last hour ashley spoke with the former u. S. Secretary of education, bill bennett. Ashley asked him howed todays political environment compares to when Ronald Reagan was president. Lets roll tape. These are toxic and poisonous waters. Ive never seen anything like it. I mean, you know, we keep hearing this is not a fishing expedition after trump. Call it a hunting expedition, i think thats what it is with the lawyers that mueller has hired. Look, people want to discredit trump, they want him out. Democrats want him out, a lot of the press wants him out, and this is, this is a full scale effort. So they will try to do anything they can to discredit him. But i learned one thing in washington in the many years i worked in washington, youre either on offense or youre on defense. Be on offense. Whoa thats amazing. Hey, im the internet i know a bunch of people who would love that. The internet loves what youre doing. So build a better website in under an hour with. Gocentral from godaddy. Type in your idea. Select from designs tailored just for you and publish your site with just a few clickseven from your. Mobile phone. The internet is waiting start for free today at godaddy. Ashley caterpillar, cat, trading at the highest in more than five years, up just a quarter of a percent but enough to hit that record, 114. 62, that is caterpillar. Now to the nfl, the Miami Dolphins signing quarterback jay cutler to a oneyear, 10 million deal. He was supposed to be an analyst for fox, but Colin Kaepernick remains unsigned. Joining us now, Jason Whitlock host of speak for yourself on fox sports 1. Jason, is the cutler deal a sign that no team is even going to look at a capper kaepernick . I think its a sign that no team wants to sign kaepernick. They may be forced to later in the year if they have serious, serious injuries at the quarterback position. But if i were any team, hes so toxic, hes so illogical in his approach, he doesnt seem really committed to the game of football, he seems more interested this activism. And at the quarterback position, a coach wants you to be all in. And i think people are being very simplistic in saying, oh, he took a knee and, therefore, the nfl has blackballed him. There were eight other guys that protested the national anthem, either taking a knee, raising a black fist. Ashley right. Theyre all still in the nfl. Its this guy ashley what about kaepernicks performance . Is he that good . Hes certainly good enough to be a backup quarterback in the National Football league and a starter on bad teem teams like he was a year ago. Yes, he is good enough. Is he a guy that can still take you to a super bowl . I dont think so. Ashley all right. Another one for you. During a News Conference friday, tom brady refused to say whether he had a concussion last season, but his wife, giselle, said oh, yeah, hubby had one. Should he reveal concussion, if he did . Probably should if i were running the National Football league, but i think tom bradys a symbol of what the mentality of a lot of nfl players are. Its a warrior sport. Its a sport where, you know, you play through injuries or pains that you dont in other sports and you dont in the rest of your life. But its the warrior mentality of football players. I think, you know, a lot of people want the nfl to be perfectly safe. It cant be. Its no different than boxing, its no different than hockey, its no different than any contact sport. Theres a lot of risks to it. These guys are getting paid a lot of money, and theyre willing to make the sacrifice. Ashley brady turned 40 last week, we mark my remarkably. He says he can play another five years. Hes still got the brain, hes got a good release. Even if hes not as quick, he probably still could be effective for five years. What do you think . Ashley, you left off the most important thing ashley all right. He has a wife who wants him to retire whos worth more money than he is. [laughter] like i say all the time, shes got more than half the money, and shes got all the giselle bundchen, shes going to get this guy to retire well before hes 45. Ashley very well put. I stand corrected. [laughter] and usain bolt, what happened . Was defeated by Justin Gatlin in the 100 meters this weekend. He is human after all. Listen, usain bolt is the most talented sprinter in the history of the planet. Ashley yeah. Hes never worked all that hard or as hard as the other sprinters. And so eventually he was going to get caught slipping like he did here where he just wasnt in the kind of shape that hes been in in the past. I dont think this is the way he goes out. This was supposed to be his last competitive 100meter dash. I dont think he goes out on a loss. I think he comes back next year and wins the world championship. Ashley more than likely he will, youre right. So much natural talent, great entertainer. Hell be back, for sure. Jason whitlock, as always, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Ashley all right. Want to get back to tesla. This is interesting, turns out the model 3 will cost you a lot more than advertised. That price of 35,000, that barely gets you the wheels and the windows, right, e. Mac . Good point. It goes to 62,000 fully loaded. Ashley 62,000. Yeah, you have to pay an extra thousand if you dont want the color black, you have to pay extra for the autopilot function in your tesla car. Ashley thats basic in most models. Good point. Elon musk is saying i want to build a million vehicles starting in 2020, he has to ramp it up from 1500 a week to 5000 a week, and he has to sell a lot of cars to keep the cash flow coming in. Hes got to the appeal to main street and Middle America. You can buy a bmw for that. Ashley all right, e. Mac, thank you very much. The nra releasing another ad, this time, oh, yeah, taking on the New York Times. Dana loesch getting major backlash. She joins us next hour. Who knew that phones would start doing everything . Entertaining us, getting us back on track and finding us dates. Phones really have changed. So why hasnt the way we pay for them . Introducing Xfinity Mobile. You only pay for data and can easily switch between pay per gig and unlimited. No one else lets you do that. See how much you can save when you choose by the gig or unlimited. Call or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Xfinity mobile. Its a new kind of network, designed to save you money. