Made shooting noises and point it. John i tried to get a lye gun license. They rejected my application, but they approved his. I have a license to carry in new york. Can you believe that . And he jokes about defending himself. But many of you are selfdefenseless. Thats our show tonight. Announcer and now john stossel. John the Mass Shootings in San Bernardino and paris provoked poll figures to make claims about how they will keep people safe. Most democrats want more gun laws right after the San Bernardino attack president obama spoke about. Common sense gun safety law, stronger background checks. While the quick calls for more gun control make people feel good, it doesnt mean it will make life better. Many criminals break laws already on the books. So what will new laws do. Guns protect people, too. The San Bernardino shootings were quick. The killers shot and drove off. But many Mass Shootings go on and on. Thats what happened in paris in the theater and restaurants. The innocent were basically selfdefenseless. All were unarmed. Most chose to be. But some are unarmed because the french government makes it so hard to get a gun permit. Its possible, but you have to convince police you are exposed to exceptional risks of harm. Some parts of america have rules like that and thats why i couldnt get a gun permit. Terrorists were able to kill, reload, and kill again. Had some concertgoers been armed, what might have happened. Jack mccalmly says probably fewer people would have been killed because concertgoers might have killed the terrorists. More guns might have meant less killing. But leah barrett says more guns dont make people safer. Leah is with new yorkers against gun violence. If you look at our country, we are a country of 310 million people. We have almost as many guns. If guns made you safer we would be one of the safest countries in the world and we are not. We have too many guns and they fall into the wrong hand, terrorists, domestic abusers, violent felons, and children. John im not sure what regulating properly would mean. We are talking about more gun laws, i hate that term. John what wrong with common sense gun laws. It sound like the many common sense, we should all do this. In reas some of these laws with counterproductive. I was promoted to the rank of captain and in charge of the gun licencing division. It was driven down our throat. Get guns off the street. It didnt matter where we got the guns from, it didnt matter whether it was a nonviolent offender or someone causing harm. In Baltimore City 85 of gun owe fenders are repeat offenders. Why arent they put in jail. John rrp what about paris . Would paris have been different 2 3 if more people had been armed . More people would have died. The Aurora Shooting happened at the midnight shooting. If people in that theater were packing heat. It was dark and confusing and more people started shooting more people of course would have died. John how do you know . Experts tell us that. They dont want everyone shooting. John if you are lying there hiding and the guy reloads. I think most Law Enforcement people would tell you i talked to many, many Law Enforcement officials. Most of them want citizens to be and and have the ability to respond and carry. John most . I here police saying dont arm yourself. Most Law Enforcement sow officials i enforcement officials i know. John they say they will shooted the wrong people. They dont know what they are doing. As an officer i have showed up where there is chaos and confusion. In manhattan, the shooting at the empire state building. Nypd officers were trying to apprehend someone but bystanders were hit. A lot of states, six states you dont even have to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Lets deal with guns what we did with cars. We regulate cars. You have to have a license and registration and insurance. John i get. John let jack talk. You have a trooper who is assigned to an atf task force. His number one goal is to get guns. Hes running the criminal record to find convictions for those with hunting licenses. Hes going through areas of the state with no gun crime. There is only so much time in the day, why arent we targeting violent offenders . The laws are so confusing in the state of maryland even the experts debate over the gun laws. My guys would have to brief me on what the laws mean and what they stood for. John leah, you object to the begun carry laws. 10 found no difference. One found an increase. What study are you quoting . John yeah. I cant list all 29. Im sure john lott is in there. More guns less crime. His research has been totally discredited. John i heard that lie so often. Washington post. He should what a great professor he is. He claims his data was lost on his hard drive. John one of 100 studies. He cannot back it up. Neither can gary clack. John you have been discredited. What about this chart more guns less crime. Lets not talk about john lott. And hes a pseudoacademic. There is no serious academic who takes him seriously. I take him very seriously. I found him to be very rely act. Thats laughable. John you dispute that