Highlighting from bankrupt there is. I am guessing mister trump is not taking too kindly to hillary the tax today. No, he has not. Good afternoon to you. Standing in front of an empty hotel. The backdrop to unleash a blistering 20 minute criticism of donald trump earlier today. A failed businessman that use bankruptcy to his advantage. Ruining the lives of workers and contractors. Trumps business mindset and practices are not worthy of the highest. Here she was. It is the same scam over and over again. Make no mistake. He is not asking for forgiveness, he is just hoping we forget. Minutes after clintons reach, trump released a statement about his Atlantic City experiences. He created thousands of jobs and made a lot of money there. Trump adding, and i am quoting, and effective and commonly used tool in business. Ultimately, save jobs. Nobody understands the economy like i do and no one, especially not crooked Hillary Clinton will do more for the economy then i will. This is an argument from both. It will not be going away anytime soon. Tracy monitor your twitter feed. Joining us now is boris epstyn and leslie marshall. Of all the things to go after trump on, focusing on his companies products being made overseas. Is this a smart strategy . Absolutely. It is an excellent strategy. Hillary definitely has her flaws were trump is doing better. Two areas is with bluecollar workers and bluecollar worker voters and the economy. For her to point out his lack of trustworthiness, how he wants to benefit for himself, how he talks about, you know, he is a guy that is in debt and what his companies have done and where they have failed definitely gives a spin. After all, it is the economy. This is an area where she needs to go after him. This is an area where she could lose voters. How does she fight back . Never made anything in her career. Her husband and her help. She has absolutely nothing to say about this. She should be talking about lying for years about turning over all the emails. And about not sending emails that were classified here it director comey said she did did she is the one with bad judgment. It we cant trust her with emails, how can we trust her with a nuclear bomb . Weekend not geared donald trump record. I am hundred tracy i dont think chapter 114 times. You are right. I want to move on. Not one to let the other side get too many headlines good or bad. Donald trump did take to the stage in North Carolina last night. He said this. Listen. We should not have destabilized. He was a really bad guy. You know what he did well, he killed terrorists. They did not read him the rights. They did not talk. Trump has already said that world would be better if could were in power. Why does he keep saying things like this . Praising dictators . The west in america are better off he had empowering libby of right now. Having under Hillary Clinton. Overall, the destabilization of the middle east as a whole. She voted for the iraq war. Checking isis. There are people that make up isis now. Now, Saddam Hussein is gone. Where is the middle east . Being ran by isis. Attacking all over the world did tracy you are not wrong. At the same time, taking the direct is from her boss, president obama. Wouldnt that be her defense . I find it interesting that i have a republican over there giving some democratic talking points. Quite frankly for donald trump to talk about pseudomonas eight, talking about the people. Part of the reason there is that divisive culture among the people. Terrorist tax fix, if you will to oppress the people in this country. I am very surprised, again, that donald trump would bring up such a man. If we look at the history of this country, national security, we are in a worse place now than we were when Hillary Clinton became secretary of date. Look at the middle east. China, russia did. Republicans and democrats have both been to blame on what happened in the middle east. He is enthusiastically with hillary yesterday. A judgment while she was secretary of state. Listen to this. I am here today because i believe in Hillary Clinton. I have had a front row seat to her judgment and her toughness and her commitments. I am ready to pass the baton. I know that Hillary Clinton can run that way. Tracy i want you to respond to this. Charges not recommended against hillary. The same day. Was it poorly timed . If the white house going to ignore what happened yesterday with the fbi . First of all, the timing of this did not come from the white house. It actually came from the fbi. They will have a field day with this one. Clearly stating what i am about to say. The attorney general and the president do not have a knowledge of yet. He is a republican. A republican appointee. Honestly, if were not going to trust anyone in charge of the fbi whether it is a democrat or republican in the fbi, that is a problem. It is their job and his as director to make sure that there is a proper investigation. What i heard him saying, there is a lot of bad judgment here. We do not have enough for a prosecutor to go forward with. You know how many times the cases get drawn out. Any day, a candidate for president not being indicted, not going to jail is a pretty bad day for that candidate did pretty thick here. The left criticize the attorney general. Comey specifically said that Hillary Clinton had that judgment. If she were still secretary of a, she should have been fired. Who would that reprimand come from . Stemming from barack obama. Now, saying she should be president. Barack