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Would you pay . Peter varney and company is about to begin. I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any laws. I have not violated any irs rules or regulations and i have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee. Stuart she says she didnt do anything wrong so why did lois lerner write this in an email to the division of taxexempt status in 2011 . Direct quote, the tea party matter, very dangerous. As you can see the tea party is named lose the political threat is mentioned this lois lerner refuse to answer questions. House will vote on contempt charges tomorrow. The attorney representing some of the targeted tea party organizations. That quote i just read, i know you have seen it. Is that a smoking gun . Yes. I think it is. Theres another aspect to it. The next couple sentences later talks about this is significant, we need to get chief counsels office involved in this investigation. Chief counsel is appointed by the president of the United States so this email exchange from lois lerner to the other irs officials points to what we have been concerned about and alleging all along, that this originated probably higher up than lois lerner. She was a key figure no doubt and that is why she has taken the fifth and you will see a criminal you have seen a criminal reference letter coming out of ways and means today to the Justice Department and probably will see a civil contempt vote tomorrow of house ways and means but this email coupled with a few others that surrounded show a pattern where they view these cases as very dangerous, these groups as varied dangerous and sought the input of chief counsels office to continue the targeting. That is why they wanted chief counsels office in there. Stuart our viewers, we have been following this for a long time and the question stands did the president and or the campaign of 2012 did it use the machinery of government to intimidate the president s political opponent . That is the basic question we are trying to answer. Do we have an answer . Can we prove there was a connection . Let me tell you what we put in our civil complaint representing 41 groups. I dont have a memo from the president of the United States to the chief counsels office of the irs or taxexempt saying do such and such, target these groups but heres what we have. A speech the president gave to congress in the state of the union where he chastised the Supreme Court of the United States with the Citizens United case. That case was opened up the ability of corporations to engage in political activity. He chastised the that. Recall that for an shady groups. The Supreme Court was sitting there when he made these allegations against the Supreme Court. Within weeks of him saying that a series of meetings took place at the irs and at the white house with the chief counsel of the irs, the head of the treasury, the head of the irs and they met with the president and others within the administration and within 30 days the targeting scheme was launched. Is there a memo from the president s saying do this . That i dont have. I think it started with this speech, the state of the union message. Stuart this week maybe tomorrow this thing breaks wide open . I think you will see tomorrow, you have criminal reference letter today, the criminal issue, tomorrow i expect to see a civil contempt action voted on that will eventually vote through the house and that will be in federal court in washington d. C. We will find out of los lerner was able to take the fifth amendment or waive it when she put her innocence before she invoked the fifth. Stuart very big story for us. I want you to check the share price of toyota. One of the largest in automotive history, five models affected, total recall is almost 6. 5 million vehicles worldwide. Sounds to me like the General Motors, the pressure and General Motors with their recall, pandoras thoughts and everyone in his brother recalling for some reason or other. Keep in mind no deaths or injuries have been reported. Toyotas instance some of the reasons for which they are recalling these vehicles are minor, when shell wiper, motor, seats that dont lock into place but then some really big ones like the starter motor, fire hazard they mentioned here, steering column brackets that might know. Loose or fail so these are some big ones. The span over many years for which they are recalling. Stuart they want to get everything out there. Another big name, ande ra, you can make to go orders from your smart phone. Stock is down this year but look at it down a bit more. It doesnt mean anything. It must mean something. It is supposed to increase production and get to the customers, can staff in the kitchen double checking the orders. You can go into pane ra, pick a table and sit down and make an order from a kiosk and a kitchen knows where you are. Forget standing on the line. That is for other people. Said down and get your table. You are talking mobile apps, kiosks and like. They seem to feel this technology they worked hard on will serve the customers with great accuracy and cut down those lines. I am just telling you what they put out. Don okay. Stuart wanted to find out what this was about. That was a good explanation. Got to move on to alcoa. Profits were down but better than the all knowing analysts expected. Alcoa goes first because of tradition. The real big stuff comes next week with the tech report. Charles you cant discount what they said. I miss impressed by some of the things. They said the demand has exceeded production for the first time in a decade after nine years going down. They saw a surplus in january and now there will be a massive deficit. Aerospace will be up 9 . Large aircraft doing well. Automotive could be up 4 , packaging consumer. All these things give us an insight. We try to analyze the industry, the global economy. I think this was an amazing report really. Stuart i am always down on out,. Charles accompany that doesnt execute well and has until long time but as a proxy for what is going on i am impressed. I love watching anything related to commodities and if you discount this because tech i will point out alcoa shares are outpacing many Big Technology companies out there. This stock is up 22 so investors take notice. Stuart this calendar year . Yes. Stuart look at the big board, is wednesday morning, modest gain. Started out the show saying this was a bounce back they . Guess you could call that in a very limited degree. 24 points higher. Some startling new numbers on the Medicare Program out this morning, new data find that of very small slice of medicare providers, doctors account for a huge chunk of medicare payments. In 2012, a quarter of medicare doctors took in three quarters of all medicare payments. The top 1 of doctors account for 14 of the 77 billion spent by medicare on doctors and providers in 2012. Who was number one on the list . This gentleman here, florida ophthalmologist dr. Solomon melgin who pulled in 8 million in medicare payments. He has a close relationship with new jersey democrat senator bob menendez. What is that about . Charles they went on two trips to the Dominican Republic that mendez forgot to put down as a gift and had to repay 58,000 for these gifts. He has put in directly or indirectly 700,000 to the campaigns overs the years. This guy is a wild character. He lost 60 million, had a big beef with his condo unit because of the ukrainian girl who lived there, the fbi raided his office. This is something very wrong to. I dont like the relationship this guy who made 20 million in taxpayer dollars. He has a big business in Dominican Republic, a new law, apartheid against that. I wonder if men mendez will say anything about that. Democrat who cares about human rights protecting his deep pocketed buddy. Stuart that is a wideranging statements. Somewhat unusual the rate of women stayed at home with kids, going up for the first time in a long time. Pew Research Found in 201229 of mothers with children under 18 stayed home. 22 back in 1999. Is this driven by economics, money, jobs, cultural shift . Sandra this is a fascinating study and i dug deep into it because i found it in treating. Staying at home is a commendable thing to do and if you can do it and want to do it wonderful but that doesnt appear to be just choice by these mothers to stay home. If you look of the Unemployment Rate in 1999, they are comparing this to, unemployment was 4. 2 . Last year the average Unemployment Rate was 7. 