Fraud have impact on 2016 election, a new White House Commission, we will find out, i will talk with the chairman of that commission. And the president s travel ban facing a new challenge tomorrow from the ninth circuit of court of appeals. Its it heading for showdown to the supreme court. Attorney general of texas will join us live as we look right now in sunday morning futures. Maria search for new fbi director gaining steam this morning. President trump saying that the white house would name james comeys replacement as well as soon as this upcoming friday. The Justice Department is interviewing candidates, they interviewed eight candidates so far this weekend with a few other names reportedly in the mix. All of this taking place as james comey says hes willing to testify before congress, however, he only will do it in public, not behind closed doors. Newt gringrich, former white house speaker, understanding trump, hes also a Fox News Contributor and joining me right now. Mr. Speaker, always a pleasure. Great to be with you and happy mothers day. Maria thank you so much and to you as well and your wonderful lovely wife. Let me ask you about some of the headlines i just mentioned. Number one the fbi replacement, who would you like to see in there what kind of pedigree as lead for the fbi . We need something thats very experience and has focus on Law Enforcement as part of their career and ideally somebody who can go before the senate and answer questions in a very direct way. The fbi has been a remarkable institution for a hundred years. It has done amazing things. Its the preeminent Investigative Organization in the world and you need somebody there who is stable, calm, professional, dedicated to the rule of law and frankly count the facts as they are. He shouldnt be loyal to the president and he shouldnt be loyal to the congress, he should to the United States and the constitution or she should. A firstclass woman committed to the rule of law and has committed in enforcing the law and there are a number of good candidates that are women as well as men. Maria im not sure if the president considered conde rice . Very smart, impeccable honesty, nobody doubt that he would call him exactly as the cards fall. Maria would trey gowdy be too political . The president called ray kelly, former nypd commissioner. Trey gowdy. That would make a good sense, hes a very qualified person, great attorney back when he was practices law, great prosecutor and i think in that sense has a great reputation. I really think that ray would be terrific. The new York City Police department is the largest city police force in the world, they do an astonishing job to protect the un, they protect all the different countries, they have people, they protect all the dig dinataries. Maria ray kelly would probably get confirmed on both sides of the aisle. I would think so. Maria jim comey is willing to testify but not in private but in public. Sally yates and jim clapper over and over, i know the answer but i cant tell you. Yeah, i know the answer to that but im not going to reveal it in a public setting, is that what jim comey wants so that he cant say i cant reveal anything . What he wants is to avoid one or two people leaking their version of what he said. If i were comey i would absolutely insist on testifying in public. I wouldnt trust either side because the democrats are going to take anything he says that seems to hurt trump and theyre going to distort it and leak it. The republicans will take anything he says which seems to exonerate trump, theyll distort it and leak it. We live in a period unfortunately where we are surrounded by 24day leaks and we are much better off to have these things out in the open. Let comey tell his side of the story and just let it be out there. Im not worried about the kind of i cant tell you because this or that and frankly on some of the things that they wont tell you about because it affects the ability it goes to sources and methods, i dont want him to particularly say that in private either because you know itll leak. Maria we know that there were leaks and we know that it is illegal to pass information on that is critical information to the media and where is the investigation around that . The whole idea that the agencies have become politicized has been outrageous, newt. I spoke with rand paul the other day, you heard what he told me on fox news on thursday, listen to this. This is something i have to get your take on. Watch. Ive gotten two reporters that came up that say they have multiple sources. Some of this has been published already saying that the Obama Administration was looking at my private information and there are rumors of other people who ran for president as well. Im trying to get to the bottom of this. Ive asked the white house to look at the logs of all the previous Obama Administration to see if are they were searching my name and unmasking me in anyway, i know one of the senator that he was surveilled by the Obama Administration including his phone calls. Maria another senator revealing to rand paul, confiding in him that he in fact, was spied on by the Obama Administration. Whats going on here, newt . Look, you had an enormous breakdown in the rule of law. You had it with the clinton foundation, with Hillary Clinton, you had it with barack obama, you had it with his staff. When you send the National Security adviser out to lie on Six Television different Television Shows about benghazi, the sunday after american embassador is killed, you know shes lying. You can tell theres a collapse of any kind of honesty of any kind of measure enforcing basic sound principles. Im not at