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Top of the news, more threats coming from isis just one day after it took credit for the attack in garland, texas in an online statement, isis claims they have more terrorists ready to carry out attacks in america. We have 71 trained soldiers in 15 different states ready to at our word, to attack any target we desire. Out of the 71 trained soldiers, 23 have signed up for missions like sunday like garland, texas, isis names five of those states virginia, maryland illinois california and michigan. Isis is also threatening the life of familia gellar, organizer of the Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in texas. Saying theyll sending lions to achieve her slaughter end quote. Heres an Important Note none of these threat about have been verified but claiming sure raids anxiety level who is coming up next . Peters 15 minutes from now. Lets get to the marketses to call this this wednesday morning a pretty dead flat market thus far. With now what 30 points, 17899 aside we speak. The real big market news is in the price of oil 61, 53 as we speak up another buck, it is very close to a high for the year and, of course, crude oil goes up, the price of gasoline keeps on going up as well. National average is 2. 63 up overall night. Up 22 straights days. Now snapshot of the economy america look at this. 26 million adults while that is roughly one out of every ten cannot borrow money, no credit cards more than a quarter of money save no money for emergencieses at all. Im calling this evidence of the economic malaise under president obama. Im not the only one. Listen to what Las Vegas Steve wynn has to say roll tape. The idea that america is in the grips of a great recovery is pure fiction. It is a lie, not true. Tell me why. Jobless recovery because recoveries are marked by the amount of real employment. And if you counting the people that have left the work force real unemployment is 15 to 20 . Strong stuff. Pure fiction he says about this recovery. Here is former reagan Economic Advisor in nashville. Art, that was pretty strong stuff from mr. Wynn right there. And i mean pure fiction is what hes saying. Would you go that far . I dont think it was strong at all but completely correct. Right on the fount. We have a huge drop in employment as you know. Employment is share of population adult went from 64 to 59 right now on a population of 245 million people. That drop of 5. 5 is a huge number of people who left the labor force an theyre not interested interested in working and cant find jobs hes exactly correct. I say it is a policy problem tax spend run up the debt is not working. But what are you going to do you have 18 months at least of this probably two years i say that theres nothing you can do about this on the policy level for two years. You say what . I think youre probably rights on that as long as you have obama and not willing to go for a low rate broad based flat tax or Corporate Tax reforming. It wont even do the xl pipeline. Hes not really caring about the employment of this country at all. Okay, a disaster hold on a second what are we going to do. Speculative here that down trend in the economy continues. We site to zero growth into a modest recession. What are we going to do . Well, were going to have to bear with it. We have to go along, and weve had worst times in our lives not recently. But you know, well just have to go along with it because the political process, stuart will not allows to get a change until about 2017. That is at the early aiest we can get it and probably 2018. So you have a long ways to wait that is just politics. But once that change comes, stuart beyond the your guard youre going to see prosperity like youve never seen. We have the house in the senate in the progrowth situation. A lot of democrats want to do this too beat. State, local governments poised for government and need the presidency to turn over. Progrowth is not necessarily republican. It can be democrat like bill clinton or kennedy. But progrowth agenda. You know, you dont know until after theyre in and until after you see how they campaign. These people sort of change their model until the election. Got them to win like bill clinton theyll do it. Im not counting hillary out at all but right now is not my choice. Republicans are much stronger than she is. We will get that. Again i dont to be speculative but friday, all of the time. I was worried about your absence by the way you scared me a little bit. I was concerned. Im alive and kicking, have no fear. Just dont kick me stuart. You are my idol. Just a fraction older than i am. If i can look and sound as good as you at your age ill be a happy guy. Older than steve wynn. Incredible. [laughter] look at me, oh, my god. Let me finish this question for a second. I know im speculative but look, if we get a poor jobs number only friday, way under 200,000 jobs i consider that a poor jobs number do you think we go to recession . Well, we could barely above it right now. Growth last quarter was 0. 2 . That is not enough. That is a huge one during thes first 83 and 84 under reagan under a waiterly basis in real terms this is a disasterrous economy and has been for a long, long time and it wasnt just obama to be honest with you. It was w as well. It was w and obama and get progrowth. But we can always make it through stuart. We really can. We arent somalia or ethiopia or catastrophic situation. Older than me. Thanks for joining me always good. Thank you, sir. Thank you good to be back. There was a general election in britain tomorrow David Cameron goes up against parties. Why should you care . What difference does election there make to you here . Well, look who is here. Mary, all right mary cameron he wants spenting cuts his opponent wants spending increases i see that as a microcosm of what the debate is here. It is stuart. Look im going to answer your first question first. Why should we care . Three reasons, first of all the u. K. Is one of the Worlds Largest economies it is a major financial hub. Second, there are a member of nato at a time when threats are rising and we have a shared history and culture with them. Now to comparison with the United States, they are asking exactly the same question that u. S. Vote reverse going to face mane mainly number one go we want more big government, more spending or do we want reform that is going to allow us to grow more prosperity for everybody and secondly does the u. K. And u. S. Want to be involved in the rest of the world. What is our role in the world. Those are the two Big Questions confronting voters on both sides of the pond. Interest to see results because will voters in briton go from more government, repudiate cameron go for more government from socialist. The cameron hasnt explained why more reform is good. Like gop and mitt romney didnt explain to voters. Cameron has cut Corporate Tax rates and cut u. K. Is now growing on trend. Faster than we are, they have unemployment rates that are excellent compared to rest of europe around 5. 5 sale percent but hasnt explained why hes doing what hes doing and hasnt tack it would red tape and released Energy Supplies and embraced immigration. Theres a lot that needs to be done. Still an entitlement state. It is. Chopping away at it but entitlement state. In forecast they have done labor entrenched bureaucrats. A lot of mess on business just like obama did. U. S. Government will have the same task that cameron face. I think well get results as of friday morning on this program. Okay. I cant wait. [laughter] you mean im worried. Lets get more of todays top stories lauren has headlines incase you miss it had. Good morning everybody. Breaking details on germanwings crash in the french alps. French investigators say copilot and killer Andres Lubitz processed a control decent on the same plane, the same day he took down all 150 people onboard. Those trial runs they went undetected because they were short ranging from seconds to three minutes, and they happened when pilot was not in the cockpit. Jetblue is flying newark jfk beginning in july flight will take three and a half hours to depart every friday at noon. This as four Florida Companies have been given licenses from u. S. To offer Ferry Services to cuba, still only authorized travelers able to go there because general tourism is banned under the embargo and amazon prime members will be able to stream video for free when they fly jet blue that program is called fly by for amazon prime. Amazon prime you can take over the world. [laughter] so im told. Pay 989 99 a year. Isis taking credit for shooting. Radical Islamic Group has sleeper agents in states. Does the administration understand the nature of this threat in america. It is coming up next but first i bring you this man. Joseph holding an American Flag outside a place where the garland shooting took place. Standing up for freedom, the american way. That his community wont be intimidated by terror. Here he is on fox and friends this morning. Immediately grab any flag off my wall was going to stands there until everyone realized that hey, we needs to stand strong not be afraid. We didnt lose that battle. The world is filled with air. But for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. If you have copd, ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro ellipta. It helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. Anoro ellipta is the first fdaapproved product containing two longacting bronchodilators in one inhaler. Anoro is not for asthma. 