Their Attorneys Office to get a prenup. In case theyre happily ever after goes bust. The users good how men and women come together or decide to go their separate ways. Here with his advice the former host of love connection. Thank you for coming on the show. Its great to have you here. My thinking is, you have special insight because of the love connection. Is you hosted 2,000 episodes. 29 marriages came out of that. You saw peopleeget together. Is it the prenup they need to Stay Together . Its interest, because a prenup is probably the most unromantic thing you can possibly discuss as a couple looking forward to marriage. What youre saying basically somewhere down the road it may fall apart. And when it does. I want to be ready. I describe the prenup as the air bag on a car. [laughter] you get bloody and bruised but not killed. And anybody with assets going to a relationship is probably want to protect their assets. And men probably as much as women today. Women are working more and making more money and accruing more assets, and so its a tricky proposition. Gerri i think its a tricky proposition, too. To me its not just unromantic. It seems to me you dont have the trust you need to even start the relationship. What do you see in using these prenups . You agree or disagree . I agree. Ill tell you why i agree on a prenup. Even if you dont have a prenup, i think you should go through the exercise. Because if you do, youll immediately see where both people stand on finances, which is probably one of the most treacherous waters you will ever go through in a marriage. More marriages are probably broken up over finances than anything an disagreement on who has the money and who is worth it. And all of that kind of stuff. Its just a it is just a ground for argument all the time. And it is for the l and we know it. And so it is probably best to go through the exercise and kind of expose how you feel about it. Something that no one wants to talk about. All they want to talk about is candy and roses and love songs and poetry and stuff , i mean, the smart a funny thing. Its probably the least trust worthy but very funny. When you put the mind over it, it is kind of tough to be romantic. Gerri do you know theres an which made no sense to me, by the way. Gerri i understood what you meant. We have a study that shows tight wads and people who love to spend money are actually attracted to each other. So genes are conspiring against us. I think you have a great insight. We have to have a conversation. You have to talk about money. Even if you have the conversation. Exactly. Go through the motions of it. Even if you dont come out with it. If you come out with it, make sure it is negotiated by somebody who gives everybody when you walk away from it you feel like you have something out of it. Gerri chuck, you know, we see people getting married older and older ages with men and women 27, 29, it just to be 26 and 23 in 1990. How do you think the dating scene is changing and peoples attitudes toward longterm relationships . Well, i have children at every age bracket. I have a couple of or year older or two older than i am. Anyway. The point is it seems like, you know, my father, as i recall growing up in kentucky, my dad was a man by the time he was 16 or 18. I probably came in to manhood in my middle 20s. Most young men today are not men until theyre in their 30s. It seems to go on and on and on. Gerri i know, chuck. I think some women would ghat, my friend. [laughter] well, it may be older. So you to get out of your moms basement sometime, and so its kind of a tricky situation. With women im not sure. They seem to mature faster than men do. But i cant speak for women. I can only speak for what i see in men. So these later marriages make more sense to me because people arent quite ready to make that commitment. Plus, they have the pressure of college on them. They have the pressure of getting a job and trying to take care of a family open. Some people are becoming more and more aware of them. Before they jumped in to marriage and john found the first tent and crawled in to it. And seemed to make it for some reason. But things change. I guess thats one of our sociological changes taking place today. Gerri absolutely right. To give your bona fide here. Youre an Emmy Award Winning tv host. The show produced 29 marriages, 15 kids, and 8 engagements. Thats pretty darn good. The interesting thing. There are a lot of children named char lean and chuck running around the country today they had nothing to do with. The other side of that is out of those 29 marriages came from love connection. Someone else faced them up. They didnt choose, i mean, a woman who didnt know them in an office only one woman did that. And she was from the office saying i think these are the best three for you. Men or women. Out of that came 29 marriages. Hopefully theyre all successful. Gerri unbelievable. You look exactly the same. Terrific i do not look exactly the same. But thank you very much. Gerri thank you for coming on the show. We have to come up with another excuse to have you back. Thank you, gerri. Its a pleasure. We have chucks take but how do you decide if a prenup is right for you. Joining me now a psychologist and vicky degree her