Marriage. Plus the Senate Working overtime to consider a bill that involves collecting your personal information. Our panel on the patriot act extension as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. And we begin this morning with discussions going on right now to keep five senior taliban leaders from returning to the fight. The Obama Administration released the socalled taliban five from gitmo last year. In exchange for Sergeant Bowe bergdahl. Bergdahl now faces desertion charges, and the u. S. And qatar have agreed the taliban five would not travel with restrictions but those restrictions expire tomorrow. A deal is now reportedly in the works to extend the restriction for another six months. Joining me right now in an exclusive interview, the former Prime Minister of qatar, sheikh hamed. Thank you so much for joining us. What is your stance . The u. S. Nearing this deal with qatar. Whats your sense of these five former prisoners now still in qatar and whether or not they will leave and go rejoin the fight . Well first of all, im talking on my behalf not on my government. As you know im not in the government. I think this deal its being reached in a mutual agreement between kaqatar and the United States and the taliban. It was at that time trying to help both parties reach an agreement. Also as you know there are political talks in qatar between taliban and the government how they will find a way to sort the problem in afghanistan, especially as you know United States most of their troops are now outside afghanistan. What is a care to me, first of all, is the noise. This agreement being done with the United States as you know qatar respects the agreement. At that time everybody thought this is a good deal for everybody and its a winwin situation. Right now i hear a lot of criticism about this deal. Criticism which we are surprised for in qatar, as a normal person, as an ordinary person that this deal is being done to help. Now it seems if we did not help it is better for me that we dont have that noise. I know there is a discussion happening at the moment as we hear from the news and i think there will be an agreement between qatar and the United States and taliban how to extend or have a new arrangement for these five taliban. Is there a feeling within from the qatari side that these five represent a big threat to the world . I mean how much of a threat do you think these five represent . Well from the beginning before we go to the threat we went this problem is to solve a problem. The problem is to get the prison back back your prison. Bowe bergdahl. Yes. And the second thing is to keep them in a safe place where they can guarantee they will not behave or go back to what they are doing before. This has been done. This has been reached. Now the end of the one year is after a few hours, as you mentioned yeah tonight. So in my opinion, agreement is important to reach. How they will behave or how after they leave, this is something which we dont know how they will behave. Because you cannot guarantee somebody else after he leave a jail even if in the United States what he will go and do the same things or not. Of course of course. Sheikh hamad, i want to get your thoughts on the broader policy coming out of america, Foreign Policy as it relates to yemen and syria. Stay with us. We have a lot to talk about with you. The former Prime Minister of qatar. First, lets take a look at the taliban five. The renewed fear they will return to the battlefield and the questions of whether the prisoner swap was one of the biggest mistakes president obama has made yet. Fox news Senior Correspondent eric shawn joins me live with that angle. Good morning, everyone. How will they behave . Well they will be back killing americans. That at least is what critics predict will happen if the socalled taliban five are free to travel after their oneyear travel ban expires just hours from now tomorrow. But reports say the ban may be extended for at least another six more months. It is true that the United States has been in touch with our partners in qatar about the kinds of steps we believe are important to protecting the National Security of the american people. They were described as high risk hard core. The five former topranking taliban officials among them. The chief of staff of the taliban army the head of communications and the deputy of the taliban intelligence service. They were held in gitmo for 12 years, and it was predicted that they would return to the battlefield if ever released. Then came bowe bergdahl. President obama made that controversial and highly criticized decision to swap the five for bergdahl one year ago. Bergdahl, of course captured by the taliban after walking away from his platoon, charged with desertion and has been branded a traitor by some critics. When they were swapped, the taliban five were sent to qatar, living there, says the government under surveillance and monitoring. But despite that at least one of the taliban five was reported to have contacted al qaeda, which of course was not part of the plan. We were told that the five had been living in a residential compound joined by 70 Family Members from afghanistan. For now, they may not be going anywhere but the question remains, what happens when the day comes that they