5 so in general there are more women out of work. That being said the study did show 6 of moms are not working because they couldnt find a job compared to 1 in the year 2000. That is some context for you and by the way when you look at the rising cost of child care against stagnating wages in this country lot of families are finding it is more economical to stay home. Stuart you got to pay all of that for someone else to look after. Why dont you do it and save the rest of it. The google glass, we tried it on, made fun of it. Maybe you could say we have over analyze it. Coming up next several examples how this device is a positive. Maybe it is the wave of the future. Google is pushing it hard. A google glass segment next. [ male announcer ] evenore impressive than the research this man has at his disposal is how he puts it to work for his clients. Morning. Morning. Thanks for meeting so early. Co on in. [ male annncer ] its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Stuart not sure i should call this bounceback day but the dow is up 30 points, 16286. Where is the price of gold . It is down a bit today. It is 1306, where is the price of oil, 100 and a barrel. Looks like gas prices will go up. Tax reports, 20082013 foreign profit held over there, overseas by American Companies doubled. The total is 2. 1 trillion of money kept over it there because they dont want to bring you over here to pay the higher Corporate Tax rate 35 . 2. 1 trillion and counting. If even part of it came back it would be good for america so why does the president too charles 1s to control the money. He hinted at doing it several times but also may be taking a large chunk of it and putting it in an infrastructure chest. Remember when george bush did the repatriation thing . People argue whether or not it worked. Over 800 companies brought back money over 300 billion. You can argue how much went to shareholders but some of that seeped into the economy. We had a pretty good economic boom that happened to coincide at the same time all this money. It didnt come out of anything outside the company. Stuart if the money comes back to america and goes to shareholders that is considered bad. That is nonsense. Charles considered that by this administration and the idea is they want a piece of it and wants to control it, bring it back to this country and will find its way to mainstream. Stuart it wont do it. Charles a better job finding its way into mainstream than all the money printing. Stuart you are on a roll this morning, well done. 4 k is the latest in highdefinition television, netflix has begun streaming house of cards, a couple nature documentaries, i have seen it. Takes some getting used to but it is really a cut above everything else. Where we have netflix stock down 3 not much change, 3. 45 on netflix, still on streaming we found out amazon past hulu and apple. We dont call it the Everything Store for nothing but amazon stock is down a couple bucks at 3. 24. Move on to google, another development, getting into online travel. It will display more photos and reviews on their Hotel Listings and you can book hotels through them. Market likes it. Google glass, i wear with Computing Power is used by doctors to help people with parkinsons, the air force is testing it. How will it be used in combat . To let sick kids experience a trip to the zoo from their hospital bed. I think google glass is the big success in aware of the computing and you say what . I agree but it has only just begun. Nice to be with you and charles. The factor of google glass which i brought with me, mind if i put it on . Here is a whi there are several colors. It is a future of wearables. In this format probably not exactly. It is facing social acceptance challenges, there are 5,000 sets out there in the market and youre getting some places that arent allowing you to wear a google glass. Once we have apps developed, really take this to the next step and show functionality on a daily basis it will be the future and the popular. Stuart you think, i am sure you are right that apps will be developed for what is called google glass so that you can tailor make the information coming that you very easily to look through the lenses and do it. Apps are coming. Apps are already here for some things especially parkinsons comment you made earlier. That is an apps developing your about hospitals that is allowing you to know when to take their medicine, helps to be a little more they can help themselves a little more. Take their medicine, when to swallow to remember to not freeze up and it is all through an apps hospital developed a. Apple, google allows you through Development Kits to develop apps for less. Charles that is nice but what about a Broader Society . What will make people want to walk down the street with those on . A couple things. I am in new york in the studio and i walked by the Empire State Building this morning and did not know i was walking by the Empire State Building the google field trip on my apps on my google glass will alert me when i am walking by different scenic opportunities in a new city. Charles can you drive with those . I bet there will be laws against it. There are not yet but someone pulled over in california for wearing it, you cant be ticketed yet but i can see that coming at least not that i know of but i can see it coming. Stuart you walked by the Empire State Building, it pops up in front of you . And a lawyer did says there is a scenic opportunity for you. The Empire State Building. Also places like where they filmed godfather scenes around new york. Depending on your setting. Another apps my company is working on is when you walk into a room, you know who is there and how you are connected to them right in front of your eyes so by turning right or left you can see cards of different people in the room. That will change how people interact, especially networking. Stuart you know everybody all the time and everything about them. Stuart how do you feel about that . Not sure like it. It is coming. Stuart dr. Manny alvarez is so frustrated with obamacare he is considering leaving his practice. He is not the only one who is frustrated. We will deal with it next. I you going to stay . You know what . I am thinking very carefully about it. Its the get growing sale from adt. Right now you can get 200 off adt pulse for Small Business and a wireless camera at no charge with a qualifying bundle. Woman when you own your own business, its a challenge to balance work and family. Thats why i love adt. I can see whats happening at my business from anywhere. Now manage and help protect your Small Business remotely with adt. Arm and disarm your alarm, watch secure video in realtime, and even adjust your lights and thermostat wherever you are. With adt, you get 24 7 protection through our Fast Response monitoring. The get growing sale. Call today to get 200 off adt pulse for Small Business. Hurry. Sale ends april 15th. I love the convenience of adt. I can finally be in two places at once. Helping to protect your business is our business. Adt always there. So ally bank has a that wothats correct. A rate. Cause im really nervous about getting trapped. Whys that . Uh, mark . Go get help i have my reasons. Look, you dont have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. If our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. Oh that sounds nice. Dont feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. How can you run a system of health care this way . That is what people are beating private practice and saying that is it, no more. I am thinking carefully about it. Stuart dr. Manny isnt the only one frustrated with obamacare. Look at the latest poll from rasmussen. Under obamacare it will go down and suffer. Six months from one month ago. Here are a couple reasons why. According to a survey of insurance by Morgan Stanley the average Health Care Premium will rise 11 for individuals this year. Biggest increase in three years because of obamacare and according to fox newss jim angle from now until the next open enrollment millions of people will not be able to sign up for Health Insurance, you cant sign up for qualified policy until january 1st. Can sign up for individual and family plans for seven months. You are locked out. Every notice how quickly yelp reviews turn nasty . The anonymity makes it worse. We will ask dr. Keith ablow. As we said, the facebook era when prices are rising, they have Pricing Power helping less stock up 2, 0. 