all surprise that had the Obama Administration was prepared to flout the rules. Look, their core model was a radicalism going back in which middleclass rules and middleclass laws dont out. We ought to take seriously what their intellectually pedigree is. I do believe this administration ought to be more aggressive in going after these things and more aggressive in going after these leaks. You have a news media thats totally out of control and thinks its more important than the president of the United States, more important than the constitution, its more important than the rule of lu and at some point theyll be collision over that and i actually applaud what the president said in the last few days, i think itll be healthy for the White House Press corps to not have a daily opportunity to taunt whoever the spokesperson is. The game that we now have going on is really sick. Maria right. It weakness the ability of the American People to know whats going on. Maria im wondering if thats one of the reasons the president fired james comey because we are constantly hearing about charade of investigation with no evidence whatsoever and yet where is the investigation of tun masking, where is the investigation of the passing of classified information to the media . Is it happening . Thats right. Remember, 95 of all donations by federal employees went to Hillary Clinton. 97 of donations in the Justice Department went to Hillary Clinton and all 99 to state department went to Hillary Clinton. What do you think the culture is like . Maria wow. This is an antitrump culture of people who will do everything they can to undermine or weaken the elected legal president of the United States. Maria so, if jim comey knew that his boss Loretta Lynch did not want him to cover the Hillary Clinton conflict, really did not want him to do it, everybody in the fbi knew because you knew where the donations were going, what should he have done, step down, im not going to have this on my shoulders . First of all, the minute that attorney general lynch met in private on an airplane with bill clinton, she should have been rescued and comeys assignment and the former u. S. Attorney general who explained this, at this point comeys job was to report to Deputy Attorney general who at the time was yates. Its not comeys job to take it upon himself as fbi director the job of the attorney general. Thats what he did. Maria yeah. I think that was an enormous power. I frankly lost total faith in comey at the hearing about a week ago where he goes off on how it almost made him nauseous to make him do this and that. The director of the fbi ought to be somebody who knows what they are doing and are prepared to defend it and does it with dignity. Maria yeah, that was too much. Mildly nauseous. What an ego. We appreciate your time this morning. Newt gringrich joining us there. A new White House Commission now investigating voter fraud after President Trump claim that had millions of people illegally voted in the 2016. Can the secretary, will joining me. Let me know what you would like to hear from lineup of guests. Stay with us, we are looking ahead on sunday morning futures on sunday, mothers day. Here comes the fun with seadoo. Seadoo has the most affordable watercraft on the market. Starting at just 5,299 and get 0 percent financing. Visit seadoo. Com today. I count on my dell small for tech advice. With one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. Fixodent plus adhesives. Theres a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. 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So the commission is looking at more than just the 2016 election. Its looking at the entire issue of voting irregularities of fraud and registration problems. So what we will be doing for the first time in our countrys history we will be gathering data from all 50 states and using the federal governments databases which have been very valuable, Social Security administration has data on people when they pass away, the department of Homeland Security knows to have millions of aliens who are in the United States illegally and thats data thats never been bounced against voter roles to see if people are registered. We will try to get some numbers, some actual statistics because this debate is so contentious but often times the debate doesnt have enough facts in the debate and we are going to be providing those facts, putting them on the table and letting people know. Maria its terrific specially all of the conversations surrounding this issue in the last couple of elections. Let me ask you, how do they do it . Somebody dies an they get their name and use identity . Whats the typical track that these people are taking . You know, i think voting the names of deceased people, thats sort of the subject in chicago, you hear people talking about that. I think thats one of the less frequent forms of voter fraud, i could be wrong. The way that would happen is a person dies for whatever reason the county doesnt know that and the name remains on the voter role and its a matter of Public Record the voter role somebody discovers that so and so name is on the voter role. The common common that i have seen in kansas, double voting, people voting twice, in kansas and in other states or two different counties of kansas. Maria you can also argue what we have been talking about in terms of spying of people is also a form of voter fraud. We have been talking about situation where rand paul was surveilled and another senator has confided in him that he too was spied on by the Obama Administration. Doesnt that fall under the umbrella of voter fraud under the election . It might very