can . Maria . And of course that day is today. Eric thank you very much. More now with former Prime Minister of qatar, sheikh hamad. Id like to get your sense of whats happening right now with isis controlling 50 of syria, with isis having taken down ramadi in iraq. Characterize the war against isis and whats been going on this last year in yemen as well as syria. Well i think there is turmoil in all the region and i think this is still in the beginning. I dont think we reached the peak in the region. There is a mess and this mess is because of 40 years of bad policy in the region. Most of the region have bad policy for 40 years. We have dictatorship which has stayed 40 years. Most think about themselves how to stay in power. They did not talk about job, about development. Thats what we have. If we are talking about isis we have to talk why it happens. It happens because of bad policy of our ally and United States in my opinion. The control of the Iraqi Government the way how its been done i think it shows that the sunnis have no commitment with the others. They have to have the same opportunity. I believe this happened after feeling that theyve been insulted or been pressured or been kicked out of the power completely. Unfortunately, isis finds the right moment and the right, what you call it atmosphere in the region and it happens. In my opinion, to fight isis theres two or three elements. The first element, we have to know the problem, why its being caused. Isis will not be strong if we dealt with the problem in syria in the first year or the first eight months. At that time bashar almost done. Now we are dealing we know that isis have some arrangement with Bashar Al Assad in certain times to create a new situation in syria and to show you that the alternative of bashar is terrorism. I think if we dealt with the problem more seriously, i mean the United States especially, dealt with us and the region more seriously and syria problem the first 10 or 12 month, i think we will not see isis. And also if we dealt more seriously in the problem in iraq. Right now to deal with them the United States cannot deal alone. All the region have to work on this. To work on this that mean there should be an involvement to get it back. Part of this involvement, how also to give the Syrian People their freedom from bashar. Should the u. S. Have pulled out all of the troops in iraq . I mean it feels like that was one of the seminole moments that really empowered isis. I think it happens before you pull your troops. Isis was there, not strong but it was there because, in my opinion, during your stay yes, you can deal with it militarily but politically i think there was a lot of mistakes which bring isis to the picture. Do you think at this point we will see a change in strategy . How does the middle east right now, our allies in the middle east feel about americas Foreign Policy . What would you like to see done . I think theres shock and surprise from the policy to be frank. You know i consider myself friend of United States. I think there is a shock among even the friends of United States how they dealt with the matter how they are trying to find solution after solution mistakes after mistakes. And even when you are talking with iran for example, for the nuclear, i support to have a deal with iran on the nuclear. But to support iran and the nuclear, you have to have all the region with you before camp david. You have to have them with you from day one to support this deal. Sheikh hamad, before we go i have to have ask you about this soccer corruption and fifa. Let me switch gear, insisting that the qatar 2022 world cup will go ahead. Can you give us a sense of how the process has gone on in term of qatar getting the world cup . Theres all this talk about fifa and these underthetable deals. Unfortunately, its not fair talks. Even if you see how they talk about russia and they talk about qatar. I support, of course russia to have their turn in 2018. But if you see the talks, its all about qatar. Is it because an arab islamic small country . Thats the people in the region feel. I think if you think about the opportunities and to bring the middle east and to bring the arabs closer to you, i dont think this will help. My knowledge that we dealt with this in a fair competition and there was no corruption. But the problem is the media insisting as there is somebody trying to flare this. And we know why. We know how to distinguish this. But i believe that shows the ugly face of the other party when they did not win a fair competition. Sheikh hamad, really terrific having you on the program today. Thank you for talking about so many important subjects. My pleasure. Sheikh hamad is the former Prime Minister of qatar. Scott walker eyeing a launch for his 2016 campaign. When is the big day . What are his thoughts on iran . Stay with us as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Attention. Did you or anyone in your household work around asbestoscontaining gaskets and packing . 