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. The u. N. Security council unanimous vote hitting north korea with punishing new sanctions. However, colonel ralph peters says that sanctions will not be enough to rein in the rogue regime. Lets roll tape. Well, theres very good news, and thats that the u. N. Security Council Voted 150 to impose tougher sanctions on north korea. The bad news is they wont make any difference whatsoever, because china has mastered the art of giving us just, you know, showing just enough leg to keep us from imposing any kind of economic sanctions on them. You know, china literally gets away with trade murder because they keep dangling this possibility that theyll help us with north korea. Now, china on this 150 vote yeah, that sounds great, but we didnt get sanctions we wanted. We want9 tougher sanctions wanted tougher sanctions, but they watered them down for china to come onboard. There are two reasons. Ones the macro reason. China regards north korea as a critically viable ally in peace and war. The second reason is that china, you know, chinas Steel Industry is a Great International weapon when you consider the prices dumping or not,s its a big plus for china. Well, china doesnt have the right coal, it has soft coal. North korea, one of the few things it has is hard, high quality coal that goes into furnaces for chinese steel. So there are all these back stories here that were not paying attention to. The bottom line is this if we expect china to stop north korea, aint gonna happen, brother. Stuart well, the question is, ralph, how can we even know that the chinese are complying with what they say they are . Is there any way of doing that . Well, coal is a bulk product so, of course, there are two ways to get it into chai, one is by ship, and we can trace that. One is by train going across the border, and we can track that. But even there you have a finite number of satellites and analysts, so if were watching ports for coal, were not watching their missile complex with the same assets. So, i mean, this im laughing about it, but this is deadly serious. Ashley yeah. The north korea problem is far from being resolved, and these fake palliative measures that china keeps feeding us, they just turn us into Global Economic suckers as well as strategic suckers. Ashley 11 00 a. M. Here in new york. 8 00 a. M. In california. Good morning to you. Here is what is new this hour. Nra releasing another ad taking the aim at mainstream media. They have a message for the New York Times. That ad getting a lot of backlash. Nra spokesperson dana loesch is here to respond. Good stuff. Paul ryan got an earful from a frustrated voter. The man calling him out for all infighting within the republican party. We will play you the clip. Ryans former chief of staff will join us to respond to that. A lot of frustration out there. Officials in college park, maryland, are considering giving nonamerican citizens to vote in local elections. The insanity goes on. Judge Andrew Napolitano is here to weigh in. Im already fired up. It is a jampacked hour ahead. Hour 3 of Varney Company starts right now. Ashley a sell rose, guns n roses, welcome to the jungle. We get a new week of trading underway. Weve been essentially flat since the opening bell. Were slightly higher, still hanging on to the 22,000 level and 22,085. A few more sticks in the red than in the green stocks. Can the rally hold . Lets ask our first guest, dan shaffer, shaffer Asset Management president and ceo. Welcome by the way. The more articles. Seems like there are a lot of naysayers out there who constantly snipe at this market moving higher. There is horrible underbelly. Only a few stocks are leading the rally, at some point there will be a big collapse. You say . I agree with that . Ashley what . Dont agree with that. Naysayers are around for 40 years. You dont see younger crowd doing this. Experience, ive been trading since 1982 and i understand markets. Ive seen and studied history. Were in a situation here similar to 1928. The Federal Reserve experimented in the late 20s about the economy trying to stabilize it. Benjamin strong, who was head of Federal Reserve died in 1928. That left them in scrambles and they didnt know what to do when the crash came in 1929. We have cycles coming in. 1817, 1917 we had panic. 1817 we had trouble with markets and napoleon wars. Cycles are coming due around this time of the century. The problem is, i will be really blunt about this because ive spoken to many, many traders, somebody is fooling around with the vix. The vix is volatility index. Ashley so historically low. Not only that. At 945 for the last 12 days, the vix gets pushed down seven to 8 before the market bows down or up. That is very, very strange. If you actually look at the last 12 days ashley someone is messing with it . There is something going on. My algorithms pointing to some type of control. Ashley how could that happen . I dont know who is doing it. I know the japanese government absolutely admits they own the stock market. They are buying stocks. I dont know what our Federal Reserve is doing but i do think theyre experimenting. Forget the dow for a moment. The s p last 12 days futures are pegged at 1275. Excuse me. 2275. They peg it at that number. It tries to bo