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The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts 800,000 hours of supercomputing time 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. Whether its building the worlds most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. At boeing, one thing never changes. Our passion to make it real. Were down a little this wednesday morning down 70 points to be precise that puts dow at 178 now please take a look at a dulily amazon for moms i believe. New low there. They were wrong about the stock they dont think it is going to deliver. Down it goes at 16 . That is a big drop. Were following a breaking story out of north dakota for you. A Train Derailment it is a bnsf train that means inned by Warren Buffett opposed keystone pipeline, he owns the rail company that transports canada and north dakotas oil now news is this town has been evacuated. Five oil tanker cars are on fire. Information as we get it. Isis making there are threats against america an online statement they claim to have 71 fighters in 15 states ready to carry out more attacks like in texas. Ralph peters welcome to the program. Always great to be with you stew. I see this. I see this as a mortal threat to the American Homeland do you believe that administration sees it as the same threat level . Well the administration on political side certainly does not. But at the same time they do not want anymore incidents before the transition to next president and willing to dump it in his or her lap. Enormous political impact if there were to be a huge attack within america. Well i dont think theres going to be a huge attack. But you never know. I think what youre going to see for the coming monthses and even years are more of these pinprick attacks that kill people. Anxiety anxiety into the population. Other thing you know to do is anxiety and the financial networks, in, obviously, in the markets. But they also cost us a lot of money. One great victory that al qaeda and now Islamic State and others have won already is they have cost us well over a trillion dollars in over the last 12 were 15 years, 14 years in terms of what we spent on security. , i mean, even here in this building, elsewhere security is so much more intense at airports, security is now a major industry but it is an industry that produces only end items not used for anything else. Some cost. I have to brain up that something is that National Security analyst said on this program yesterday because the iran i cans are going to get a nuke. She said that within five years there would be a Nuclear Incident in the middle east that was strong stuff where do you stand on that . We dont have a date but there will be a Nuclear Incident president obama in his naive and hamless pursuit of remarks is guaranteed a major war in the middle east more brutal and widespread than what weve seen. He guarantees a war in the middle east. It is common sense, look his deal they wants to desperately has not only freed iran from making mischief throughout the region because they know he wont do anything before the deal is signed. But after a the deal is signed, sanctions are left that they will not snap back you look at the dang and think about what a rich iran is going to do. At the same time, well now gulf arab saudis much more weapons. Good news for the defense and air but more u. S. Weapons into the gulf that is further stimulus to iranians to pursue Nuclear Weapon to counter them an you poor, give kids the guns theyre going to pull triggers. Appalling. What is gunning on in the middle east and for the dow industrial 18,000. Extraordinary situation. I do want to get to yes the book valley of the shadow. I must tell our viewers i have read it cover to cover. Brilliant about book about americas civil war and it has been just released i want you to tell us what is relevance to what youre writing about and fight 150 years ago to the fight that were in now. Well theres a great deal of relevance book cover is fighting the valley in 1964 but relevant in the sense that first of all, we just went through this with a military called big whistle drill chinese fire drill over the accidental death of two hostages in a drone strike. That was Headline News for over a week and still debating the morality of strikes. To end slavery it cost 750,000 lives north and south. 750,000. If were drag into a major war is as in media going to portray every death as a little big horn. Were not prepared because it will be on television. That is a huge difference. It is huge, also relevance of value in the shadow is that we no longer know our history matters. If you cant be a voter demagogues make crazy stuff up. Not fighting in the valley, you have two future u. S. President s. Rutherford b heys and william performing heroically how we have fell in the meantime. Could a battle field commander in todays world become a president of the United States . Odds are against it. Odds are against it because media would not allow it and media are masters. [laughter] media well as are mine. But at the end of the day were hurt animal when is story dominates we all rush to that. Lets recommend this wonderful book i have read it cover to cover. It is terrific military history and i absolutely loved it. Accurate history. Yes. How about that . Ralph peters everyone great book, good man. Thank you. Thanksgiving what about six months away. Roughly this year could there be a turkey shortage why would that be . Bird flu worst outis break in u. S. History. Coming up next. Just because im away from my desk doesnt mean im not working. Comcast business understands that. Their wifi isnt just fast near the router. Its fast in the break room. Fast in the conference room. Fast in toms office. Fast in other toms office. Fast in the foyer [pronounced foyyer] or is it foyer [pronounced foyyay] . Fast in the hallway. I feel like ive been here before. Switch now and get the fastest wifi everywhere. Comcast business. Built for business. Look at this. Wendys plans to sell its Bakery Business and sell off 600 of its Company Owned restaurants to franchise california new water restrictions under new rules cities must lower usage by 25 and in some areas down 36 that is mandatory. Okay. Now video youre lookings at is lake mead, nevada hit a record low with not see anything like this since 130s when that lake was sort of constructed. California, nevada arizona they draw water from lake mead way down. Latest bird flu hit hard. You know it takens four to five monthses to raise a full sized turkey. Uhoh jet flock, named jet flock move i couldnt resist it, jeff. Now wait a sec. Before you respond to your name how about this . We do this all of the time. Theres a problem with the turkey flock theres a problem with bird flu so a shortage i dont belief it. What say you . It is getting bad out there because there are 24 million birds turkey and chickens now that have been lost, but we have what could be akin to Strategic Petroleum reserve, a turkey reserve of frozen turkeys most we eat on thanksgiving is actually frozen so weve got according to usda 100 Million Pounds of strategically frozen turkey out there. So turkey day wont be toast turkey day. Doesnt sound appetizing to millennial who is demand fresh. This is the scary thing that you know because of this were all learning that actually turkey we eat is probably a year or two old. You know when we eat actually it. It is fine because we have for a long time but that is reality. Reality is on egg prices because iowa has been hit hard by this bird flu thing. Last yeah, and the latest is that actually that a new farm in iowa just is now discover. We dont know where end of this is. That is the scary part of this and continue to watch it. Welcomey for you i know you love tofu. Delivered a crash to crash that jet into the alps had a history of psychological problems now he practiced doing what he did to kill those people. Heres a question for judge napolitano how liable is the airplane. Hes next. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. After all, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned. Every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. Healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. By connecting every single part of it. For as the world keeps on searching for healthier. Were here to make healthier happen. Optum. Healthier is here. New developments unless fatal germanwings flight, the copilot practiced a controlled dissent that same day it happened when the copilot was not in the cock pilot. Tom sullivan knows a thing or two about jets, and hes with us here. Why wasnt that noticed . It wasnt noticed because what happened was the pilot the same pilot who he was with on the return flight, this was on the first flight from barcelona, and what air Traffic Control had said, the pilot had left to go to the bathroom. Right. And air Traffic Control told the pilot to descend from 37,000 to 35,000, so he did and while you do that, you push a command button, and it will start the plane down to 35,000. He spun it down to 100 after he got the plane descending, and you wouldnt have noticed it because it was descending already, so he put it back to 35,000 then they told him to descend the plane to 21,000, and while they were descending to 21,000, they gave it the command, he spun the wheel the altitude selector to 100 feet four different times, and he brought it back up again and did it again back and forth four different times but nobody would have noticed because the plane was at above the altitude that it was set for, and you have to select it to actually command it to do to go to 100 feet. So he obviously practiced. On the ft was it,. Dusseldorf to barcelona. Yeah. That was the flight he practiced. I dont know if practice was the right word, he knew what would happen. He dialed it to 100. Well, all he had to do was push it again and that would have commanded the plane to go to 100 feet, i think what he was doing was get the guts. So he was premettated, he knew what he was doing. Yeah. I just think he chickened out on that flight to barcelona. Extraordinary it wasnt noticed. I want had to stay on the fatal germanwings flight, judge is here. Now, they didnt catch it. The authority did not catch it on this one im calling a trial one. Right. The Parent Airline they must be exposed hugely to liability. So here is the law. The liability on a Airline Crash when it is totally the airlines fault, it is not weather and it is not something that a passenger did. Right. It is about in european dollars,. Euros. Its about 1 75,000 per person to. Unless you can show some utterly untolerable behavior by the airline, which would allow you to increase that. So is this that tom just talked about intolerable . An expert like tom would testify in the trial for both sides. One expert said the airline should have known about this. And theres no way he would know about it, they would not find out until he got the black box out and figured it on you the later, but that black box is not transmitting to anything. But the more the plaintiffs can show highly inappropriate behavior on his part of which the airline should have been aware, or a highly inappropriate human being in the cockpit of which the airline should have been aware. The easier it is for them to change. Not liability but the cap on liability. Got it. Now, they would have probably also like to seuss sue for punitive damages, and that is not based on liability, but the wealth of the defendant the wealth. Well, that could be that would be extraordinary because you have to take enough wealth away from the defendant so that it stings, that its a punishment and insurance policies, even european ones, do not cover punitive damages. So it would come from their shareholders assets, from their shareholders quit. Fascinating. Check that big board please, this is wednesday lunchtime in some places, breakfast elsewhere. Were down 57 points. There was a week jobs number this morning. Very weak. Only 169,000 new jobs. The price of oil about dollars a barrel, and 2 63 is your National Average and that has gone up for three straight. And virginia a 1. 89. Two different stations. Now, the Pacquiao Mayweather fight. As you know it did not live up to the fight and wait for it, two boxing fans are suing Manny Pacquiao for not disclosing the shoulder injury. Judge, theyve got a case,. They probably do have a case, and they may not have to do much discovery because shortly before we came on air the Nevada Attorney general announced that he is investigating whether pacquiao committed perjury. Pacquiao. Wait were pronouncing a. Whether or not he committed perjury and checked the box saying no theres been no injury to my shoulder, im not aware of any injury to my shoulder and then shortly after the fight he reveals a tear in the shoulder that requires surgery. If im a gambler and later i find out that he lost because hes injured all bets are off. Youre a gambler, and you bet for pacquiao against mayweather you deserve to lose. Thats a good one. Ive got another question for you. Is this the end have boxing . I dont think so i remember the wonderful years of smoking joe frazier and all that, and you remember there used to be knockouts in, like, the second round, and everybody would sit there and go i just paid a lot of money for this thing and the thing is over in 90 seconds. Yeah. Bill now weve got ultimate fighting, is that what it is . Mma. Mixed martial arts. Something like that. And thats an alternative and thats real, they knock the hell out of each other. Yeah. They do and thats why its so popular. Precisely. Yeah. Theres no funny games here, mma is the real deal. But i dont think boxing is over. Shall we say its on the down trend. No. I think it was. I think its coming back. Stewart, it was the same day as the kentucky derby, it was the biggest sports payday in the history of sports. Yeah. And it was all hype. This is a money show, do you really not that to end . Enough already. Thank you judge. Youre welcome. Do you remember this . Full house its getting a spinoff on wait for it. Netflix. We have one of the shows stars coming up next for you new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. We cut the rates on personal income taxes. We enacted the lowest Corporate Tax rate since 1968. We eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. With startupny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. All to grow our economy and create jobs. See how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at ny. Gov business fox business brief right now the dow jones down 54 points back some fourth action the dow 17,8 73, some of the do you average will include, microsoft intel verizon, ibm, you can see a lot of those are tech names indeed. And were keeping keeping an eye on energy, it has moved to the highest level of 2015, we also had a drop in the latest eia report, that was a surprise drop at that. You can see that the Group Overall is a little bit mixed like that winner slightly right now seven energy as well. Also take a look at the vicks that has moved as well, that is to the upside, you can see up 4. 