a divorce attorney and author of premarital planner. It sounds obscene. I dont know. Im going start with you vice. You believe prenups are a good thing, why . I think almost every person should have one. They dont understand they are planning in the event of divorce or death. Its not doom and gloom. Lets get the conversation started about how are you feel about money. What are your attitudes . I have many my book, quizzes for both spouses them. Most people feel differently. The way i was raised may not be the way my spouse was. Maybe i like to save. Probably not. Maybe my spouse does. Spendthrifts and tight wads are attracted to each other. In that case, sure. Does anybody have to have a prenup . A lo of folks turn to me because they know my connection working with relationships that perhaps the prenup might be the wet blanket on the fire here. I say they are healthy for a relationship because they help define what are the parameters and its not just about if it comes to a divorce. Its also about making them comfortable as to what is happening with the marriage and being able to concentrate on the romance knowing that other stuff is taken care of. Gerri both of you a little pushback. We love it. Gerri im not a fan. What i do agree with you, though, is people need to talk about money. I think their attitudes toward money. But not an attorney in the room to do that. Unless youre dating an attorney. Then you have a problem. Then you have a major problem. This is Financial Planning inspect is about discussing your future. And you know what . You dont want somebody in a room telling you who is going to your assets. Why not decide in advance when things things are good and happy. Do you want to divide it . What about my inhartens. What happens i have a Family Business what should we do in the event something happens . Gerri who gets that. It seems on scene too. You can kiss their assets. But the bottom line is you dont have to worry about them. Thats the important thing. So you can concentrate again on the love, on the marriage. Just bringing in attorney in to the room, doesnt just tell your intended soontobe spouse theres a lack of trust there . Dont really trust you. Im bringing in somebody from the outside to oversee this negotiation now. Its not a conversation between the two of them. The parties can negotiate. The parties can do it and listen and go to the lawyer and solidify and memorialize we agree to. Every state has a different statute. You need to have separate and independent counsel. But theyre doing it while theyre rational and happy. And not hating each other. Or hating one another and that gerri see how bad it can get. I can have seen how bad it can get. Ive seen how bad it can get people are in love because of misunderstandings over money. Chuck had had right. Misunderstandings over money and so on. It leads to a worse. All of a sudden they are completely irrational and the money goes to the attorney. Where they should be working it out. Gerri we dont want to give anything to the attorney. Go to the psychologist. [inaudible conversations] i have too many other things going on. Gerri one of the questions i have i know in new york city if youre married its 50 50. Its not. Its based on 13 statutory factor. One is how long have you been married. Two years youre not getting half the assets. Those are community properties. Gerri what is it across the country. Equitable distribution. How long youve been married. Who is earning. The ability to earn in the future. How many assets you leave the marriage with. Theres no devisible 50 50 like that a Community Property state like california and nine others. You know what youre getting to in a split in the middle. Not in new jersey, connecticut, new york city. Anything goes. Guess who makes all the money . Well, the women do. And lawyers. And lawyers. A and lawyers. Thats why we talk about the whole idea of worse divorce mediation. It helps you work out the issues before it gets to the point of being nasty. Gerri ic you are waying down the road to divorce. No. Cay if i holmes and tom cruise have prenup. When they divorce which in hollywood i think thats all that happens. People get married. 80 . Gerri she gets, i think,ing . Like 33 ,000 a month or Something Like that. Anyway, his 250 million fortune is protected. And this is the way it goes. Child support can never be contained in prenup you have to negotiate inside or outside a courtroom. At the end of the day were not here to set them up for failure. I want them to walk downtown aisle and happy. Thats his part as well. But gerri let me ask a question. What ive been trying to get to for the whole segment. If you have a prenup, doesnt it become a selfsoul filling prophesy you get a divorce. How do you contain the attitude . Inevitably one person is going to think i need a prenup. The other person thinks no you dont. I think its the attitude you have going in to it. It is a healthy thing. That it protects both partners and that is not something you have to worry about especially if some of the things in the relationship begin to go a little bit south. You dont have to stop screaming about gettinggan attorney. Instead you spend the time and keep that marriage alive because everything that has been