well a crime and it certainly is in the cases youve described, well, depending on the circumstances of there was consent and who was doing the spying. We usually dont define those as voter crimes. The voter crimes are classically ones where you are trying to vote in somebody elses name, alter a ballot, vote by mail fraud. We will be looking at things that are classically defined as fraud. Maria the irs was targeting conservatives. A lot of people scratching their heads about that one, he targeted conservatives. Is that under the umbrella of voter fraud . Probably not because by the way, these are great topics that maybe deserving their own commission to look into it but the subject of voter fraud is itself pretty vast. Youre talking about maybe eight or ten different forms of fraud. We would also be looking at voter participation. One of the argument that is you hear from people that oppose photo id which we have in kansas, well, depresses participation rates, we havent seen that in kansas, we will look at the evidence from the other 49 states and see what it shows. Maria i dont understand that. How is it possible that in some areas of the country you dont need an id to vote . You need an id for everything. You need an id to buy a beer and you dont need id to participate in a president ial election . I agree. You need an id to get on a plane, you need id to get in a federal building, you pretty much need photo id to function. You need one to buy [laughter] maria how does that slide, how does that even slide . Okay, we are going to do away with ids and thats politically incorrect. I dont understand the thinking. What happened in those states they didnt have id requirement for the early years of the 20th century going all the way to 1980s and then states started realizing that voter fraud was happening. You have about dozen states like kansas that have a strict voter id requirement and maybe six or eight states that had one with loopholes in them and a whole bunch of states, the majority still dont have it and our constitution allows our states to define the rules of voting. We will see if more states adopt it and maybe this commission can shed light on the subject. More maria when are you expect to go report your findings, sir . We are expecting to do so in a year, so next spring, maybe may but the commission stays in existence for up two two years, if for some reason we have to go later, we can. Maria early look at what you will produce, can you give expectation of where youre going to be providing some evidence . Well, i cant forecast what the conclusions would be but i can give you an idea of what we might do. One thing thats never been done that i have alluded to earlier, the department of Homeland Security has all known aliens and thats never been bounced against the state voter rolls, you can get an exact match, how many of them are registered to vote in state a or state b. We can do Something Like that which would be informative and i dont know what the results will yield, i know for for example in kansas we have seen a large number of noncitizen register on voter role. Maria wow. We require proof of citizenship in our state. Maria informative indeed. Thanks so much. We appreciate it. This morning the fbi looking for a new director after the firing of james comey. What is next for the bureau . What about allegations that the Obama Administration spied on rand paul and other senator . Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. 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Maria you have been critical with me over the last year of jim comey, of the politicization happening or has taken place at the fbi. What do you think of the merrick garland, who would you like to see . I dont think thats a good idea at all. Somebody who is vested in experience, solid person, smart, articulate, a good communicator, somebody who can motivate agents to excel, you know, for the good of the country, somebody who can deep get down into deep gut of patriotism. The fbi works for the American People and not either party. This was comeys big mistake. He says, you cant call it criminal, no grand jury, he needed to stand up at that point in time, have a press conference and resign from the fbi. The fbi, you know, cannot be whiplashed around for political reasons. As soon as it does, thats the end of it. That cant happen. Maria thats what you have been saying for several months now. Look, granted jim comey was in a tough spot when his loss loretta lurch has meeting in tarmac with bill clinton and it was obvious where Loretta Lynch was on the election, where barack obama was on the election, they wanted hillary. They were never going to indict Hillary Clinton ever. So what was jim comey thinking five months down the road when he has the shallow investigation maria incredibly careless and sent thousands of emails to anthony weiner, she had all of these things in terms of conflicts around her but we wouldnt recommend. Well, because he made the point no intent which is crazy, you know, like a 100mile train of intent and the notion that Hillary Clinton was not a right mind to understand that she was really violating the law. You know, i mean, come on. Maria what was the point of the private server in basement anyway . To violate the law. Have own communication. Maria convenience at home. Releasing things on friday afternoons like the bad guys do and, you know, all this other stuff made no sense. Smart guy, lacking in common sense, it just wasnt built to be the fbi director. Maria takes us back, what happened to the fbi that made it politicized over the years. A lot of people talk about the Muslim Brotherhood. I