Michelle fields was supposedly man handles as he tried to get an interview with donald trump. There she is trying to approach trump to ask a question, she says she was pulled back really hard by lewandowski. Here is the prosecutor, rather theyre make a statement right now. Lets listen in. Not quite yet. You know that she did file charges and the police followed suit. Basically arresting him for this, but has now issued a total reversal. Lets listen in right now. Includes all of Palm Beach County. Im joined by Adrianne Ellis covering all the misdemeanors including simple battery. Ms. Ellis made the legal and factual conclusionsil be discussing today. I agree with ms. Ellis analysis in closeout memo and as state attorney ive made the decision that this office will not be filing charges against Corey Lewandowski for battery. We have notified the parties involved in this party, and will make ms. Ellis memorandum available to all of you. Its important to note that despite several media reports, this matter was never charged by [audio difficulties]. Are we all good . All right. Its important to note that despite several media reports this matter was never charged by this office. It was charged by the Jupiter Police department which found probable cause that mr. Lewandowski committed a simple battery against ms. Michelle fields. As is the normal process, the Jupiter Police department made a decision based on probable cause to make a notice to appear to mr. Lewandowski. Afterwards, the Jupiter Police department sent our office a case file, and we conducted an independent review to determine whether we would pursue the charges. Jupiter police chief and the town Police Department do an outstanding job and acted well within their authority to investigate and make an independent charging decision. We agree that probable cause exists for the Jupiter Police department to have charged mr. Lewandowski in this case. As prosecutors, however, our standard for filing criminal charges is higher than mere probable cause. We have the burden of proving each case beyond a reasonable doubt. In doing so, a prosecutor must have a good faith basis that the evidence presented will sustain a conviction. While the evidence in this case is legally sufficient for the police to have charged mr. Lewandowski, it is not Strong Enough to meet the legal burden of a reasonable likelihood of a conviction. It is unethical for us to file cases when we believe there is not a good faith basis to proceed. Herer some of the facts as stated in ms. Ellis closeout memorandum. On march 8, 2016, News ReporterMichelle Fields was covering a Campaign Event in the ballroom at Trump International golf club in jupiter. President ial candidate donald trump had just completed a press conference. Afterwards, he left the podium and was moving towards the ballroom exit. He had a number of secret Service Agents attempting to maintain space between him and the public. The full video recording shows secret Service Agents clearing the pathway ahead of mr. Trump. Specifically, it appears that ms. Fields was directed to the back of the room along with other members of the media. After initially complying with the directive, ms. Fields returned to the pathway area and walked directly alongside mr. Trump attempting to ask questions of him. It appears, based on the freeze frames from the video recording, and an independent photograph taken by a Washington Post photographer, that ms. Fields brushed or touched mr. Trumps arm. He then appears to react to ms. Fields by pulling his arm back and away from her. At which time mr. Lewandowski reached forward and grabbed ms. Fields arm, pulling her away from mr. Trump. Both mr. Trump and mr. Lewandowski then continued towards the exit at the back of the room. After reviewing the video recording, there is no reasonable doubt that mr. Lewandowski pulled ms. Fields back as she was attempting to interview mr. Trump. According to an affidavit submitted by former fbi agent, when tasked with the protection of a political candidate, secret Service Agents will create a protective bubble. This protective bubble is created to prevent unauthorized individuals from getting too close to the person, regardless of whether or not theyre members of the press. More importantly, under these circumstances, it is not uncommon for a candidates inner circle Staff Members known to the agents to assist in clearing a safe pathway it. Should be noted, however, that one agent was positioned directly behind ms. Fields and appeared to show no concern over her actions. Mr. Lewandowski could have called this agents attention to her movements before taking action himself, if he considered her a threat. In addition, soon after the incident, mr. Lewandowski publicly denied ever touching ms. Fields in any way. Although these factors might undermine mr. Lewandowskis potential defense. They do not outweigh the reasonable hypothesis of innocence, based on the realtime facts and circumstances recorded on the video. As stated earlier, Law Enforcement arrests are based upon probable cause. State prosecution, however, release upon a good faith basis that sufficient