Depravity for the white house stuart usama bin laden was wealthy. Of fort hood butcher had a job if i recall. He was a major in the army. Do you think the guy in copenhagen this last weekend when he pulled the trigger trying to kill a cartoonist, was he screaming jobs, jobs jobs . He was screaming stuart ralph peters 12 hours ago responding to the Obama Administrations suggested we could kill isis but give them jobs. Watch out. The colonel will be here in three minutes from now. Watch out. Lets deal with the markets. It is wednesday morning. The dow industrials holding to the guillotine thousand level. We are within striking distance with alltime highs for the dow. The s p is a little lower today but it reached 2100 yesterday. That is an alltime high. As for the nasdaq, closing in on 5,000, 100 points away almost back to dot. Com bubble levels. Mary kissel, wall street journal editorial board. Any similarity between nasdaq now and nasdaq 1999 . Tech bubble tend to start when you have real technological transformation. In the 90s amazon survived but a lot of the companies were built by investors who didnt survive. We have the sharing economy which seems to be creating real value ands apps like yellow. I dont think will survive but the sharing economy will. Stuart theres a similarity. Startups and speculative step in 1999 and something today. There is fed policy the easy money policy drove a lot of investors and the same thing we have seen in the ben bernanke era driving a lot of investors. Stuart you think theres a similarity, late 1990s with activity by the Federal Reserve printing money keeping Interest Rates down and what we have seen today . Absolutely but we had 2 economy growth and the stock market going for the roof. There is definitely an affect. Stuart you are not forecasting another crash. Thank you very much. Dow 18,009. Another day another high for apple. We talk about it every day because it is the Outstanding Company of the generation. Smart money is in the stock revealed today Warren Buffett bought a new stake in apple. Carl icahn increased his stake stock is up 15 this year. It is 128 right now. Oil giving back some of the gains of yesterday and still a 50 a barrel. Price of gas up a penny over night to 226 0. 20 a gallon higher than it was a month ago. Look at exxon, it is down, Warren Buffett sold his 3. 7 billion stake as oil prices plunged last quarter, exxon down 1. 6 . Depravity. That is the word to use, local Police Officer in an iraqi town st. Isis round of 45 people and burn them alive. Fox has not confirm those reports. Refuses to call them islamic terrorists. Day 2 of the white house summit on violent extreme is an starts today. Listen to what Vice President joe biden says is one of the goals. We are here today because we all understand that in dealing with violent extremism that we need answers that go beyond a military answer. We need answers that go beyond force. Stuart come on in colonel ralph peters. This audience wants to see you. I want to bring to mind of the editorial president obama Rogan Los Angeles times. Twice he mentioned winning the hearts and minds of potential terrorists. Dont use force when their hearts and minds. What do you make of this white house summit . I have got a much better chance of dating every female star in hollywood and he has of winning the hearts and minds of jihadis. The administration, they are living in a fantasy world where people all want to be good. We are going to provide jobs to the terrorists and theres a path to citizenship. The jihadis facing the adherence, the acolytes of islamic states, they have got a job. Their job is water. Their job is to kill christians muslims who dont measure up, jews if they confine them and they love their work. The administration refuses to understand how addictive how seductive, how enthralling violence is for young males. I always tell you we dont have military discipline in the armed forces to get young men to kill. That is not hard. We have military discipline to get them to stop when you order them to stop. We have this total disconnect between a president and then it ministrations romanticizes islam, things we can win their hearts and minds these men are absolutely committed to the twisted vision. Telling them to kill, rape burn and the head, burn muslims. We want to talk to these guys. Stuart i am not a military guy you are. I want to know what we will do with special operations. Isnt is the classic case where special rangers or the seal team guys isnt this a classic example of where we can put them to good use . Given the average jihadiss ideas on romance i am intended to send them to the spca but certainly. Certainly this is a will for special forces and air power. Spam sometimes there will be a role for naval power. There will be walls for conventional forces. We dont want to rule anything out. When we hear this nonsense from joe biden, when he is speaking, not following the wiser cabinet members, talk about no military solution, theres only at the end of the day a military solution at the core of this you kill these guys you not persuade them to cease and desist. Will take a long time, you got to play what pummel when that is all you can do but you got to be at this regeneration because we have historical evidence that this administrations do not wish to acknowledge, religion, fanatical religious insurgencies in every major religion. They come and play when civilizations are in crazies as the civilization of the middle east is in crisis right now. When we come in to play they dont just burn themselves out. You have to do a lot of killing. I wish it were otherwise. I wish i could reach the age of aquarius but if you dont kill these guys they will kill you. Stuart we promised our audience will unleash you and i think you were unleashed. Always good to see you. Come on again soon. Thank you. And now in case you missed it here are more headlines from lauren simonetti. Say goodbye to your passport forever. Microsoft will give your passport hightech update by using your fingerprint and i scans as its new user authentication in the upcoming windows operating system that is due out later this year. Microsoft is supporting what is called the fast identity on line of lions. Is used by Companies Like google, samsung and bank of america. Microsoft shares right now are down fractionally. Starbucks is drilling something new. Delivery service. You cannot get it delivered to your doorstep but for 24 a month you can get your Super Premium reserve coffee beans, the expensive stuff, and that is not all. Into a starbucks today, the new tier of the zoo lot saying. I think it is too sweet. Is back on the menu. Lets show you shares of starbucks, they are up 0. 