down. Then the vix moves down. The vix is usually moving after the stocks move. It is moving before the stocks move. That puzzles me. So im going to tell you my longterm horizon all what i see. Ashley sure. I see our stock market on the dow dropping at least 3,000 points. I see the s p dropping at least 20 to the put it into a bear market. I see the u. S. Dollar getting very, very strong. The index at 112. Euro against the dollar at. 85. Ashley where does the money go . Which money are you referring to . A lot of cash has been in the market, it has been put in. A lot of funds are low on cash. The money today is chasing these stocks that Everybody Loves likes amazon, for instance. Ashley sure. Which i have no interest in long or shot. This is a stock trading at 250 times the earnings or 12 1 2 times the s p. It is going to take at least 10 to 15 years at the current rate of growth to bring it in line. This is speculation. Before we ashley amazon story, it is slowly but surely, appears to me start taking over many aspects of our life. Its a great story but also becoming a little bit after monopoly. We have a little ashley antitrust issues. That. And besides the fact, in the dotcom people bought a lot of different stocks hoping everything would go up, and that crashed. Now theyre isolated only on certain technology stocks. Technology is end of a bull market. That is the last piece to go. Technology is taking over the world which is less jobs. Ashley dan, you have completely thrown me for a loop because this is something i have not heard before. Interest rates by the way are going down dramatically because the economy will slow down and the fed cant control that. Ashley when will this all happen . Start now, into 2018 and 19. That is my prediction. I could be bronc. I could be wrong. Ashley all right, dan. Well have you back anyway, thank you very much, appreciate it. Too politics, New York Times reporting that some republicans are gear up to run against President Trump in 2020. The white house responding saying that the president s base is as strong as ever, quote, every potentially ambitious republican knows that. Were joined by Fox News Contributor mercedes schlapp. Fascinating stuff, mercedes. What do you make of that report . First of all you would be standing around my Kitchen Table this weekend with all my cubanamerican relatives celebrating my parents 50th wedding anniversary they were all so protrump and so excited about this president. So i do tell you when you go out to talk to the grassroots folks, they are standing strong with trump. Were actually very frustrated with congress and inaction of the republican in, that institution. So i think that is where you, where you see it. So you know i think when youre looking at this actual report in terms of these other republicans i would call them establishment republicans, even mere mention of these individuals and of course theyre visiting these different type of battleground states of iowa and such, i think its, its very telling, first of all of a gop that remains divided but secondly of the fact that those republicans are doing a disservice to the president of the United States. Ashley yeah. Who was voted by, not only republicans but independents and democrats who supported this president. And the moore fact that is even being mentioned so early on i think is just disgraceful. Ashley i also think with the congress now back with their constituents they will get an earful. Paul ryan did from one particular voter. They will not blame President Trump. They will blame lawmakers not own within their own part to support him, but to get any of this agenda pushed through. They will get an earful, i would imagine, would you not . Absolutely of the those republicans in the senate, moderate republicans who for years campaigned on repeal and replacing obamacare, and then when push came to shove, what did they do . They wimped out. They didnt even support the skinny bill which as we would have known provided waivers for states to have flexibility in their Insurance Markets t would have gotten rid of individual mandates and employee mandates, employer mandates. What those republicans did they broke their promise. They lied to their constituents. So that, those are the individuals that i think have to be targeted. Ashley absolutely. I just want to get this one in. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, mercedes, telling fox news anyone who breaks the law by leaking classified information including white house staffers and members of congress will be prosecuted. This is long overdue. Your reaction . Absolutely, when you look at the fact under this administration alone seven times more leaks of unauthorized disclosure of classified information compared to president obama and president bushs time. That is it is a violation of the law. And it puts National Security at risk. Those individuals who go out there and believe they need to be pushing back on President Trumps agenda by leaking out this information to the news outlets, they have no place in government. There is a process called whistle blowing, if they want to do that, that is one thing. Ashley right. If they give the leak they should be prosecuted. Ashley they should. It is outrageous. Thanks as always for joining us. Thank you. Ashley quick check of price of oil for you. It was moving down earlier. It is still off 87 cents at 48. 711. Gas prices up overnight. The National Average on regular by the way now at 2. 4. It was down in the 2. 