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80 years we thought our way back, we have seen deficits come down, 401 k s recovery, the Auto Industry set new records, unemployment reached eight year lows and our businesses create 50 million new jobs. Trish you can make statistics say anything you want. The reality, mister president is our economy is at a standstill, laborforce participation ranks the lowest we have seen since the 1970s. We havent touched National Debt which is soaring 19. 4 trillion, how do we pay for that . Is this economy really a record she wants to run on . The Mainstream Media in a frenzy over trumps offhand remarks about russia finding hillarys deleted emails, some calling it treason. I want to know where the outrage was over her email server that put state secrets at risk. Bernie sanders support is still protesting while disrupting speeches on the convention floor. Can trump win some over or is a third party rotarian candidate like gary johnson in contention as he sees his poll numbers on the rise. What does it mean for Hillary Clinton . We have a lot going on, a lot about peace and love and inclusion, a nice message, you cant dispute that. We heard a lot from the democrats but we are not hearing about terrorism. The very real threat of it. We are learning new details about the terrorist in france who slit the throat of a priest as he celebrated mass. He was on a terror watch list, has been identified, why is it the democrats keep talking about love instead of getting tough on terror . There is a reality out there they need to face. President obama passing the baton to Hillary Clinton and laying out a rosy picture of the state of the nation. After eight years of a democrat in the white house we have seen stagnant wages, little economic growth, anemic is the term i am using it we have seen the rise of radical islamist terrorism. Of things are so great why donald trump and his message are resonating with voters . Radio talkshow host alan combs, rich marriott republican strategist mark serrano. It feels good being here. They talk a good game, you are proud to be an american, you like these messages of inclusion and love until you realize the reality of what is happening in this world and the lack of solution, are they deliberately ignoring the bad news . The Woodstock Convention where all the world needs is loved to solve all our problems, these democrats are trapped in a bubble of political elitism they cant get out of. Hillary clinton has the biggest challenge of all times, to satisfy everyone and make the case she is a changemaker but we need another term of the obama administration. The sanders supporters are calling for the greatest trouble. Bernie sanders was able to secure 12 million votes during the primary. Look how dissatisfied they are. In the fourth day of the Convention Sanders reporters are still it unrest. Trish that is very clear. They got a reason to be. You will defend Hillary Clinton in this but can you sympathize with the Bernie Sanders supporters . I certainly can. It was hardfought but they have got to be realistic. 90 according to stats of sanders supporters are going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Trish you believe that . If they dont they will enable donald trump to become president was why would they do something trump supporters, day one what he is going to do, how he is going to fix the economy, what are his plans, he wants to talk about asking russia trish i would make the point that donald trump has encouraged america to Start Talking about policy and away we have not seen in an election. We are talking about trade, growing the middleclass, tax policy in a meaningful way being talked about and you got to give him a little credit. An interesting dynamic the way donald trump and Bernie Sanders put the same issues in front of the american people, the rigged nature of the economy, going back to the president s speech, classic, rousing president obama oration, the question is whether the public at large feels as sunny about the state of the country as he does and i would be shocked and it would be a mistake if Hillary Clinton doesnt put more of an accent on what has gone wrong and how to fix it. Trish his legacy is getting hillary elected because if he cant get a democrat elected it shows how america feels about the situation we are in but also he wants to tie this up with a nice ribbon with a pretty bow on top because when you hear donald trump talk about the reality of the world it obviously shows president obama hasnt done a very good job. This is politics. He will put the best spin on it possible. If this was a nascar race obama is waving a checkered flag, hillary is waving the yellow flag because we got a warning and donald trump is saying i will build a new track down the street everyone will love much better. Trump has talked about conservative policies on immigration, tax reform, yet we have not heard solutions. Trish we heard a lot of antitrump rhetoric which i would like your thoughts on this, the democrats are being very deliberate in how they are attacking the trump issue, they are selling a message consistently of fear. It is evil. I feel like i am in a fun house mirror. The fear is from the republican convention, they are coming to get us, isis is coming to get us. Trish donald trump is coming to get you. He put the tax plan on his website and talks about the opposite of what he put on his website. He doesnt understand policy and shows no understanding of policy, doesnt talk about trish have i heard a tax plan that is presented in a way that what is donald trump going to do . Protect millionaires and billionaires. Trish his tax