6. Highest in the month and Electronic Arts new high multiyear high i should note, Weight Watchers down 17 this year. And varney and company full house star up next still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Very strong profits at herbal life, and its raised its year for the well, somebody had a go at that stock for the last couple of years, and it doesnt look like its done much good because its up 16 today. You cant make it up. A woman in a wheelchair wins a treadmill on the price is right. Watch this. She was a very good sport about it. Heres what she tweeted after the show. A picture of her face with the phrase when you win a treadmill on national tv but you have no feet. I think she was a very good sport. Got it. One of the most popular sitcoms of all time is coming back to tv, but its coming back on netflix. Producing a followup to the classic 90s sitcom full house. And look who is here, the updated version of that person played dj tanner, i remember her well on the original series. Shes going to reprise the role in the new Netflix Series and its called fuller house welcome to the program. Thank you. Its called fuller house. Yes. Who else is in this house. Well, my character dj, who is now dj fuller, hence the name. Got it. Is widowed with three children so shes now asked her sister stephanie and her best friend to come live with her who could forget. So the show will follow the three of us girls raising these kids. But is it all female. Yeah. Where are the guys. Well, everyone i think i think just about everyone is going to come back for the first episode. Mayor indicate and ashley. Theyre not confirmed yet but everyone is still excited by the show, theyll be on the set request because severn excited about the show. You look the same. Im looking at you, and you look exactly the same. Thank you. Thats a huge compliment. Thank you. I have good genes. To me, the biggest deal of all is that youre on netflix. Yeah. Were a financial prom program and we follow netflix very very careful, and that stock has gone to the moon, hit an alltime high just the other day. Yeah. You must be very happy to be on netflix. I am very happy. This is new for me to be in that rather arena, but theyre setting a new standard in television, and i think its a great version for the viewers well be one of the first original sitcoms on netflix. Yeah. And i think since you can watch these shows all at a time its a great show to do. Do you ever do it with full house episodes. Never. I do have to segue once to something that first disconnected. Yeah. Youve got some ziploc bags, do you want to tell me about this. Yeah. So its mothers day weekend and theyre giving a solute and shout out to all the mothers out there with these easy open tab bags. Its easy open. They are easy. So you try it. Tell me i just closed it, so now its easy open. It better work. Urals that. Its pretty great. Look at that. Whats that got to do with fuller house . It doesnt. Just like that fact that its me. Im a mom. I have three kids. Youre getting paid for this . I love ziploc. Did you get paid for this . Did i get paid for it . I teamed up with them. Excellent. Okay. Now, theres one other thing. We must not forget this, please. Youve got a new movie. Yes. Its on the hallmark channel. Whats the name of the movie. Its called just the way you are. I star in the film and also executive produced it, and it was loosely based on my life, it was a movie that i wanted to make. Thats just about a couple thats been married for 15 years, had two children, and they at least loving feeling so they learned to reconnect by going on a series of blind dates. This is by you . Well, its not about me, but the themes, ive been married almost 20 years whereby so i think its a something that every married couple can relate to. Okay. We shall remember that one. Yeah. It was a real pleasure having you on the show. Thank you. Congratulations on the netflix deal. Thank you very much. The irs. Theres a change of subject for you. The irs will not answer your phone call when you have a question about your taxes, but they will give out more than 5 billion dollars in bogus tax credits yeah, weve got the story next at 62,000 brush movements per minute Philips Sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like youve never felt before. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Youre driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. Now you have to make your first claim. So you talk to your Insurance Company and. Boom youre blindsided for a second time. They wont give you enough money to replace your brand new car. Dont those people know youre already shaken up . Liberty mutuals new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. Call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch to Liberty Mutual insurance and you could save up to 423 dollars. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Look at this, please, a watch dog group says the irs issued more than 5 billion dollars in what i have been bogus education tax credits. All in a single year. Thats more than a quarter of all the education tax credits claim by taxpayers potentially bogus. Liz sorry look, i thought the tax credit was bad enough, but this is ridiculous. It is ridiculous, and what the tax credit is, and, by the way, its in the president s bill,. Yeah. Its been since 2007, you get 2,500 toward your tuition. So what the Inspector General found, stewart, was that 3. 6 million taxpayers in 2012 got the tax credit who didnt deserve the tax credit, they didnt have any tuition documents showing they actually went to school, they spent half the time at school, you know necessary to get the credit. Things of that nature. So they didnt take enough classes. On and on. But what gets me every time you hear the word credit, that is money right out the door. Its cash. Its cash that goes right outdoor. It goes to your credit. And we constantly hear that the proproblem with education is money given more money. Yeah. And now weve got a problem that says 25 a quarter of all these tax credits thats outflow of money theyre just purely bogus. Purely bogus and the other thing too is that the irs is saying oh, we need more money, we need more people, well guess what . Theyve got on behalf l a lot of commuters that can match so the problem is that they are not the irs is not doing enough to stop the problem of the money going out the door. Ill tell you something. When you add up all the fraud and the tax credit all the medicare medicaid, unemployment fraud. Yeah. You could well pay more than for a third of the president s helpful reform bill instead they come after taxpayers treating taxpayers like a budget line item. Why do we ever expect any Government Agency to be efficient . Right. Vigorous, dynamic. Right. Since when ever have we ever expected. Thats right. The irs has unionized and that union basically complained for president obama, so even after medicare when it was launched in the 60s, immediately fraud. All right. , thank you very much liz. Im glad you got that off your chest. I did. I did too. Coming up new at noon, the man who is putting his money behind scott walker, he joins us to tell us why. Thats about two minutes from now. Plus history of Sexual Harassment when he was running the New York Knicks now hired by the same boss to run a Womens Basketball team. Fresh hour of varney coming for you new this hour. Here we go. How does a walker rube i cant ticket sound to you . Our guy is putting his money behind it. He joins us in a minute to explain why. General automakers making cheap luxury cars in hungry, the two models made in hungry sold here. He likes one hates the other well tell you which models. And history of Sexual Harassment, he will now run a professional Womens Basketball team. Now, that is an interesting hire isnt it. And were going to put flag stompers on the couch with dr. Keith, is my anger at that justified . Nobody said this was your average financial program; right . Here comes hour two. Well, we havent got very far thus far this morning not very much going on in the market were down 50 points thats it. 17,8 75, were at 60 per barrel price of gas has gone up again overnight. 3. 