8 and rollsroyce is building an suv. This one, oh no, oh yes a vehicle that can cause any terrain, the market for suvs is huge and popular. And the suv very soon, those are your headlines in case you miss it. Stuart i put ten bucks on it. Anyone buys a rolls royce suv for 450,000 will never ever take it off a nice tarmac road. Thank you all. A federal judge rejects the amnesty program. Is that judge being political . Grinding and anti obama acts . Judge Andrew Napolitano judge Andrew Napolitano will lead to the question. I disagree with the texas judges ruling and the Justice Department will appeal. This is not the first time a judge has blocked something or attempted to block something that ultimately was shown to be wrong. Edward jones. With nearly 7 million investors oh hey, neill, how are you . Youd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. Kevin, neill holleys on line one. Ok, great. And we do. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. The world is filled with air. But for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. If you have copd, ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro ellipta. It helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. Anoro ellipta is the first fdaapproved product containing two longacting bronchodilators in one inhaler. Anoro is not for asthma. Anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. 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Get your car, and get back to the life you love. Welcome to the future of carbuying. Stuart wednesday morning just before lunch in some places, at 18,000 for the dow industrials down 45. A couple stocks moving. Look at fossil, they make watches and accessories. Profit disappoint, north american sales we, the apple watch, the forthcoming apple watch a factor may be but down goes fossil, 18 lower. It touch 89, touch 79 earlier this morning. The pot belly is a sandwich chain. Stop it. It is a winner after reporting higher profits and a strong forecast as well, 13 . Lets get to the fallout from the texas federal judges decision to block president obamas amnesty order on immigration. Ruth martin writing this in the washington post. She calls his decision but depressing politicization of the federal judiciary. The New York Times calling judge cannon an outspoken critic of the administration on immigration policy admiringly was politicized. The wall street journal, the judges ruling meticulous very different pointing out the calls the president s order, this is the judge calling the president s orders in a massive change in immigration practice not political at all. Judge Andrew Napolitano, was this judge a political guy . Judge napolitano i agree with the judge. I fully agree with the wall street journals analysis of what the judge did. Lets not lose sight of this. For hundreds of years if you disagree with the judge, he is a political activist. If you agree with the judge he is a stage legal scholar. Ruth marcus and the folks who edits the washington post, they were seriously bruised by this because they like when president rewrites the loss so you can understand their complaints. Stuart the president says he has not abandoned the planning for this amnesty. Judge napolitano glad you raised that. The government was not enjoy and from planning or preparing for this as if the court might be overruled. It was only in joint from putting it into effect. Stuart what happens if the president ignores the federal judge in texas . Doesnt appeal to a higher court but goes ahead and does amnesty any way . Judge napolitano the lead lawyer in this case is the governor of texas, he was the attorney general of texas at the time this was filed and argued. Governor and that is not your typical lawyer who enters politics. Governor and that is and was of very serious lawyer who understood the rules. So the defendants in this case does not the list of defendants does not include the name of the president. Rather it includes the names of all the senior people in the chain of command in the department of Homeland Security. That means if any of them violates the order they will be arrested by u. S. Marshals. Marshals wont arrest the president and probably wont arrest the secretary of Homeland Security but they would arrest the people who accept an order from the president for the secretary of Homeland Security to defy this court order and those people will lose their careers, their licenses to practice law and their liberty for obeying an unlawful water from above. Stuart i am reading from between the lines. Unless the president appealed the texas judges decision to a higher court and wins amnesty is dead. Judge napolitano yes. This is a preliminary judgment the texas judge gave us. For this case to be tried truly litigated, for all the facts to be aired in his court room will take the duration of Barack Obamas presidency. If this case is not interfered with. Of this decision is not interfered with by an Appellate Court in my view amnesty is dead. Stuart i want to repeat something we discussed yesterday. If amnesty is dead or seriously inhibited and if the Supreme Court goes against obamacare subsidies in the summer of this year president obamas domestic policy is in shambles. Judge napolitano will be a catastrophic setback for him as a person and for whatever aspirations he has for his legacy. Two of the issues closest to his heart will have been obliterated because they didnt comply with the law. Stuart politicians will say that is a politicize judiciary, the judiciary will say it is not only a politicize judiciary but republican judiciary, appointed by republican president reaching back in reagans case from the grave and we might say the same thing. Stuart you are not a betting man but give me the odds. And obamacare subsidies die in the Supreme Court. Judge napolitano the Appellate Court, the United States court of appeals for the fifth circuit when it fits in houston and new orleans, 28 judges, 25 appointed by republican president s. This is clearly the most ideologically conservative federal appeals court. At one point it was the fourth which sits in richmond, that is no longer the case. On king versus barnwell, the irs stuart obama care subsidies. And make it is clear the government is going to lose. Even the government knows it is going to lose and obamacare will collapse under its own way. Was written to get 30 Million People into the system. Only 11 have signed up. The vast majority of those 11 will not be able to afford the product without a tax credit. Bernard usually you end these interviews with a smiling you delivered wonderful news. Judge napolitano im elected to make predictions that for you i do. Anything could happen. A super bowl ending, anything could happen. Stuart thank you very much, see you again soon. Three other outside the box headlines. First 1man find a rare watch for sale at a Goodwill Store in phoenix, buys it for 6 bucks, sells it for 35,000. The plan for all the extra money . He will pay for his wedding and also paid the tax capital gain. The firstever air force one, the first one is for sale at a small airport in arizona. The lockheed constellation was used by president eisenhower, a price tag 1. 