obama should know better and he doesnt. It is terrible for his legacy. Also, the Republican House insisting that the case against Hillary Clinton is not over. Despite what the fbi director said yesterday. He will be called to testify on his announcement tomorrow. Somehow somebody is doing with classified information for years. Including putting people in harms way. Still not prosecuted. The law needs to be updated or they are not properly applying the law. Tracy joining me right now is at rollins. Running a super pack in support of donald trump. Interested in the benghazi hearings. Benghazi hearings are very complicated. The secretary of state that made them. We defend those. I think at the end of the day, it was a confusing issue. The issue yesterday i have great respect. Was an appointment under bush and the u. S. Attorney as Deputy Attorney general. A 10 year period a very respected partisan. I think he struggled with this decision because of the political consequence of taking someone out two weeks before the convention. I think that he did in a major way. All the issues that he had. She has to answer with those. Mr. Trump has to make that case. Also close to the convention. Speaking for donald trump. I think that theres a lot of things that congress has to do and need to do it in a short timeframe. Move forward. The issues are about how to get the economy moving. Those are two donald trump is he articulates them. He should not be out there bragging about his bankruptcies. Secondly, gambling in Atlantic City and across the country is difficult. He should not be talking about dictators intimidating his people. You are the inside guy when it comes to campaigns. Who is in there telling him . Who is in there telling him he needs to start restraining himself . Living under that advice. I do not think it is covered. The children are the ones that see him as peers. Unfortunately, if you do not come up to the political system, there are advantages to that. The disadvantages you do not have trusted advisors. Tracy i do want to ask you about the fundraising. We just heard from donald trump. He is still millions behind Hillary Clinton. Much, much better. Starting your four months ago. Proven that he can get in the game. Still big donors out there. We have to keep working on that. I think he basically discourage them early on. Rich guys are smart. You dont want my money, thank you very much. What he has to do is he has to reach out to them. Thank you. A million or 5 million or 10 million. Okay. That is the big money. Bernie sanders so successful. Actually in history. Getting that small donor to come out and get to his campaign. Millions of people out there that want to support him. We have the super pack. Most of the money raised going to him was digital by direct mail. That is a very positive first step. The ultimate insider. Thank you, sir, very much. You can watch fbi director james comey phase House Republicans right here on fox business during varney company. An analysis will continue right here on the intelligence report. 2 00 p. M. Eastern time. The house scheduled a hearing for next week with attorney general loretta lynch. Coming up, less than two weeks away from the start of the Republican National convention. Guess what. The Trump Movement added again. Will the latest effort to oust donald work . Republican lawmakers calling for tougher immigration laws after a woman was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco last year. Five times before returning to california. One top hundred top cop says our administration is not doing enough. He is joining me next. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. Its the final days of the lowest prices of the season sale, with the our best buy rated c2 Queen Mattress now only 699. 99. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Tracy according to reports, the Republican Party is struggling to get speakers lined up for this weeks convention. All have major speaking roles. It is postponed until tomorrow. There are reports. Ted cruz is negotiating for one as well. While it is all but certain that trouble be the nominee, there are still a number of delegates hoping to revolt. Fox news alecia joins me now. This is a longshot. Organizers say they have 400 delegates willing to deny trump their vote at the convention in cleveland. They are being bullied by their own state Republican Party leaders. If you do not support trump, you will not get a Hotel Reservation in cleveland. He does not want to vote for donald trump. Now he says he is being harassed by members of his own party. If somebody does not want to participate, one the best solutions on the planet is to stay home. Removed from the convention floor. Breaking a state statute. These delegates say that the state is telling them how to vote. Is it the state telling you how to vote or is it the Record Number of voters that turned out in march . It is the state. It has only been in recent elections where states have come in and hijacked the republican nomination process. In virginia, a delegate filed for an injunction. A changing in the law that allows all virginia delegates to vote their consciences. State and Political Parties being state and private institutions. You cannot have the state ordered them how to exercise their rights. And the expressive rights. The issue will ultimately be decided in cleveland. I have millions of people out there. Almost 14 million, to be exact that would be extremely upset if that happens. They did hold