rate started at 0 . Alan is defining reality like the democrats are at the convention, 73 of people think we are on the wrong track, 50 approval rating. The president is a popular president. That will not inure to the benefit of Hillary Clinton. They are higher than Hillary Clinton. Trish joe biden gave a heckuva speech, regardless what side of the aisle you are on, you got to admit he would have been a rockhard candidate to beat. President obamas book of optimism and unity in the convention center, chaos going on outside, protesters taking to the streets breaching the security fence and setting the American Flag on fire. Bernie sanders supporters trying to protest in a peaceful way, but continuing to go at it here. Jeff flock is outside with more. What are they planning next . Jeff planning to themexit, d registering from the Democratic Party. A lot came into the party because of Bernie Sanders, they are bust right now. But important as you noted last night, those who disrupted last night were not bernie supporters but anarchists who wanted to disrupt, broke through the security barriers, they were not the bernie people trying to make their voices known and heard. A lot of them tell us the only place they are watching coverage is on the foxbusiness network. We have been live not only today but throughout the week. I got a picture i want to show you off the phone of one of the protesters who said we are watching you. Never knew you had a lot of fans in the socialist end of the universe but apparently you do. What they are fans of these people and reporters who will tell all sides of the story. That is all we are trying to do. Trish i will take all the fans i can get, socialists included. I would have hardly expected the socialists to be watching me. I will give you credit, give us credit. That was a lot of stuff on the streets last night and the night before, nobody was on it. We were the only network, you were the only reporter out there. There were times you were cool and calm under pressure and delivering that story, it was a story that needed to be told, you had two conventions going on inside the arena and a different convention on the streets. Jeff they were both legitimate stories but it shocked me there were not more mainstream reporters listening to the protesters. That is a valid part of the story. I think we told both sides. Trish fair and balanced, th this convention was supposed to be all about unity as Hillary Clinton takes the stage tonight, wikileaks releasing 29 stolen voicemails from an identified Democratic Party members that show like the 19,000 emails leaked last week how upset the dnc was about the rise he is not a democrat. Please stop this man now. Joining me is Matthew Littman and Bernie Sanders supporter from democracy for america. I am reading through some of these, doesnt sound like they like the candidate. I am not surprised by that. When you went to the primary you know the Democratic Party did not like Bernie Sanders so much. Trish did they derail him . I dont think so. We won 22 states, 13 million votes. Trish never had a shot. Of the dnc with a playing field, the big question now is our Bernie Sanders supporters going to be invited, and barack obama did a great job illustrating what Bernie Sanders supporters can do for the Democratic Party. Trish barack obama is one tremendous or rader regardless of whether you agree with the message. He sells it, here he is last night. We get your reaction. We all need to be as vocal and organized and persistent as Bernie Sanders supporters have been. Feel the burn. Trish that was an outreach to those Bernie Sanders supporters many of whom were in tears when bernie said you got to support hillary. I feel all of this is so wrong. You see the protesters in the street saying 90 will come over, will they have the same enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton they have are bernie . Maybe not but that is not what we have to worry about. We have to worry about them getting out to vote. Donald trump is a threat to the United States i dont see how Bernie Sanders fans, they are very passionate, it has taken the long time but the way the convention has moved from monday where sanders supporters were outraged to where we are tonight, there is unity in the party. Progress has been made but conventions fight and move towards unity is what these conventions are all about and it has been effective. Are all the wounds healed . No. Trish this happened over the weekend creating fear that turned out to be true. Another one of these voicemails claiming democrats are bending over backwards, this person says the Democratic Party bending over backwards no chance, they will be favoring, bernie over hillary, not doing a lot to raise money for the Democratic Party, it is only logical if you work for the Democratic Party that you will favor Hillary Clinton. He raised money, has in a democrat over the course of the campaign, welcoming people who havent been democrats before. I dont think jill stein is a factor. Bernie raising money during this campaign, short period of time. Bernie said he would be independent when he goes back to the senate. Trish we have a lot coming up, Mainstream Media blasting donald trump accusing him of treason. I just want to know where is the outrage when mrs. Clinton mishandled her emails and put National Security at risk. It is treason when donald trump makes a joke . Why the double standard . Your favorite media critic will weigh in. 