5 million. Nathans famous francs going the healthy rude offering a new gluten free beef hot dog with 50 reduced fat. Peoples tastes are changing but will the gluten free sell . I dont know. Pro Union Demonstrators gathered outside wisconsin, Governor Scott walkers parents home. Hear what the governor had to say about this in a moment. Im almost done. [ male announcer ] now you can pay your bill. Manage your appointments. [ dog barks ]. And check your connection status. Anytime, anywhere. [ dog growls ] oh. So youre protesting . Okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. Available on any device. Stuart the winner of the Westminster Dog Show is the beetle, 4 years old, the second beagle ever to win best in show. Miss p. s owners is now she has won she will retire to focus on having puppies. We read this in the journals list morning the times, cnn money, it cost between 50, 1,000 and one thousand dollars to get these dogs ready for the westminster show. Considered the source. More than a one hundred Union Protesters went to Governor Scott walkers parentss house monday, they thought was scott walkers house. His parents were there. Check out what the governors son pleaded about this. Protesters marched on scott walkers home. Correction, protesters marched on my grandfathers home. They are protesting in front of our home. Who lives there . My grandmother and grandfather. Unbelievable. The governor took it in stride. Listen to what he said class night. My dad said this morning when i talked to him, he turned his hearing aid down a little bit. My mom is so wonderful, she was half tempted to send him some chocolate chip cookies outside because he said those to our neighbors all the time. Stuart he did take it in stride. In our next hour fill 9 will join us. Looked like desperation. This happens when people dont have arguments. Scott walker has been reelected three times, people of wisconsin like what hes doing, the union is losing the argument and we have seen this before. Stuart zillow white house and president obama still refusing to call it radical islamic terror. Eric holder blames fox for making it an issue. Bret baier response next. In my world, wall isnt a street. Return on investment isnt the only return im looking forward to. For some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. Which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. Our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. Start investing with as little as fifty dollars. P2 18,000. Still there. Jack in the box. It is on apologetic for offering the kind of food that jack in the box offers. Different story at lazboy. Profits disappoint. Loyola giving back a couple of dollars. 52 a barrel for oil. Higher for to any three straight tails. It used to be 28 states. A terror cell summit without calling it a terror summit. We spend more time talking about what do you call it . As opposed to what do you do about it. If fox did not talk about this, they would have nothing else to talk about. Stuart oh, yes, we would. What on earth are you doing down there in washington . Wow. It is truly amazing. The administration does not talk about putting those words together. It is not just fox that deals with this and talks about it. Other media outlet has mentioned it. If you look at the Defense Intelligence agency head who just recently left his position, he said you cannot defeat an enemy unless you describe it, unless you define it. Stuart simple as that. There you go. I want to talk about obamacare for a minute. There is no plan is the Supreme Court strikes down. This is the biggest challenge to obamacare that we have seen. The legal challenge in the Supreme Court, if the Supreme Court decides to uphold the states. I think you will see it fall apart. There really is not a plan be here. It is similar to the challenge you are seeing on the immigration front. Stuart we had judge napolitano on the program earlier. Looking at the judicial aspects. The Supreme Court looking at the subsidies within obamacare. If it does not go the way the Obama Administration wants it to go, that this cop is sensually a collapse. Short. If the Supreme Court does say that the subsidies are not valid, it will fall apart. There will not be enough money out there to force people to sign up for obamacare. On the immigration front, you have a situation where the executive actions of the president are frozen. Until that happens everything is on hold on the executive action. On the other side, on capitol hill, it may free up a deal on dhs funding. Speak to it seems like president obama is under extreme pressure on almost every front. You name it. This president is under extreme pressure. The one thing that he, that administration looks at is the economy, they think is improving in their eyes. They think it is not as much as a pressure they solve at the beginning of the term. For in policy and domestic immigration are all under attack. Stuart putting up a brave face. True. I think you will see democrats start to talk about changes to obamacare. Ahead of 2016, there will be things that they say the to be fixed. Facing more problems probably, at the polls. Stuart we will be watching tonight. Thank you. I will stay on politics. From gas to Vice President biden. Caught in an awkward moment. Now listen to what he said about all of his somali friends. I have great relations with them. They are friends of mine. For real. I am being serious. Stuart okay. [laughter] for real. For real he is friends. Stuart joe biden may be the democrat nominee in 2016. I do not inc. It will happen. You just wonder why the media does not cover this. It is totally a double standard. You have the first mainstream African American that is articulate and bright and clean and a nicelooking guy. How can anybody say this in america . Joe biden makes another gap. You heard a laugh in the background there. I pray for president obamas Health Every Day of the week. Stuart you cannot just slough it off. Stuart i am taking this seriously, actually. The Vice President of the United States. He is the man that is a hard heat away from the president. The only guy that makes outrage to congress and tries to do deals with congress, if you can believe that. Stuart key is the guy that goes to congress. He is the best that you have. Stuart it would be a very interesting election. That would be fascinating. Nestle what is it . It will cut artificial ingredients from it candy bars. Are those colors and flavors really bad for you . Doctor siegal next on that. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. I am adam shapiro on the floor of the new york stock exchange. We will get the minutes at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. Taking a look at the dow losers right now. Fossil is down. Hitting a new low today. The maker of watches and leather. Lowering its guidance. You would expect a sales increase of over 7 . Garmin down. The largest drop in almost five years. More if Varney Company coming up. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. 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Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Why pause the moment . Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. For a free 30tablet trial go to cialis. Com stuart 21st century fox. Warren buffet bought a stake in it. We talked to Charlie Gasparino about that in the next hour. Now talking about nestle. Removing artificial contents. Will you make the blanket statements that they are bad for you . I will say that i do not sing that they are good for you. There has never been any conclusive proof that they cause cancer. Stuart some countries they can these things because they say they cause cancer. Because they are concerned about it. You could take a ton of the stuff that is in candy corn and give it to a rat and see that it increases the amount of tumors that it grows. My instinct as a physician that this is not very healthy stuff. I do not think that it has directly billing to cancers. I do not balance of candy corn every day. I eat in moderation. Stuart nestle is responding to changes in taste and fashion as opposed to changes in health. They will not do it unless compelled to do it. I agree with you. How much High Fructose Corn Syrup do they have feared that is the fat guy. The fat guy is the sugars. I do not want Young Children and since getting used to grin that does not look like green and red that does not look like red. Stuart High Fructose Corn Syrup. What is that in . It is mainly in soda pop. Stuart what does it do to you . If bypasses your normal circuit for digesting sugars. A very thin guy like you i am not as worried. It is a culture of having artificial ingredients that i am against. I will not drink a sixpack of coke every day but if i have a coke every other day is it really bad for me . It changes your taste pods. If i drink eight now you know what it case like to meet . It gets addict named. I do not want the candy corn taken away from hollowing. Stuart with you till each tell each and every person to check the ingredients before you eat or drink anything. You have to get rid ofthose corn syrup. Yes, i would do that. I want to know how much sugar you are getting. How much salt you are getting. How much fat you are getting. Stuart you cannot or how much i am getting in my system. You cannot measure that. You can measure somebodys weight. That you can do. Let me go back to the main point. You made and excellent point on what i am emphasizing. I do not think it is a bad push for consumers to say healthier ingredients. It shows the market works. Stuart i am just ranking team from a paper cup. It has nonfat milk in it. Is that okay . What about organic teas . Lift and is cheap. It tastes good. It is available everywhere. Why should ipay twice the price for organic tea . I am not saying that. Stuart you are wishywashy on this. High fructose corn syrup. The kind of sugar and salt that i do not like. Stuart anything to add, mary . [laughter] no. Just eat in moderation. Stuart what would you say if i said i was going on 83 day juice cleanse. That sounds insane. Those purges do not work. Stuart all i want to do is lose weight. Thank you, doctor. Rollsroyce. You can bet it will not be cheap. Go to break. You cant predict the market. But at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. Our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with Investment Information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had a Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. And for drivers with accident forgivness,rates wont go up due to your first accident. Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart rollsroyce taking luxury offroad. Announcing they will be building an suv. What is so special about this thing other than the price . Rollsroyce has no choice other than to get in this market. Do not forget that in the 1930s, they really had invented the first sports utility vehicle. They sort of did they should get a little credit here. One in five suvs will be sold globally next year. 8. 5 . The most sold vehicle out of their lineup last year. Rollsroyce will be 300,000 pounds minimum. Roughly 400 dirty thousand dollars. No one knows yet. Thankfully is coming out with one. This thing to me, though, looks like a glorified station wagon. Stuart a are still taking kids to soccer practice. Stuart doctor marc siegel talked about nestle. Candy bars. They are doing away with artificial flavors and colors. You have three children. Are you happy with that . It is fabulous. They do not have these things every day. Will it make or break my kids health at the end of the day . Probably not. It will just make holiday and easter that much more healthier. This is not something that is part of the basic food groups that you are eating every day. Maybe the moms will be more inclined to buy them. Stuart tracy byrnes looks out for basic food groups before she feeds her children. Will any ills. Ditching their tv sets in record numbers. 20 fewer young people are watching primetime tv then were four years ago. Will leave it. I absolutely believe it. Everyone is on their own devices watching something. Stuart my generation always complained that or mom came home from work, the kids were watching tv. Nobody is talking to each other. They can multitask. Stuart i talk to my kids on this. I think communication is good. I do not think it is fair to say they are not indicating. It is just very different. Stuart case closed. [laughter] stuart all right, everybody. Thank you very much, indeed. If you ask the white house, they just need jobs. Judy you will join me on that subject top of the hour. Protesters go to the home owned by scout walker. His elderly parents live there and they were home at the time. The second hour is coming up. Two minutes away. From Top Investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. Know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries. With the guidance of a pnc investments financial advisor, know you can get help staying on track for the future youve always wanted. Startupny. Its working for new york state. Already 55 companies are investing over 98 Million Dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. From long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. They are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. And with over 300 locations, and 3. 