since gun ownership has gone up crime is down . Gun ownership is down. For host household its down. Whats happening is more American Household are buying more guns. They are stockpiling. John rrp sales are up and crime is down. The gun industry knows this and thats why they are scared and trying to develop new markets selling military assault purpose to citizens. They know that their white male demographic is going away. Its all about money. Follow the money. John im following the deaths. Crime is down. Its this type of paranoia. A number of studies are miscalculated and misquoted on her own website which are inaccurate. We are looking at the studies. Please tell me one gun law that you would implement that would prevent this. Licencing and registration. Absolutely not. John leah said so many people can get guns. The Supreme Court rules individuals have the right to keep and bear arms. Concealed carry is not illegal in every state. So since people sometimes threaten me, i wanted to get a carry permit. I assumed i could. But i tried it near new york city. They make it very hard. First you must fill out a 17page form. The form says i must know the definition of other weapons like dwraffity knife and metal knuckle knife and kung fu star. I just want a gun for safety. They require applicant and understand all this information. It took hours and hours to fill out the forms. We had to call the police six times to clare guys what questions meant. Finally it was done. I have to get this notarized. Then you have to go in person to police headquarters. Here they fingerprinted me, asked me to list reasonsy should be allowed to have a gun. Then they charged me a 430 application fee. They said they have would get back to me. It took a long time. Then they said i had to return to this headquarters fear second inperson inltsd view. They said that i needed to produce the Court Documents and i had to documented threats against me. 52 days later they sent me a letter rejecting my application for a carry permit. They said i could get a license to keep a gun in my apartment. But i feel safe in my apartment. I want a permit to carry where i feel threatened. But i was told you famed to demonstrate a special need. Special need . What about what the Supreme Court said . The Second Amendment guarantees our rights. I all so like what mark wrote on facebook. My gun, my life, my choice. But not in new york city where bureaucrats told me you have to show special needs. They say that in washington, d. C. Where fox 5 reporter emily miller wanted to get a gun and you did get one finally. A gun and a permit to carry a gun. John but its rare. Very exclusive club. I wanted a gun because d. C. Is not safety. And im tired of walk count street being scared. But in order to apply for a gun permit you have to have documented specific threats against your life. I applied on two reports of threats against me. But thin also said something you are familiar with, i said isis has said we are targeting american journalists. I put both my specific threats and general threats. I got approved. John and the chief said to you just for the two figure threats of the people wants to kill you, not for the isis threats. Behind the scenes they told me if you have a specific threat against your life they will grant a permit. Because if you do get killed we are in a lot of trouble. John you wrote a book about your experience titled. Emily gets her gun. John an advisor told me i applied the wrong way its easy if you have use political reasons. I have a license to area in new york. But can you imagine with trump somebody says all these big monsters arent around. Hes easy pickings. Every state is different. D. C. Is rare. The chief actually personally decides seem person. I think the process that you have gone through here in new york is a more political process. Are you famous and well connected. But in d. C. Its do you have documents. And merit based. Weve actually have somebody to who wants to kill you. Congratulations. You get one of these cards. John coming up, myths about growing up, we were german. We danced in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. When i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasnt finding all of these germans in my tree. I decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. The big surprise was were not german at all. 52 of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com. We know other countries in response to one mass slooght been able to craft laws that almost eliminate Mass Shootings. John really . Almost eliminate Mass Shootings sense the president with common sense gun laws . It must be true because after the shooting in oregon he said this. We are the only developed country on earth where this happens. John but thats a myth. The author of hands off my gun says the gun control crowd repeats lots of myths about guns. She is radio host dana lo oregon sch. Every every day i hear some sort of myth that comes from the antigun lobby. Dont forget what happened in norway just a couple years ago. That was the single biggest mass shooting in humanity. John 69 