57, 60 a share. Britain has cloned its first dog. The owner when in the competition to clone her current pet. What is the pronunciation . Dachshund . You are wrong. Dachshund. Charles it is spelled wrong on the teleprompter. Is german for badger dog. They train them to go after badgers. Stuart you are a font of information. Charles my dogs love them. Stuart would you pay 100,000 to clone your pet . The original dog is still alive. Charles my wife wants to stuff the three dogs i have now. I units . Clone them . They come potty trained actor their clones. Stuart here are my dogs, two of them. Take on the left as you look at it, arthur on the right. I had trouble with technologies this morning so couldnt get the third dog we just bought on the screen but we fixed the problem. It was all my fault and it will be on your screens one hour from now. His name is bailey. You got to make a comment there. Charles are those border collies . Charles stuart shetland sheepdog on the right and the new dog bailey is a purebred cali. Wonderful. Charles you like lassie lot when you were younger. When you came to america that was the first thing you like to. I like this country, lets get glass. Stuart i go back to run in tin tin. Remember that . I am taking a lot of time. The first thing i ever saw in television was written in tin. You dont remember that. Of former nba player turned entrepreneur, Jonathan Bender is with us. How did he plan so well . What does he think of College Players joining a union. We will ask him because he is with us next. [ male announcer ] what if a Small Company became big business overnight . Like, really big. Then expanded . Or their new product tanked . Or not . What if they embrace new technology instead . Imagine a companys future with the future of trading. Company profile. A Research Tool on thinkorswim. From td ameritrade. Stuart a lot of that coming got. Charles, not laughing at charles, he will make us some money with amiga therapeutics. Before i dont do enough biotech and this show. We have requests coming to the week. I want to see if i can make lightning struck again. One of the Biotech Companies making money in part because they have costs on the way but they have greater fee approval on a Pain Medicine for osteoarthritis. Stuart wait a minute. Fda approval, pain remedy for osteoarthritis . That is the english disease. Arthritis. Damp climate. Charles americans want to play tennis and have great fun which is fine and you can really do it. I love the stock. It came down with the whole biotech pull back, 12 off of the 52 week high. Charles stuart the english disease, arthritis. I might state that. Retired from the nba, making it now in the medical device industry, made a Successful Transition from pro sport to business and guess what . The man is here. Welcome to the program. Good to have you with us. You play basketball. For indiana. For indiana. Stuart the pacers. What position did you play . I played a series of positions, shooting guard, i was all over the place. Stuart what is small forward . You havent played much. Stuart not for long time. The arthritis thing. Stuart you made a transition from making decent money, big money in basketball and now you are successful entrepreneur. You have a medical device company. We have over a hundred affiliates who are doing very well. We have two of them that stick in my head, george in the florida area, doing great with this opportunity and helping other people as well. Stuart a shoulder device . It takes pressure off of the lower extremity so it puts you in at 0 gravity field, makes you feel you are in water or in space, removes the pressure from the lower extremity, directs the pressure to the muscle, you get the muscles stronger to take the pressure off of the bad joint. Stuart when you didnt create this device. You are the face of it. I created the device. Stuart you did . I created it for myself because i had to retire from the nba before my chronic knee injury. I developed it and use it for three years and came back to play with the knicks. Stuart you sold your own medical problem by the device that you invented. Now you left basketball lanes you are making good money selling the device that you invented through affiliates around the country. What was the name of it . The j. D. I team metro. Stuart a couple questions. How do you like the medical device tax to pay for obama . Dont like it at all. I dont like the tax. It is something we have to do. We have to contribute. What can you do . Stuart when did you retire from the nba . 2010. Stuart by that time you were paying more than 50 of your income in taxes. Is that right . How do you feel about that . That was the stinger as well. Stuart this is going very well. You are welcome on this program. You dont want a medical device tax, you dont like to pay more ded do we, you said come in right in. Part of the crew. Stuart if you are not careful you are coming back. What do you think about College Athletes unionizing . You didnt go to college the you were drafted out of high school. I love it. When you look at it you have College Coaches making millions of dollars in these guys are barely getting by, youre giving them a free education. They have to work, they have worked out and individual workouts, team work out, they got to travel, they got games and then they have to study. In between, get a little something. Stuart what was that little man, the n. C. A. A. Guy, napier, didnt he say he often went to bed hungry at night . He said that . I cant believe it. Stuart that age in that condition you are always hungry. You can fill a guy up. When you got to be out running eight miles, trying to stay in shape and keep my education to get there, i got to get something to eat. You cant give me a banana. Give me an apple or something. Stuart if you are not careful you are really going to be back on this program. I want the name of the company again. J b i t met parole. Stuart it is a medical device that takes the weight off of your lower extremities. Anyone with lower back pain, osteoarthritis in the knee, hip problems or even shoulder injuries. We also offer a program, Rehab Program on line with a doctor of physical therapy that takes our patients and customers through these exercises on line. Stuart we like success stories, we really do. Come back and see us. The indiana pacers. Got it right. You were a short forward, small forward. What was it . Shooting guard and small forward. Stuart shooting guard and small forward. And small forward. Stuart and small forward. I dont get it. You are 7 feet tall. 7 feet tall. You got that right. Stuart time is up. You are all right. Come back again. Next up a libertarian author agreeing with me on things like this. Government and the government mindset is all about restricting you, handing you in, controlling you and the lawyers are always there to take their peace. When regulations hit you directly used to start losing your enthusiasm for government. Why is our arizonabased company relocating manufacturing to upstate new york . I tell people its for the climate. The conditions in new york state are great for business. New york is ranked 2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Youll get a warm welcome in the new new york. See if your business qualifies at startupny. Com comcast and time warner executives on capitol hill facing questions on the proposed merger. Approved the new company would have 30 million customers at 3 of the total u. S. Market. Comcast began streaming t the night netflix and amazon prime. The companies have to merge in order to be competitive. Call it a sign of the times, from spending for high school lawyers falling 14 from last year. On average households will spend 970 on dresses, tuxedos, limos and dinner, that is down from 1,100 in 2013. Those are not alien lights on the surface of mars. This photo making the rounds on social media, looks like a beam of light. Nasa says it is a camera glitch similar to lens flare. People have that up next. dad well, weve been thinking about it and were just not sure. agent i understand. dad weve never sold a house before. agent ill walk you guys through every step. dad so if we sell, do you think we can swing it . agent i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that ive found, the timing is perfect. Theres a lot of buyers for a house like yours. dad thats good to know. mom im so excited. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. Thats why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. 