evidence exists to prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt. This includes consideration of any apparent defenses. Although the facts support the allegation that mr. Lewandowski did grab ms. Fields arm against her will. Mr. Lewandowski has a recently hypothesis of innocence. There is insufficient evidence to rebutt these defenses. Therefore, although probable cause exists, the state will no file this case. Now, available for any questions you may have for me or ms. Ellis. Reporter can you talk about whether or not im sorry. Hi, glen. How are you . Reporter will you talk about whether or not the political atmosphere entered into what your process was, considering it was a simple battery . Well as far as our review of the case, it was just like any other case. I do acknowledge that there is International Attention to this case which doesnt exist in any other simple battery case. Thats why we have a press conference like this, but as far as the actual work that was done, the review, the analysis, its the same as in every case. Brian, you had a question. Reporter there are reports you teamed to facilitate a deal with mr. Lewandowski to publicly apologize. Is that true . The apology, in a case like this, obviously would be encouraged. Its a good thing to have. We always appreciate when people take responsibility for actions, but i can tell you, our decision, ms. Ellis memorandum and our decision in the case had nothing to do with the existence or nonexistence of an apology. Reporter did you speak to mr. Lewandowski . Did your Office Interview him before you came to this conclusion . Since ms. Ellis was in charge of the investigation, ill turn that specific question over to her. No. We did not speak with mr. Lewandowski. We spoke with his attorney. Reporter with his attorney. Did you have a personal meeting with him or just over the phone . How did you do that . We spoke with him in person as well as over the phone. Reporter did he try to persuade you not to charge . Did he give any reason . He came in with what he believed to be the facts of the case, so he wanted to present what he believed to be the facts of the case, and we took that into consideration. Reporter im sorry, just one more, did the Jupiter Police department before they charged him initially . Because that happened within two days, i think, of the event. Did they contact you your office at all . Did they seek any advice . No. Reporter that was entirely up to them at that point . Correct. Reporter they later got in touch with you . Did you have meetings how to go about that . The Jupiter Police department sent over the foiling pact after the charges were filed. Then ms. Ellis did our own investigation for the office. She interviewed the lead detective in the case from the Jupiter Police department. In fact, that lead detective was in this office for more than an hour and a half. Reporter Barry Sanders with nbc news. Yeah. Reporter you said the photograph and the videotape had been released, is there any other physical evidence you looked at, videotapes we havent seen, any other photographs we have not seen . No, we looked at obviously, there was the photograph of a bruise on her arm that we reviewed, and in terms of anything else that we reviewed, Everything Else is taken from the actual Video Surveillance recording. Still photographs from the freeze frame shot. Reporter does that include anything where the secret service is directing her prior to that you could actually see them . Absolutely. Reporter what is that . Explain that to me. That is captured on the Video Surveillance recording. Reporter and it shows or we can hear it or what . You cant necessarily hear because mr. Trump is leaving, making his way to the exit, so you cant actually hear whats being said. You hear noise in the ballroom, but as theyre make their way out, what is captured on the video is her, along with other journalist, media, being directed to the back of the ballroom. Reporter and you spoke to the secret Service Agent confirming thats what hes telling her to do. No, we did not. Reporter can i ask, has anyone spoken with ms. Fields today does, she support the decision or rather have gone forward with the prosecution . We both spoke with ms. Fields today, and ill let you speak to her about her thoughts, but it was clear to us she was disappointed by the decision. Reporter how so . What kind of message did she convey to make you think that . She wanted a prosecution to go forward. Reporter what about an apology, there was a story if she were to get an apology she would step back and not ask for you to prosecute. There was no deal we were going to drop charges in exchange for an apology. As i said earlier, in a case like that, we do encourage apology, its a good idea, and had an apology been given at the beginning, we could have avoided the whole criminal justice process for this matter. Reporter has there been an apology since that youre aware of . They were working on one and they showed me a draft of an apology. I dont know. The attorneys for the defendant. Reporter can you tell us what it said . I would be paraphrasing it. A short