set in place before all the contracts already there. So you dont have to get gerri you did a great job explaining it. We need an hour. You were both great. Thank you. Gerri thank you for coming back. Great time having both of you on. Thank you. We want want to know what you think. Dow believe in prenups. Log on to jerry wees little. Com. Ill share the result at the end of the show. Coming up on the users guide to love and money. Nothing brings out more love and money with kids. A round table on the expensive children. And a lot more still to come this hour. One of americas favorite household product get a new look and price. Next, a law in one state require students to take classes to benefit union. One outraged resident joins me. Were also watching the debt ceiling in the house. Its expected to be a close vote. Keep your eye on it. Vote started. Well keep you updated. Stay with us. Gerri you know the phase get them while their young. If state state lawmakers in illinois eighth graders will be learning about the benefit of the union in the classroom. Joining me now diana head of Labor Research at the illinois policy institute. Dont kids in illinois dont they need to be reading and writing more than learning about the history and the benefits of unions . Gerri, this is an outrageous propose proposal. It shows how outof wack for the teachers unions are. In illinois almost half High Schoolers cannot read or do math at grade level. But this bill basically says thats okay. The most important thing we want to make sure you graduate eighth grade knowing is how important unions are. Gerri as i i was completely amazed by this. So the state senator is michael hastings, apparently he gets a lot of money, a lot of contributions from unions. 27,900. Do you think it is a quid pro quo. Theres no doubt. Hes a chicago democrat who got thousands of dollars from the teachers unions in the last election. But lets be honest here its a desperate move bay desperate group of people who are trying their hardest to stay relevant. When you have have half the country already implementing right to work laws and almost 90 of the American Work force doesnt belong to unions, the only way to start part of the conversation is force people to hear about them. Gerri i have to tell you, who know who is unionized . Chicago teachers. Theyre unionized. Isnt it a little serve selfing. Isnt there a we have the benefits of unions anybody else like blown away by this . Youre absolutely right. You know, what is funny is that the teachers unions are basically going to use our Public Schools as a vehicle for social engineering and im willing to bet they are not planning a lecture or chapter in the history all about how governor walkers reform in wisconsin basically saved the state. Gerri thats probably not part of the conversation. You got that right. You have interesting statistics as facts though, here. On the impact of right to work, on say, employment growth. State gdp, it seems on both counts states that have right to work laws are are they do better, they grow faster, hay they hire more people. Youre right. Thats the most important thing our kids need to be learning. What might have worked in the 1920s is not necessarily going work 100 years later. Giving People Choice and control over their employment not forcing them to be in a union, just as a condition of having a job, will lead to Economic Prosperity and, you know, as well as worker freedom. Gerri unbelievable. Diane, thank you for coming on the show and talking to us about it. I appreciate your time. Thank you. Youre welcome. Later in the show. Georgia, the state of georgia trying to stay ahead of the storm. Well have the latest forecast. And one of the most widely used products in america. But png proctor and gamble ready to announce changes ahead for tide. Well explain coming up. Gerri why you may be paying more for less the next time you buy your favorite laundry detergent. Details in 60 seconds. I must begin my journey, which will cause me to miss the end of the game. The x1 entertainment operating system lets your watch live tv anywhere. Can i watch it in Butterfly Valley . Sure. Can i watch it in glimmering lake . Yep. Here, too. What about the dark castle . You call that defense . come on [ female announcer ] watch live tv anywhere. The x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. Have to do laundry you may be shelling out a few more bucks if you use tide detergent. Proctor and gamble said it will raising pricing on the fancier. By as much as 25 to offset the hit to the margin from the launch of a newbgetend rsio jo now bill schmidt. Welcome to the show, great to have you here. Thank you for having me. Gerri let me see if tends. A fancy pans version of tide, the stuff with extra bleach those prices will rise. The new budget detergent are going to be lower. Are they changing the amount of product in the packaging . They are. I think they have a good, better, best strategy. The red tide is going the same price. Tide with stuff, fee breeze, down any. Enzymes thats what is going up in price. Then theyre also launching down what they call the value care in laundry. Its a fast growing part of the market they never competed in before. Gerri the price hikes are like 25 . How is that going to go over . Initially maybe there will be a little bit of price shock. They are doing it with changing the pack size. Its sneaky packaging. Thats right. They take the ounces out and the price will be the same on the shelf. Youll think it is the same thing but it is not. I want to talk about how important it is for proctor. You said it was a big gamble for the company. Why . Laundry is a huge category. The biggest category globally. Its a massive company. But laundry is where the bread is buttered. They make a lot of money in laundry. They have 60 market share in the u. S. In the category. Theyre playing with fire a little bit if it doesnt workout. Gerri 38 of north american laundry soap is tide. You said 60 percent of the business is soap. Laundry detergent. Tide, gain, and a bunch of brands. Gerri they are rolling the dice with this and expecting believing that americans will respond to the new pricing strategy. Why do they have to be in the budget arena . If you look at the way it is typically shelve firstdegree they do it the way proctor wants them to do it you wont see the cheap next to the expensive. You have the expensive and the cheap value stuff on the other side. And, by the way, it is yellow for a reason. Theyre not going make it in the bed bottle because they want do you district the red bottle with the cheaper stuff. Gerri i think people will figure it out. Consumers are smart. Especially buying tide all the years. The brand is ancient. Been around forever. Its not just water in a bottle. Theres tradeoffs there. Theres enzyme and protein is those are the enzyme in the product. The cheaper isnt as good as, you know, the red tide. The Super Premium has the additive. I think the 25 price increase for the die hard laundry people who are devoted to getting their clothes clean. Gerri market will segment and everybody will be happy. I dont think a lot of people know. Ivory soap was launched during the civil war. Thats how the country made the name in the soap. Thank you for coming on. rri great to meet you. That was greet. Tide is one of americas most recognizable brand and logo. It only debuted debuted in 1946. It mean its nowhere near the oldest in america. That list is tonights top five. Number five pew deer. It was started in 1975 and the logo was unveiled in 1996. You pacific. The shield logo has been used by the Railroad Company by 1888. About 15 years after the company was founded. Over the years it tried twice to change the logo but always went book what people knew. Johnson johnson. The cursive low go. You have seen it was modeled after one of the founders james wood johnsons signature and used immediately when the company was formed in 1886. Number two cocacola. Of course. The iconic american brand hasnt changed the logo that much sirs a pharmacist began selling it in the atlanta store in 1886. And residents of only two countries may not recognize the logo. Coke sold every corner of the globe but cuba and north korea. I didnt know that. And the Oldest Company logo is deer. The trademark image leaping deer didnt get introduced until 40 years to the existence. It stayed that way since 1876. Proctor and gamble is said to goodbye use the man in the moon low go in the 1850s. That logo, of course, was criticized as satanic who were the people. Coming up next president obama is declared a state of emergency in georgia as a winter storm brings snow and a thick layer of ice. We have the latest from the Weather Center and the latest scandal to rock aol ceo. Ceos may know too much about the employees. It a violation of your privacy . Well debate the issue coming up. The house voting right now to raise the debt ceiling. Avoiding the government shut down we saw in october. The bill is a socalled clean increase. Which many republicans are not happy about. Rich is live in d. C. With the latest. Rich . Reporter well, gerri. It just passed on a clean bill there are no other policies attached to this it. Simply raises the debt ceiling automatic the way through march 15. Through march 15 of 015 giving congress plenty of time to run for reelection. 28 republicans voted for the increase. Democrat votes against it. It go toss the senate where the schedule is unlearn. We are supposed to get serious weather in washington, d. C. Pretty rough snow. Were not sure if the senate is going to get out of town tomorrow. There are some effort to do so. Talk to some Senior Senate aid. They seem to believe the senate will come up with enough votes the 60 say that need to advance this to get it through the senate. A debt ceiling suspension through march 15th of 2015 and now finally pasted the house of representatives on to the senate. Gerri tell know, what are republicans upset about. What else would they have like to seen . Reporter its something they want for awhile. Structure changing. The boehner rule any increase in the debt degreing you make has to be accompanied by cuts and reforms equal to the debt ceiling increase. The problem was republicans could never get enough of their own votes to come up with any policy changes exchange for raising the debt ceiling. There are too many republicans in the house of representatives who refuse to vote for the debt ceiling increase under any circumstance. They