3 million or so jobs, 80 do not require four year degree and for whatever reason people dont seem to want them so we are lending money we dont have to kids who will never pay it back to train them for jobs that dont exist anymore. Stuart former dirty jobs host mike road turns out he is dead right. Theres a shortage of skilled construction workers. Give me that we. What happened during the recession 2 Million Construction workers lost their jobs in several years since the economy is recovering and the Housing Market is recovering so you have got a shortage in the Construction Industry. Many of those 2 million workers got other jobs, many didnt. The other thing that is going on if you look at construction workers these days teens are deciding to go to college, not Technical Schools and current construction workers are getting older, one out of five is at least 55 years old. They have this issue and if you have a worker shortage that affect construction projects, makes and take longer and cost more money. Stuart you dont go to college to figure out how to be a construction worker. You go to an apprenticeship, get out and work. One other factor, what about all those immigrants who left the country because they were very begin the construction boom in the last decade. The Group Pushing for hiring in the Construction Industry says we need immigration reform. We need protection from immigrants in the u. S. And need to make it a little easier for immigrants to come in for farmworkers to come in and help us build our homes, buildings, construction projects, whatever they are. Stuart check out bank of america, it is going to pay an 800 million settlement to the fed over creditcard practices, no impact on the stock. Big name, you know it, started trading today for the first time. You ever stay act ballet quincea . No. It gets waive reviews and the stock is up 17 and a quarter. It is to the downside below the ideal price of 17 to 16. 32, since regained those numbers and moved as high as 17. 24. The ceo was on earlier today, it was met with that as well. Stuart not quite the same as hightech ipo which sometimes goes to the moon. No way. That would be apples and oranges. Stuart well said. The dow is up 44 points and that puts the dow at 16,300. Not bad to get back to their. What are you smiling at . Charles you dont want to know. Stuart you should look into regular. Yesterday i gave you my take on the different forms of regulation and how i think the government should just get off our backs. Watch this. You have to have some form of regulation. Amity is not attractive to me but i get the impression this administration is gungho for any and all rules. This government doesnt trust the people, it doesnt trust us to make the right decisions for ourselves and our families of the demands a certain kind of Health Insurance and it demands the we buy it. Getting fired up, wasnt i . Joining me is the author of dont hurt people and take their stuff. He is also the ceo of freedom works. He joins me now from d. C. Great to have you with us. You are libertarian, flat out libertarian. I am small out libertarian. It means i am not a member of the party. Libertarian is and is a philosophy based on liberty, the respect and love law. Stuart seems to me the rise of libertarians coincides with the rise of bureaucratic big government. To some degree your success in politics is the reflection of the dead hand of government that is trying to stifle us all. You would agree with that. Absolutely. That tyranny you are talking about, all this regulation gives a lot of discretionary power to gray suited bureaucrats you will never meet and never get to know but they can now target you based on the complexity of all these laws that frankly the government has no business sticking its nose into. Stuart the rules and regulations hit you on the ground floor of life. It is the little things. Not so much financial regulation, not so much obamacare though that is important but stuff that happens in your everyday life as you bump up against government. That gets to me. That is what gets to most voters. That is the Glass Ceiling on success. Is not about rich people and how much they pay in taxes but whether or not we are still going to allow people to have opportunities to get rich, for your kids to get rich someday and all of this complexity, all of these rules, barriers to success dont punish the rich. The rich have their lawyers, their lobbyists in d. C. The rest of us are banging on that ceiling and we need to break it. Stuart one last one. Would you accept that you guys, libertarians have really split the Republican Party . What would you say to that . In 1975 Ronald Reagan said the heart and soul of conservatism is libertarian is some. The next year he primary is sitting republican president. Did he break of the Republican Party or save it from the insiders that corrupted it . That is what we are doing. We are restoring the ideas of freedom, repopulate the Republican Party and it is good for them and the country. Stuart sap is a good dancer. The name of the book one more time . Dont hurt people and dont take their stuff. Stuart matt kid be in d. C. Dubya come to new york and put you on the set with us. Thanks. You have a little over a Million Dollars and are looking to buy a home. Where do you find a better deal . Memphis, tenn. Or boston, mass. . Aside by side comparison. How far does your money go in those two locations . That is next. Stuart the popular ford focus claims the title of world topselling car, second year in a row, sold under 1 million of them in 2013, up 8 from a year before. Bid reason for this booming popularity is china sales. They sold 400,000 of them in that country. Look at the share price of ford motor co. Down a bit below 16 a share. Memphis versus boston. Where is the better deal if you are buying a home . Cheryl casone has done the legwork and is here with the latest edition of hot profits. Welcome back. Start with memphis. Tell me what i could buy for 1. 3 million. Cheryl five bedrooms, 6 baths on a one acre piece of property. You also get by the way the garage has a thousand feet of square feet of garage. Just of the garage. Price per square foot comes 144 per square foot. Last time this property was sold november of 2003, 320 grand. It is going for 1. 3 million so 11 years that was your profit. Stuart that is a big you get in memphis, tenn. What the you get for the same price in boston . You get a condo. An apartment in boston, two bedrooms, two baths, 1,000 square feet, just a bit over a thousand square feet for 1299 million and it sold in 2010 for little more than 1 million so you havent made any profit. Stuart quite obviously the memphis deal is a much better deal if you just look at what you actually get from the boston deal. At decent area of memphis, lot of rough areas in memphis but a nicer part of the city. Stuart can you make enough money to support a 1. 3 million house in memphis, tenn. . Cheryl deegan what you do for a living but the jobs picture in memphis is not strong. Unemployment is higher in memphis and has high crime rates. Stuart location location location location. Charles the number sold for 300 grand and they won a one. 3 . Cheryl that was in 2003. Charles the rate of inflation would be 378,000 house. This is a 200 above inflation. I feel like a sucker buying it at 1. 3 million. Stuart a little overpriced. Charles based on how much appreciated cheryl the key, this is an Investment Property for someone like you. You would be looking at the different angle, we all do in 2003 but at the same time i look at this the only thing comparable is the property taxes. Year. They are is that equal. What does that tell you what government is doing . I have to find that out. Stuart property taxes about the same. Good stuff, thanks very much. Wouldnt you know it . More problems with obamacare. Is a mess. We will lay out at the top of the hour. Are we more vicious when we posed online anonymously . Dr. Keith ablow puts yelp reviewers on the couch. Two minutes. But ling ] [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edwa jones. This is shirley eaking. How may i help you . Oh hey, neill, how areou . How was the trip . [ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors. [ shirle] hes right here. Hold on one sec. [ malennouncer ]. Youd expect us to have a highly skilled call center. Kevin, neill holleys on line one. Ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Hi, are we still on for tomorrow . Tomorrow. Quick look at the weather. Nice day, beautiful tomorrow. Tomorrow is full of promise. We can come back tomorrrow. And we promise to keep it that way. Driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. What a day. Cant wait til tomorrow. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. And only national is ranked highest in car rental Customer Satisfaction by j. D. Power. aaron purrrfect. vo meeeow, business pro. Meeeow. Go national. Go like a pro. So ally bank really has no hthats right, no hidd fees. Nts . Its just that im worried about, you know, hidden things. Ok, whys that . Well uhhh. Surprise um. Well, its true. At ally there are no hidden fees. Not one. Thats nice. No hidden fees, no worries. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Wednesday april 9, is it possible . Things are getting worse for obamacare . Yes, it is. New reports, your cost going through the roots. Our obamacare watcher spelled out the badness are in astonishing, cut taxes and spending, do not expect a similar miracle here. We bring you a success story, a guy who used to sleep on the street now gives cash to start a business is. He has good judgment. He is making big money. So is Monument Valley, ever heard of it . Its a. You pay for it. Its wildly popular and yes, it is making big money. Do not ever forget doctor keith out low. He answers this question, are human beings naturally vicious when they can be anonymous . Its all about yelp. Any of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked. There are still no death panels. Armageddon has not arrived. Instead this law is helping millions of americans. In the coming years it will help millions more. Stuart well despite all that cheerleading by the president here is the reality of obamacare, putting it simply it is a mess. 53 of voters say the quality of care will get worse under the law. According to Morgan Stanley premiums for individual plans are rising. By the way, enrollment is closed for 10th of it millions of people until january. Grace marie turner from the institute and he sees right here. We said all the time it is a master it i think its falling to pieces and yet it doesnt fall to pieces. It is round down next to another three years and theres nothing we can do with it. Would you agree . You cant really spend 2. 6 trillion, which is what this law ultimately is going to cost without helping someone, but the wreckage this law is leaving in its wake is extorted. Thats at the number jobs that are being lost, the high cost and the millions of people who are losing their coverage also losing it on their own, about to lose it with their employer through the wreckage is enormous and for the president to disregard that and talk about his law that has passed and doing helping Million People, maybe. Is absolutely outrageous. To disregard millions of people being harmed by this law. Stuart lets speculate for a second that there is a republican sweep in the elections in november. Suppose that happens. Would that make any basic fundamental difference to obamacare . Could any part of it be really changed or rollback in the event of a republican sweep . Remember, store, and actually passed most of this law through a process of reconciliation, which only requires 51 votes of the senate. If they were to tackle the spending part of this law then that can be passed with 51 votes and there are ways they can do this that the president have veto power, so yes they can make major changes to this law and to look at how should we really be helping people rather than causing this wreckage that this law is having. Stuart that is interesting because therefore it is not a pipe dream, the idea of a really replacing, changing fundamental parts of obamacare. Not a pipe dream to read you say can be done if there is a republican sweep. And i think also its important to notice, stuart, that the people who are really putting pressure on the white house to make changes to the line now are democrats who are scared to death about facing the voters. If there is a sweep then those democrats who are left will even be more likely to support changes to the law, so they dont have a backlash from the voters when they are up two years after his. Stuart grace marie turner, i didnt realize that. I didnt realize changes possible. Grace marie turner, always a pleasure and they give are joining us. Thank you. Stuart move over expedia, move over priceline and google is getting into online travel. Google will now display more photos and reviews on their Hotel Listings and you can book hotels through them as well. Is there anything google is not going to get into . The stock prices are at 5583 ballots look at looking to. It started trading today, a hotel chain and it is up now , it opened lower, but now its up a little bit 1733 on la quinta. We go to another ipo we are watching. I can healthcare, this is chinas largest private operator in medical exam and diseases grease centers. The market loves it. To nicole, toyota issuing a massive recall , so wheres the stock . Six a half million vehicles worldwide. We are looking at toyota down 1. 6 . Out 1732. Worldwide recall. This is shortly after they are paying their criminal settlement of 1. 2 billion, that was the penalty for the unintended acceleration. Where they produced cars even knowing that that was a potential problem, so we are hearing these automakers pride to be more proactive with recalls and the like, but it seems i feel uncomfortable. They are doing this recall, you have gm reap avoiding questions. I read this week the honda pilot was having issues as well as the mazda suv and im being very careful to go around for company to come because it seems that all the automakers just dont have it that easy. They have to put out some sound of vehicles that need to be safe. Stuart what strikes me is the affect on toyota stock where just a couple months ago that thing was around 130 a share now its about 107 and i notice General Motors broke below 34 a share at it those interesting do it coming to this, lauren . The issue with toyota is that after that string of recalls, about four years ago after the earthquake and tsunami in japan theyre finally getting their profits back. Every thing was looking good for the company and now this. Stuart they went from 702 mac 130 now im another big down to 107. Markets are very responsive to this kind of stuff. And in terms of all these cars either failing or getting poor grades on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety test or the government stepped the tests are getting harder and they are being more responsive to quality, so we are getting more recalls. Stuart where are we on the big board . The dow industrial is now on the 58 points, maybe another update for the dow, maybe a bit of a bounce back. Take a look at the nara im abate Just Launched the nara 2. 0 and it allows you to it allows you to what is this . You are british, you dont really do take out. Stuart so what are they doing here with panera, you can order up with your cell phone in your smart phone to read you can order to go, right . Right. You can make a to go order on your smart phone. Stuart since when has that been a huge innovation . I dont see that . When it comes to Television Original content is king. Check the sharp price of the big player, they would be amazon and netflix, all coming up with hot original shows, hassle cards, for example. The Traditional Networks will say they are falling behind. Nbc has been driven to asking their viewers to pitch them ideas for sitcoms. Welcome back, shayna. Im glad to be here. Stuart i see this as simple. I see the online guys, the netflix, amazon all the rest of them coming up with original content , original programming, they are streaming it and dow the Program Networks to read is it that simple . They are Technology Net by doing this contest. They are asking their viewers to submit ideas for the next big thing. Clearly signaling they are looking for the next big thing and maybe havent found yet. These are streaming services are clearly winning out. Stuart we have also said that streaming is really taking over. It is true with my younger children to read they stream. They like to binge watched, for example. Would you go that far, streaming is where entertainment is and is going . There are a lot of folks that arent even licensing networks and they are only streaming and a lot of the Younger Generation is doing that. We watched house of cards, binge watched in your terms. And my husband and i watched every single episode. I understand the concept of it being watching. Yahoo Just Announced last week they are getting original tv shows for the xbox and yahoo as well for theyre rumored video service, so everyone is joining the game. I think these Bigger Networks need to be concerned and really up their game. Stuart im not sure where they can do. Hopefully they can get some of those folks are netflix and amazon to come over and produce, perhaps. Stuart maybe sell. Shayna, thank you. Monument valley, that is a new puzzle game. Its the hottest thing on apples app store. Lawrence seminary is here. Why are some people calling this the anti candy crash . I dont get it. Two reasons. I love the story, by the way. I had never heard of Monument Valley until doing this story. Its an app that cost 4. Is a premium app and its number one on apples app store for premium apps. It takes you between one and four hours and youre done with it. Its expensive up front, no added money to get to the next level when youre in it. You finish it. You put it down for hours and people are paying 4 for four hours of entertainment. Stuart thats interesting because it used to be if it wasnt for you to know why it. Now people in large numbers are paying 4 for a game. So the british publisher you will have later on the