20s. Moving higher. Paul ryan confronted by a factory worker that republicans are not doing enough to push the president s agenda. Well play you the clip a few minutes from now. First the nra releasing another ad, taking on the New York Times. Dana loesch getting major backlash. She is with us to respond next. Potsch you each drive a ford pickup, right . in unison russ, leland, gary yes. Gary i have a ford f150. Michael ive always been a ford guy. Potsch then i have a real treat for you today. Michael awesome. Potsch im going to show you a next generation pickup. Michael lets do this. Potsch this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. Gary super cool. Potsch the bed is made of highstrength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. Jim aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. Potsch and best of all, this new truck is actually gary all laughing oh my. Potsch the current chevy silverado. Gary im speechless. Gary this puts my ford truck to shame. James ill tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. laughing ashley the nra releasing another ad taking aim at mainstream media. This time they have a message for the New York Times. Roll tape. Consider this, the shot across your proverbial bow. Were going to the New York Times and what deep, rich, means to this old gray hax, untrustworthy dishonest rag subsisted on welfare of mediocrity, for one, two, three more decades . Well laser focus on your socalled honest pursuit of truth. In short, were coming for you. Ashley well, that is a heck of an ad, is it not. Were joined by very star of that ad, nra spokesperson, dana loesch. Fascinating, what reaction have you had to that particular ad . Ashley, so good to see you. Well, it has been interesting because either people really identify with media bias, because they have either had it done to themselves or done to individuals that they believe to be trustworthy, or there have been, ashley a few people out there that dont believe a free people have the right to promise to fact check the press. That is exactly what this ad was. That is why i used the word fisk, adam goldman at the New York Times didnt understand because of his limited vocabulary. Fisk, im line by line, not just me, other members of the nra, Second Amendment supporters, anyone who loves an honest press, well keep our media accountable. Free people have the right to do that, ashley. Ashley they do indeed. How much input do you have what is said in these ads or are you given a script . Im just interested . No, no. I wrote this script. Some can be collaborative effort. No, i used the word fisk for year and many other writers as well. Just unfortunate that reporters like dave wigle at Washington Post, adam goldman completely proved my point at New York Times didnt understand what i was talking about or didnt know the captions of my ad, either, ashley. Neither of these reporters reached out to me for any kind of clarification. Ashley of course not. Or any word at all on this ad before running with their smear. Ashley old gray hag, dishonest rag, laser focused on purported pursuit of truth. Very strong words. Yes, indeed, and i think those strong words are needed right now. Ashley, remember, jim route 10 berg at New York Times wrote in a column that the New York Times didnt have any obligation nor did any other media to treat the president of the United States with any shred of objectivity simply because they did not like how the president spoke. It was arthur you sullenberger, jr. , came said, yeah, the New York Times was incredibly biased this last election. They admit their bias, ashley. Ashley right. Did so sort of it didnt really matter. They admitted it, yet they continue to still do it. I have so many examples, more examples than we have time to fit in the block of time this morning, New York Times for so long abused trust of public. A free people have the right to hold their media accountable. Ashley interesting side note here, dana. Gunmakers reporting slower sales because President Trump took office. Stern ruger sales down 22 last year. Its a doubleedged sword. What it is saying people now believe no one is coming to take their guns away. Unfortunately for gun retailers, this means less people coming in to buy guns, right . Well, yes and no. First off, i know a lot of people try to use background check number, but at same time, firearms sales for certain manufacturers reported some gains. Some have reported steady sales. The bottom line people dont have to worry about their rights taken away at federal level. It is different story when you go state by state. There are Gun Control Groups unfortunately seek to disarm people. They have fought to do so on college campuses. They lost in texas. People want their right of selfdefense. It is important. Ashley very quickly, i i want o come back to the point you make, people know it is dishonest. Once you get out of that liberal bubble in washington, d. C. , new york, other areas of this country, majority of United States see the media for what they are, the mainstream media. They already know theyre not getting the full facts. They do, absolutely, ashley, youre so right, they do. It is unfortunate, the New York Times they have even had one of their editors who was let go recently said this cant be a paper for only half of the country. People understand that. That is why you see so many Citizen Media out there on the internet. It is a wonderful thing. Ashley dana loesch, host of the dana show. Great stuff, we appreciate it. Thank you, ashley. Ashley very, very aggressive ad to say the least against the New York Times. Now this, officials in college park, maryland, are considering giving noncitizen immigrants the right to vote in local elections. Judge Andrew Napolitano will be joining us soon on that. Now check this out, a scottishbased brewery opening a new kraft beer bar on the border between the United States and mexico. The bars catchphrase . Make beer, not walls. More on that in a minute. But first, that boston dynamics at lass robot take as tumble. It was showing off the robot at science and technology expo. It walks offstage, catch as foot in a light and in need after good mechanic. More varney next. Today, were out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. 