7 million square feet available, theres a place thats right for your business. See if startupny can work for you. Go to startup. Ny. Gov. Stuart of june for a moment that christians have marched 21 muslim captives into the desert and beheaded him. What do you think that their reaction would have been . If it were christians and jews that had released a ring of terror around the world to using the state department would say give them jobs. Problem solved. There is a double standard here. The president looks passive. Week and frankly out of touch with reality. He is avoiding the truth. Today, they will discuss Community Organizing to counter extremist final is on. Community outreach. They would not identify which communities they were outreaching to. Vice president aydin at the summit talks about the somali community. Almost entirely muslim. He said he has a relationship with them. He went on, i am being real. I am serious. Really . Fortyfive prisoners were burned alive in cages this week. That is islamic terror. Isnt it . Stuart i want to stay on the white house countering violent extremism summit. They are being very careful to not call it a summit on islamic terrorism. We have this total disconnect between the president and the administration. These men are absolutely committed to thayer twisted vision. There got telling them to kill, rape burn, behead christians. Stuart what are they talking about today at the summit . Looking at the root causes of radicalism. White house aides say, for example, the rowboat group in columbia they are not ignoring islamic terrorism. They are not not talking about it. They are saying that stopping it requires more than a military solution. Also, the sources of extremism such as poverty we kind of preview this, our campaign to prevent people from around the world to being radicalized to violence is ultimately a battle for the hearts and minds. Our focus will be on empowering local communities. Critics say the president is mistaken here. The chairman of the house says the administration has not taken that threat from violent islamic extremism seriously. They will not even call the threat was it is. Stuart thank you very much, indeed. The latest horrific act by violence. They rounded up a group of 25 people and turned them alive. That town is about 5 miles away from a place where marines are staying. The president of the American Islamic 4 ohms for democracy. Or welcome back to the program. We always enjoy having you on the show. I know that you are a practicing muslim. How would you feel about American Special forces going into the middle east and killing muslims that belonged to isis . This battle is within the house of islam. We are being marginalized by the cowardice of the administration that will not address the problem. We marginalize our real allies on the ground. The evils of oppressing the lieutenant fascists and offices side of the two hottest coin. Muslims are being killed in the tens of thousands. As long as we do not name it, there is no strategy, no vision for empowering the informers. They do not see us as helping them. They see us as their imposters. Stuart you have lived in america for many years. You served in Americas Navy for many years. Why have you not been invited to the summit . Their narrative is about minimizing the interaction and conflict. The power is a system of violin extremism. Not only isis, but all islamic states. They are dealing with the apologist. Those of us that are performers. Twenty30 of us that could have been invited but we are not because we shake the boat. Stuart we had this reported this morning. I believe it originated in the telegraph. Isis was moving into libya and force because libya is very close to southern europe. They would be, a stepping stone. You have much grade and im that kind of report . Absolutely. And arabic narrative of what they are doing. The gateway to the civilization. The video they call for the shores of tripoli. An old harken back to the wars. Fighting against the muslim radicals that were trying to take our treasure. Trying to distract from the primary cancer. You cannot pete isis with the were shod regime. They are using it to rally the g stuart the dow holding above 18,000. Not too far from its alltime closing high. Not doing much in the early part of this phase trading. We should indicate policy on Interest Rates and the future. The s p 500 last session it closed at an alltime high. We do not show you charts. Often. Look at this one. This is the nasdaq. You are a market guide. Nasdaq hitting tab close to the levels it was that and 99. Do you see a similarity between them and now . Let me separate the two. You have the apples and the googles. Then you have a bubble. It is absolutely a bubble in the social media stock. Back in 1999, i was very much involved in bringing High Companies public. They had valuations of about 7 billion in the open market. Stuart you cannot say that about facebook and twitter. No. The companies have real revenue realtors this models. It is these other companies over here that are starting to get the attention of investment tankers. They have 1 million members. May not even be all at this members. Each member is worth 30. That means that company, in their mind is worth 30 million. It does not stop there stuart. A company like that would be worth 300 million. Stuart let me look at apple for a second. Cairo icon is buying more of apple. I was on this show. Stuart in case you missed it magistrate factory worker, you remember him he walked to work 20 long miles for more than a decade. He is now in hiding. He received a new ford taurus for people inspired by his story. He says everyone was asking him for money and he no longer felt safe. He did receive a new car from a generous local. Here is a story that we call a sign of the times. Hillary clinton takes the cake. She has been mentioned a million times on facebook in the past month. She does not even have a public facebook page. Jeb bush, the least popular with 2 million mentions. As for who tweets the most, ted cruz. Hillary tweets though the least. Just once a week. I know you have a national following, stuart. Stuart drain on. Lauren, stop it. ProUnion Protesters demonstrate on the lawn of Governor Scott walkers parents. Did they go too far . 