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Plus, donald trump saying brexit draws parallels with his agenda. Back home, questions are being raised about his campaigns lack of funding. A senior trump adviser is with me on sunday morning futures. Global Financial Markets plunging after Great Britains historic vote on friday to part ways with the European Union. For many, a big reason to celebrate. Some probrexit law makers even calling it the uks independence day, but the results shocking investigators. Dow jones close down more than 600 points on friday, closing at the lows of the day. Sparking fears of a worldwide economic slowdown that could last months, could could end up being a global recession. How much will britains decision affect us here at home . Joining us is mohamed el erian, former pimco ceo. Pleasure to see you. Thanks for joining us. Thank you, maria. A sharp reaction to the brexit on friday with markets down across the board. Let me kick it off right there. Do you think the selling continues when markets reopen tomorrow sm. There was a chance it does because a lot of people have gotten overconfident with the notion that british voters would not opt for brexit. So you have a lot of long accounts that received margin calls that will be forced to sell. Having said that, theres a lot of cash on the sideline, so expect a lot of volatility and more selling in the days ahead. Well probably see more selling. Are we going to see the back drop get worse . Do you expect well see a global recession or a recession now in the eurozone . So, on a stand alone basis, think of the following, the most intense developments will be political. Youre seeing major turmoil in the united kingdom, as you correctly stated. Not just to conservatives, the labor. Scotland is looking to seek independence again. Youll see a lot of questions in europe. The politics will be incredible messy. Financials will get more volatile, which means you put all of that on top of a pretty fragile global economy. Slower growth in europe, probably a recession in the uk. We will feel something, but not anything that derails us in a major way. Because we are looking at an economy in the u. S. Thats sort of bumping along the bottom in some ways. Were not seeing the kind of growth one would wanted to see ten years after the financial collapse. How do you move the needle on growth . We do four things and we do them comprehensively to unleash all the money thats on the sideline because companies arent willing to invest and take risks . First, serious investments in growth, infrastructure, tax reform. Second, more responsible fiscal policy. Third, we have to start dealing with some debt overhangs. Finally, u. S. Leadership on the global stage. Those four things would unleash a lot of capital thats kindly sitting on the sideline waiting. So, what do you think happens until those things actually materialize because were looking at those things being longterm structural events that need to take place. Were in a nervous moment, arent we . What do you tell clients and people who have money on the line right now . I tell them the good news is the u. S. Outperforms. The bad news, its not potential. Well connue 2 growth, not enough what we lost already. The balance of risk is to the downside. For Financial Markets, which have been decoupled by fundamentals from central bank action, theres a lot more downside than upside at this point. You mentioned a moment ago financials. I wanted to ask you about the investment banks because that was the Group Leading this major selloff we saw at the end of the week. How does the uk go about this . Right now regulations are in place with the uk being under the European Union umbrella, but when they actually do move out, as they are intending, what does that look like in terms of this reworking of financial regulations . Youre absolutely right. And the answer is a lot more questions than answers. Theres a reason why european banks got hit so hard. First, youve completely turned upside down institutional linkages so operating models are under pressure. Second, remember, Interest Rates came down on friday and the curve flattened which means its harder for them to generate income. Thirdly, if europe slows down the credit quality of their portfolio becomes more in doubt. For me its no surprise european banks were hard hit. Wouldnt venture there for now. There are better places to put your money because other stocks overshot but in an excessive manner. Thats a good point. So, where are there places to hide, if you will . I was reading one stat, and were trying to get to the bottom of this, that your average 401 k lost thousands of dollars on friday alone. What should people be thinking . These are longterm people . You know, youre not going to trade your 401 k , obviously, but for those people who recognize they just took a hit, should they just sit tight and continue to be long term, or are there places they should be looking at to revisit and reassess . Your starting position matters a great deal. What rick did you have on and whats your tolerance for this risk . Investors should realize a couple things, whether in 401 k or otherwise. Were in a volatile position. Cash is important to have. Facebook, google are going to trade down a lot. Not because theyve been fundamentally hit but theyll be sold because people are looking to waste cash. You will sell whatever you have. So, be patient. Look for names with good balance sheets, positive cash flows and good management. They will be attractive over the long term. Over the short term, just realize we entered a more volatile period. You make a good point. When youre under pressure, you have to sell something. Youre selling where you have liquidity. All of those companies you just mentioned is where the liquidity is. You sell wherever you can sell and that puts pressure on the broader market. Thats right. They serve as the