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Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. The dinosaurs extinction. Got you outnumbered. Dont listen to them. Not appropriate. Now im mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter. Why dont you sit over here. Find your awesome with the Xfinity Stream app. Included with xfinity tv. More to stream to every screen. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Ashley all right. Check this out. The karate kid returns in a new you make from youtube red. Ralph macchio and William Zabka reuniting for the reboot. It will be a 10episode comedy series. The down and out johnny reopens the dojo. Austin doing his preying pose. That is painful. Scottish beermaker opening a bar on the u. S. Mexico border. Calling it the bar on the edge. The company isnt disclosing the location. The will be in texas and half in mexico. It will serve mexican beer on the mexican side and the american beer on the american side. The phrase is make buyer, not walls. Looks classy. There were no winners in either pow or ballgame over the weekend. Powerball. It grew to annuity value of 307 million. Cash value of 392. 000000 if you decide to do that. No one has won the jackpot since june 10th. Megamillions growing to 346 million. The seventh largest in the games history. Wouldnt that be nice. Liz yes. Ashley officials in College Park Maryland are considering giving northern citizens is the right to vote in local elections. Judge Andrew Napolitano will join us next on that ridiculous story. Top republican senator orrin hatch says getting Trump Administration tax plan through congress would be miraculous. When congress does return in september, there are only 12 days where the house and senate are in session at the same time. Liz wow. Ashley ticktock, time running out. Stay right there. Ashley it is a wet monday in new york city. There you have the Rolling Stones belting out one of their hits. Lets check the dow 30. It has been rather flat at the opening. It has stayed that way. We still hang on to remarkably high levels. The dow still almost at 22,100. Down about four points. More stocks in the red than in the green. To politics now, House Speaker ryan getting an earful from a factory worker in his home state of wisconsin. Im sure he was killed. For eight horrible years i heard we dont have control of the house. We dont have control of the senate, we dont have the presidency. Okay . When we get in, we have got a plan well change stuff. Tell you what, youre in there you now. All i see is infighting. It is very dysfunctional. Ashley i think that factory worker speaks for many people who thought we would see remarkable change in washington, d. C. Were joined by speaker ryans former chief of staff, david hoppy. David, thanks for being here. This guy make as pretty fair point, does he not . Republicans havent got anything done so far . Well it is his frustration im sure is shared very much by the speaker. After the elections last year the speaker and working with the president and working with senator mcconnell started to lay out a plan for this year and it has not turned out the way they hoped it would. It took longer in the house to move the health care bill. In the senate they were unsuccessful doing it up to this point. So that is a great frustration for the speaker i guarranty you. He feels very much like that. Ashley who is to blame, david . Who is to blame . A lot of blame to go around frankly. The republicans internally done infighting as opposed to looking to find where they can agree to move things forward to start changing the direction in health care. Theyre now looking to taxes. They have to move forward on that to start changing it. You have to have some changes here to get the economy growing. And thats the key. That is what the president is looking at. That is what speaker ryan is looking at. That is what majority leader mcconnell wants to do. How do we get the economy growing 3 or greater. Ashley right. Those are things they want to do. Thus far a lot of internal machinations have not allowed them to. The party up and down the line, here what we achieve and start to improve the economy. Ashley get on the same page. You mentioned taxes. Now some republicans casting doubt on getting the tax agenda passed. If you can, david, listen to senator orrin hatch on fox news this weekend. Take a listen. The president talked about three brackets, 10 , 25 , 35 . Are these the rates that look good to you . Is this what you would like to see . What would you like to see in terms of a individual tax rate for majority of the country . I would like to see it very, very low, if we could get to those rates that would be miraculous and it would be very beneficial for the country. Ashley orrin hatch, david saying it would be a miracle, miraculous if we get the kind of tax reform we hope we get. Is he right, do you think . Well i was one of those people who was around back in the 1980s when we did the last tax reform. I was chief of staff to jack kemp in 85 and 86. It was very difficult thing to do. We passed it by the skin of their teeth. Right now as we look forward there have to be tax changes, im not sure this congress, with democrats declaring already they will not work with republican unless they do exactly what the democrats want on taxes, if that is the case you have a very difficult time. You can do significant tax reforms, lowering corporate rate, passthroughs right, doing something for families, repatriation, those things are entirely possible. Looking back what happened in 85 and 86, comparing it to now, the democrats in 85 and 86, bill bradley, dick gephardt, two leaders of Democrat Party who were in favor of what