9 00 p. M. Eastern tonight. Strange inheritance with jamie colby. Watch more of this tonight. I was praying for a job in then the letter. This is the original letter from the attorney saying you do not know me. Don bailey who wrote the letter goes on to say if i got a letter like this, i would think it to be a scam. Per person the real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. By 1914 the Dodge Brothers quit the Ford Motor Company and set out on their own. They believed in more, than the assembly line. They believed driving was a holy endeavor. A hundred years later, the Dodge Brothers spirit lives on. To Microsoft Windows 10 will let you save could buy two passwords. I do own the stock at microsoft. It is down fractionally right now. Starbucks launches a delivery service. Eric holder, attorney general. He says he is telling past accusers to crack down. He wants to bring civil and criminal charges against individuals in these cases. He has already taken the banks. Will he now have to go to court and prove his case in court with individuals . He basically shut down thanks for years. That to me was extortion. Now, if parting shot before he leaves. Lets plan people against each other. We will go after thanks. Stuart he should. You never know what will happen with this attorney general. Stuart he could threaten them. He could still do that. What terms is he looking to do this . It is a witchhunt. He will go after all of these just like he warned other people. Why dont we go after thanks. They have a lot of money. Now they will go back. The banks are doing well. Lets get some of their money. Stuart the banks are responsible for the crash. Scout walkers parents house on monday. It was actually scott walkers house, but he was in it. Scout walkers sons tweeted out various items. Protesters march on scott walkers home. Protesters march on my grandparents home. His other son tweeted this. Protesting out front of our home. Who lives there, you may ask. Grandma and grandpa. Unbelievable. I think my dad said this morning that he turned his hearing aid down a little bit. My mom is so wonderful. She was half tempted to send them some chocolate chip cookies outside. I think he took it very nicely. Very easily. Okay. Welcome back. Always good to see you. When those guys of. Outside the walker home, with the elderly parents inside, i think it is a sign of desperation. I am confused as to whose house that was. Stuart it is in scott walkers name. His parents live in that house. They were home at that time. They felt somewhat intimidated. To me, desperation. What you say . Aside, contrary to the headlines, they did go to his home. Stuart a relevant. You know it. You have to hunt just guys turning off outside the house where the elderly parents are living. I call it desperation. I call it an attempt to focus on a much bigger issue. What scout walker has done for years now. The right to collect if we bargained for their salaries. Stuart when scout walker took action in the state of wisconsin, he said we will no longer collect again in dues from teachers. At that point, i think about 80 of the teachers just dropped out. They have a free choice and they just left. That is not even close to what he did. He aggregated the rights. I cant question the judge with the protesters in this incidence. I am like you. I am not in a logically based all the time. Stuart you think it was out of bounds . Again, i do not know what they knew. At the same time, i think it is relevant right now to raise the profile. Stuart can you name any group of right wing protesters that would go to the home of a left winger and do that outside . Some organizations have shot people out that health clinics. Lets not get into that. Stuart that is a cheap shot, and you know it. Lets make a trade. I will agree with you. This was probably poor judgment. I will ask you a question. The issue of the shrinking middle class which is what this is about. Getting residents even among republicans. Stuart the shrinking middle class is a function of president obamas policies. Leftwing policies. He refuses to go for growth. A policy which absolutely does not work. The middle class in america knows it rebounds negatively. It has been shrinking for 20 years. Nice try. Obama has been in there for six not 20. Stuart you are a standup guy. Thank you. Up next, jeff flock plowing snow with a brand new f150. Is that what hes god . Trust me, you do not want to miss this. In that first turned, trying to steer. About losing control. A lot of speed. Trying not to hit those walls. I guess that was pretty decent. I have a world record run. Yes. Up the road. It can bring out the worst in people. But the mclass scans for danger. Corrects for lane drifting. And if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. It is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. For tomorrow is another fight. The 2015 mclass. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. 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They are a tremendously eager to show that this is the ford tough vehicle and may even put me behind the wheel of the f 150 traveler in the front seat with doug scott with ford. Stuart wants to know what percentage of those sales in this month are the new aluminum f 150. 23 . Jeff they are letting me plow this to show this thing can do everything volt truckees to do. It goes faster than they told me because of a reputation for crashing and things and we made it through. This controller right here, i can inga lead and moved it around. That is kind of cool. This is a new special rig with f 150. Stuart but at 150 has marketed successfully through this program. That is why you are driving one right now. Jeff they are eager to show what it can do. It is just as good as any truck they made in the path to better. Stuart 9 maybe in the market for one of them. A good demonstration of the plowing ability of the afton aluminum truck. Thank you very much to jeff and ford. Warren buffett is an obama supporter buying the shares of fox. Has he seen the light . The future of the market is never clear. But at t. Rowe price we can help guide your retirement savings. Our experience is one reason 100 of our Retirement Funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So wherever your longterm goals take you we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with Investment Information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Stuart check the market18,000. There are some hidden and its being released at 2 00 this afternoon making a difference to the market, nasdaq closing in on 5,000 almost acted in year dot. Com bubble levels. 21st century fox Warren Buffett bought a stake in it. Charlie gasparino is here. I take back everything i set about warren buffet. Liberal obamaloving tax hike old man. Speaking of that he is up wonderful guy. Stuart he loves fox. He has seen the financial. Asking me to report about my own company. I work here the only thing that might be biased. This is an amazing guy of warren buffet. He is so smart to buy our company, 21st century stock because we have the best minds in the world, roger ailes, rupert murdoch, chase carey, a brilliant move by this is why they call Warren Buffett the oracle of omaha. He has invested in 21st century stuart you get that bonus. The real story. Warren buffetts model is to buy companies he believes are below their value so what he says is this company is below what it should be worth. 