a Conference Call last night. This is an uphill battle. They are going all the way. They are getting more support. Tell us about that. We listed on this Conference Call. On it were some very vocal critics. Editor of the leak standard. I think that we are on the right side of history. Projecting someone that should not be on the Republican Party. Ultimately, this will be decided either Convention Rules committee. On that committee are some of the members of the free the delegates movement. There could be a fight on the floor. This will be a Convention Like no other. That is a good point. Thank you. Thanks. And update for you on trumps peace stakes. Bob corker has withdrawn his name from the administration. Would have given the republicans some Serious International chops. He is more suited for other types of things and others are better suited than he to be Vice President. Well, it has been over a year since kate stein late was sent to slate shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco. Both dedo says our administration is not doing enough to keep illegals out. He joins me next. To folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. Shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. To everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. 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Call the hartford at. To request your free quote. Thats. Or go to gohartfordauto. Com today. Get this free calculator just for requesting a quote. Tracy republican lawmakers are demanding tougher immigration laws. At the hands of an illegal immigrant with the long rap sheet. The senate is considering two bills. The first would cut funding to sanctuary cities. The other proposed by ted cruz, a minimum sentence of five years on illegals that reenter the country. Deported five times before her murder. I want to start with this. In these sanctuary cities, why would they would not want to cooperate . The people that are running the cities. The liberal cities that are out there. As far as let them go. Do not report them. The cop out there, he is being ordered not to call in ice. Even if they are illegal immigrants. What donald trump is talking about is exactly this issue. If you commit a crime and you are illegally in this country, get out of here. That is exactly how i feel also. They are illegally here. They commit the crimes. Get them out of here. I think that resonates with americans with donald trump. A five year minimum sentence. Do you think that that is enough . The federal funding. It makes people talk. When they talk, they talk when they get money. In reality, lets be real about it. You have people that are undocumented did we have no idea who they are. Crime after crime. Lets get them out of the country. Lets keep the good mexican people, Central American people here not committing crimes. I have no problem with that. When you commit a crime and you are here illegally, out of here. Tracy making it harder for cops to do their jobs effectively. Absolutely. Look at what has happened in new york. They are gone arresting down here because no one is searching anyone. The guns are on the street. It is all how the Police Department is being controlled either the mayor. The Police Commissioner takes direction from the mayor. You have the cities being controlled by these muslim mayors. That is the problem. The poor cops are there. They have been a legal person. Now you have to release them. Call up ice and say, picked up what your guys over here in deported them. Let me ask you this. At the end of the day, this has become a bigger issue. I mentioned donald trump, of course, friday because of this issue. Taken up in washington. This will also become a political debate. They will say we are in open country. And open fight. Here is the idea. Very definitive who you are going to vote for as president. Keeping the illegals out. The other person wants open borders where we do not even have a border anymore. Come on in. Then when the explosion start happening, people are dying and people say, what happened . How did this theory and get in here . Oh my goodness, they had a passport, but they own a Passport Company in theory up. My biggest concern in this country is the safety of americans. We have to get more safe before we are so deep into this where we have in every day of occurrence of terrorist attacks like you have in the middle east. It is not that far away if they infiltrate this country so much. Committing crimes in killing americans. That is why we are having this discussion today. The top cop. Those are his thoughts. Remember when Hillary Clinton said this . We will put a lot of coal miners and Coal Companies out of business. Well, thanks to clinton and president obamas efforts to kill the industry, one a they may lay off 80 of the workforce. The ceo of more energy will join me next. We mean its our turn. To do our part. To serve you, for all youve done to serve us. This man creates software, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just coverage, craftsmanship. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Tracy all right. Well closing just moments ago. 47. 43. Breaking its twoday losing streak. Jeff flock is here to explain. Jeff absolutely nothing to do with oil. Oil prices do not matter when it comes to the actual realities of oil. Oil is trading in tandem. The stock market slipped. You know, just different about what is happening in the world right now. The lowest in almost two months. Down 4 yesterday. In the after hours, down 0. 