jack kemp and president Ronald Reagan wanted to do in 85 and 86. You dont have that now. Democrats will work on taxes only way we want to do it. Well not work together. Democrats declared tax reform dead unless they do it their way. Things can be done that are not tax reform, fundamental tax reform which the speaker would like, the president would like, but they can be done to change the direction this country and start getting breath back in the economy. Ashley quickly, david, what does it mean if we dont get big parts of the president s agenda through you, what does it do for republicans in the midterm 2018 elections . It is necessary for republicans who came in with an agenda to pass some of these things to get moving on policy changes because those polly changes will move us. As they move into the fall they have a good chance of passing tax cuts. That is what they have to look for. Making policy changes. Economy gets better. Peoples lives get together and reach out to some democrats. Senator manchin would like to. Democratic governors talked about doing things that would help on health care and taxes. Maybe something to be found out there but may be beyond washington. Ashley yeah. Sadly i think youre right. David, thank you so much. , david, thanks for joining us this morning. Thank you. Now this. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein telling fox news who the Justice Department is targeting as it clamps down on leaks in the administration. Roll that tape. Look at the facts and circumstances. What was the potential harm caused by the leak, what were the circumstances that is more important who it was or the leaker. If we identify somebody no matter what their position is, if they violated law we will prosecute. Ashley white house officials, members of congress . Anybody who breaks the law. Ashley anybody. All rise, judge Andrew Napolitano back with us. Great to have you, judge. This is a serious offense. Will leaking classified material is a serious offense. Leaking transcript of the president s telephone conversation, that does not contain classified material is wrong, and condemnable but not a serious offense. Not a crime. The person who did that should be fired but not prosecuted. A person who released something they received because they have a security clearance, a person who leaks that has committed a felony. Though of course the person to whom they give it if in the media and it is published is immune from prosecution. Ashley i wanted to follow up on this story because we had bill bennett. Used word immune intentionally. Ashley he said he disagreed with you. Journalists have every right to publish what he gets from his source. He said no. I was thinking in a situation of war, if you publish something that could put american lives at risk in the military whatever it could be, he says you are not immune. He is brilliant man. I am honored that my name came out of his mouth. Ashley very kind. In a pleasant, in a pleasant way. There is no case that permits prior restraint, that is restraining something from being disseminated before it is disseminated. Most of the cases come about after it has been disseminated. Ashley right. The great case, the leading case in which a federal judge here in new york city restrained the New York Times and a federal judge in washington, d. C. , restrained the Washington Post from releasing the pentagon papers report, which basically said, that lbj and his generals were lying to the public. This is a historical document that came out during the civil war. The Supreme Court ruled 63 that no matter how the material is acquired and no matter how sensitive it is, if it is material to the public interest, if it is material to the public interest, the publisher is immune from prosecution. That is the Daniel Ellsberg case. He was prosecuted. Eventually liz vietnam war, right . Yes. That case has been followed dozens of times by federal courts that have ruled similarly. Our own james rosen relied on that case when he revealed some classified material that had been given to him by a scientist in the interview. Ashley mr. Bennetts ears as well. Good man that he is. Great traditional roman catholic. Ashley next one for you, judge. Chicago mayor rahm emanuel, planning to sue the Justice Department over the whole issue of withholding money if youre a sanctuary city. I have seen the complaint. Filed a few minutes ago. I think it will be dismissed because the money hasnt been withheld yet. You cant sue because you think the government is going to harm you. You have to wait until they actually harm you. The harm is thisgovernment gives 3 million to chicago, tiny part of their budget, police equipment, bryne grant, named for policeman whose brother is now the deputy commissioner, the grant was given under the Obama Administration with no strings attached. Issue is, can the attorney general attach strings to a grant of money that congress didnt attach . The answer is no. There is light at end of the tunnel for the Trump Administration, when their first budget is adopted, it is ever adopted ashley they can take the money away. They cant take money away but strings on future delivery of money. In the future if the city receives the byrne grant, they have to agree condition of receiving money to cooperate with immigration authorities. Ashley one more issue, this is getting my blood to boil. City in maryland looking at issue where they allow noncitizen to vote on nonissues. My answer will make you blood boil. The states can permit anybody they want to vote in local and state elections. The constitution ashley allows it . I thought you had to be a citizen. The constitution is silent on it. The constitution mentions citizens four times voting federal elections. House of representatives senate and Vice President. Even there the mention of it is