apology, and its up to them to reach out to ms. Fields and send it to her. Reporter when did they show you that . Do you remember . Earlier. Recently. Earlier this week. Reporter did you speak to ms. Fields as part of the investigation . Absolutely. Reporter at some length . Yes. I spoke with mrs. Fields on three occasions. Reporter when you saw the photograph of ms. Fields bruises, did it appear to you that they were from the incident in question . The initial photos we received were a couple days old because it was a delayed reporting, obviously. When i met with the detective in my office afterwards, i asked him to reach out to see if he could obtain a photograph that could have been taken closer in time. And she had taken a photograph on her iphone that same evening, and there was really nothing there, so it was an investigation that i wanted him to do just to make it a more thorough and complete investigation, but the photographs that we have from here, from the Jupiter PoliceDepartment Show bruising, but you know, it wasnt anything that was anything remotely close to what whoa got from her, the actual night it happened. Reporter her phone did not show any . Did not show any bruising, no. It wasnt until the photographs that the detective picked up a couple days later. Reporter but thats the quality of photo issue, thats not that there isnt an injury . Thats thats that could be what happens when someone is bruised. The bruise comes up later. Reporter can you talk about that protective bubble that we see in the memo here, and kind of when you see this, she getting into the protective bubble here . We have the full video, i think you may have it. Brian, are we showing that afterwards . Yeah, were going to show you the video, the full video afterwards, and youll be able to see for yourself what we mean by it. Reporter if you can explain what your findings were with watching that video. The press was directed toward the back, theres a bubble, and she makes her way beyond the press area and gets right next to mr. Trump, actually makes slight contact with mr. Trump. He recoiled and mr. Lewandowski comes and grabs her arm. Reporter as the state attorney, would you say because of that, that is your opinion, donald trump had a legitimate claim for simple battery . Well, its our belief that what we saw in the video that any contact was incidental, and that is not contemplated under the simple battery statute, which requires unintentional and unwanted touching. Reporter how common is it for a Police Agency to file a misdemeanor Battery Charge like this and your office declines it as prosecutor . It happens, not that uncommon. We review misdemeanors that come in, charges filed by Police Agencies because we ethically have to make a decision whether we have a good faith basis to prosecute or whether there is reasonable doubt. If we know in advance that reasonable doubt exists and cant get a conviction or beyond judgment of acquittal by a judge, we cant ethically file those charges. Reporter can you guess 10 of the time . Half the time . How often is it that a Police Agency brings a charge and you decline it . It is often. We have a Domestic Violence unit where we review domestic batteries all the time, and instead of them actually arresting the person, they will present us with a filing packet. We then review the case. A the a lot of the cases are not filed as in this case. The clear minority of cases. Reporter did you talk with anyone in the secret service directly about the protective bubble or about the incident . No, sir. There was an affidavit from the fbi agent, but no. Reporter conversations with mrs. Fields were they in personal or on the phone . On the phone. Reporter im curious some parts of the country, district attorneys appoint states attorney is elected. Did you have outside political influence on your decision here and how are you registered yourself . None. My political affiliations are public but they dont come into the office. This is an apolitical office. Were elected with a Political Party affiliation, but once you get to the office and work as state attorney, you are a state attorney for everyone and you have to run the office in a nonpartisan manner. I have three chief assistants today, brian fernandez, a registered republican, al johnson is a registered democrat, and adrianne has no affiliation. Its public, im a registered democrat. Mr. Trump did reach out to the office. Reporter who did he speak to . He spoke to a few of us. The chief assistants and me. Reporter what did he say . He said that he gave his version of the facts and his opinions of the case, and then urged us to do the right thing. Reporter what was his version of the facts . Well, were on the call, the version of the facts was that she touched him, and pretty much thats it. She touched him and he did not think that mr. Should be prosec. Reporter did he say whether he felt threatened or scared or concerned . No, he just said that she she touched him, and all of that is captured on the Video Surveillance, and you guys are going to see it, so you know, it was quite evident. Reporter did they willingly give up the