63 is your National Average were following a breaking story for you a Train Derailment its owned by the company which is part of warner buffets the train was caring oil. At least five oil tanker cars are on fire in a town has been evacuated. Now, lets put this newsrooms perspective here. Yeah. Warner buffet runs it. Correct. He owns the railroad where these tanker cars are now on fire. Yeah. Need it Railroad Business many years ago, and it was a smart decision at the time. Yes. But he opposed the pipeline. The keystone pipeline. He said, no, we dont want the pipeline. Uhhuh. I say that that was a little hypocrisy there because he was making a ton of money transporting the oil not in the pipeline, but on these railcars. Well, of course and heres the thing though. At the end of the day many of the Big Oil Companies have already said this. If it becomes too expensive as in mr. Buffet is expensive to use those cars, it become too expensive, then Oil Production will begin to fall in north dakota. Thats the big fear right now whether its from jobs or production standpoint, soult lose either way. It doesnt really sound like this is a good bet for him but the crude in north dakota is completely changing because of oil prices, if youve got crude at 65 or below, it doesnt make sense. It just bothers me. Uhhuh. That i multibillionaire who has the ear of the president should go against the pipeline but be very much in favor of carrying the oil on his railcars. I mean i think thats the conflict of interest. Thats why where im coming from. Sure. Smart business move isnt. Yeah. Yes. And thats why people follow around warner buffet and wonder what hes doing. I dont care if ge is doing it or warner buffet, i say its wrong. I hate hes making money. Ill say that. You put your side of the argument very well. Despite all the scandal surrounding her Hilary Clinton still looking like shes the cant candidate to beat, they say Hilary Clinton has strong leadership qualities. 65 . Now, that is up 8 points from last moore. Later this hour, former White House Press secretary, she will join us and ill ask her if she has any Campaign Advice to Hilary Clinton. That will be 12 30 this morning. Heres a question for you. Could a Scott Walker Marco Rubio ticket beat Hilary Clinton in 2016 . He joins us from the conference in las vegas. I know you as the wall street guy, you are a frequent guest on this program, and i believe you are a bund bundler, are you not. Yeah. I owe a lot of my success to you stewart im always on your show. Lets get to it. Youre going to be right about walker and rubio. Im a if youre not predicting that, at least im going to predict that for the viewers. Why is it about what is it about scott walkerrer that you like so much. Well, i i think that the post reagan era is over. If im right scott walker gets the nomination and he beats clinton in the election. If im wrong, it will be mrs. Clinton and jeb bush fighting it out for the continuation of what youve already experienced, and i think the American Public is tired of that and looking to change leadership, change jockeys, a new generation of americans,. Youre a financial guy you manage money, youre very much involved in wall street, you believe that scott walker is good for the economy . Thats your bottom line, is it . I believe that. I believe that hes a capital ism eliminator, hes got great principles, executive management skills, hes got a super tough backbone which hell be able to handle the Foreign Policy situation, hes very good friends with marco rubio theres a nexus between scott and marco, it was marcos Law School Study mate, these guys go way back, and my prediction is that scott will get the nomination. He has something in american politics that is always appealing. Every time you meet scott stewart, you like him a little bit more. Okay. President obama frankly had that in 2007. Gotcha. I want you to listen what Las Vegas Business guy steve winn said about our economy. The great that were in a great recovery is purification. Really . Its a jobless recovery because recoveries are marked by the amount of real employment. And if you count the people that have left the workforce real employment is 15 to 20 . Okay. You heard him say it. This recovery is purification. What douse to that, anthony . Well, if you look at the data, that is absolutely true. For the top one to three percent of the company that own the assets, the federal reverse inflation trade has worked for those people. But for 97 of the americans steve is right and let me tell you about steve im in his town right now, las vegas he hires a lot of middle class team people, that would include made us, and bellhops, and he says the broads of high wage high quality middle class jobs. So the government can fudge these statistics, they can tell we have a 5. 3 unemployment rate, but then when you factor in all the people who have left and all the parttimers, i think it is a 11 to 12 stewart thats a National Unemployment crisis. Yeah. Its something that we are not focusing on as a nation, which is why we have to break the strangle hold and get a politician in there thats from the middle class to help break this ice, if you will. Come on back to new york real soon, love to hear from you. Looking forward to it. Thanks stewart. Ive got this for you. Madison square gardens executive chairman has invited Isaiah Thomas to take over the wmbas new york liberator basketball team. Now this comes what did . Eight years after he was forced to pay out 11 Million Dollars when a jury found that he sexually harassed a female executive. Lead sport economist joins us now. Okay. , michael. So do you think this is just a flat out bad move on his part to put thomas in charge of the basketball team. Certainly a curious move. I dont know what Business Journal he read when someone who cost him 11 Million Dollars would be a good executive in charge of a Womens Basketball team. This is more about james than it is about thomas and his business ability. Its entirely about james. Hes a good friend, theres no doubt about that, we should all have friends loyal like this, but he doesnt care what you think what i think, i mean clearly he knew he was going to get backlash for this. And he went ahead with it anyway and, you know, he kind of just fulfilled a lot of people that isaiah was going to be in his inner circle again, he was fired six or seven years ago. Sure. And hes back in the building now and now hes in charge of the basketball team. Well, is he just running a cash machine Madison Square garden and the teams, is he just a cash machine that just cannot go wrong thats why he doesnt care . Thats absolutely what it is. A couple of months ago he was embarrassed by an email that came across that he sent out to a fan kind of a vicious email, and the irony is that the day after it came out the stock went up a point. So it shows you and they lost 100 games this year, so it shows you that that business product is impervious to a lot of different things. Im sorry to say, i dont follow basketball, i dont so i dont know the performance of the nicks. Youre better off that way. Put it that way. [laughter] james hones relevant owns the nicks,. The nicks the rangers everything in new york. Did they have a terrible season. They lost 65 games, so it was historically bad and, you know, people keep selling out the basketball team. They sell out Madison Square garden even when theyre playing like this. Its remarkable, there have been 7,000 people in the garden this year there was 19,500 every day which tells you about the strength of the business product in spite of the well, it was all carmelo anthony. I dont know much about this, one producer put this in my ear. People in new york like their basketball, so i think at this point in time thats going to be the case no matter who is owning it. But its just curious because we all know what happened eight years ago and to put him in charge of this team, it makes you shake your head a little bit. But i wonder if he thinks this is going to bring more people into Madison Square garden. Maybe but i also wonder, the liberator fan base, its heavily female, heavily young and you wonder what their response going to be for isaiah in charge here, going to be interesting to watch. Theres no such thing as bad publicity. As james has proven time and time again. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. The texas shooting, free speech under attack, but were the people who were holding that you may proceed cartoon event taunting the extremist . The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. After all, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned. Every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. Healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care. By connecting every single part of it. For as the world keeps on searching for healthier. Were here to make healthier happen. Optum. Healthier is here. A rival that will be signer jeev a, and they want to pay 8. 4 billion dollars. Isis claiming they were behind sundays attack on the muhammad cartoon contest in texas. And they say they have dozens of soldiers in 15 states ever had to carry out more attacks against american targets. Fox new turner is here. Theres a debate going on here, and the debate is stand up for free speech, hold the muhammad car toon contest provoke the extremist. And the other side of the debate says thats provocation, dont do it. What say you . The idea that americans somehow invited acts of terrorism by displaying profit muhammad cartoons i believe is a false paradigm that really prioritizes the subjective case of terrorists over our own constitutional rights, i think more than ever before what this you know, this attack and others demonstrate the powerful grandpa grip that radical ideology has gained the globe since 2011. Yeah, stand up for free speech. We are the home of it, stand up for it. Exercise it. I happen to think that rights, which are not exercised atrophy and fade. You must not let that happen. Thats my point of view. How about this latest statement from isis that theyve got soldiers, 71 of them in various states around the country. Do you think the administration understands the nature of this threat and the severity of this threat. Well, i want to say first any information that we get direct from isis is not ever going to amount to anything more than propaganda, so its important for the American Public and the administration to keep that in mind. But what i would Pay Attention are the words of u. S. Law enforcement of official, because thats important just recall a couple of months ago fbi director mural publically acknowledged that hes got in all 50 states investigations relating to terror and terror throats on going. So thats an important signal. Its an important signal, and i just wonder if we should be taking a harder line, if we should be more combative. It looks like were absorbing this threat. Were kind of getting used to it. Were aalmost playing it down because we dont want to alarm the public. Whats your sense of this . Thats a very real and tangible fear that youve got. I share it. You know, just as its important that we dont allow the terrorists in freedom of speech, its also important that we dont allow them to dictate the terms in which we carry on our daily lives. Whether thats traveling on public transportation, flying on the air what have you, i think its important that the government at this point the administration really take a stand not only against. Tracey activity, but against the ideology,. I think president obama running a great Political Risk here, if he under plays the threat of isis, and he did call them the jv team just as they were getting started, if thats his approach and we get a significant incident in the next 18 months, the present. At this point everyone is going to admit the president was an error its since become infamous, hes been proven wrong you only need to talk to any of our allies, israel or the arab allies to get a more understanding of just how much isis has grown and spread over the last couple of years to make that comment no longer legitimate. The threat is here, and i think the anxiety level is rising. Always a pleasure to have you on the program. Thank you. Thank you. Sure thing. I have breaking news for you. The government of maryland, he just lifted the state of emergency in baltimore and hes pulled the National Guard and the state police out of the city. Again, there is no more state of emergency in baltimore, the National Guard is leaving. Just in. Next we have our own car guy who is going to beat the day lights out of a mercedes luxury model that is built in hungry and sold over here. How is that for a tease . Two cheap german luxury cars. One from mercedes, one from audi, theyre both made in hungry. Gary is our car guy he likes one, doesnt like the other. I want to get the grip of the mercedes cla, you dont like it. I said you hated it, but you just mildly dislike the thing. Whats wrong with it . Disappointing. Looks great selling great its a fantastic car as far as the visuals are concerned but its not really up you dont get that mercedes experience. The ride is a little bit tough, the plastics are a bit too cheap. Now, whether or not that has the fact its built in hungry. Well, thats the question. If its built in hungry and you dont like it and its sold here, does that imply that something wrong with the factor . Its a new factory probably some growing pains there, i know there have been a little bit of problems with it, some annoying things, not something you would expect from a mercedes. Thats a 31,000 base price. Yeah. But 40, 50, outdoor and they have a sport version that could be more than that. Thats not cheap. Now, the audi a 3. You like it and its also made in hungry. Built about two hours down the road, audi has been building engines there for about 20 years now, but this is the first time theyve built a full car there and i would say its perfect. If you want the audi experience, talking about it in this car. The ride it fantastic the engines smooth, its a great car for the price. Whats the price . 30,000. Wait a minute 30,000 base price,. Youre going to be looking at high 30s after the addons. German cars about mw, porsche, audi. Uhhuh. Theyve taken enormous chunks of market share. Right. Theyre luxury models, theyve done extremely well. And the next step of mercedes is a excellent car its a big gap between the audi a 3 a 4 very close. We had a mercedes usa guy on the show, he told me that half of the mercedes sold in america are made in america. Half of them i was surprised by that. Well, this is actually selling really well coming from hungry. Its only behind the q 5 cross over, which is going to be coming from mexican so big changes in the luxury segment. Yeah. But theyre still dont well, arent they. Yeah. And theyre building them over there. And the fords theyre manufacturing in mexico are doing well, and its a good product a good car. Selling very well. Weve got 10 seconds. How is the ford 5 r f150 with the aluminum chassis . Doing really well, it seems to be you are instructed for them pretty well. Back to your driving. Thank you very much. Up next, she was president bushs press secretary well, that was a tough job. What would she do if she represented Hilary Clinton . Here she comes when youre not confident your companys data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. We monitor Network Traffic worldwide, so we can see things others cant. Mitigating risks across your business. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. Look at that being please we have a read on jobs market it wasnt a positive read and get a big jobs report on friday morning down 90. Price of oil hovering around of 1, 62 dollars a barrel. And that means that price of gas keeps on going up. National average for regular is 2. 