people killed. They have massive gun control. Australia and the u. K. John in australia they had a mass shooting. They confiscated peoples guns and crime is down in australia. Its interesting that you mention that because private gun ownership level in australia is back to what it was pre1996 confiscation. Thats something they omit. Down in lots of places where they legalize guns they allow conceal carry permits and crime and gun crime drop. Dramatically they do. Thats called the florida model. Other states were paying attention to whats happening to floridas crime so sight. Criminals are not going to pick soft targets. John surveys of prisoners say im much more scared of the victims pack than i am of the police. They know, they see an individual, if they see a woman just out and about and she and armed they know that woman will fight to defend her life. John people where i live they have a hard time getting their brain around this. More guns . People will get drunk and shoot each other. My leftwing neighbors are just set about what they call the assault weapons. And that includes our next president. Do you think reinstating the assault on assault weapons and banning highcapacity magazines would do any good . Yes, i do. John and they all applaud. This is about assault weapons. Who need an assault weapon to defend themselves. They cant define what is an assault weapon. You can have a semi automatic or select fire capability going fully automatic. By you have firearms i will let rat people. They think because you have a black rifle with a coach on it and a pistol grip on it and it makes it shootier and that means its fully automatic. These are gun i will litter rall people. There is semi auto and fully automatic. John fully automatic is a machine gun. Voo. It means you pull the trigger once and it goes until you release the trigger. Semiautomatic it means you get a built for each squeeze. John a tale of one rifle shows two guns. The second wins an Assault Rifle and is illegal because it has a collapsable stock and pistol grip. They are cosmetic features. If you have this rifle and you put three or more cosmetic features on it it will be rendered illegal. It does nothing to change the machinations of the firearm. The firearm shoots the same its still a semiautomatic firearm. If you add these accessories some how it makes it more lethal. It didnt make sense. John im told 40 of gun sales is done without background checks. Thats false. That was in the 60s before the brady bill went into effect. We are putting lot of faith in a background system thats incredibly fraudulent. One of the things whenever you hear either democrats or antigun advocates, when they say we were able to stop x amount of criminals from purchasing firearms. If your name is too similar or too long they count them as a whole in their statistics. We are relying on a system thats incredibly flawed. John im told if you need defense call 911. You have to wait on average 20 minutes. I had an incident where a firearm protected my life. My grandparents called the law and it was 25 minute before the law showed up. But thankfully my grandfather was armed. You are your own first responder. John next, blacks and guns. Attitude are changing. John antigun politicians say im for the Second Amendment, i would never take away americans right to hunt. But the Second Amendment isnt about hunting. The founders added gun rights to the Second Amendment because people have a right to defend themselves from criminals and the state. They want to stop the government from disarming them like the British Government did. If any group should fear oppression its blacks. But for years they supported gun control. He explained why blacks have long had good reasons to arm themselves. Frederick douglass, his equip was a good revolver is the best response to a slave catcher. The winchester rifle deserves a plate of honor in every home. There were incidents of lynching by black community by people armed. John you draw a distinction private violence versus state violence. They were very clear that private violence is the reaction to political violence. What Martin Luther king and all the luminaries explained was we are not going to achieve Political Rights through violence. Well not have a revolution. John but violence is fine against the Klu Klux Klan or private people attacking. Its response to an imminent threat. In the next 60 seconds if something happens to you the state is irrelevant. Our laws of self defense says you can respond in kind with violence when you are facing imminent threats. John the Young Country passed gun control laws. In virginia it barred clubs, guns or swords to slaves or free blacks. Most of the gun control we are familiar with was focused on blacks or those outside with you primarily black. Even Martin Luther king was denied a permit to carry a pistol and his begun after a bombing at his home because he didnt show quote good cause. John . Sometimes private tyrants who were owners of plantations would make as a condition of employment and living in the area, this requirement that blacks give up any firearms