videotape, or did you have to twist their arm to get it . The Jupiter Police department had the videotape. We just got it from jupiter. Reporter when was the call from mr. Trump approximately . Couple weeks ago. Reporter did he make any threat at all that he was thinking of filing the charge against her. I dont think of any such threat. I can tell you that the conversation we had, mr. Trump had no bearing upon our final decision in the case. I can only say the existence or nonexistence of apology letter had no bearing of a decision in this case. What did have the sole bearing was the facts of the case and the law. Reporter because this is a state with open records, were there any notes or stenographer taken during that conversation if it was on speaker phone or phone so we can make a request for the notes that donald trump said . I dont believe there were notes taken, if there were, anything subject to sunshine would be available to all of you. Reporter was it a conference where he spoke to several people at once . Correct. It was a conference call. Reporter can you describe your relationship with mr. Trump, how well, you know him, and what type of events . I got a kick out of political angle because at first they were saying that somehow i was doing this on behalf of hillary clinton, and then found out i was law school, house mates, dorm mates with ted cruz, he and i shared a bathroom, the first year of law school, i assure you had no impact upon our decision. I knew marco rubio in the florida legislature, and i have met mr. Trump on a few occasions. Ive been to mara lago, last time there were few hundred others there, not quite a private setting. The fact i have a relationship with several of the people who are running for president has no bearing upon our decision in this case. Our decision was made solely on the facts, solely on the evidence, and solely on the law. Reporter what law school was that where you shared a bathroom . Harvard law school and hastings hall, and i had a reporter call me to question me a couple weeks ago that somehow that was the reason why i did this, and he asked when was the last time i spoke to ted cruz, and i believe it was my third year of law school which would have been about 20 years ago. Last question, and then play the video if yall are interested. Reporter in ms. Ellis memo it talk about how sometimes Campaign Staff can sometimes participate in assisting secret service as forming part of the bubble. Is that written down anywhere . Is that codified anywhere . Is that sort of an accepted practice within campaigning . I believe that came from the sworn statement from the fbi agent whom we quote in the memorandum. Reporter on the politics side, you made it clear politics was not a factor in your decision. Did people try to influence you politically . No, absolutely not. Reporter okay. Ms. Ellis, what is your first name . Adrienne. Reporter and your title . One of the chief assistant state attorneys. Is there interest in the video . Yes. Reporter i can get a copy of the memo . Let me see if we have more, and ill get it for you. Trish you have been watching a press conference coming live from florida. That was the Palm Beach County state attorney speaking along with adrienne ellis, the assistant state attorney in Palm Beach County, theyre not moving forward with the charges against Corey Lewandowski, the Campaign Manager for donald trump. They talked about the reasons why and it comes down to one thing. They havent got evidence to move forward with. They are going to show a video that helped influence their decision, and were going to monitor that for and you bring it to you as it comes to the screen. I am joined for reaction by spokesperson from the Trump Campaign, Katrina Pierson. Welcome to the show. Good to have you here. We knew this was coming. Clearly, mr. Lewandowski did not do what the reporter said he did. Were finally this has finally been resolved. Trish county prosecutor saying look, we didnt have the evidence to move forward on, this thats basically what it came down to. Nonetheless, katrina, they said that the Jupiter Police did the right thing by moving forward with the arrest charge. Whats your reaction to that . Any time you have a woman claiming to be battered by a man, you should investigate, thats exactly what happened. Unfortunately, this was not the case which hurts real cases of battery in this country, considering the magnitude and the scope of the publicity of this case, and, you know, mr. Lewandowski is a husband and father of small children, so the fact he and his family had to go through this was pretty devastating, im sure, but the process is played out and mr. Lewandowski has been released from all charges and this is exactly what we expected. Trish im sure it was challenging for him. As we look at the video, it doesnt appear as though hes really man handling her. That must have been the conclusion of the county prosecutors because they said they didnt have any evidence, but in the meantime, katrina, damage was done to Corey Lewandowski and frankly to donald trump in this process. How do you recover from this given hes challenged