show this week, up to, candy crash that free model where you dont pay up front, but then you pay with an app, they say that that model is exploitive and they are changing and you can see that with this success of Monument Valley. Its number one. To hit the market last thursday. Stuart since you asked to do the story, have you played it . No. I dont play games. Stuart four dollars and you own it forever. Nothing wrong with that. Its not expensive. And you can be done with it in one hour. Its 4 for one 4 an hour. Stuart do you think thats expensive . I am surprised semi people are are paying that. Stuart really . Yes. Stuart shayna, do you still have the microphone on . I dont think 4 for a game is that expensive. Its not if its fairly entertaining. One 24 hours is pretty good. I think that there is some value in having the onetime upfront expense. Stuart you can them play on the ones, cant you . Yeah, but why would you ask i havent played it. Ive watched a video and apparently its soothing. The music is nice. Stuart i dont know what youre talking about. Im prepared to admit that Monument Valley is worth every that you pay for it. Premium versus premium. I think theres a switch in the marketplace. Our viewers need to know this. How do you go from sweeping outside of a starbucks to investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in start up . We will ask a cornell student who did this. That i. Hes next. Capitato make it happen . That makes it real . Whats a vision without the expertise to execute it. And the financing to make it grow . Whatever your goal, it can change more than your business. Whatever your goal, it can change e future. Thats wh at barclays, our ambition is to alys realize yours. A short word thats a tall order. Up your game. Up the ante. And if you stumble, you get back up. Up isnt easy, and we ought to know. Were in the business of up. Everyday delta flies a quarter of Million People while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. Were raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. agent i understand. dad weve never sold a house before. agent ill walk you guys through every step. dad so if we sell, do you think we can swing it . agent i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that ive found, the timing is perfect. Theres a lot of buyers for a house like yours. dad thats good to know. mom im so excited. Stuart this email coupled with a few other others that surround a show, a pattern with a view these cases is very dangerous. These groups of varied dangerous and set the input of chief counsels office to continue the target. Stuart yes, we have more than irs targeting. Political opponents of president obama. He represents some of those Tea Party Groups who were indeed targeted by the irs. Now, we have this development in the washington times. The irs Dallas Bureau turns out it was commonplace to have pro obama material plastered all of the office. Campaign stickers, buttons on workers deaths. At other locations irs workers urged taxpayers to vote for obama. Elizabeth gold is here. More proof, that in my opinion virus has become politicized. This political activity on the job, at work by the irs workers is against the law. The democrats or republicans is against the law. They can do politicking off duty, but heres the problem. The irs workers, one of the biggest federal Workers Unions, the head of that union actively campaign for president obama without a statement when president obama was elected saying he is the right leader for the country and the right leader for the proto workforce and actively campaigned in swing states like ohio, michigan and indiana. Stuart this is fascinating. This is on the record. Irs workers are unionized. That the issue. They are allowed to actively campaign off the job, but the problem is if they bring it into the workforce thats against the law, so there is that by line here where you have a federal Workers Union with irs workers in it actively campaigning for the president off the job, but now they are bringing it into the workforce. Stuart into the workforce. Thats good stuff. Thank you much. Heres another development through the house ways and Means Committee just approved a criminal referral asking the Justice Department that they want the doj to conduct a criminal investigation about lois lerner. That develop it was expected and it has just come down to read whether or not the attorney general actually goes for criminal basic asian is another story entirely. From iraq from rags to riches. Our next guest with from sweeping outside a starbucks store in manhattan to investing big bucks in the new internet Startup Companies and he has yet to graduate college. Heres one of the founders of cold venture. What do the program. Thank you. Stuart you are sleeping outside a starbucks . Things got weird. Stuart but, now let me see if i have this right cold venture, you select entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs. You look at them a look at their idea and if you think their ideas good you give them 20000 cash to get on with it. Is that what you do . We invest into a. With 40 fulltime developers and designers and we look for founders with strong expertise. If you want to start a company in the Media Industry and have great expertise and we would say all right we will build your software in the hook you up with 20000 in cash and ask you for a small piece of your company. Stuart you build the software . Yes. We do both things to read we give you cash and build your software. Stuart and what you get return for this . We ask for a small piece. Usually between five and 10 of the company. Stuart cash and Software Goes to the young entrepreneur that you select with, equity, h piece of the action comes back to you . Yes and we think this makes sense or if youd reasons. The types of founders receive those billiondollar companies today are different than they used to be. These arent engineering founders. Or cold, google, etc. Those work, but why is it every venture firm is focused on helping engineers when the founders might not be engineers. So, we want to be a firm that focuses on the new type of entrepreneur. Stuart are you a software guy . I do Product Management for our team, so i have moved away from coding and my main role is finding the people. Stuart you used to write code . A lot of my engineering friends tell me i write sloppy code. Stuart you still are a techie, bottom line. Yes. Stuart how did this all start . How do you go from sleeping outside a starbucks to this . The first start up i cofounded was software stuart wait, wait, wait you just lost a. Not a problem. Imagine you were on a new story and you could extract a motion sentiment and license it to Financial Institutions so they could trade on public markets. Stuart that is our you started . Yeah, yeah. Stuart went from the getgo . I had a blog before that in the kind of moved to this. Ultimately the company did fail, so thats when stuart thats why you are sleeping outside a starbucks. Yeah, yeah. I randomly got a job working behind the counter and the founder today is like the greatest mentor i could address for. I ended up getting asked to speak at a conference called. [inaudible] about cloud sharing and privacy in a ended up picking up a few clients and they asked me to do something i wrote would say i could do it. I needed a job to read i would figure out how to do it or hire someone to do and just keep going. Eventually i getting more referrals and my cofounder was one of my clients. Stuart cold venture. You are part owner. Yeah. Stuart you get a piece of the action. Yeah. Stuart would you sell for 100 million . I dont think so. Stuart you would not sell . A couple years ago you were sleeping outside of starbucks and now you are turned out at 100 million . I dont think that its about that for me. Stuart get out of here. I own 130 things. If i get something new i give something up. You would pass up 100 million . The opportunity is about bringing the world forward. If we can build a firm that we can build up find a place for someone stuart are you kidding me . This is america. You dont 100 million . 100 billion. Stuart i knew we would get there sooner or later. 