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We bring in an Online Security expert. A former federal sex crimes prosecutor. Good to have you on the program. Thanks very much for joining us. Thanks maria. I guess the one question to start out with is how is it that they did break the irs website to get all of that personal information from 100,000 taxpayers . Can you talk to us about the security in place and how that was breached . Well its really interesting, maria, because the irs is guarding some of the most sensitive information, and yet their security protocols were not designed to protect that information. So for example, they didnt have what appears to be what i would call triggers for anomalous behavior. In other words, if somebody in russia in an ip address that comes out of russia is coming into your system and asking for an account that belongs in say, pennsylvania that should immediately alert a trigger that says take a look why is this pennsylvania resident all the sudden in russia asking for their taxpayer file . Thats one basic failure in the system that i can see right away. What should the irs be doing in terms of its system and protecting . And what can people at home do in terms of having a comfort feeling that their information is secure . Well one thing the irs can do is do whats called and this is basic security. Its called something you have and something you know. If im a citizen asking for my information and lets say its a hacker in my place stealing my identity they might know all my security information, which is exactly what these hackers did. But they dont have my phone number at home my land line. They dont have my cell phone. So the irs could basically or very simply trigger a phone call to me that says are you right now trying to get on and get your information . Something i have i have my cell phone. A hack her hacker doesnt have that. It would have said to the irs, something is going on better take a look. So if youre watching at home think about this. Put a credit lock on your credit now, even if you think you had your email password stolen somewhere else. Go to the irs website. I know this is not something we want to do right now, but go to the irs website and fill out that form that says you may have been a victim of identity theft, even if it was somewhere else. Then more important than anything else utilize antivirus software. Do not hit the remind me later button. That gets you in trouble. Why because youre not cleaning thinsclean ing things up right away . Youre telling the hackers out there theres a security hole. I just decided im not going to do anything about it right now. And its so easy for us to do that. Interesting. Were you surprised that were learning now that the breach or the hack originated in russia . Well thats what it appears to be. What hackers often do is they jump from place to place. They may want to pretend theyre in russia. As far as we know they could be sitting in china. They could be sitting in london. We dont know. But its something that appears to be true. So was i surprised . Not really, because hackers do that a lot. What i am more surprised about is how could an ip address or a hacker coming in from russia asking for american citizen Tax Information not be triggered by the irs that says something unusual, something funny is going on here let me take a look. Thats what i am surprised by. It is quite extraordinary. Good to have you on the program. Thanks very much for weighing in. Thanks maria. See you soon. Wisconsin Governor Scott walker topping some polls in the race to the white house. When will he make his Campaign Official . Ill talk with him next as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. Life begins with a howl, we scream shout, shriek with joy. Until, inhibition creeps in our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. Sing loud, play loud, love loud. Dentures shouldnt keep you quiet, life should be ringing in your ears. 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You have been traveling throughout the country. Back in january you filed whats called a 527. You launched a website. Your 527 is called the american revival. But youve yet to throw your hat officially in the ring for the president ial election. Whats take you so long . Why havent you announced yet . As governor of wisconsin, at least in our state, our budget comes out every two years. State budgets will be done at the end of june. Its still my obligation to see through a positive budget that hopefully for the fifth and sixth year in a row will lower property taxes in our state even from where they were before i took office in 2010. I want to have a good budget that continues to provide reform in our state. Shortly after, well be announcing our intentions to the people of this great country. So thats in the next month. Yeah. This past week we got another dismal gdp number. The First Quarter, in fact actually contracted. It was negative. Weve got the jobs number coming out this upcoming friday. How do you move the needle on growth and jobs in america . I think you need that quickly. I think the next president cant just be its not enough just to have a republican. Hopefully we have a Republican House thats sustained. Hopefully we have a republican United States senate. Its not enough just to have republicans in charge. You need to have someone whos ready to reform on day one, something we did four years ago. We took on the reforms right away i think in the first 45 to 100 days. We have to push a big, bold aggressive agenda. Its not just about