talked about that but a lot of people dont want to hear this. Bob mauhller. A front group in my view of the Muslim Brotherhood and theres a lot of connections of the Muslim Brotherhood. Maria they infiltrated. The fbi really took away from the training materials of the fbi, the whole history of radical fundamentalism. We are not going to know anything their habits or why they do things. I mean, its just nonsense. Maria you werent allowed to study the background of islam . How can agents investigate radical fundamentalist without knowing the whole history, where they are coming from, what their mindset, basically infiltrate the United States and take the country over along with killing people. He took away the tools and kept them away. Maria comey kept that up. Comey kept that up and agent training not the agents were dumb, the materials were dumb and basically this blanket of Political Correctness tied behind the back at least one arm of the fbi, made it really impossible for the fbi to better protect the United States of america without question. You know, you look back to the boston you look at the Boston Marathon and all the other cases, right, it turns out that the fbi knew about those people but dropped them off the side, well, yeah, in the fbi there was a culture of, boy, you better not lean too forward. Maria why . I dont understand why. It would take psychiatrist to figure that out. Why the political elite went along with this is really disgusting. Its conspiracy of numbness and stupidity that has harmed the ability to have the fbi to protect the United States of america. Maria you have to say that that continued recently with this whole russia probe. So this russia probe has been ongoing for ten months. We still dont have any evidence of collusion between the president and the russians. Guess what, maria . The russian probe is being conducted by the Foreign Counterintelligence Division of the fbi. Its not a criminal investigation. Its not a criminal investigation. Where is the crime . Theres no articulated crime. Its an intelligence matter. Maria we know its a crime to release and leak information thats classified to the media. Where is that investigation. I dont know where that is. Thats a major bigtime crime. Maria is that why he got fired . I think thats one of the reasons. There was a whole lost of reasons. At that listen the leaks look at this unmasking, reported thousands of names of people. Thats a huge, huge scandal and a huge violation of the privacy laws of the United States, a huge violation of the very laws that enable the fbi to protect the country. Maria should that be the priority number one for the incoming fbi director . Priority number one, the leaks, that thing is outrageous, the new fbi director should be someone, you know, that has the fortitude to protect this country regardless of people that want to politically bend that away from certain things. Maria is that going to be easy . How hard to turn the ship around . 98 of the people that want to be the fbi director are not qualified, theyre not qualified in a lot of ways. Just because youre an attorney or worked in the Justice Department, lets get away from that. Lets put someone in there that understands investigations. List put someone in there with fortitude. Lets get someone in there that can motivate police officers, fbi agents, secret service agents, everybody to be a better person to protect this society. We live in a very dangerous world. Now is the time, mr. President , we have to pick the right person for this job and they have to get rid of this Political Correctness. Maria really great insight from you, jim, thank you so much f jim kallstrom. Thank you so much. We will talk when you have something you love, you want to protect it. At legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Then youre a couple. Think of all youll share. Like snoring. Does your bed do that . The dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. So every couple can get the best sleep ever. Does your bed do that . 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The white house says that the rogue regime has been quote a flagrant menace for far too long. Joining us right now commerce secretary wilbur ross. Mr. Secretary, always a pleasure to see you. Thank you for the time this morning. Thank you, maria. Maria would this be the kind of event that would trigger more sanctions against north korea . Well, i dont know exactly what action the president will take. The white house did put out a press statement indicating that the missile landed a lot closer to russia than to japan. So whether that will give the russians some interest in doing something, i dont know. Maria very important point that you make there. So i know that the president and yourself have been talking with china in terms of a lot of issues, not just the north korea issue but certainly on trade and getting American Companies a better foothold in china. Listen to what former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice told me when she joined me on fox business network, sir. I dont think complete influence but some influence of the North Koreans. Theyve always been reluctant to do tough things with North Koreans because they worried about the collapse of the regime more than they are worried about a Nuclear North Korea. The administration is saying to them, worry more about a Nuclear North Korea because if you cant do something about the path that they are on, we will have to. Maria do you think china is getting it at this point, secretary ross, in terms of participating, working with the americans to rein in north korea and a better participation