were unable to get their own members on board. Try to force the democrat hand l boehner making clean increase. Now they are getting out of the dodge. Gerri everybody is. Thank you for coming on tonight. Appreciate your time. Like i said the weather is big store. Forecasters say the ice storm moving to georgia now could be the kind only happens about once every ten or 20 years. A state of emergency has been declared in georgia but it isnt the only state set to be hit by another winter storm. Janet joins from the fox news Weather Center with the latest. Reporter yes. Absolutely. Taking look right now. The southern plains, the deep south getting in on the wintery mess. We have reports of freezing rain and sleet through part of texas, arkansas, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia, georgia and the carolinas, though, bulls eye for ice storm. As we head to the overnight and tomorrow. Already getting some significant snow across the mountains of the carolinas, and here is the ingredients that we need. We have 32 degrees at the surface. A cold layer of air then all the moisture coming from the gulf of mexico falling through the cold layer of air. So freezing rain is definitely going to be occurring. Really from period of time from 8 00 a. M. Until 8 00 p. M. For atlantic georgia we could see accumulation of over a half of inch. The city will shut down, obviously. We could be dealing with Power Outages for days if not weeks across the area if the forecast panels out. It looks really, the potential for catastrophic across portions of georgia and the caroline. Thats the pink shading. It continues for a period of hours toward wednesday evening. Then north of that and west of that it will be mainly a snow event getting to the d. C. Area around 3 00 a. M. And phil philadelphia and new york city around 6 00 a. M. Long island with a rain event with mixing. Three inches for new york city. Maybe five inches dc you could get several inches depending how cold it is and the positions across the coast. Well have to Pay Attention to the forecast. Look at the ice over half an niche so many of the areas, gerri, thats a real concern. We can deal with snow, rain, to see accumulating ice on the powerlines and roads in the area could be devastating. Forecast snowfall total as the transitions in to our noreaster. Again, some of the total four eight for new york city, six to ten for philadelphia, west of that we could gate jackpot 1218. 36 in boston. The position of the storm means whether a rain event along the coast more snow. Stay tuned. Back to you. Gerri i have no choice but stay tuned. Live right here. Thank you for coming on. Great to see you. Any time. Should fliers be allowed to talk on the cell phone. Its a hotbutton issue. The public has until friday to make the voices heard. Rodney davis of illinois is cosponsoring a nail outlaw calls inflight. He joins me now. Before we move to the cell phone story, though. You just had the vote on the debt limit. How did you vote and why . You know, gerri. Thank you for having me on. I voted no. Im not someone who can support the clean debt ceiling. We have a president willing to spend tax dollars that americans havent earned yet. We should have put Something Like the Keystone Pipeline permit to sign the permit and create 40,000 jobs. Gerri we have a long way to go. Go to the senate next. Well see how it turns out. A lot of republicans not happy with what happened tonight. How will you make your voices heard . We continue to talk about some of the issues that are important like keystonepipeline. Addressing some of the risk corridor issues to make sure we dont have the president give Insurance Companies a bailout when it comes to obamacare. And we have to continue to monitor the fact that the president has said hes going rule by executive order. These are issues that need to be addressed by congress and the American People should demand that the president work through us. Gerri you know, the House Speaker john boehner voted yes on this breaking with leadership. What do you make of that . You know, thats his prerogative. I know, my case and many others in my caucus we would have liked to see something put with the bill before we would have considered voting for it. Gerri well surprising news tonight. Interesting turn of event. I want to talk to you about the cell phone bill. Its a story we talked about a lot on the show. And the whole idea of people using their cell phone like you do on the street or on a bus on a plane. I think is just so distasteful so many americans. Tell me what your bill would do and what you hope will happen. Well, its going it make sure that we use common courtesy in the air. I fly back and forth three weeks out of the month. Sit close to many passengers that i get to know personally. And i dont think they want to hear me talking on my cell phone the entire time. So what the bill does is ban voice communication. We can text, do email, using email. And other sources of communications. Its the common sense thing to do to keep courtesy in a very enclosed environment. Gerri three of the airlines delta, jetblue, united are already saying we dont want to see it happen. Ultimately do you think it should be the decision of the airline