austerity but really about growth about understanding the people of this country. This president and people like Hillary Clinton, they tend to think you grow the economy by growing washington. I think we ought to grow the cities and towns and villages all across the u. S. The way to do it is lower marginal tax rates, make job creators competitive again with a rate thats competitive around the world so that more american jobs can come back from overseas. Repeal obamacare and put patients back in charge again. Dramatically rein in regulations, sending many of those responsibilities back to the state and ultimately to the people. Using the abundance of all the Energy Supplies we have here in this country and on this continent and having a level Playing Field globally when it comes to trade. I think all of those things can get us from the stagnant growth weve been seeing to a growth pattern thats realistic to get us to almost 4. 5 growth. Let me move on to Foreign Policy policy. This is an area where your skeptics say your not up to the job in terms of your knowledge, your leadership. Ill start with the question of the day that everyone is asking. That is the iraq war. If you knew what you know today, would you have gone in to iraq the way president bush did . Just one thing, a qualifier. Id point out that in the overall issue of Foreign Policy id say in my lifetime the most impressive president when it came to Foreign Policy was a governor from california. In my lifetime the worst president of Foreign Policy was a freshman senator from illinois. So being a senator governor isnt as important as leadership. When it comes to leadership ill flat out tell you, i think that any president , regardless of party, would have made a similar decision to what the president did at the time with the information that was available. Hillary clinton, remember the United States senate at the time voted for an authorizing resolution because she and other members of both parties had the same levels or the same type of information that president bush had at the time. So i cant fault them if that are decision knowing what they thought they knew at the time. Where i do think he deserves credit is a few years later when the surge took place. I think that was the right move and got us on the right track. I think ultimate important question today is to ask people like Hillary Clinton and president obama why, when you knew years ago the same thing you know today, and that is that there are serious military concerns about leaving iraq too soon particularly after we had achieved victory and had peace, why did they pull out . Why are we having these discussions . What should be done in terms of the potential of a deal with iran . On day one, january 20th 2017 id pull back from that faulty deal. I think its a big error. Id be willing to negotiate with iran, but on our terms, not on their terms. To me its real simple. Our terms would be you need to dismantle your nuclear infrastructure. Secondly you need to disclose fully and provide full transparency including immediate ability to inspect, particularly at their underground fortified facilities. Then they need to deal with others in it the region. That means recognizing that israel has a right to exist as a jewish state. And that theyre going to pull out of what iran has got their hands involved whether its with the houthis in yemen or what we see in syria or elsewhere around the world in terrorist or terroristrelated activities. They need to get out of that. And they need to get rid of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles not only those targeted at israel but those potentially targeted at the United States. Those are the terms of our deal. If they dont, we need to pull back on that deal put sanctions back in place from america, and encourage our allies around the world to do the same. I feel like in some corners of the country, people are feeling like the gop or the extreme right of the gop does not understand how america has changed. Youve talked about how youve gone to a friends gay reception but not the wedding. Do you think that the gop in general or certainly all the way to right are missing how america has changed and what america feels about as far as their freedoms . Did you think america has changed in the last ten years . I still believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I voted for that and defend it in our state. I had a Family Member on my wifes side one of our great cousins that we love and we went there even though we have a belief of what legally constitutes marriage. We were there because we love her. We love her and we love the whole family. So of course were going to be there. In terms of this issue, its one of those where its interesting. Going forward, the next president is going to have very limited impact on this. If the courts rule in the coming days, theyre going to rule one of two ways. Theyre going to say either that marriage amongst marriage is defined as something the state should be doing, or theyre going to say that marriage amongst samesex couples is legal. The only other alternative to that is a constitutional amendment, which is something that doesnt go through the legislative process. Its something the states and congress has to act on. Its really not going to be an issue in the next president ial election. I think even if people disagree with me even if some people have changed in that regard people deserve to know what my opinion is on that. The same way im prolife. In the end, what they want to know is what are you going to do to lead america forward, not to pit one group of americans versus another. I think we got a pretty good story to tell. Governor good to have you on the show today. Thank you. Thank you so much. Meanwhile, the Senate Meeting today in a special session in a lastditch effort to maintain the counterterrorism powers of the patriot act. Now, the white house warning theres no plan b to keep the programs running without new legislation. Our panel begins right there as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. 