20 below. I dont work here but i love it here and this is great value. You left out some names. Bill shine. Stuart varney. It is the value play and that is why he bought this. Stuart all joking aside it is a good move financially. You say . Absolutely. I say unparalleled in the history of finance. Stuart i got to take a look at apples. It is the latest, 127. 90 on apple. Awfully close to its record high and were 740 billion at that level. The latest product is not apple watch. It hits the stores in april, 6 million have been ordered from aviation manufacturer. There are reports some of the biggest fracking features like measuring blood pressure, heart activity, glucose and stress levels among others will not be on but apple watch when it launches. There are elements of the watch that are not ready. Kurt, this is the ultimate tracking machine, it doesnt do all those things what does it do . For certain whether it works or not there are health glitches in the sensory technology, it will still sell. This is what apple does. They get a product out and want to get it right. Rumors are Silicon Valley, ceo tim cook since the announcement this watch apparently these are the rumors, the hair and dry skin on somebodys farm can interfere with the censoring they want to do related to your health so i think we will see some profound sensors inside this watch. You are going to see it measure your heart rate and the kinds of things we are already aware of. It is questionable about how much it can read from your skin with all been said. Stuart that is the glitch but it is essentially a prototype. It is the platform, the base develop from there on. I remember the first iphone didnt have any apps. There were no apps on the first by phone and look where that went. A apps. It had very few apps and now we are in the millions at this point but what we do know is for the watch you have to have an iphone in order to use the watch. A lot of people think the watch is a 1off purchase even though it starts at the entry level at 349. Doubling the one takes you 5,000 in addition to needing to own one of their devices that will pare with that watch. A lot of the technology you will see this watch do has to do with the apps sitting on your phone, not what is going on in the watch. One of these items that is going to rock the market is certainly going to sell. It is not something apple wants to bring to market unless it is absolutely right and on spot and i will put money on it as right now we know how Retail Stores are being designed by their Senior Design Team for the watch. I put money on it despite these rumors is going to be a profound experience. Stuart i read that report this morning that they are revamping the apples course retail outlets, redesigning them to some degree and is that because of the apple watch they are doing all of that for the watch . A couple things that play. A great brand of luxury sort of became the fuddyduddy brand and those who turned it around have now been called in to run apple retail and she knows exactly what she is doing. The transition inside the store had a lot to do with the watch coming but had to do with a new strategy fresh eyes and a real bright retailer can bring to the table. Stuart you have given us a good reason why apple stock is close to an alltime high and wide company is worth 3quarters of 1 trillion. The cyber guy, thanks very much. Appreciate it. Of federal judge temporarily delayed president obamas amnesty plan. What do people on the border think of that . We will ask one of those people. With this case to be tried, true litigated, for all the facts to be aired in his court room will take the duration of Barack Obamas presidency so if this case is not interfered with, if this decision is not interfered with by an Appellate Court in my view amnesty is dead. Know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. Know the right Financial Planning can help you save for college and retirement. Know where you stand with pnc total insight. A new investing and Banking Experience with personalized guidance and online tools. Visit a branch, call or go online today. Ashley adam shapiro on the floor of the stock exchange. Markets are in negative territory, and roughly 2 be an afternoon. We will have those on the fox business network. The winners on the dow include American Express recovering from its at back after the chain they were not taking it forward. And john deere, 2 that stock getting a boost from Berkshire Hathaway. And at some. 6 million shares, 17. 1 million, now 1. 1 Million Investment from Berkshire Hathaway into john d. Beating expectations with revenue. Stuart varney is on the rise and he will be back after this. Cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. We enable you to reach Global Markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. Cme group how the world advances. Ashley a federal judge blocked president obamas executive order and immigration. Right now we are joined by texas congressman henry clay are. Your district is on the aborted, largely hispanic district. The amnesty for illegal hispanic immigrants has been stalled. It is not amnesty. What reagan is a democrat in 1986 was amnesty. This is a temporary deferral the president is looking at, this is something that is only a first step. Id prefer that we would do a bipartisan approach to exist but apparently congress is not doing it but the president had to do it. Stuart now has been stalled. Judiciary has stalled debt and essentially said the president doesnt have the Constitutional Authority to do it. How do you feel about that . If you look at the court, then get into the constitutional part of doing that they actually used 1947 procedure , administrative fact that they went on so it was a technical point at saying that the Administration Never gave notice of this action so never addressed the constitutional it was technical, you didnt give notice. Stuart the judge said it was of massive change in immigration practice which congress had not passed judgment on. That is a profound challenge to what the president wanted to do. That is why he wants to have a full hearing on that but the way he stopped it, with the technical part saying the president didnt give notice as to what he was planning to do, he planned on stuart do you really oppose the judgment of that particular judge . You are strongly opposed to it you want the executive action to go through . I would rather have bipartisan fixed by congress as an attorney, i would say the judge used a technical point to stop this and never went into the constitutional part of its. The Supreme Court has already said the federal government has the right to deal with immigration law. Stuart we are going to see, appeared to the circuit court. It goes to new orleans the fifth circuit and