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Trish that was donald trump telling fox news he was joking, being sarcastic when he told russia to find Hillary Clintons missing emails. All this as the mainstream liberal media and democrats call his comments treason. One after another we heard from last night and the media itself, everyone from jimmy kimmel to the New York Times and the Washington Post were all out there saying this effectively was treason. The Clinton Campaign called trumps statement the first time a major president ial candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent and the media ran with that one. Lets get this straight. It is treasonous to make a joke but no big deal when Hillary Clintons private email server put National Security secrets at risk. Kind of double standard maybe . What do you think . Joining the is howard kurtz, host of media buzz on the fox news channel. When he first said that, he has a sense of humor, one of the things people like about him, he has a sense of humor. I didnt say stop the press, russia, if you are listening. What struck me in this coverage on cable, the newspapers, Donald Trumps call to hack Hillary Clintons emails is shocked and appalled lawmakers and National Security experts. If you believe donald trump was dead serious in inviting russia to either conduct espionage or complete espionage against Hillary Clinton you would have to think he is chemically insane. Trish there are people who think that. People think he is unhinged and it is plausible that he was serious and a lot of other media people who know he was making a joke but are seizing on his words. You can say it was a bad joke, that is fine. Trish will this get them anywhere . We can anticipate more of this. If he says anything, Hillary Clinton and her camp will turn it into the big bad evil they present him to be. This is the donald trump strategy, how he drives the media debate and has done so for more than a year because he says something a little over the top, he says things that are inflammatory and a little overthetop, make a joke, uses the phrase and there is an explosion of coverage, and meanwhile he has diverted the spotlight from joe biden, barack obama, bill clinton, he is bringing the focus back to Hillary Clintons email. Trish he is okay with the news even if it is bad news or he is being portrayed poorly because it is capturing the news cycle. It is still about him, driving an issue he thinks is important, to talk about what trump said you have to talk about the 30,000 emails, used to be you go fishing in the convention, it really has cut into the coverage in philadelphia in a way that i think makes him happy. Trish i wonder if Hillary Clinton is such a capable candidate, you can almost predict that move every time. Lining up against someone like him has to be disconcerting, has to be throwing her into a state of shock in some ways, flabbergasted, etc. Stunned he would Say Something like that. At some point americans like you are stunned again . He is going to keep doing it. Either Hillary Clinton and her democratic allies will convince voters that donald trump is a little off, reckless, you shouldnt trust him in the white house or she is going to have a hard time with this asymmetrical warfare against the candidate who will say a lot of things no conventional president ial candidate has ever said or done and she is going to have to figure that out. Trish why everyone keeps tuning in. It is entertaining. I dont think it is treason and we dont know if it was the russians. Trish dont forget watch howie on media buzz at 11 00 and 5 00 eastern every sunday. Here we are final day of the Democratic National convention and there has been a lot of talk about love and gun control and stopping donald trump, but you know what we are not hearing . We are not hearing about the threat of isis and radical islamic terrorism. We had a priest who had his throat slashed in france, people mowed down by a truck in nice and we are not talking about this. It is the number one issue facing america. Why are the democrats dodging it . That is next. Trish lots of singing, great music other than paul simon sounding a little off tune when he saying bridge over troubled waters, all you need is love, and we are not talking about isis, the real threat of radical islamic terrorism seems buried under all the music. All of this as we learn new details on the latest isis attack in france, the second attacker has been identified, he was on terror watch list after trying to enter syria to join isis. The attacker slit the throat of an elderly priest as he celebrated mass in france. How does love fight that kind of brutality, does the world need love or focus on terror . Pete, it seems to me there is a deliberate attempt in philadelphia to ignore reality. Is that a fair assumption . The reality is they want to fight Climate Change which they believe is the biggest threat in the world today. If they confront policies that led to the rise of isis which was the retreat from iraq, the intervention in libya led by barack obama and Hillary Clinton which is abandonment, terrible mistakes that were made to this powder cake that created the threat of isis and radical islam, if you admit isis is a threat you admit we are in a generational and civilizational war against an ideology, and it is all about love, redistribution of wealth, black lives matter, the whole isis thing, it is an inconvenient reality we dont want to confront, they are choosing not to talk about it. Trish even the pope is saying we are in a world war. The likes of which we havent seen since world war ii. This is the pope. And aggressive in dealing with things. They can ignore reality all they want. Regardless of politics, when you go out into america and probe these people in this room, if you really ask them they want to be safe, and part of the