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The secretary of state will now return home to boston for further treatment with the doctor who previously operated on him. The nation this morning reacting to the sad news that beau biden, son of the Vice President joe biden, has passed away from brain cancer, nearly two years after he was first diagnosed. Beau was a lawyer, member of the Delaware National guard, and former delaware attorney general. Beau biden experienced various Health Problems in recent years, including suffering a mild stroke in 2010. Just this month, he was hospitalized at the water reed National Military center. Beau biden leaves behind a wife and two children. He was 46 years old. President obama says he and the first lady are grieving alongside with the biden family and their thoughts and prayers are with the biden family this morning. Im eric shawn. Now back to sunday morning futures and maria. Thank you, eric. We add our condolences to the biden family after that tragedy of his son. We want to bring in our panel. Ed rollins a longtime strategist to business and political leaders. Hes a fox news political analyst. Hank is a democratic strategist who worked on the clinton gore campaign. Thanks for joining us. We knew that beau biden was sick but i dont know that there was such expectation that he would pass at 46. Its very unfortunate. Hes a fine young man. He was a twoterm attorney general. Certainly had a great career in politics if this tragedy hadnt occurred. Unfortunately, the biden family has had a series of disasters like this. I certainly admire him as a man and send my condolences. Of course. Thoughts and prayers are with his family. Hank . A tragedy by any measure. 46. No words can describe it. 46 years old, brain cancer. So sad. We send our thoughts this morning. With the patriot act, meanwhile, set to expire at midnight tonight, the senate will hold a rare sunday session today in a lastditch effort to replace or extend a number of antiterror programs including the nsas controversial collection of americans phone records. Kentucky senator rand paul vowing to block any vote to extend the legislation despite warnings from the white house that letting it die would put americans at risk. Your thoughts this morning on the patriot act mary . I think this is a reckless reckle time of rising global disorder. Lets remember that the patriot act was put in place after 9 11 to ensure that we never had another 9 11 and we have a former cia director that said the Metadata Collection Program would have prevented it had it been in place. I think senator paul postulates a lot of hypothetical impingements on our liberties, but would senator paul like to take responsibility if we have another 9 11 . Hes put the house in a very very difficult position and also politically, maria, it allows the white house to say to the gop, well if theres another terror attack its your fault. Never mind that the president has stopped interrogations that he sent gitmo prisoners back and the rest. This is a terrible day for america. I think it puts us at a lot of risk. Ed, do you agree with that . I disagree a little bit. Another 9 11 is not going to occur because we dont have the patriot act. We have very due diligence. Our guard is up. I think there will be some compromise thatll come forth this week. Another version in the house or Something Like that. A lot of the provisions that we think are important are going to be reevaluated and reimplemented. This is really snowdens greatest reward. This was he who brought this all to the American Public. Theres a lot of americans who didnt like having their phones listened to what have you. I think pauls arguments, i think a lot of people adhere to that. Hank . Gut politics big loser here Mitch Mcconnell. He doesnt look like hes in charge of his own chamber. Republicans running around on different parts of the spectrum. Rand paul making him look foolish. The other guy whos hoping this doesnt work out is boehner. He doesnt want to deal with this in his chamber. He may be the lucky guy. Lets be clear for everyone listening. The nsa is not listening to your phone calls. Theyre looking at call records and whos calling whom. So the way that senator paul and others have characterized this program is absolutely inaccurate. The Supreme Court has said since the 1970s, you dont need a warrant to look at this stuff. You got to blame the president here for not explaining to the American Public what the nsa program was all