63. That price has gone up for 22 straight days. We like this bit where is cheapest gas in america a buck 89 at two stations in jarrett virginia. Worth driving to. Now tack a look at the stock price of microsoft reportedly having some interest in buying the Software Company sales force. Com. Please remember i am a shareholder of microsoft and i dont like to see it go down like this but char is here. First of all char, when you do you make of the talk about microsoft buying sales force. Com. It is all about the cloud. What is with this . Speculation at this point but in 2003 microsoft made overtures except the then ceo Steve Ballmer didnt get along with mark that didnt go anywhere. But i think he has a good chance. I hope they go for. It will be a great acquisition. What is with the cloud . Explain. Microsoft had its own crm Customer Relationship management and all about the sales force in the cloud talking cloud, being the cloud before income knew what the cloud was. Microsoft is moving very quickly into the clouds making it a huge part of its business so this makes a very nice addition. Do you know microsoft goes to 65 i thinking in in here. Especially if this happens and stock goes down it is a buying opportunity. Cuts to the chase. Couple of microsoft shares and apple regulators looking at the beets deal does that put you off the stock . It doesnt put me off the stock although i think there could be some repercussions theyre looking at beats in terms of the price because theyve used some of their power before to increase prices on some stuff. This is the question of well will they do that for music . They have substantial share. The european commissioner is looking because of beef and supposedly Justice Department is starting investigation. Could be a minor league problem for apple but principle a big problem because of that pricing control and power. Other time ting theyre too big and i think managed through this just matter of what they do with beats. Not on one way or the other if this gets passed they dont have any problems, it would be a big one. What about the company with 195 dollars in cash . You keep buying shares on any dip and you would expect that cash to roll back to you the shareholder because they cant buy all a though companies and industries. Downing a great job several hundred billion last year. 2014 and shareholders. Their theyre slowly starting to increase amount of constraint back to shareholders they heard loud and clear from activist who said enough. You have to give money back to us. Please a light right. All right. Next up Hillary Clinton yes true to say shes playinged by scandal. Sometimes people say shes weather about the storm look at this hes. A New York Times poll out today say 65 show strong qualities of leadership. That is up several points. Look who is here. Dave press secretary cohost of the hit show the five on the fox news channel. Welcome to the program. Glad to be here. Known you many years. Finally invited me. Not true. [laughter] now then if you were representing Hillary Clinton, what would you be saying to the public right now . I quit. I wouldnt do it as spokesperson i didnt work in campaign but for government and for the white house. Ends campaigns could be a little bit different. But im looking at this situation with Hillary Clinton and a clinton foundation, with the emails, goes on and on, and i would be worried about my own integrity Going Forward an my own career prospects. I know a lot of people that work for Hillary Clinton now have stars in their eyes measuring drapes they cant wait to walk into the west wing to make their mark on history but given what i can see from where im sitting im not part of that 65 . Im not a communicator who could say oh theres nothing here. Theres, obviously something there. When you have foreign governments influencing a former president who is influencing the current secretary of state who bypassed rules that she said she would run by the white house, obviously, theres something there. What you make of dollys candidate sit only female republican on the field so far . Im glad that shes in the race. And interesting thing about what all of these candidates will be able to do is theyll have money enough of it to get through the summer and in the first primary debate going to be the first week of august. So theyll have enough to get theirs. If you can keep your campaign up and up that long, then you get to the debate she might be able to have a mark. But all of them, all of them could at this point. Now, a lot of people say that she wants a cabinet position as opposed to people used to say that about ed. He wouldssay he doesnt want to be u. S. Senator but governor. That is not true. If you actually will put yourself out there and say i want to run for president , you actually believe that you can run for president. I dont think anyone says that without some belief and it is a leap of faith. You have to have affiliate belief in yourself to think that you can be president of the United States. And i think shes one of them. I want to go back to hillary for a second you said look shes in a difficult position surround by scandal. Yet shes polling quite well. Surrounded by people who dont care. [laughter] that she has scandal, and just people of the United States care . The beginning of the race and we are, New York Times poll comes out today everyone says theres nothing here to say lets move on to the next thing. This is all just the beginning. And you think that all of these candidates on the republican side arent taking stock of every single thing that is being said. They havent begun to run against Hillary Clinton yet. She knows that as well which is why theyre trying to get this off the front page as quickly as possible. Surprise nod other leading democrat has jumped into the race. See that story about Elizabeth Warren met with organizers i think it is still a fantasy but i do think i think that less would prefer to have Elizabeth Warren but they are stuck with Hillary Clinton and so theyre going to put a brave fashion on it and walk with her all the way to november of 2016. [inaudible] a book coming out. Did you read it yet . No. Just gave it to me. Well it is a good book for you. A lot of tips in there that could help your career. Tell me. Well a lot of them you know what i was happy about, a ceo in minnesota that i have not met. But hes friends with kimberly my cohost on the five sent a note to buy 40 copies for my employees because young people that work for me need to read this to be gracious, dignified honor at the office to help you in your career but also in your life. You did that because you walked into the house president bushs press secretary, you were a star right from the getgo. You think so . I was a pip squeak. First day you walked on to the podium introduced as new press secretary because i dont think they put a box underneath you. That is true. Is that true. I didnt stand on a box. Above the podium. You know what i love when ive been on book tour they say youre so short. But i have a big voice. But i love my time with president bush and talk about his management style, knowing his employees very well. How he knew if he called me into the oval office that he had to say tell dana to come over here, and let her know nothing is wrong. That is same thing that bill of fox news and fox business does today with me. Good managers know their people very well. A good man. This book is about character a theme throughout my life and the people that i had guiding me from my grandfather certainly my husband, one of my best pieces of advice in this book is choosing to be loved is not a career limiting decision. It enhanced my career. Your husband is englishman. He is. You have the accent. Yes, your accent is more posh than his. It is not posh me. You know it. Stop it dana that is absolutely not true. Youre not from derby. What is the name of the book again . This is killing me. Hold it up. There you go. Good news is i will hold it up. I believe it is selling extremely well. Talk about that number one on the New York Times best sell earl list. After this back up all over again. I buy that stock. A pleasure having you on the show. I will read the book, and i will review it on this program. And give it to your daughter. And granddaughter i shall do that. Dont miss dolly she joins neil cavuto tonight on the fox business network, that will be 8 p. M. Eastern, tonight. By now youve probably seen the video making the rounds on social media people stomping on the flag yeah that i doing it. But that is free speech isnt it . Should we tolerate this kind of behavior . Am i right to be outraged and angered . Keith ablo is next. [bleep] go play. [bleep] im the nicole for the fox business brief stocks are selling across the board. Dow jones drill down 78852 nasdaq down 14. Interestingly enough russell and transport those two end cease are higher by a quarter of one percent. Lagers include Technology Names including microsoft intel welcome ibm and a apple looming to sales port. Now, look at this one fossil at a new low today this after they came out with their numbers here. You can see down nine and a half percent. And then after the bell were going to keep a key eye on Green Mountain Coffee Roasters tesla. Whole food market and 21st century box reporting activism in that one. Stocks are selling oil is higher. Treasury yields to 2. 