atm. They can be sold easily because theyre so liquid but the result is they overshoot on the way down. So for call shares, longterm investors, this is a period of not just volatility but of selective opportunities. Just to recap, you dont think the worst has been done. Were in for further slg this week . Im afraid so because i think there were too many levered long accounts. They borrowed to put on more risk. As much as there is cash on the sideline, which is good, that cash is going to the way until the levered long finish the selling. Always a pleasure to have you. Thanks so much for joining us. Well see you soon. Mohamed el erian. Join me tomorrow morning on mornings with maria on the fox network from 6 00 to 9 00 a. M. Donald trump drawing comparisons between brexit and United States. Senior policy directer on what voters in both countries have something in common. Well tell you about that. You can follow me on twitter mariabartiromo sunday morningfurtsz. Morningfurtsz. Stephen moore is joining us n you can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. Family road trip fun check engine. Not fun but, youve got hum. Thats like driving with this guy. All you do is press this, and in plain english, coolant, youll know whats wrong. 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Donald trump drawing comparisons between uks brexit decision and support for his own president ial campaign here in the u. S. Trump supporting voters in both countries are skeptical of open borders and praising the Supreme Courts split decision this week that block president obamas controversial action on immigration. Joining me right now is Stephen Miller, Senior Policy Adviser for the Trump Campaign. Great to have you on the program. Thank you. Do you think there are similarities between whats happening in uk and america . Absolutely. The similarities are quite extraordinary. If you look at the Brexit Campaign and the leave campaign, their central issue was for britain to control its own borders because imoperation fundamentally is an issue that affects every aspect of peoples lives. Especially working people. It affects housing, schools, hospitals, wages, neighborhood security. That was a driving issue, as well as the ability to make trade deals good for britain as well as ability to make decisions at the local rather than the international level. Those are issues effecting the campaign here in america. Why is that issue so important . Connect the dots. I know there is worry and concern over foreigners taking peoples js but also worry about security. Yes. Both. In the case of the security issue, youve seen tragically here in the United States, a number of incidents in recent years in which individuals linked to immigration in one way or another have gone on to commit atrocities in the United States. That is certainly one of the issues driving it here in america, is the issue over security. Its also a quality of life issue. I think people will be surprised to learn that since 1965, the United States has admitted 59 million immigrants. Thats a level unprecedented, i would say, in world history. The effects of that on wages, on income, job security has been profound. Youve seen that on a number of trade deals at economic dislocation and social dislocation for many working people. That includes many immigrant people, that includes many people who themselves have arrived very recently who are the first people to be affected by newcomers. So all americans, regardless of where they come from, will benefit from establishing stronger border control. Talk to us about trumpS Immigration policy. You are integral to that immigration policy and have done a lot of work on immigration as you worked with Jeff Sessions over the years. People are wondering how trump would balance out controlling borders, ensuring we know who is coming in and out of the country and also not being too nationalistic. Perhaps creating trade wars as well as a closed society. The United States is in no danger of becoming a closed society. Were the most open society in the world. We have the most generouS Immigration policy. We have the Worlds Largest trade deficit, the least amount of border control. Whats striking is even though britain could not control selfdetermination, britain still had more Eu Border Control than the United States does. Its a profound diamond in our political class. Moderating our trade policies and immigration policies to serve the interests of the People Living here today, will simply be a move toward the historical position of most civilized countries, which is that if youre making a trade deal, making an immigration deal, you have to first and foremost look out for your own workers. Trump made some comments this weekend while he was in scotland. Obviously, went there for the golf course and yet it was Perfect Timing for being there, he gave a press conference on brexit. Was that planned . There was certainly an awareness that the timing of the trip would place it during brexit. You dont want to come in right before the vote and distract from it. It was a longplanned trip but there was certainly awareness inside the campaign of where the trip would fall. He made comments over the weekend talking about the muslim ban. Do you want to clarify, has his tone changed on a muslim ban should he become president . I think the policy in his speech he gave after the orlando shooting. That has been were going to focus on suspending migration with countries with a link to terrorism until a better position can be put in place. Weve seen hundreds of terror thif linked individuals that have ended up in the United States as a result of our immigration policies. So, hes talking about specific countries. Thats where the vigilance will be in terms of a muslim ban. The most effective way to screen out individuals linked to radical islam is focus on the countries where they live. The past news line was obviously the