themselves. Should they have a role . Well, absolutely. I hope that more airlines decide they are going to follow that route, too. I think it is congress job to follow the will of the American People who whoever hemmingly said they are against it. They dont want to see a in fad called flight rage because you somebody sitting next to you the entire time talking on their cell phone. Gerri i cant imagine worse. I can. But its annoying. Stephen butler from tennessee actually had great pushback on this. He submitted an email through the public comment. Weve had phones before and it wasnt a problem. Does no one remember the air phone . The role that it played with flight 93 on 9 11. Of course, the phone was used to try to contact help to try to contact assistance. What do you say to that . There might be a use for the cell phones . Well, during an emergency situation, i dont think anybody is going say, hey, get off your cell phone. But when you look at common sense, you look at the old phones in the back of the seats seats on the airplane, they were so cost prohibitive that no one used them. There really wasnt that announce factor. The lack of courtesy factor. What we have now is the ability to use our cell phones with virtually unlimited minutes. And i dont want to sit next to somebody and frankly, somebody doesnt want to sit next to me and im on the cell phone a lot. They dont want to hear me holding the conversation. And if somebody is an emergency situation, jerry, and decide they need to use their cell phone, i want to go testify on their behalf in court when some moron tries to prosecute them. Gerri i have to tell you, people in new york use them in the most inappropriate places. Weddings, funerals, its unbelievable. Maybe you can work on that next. Congressman davis, thank you for coming on tonight. Well be right back. Thank you, gerri. Even aol Ceo Tim Armstrong will admit his distressed baby comment was inappropriate. But were there any privacy breaches that occurred. Should americans be worried about the boss digs in tt their personal information . Here to debate dr. Debra. The founder of patient privacy rights and steve, the director of form and domestic Security Policy at the heritage foundation. Welcome to you both. Great to have you here. Just to back up a little bit if youre new to the story. Essentially on a Conference Call to the entire company tim added up 8 00 of women, not by name, saying that by giving birth to distressed babies they cost the company 2 million. So lots of details he gave. Deb, ill go to you first. Is there a violation of the moms privacy rights . Absolutely. Americans know they have fundamental right to control who can see and use personal health information. Very sensitive, those are our rights. And everyone knows it. Gerri steve . You have to look at what the rules were under aol. If the ceo could have had access to that information or not. The fact he said it publicly was at the very least, a hugely stupid management move. But whether it was privacy requires a little more investigation inside the company. Well, one thing a lot of people dont talk about, which is true, aol is selfinsured. They have an Insurance Company that manages and maintains the paperwork. Right . But at the end of the day tsa ol stroking the check for the coverage. Right but other companies. Gerri do you think that ceos should know where the Health Care Dollars are going . Is it his responsibility to keep up with the stuff . No. You can manage benefits without doing it. For example ibm absolutely refuses to dig in to any of the employees health information. Theyre able to manage the plan and the cost just fine without singling out distressed babies and families. Gerri steve, keeping tabs on the people and these folks is isnt it the responsibility of the ceo to know who is getting sick, how sick, what the problems are. So on the flip side you can offer Wellness Programs . Well, the it isnt always the ceo. Many times he delegates the responsibility to manage the programs to other specified personnel. As i say i dont know in aol if the ceo tries to do it himself but clearly given his use of the even without the names just was a bad management practice and if he is one of the correct december knees to have the information, maybe he needs to move off the list and let somebody else deal. Gerri deb, go ahead. Absolutely. Sure. First of all, Wellness Programs are useless. They certainly would be in the cases of unusual rare expensive conditions like babies that have to spend months in intensive care. Wellness programs havent proven to be of any benefit. People actually need to be able to work their doctors not strangers in a call center in kansas. Well, thats a great point. You look at what is going on here. Companies are trying to control their costs; right. Putting all kinds of pressure on workers to do that. They getting incentives in some cases. Other cases making pay money. Charging fees for those who smoke or other issues. How do we square the circle. If the ceo of aol stimarm strong can call out people in a company call, what is next . Well, obviously calling people out in any way, shape, or form, you shouldnt do it. Its bad management. And potentially is a privacy violation. But knowing how to