100million is peanuts. You want a billion. On a build something powerful that pushes this world forward. Stuart you are a good man. A success story. Thats a good small you have their. You go to columbia . Cornell. Stuart do you know the roscoe diner on route 17 . Yes. Stuart great place. My picture is up there. Over the meatloaf . Stuart you are a good man. You should take the 100 million. You didnt hear my joe, stuart. I said wheres the photo, over the meatloaf. Stuart in the bathroom. You are a good man. A socialist press demanding tax and welfare cuts. I feel like i am in some kind of ultimate universe. My take on that is next. I know a thing about an ira and i got the tools to do it my way i got a lock on equities thats why im type e thats why im tyyyyype eeeee, i can do it all from my mobile phone thats why im tyyyyype eeeee, if i need some help im not alone were all tyyyyype eeeee, weve got a place that we call home were all type e why relocating manufacturingpany to upstate new york . I tell people its for the climate. Thconditions in new york state are great for business. New york is ranked 2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Youll get a warm welcome in the new new york. See if your business qualifies at startupny. Com tdd 18003452550 life inspires your trading. E. Tdd 18003452550 where others see fads. Tdd 18003452550. You see opportunities. Tdd 18003452550 at schwaere here to help tdd 18003452550 turn inspiration into action. Tdd 18003452550 we have intuitive platforms tdd 18003452550 to help you discover whats trending. Tdd 18003452550 and seasoned market experts to help sharpen your instincts. Tdd 18003452550 so you can take charge tdd 18003452550 of your trading. Stuart all right, everybody, look at this. The dow is up 78. Heres what is coming up. Yelp reviewers on the couch. Are we nastier when we post anonymously . Plus how much would you pay to clone your dog . That is a cloned dog, it cost 100,000 per copy. We will all set our price later this hour. To say i was surprised is an understatement. I was flat out shocks. A socialist demands tax cuts and welfare cuts. Who would have thought. Unfortunately we are not talking about the United States, were talking france. This belongs in ripleys believe it or not. He has seen the light. This morning he called for 11 billion euro worth of tax cuts on top of the 30 billion already on the table. Government spending will be cut by 50 billion they include a slice taking out of the sacred welfare system. This is a socialist. He leads the party of that name, the socialist party. Now he is cutting taxes . What is going on . His Approval Rating has hit a historic low for any french president and his Party Just Got clobbered in the elections. Finally he is being dragged to reality. Socialism doesnt work, you cant have cradle to grave welfare without strong Economic Growth you cant have Growth Without a robust private sector and for that you need less government. He has seen the writing on the wall. So lets bring this home to america. I have a vision of a collectivist route this november. The left swept out of power and a repudiation of all government all the time policies. It is possible president obama would see the light . Probably not, but what about a similar revolution in the president ial election of 2016 . Now you are talking. If they win, america could be a Dynamic Society again. It is just a dream but after the french tax cuts, certainly anything is possible. In the long nightmare known as the obama era it is surely okay to dream, isnt it . Can you start tomorrow . Yes sir. Alright. Lets share the news tomorrow. Today we failrly busy. Tomorrow were booked solid. We close on the house tomorrow. I want one of these opened up. Because tomorow we go live. Its a day full of promise. And often, that day arrives by train. Big day today . Even bigger one tomorrow. When csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. Csx. How tomorrow moves. He has the most my dad hacommon kind. Llation,. Its not caused by a heart valve problem. Dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. Thats why i take my warfarin every day. But it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. In a clinical trial, pradaxa® Dabigatran Etexilate mesylate . Was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. And unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. Hey thanks for calling my doctor. Sure. Pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. Dont take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. Seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners. Or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctors about all medicines you take. Pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. If you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem. Ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. [ male announcer ] this m has an Accomplished Research and Analytical Group at his disposal. But even more pressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. Morning. Morning. Thanks for meeting so early. Oh, its not a big deal at all. Come on in. [ male announcer ] its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Stuart i got a report beef prices have hit new highs and lauren is going to tell us what is going on in the beef market. Lauren sirloin with a side of sticker shock these days. Two reasons, the first is the size of the cattle herd is the smallest since 1951. The second reason is the weather, a drought in many parts of the u. S. You can be able to see your pain about 5. 30 for a pound. Back in 2008, it was 33 less. Two consequent as of rise in beef prices. Fast food chains, mcdonalds doesnt have a dollar menu solely anymore. Heather dollar menu and more. Food inflation is affecting yum brands. And the second consequence is chicken prices have increased but not as much as beef. Stuart are currently 87 million head of beef cattle in the United States. Peggy 35 it was 137 million. That is a big deal, isnt it . And there are more people now. Stuart no more dollar menu for me, i guess. Thank you very much. Next story. The roscoe diner. At your picture in it. Stuart in the bathroom. Lets move on. More on obamacare. The headline number 9. 3 Million People gained coverage. Liz macdonald, dig beneath the 9. 3 million number please. 7. 2 million of these people got their insurance through their jobs. 21. 4 million of the uninsured got insurance through the exchanges. So this is a stunning result coming from the corporation right now. Stuart if i am a conventional news operation i take the headline and i run with it. 9. 3 Million People gained health care coverage. But we are not established media, you dig down, only 1. 4 million. Got the coverage through the exchanges. A survey based on the people extrapolated out. 7. 2 million got insurance from their jobs, only 1. 4 million as rated got insurance from the exchanges. Were talking uninsured got coverage through medicaid, so what were talking about is important. We were talking with how he needs to get growth back in this country. You have to get the jobs in to cover the uninsured. Stuart take a look at the yelp, it is flat this year. A backlash against the stock because of anonymous reviews. Posted on yelp of the businesses. Ever notice how quickly Online Reviews can turn nasty . Now, does anonymity make that worse . Joining us is dr. Keith ablow. Here is the question, doctor, does anonymity make us more vicious in the review of others and businesses . Absolutely. This is the equivalent of road rage. Everybody feels they can be anonymous. Suddenly they are rocky balboa behind their jeep cherokee. Similarly people can channel a lot of hostility that has nothing to do with the business or would be a much more measured kind of comment in front of the Business Owner in the typing, it disconnects people from relationship and it allows them to pour in all manner of violent thinking. Stuart that has always been your point, it is impersonal and if it is also anonymous and they thrive on anonymous reviews, it is even worse, does that disconnect between you, the real person and what you are really talking about, this is right up your straight, make hay with it. It absolutely is because there is the possibility for fraudulent, you do it intentionally, but even if you are not, there is a clear disconnect when youre on a keyboard and trading with the monitor, youre not interacting with human beings. So it is bringing forth from you any number of emotions that might have to do with the fact he just had an argument with your wife, might have to do with the fact that you are unhappy with your job, you are going to take it out through the keyboard, tapping emotions that might have nothing to do with the subject at hand. Stuart what do you say about this new study that found active twitter use can lead to divorce and infidelity. I know it is right up the street. Put your store of faith in this story. People who interact with Artificial Technology as though it is real are disembodied people, people who cant relate anymore in their marriages, they are choosing technology, so what did the study show quest mark people who use twitter mark, their marriages fail more, they have more arguments in their marriages. People who use facebook more have fewer relationships in real life because they are directed to a drug and addicts make bad husband and wives. Stuart i wish i had more time. One day i will be on your couch and we will visit this indepth. You make a very good point, very interesting stuff. Come back and see us soon. Take a look at the big board, near the highs of the day. Of 81 points as of right now, so will stocks get back on track once the tech names report their profits next week . Is that the real indicator of the stock market . The real Halftime Report is coming up next. The world may have escaped tough to legislation that could have put an end to the well show. It would have put limit to orkut captivity, it has been delayed. The good news is shares are up by 2. 