with women and frankly this probably didnt help him . I think, moving forward and looking back, at first, when everyone was demanding, particularly journalists who already tried and convicted this man in the court of public opinion, they wanted him to be fired for something he didnt do, and the fact that mr. Trump had the judgment to know that you cannot ruin someones life because of this type of allegation really goes to his judgment as an employer and knew and stood by one of the people loyal to him in the campaign and helping him be successful. Moving forward, i think that we continue the mission and continue to identify when things like this happen, not because theres an intentional malice but agenda to stop donald trump from winning the nomination and ultimately the presidency. Trish katrina, one of the points the county prosecutor made, maybe this have gone away in case of an apology. If corey said, michelle, im sorry, i didnt mean to touch you in that way or hurt you in anyway, we were just trying to usher our candidate out of the fray there, wouldnt that have meant something to her, maybe we wouldnt be sitting here with the situation having blown up the way it did. Why did he choose not to apologize . Perhaps, if the reporter had contacted either the campaign or mr. Lewandowski himself and told her how she felt or perceived the way the incident occurred, that may have happened. Thats not what happened. This took place on twitter, allegations that were made that grew over a period of two or three days in social media sphere and then charges were filed. I think it was mishandled initially by the person saying she was battered and to demand an apology from someone who had no idea what she was talking about to begin with is setting another bad precedent. Trish it got ratcheted up to a public level very fast and made it difficult for parties to converse on a more normal, civilized basis. Lets talk about where you go from here. As i mentioned, this may have cost him some support among women that felt this reporter was somehow, somehow a victim in all this, and theres a feeling that hes not resonating with women. I know that his wife and his daughters are now coming forward, speaking well of him. Whats your plan to try and make sure that you have women on your side from here on out . Well, as mr. Trump has said, hes getting back to policy, and weve seen that in the last few days when hes on the stump talking about what he wants to do to make America Great again. He is best talking about policies. And some of the incidents occurred because it was his wife being attacked, not the other way around. He always defends himself and his family and now defending his staff. I think moving forward, people know new there is this antitrump Movement Even within the media and theyre a little more cognizant of thinking twice before passing a judgment. Trish hes meeting with members of congress today. Hows that going . What are they talking about . This is not the first meeting in d. C. Mr. Trump has been committed to wanting to bring party unity. They are talking about possible more endorsements. A lot of people want to sit down with mr. Trump and talk about his policies. They know through the media filter that the actual substance of his policies arent getting through though hes held press conferences and released policy papers. Lawmakers want to sit down one on one and listen to mr. Trump personally. Trish how are you guys preparing for the potential of a contested convention . How are you making sure that you lock down the delegates that you got . Were pretty confident were going to have over 1237 going into the convention. Our projections are over 1300. If we get to a contested convention, i can guarantee the Trump Campaign will be ready to fight and well have the delegates to win on the first ballot. We have brought on more people to the campaign to ensure that the process and the rules are being followed because weve had a lot of discussion and debate over the rules, but really zero discussion about people breaking those rules and keeping Trump Delegates off the ballot. And youll hear more about that soon. Trish katrina, good to see you, good to have you here. Nice to be here. Trish all right, want to bring in criminal defense attorney Brian Claypool for reaction to the news, the county prosecutor is not moving forward with charges against Corey Lewandowski. Good to see you. Nice seeing you, trish. Trish no evidence . Cant have a case without evidence . No, its much bigger than that. The largest reason why aaronberg said they are not going to prosecute is there is a different standard applied to a political candidate. And i dont blame him for saying that. He talked about the bubble, he talked about Michelle Fields possibly bumping up against trump. Hes worried if you present that context to a jury of peers, and by the way, jurors in Palm Beach County where donald trump lives, theyre going to have a problem proving their case. Most folks agree with that. If you and i were at a bus station and i grabbed your arm and bruised you, much different situation. Different context and different prosecutor