governments job is keep us all safe. I met with a lot of Hillary Clinton delegates, they are choosing to ignore it but your average american feel this threat, they watched the attack in our country and europe. We are facing a threat we have never seen before. And in this process, donald trump is willing to name the enemy, say we have to destroy them and Hillary Clintons response is an intel surge. How do you get an intel surge . By being in these communities, recognizing the threat that exists, the contrast was very clear in november in favor of donald trump. Trish she will have a policy with bringing and 60,000 syrians to this country. The border they want a borderless world and more refugees which an average american isnt for. And a commonsense policy, she cant defend that. Trish thanks for joining us. Hillary clintons running mate tim kane slamming the Economic Policy saying the National Debt will soar if trump becomes president. Our debt has jumped 120 in the last eight years. How on earth is he going to defend the lefts economic policies . We will debated after this. Live from the 2016 Democratic National convention in philadelphia, pennsylvania, here is trish reagan. Trish here we are in the arena in philly getting ready for Hillary Clintons big speechmaking history becoming the first woman to be nominated by a major party, that is hours away, i will be there beginning at 9 00 pm. Maria at 6 00, lou at 7 00 through the end of the night. Make sure you tune in. Vice president ial candidate tim kane taking center stage and taking on the role of democratic attack dog marking donald trump over and over again. Take a listen. It is going to be great, believe me. We are going to build a wall and make mexico pay for it, believe me. We are going to destroy isis so fast, believe me. There is nothing suspicious in my tax returns, believe me. Trish maybe the comedians do it better. He attacked trumps Economic Policy saying they would add trillions to the debt. How can he defend the last eight years when it jumped 121 . Joining the democratic strategist marianne march, Eric Erickson and republican strategist jenna caldwell. I will start with you. I expected more. I did not think he gave a very good speech, he looked down at all his friend in the audience instead of connecting with the camera and all the people in this room. Those attempt to pretend he was donald trump, leave it to the comedians. That was not a good speech. I thought tim kane did a great job when his ticket was unveiled and his debut last night, but the real role he is playing is when you watch them saturday Hillary Clinton and tim kane she was so happy, so relaxed, so comfortable, she noticed tim kane will defend her, go after donald trump and do the things she needs him to do because if she has to play the role the whole time and attack donald trump her negative ratings go even higher. Trish Elizabeth Warren could have been the attack dog too, tim kane, i just think, not as impressive as she could have gotten, should have gotten. I think this is my camera. You are not, your thoughts. I think tim kane exercised his role as Hillary Clintons Vice President ial candidate by being a leader. Facts speak for themselves. For him to make a case on what Donald Trumps deficit would be, when president obama entered office in 2009 he had a deficit of 10 trillion which is 19 trillion on course to be 24. 2 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2016. We are talking about Donald Trumps plans, the number he used, the number of projected by the brookings institute. Trish let me say this is a guy who has supported deregulation was a couple weeks ago signed two that is encouraging the regulation of wall street, the banking system, this was a guy who previously supported the transpacific trade partnership. Why pick someone who is on the opposite side of the issues that i would think she wants to be in front of . When he was governor of virginia he talked about how much a supporter of the prolife position than his republican opponent. The reason she got tim kane is to make a play for republicans who dont like donald trump. I dont know that his speech did it last night. I have a tv behind me of all the news networks, every single democratic strategist said the same thing, his speech on saturday was really good. Nobody was watching saturday. Trish he needs a lot of coaching. As i pointed out he was looking down at all his friends in the audience giving them the hi5 signal and smiling at them. He lacks gravatars. She needs that. She cant have a guy who comes across as just a friendly clown type. She needs someone that can really prevent in many ways she is trying to reach out to Republican Voters who dont like trump and think tim kane has a record to do that because he was a prolife politician. He was for tpp until he flipped. Trish Bernie Sanders supporters, mary and wanted him to pick Elizabeth Warren. He had a progressive record, took on the nra and a lot of indigent clients and people who redlined minority communities trying to get insurance, he is going he has a long progressive record. You heard with tim kane my fatherinlaw was a republican governor of virginia. Everyone talked about republicans last night. Trish an attempt to move to the center. Perhaps it is the safe move. He wont upstage her, he wont command a lot of attention. Final word. One of the biggest issues is cannot connect with folks. He proved he cannot either. Trish that is one way to put it. We will be right back. Lori i am lori rothman with your foxbusiness brief, most stocks are down to the worst level and stocks making a midsession come back, nasdaq midsession in the green marginally. Supporting