ambiguous. The test would be can a state allow noncitizens to vote in federal elections . That would be a challenge for a federal court. That has never been ruled on. But it is clear that a state could permit children or noncitizens to vote in local and state elections. That would be absurd and would be contrary to our tradition except, that until 185, half the electorate were not citizens. Ashley dont blind me with facts. I dont like concept of it. Youre right, my blood is polling even more. Always a pleasure even if you are hot blooded. Ashley you have no idea, believe me. Check the big board please, deep breaths all around. Were back up on the positive side. Were up very impressive, almost three points, at 22,000, nearly 22,100. Quick look at oil. It has been moving lower down about 88 cents. Gold too has been moving slightly lower in this market. Now it turned around up to 1265, up just 60 cents. Other news, meat processor tyson posting better profits. That is helping the stock up 5. 25 . The big tech names, we check in every day, take a look at those, everyone except poor stuarts microsoft losing money. Can you hear him groaning from his vacation pad somewhere . Liz looking for cheap gas in oklahoma. Ashley Stuart Varney drove to oklahoma to get cheap gas. That is where he is. Not surprised. Ashley office depot says it will start offering same day delivery in atlanta, l. A. , Fort Lauderdale, miami. Office depot shares up 3 up at 6. 13. Massive sinkhole continues to grow in florida. Two more homes have been condemned because after sinkhole noor tampa. Six are unliveable. Two were destroyed when the ground caved in. This sinkhole 260 feet wide at its widest point. Could florida disappear into that . Lets hope not. Now this. According to New York Times at least four republicans are interested in President Trumps job in 2020, calling it a Shadow Campaign. One person on that list, Vice President mike pence strongly denying that report. Boy, is he ever. Stay right there. Looking for balance in your digestive system . Try align probiotic. For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support, with align. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. Now in kids chewables. Im Nicole Petallides with your fox business brief. S p, rating firm out look is front and center. Outlook remains negative. Concerns about execution challenges next 12 months and capital in the company. Watching model 3 which had preorders of 500,000. Well continue to watch that. While were watching teslas stock, the stock is up 47 cents, 357. The company outperformed all the automakers. There is a look. Tesla up 57 . Gm, fiat both gained this year. Tesla outperform and higher market cap. The last piece of news, model x, done well for tesla, theyre dropping a cost from 3,000 from 82,000 five to because of bigger and better margins. Substances with a gentle mist. Most allergy pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Flonase sensimist. Ashley general john kelly, just one week into his new role as President Trumps chief of staff, reportedly moving quickly to bring order and discipline to the white house like any good military man. Were joined by fox news political, politics editor or political, same thing, chris stirewalt. Ill take it. Ashley chris, great to see you. Not an easy job to try to rein in a white house seems to be moving every direction. Can john kelly get it done . We should remember the white house chief of staff is the second hardest job in government, in American Life in a lot of ways. Even under more conventional president , even under a president who is less prone to disruption and chaos. So there we have to bear that in mind. This isnt just a trump circumstance. Now the big question for kelly, we saw him vindicated and we saw his new approach born out in a couple of ways. One with the swift firing of Anthony Scaramucci and two, the reordererring of the staff with everybody reporting to him, big wins for him as the president got ready to leave for vacation. What well wait to see, what matters now is, will the fight over the National Security administration and president s National Security advisor, general h. R. Mcmaster, which the faction inside of the white house that is expense him this, is the more of breitbart, altright, these folks hate mcmaster sort of a globalist all that jazz, this fight is brewing well see how this plays out. This is the next test for general kelly. Ashley not an easy job to your point. Chris, there are 12 days between now and the end of september when the house and senate both in session, they still have to deal with the budget and debt ceiling. Then they can move on to tax cuts. How will they get this done or do they . If they get it done, they know what they will do, they just dont want to tell us. That is often how this goes in washington of the last 15 years, 10 years, which is basically, the solution they have will be unpopular. They dont want to debate it or talk about. They will get back. Wait until you get to the edge of the cliff. They rocket something through with everybody under pressure so that people dont have time to debate. People dont have time to argue about it. That way they can say, it was imperfect, but we passed it 11 59 59 p. M. The big moment, the big first test well know how it is going when they get back in Early September they have to Start Talking about the debt ceiling. Well be looking to see can they get to a point where republicans will agree to punt the debt ceiling to the end of the month, tie it all into the budget and taxes prop up for obamacare and all those things. They will keep growing that blob and then they will try to rocket it through at the 11th hour. Ashley quite an image. Yeah. Ashley squeeze through the blob at the last second. Well move on. Vice president mike pence fighting back against