from the fifth circuit to the Supreme Court. Stuart and that will take an awfully long time and what the president wants to do will be stalled for an awfully long time. That part is correct. You are right about that. Stuart always a pleasure thanks for joining us. I and enjoying the warm weather in texas. Thank you very much indeed. Nestle will remove artificial flavors from its Chocolate Candy by the end of the year. Joining us is the current pronunciation the author of big fat surprise. Welcome to the program. Right off the top, why is nestle removing artificial colors and flavors . There is a Movement Towards real foods. And processed foods at its nestle wants to be part of that lets take out the artificial substances of our candy. Stuart responding to a new fashion, public pressure as opposed to some health concerns. Top officials talking about trying to move towards talking about real foods rather than saturated fat which nobody relates to, nobody goes in the kitchen and says i want 30 fat for dinner. You say i want spaghetti and meatballs and nestle is getting on board with that but they will still be a lot of sugar in its candy so it wont actually, it is a cosmetic fix. Wont actually shift the helping us of their food. Stuart do we e too much sugar . Sugar is a big problem but we have been told for 15 years that it is fat that makes you fat. In the last decade or so a lot of science to show facts doesnt make you fat. There are no longer recommendations to restrict that and instead people looking at too many carbohydrates, sugar is one of those, high rates. I just the sugar all the time. Tell me this . Will it change the flavor . Are they really going to change the taste of this artificial flavoring or is it just going to be more cosmetic . Companies like this do not want to mess with their marquee brand. They will do everything they can to make sure they have the same mouthfeel and dont alter these brands people have come to know and love. Stuart i guarantee you really dont like high fruit cosponsor a. It is 50 glucose, the same as sugar and they both have an effect on the body. And those corn syrup. Stuart that was really the ultimate public enemy number one. It is similar chemical composition as sugar. Stuart what is public enemy number one for foods that i could ingest . Michele obama. Alcohol in moderation is good for health. Stayed away from sugar and too many carbohydrates altogether. Clinical trials show if you eat too many carbohydrates and not enough that it is hard to control your weight will your blood sugar for diabetes or heart disease. Stuart Peanut Butter a personal favorite. Go for the Peanut Butter, stay light on toast. Better would be bacon and eggs. Bacon and eggs fill you up, they are more satiate in, they dont good enough. Stuart for years i have been doing that. The government is backing off its dietary cholesterol limits and that limits and the unsaturated fats which are also enough food are crumbling. We are seeing a complete wipeout of the governments healthcare policy. Stuart the very end with that. Thank you so much for joining us. A fifth generation rummaker 27 years old is the firstever master knows who is female. She is next. Hey, girl. Is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now . It kinda is. Its as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. Cue the horns. Just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrades rollover consultants. Theyll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. And theyll even call your old provider. Its easy. Even she could do it. Whatever, janet. For all the confidence you need td ameritrade. You got this. Stuart it is the rum renaissance, making a big come back with young people. Here to tell us about it is the fifth generation after round case there. She is 27 years old and is going to pronouns her own name. Welcome to vote program. Thank you very much. Stuart you are in a sense the first master knows there in the world who is female. The first in the family they to be part of this. Stuart how many masters are there . In the family . It stuart in world . Everyone has their own every company. Stuart every company has one. Does the cardy . Everyone does. Stuart are you better than the cardiac . Who knows . Stuart what is this about young people going to moving away from vodka at fords rum and that kind of spirit . Is that accurate . Lately there has been a rum renaissance as you say and the introduction. The quality of any other seamless spirit in the world and young people want to try a good quality product, good case, less sweet, you can make cocktails or special occasions. Stuart it is very famous. You are here. How much run do you still in the United States every year. Can you tell me . We are a brand worldwide. The third brand . Third rum brand worldwide. That is you. I have here a small bottle which is your best rum i think crafted by you so you blended this and you put the case into this thing. The reason im holding it up is this little bottle would be 500, correct . What is so special leather than your mix and special knowsing abilities . It has been in the family since the beginning of the company. This will be the 2015 edition and what you have in the bottle is the heritage family, the legacy but also the profits of that product goes to that so the welfare stuart and that is what we give to our founder, my great great grandfather. Stuart it was a full bottle it would be 1,500 . Retail price. Stuart your last name . You have something for me . From thank you very much for joining us. I am going to keep this. Is that ok . Come back. I have breaking news for you. President obama naming of the director of the secret service, you got that . Just in. We are back in a moment. I dont know what i should do next. Do what everybody else does. Start a business. Build yourself a website. Welcome to t. O. s humble pies. With wix. Com. Lets party . 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Dierdre fighting terror with tech in the wake of attacks in paris, frances top, heading to Silicon Valley to ask for help from google, apple, facebook and twitter. Speaking of social media twitter increasing its anti hacking measures. We will tell you about it. From cybercrime to war crimes for the First Time Ever the u. S. Is allowing sale of armed drones to some of its allies in. In the wake of those deadly attacks in paris in the recent shooting in denmark, interior minister heading to Silicon Valley will be a missing u. S. Tech giants in this fight on terror highlighting the role these countries can play. With me is joline kent. To specifically . First going to washington to meet with the government and then friday to meet with top tech companies, talking about apple, google, facebook and twitter and that is in the

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