Supreme Court in a split decision. Essentially knocking down the president S Immigration reform, which was done by executive action. Your thoughts on that . The fact its a 44 split underscores whats at stake for america. That could eventually be relitigated and you could see a new effort to come with a better result. They kicked it back down and upheld the Circuit Court ruling as a result of that ruling. If you get a fifth justice that Hillary Clinton appoints, they could rule in favor of the president s actions, which would mean any president now or in the future could unilaterally suspend all immigration rules and effectively you would have no borders in america. You know what resonated with me. The fact that president obama did away with the pledge of allegiance to america. Now when immigrants come in, they dont have to pledge, i pledge my allegiance to america. They dont have to sign that document. I was looking at documents from my own great grandparents when they denounced the king italy. Theres a poll out today that shows donald trump is way behind Hillary Clinton. Theres also debate amongst the gop. Whats the strategy for trump going into the convention, the elections to gain this upper hand . First of all, you have on the fundraising side, you have big numbers coming in in the campaign war. Hillary clinton has spent tense upon tens of millions of dollars in advertising dollars. What most people care about is the message. Youll see a big message appealing to people that have been victims of globalization to say we dont think the big banks, we dont think the multinationals, we dont think transnationals should be deciding how my life goes, how my familys life goes, my community goes. Thats the Hillary Clinton globalization. Well focus on real results for real people. Hes going to stick to those issues . Yes. Well be watching. Stephen miller joining us. Shock waves felt around the world as Great Britain votes to leave the European Union. Many now bracing for what comes next. A member of the European Parliament will join me live as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Welcome back. Secretary of state john kerry headed to brufssels tomorrow. That decision could lead to a major shakeup in britains labor party as the leader faces growing pressure to step down. Fox Business Networks ashley is live in london. Good morning to you. Good morning to you, maria. John kerry in rome right now meeting with israeli and roman officials while there. Tomorrow hes taking time out to come back up to brussels. Hell be meeting with the eu chief and after that, hell be there to stress that he wants the eu to remain together. Fears of a domino effect from the vote by uk to get out of the European Union. Hell be expressing, please, lets stay together. Then he hops on a plane and comes over to london later on tomorrow and hell be meeting with british Prime Minister philip hammond. I have a feeling hell be saying, we have a special relationship, were partners and that will never change. Its a difficult time for the obama administration, no doubt. This was an unexpected vote. It has security implications because the uk is not at the table when it comes to security in europe. But hes turning up in england at a time theres absolute political chaos going on behind me in westminster. Certainly the conservatives in the wake of this vote. David cameron says hell be out and wants to be replaced by october. Who replaces him . Boris johnson one of the favorites. Just a bit of a backlash against boris. Then a meltdown in the labor party with labor leader Jeremy Corbin with intense pressure to quit. Hes had a number of Senior Party Members resign today, on tv shows here. He called corbin and said, youre looking confidence, you may want to step down and he did a classic donald trump, and said, youre fired. Wow, were in the front row seat of history here in the uk for sure. Thats absolutely true. Well see you tomorrow morning on the fox business network. Thank you, ashley webster. The next 90 days could be pivotal as eu discussing trade deals with britain in the wake of that brexit decision. The uk could be the tip of the iceberg. Leaders wonder if other countries in the eurozone will also decide to leave the eu. We want to bring in dr. Kay swinebum, thank you for joining us. Pleasure, maria. Ahead of this vote you were pushing to stay. That did not end up happening. What is the most important priority at this point is what i want to get to . First, let me ask you about the story in the news today. Im reading this from the daily mail, dont rule out a second eu referendum, says tony blair, as more than 3 million sign petition demanding a rerun. Is there going to be a rerun voted . Well, i guess the problem here is that the remain campaign, obviously, it was status quo so what knew what we were voting for. Whats become clear in the last 24 hours is although the vote was to leave, nobody actually knows what we were going to be leaving to. So its very clear now there was no plan by the leave campaigners. So we now need to actually press a pause button to work out where were at but the alternatives is what is best for us outside the eu in terms of what type of trade agreement. When they werent telling us what they wanted during the campaign, we assumed it was for reasons they had not worked out all the detail. It seems they hadnt made any considerations at all of what they wanted. So were not at the table yet for negotiations. President obama traveled to britain obviously a few months ago and warned that its not a good idea for britain to leave and its going to put britain at the end of the line when it comes to new deals. I want to run this sound bite and get your reaction to it. Maybe some point down the line there might be a uk u. S. Trade agreement but its not going to happen any time soon because negotiating with a big bloc like the European Union to get a trade agreement done. And