10 past the close. I do not think that we will see much past that. Oil demand remains high. Supply remains high. The price of oil does not have much to do with oil. Cheryl. Tracy jeff flock out at the cme in chicago. Thank you, jeff. Low Energy Prices have been devastating the industry. Maria energy is warning it may have to cut more than 4000 jobs. 80 of its workforce. Companies also playing into president obamas regulations for those job cuts. The regulations that have really been toppling your industry and bankrupting you and other competitors of yours, 80 of the big cuts. It is, man. Cautionary. In case we have to make those layoffs. You know, the coal industry has been cut in half under president obama. Hillary clinton has said she will expand his policy. Cold employment is down from 200,000. 60,000 today. These people just want to work. They are being denied that. They just want to work. The regulations from the obama epa now total 380 billion a year. This country is spending 4 billion a day on climate change. 115 million families in america on energy assistance. It would be good to get that 4 billion a day to those people or to the people on fixed incomes that are struggling to pay their electricity bills . It is actually evil. Hillary clinton came out saying she went after the coal industry. She was heavily criticized. She has tried to back track. How concerned are you about a Hillary Clinton presidency . She cannot backtrack. She said it with a smile. She meant it did the reason she meant it is she is getting millions of dollars a year from the wind and Solar Industries. Wind power, windmills, solar panels cost five and a half times of coalfired electricity. It would not even exist except for the subsidy run the taxpayer. She is getting a lot of money from the wind and Solar Industries to keep those taxes going. She has not only out to eliminate cold jobs, she has a motive did it is called money. That is Hillary Clinton. Cheryl is bankruptcy possible . Bankruptcy is possible for us. The last five years, Cool Companies have lost 94 of their value. It is now down to 4 billion. It is not a graft. Struggling. We hope to stay out of bankruptcy. We had to give that notice. 80 may not happen. What may change in the next few months for you to not cut more than 4000 jobs . We have a four step program to stay out of bankruptcy. We are dealing stepbystep with the things we need to get done to stay out of bankruptcy. Including working with our creditors. Working on a new contract. Working with our customers. We are working with them. Hopefully, we will avoid a graffiti. The last thing that i want to do. I built this company 30 years ago. I want to see my employees. I care about these coal miners. Still going underground every week. I care deeply about them. I want to keep their jobs. They spin off another 11 jobs in the communities. 8400 employees, i accounted for 100,000 jobs in america. I was very proud of that. Cheryl i do not have a lot of time. I know that you are a supporter of donald trump. What is it that donald trump has said that has you behind him as the next president . I spent six and a half hours with him in his office. What i found out about him is he is a very quick study. A very bright man. He will surround himself with the best people in this country to run america. That i am sure of in the time i have spent with him. Hillary clinton will bring in more politicians just like barack obama did. Particularly, on energy. He will surround himself with the very best people. I think he will lead this country. He has the correct to make the changes needed to get this country back on track. Maybe save some coal industry jobs at the same time. Please keep us posted on your progress. Gathering for the conference in sun valley idaho today. One of the tech countries biggest names did not get an invite. That is next. Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Cheryl all right. Come enjoy the new york stock exchange. Business brief. We have the feds meeting. It is pretty devastating. Interest rates are going up anytime soon. Session highs for u. S. Stocks. The dow up 63. A low today. The dow is down 127 points. That is quite a turnaround. Airlines down on British Brexit fears. Downgrading america today. Stocks down almost 4 . Down 3 and change. Gold and silver miners a twoyear fight today. Take a look at some of these names. Gold up 4. 6 . Best day in three months. The news calms. Cheryl typed in the media. The annual conference. Everybody from bob iker to Mark Zuckerberg will be there. Yahoo ceo marissa mayer. Adam shapiro is live in sun valley with more. What is that about . 300 invitations. A technology giant. Not marissa mayer. She is not on the list this year. I believe that this is from last year or 2014, perhaps. Part of this has to do with this Conference Also doing with dealmaking. A billiondollar deal. A good bottle of wine here. Unable to strike a deal through yahoo . She is not here. Who is here . Well, the biggest names. We saw michael dell. Remember dell computer. We have seen paypal. A ton of politicians. One of the speakers this morning. Economic issues. What you and i want to talk about is money. Putting other deals together. Mr. Diller, who is known for disrupting television in the past, is still disrupting things. Hopefully with a profit in the future. He spoke to us about what is going on in the future. If you want to produce something and sell it to television or a web distributor, you can cut out the