would be part of arrangement . Well, a maralago we initiated two dialogues, a Strategic Dialogue which deals importantly with north korea and the economic dialogue this is the part that ive been involved with. In terms of the strategic, its my impression that what the chinese are worried about is if the regime does collapse that it would be a huge flood of refugees into china and they really dont want that. They are already getting quite a flow just because of the turmoil, so i can understand theyre in a very tricky position. Maria yeah, sure. Understood. They want to see change. They want to see a nonNuclear North Korea but they dont want it to mean a democratic north korea, changing leadership, they dont want to see refugees flowing into china, they have a balance to walk. Having said that, the u. S. And china agree to take action midjuly to expand trade and beef in chicken among other steps as part the drive to cut its trade deficit with beijing. Tell us whats most important in recent trade deal with china and what youre expecting out of china in terms of working with the u. S. On trade . Well, the most important things that we got from the chinese were the deal on beef. China already is a 2 and a half billion dollar year market for beef but that represents a very small amount per person. A dollar and 70 cents per person so with the rising standards of living there, pretty clear that this already big two and a half billion dollar market could grow very rapidly. Its been quite a few years that theres been discussion about opening that market. We finally have gotten them to agree by which the beef import into china would start from america. So the american livestock industry is quite thrilled with that. Maria wow. Second thing that we got is lng exports. As you probably remember lng prices have been depressed in the u. S. But now we are opening it up that there could be even longterm contracts to supply china and china is the Worlds Largest consumer of lng than the Worlds Largest importer, so while theres been a few scattered spot shipments, longterm contracts are very attractive to our industry and then the third and fourth and fifth things that weve got were, they had sort of banned our Credit Card Companies from doing dual currency, dual label cards with the chinese banks, now theyve agreed to let them do that and to take on the u. S. Based electronic payment services. That helps the Service Industries and lastly, theyve agreed to grant two licenses to foreignowned firms in order to underwrite bonds and to clear the trades and then lastly in food biotechnology there are quite a few applications. I think Something Like eight pending and weve agreed on a protocol for Going Forward with them where by the end of may those will know if theres any remaining problems in their application, if not, itll go forward. So maria yeah. It dealt with a lot of sectors but theres a lot more to do. Maria a lot more. A lot of people wonder if American Companies will actually get a shot to actually own something in china rather than just being part of joint venture where a Financial Firm can only own 49 . Maria go ahead, sir, sorry. Thats certainly one of the issues, the intellectual Property Rights are an issue, the oversupply and overcapacity in steel and aluminum and other products, theres a host of issues but strategy to get a quick free kills and a few tangible delivery items that can be done quickly and make sure theres actual performance on them because many of the things had been premised for a long time. Now its time for delivery, assuming that those are delivered, then we will go into a oneyear program of negotiation. If that produces more delivery maria thank you so much for walking us through it. President trumps revised travel ban in Court Tomorrow morning with the ninth Circuit Court of appeals. But is this case inevitable heading to the supreme court. The attorney general from one of the attorney general from one of the states supporting the ban when they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. I realize that ah, that 100k is notwell, a 103fortune. Yeah, 103. 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Maria most people are scratching their head, the president has the authority to come out with his executive orders and hes being blocked left and right. I mean, this immigration ban cant get past go, what do you make of this . Well, its interesting for us because we filed a lawsuit based on Syrian Refugees without us knowing much about it and we were told by a federal judge that the federal government has complete authority over immigration. So its surprising to us now that we are with a different president that we have ports all over the nation saying the president does not have the authority to do that when we think clearly under federal statute that he does. Maria yeah, exactly. So i mean, obviously the ninth Internal Revenue kurt circuit has been against the president. Can the ninth circuit keep this up and actually create a barrier for the president to get his executive order get through at all . You make a great point. The first travel ban, the first was in Washington State and the second one in hawaii, obviously theres a reason they are filing it in ninth circuit, tends to be liberal court. Maria tell me what you are doing in texas at this point, mr. Attorney general, because we know that you have been supportive of this ban and actually are trying to create borders and ensure that the law is being followed. We basically pulled out of the program, the federal program because we had no way of monitoring who was coming into our state. So the Program Still continues for us but we are