the uk is going to be in the back of the queue. Us having access to a big market with a lot of countries rather than trying to do piecemeal trade agreements is hugely inefficient. Kay, do you agree with that . Do you think britain will be at the end of the queue in terms of redoing trade deals with the eu countries and the u. S. . Well, the u. S. Has a habit, from what weve observed, of doing deals in sequence rather than at the same time. If theyve got the big deal on the table at the moment, is the Eu Investment partnership and, therefore, by what weve seen in the past, they do one after the other. Yes, there is a line. There is the queue we have to join. The European Union would be at the head of that queue before we actually even vaguely start. In fairness, our biggest market right now is 44 of our exports going to our eu neighborhood. And so we need to get that deal sorted before we move on to anything else. We dont, as ive said previously, dont even have a seat at the moment at the wto. We have a seat by the eu, but we dont have a seat for Great Britain. Im concerned we have basic fundamental things to organize. Part of the reasons we havent invoked article 50 so far is because we actually know now that the leave side didnt have a plan, so we need to use this time to get a plan in place. Are you expecting a recession in the eu . I know a week and a half ago you were among those questioning mario draghi when he testified. How weak are things and do you expect a recession on the horizon . I think the problem being we have weak growth in many countries across the euro zone. In particular, the uk was a beacon of hope with high growth and jobs being created. So, were now at that crossroads where the uk has put its economy effectively on hold with a real threat of us having serious consequences to our economic development. So, if were slowing down, customers are slowing down. Everything is going on hold until we know whats happening. The uk is a large economy within the eu bloc. When we start to actually have a slowdown, the rest of the eu that was relying on us is now going to suffer the same thing. Recession may be too far, but i think well have fairly Major Economic consequences both here in the uk and across the rest of the eu, too. Which is why i think the eu might be trying to move along quickly to isolate themselves from the repercussions of this uk vote. Until we invoke article 50, were still a member of the eu. Thats a really good point. You talked about that single market, that the uk needs access to 500 plus Million People in the eurozone. Those are important customers for the uk. Kay swinburne good to have you on the program. Pleasure. Bernie sanders staying in the democratic president ial race for now, even though he says he will vote for Hillary Clinton. Its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the cla250 for 299 a month at your local mercedesbenenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. The uncertainties of hep c. I dont want to live with or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimethats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. 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Jessica, what is going on in Bernie Sanders mind. Tell us what his strategy is, if you have any idea. Im really not sure. Ive been saying this for a few mont ait became increasingly clear she would be the nominee. She came out 3. 8 million votes ahead of him. The fact hes demanding a platform that looks exactly like his agenda when he lost is truly stunning to me. And i would add that when Bernie Sanders says that hes dedicated to defeating donald trump, that now means supporting Hillary Clinton. Not just saying ill vote for her kind of begrudgingly, but fueling his supporters to understand that this is whats most important, to get behind the democratic nominee. I agree. But how is he going to translate his supporters into Hillary Clinton supporters when a lot of them i think there was i dont know if he can do that. This week a majority this happened in 2008, we actually had an even larger divide. 50 of Hillary Clinton supporters said they wouldnt back obama. Let me suggest why i think this situation is different. If you look at Bernie Sanders voters, what do they want . They want change . If you listen to hillarys speech this week that she gave, it was a resounding endorsement for the status quo. There was no message of you couldnt find anything in that speech she couldnt do that was different from barack obama. Im not saying those Bernie Sanders voters will vote for trump. I think a lot of them will. I think a lot will stay home. I was watching this video this weekend with Susan Sarandon pushing back on a clinton supporter saying, why would you have clinton in your corner . She voted for the iraq war. Theres this real vitriol. Susan is a professional agita agitator. At the end of the day here, the hardest part of everybody whos had a Campaign Like sanders is stepping back. He goes back back to being an obscure senator in the back of the room. Right now he has secret service protection. Hes adored everywhere he goes. After that happens, after the convention hell be irrelevant. I assume hell be a clear leader for her at the end of the gale. That doesnt matter. I would be surprised if 10 or less basically supported anyone but a democrat. They may stay home but i think at the end of the day theyll be democrats, theyll young people and brought into the ticket. Hes already mattered because hes pushed her more to the left and hes got this enormous platform. Look at the Democratic Party today. Isnt it much different than it was today . Certainly very different from the 1990s, which is where she is normally aligned. We can debate whether she was actually for nafta or not. We know, perhaps, wasnt her favorite move, but the party has decidedly shifted to the left, which i dont think is necessarily the great thing for the future