middleman. I. E. , the distributor. The internet, where you can publish direct without going through anybody, it you can use all sorts of devices to do with. Will allow for the first time to not be dominated by distributors. Altogether, healthy condition. Not a bad idea. Let me give you another rundown and some of the who is who. His wife diane. John henry. A lot of sports moguls here. James murdoch, part of the murdoch clan. Cheryl sandberg from facebook. Tom brokaw, the nbc anchorman is here. Also harvey weinstein. He is here as well. These are the biggest names in media and tech. They are trying to, perhaps, strike some deals. They are talking politics as well. One of the issues is brexit going forward. A little bit of big u. S. Elections, i am sure, is coming out. Adam shapiro. Thank you, adam. Coming up, stocks turning positive. Fortyone points right now after being slammed in Early Morning trading. A little bit of a turnaround here. What should you be investing in at this time of uncertainty . We will have the pros and joining me next. The dow going green after being down triple digits at todays open. Following yesterdays losses, we will take it. The Federal Reserve just released about 50 minutes ago, minutes from the june policy meeting. Still remaining cautious about raising Interest Rates. When they had that meeting, we had not had the brexit bow. Curious what they think about it now. Capital management, i do want to talk about the fed minutes and the economic policy. Can we start off with something positive . The mets are playing much Better Baseball these days. Cheryl guess what else, i was looking at the 30 year fixed mortgage. People like you should go out and buy more houses. It is great. Interest rates are lower. Gap prices are lower. It is an expense cuts for business. An expense cuts for consumers. Nothing bad happens unless it is actually telling you something about which way the economy is going. We have the breck brexit. It feels like there is a floor underneath. The easy money policy continuing not only here, but around the globe. Justin sane. Why are we so volatile and insensitive . This tends to be just one of. A global selloff. A recession around the world. Here we are back and strong territory. People nervous and uneasy about spending money in stocks. Brexit did not help. The volatility comes from the never ending talks from Central Banks around the globe. The never ending printing of money. I said, well, we cannot go lower than that. They went into negative rates. Yelling, we will see a lot of volatility. It is never ending. They will be easy forever. They will never ever tighten. They cannot tighten or look out below. It has been propping up markets for a long while right now. Cheryl think about what markets could be today. Not having so much bank intervention. Nothing but give us a false sense of security. Another global event. Off we go. Maybe they do need to step aside. How about the job . It will expose a lot. We have more leverage in the system now. Everybody complaining about it in 08. Prices by companies. I just think that there is a bubble created here. We may go to 30,000 before it pops. What you are seeing in gold right now, if you it you are seeing a little bit of that. I think there is a lot more in that group. Cheryl what do you think gold is going to do . I think that they probably do some pulling in first. Though gold and silver stock much stronger than medals. Cheryl is part of the market on easy . Look, of course. We have an outlier in donald trump. I think call me said it all yesterday. There is worry about both of them by markets. Generating like crazy. Welcome to my world. I like your world. Thank you, gary. The results are in for the rudest cities in america. Guess what, new york city, you are not number one. I will tell you which city is. Coming up. Hey, new yorkers, you are no longer the rudest city. Miami has taken the crown by travel and leash magazine. So according to the magazine, miami is the rudest because its a mix of flashy luxury, and its quote pretty high snob score. There you go, miami. Guess what . Number two phoenix, arizona. And then new york city dropped from the number one spot last year to three. And then number four . Los angeles. Okay. We can kind of see that. And then at number five, philadelphia. So the city of back and forth love not really giving off a lot of love. Based on a lot of survey ranked on several things. How safe people feel there, how walkable it is and of course how nice the people are. I know, liz claman, that youre one of the gneiss people in new york city that i know. Never rude to anybody. Melissa where is newark, new jersey on that list . Thats what my crew wants to know and theyre all from new jersey. Thank you very much, cheryl. Hey, breaking news. We just touched session highs. This as Interest Rates on Treasury Bonds hit record lows. Is that something to cheer or something to fear . The dow charging ahead by 74 points as the bulls toward the bears. One day after dodging an fbi recommendation to indict her in the email scandal, Hillary Clinton takes a big swipe at republican president ial candidate donald trump. Saying they opened the door to Economic Disaster as trump punches back. Weve got two Business Leaders ready to debate which candidate is better for business. The harvard of terrorism . Thats what donald trump labeled iraq. The former navy seal responsible for wiping out the worlds number one terrorist

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