that New York Times article that claims he and three other republicans are considering running against President Trump in 2020. Vice president pence saying quote, todays article in the New York Times is disgraceful, offensive to me, my family and our entire team. The allegations in this article are category false. They represent the latest attempt by the media to divide this administration. Chris, what do you make of that . Your reaction . Well look, mike pence has to be ready for 2020 either to run for Vice President again, so there is that part, or also the possibility which is stronger with this president than it has been with his predecessors, that he either wont be running again or wont complete the term. He has to be ready for that. That is not unreasonable. Unfortunately for pence this is president we know loyalty issues are a big, big deal. So im sure the vehemence of his denunciations of the New York Times are reflective of the knowledge if President Trump comes to believe that mike pence is hedging his bets in some way, that mike pence is at least even making ready or considering what happens, sitting Vice President fine an open lane for the top seat, if trump thought that was true, look at poor Jeff Sessions it, would be a toxic relationship for the two of them. Ashley would be beyond beleaguered. This report, chris, says that, you know, mike pence has been courting influential donors, hotting events at his naval observatory residence. I mean is that kind of stuff, does it point to mike pence doing something more than just you know, talking to the base . There is nothing, there is nothing nefarious, nothing wrong mike pence is a careful, cautious individual. Ashley right. And there is nothing wrong with these are people who liked him in the first place. People wanted him to run in the first place. The koch network and others wanted pence, they like pence he is there kind of republican. He is socially conservative. Leans libertarian, market guy. So they liked him, why not him keeping up those relationships isnt anything bad unless the president see is it as a threat. Ashley unless youre the New York Times. Chris stirewalt, great stuff as always. Chris, thank you. Happy monday. Ashley now this, alphabet employee sending a memo to his colleagues blasting the companys stand on diversity and gender. Well tell you how alphabets newlyappointed diversity chief is responding next. Listen to this vegan cafe in brunswick, australia, charge as tax to men for just being men. There is a catch. Stay right there. Well tell you. Track your pack. Set a curfew, or two. Make dinnertime device free. [ music stops ] [ music plays again ] a smarter way to wifi is awesome. Introducing xfinity xfi. Amazing speed, coverage and control. Change the way you wifi. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Ashley google condemned an engineers anonymous manifesto blasting the companys stand on diversity. Here is a quote. Open and honest discussion with those who disagree can highlight our blind spots which help us to grow which is why i wrote this document. Google has several biases, and honest discussion about these biases silenced by the dom than the ideology. This is the response from their new Vice President of integrity, diversity and governance. It advanced incorrect assumptions about gender. You i will not link to it because it is not a viewpoint the company endorses or promotes or encourages. What is your take. Liz the anonymous writer focuses on diverse ity and respect to idealogical differences. He says that women are not represented in tech world. Ashley yep. Liz enough because of their biological differences. He saying men are better equipped, essentially to be engineers. That is how you read the document. You know, i have to say this, the one of the top guys at google said, you know what troubled him deeply was bias inherent in his suggestion that most woman or men feel or act a certain way. Ashley right. Liz or think a certain way. In other words he was, the anonymous writer was stereotyping himself. So he himself. I thought that was interesting. Ashley interesting but not great for google i would think. Liz yeah. Ashley and this, we mentioned this before the break, australian calf i fay charging men more than women. Why, liz . Liz they wanted, basically saying women get paid less than men, so well hit men with 18 charge. Well donate that money to womens charity. Women get priority seating. You see the house rules. Not mandatory. It is voluntary charge. So you know what . Ashley ah. Liz i will buy you your tofu sandwich so you wont have to pay the charge. Ashley no tofu for me. Emac, thank you. More varney after this. Nah. Not gonna happen. Thats it. 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Every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. Ashley well, the markets up a barnstorming 12 points [laughter] still at 22,100. We understand that neil cavuto is not in today, he may have got an invite to the Stuart Varney compound which, i will point out, liz, myself or connell shane because were filling in for them. Connell you talk about ratings gold, well check it out tomorrow. [laughter] thank you, ashley. Good to see you, sir. We will have a busy couple hours. All quiet at the white house, i guess, but President Trump has been making some noise there in new jersey, and on the next two hours of coast to coast well be talking about that and more. I am connell mcshane, and first up is the media prematurely predicting an end to the Trump Administration with all this talk in the New York Times saying Vice President mike pence is somehow running a Shadow Campaign. The vp calling that article disgraceful and and offensive. It alleged there are so many doubts over the current president that republicans like

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