not part of as state and our governor did not feel comfortable that we were going to be part of a program where we could not vet these people and know who was coming into our state. We were very concerned about this and obviously we have a huge issue here with crimes in our state with illegals and we want to make sure this is resolved. Maria in terms of vetting process, what would you like to see at the border and have a good idea of what needs to be done and what we are lacking, what can you tell us . We dont get any information. We would love to have background checks, we know they have terrorist ties to it and if they come to our state, we can track whats going on and find out where they are going so we have some idea of the thousands of refugees that have come to our state, we literally know nothing about. Maria attorney general paxton. The fallout continues, our panel is next. Here comes the fun with seadoo. Starting at just 5,299 and get 0 percent financing. Visit seadoo. Com today. I count on my dell small for tech advice. With one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. Looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. Maria welcome back, President Trump looking to move quickly on naming a new fbi director saying an announcement could come as soon as this friday. I want to bring panel ed rollins, garrett, former world chess champion and author of the new book, deep thinking, great to see you both. Thank you so much for joining us. What a week it was. As i sit here with gary, the book called deep thinking, we need deep thinking in this white house and we need a strategy. This was the worst week i think this president has had and its all selfinflicted. He could have gotten rid of comey on january 20th, comey last week and what he should have done sat down as jim said, i want to make a change, you want to resign by the end of the should have said thank you for your service and move on. He made it into a much bigger story than needed to be. The white house staff is all over the place. When they start comparing you to carter and nixon as a former president , thats not a good place to be. My sense he goes First International trip that shows this week should be all about what hes going to accomplish as he leaves this country and again theres no strategy in what he wants to accomplish. Maria what should be the strategy, gary. He turned it into a fight and threatened on tapes. Thats because jim comey leaked to the New York Times what was said at dinner. When you say tapes it reminds people of richard nixon. Just following what ed said, theres no strategy. Its questionable timing, of course, but then receiving Russian Foreign minister and russian embassador in the oval office and allowing russian photographer maria that was insane. By the way, you receive kissinger. Because we have the story with ongoing investigation, so people are trying to to put oneonone together and it looks very bad for the white house. Maria you made a good point on the commercial day that on the same day he met with russians, he met with ukraine embassador. Nobody knows about it. Maria why not . Its amazingly compared to Trump Administration, Trump Administration is doing right things about ukraine but a secret. I dont know why, this is a good thing and right things to do and maybe they dont want to upset russians in public. We dont know its amazing that bad things are publicized, good things he needs to quit looking bad. She won 3 million more votes, thats not going to change. He basically has to focus on the future. The next week foreign leaders will look at him in the eye and make a judgment and the judgment better be that this is significant leader. If he doesnt do that and fails on the front because hes distracted itll be a terrible month here and very key at this point. Maria meeting with the king of saudi arabia and the prince of saudi arabia. Leaders of israel which are very important. Maria of course. This is going to be a measurement week. The leaders are going to look him in the eye and make a judgment. Its important to remember that the american credibility has been severely damage by the Obama Administration and now theres an opportunity to restore it and trump so far is missing so many good moments to actually show the leadership and to demonstrate that america is back in world stage. Three weeks ago when he fired missile maria maybe his best week. A new game, strong leader, we need to take him seriously and my sense is this week stumbling around blaming staff and all the rest of it, talking about getting rid of your staff is absurd at this point in time. Focus on foreign trip. Talk what about you want to accomplish and come back with a victory. Maria turn the conversation after what youre going to do and why youre on the First International trip as president and why you chose israel than saudi arabia first. Thats right. Maria thatll do it for us on maria thatll do it for us on sunday morning futures, i will my name is pam. Im 51 years old. Maria thatll do it for us on sunday morning futures, i will when i was diagnosed with Pneumococcal Pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. She just started to decline rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd have waited two more days, you wouldve died. If id have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. Lou good evening, everybody. Washington d. C. Is swirling. President trump defended the firing of james comey. And president s views supported by new acting director mccab. Acknowledged that fbi agents were angry and frustrated with director comeys decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton. The left