of the country or the future of the party if were trying to be this from a democratic strategist. The democratic strategist and i think a lot of democrats feel this way, which is why she was overwhelmingly their choice. Two candidates in the past who have run on the Bernie Sanders portfolio, the governor to beat and mondale who could beat 491. Bill clinton brought them back to the senator. He sure did. When you have socialist countries blowing up all over the world, you have whats going on in venezuela and hes touting an endorsement, i dont understand how this could be a positive. This point about the change in the Democratic Party, i think, its ive been in washington for 30 years. Ed, youve been involved a little bit longer than i have, but this transition think about in the 80s. Bill bradley and dick gephardt, that when reagan passes an agenda, i dont think bill clinton, you know, bill bradley, dick gephardt, they couldnt be democrats today. Its moved so fared to left. I want to talk about economic plans on both sides of aisle, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trumps plan. Heats get to media buzz with howie kurtz. Another negative week over Donald Trumps trip to scotland, his response to brexit, firing his campaign manager, raising a meegen amount of money. Well see if thats fair, if the press factchecks Hillary Clinton as much as donald trump, and gun control other it didnt produce anything and violated house rules. Well see you in 20 minutes. Thank you. Can donald trump show us the money . He says he can. Predicting well see staggering fundraising figures from his Campaign Next month. Our panel talking about the money when we come right back and the economy. Were looking ahead on sunday morning futures. Stay with us. Every day you read headlines about businesses being hacked and intellectual property being stolen. That is cybercrime. And it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unityberc. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. 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Recent filings also show Hillary Clinton started the month with 42 million in the bank while donald trump had just 1. 3 million. The reports also show trumps team raised 3 million just last month. Our panel back on the money. What can you tell us about the fundraising for the Trump Campaign . Its been slow, slow for a variety of reasons. One is trumpb didnt want to raise money from big donors or direct mail, which he could have done. All those supporters, if he had a direct mail program like cars carson, he would have had no problem. The bottom line with donald trump is he can go to his atm and match anybody. He can write a 25, 50 million check and get even real quick. He hasnt done that. This election is not going to be decided by money. Both candidates in the end will have more money than they need. Only one issue is next month, next month democrats are out there hammering the daylights out of him, the same strategy they had with romney. Take him out when they get to the convention. We need your super pac. Right now he needs money. He needs to be up in the air. He cant let her have a month of free air time beating the daylights out of him. Which is what Stephen Miller told us. They need the money to come up with the ads to counter her ads. Im looking at an email, eric trump, my father is asking you to contribute 100, 75, 50, 30, contribute another amount. I can promise you, my father loves and cares about america. He understands america greatness has vanished. Hes using his kids. Those kids are the best thing. He can sign it himself. At the end of the day, the critical thing about direct mail, it takes a period of time to develop mail. And youll hear these big numbers but its never a question someone says, i raised x amount of money. Whats the gross . Youve raised enormous sums of money but how much do you have to spend . Its costs a lot to raise those are trivial. He has to knock his Convention Speech out of the park and bet hillary in the debate. Thats where youll have 120 Million People watching. Those are the big amounts. He also has to stick to the issues. Will he do that in terms of economy, national security, which resonates with people. No question. I believe if donald trump can just only talk about the economy and terrorism, he will win this election and not get off on tangents about mexican judges and things like that. He has to run a Real Campaign. Its foolish for them to ever think what they did in the primary, which was successful against 16 other candidates, this is a very sustained, very Effective Campaign being run against them. They have the both from both the obama team and hillary team. Dont underestimate what they can do. Get ready for it and match it. At the same time, theres such debate and unease within the Republican Party. This weekend we learned that george will says hes decided to leave the Republican Party because of donald trump. Reaction . Thank you very much. Wish you will. See you later, is that what youre saying . Ill steel read your column the worst treasury secretary in american history, git who gave us bank bailouts. If the democrats want him, he can have them. Its a little spilled milk. There was a letter from top Business Executives from the right and left, your Warren Buffetts and people who worked in reagan and bush administrations who run at t and General Motors saying theyre backing Hillary Clinton because there will be dark day as head under a trump presidency. Its serious. This letter is real. Right. How important and how damaging was that letter . Which letter are you talking about . From the Business Executives i think it did some damage but, look, this is a real lining election if trump wins. If he wins, hell win with millions and millions of working democrats. Hell lose the hoitytoity republicans. Elites. And elites. This is a plus. Brandnew polls out this morning on the president ial race. What they are saying as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Our panel comes back next. You pay your Car Insurance premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fundâ„¢, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. Call to learn more. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Welcome back. Brand new polls this morning show Hillary Clinton is leading donald trump. Lets keep in mind they were taken before the brexit vote, but here is the latest nbc wall street journal poll. 46 backing clinton, 41 supporting clinton. Then theres this from the Washington Post where she is now at 51 versus trumps 39 . Im back with the panel. Ed rawlins, your reaction to these stunning polls. Well, i can see trump is behind in the polls and probably will be behind for a period of time here. Hes got to run a Real Campaign and catch up here. It doesnt matter. At the end of the day it will be a knock down, drag out close lest. The vast majority of republicans will vote for him and the vast majority of democrats will vote for her. Its the same old story, where are the independents going to go . The polls today are indications of a sign of whats happening right today, but if she had those kind of numbers for real, thats what reagan had over mondale for a year before the end of the campaign. Shes not in that kind of condition. I dont believe the Washington Post poll. You dont believe it . I actually think the other one the nbc 5 or 6 gap. I think thats probably where this is. Trump had a terrible two or three or four weeks preceding this week. Judge, the mexicanamerican judge right. This week i think he staged a pretty nice comeback. First of all, the whole brexit issue i think plays into the hand of trumps lets take our country back. The other thing is remember this week both candidates gave major speeches, you know. Hillary hit trump pretty hard in her speech, but donald trump is a counter puncher and he hit her back even harder. Yeah. Of what are your thoughts . I think so. I agree with the abc Washington Post poll. You dont believe it . I believe some of it. It wasnt taken after brexit. I happen to not think the brexit vote is as important to our election. Its a very different condition. With whats going on in the uk, theyre talking about another layer of government. Theyre talking about brussels. Its not one step removed, its two steps removed. I think thats important. I think shes up 6 to 8 points, not the 5 to 6 but more here is what does matter in this election, actual policy. I want to talk about actual policy in terms of Hillary Clintons economic plan, Donald Trumps economic plan. Who is going to move the needle on Economic Growth and job creation . Whats most important about these plans . I think trump gets the most credit because hes obviously been 234 businein business. Thats going to be his strengthhis strengths are going to be about leadership. Who can leaead this country wita new economy. If he articulates a good plan, which i think is coming, and talks about who can stand up to terrorism, i think hes home free. This is a changed election. The reason i think brexit is relevant is because people want a change in britain im not saying its not relevant. But its not the be all, end all. If you listen to hillarys speech, she spent 45 minutes attacking trump and 3 minutes talking about her own policies. Tax the rich and more infrastructure spending. Thats what obama said. Is that accurate . Do you agree with that . These are her major themes . That is a democratic economic plan. I would add in r d investment, investment in education. These things are important. Where does the money come from . Raises taxes but she only raises taxes 4 to 5 on those earning 5 million and above. But trump wants to cut them. Right. He wants to cut thats easy raising taxes on small business. But youre not raising them certainly on the middle class which is what shes focusing on. Barack obama and his job creation has not been as high as it should be and growth is slow, but when you look at her plan, it mirrors closely what her husband did. Not raising taxes that much. Its only she got the buffett rule. She does and shes speaking to a sanders crowd and well have to see how it turns out. Trumps plan, ill tell you us what i have been working on it. We will have the biggest tax cuts since reagan. Well cut the Corporate Tax which is the highest in the world to virtually the lowest. How much . 25 to 15 . 15 . 15 is the business tax, exactly. Thats a big deal. Youre going to get a lot of business when its an election about income inequality on both sides and druch is cutting from 39 to 25 . Its not about income. It may be on your side. This country wants leadership. It wants someone with a new immigration policy. Anybody thats talking about taxes is going to lose in this campaign, i promise you. Whether its 5 million or what have you. People think theyre taxed too much. Trump gets credit for being the guy with an economic plan. If you want the same that youve had for the last eight years, good, vote for her. If you want can go different from obama, vote for him. Hes the change agent. And the idea is by moving the needle, you take care of income inequality. What about the protectionist trade policies . Because there are a lot of republicans out there who are for free trade. Well renegotiate some of the deals. Hes saying he wants to he walked back from that. What to watch in the week ahead, back in a minute. This is your daughter. And she just got this. Ooh boy. But, youve got hum. So you can set this. And if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. Because youll get this. You can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. Youll know. So dont worry, mom. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. Weinto a new american century. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. 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