5 . Take a look at intuitive surgical. The stock is down 6 . It was up the big after the fbi revealed he surgical system, different story today the earnings fell by 24 on weak demand for that system. The stock taking a big hit as you can see. Another auto recall to tell you about. It is not toyota or gm, it is volkswagen. Ordering stoppage of new models. A problem with the oring can lead to engine fires. More on a massive toyota recall next in the real Halftime Report. The conditions in new york state are great for business. New york is ranked 2 in the nation for new private sector job creation. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york dozens of taxfree zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. Youll get a warm welcome in the new new york. See if your business qualifies at startupny. Com anbe a name and not a number . Tor scotade. Ron im never alone with scottrade. I can always call or stop by my local office. Theyre nearby and ready to help. So when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. Because i dont trade like everybody. I trade like me. Thats why im with scottrade. Announce ranked highest in Investor Satisfaction with selfdirected services by j. D. Power and associates. Stuart there is a graphics, hears my voice, is the real Halftime Report from chicago their 11, from the network exchange, nicole petallides. And alcoa kicked off the earnings season. Wall street is waiting for the Big Tech Companies and their profits next week. Thats the real indicator for the market, isnt it . They lead the market, it is about time the market look through the changes in the earnings we have seen. They will see really how good are they. We will have some beats. What is really going on there . It is a part of the tech sector to gain and move higher. Everybody has done a uturn. Now it is off the road. Stuart you like them, dont you . Charles expectations are so much lower. A chance to knock the ball out of the park so there will be some big news. Dont discount all of the industrial names of the world, we need those to click as well. Charles big indicator. It is big, if they dont eat them, use the other side of that, the tech go down as a whole and the rest of the market follow. Stuart alcoa, cant knock it, up 20 or so this year . Nicole obviously it is a gauge for demand of the world economy. Talking about the Aluminum Prices under pressure, now a different picture. We are seeing alcoa seeing more demand than production. Aerospace, automotive expert high demand in those areas and that is why the stock is to the upside. Stuart toyota, one of the largest recalls in history, more than 6 million vehicles coming back worldwide. We used to call it teflon toyota, does that still hold true . Analysts would say yes, this comes underneath the gm debacle. Their reputation has been dent dented, they are still trading below the levels of forward earnings bases is what ford and gm are. Toyota essentially saying no crash, no fatality. It could still hold. Stuart coming out of the woodwork after what happened to General Motors. Would you by toyota stock . I would buy it on a purely specular bases, maybe upside to 115 on the riskreward basis. Im not sure i would want that kind of a risk. If those going to throw some money at it, yes, i would. It would be very shortlived. You look at the stock, not only in terms of the reputation, the stock is looking pretty awful. Stuart before we go any further, what are all of you people doing . Shouldnt you be preparing for the latest fed minutes . Larry, what are you doing here . I normally nap before and during the minutes. Stuart not filled with anxiety of what the fed is saying . Charles the fed is trying to continue the tapering. But we will not raise rates at least until the end of 2016, people would love to hear Something Like that. I will admit it, stayed glued to television to figure out what they are doing, what they are saying, it is just gobbledygook. Unless there is some are made, it will be a nonevent. It can change like that. Stuart dont you have researched to do . Im going to go outside and watch crabgrass grow as well. This is mistaking activity for achievement. It will be more of the same. Stuart show us linkedin and what is happening with it. They say it has been down lately with the group down 15, 20 . They think Going Forward it is a compelling entry point at this level because of the selloff we have seen. They expect the numbers to be good for the first quarter, beat the estimate. That looks like good news. Stuart thank you, everybody. I know the fed is coming up, so back to the desk, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, one and all. Internet users beware, uncovering an Internet Security flaw. It affects the Encryption Technology used by about twothirds of all the websites out there. Risk and reward host is here. Is my personal information up for grabs again, is it safe . It seems as if it could like all of ours be compromised. You named the bug. It sends out signals essentially tricks the servers and as you said for very popular websites, gmail, facebook, it basically sends out like sonar this idea or this signal to see if the servers are connected and can trick servers into getting over information be at honestly i am the worst. All of my passwords welcome one to three. We will have some guest to talk about how you can protect yourself. And one step further an on how s applies the business community. A lot more coming online, we will have it for you in 10 minutes. Stuart thank you. Look at a picture. That is charles dog. Would charles pay to clone him . We will ask him. Next. [ male announcer ] when fixed income experts. Work with equity experts. Who work with regional experts. Thats when expertise happens. Mfs. Because there is no expertise without collaboration. Stuart curious about a stock . We told you to tweet us, and today you asked charles about athlon energy. Charles ryan did. This is a good one, stuart. Oil and energy play. More specifically down in texas. Last time we reported cash flow was up 100 . Most of that oil is fantastic. Oil equivalent up 48 . I was stick with this stock, i believe it has gone much higher. Stuart a dog that was cloned in the uk for 100,000 in a test tube. I want to know, would you clone your dogs . Yes, if i was a billionaire, i would clone louis. Charles i would do it for the family. He takes i insulin shots every day. Would you clone your dog . Stuart no. Jake on the left of the screen, and arthur, i named him arthur. They are on the right. He is a puppy, only five months old. He is robust. Your take is next. Small force all over the place. Small forwards, you havent played much. Stuart this is going very well, you are welcome on this program. You dont want a medical device tax, dont like to pat your income in taxes, neither do we, you fit right in. You are 7 feet tall. Are you 7 feet . You got that right. Stuart if you are of varney fan you know i like soccer. Soccers my sport of expertise but it was fun to Start Talking to Jonathan Bender. Here are your views on the rest of the program. James had this to say whether he would clone his dog or clone me quote that wasnt charles the first attempt at cloning Stuart Varney . Very good. We are out of time. Here is a risk and reward. Dierdre thank you for joining me on risk and reward. We have more ways to invest your money beyond stocks and bonds. We focus on real estate, hedge fund strategies, in venture capital. Our first story researchers discovered a major Online Security risk. We will tell you what you can do to protect yourself and what it means for the investment community. More ways to make money and better ways to keep it. Other headlines we are tracking, sothebys is fighting back against activist investor dan lowe. The Billionaire Hedge Fund manager is out for himself, not shareholders. We will take you through activist math and show you why this is the golden era of that kind of strategy. The mid price hotel chain started trading today higher,

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