about and why we needed it. The big winner here is barack obama. Hes on the television. Hes giving sound bites to people saying look hes guys cant get it together. I want to protect america. And he looks like the man whos trying to put this together to protect american citizens. Hank no offense, youre a longtime friend but if anybody is going to think barack obama is protecting america when the weakness of his administration has created chaos throughout the world, i think he looks like hes doing the best he can. I think he tries to do the best he can every day, but its not good enough. You make a point, though in terms of what it shows about the republicans. Constantly arguing and the granularity of every subject in terms of the division. Well, theres three divisions. Theyre very significant. The point hank made about Mitch Mcconnell, he was the senior senator, majority leader from kentucky. This is the junior senator from kentucky leading the charge against him. Its all about president ial politics. Paul is one of the leaders of the tea party. Its an important element. We have three elements of our party that are all basically at war with each other. And were going to give a victory to edward snowden. Those revelations came out in 2013. Sense since then weve had the rise of isis. The world is a far more dangerous place. We need our intelligence agencies to have the ability to connect dots. Were taking away the dots from the nsa. This is a terrible day for america. We need these programs and we need the white house to explain why we need these programs. It certainly is a much different world today than even just 2013. A short break. The 2016 field expanding on both sides of the aisle. Our panel will look at the list of former politicians looking to get back into the political fray as we look ahead on sunday morning futures. You show up. You stay up. You listen. You laugh. You worry. You do whatever it takes to take care of your family. And when its time to plan for your familys future were here for you. Were legalzoom, and for over 10 years weve helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. So when youre ready start with us. Doing the right thing has never been easier. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Welcome back. Top of the hour. Lets check in with howard kurtz, see whats going on on his program. Hello maria. Going to look at the stunning indictment and coverage against the the charges against former House Speaker denny hastert. Look at some of the president ial candidates who got into the race this week on both sides, how theyre getting very little coverage. Maybe the media prematurely writing them off. And as he steps down after half a century at cbs, final conversation with bob. All right. See you in about ten minutes. Well be there. As you just mentioned, Hillary Clinton has a new challenger and the republican field expanded last week. Former Maryland Governor Martin Omalley taking the plunge for the democrats, throwing his hat in the ring for president yesterday. George pataki and former pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum also making their bids for the gop. Your thoughts on the new field, ed . They had their highlight this week. Santorum whos the runnerup last time because he was a conservative alternative, will be crowded out by other conservatives who are new faces this time. Pataki is going nowhere. Hell be one of the first ones out of the race. I think omalley would be a legitimate candidate in another year but hillary is going to take this thing and take it easy. The will the dems support Martin Omalley . No theyll get him out because the clintons dont want him there. They dont want to spend money they dont have spend. Two of these candidates say interesting things. Rick santorum is running as a rightwing populous. Antiimmigration notes there. I think thats interesting and worrying about what it says about the gop, the focus on growth. In terms of omalley, hes basically running the campaign that Elizabeth Warren was running on the far, far left of the party. Essentially, hes running to the party that president obama wanted to create. Obama has pulled the party way far to the left. That is not who Hillary Clinton is. Its who shes trying to be because she senses that. So to my mind that was what was interesting about the announcements this week. Whats going on behind the scenes hank between the president president obama and hillary camp . Is he working against her . Ive always believed that he is not a great fan. Ive always believed that hes doing whatever he can to block her. I wouldnt be surprised if obama operatives show up in the omalley operation. But its too late. Shes got that dough. Shes got the speed. Shes got the institutional players. Unfortunately, Vice President biden would have been the institutional guy, but hes not going to be there. The truth of the matter is theres no Obama Campaign left. Unlike when bush won the third term of reagan there was a campaign in place. He was able to pick up and run with it. The obama people have deliberately not put into the dnc, not handed off to her. She has to recreate her own campaign which shell do but itll take more time and more money. Theres no love lost because they dont like what the clintons were in the 90s and what they