3 . When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. Nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Anytime. Anywhere. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i choose nicorette mini. New york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. We cut the rates on personal income taxes. We enacted the lowest Corporate Tax rate since 1968. We eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. With startupny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. All to grow our economy and create jobs. See how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at ny. Gov business a lot of action in the oil market today that hit 62 dollars barrel an hour now 61. 23 as oil goes up so does the price of ghast lean 2. 63 is your average right now. Come on in. Down in chicago, can you give me a rough estimate as to what i might be paying for gas this summer . You know, i think the way things are going were going into the Summer Season and we have a lot of this anticipated demand if the economy is doing well youre going to be paying 25 cents higher than you will as of tomorrow. Well see a jump today based on the inventory level today. Keep in mind stockpiles are at 8 5 highs no more high or than those levels. National average for regular is 2. 63 you say by midsummer up 20 or 15 cents to around rage of 2. 80 National Average. Is that accurate . Yeah, i think that is on stuart well see there. Thanks so much for joining us. We will be back to you because youre on video tape with that prediction. All right. Western union stock halted, this is just breaking now were told there is news pending. Bring it to you as soon as it happens. Now this a new challenge and it is on social media. It involves stomping only on the American Flag. Walker im about to do the eric challenge [bleep] go play. Youll pay. Heard that that is the eric shepard challenge named after a College Student wanted in georgia after his gun was found allegedly on campus during a serious of antiflag protest. Come on in doctor, you have to put me on the couch. Because im infuriated by this. Do i need anger management . You dont need anger management. You should feel the rage, and then note stuart, that were the kind of country that lets people do this. What a great nation we are. Contrary to the president s belief about how bad a nation we are, and by the way i dont think it is an accident that this kind of thing takes flight during his presidency. Because hes inspired this kind of antiamerican feeling we srselves weve done horrible things look the way people treat police now. This suspicious of them anything that we institutionized that is good that is patriotic this administration sees as bad and worthy of content. A chinese man collapsed after 14 day online binge he asked paramedics to say turn the computer back on so i can continue play. Ive been telling you this, i have been telling you this is a drug. Right people are main lining the internet, main lining mobile gaming they can be okay. But better look out for the folks who are potentially addicted to these things. Because they can lose whole parts of their loves. Wait a second. Im addicted look i have my own smartphone here i have it. I confess im addicted to it. I carry it everywhere with me. I dont like being out of all of the loops that im in. I get something out of this. I sen that im addicted how do you deal with someone like me . Well heres what i would do. Listen, if youre identifying youre selfidentify as one of my patients i love that. Thank you. Sometimes i have to grabby the scruff neck off the sidewalk and bring them into my office. Youre happy to come in. Heres the thing if you have a sense you cant be without anything you better try being without it a little bit. Because you want autonomy stuart. We talked about people stomping on American Flag what is the country built on autonomy independence, selfdirection you dont want to be directed by your smartphone man, way smarter than you are in some ways. Not that im directed by it. Im part of my children and grandchildrens lives through it. I dont say anything wrong with that, doctor. Hes the slippery slope you want one of these selfdriving vehicles because youre going to get your work done in the backseat. Well, as soon as theyre available and guess what, the vehicle is beginning to ask you whether it is okay to opt for the gas stations it chooses. Or to take you to a different restaurant because it will give you 15 off. You just say yes it hears you and it take use. This is the end were an autonomy based selfdirected nation. These forces are antithat. Okay. Unless we take control and put that smartphone away a little bit. Just talk to me, man. Connect with me. Hug me. Listen, man, hug is out. We never hug. I have breaking news, i have segue to breaking news. Breaking news from Western Union nicole where stock was halted what is the story . Stock is to upside Western Union was halted with the news pending sign next to it. So well wait to see what the news is. Obviously theres been a lot of it can over last 24 hours that Western Union may be interested in a takeover of money gram. When you look at money gram that ticker is mgi that is soaring up about 30 . So potential tieup that has been reported by sources by bloomberg that there may be a potential takeover here. Look at this shareholder right here. Wow 30 to the upside. Western union halted bu is ticker symbol. Here at the new York Stocks Exchange waiting for news pending. Once that comes out theyll put out indications to give you an idea of where it will reopen and once those level out then it will reopen, in fact. Got it nicole thanks. Note that Western Union moved to a 7year high. Oh, yeah also note that sevenyear high we like that. Thanks indeed nicole. Wall street journaling headline quote millennials love them or let them go . Why young people dont stay at their jobs. We have the story for you in a moment. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. Snots millennials get a bad rep because they jump from job to job every few years youre in your 20s 30s surely working way up the food chain, are you not so you jump around a bit. Then the author of the alliance, nowsome is a book about millennials in the work place come on in ben. Good to see you welcome to the program. Hi stuart thanks for having me. Now then, i dont have a problem at all with youngsters going from job to job. That is the way you climb the food chain you have a problem with this . No, the reason theyre jumping from job to job is because they realize that jobs security is a thing of the past. That employer, employee relationship is broken that they can no longer guarantee employment and guarantee career Long Investment so theyre trying to take their career into their own hands and stitch together a new sort of career. A career fit for the 21st century. This is a good thing climb that food chain, get experience in different places. Try things out. I dont see anything wrong with that. New experiences are great always learning that is great. It is the case though, stuart that longterm relationships matter and that we do encourage companies we work with to try to retain people young or old for a period of time that enables them not lifetime. People are not spending entire life at a Single Company anymore. But you want to get your employees to commit to a week tour of duty of two, three, four five years to complete a real probability benefit their career, benefit their company, and then if it makes sense for them to move on then they can move on. A three year deal work for us. You have a threeyear contract heres what well pay you, heres what we wont. Not much wrong with that. Well, we position more of an ethical impact and you say the company should should craft a tour duty for the employee and that tour duty should have a Mission Objective maybe it is launch a new product if that octave is achieved then employees career should be transformed. Their market value in the labor market should be enhanced theyre Linkedin Profile should look mother impressive and company should be transformed that, that knew compact around transforms will enable you to attract amazing people and actually keep them for a lot longer than you ever thought possible. 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