could prove so in a court. Youre not going to hear that in that case you. Heard the press conference and it was unclear what they thought about the bruises. For example, we did hear from adrienne ellis, the assistant state attorney talking about the bruise pictures and the challenge is that picture that they had was taken a couple of days later. They didnt have any pictures of the bruising on the day of, which i guess would further complicate things, nonetheless she did admit, bruising doesnt show up for a couple of days. How do the photos and the bruising issue come into play, downing, in their minds . Very important point, called preservation of evidence. There is a car accident, you want photographs at the scene of the accident to see what the scene looked like. Same thing with a physical injury. If somebodys been injured, you need to preserve the evidence, get pictures right away. If you lose the chain of command, 24 hours, 48 hours, argument can be made. Im not saying it happened. Possibly occurred in another way and thats the picture were seeing a couple days later. Thats a hurtle that they have as well. Trish the conference is still going on and getting reports what theyre talking about. One of the main points theyre bringing up as i speak is that Michelle Fields herself, brian, touched donald trump, and that was part of the key to all of this. In other words, by her reaching forward to try and ask him a question, did that allow Corey Lewandowski to protect the candidate and move into get him out of way . Its a great question, i think youre hitting on the biggest fact they believe that the state attorney decided not to prosecute on. It doesnt excuse Corey Lewandowski from grabbing Michelle Fields arm, but what it does, trish, is creates a mitigating factor for the jury. A jury is going to hear that and say wait a minute, she bumped into Donald Trumps arm . Reasonable reaction from lewandowski is wait a minute, ive got to protect my candidate from being harmed. Thats a mitigating factor that would filter into the jurors minds and would lead to an acquittal. Trish well have more after this. See you here. By debating our research to find the best investments. 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Michelle fields later pressed charges, saying he bruised her arm, but now the Palm Beach County prosecutor coming out and saying look, were not going to move forward with this, we dont have enough evidence to present a case to a jury. Democratic strategist and republican strategist Mercedes Schlapp along with your favorite critic howie kurtz. Howie, starting with you, this case took on a life of its own, really dominating the headlines, and possibly costing donald trump some of his support among women, what is that people found so fascinating about all of this, and how did it accelerate so quickly to the headlines . For one thing, everybody got to play amateur detective and look at different angles in the film and decide how bad this was on the part of Campaign ManagerCorey Lewandowski. I never understood how this got to be a criminal case, looking at the latest video, it seems impossible to believe a prosecutor could have gone forward with the case and got a conviction. Michelle fields was not yanked to the ground or almost to the ground as she contended. Hard to imagine the campaign didnt apologize for a bit of man handling. Trish that would have gone a long way in terms of diffusing some of this. I asked Katrina Pierson that exact question. Look, why didnt corey say, michelle, im sorry, i was trying protect donald trump and get him out of the way. I apologize if i hurt you in some way. Why didnt he do that . And she said because the reason Michelle Fields came forward with all of this on twitter. This was a fight playing out in a very, very public way, and because of that it may be difficult for the two parties to talk directly to each other. Do you buy that . Sure, for one thing, sorry is not big in the lexicon of the Trump Campaign, and beyond that as the Trump Campaign began insulting Michelle Fields and calling her delusional and she pulled back, it escalated on the focus of so much media coverage. Trish mercedes, did it cost him with women . I think it hurt donald trump, absolutely. What we did see is even within the conservative movement, there were many conservative pundits who backed Michelle Fields. A letter about 12 conservative journalists came out basically asking donald trump to ensure he would have corey resign. So this not only created a problem amongst women in general of having that perception of Donald Trumps campaign, having these issues with women, but the fact is even amongst conservative women, there were those who decided they were going to stand with michelle without letting the case really play itself out. Trish thats right, a number of conservative women that signed a letter calling on donald trump to get rid of Corey Lewandowski and not have him be the Campaign Manager. However, i should point out, since then, mary ann, may be for reasons like this or other reasons week have seen a shakeup in the Trump Campaign with older, seasoned, politico types