represented. So obama clinton, you could characterize them as frenemies. Obama did nothing to cultivate younger talent within the party. And so i think, you know, again, when you saw omalleys announcement thats a lot of excitement among the Democratic Base and the progressives in the party because it is a Progressive Party today. They have pushed out every moderate that was left in the Democratic Party. He also made a very deliberate choice not to pick someone that could succeed him as Vice President. Certainly not cast any apersians on joe biden, but he was too old, couldnt become a viable candidate. We did the same thing when we nominated sarah palin. There was no there there. So my sense is she now has control of the party and the mechanism. Shes going to be very hard to beat on the democratic side. I want to talk about the general election next. Take a short break. A revised gdp number weighed down wall street at the end of the week. Well look at the First Quarter fallout, what it means for the recovery and the election as we look ahead on sunday morning futures back in a minute. We live in a pick and choose world. Choose choose choose. But at bedtime . Why settle for this . Enter sleep number. Dont miss the memorial day special Edition Mattress with sleepiq technology. Sleepiq tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. You like the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow now we can all choose amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. Save 500 on the memorial day special Edition Mattress with sleepiq. Ends sunday know better sleep with sleep number. Welcome back with our panel. Ed mary hank. I want to get back to this issue of the Obama Administration hank working against hillary. What do you know . Well look its simple. They dont its clear to see that the obama people do not want the clintons in charge of that Democratic Party apparatus again. Because if they are, there wont be an obama legacy. And that bad blood continues to boil. So hillary will likely get the nomination in her party, ed but what about the general election . A florida judge setting a date for a racketeering charge against the clintons. This is very serious. This came out on friday. The language is all bad. I dont know what the details of it are, but basically, look at the fundraising thats gone on in the Clinton Foundation. One of the arguments is that they need to have a special envoy to take charge of all the theres just a whole variety of things that can happen. This was supposed to set for trial in january. Its a bad time for them. When you say the word rico you think of the mafia and think about it is about racketeering criminal things and the charges that they use to get money from foreign clients and what have you. She was secretary of state and was quid pro quo. Thats not very pretty when the court and of course the court has ruled that we will get to see Hillary Clintons emails every month, every 60 days. That has to mean that theres going to be constant scrutiny about whats in those emails. You mean the emails she didnt delete . Thats right. The ones she did not delete. Its extraordinary she continues as a candidate given all the scandals that have come out. Its a testimony to the tenacity of hillary. Shes just clawing on there. Think about what weve already learned, without knowing whats in those emails. And without her answering any questions. Without her answering any questions. We know she was taking informal intelligence from sidney bloomenthal, who was at the same time employed by the Clinton Foundation and trying to start a business in libya at the same time he was advising the secretary. Theres her private email server that she did not disclose. We have the Clinton Foundation and all of those links to foreign governments. We have bills speaking fees and the potential quid pro quo there. Just pick one you know when she does have to start answering questions from the press, its going to be very interesting. But well think about in in big pieces. In order to make the public get it it has to be in small bites. Small bites are, whatd you get, whend you get it. And the person who figures this out will be the most important person in this political season. Lets take a quick break and get the one thing to watch for the week ahead from our panel on sunday morning futures. Stay with us. Attention. 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Aisle be back tomorrow morning for the premiere of my new morning show mornings with maria picks off at 6 00 a. M. Eastern on the fox business network. We have three big guests tomorrow. Hope youll join us. Take a look at where you can find fbn on your hello, everybody. Im lou dobbs. The Obama Administration has begun another of its patented politically motivated policy reversals. These obama reversals are called variously flipflops pivots and just plain changes of heart or circumstance. This time the obama pledges to quote, degrade and destroy the Islamic State are suddenly inoperative. Instead, the president and his administration are rapidly, desperately trying to distance themselves from the war against the Islamic State. The president s top spokesman insisted the United States will train and equip iraqi forces

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