earnings after the bell beginning with cvs. Shareholders in the firm of increased evident with major stock buyback. And tv ad sales will dry up after the olympics, that is a feeling of one analyst. Rocking the report, up 28 and a bump up in guidance. Back to the intelligence report. Trish live at the dnc, news on wall street, facebook jumping after blowing away analyst estimates, Strong Revenue growth from a year ago, facebook is part of a wave of Tech Companies reporting earnings this week. What happened to the calls for companies to take a proactive role in fighting terror . Liz mcdonald is joining me with more. Liz after the orlando terrorist shot and killed so many people, james comey said yes, he would likely radicalized on social media. Also Hillary Rodham clinton said after the shooting the terrorist attack, to fight terrorism. And we are tracking this lawsuit that was filed by the father of a young woman killed in a paris massacre, 130 people died from a terrorist attack, his name is rinaldo gonzalez, shot and killed last november. And twitter, google and facebook basically knowingly aided and abetted and enabled terrorists to become radicalized on line. And to raise money, protected by federal law based on the content. This is an issue for the brand reputation, companies are saying the lawsuit, and when you see things like these lawsuits, it is an issue about their brand reputation. Trish people are making valid points. They are unable these terrorists to connect, plot and plan and that changes if we are going to fight isis and stop their ability to communicate. Official that the nsa and fbi, what they said time and again is these websites know how to stop. Why cant they deal with terrorism . Trish we will be back, we will see you here. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go long™. Call now and request this free decision guide. 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Trish former republican mayor of new york Michael Bloomberg blasting donald trump and calling for independent voters to throw their support behind Hillary Clinton. Independents could be the deciding factor in this election. Which candidate can nab their support, gary johnson could throw a wrench in the works like ross perot did in 1992. Joining me kennedy, host of kennedy and republican pollster carter. An interesting speech last night from Michael Bloomberg. He pointed out he is from new york and knows a crime when he sees one, very antitrump but not prohillary. It was so vicious and the opposite of what democrats promised before this convention started. If you are sitting at home and dont know who Michael Bloomberg is you are wondering who is the angry old guy who hates donald trump, he is a rich guy, he has been in power, the mayor of new york city, has his name all over things like donald trump and feels entitled to a president ial party nomination. Trish they are putting them forward and telling him as a big deal, but he is running as an independent. It is up for hillary, a really big deal. Ever since last night, he said i was shocked he came out on the dnc and went after donald trump. He doesnt like donald trump. They were shocked he showed up here or making comments about donald trump. Republicans wouldnt put him on stage. Trish they look at it as an endorsement of Hillary Clinton. He didnt run which is important gary johnson running the question. Who do they take votes away from . Away from hillary or trump . That makes the race so weird. When you factor in johnson and stein, they dont change that much. Donald trump if victorious, created one of the strangest political coalitions, gary johnson has attractive brother of jeb bush, they there are a lot of constitutional democrats and limited government democrats like gary johnson who has been talking about things like rescheduling it. Letting people live their own lives, and attractive message, the far left people, bernie supporters who are invested in message rather than Party Jill Stein has become wildly attractive. Trish what does that mean for Hillary Clintons chances . It diminishes Hillary Clintons chances, not necessarily moving towards Hillary Clinton. We see donald trump fluctuate up and down. Hers havent. More people are considering looking at other people, not necessarily good for her. Trish fascinating. Seismic shift in the party as we know them. The democrats are for globalization and republicans arent. It is bizarre, this kennedy might be the key to trumps success because he will pull in all the voters that feel disenfranchised as though the Democratic Party doesnt represent them. Both parties, republicans are hemorrhaging party members, many people are becoming unaffiliated. If jill stein gets 5 , that is well within the margin of error. Trish see you again tonight. Tune in, we will be back with more intel after this. The you live in philly. Trish thats carol king getting ready for the big show tonight, carol king singing youve got a friend. You have to hand it to them. Maria at 6 00 p. M. , lou at 7 00 p. M. And maria at 9 00. Ly see you i will see you tonight. [laughter] liz hillary does have friends and the moment has arrived. Eight years of losing a bruising primary battle to donald trump, Hillary Clinton will step on that stage that you see on your screen right now to accept the nomination of the Democratic Party for president of the United States. Tonights theme stronger together. Although that theme might have worked last night with the alist american politicians all on stage to give clinton their absolute no doubt support. The highlight coming when the current commander in chi

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