moving in . That has to do with the delegate selection process, he needs to control his destiny and get 1237 delegates if hes the nominee of the Republican Party. And the fact that the campaign hasnt addressed that is frankly malpractice. They were a little late to the dance, i think donald trump gets his 1237 delegates, the question is does the Republican Party change its rules leading up to the convention and move the goalpost . On that point, i think donald trump has been brilliant how he handled this whole entire process saying the game is rigged, and the republican nomination process rigged against him and everybody else, that plays into the theme and feeling of the voters and everybody else that the economy and everything is rigged against them. You give donald trump a lot of credit, he is a shrewd operator. Trish is he going to get the 1237 . Mercedes, how is it looking . California is the state to see if he can get to the numbers. Hes obviously going to play strong in april in the northeastern states. May looks decent for cruz in south dakota and nebraska. All eyes are going to be on california. I think he has a very good shot of getting it. He could fall short 100 delegates and hes going to have to lobby and find a way to get the delegates to fall in line. Trish i imagine hell be doing, that busy couple weeks ahead. Mary ann, thank you very much, mercedes, thank you. Howie, good to see you, do not forget to watch every sunday, media buzz with howie kurtz on fox news. Well be right back. That may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free, and travel upstream to the brain where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. But if you have afib thats not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. 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Well have the latest on aggression by russia. One of the jets buzzing by one of our ships, 30 times. What is putin up to . Colonel peters is here with a look at that. Stay tuned. When you booked this trip, you didnt know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. Or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. A few weeks ago, you didnt even know where here was. Now the only thing you dont know, is how youre gonna leave. Expedia. Technology that connects you to the people and places that matter. On the deck, below the bridge wing. Trish wow. Did you see that . This is another big story were covering today. Thats a russian jet that was just buzzing, there you go, a u. S. Navy destroyer in the baltic sea. It happened dozens of times this week, and at one point that jet was only 30 feet away from our navy destroyer. Clearly, Vladimir Putin isnt too worried about the u. S. Retaliating or why would he do this in the first place . Joining me as we continue to watch this video coming into us. Fox news strategic analyst Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters. Good to see you. Wow take a look again. I want everybody to see the video. 30 feet away at one point. Colonel, why does Vladimir Putin think he can do this . He doesnt think he can do it, trish, he knows he can do it and he does it. And that was reckless by any standards, no matter how great that pilot might have been, what they did was very, very dangerous. Putin is enjoying rubbing our faces in, it hes trying consciously to break down the morale of the u. S. Navy, having hard times of late. Very important. This happened during a nato exercise, especially involving the pols. There was a polish helicopter landing at one point. Sending the message, hey, the americans wont defend themselves, theyre not going to defend you. Trish what would have happened under a different presidency . Is this really about obama and the fact that obama is just not willing to stick his neck out and say enough . Yes, its absolutely. Its not about shooting down a russian aircraft tomorrow, but we wouldnt have gotten to this point if obama stuck up for our troops, and i think the real decisive point, when putin realized he had if he wanted a literal license to kill was when president obama allowed our sailors to be taken prisoner, humiliated by the iranians and the administration, it doesnt happen in a vacuum. Trish quickly, because i dont have a ton of time. I want to play this for you, president obama says were winning the war against isis. Here he is. Today, on the ground in syria and in iraq, isil is on the defensive. Our 66member Coalition Including arab partners is on the offensive. We have momentum, and we intend to keep that momentum. Trish colonel, i mean, tell that to the people in belgium. Tell that to the people in france. Tell that to the 1,000 women throughout germany that suffered Sexual Assault at hands of these migrants on new years eve. Are we winning this war against isis . No, we are not. We are making some progress on the ground in the middle east, largely thanks to russia and putin and the iranians who are making greater progress than we are. The Islamic State to be fair has suffered reverses in the middle east. Its far from gone. But as you just pointed out, we waited too long to act. The cancer has spread globally, it is in