do that. I used to work for ibm. They all sort of incentive. They gave you a bonus if you didnt smoke, if you exercised. If you got regular health care. The Wellness Programs i would disagree. I think they help in this kind of situation with the premature babies, obviously, not applicable. But them knowing what is going on, somebody in the Management Structure needs to understand where those dollars are going. But using it in a big Conference Call like this gerri not appropriate. Deb, quickly. Quickly. Well, the problem of cost doesnt rely in patients that are sick. We know that the exploding costs have to do with a lack of transparency of pricing, on thes, drugs, Outpatient Surgery Centers and lobbying for the above. Ceos need to work on forcing hospitals and everyone to cough up the information so we can understand what the real costs are, where the quality is, and we need to bring down the cost created by the other industries. Its not sick people that are causing high costs. Wow, okay. Great stuff, guys. Steve, deb, thank you for coming on tonight. Great information. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Still to come. My two cents more and government regulations the answer to open cooing your cell phone safe. The fight to install the kill switch. Coming up. Should cell phones have a built in kill switch to fight crime. Why Cell Phone Companies are against it. In two minutes. A battle brewing over a kill switch bill hoping to stop the mobile devices. But this high amount of violent robberies in california. Why are lawmakers facing such resistance from the industry itself . The Wireless Industry . Join me now the man who introduced the bill. George, team me what youre trying to accomplish with the bill. Sure. Were trying to put that is sitting our major urban center. Not only here in california but around the world. Here in san francisco, about 65 of all of our robberies involve a mobile communication device. Nationwide last year it was about third. Were getting people who get hurt. Who try to get the industry to come up with a technological solution while the Technological Solutions are out there the industry in part refused to do so. Were seeking legislation to correct the problem. Gerri explain the kill switch. How would work . Right. Basically were looking at technological solution that do one of two things. You as a consumer phone lost or stolen. You can go through a computer and use the user name and password render your phone inoperateble, or a secondary process could be one where once the phone is stolen and somebody is trying to reboot the phone with the carrier, that the phone will not operate unless you have the original user name and password. Either way. Youre rendering the phone inordinary isnt it available on apple products . It is. Actually apple product after a great deal of struggling. They came out with an activation lock in september of this year. Very elegant solution. Only thing we ask of apple that this will be a preenable solution as opposed to one that a consumer has to go out and do. The problem is there are many other carriers and many other manufacturers that are not using the apple product and those phones are not protected today gerri would cost me money . It will not cost you money. Apple has already proven it doesnt have cost theres no cost to the consumers. Gerri why are the companies against . It seems to me if it would make consumers happy maybe it should make the companies happy. You would think so. We are getting tremendous pushback from cpia the major lobbying group for the industry. Theres a lot of money involved here. Carriers are making roughly about 7. 8 billion a year in gross sales and insurance alone. I believe people feel it will be reduced once the market value falls reduce. Gerri thank you for coming on tonight. Appreciate your time. Well be right back. [ male] e new new york is open. Open to innovation. Open to ambition. Open to boldids. Thats wh n york has a new pl dozens of tax free zones all across the state. Move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years. Were new york. If theres something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses. Wee open to it. Start a taxfree business at startupny. Com. Ask me what its like to get your best nights sleep wee oevery night. 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How can you possibly expect to have a real marriage unless you are in it together in a the traditional vows are for better or worse and not until i find something better. Marriage means cheering at all, not sharing a piece of paper known as a marriage certificate or a prenup. That is my two cents more. That is it for tonights willis report. Have a great night and we will be back with your users guide tomorrow night that you wont want to miss. Double neil welcome come everyone come i am neil cavuto. Is it meet, or is anyone accountable . The house approving a debt ceiling hike. To prevent spending from going out of control. Looking for the upbeat kind we will keep kickinn do theits something we are going o be taking up with pat buchanan and you should hear about corporate accountability and the lack of it from carl ichan. My special guest

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