paris, brussels, in san bernardino, its in sydney, australia. Why i welcome any progress, any dead terrorist is a good thing as far as im concerned, but boy, we have taken what could have been a relatively simple challenge and its now a challenge thats going to take probably decades, if not longer to eradicate. Trish weve got a major uphill battle. I havent talked about the survey that came out yesterday that shows twothirds of muslims in a muslim neighborhood in the u. K. Said that they would not, they would not tell the government if they had details about a terror plot. Were going to save that one for next time. Colonel ralph peters, always good to see you, thank you very much. Thank you. Trish well be right back. Understands the life behind it. For those whove served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. My dad gave me you know. Ares, he ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. An honest opinion is how edward jones makes sense of investing. Perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. 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It will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you taxfree cash from the equity in your home and heres the best part. You still own your home. Take control of your retirement today . Trish shocking new statistics from the department of immigration and customs endorsement. The number of Illegal Immigrants deported from the United States of america, guess what, hit an eightyear low, eightyear low. Last year a little over 235,000 illegals were deported but at peak back in 2012, nearly 410,000 were deported. So were down 43 when it comes to deportations based on these numbers you think these Illegal Immigrants, these three men accused of raping three little girls under the age of 14 will ever get deported if theyre convicted . Ask my next guest, former nypd and Fox News Contributor bo dietl. Good to see you. Good to see you, trish. Trish three men arrested for the rape of children, and theyre all illegals, but you know, if you look at isis track record, nothings going to happen. People call trump a psychopath, but you know hes right on the money. Do you know, and i talked to Border Patrol guys, i talk to them all the time when do i shows on fox, i got a call, you cant say who i am, grab them, turn them over to i. C. E. , all they have to say is ive been in the United States since 2014, they give them a piece of paper and say return to the Immigration Service office or they just you let them go. Trish wouldnt they at least get locked up in jail . Committed a crime. You have a punk from alsalvador that killed a 21yearold girl, crashed into her drunk out of his mind, and they released him on bail. Hes never coming back. The only t locked up again, like the three creeps over here that raped the little girls. Theyll probably give them bail because they were never arrested before. This is crazy. We have a serious problem because our i. C. E. Now is being directed by the department of justice and these laws that they put in 2014, let everybody go as long as you stay here since 2014, theyre letting you go. Trish why are they doing this . Why do they need to protect criminals that are here illegally . Why dont we have a law in the United States of america if youre an illegal in the United States not illegally, you commit a crime, you get the hell out of this country. Why give them bail, we dont know where they are. We cant track them. This gets me really, really angry. Trish i can tell. I tell you something, when trump talk, my friend donald talk but he is on the mark on it but his delivery is loud. Trish kind of like you, bo. Im telling the truth, this angers me. God forbid, the 14yearolds are raped by the animals and all of a sudden, the ones we had in san francisco, he had been arrested five, six, seven times and they come back in, and when they grab them at the border, they hand them over to i. C. E. And i. C. E. Hands a paper saying heres a report. If you say ive been here since 2014, byebye, heres a ticket, go get free food. Trish heres the punchline, there are 820,000 Illegal Immigrants convicted of crimes that are here in this country right now. Im sorry for being so energized but it gets me angry. Trish i know, it works out. Were going to take a quick break. Well be back. I can tell, you care. Trish have you liked my Facebook Page yet . If not, go to facebook. Com, search for trish regan, and you can get real trish regan or trish intel and tell us what you thought of the show. Liz, over to you. Liz im doing it right now. [laughter] thank you so much. This video, youve seen it before, had marked the beginning of a very bad week for donald trump, and that was just days before his wisconsin primary loss. But now trump Campaign ManagerCorey Lewandowski is cleared of assault charges, the Trump Campaign releasing this statement just moments ago. Here it is, folks. Corey lewandowski is gratified by the decision to drop the charges and appreciates the thoughtful consideration as well as mr. Trumps loyalty and the support of his colleagues and family. The matter is now concluded. So could this be the first sign