and they not own firearms. John despite this history, blacks have largely been supporters of gun control laws. This is certainly true for the black Political Class. And its also accurate to say blacks overwhelmingly support the democratic party. But when you look at the polling blacked fave concealed carry. There has always been a continues between the commitment of the black Political Class to gun control opposed to people at the grassroots. John Jesse Jackson was arrested protesting gun. In its early staings the naacp cut its organizational teeth on defending blacks engaged in armed selfdefense against mobs and state violence. One of the most notable cases, dr. Sweet defended his new home against a mob. The naacp hired clarence dare otoe defend him. The sweet went on a national tour, they rated lots of money for the naacp and that seeded the defense fund. What happened in the 1970s, the members of that rising Political Class embraced supply side gun control as the solution to their problems. Lots of people latched on to it as an easy answer. What we see days the reality is simply different. John thank you, nick johnson. A woman who says owning a gun i built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Do something get on the floor oh im not a security guard, im a security monitor. I only notify people if there is a robbery. Theres a robbery. Why monitor a problem if you dont fix it . Thats why lifelock does more than free credit monitoring to protect you from identity theft. We not only alert you to identity threats, if you have a problem, well spend up to a Million Dollars on lawyers and experts to fix it. Lifelock. Join starting at 9. 99 a month. John when i ask you on social media, what are your thoughts on gun control. Sonny tweetedy defense is my responsibility. Ill not outsource it to the state. I like the way he fraitds that. Police say dont buy a gun, call us. But as sunny said, then you have to hope the Police Arrive on time. But if someone threatens you now, what are the odds someone will get there on time. We men are usually physically strong and thats why our previous guest got behind this nra ad called moms like me. If a mom puts a gun to the face of a home invading thug and makes him run for his life, the story gets buried, but if she is unarmed and murdered the cameras will be at the scene before the police. John rrp the media rarely cover assault prevented by a gun. But christina says its important to report that. More laws and more regulations dont top someone hell bent on causing destruction and harm. Every law on the books my stalker broke. John you were being stalked by someone, you complained, told the police about him and got a restraining order. He continued to offend and go to jail and every time he got out he would reoffend. Another law wasnt going to stop him. But the unmistakable he sound of chambering a shotgun round did. John you never heard from him again after he heard that sound. He went on to commit more crimes. But not at my house. John you put in fences, secured glass, motion he tech tore lights. But the on thing that worked was a gun. We did everything we could to make sure this guy left me alone. And it was not until he knew i had a weapon that he stopped stalking me. And he went after other people but he did not come back after me again. John some moms worried about safety want gun control. One group made this ad showing kids hiding under school desks during a mass shooting drill. Our children are facing it every day, so when are we going to. Take action. Join us. John there is an attitude, we have to do something, pass a law. If someone has a propensity to break laws, another law is not going to stop them. We have gunfree zones. Does that stop people coming in with firearms intent on causing harms . Those laws dont stop them. John some politicians say dont use guns, there are other ways to protect yourselves. Thats why we have call boxes and safe zones and the whistles. Because you just dont know who you are going to be shooting at. Reporter call boxes, safe zones, whistles. No, thank you. There was the college in colorado that said if you are being attacked or raped you should urinate on yourself or involve it. No shah thank you. John they really did say that. Urinate on yourself. They believe thats going to stop someone intent on causing harm. If a person is coming after me, im not going to entrust my safety on vomiting or urinating on myself. Im going to have a weapon to protect myself. John Gabby Giffords wants more gun control. We dont agree about everything. But we can agree on this. Dangerous people with guns are a threat to women. John your answer to that . Dangerous people with any weapon can be a threat to women. Thats why i believe women should have the right to defend themselves. Lets call about a woman in new jersey who was stabbed to death by her former boyfriend. He didnt need a gun to kill her. She was waiting for a permit. All the paperwork, she had been waiting and waiting for her right to defend herself. Knowing that a violent felon was after her. John thank you, christina ribali. Coming up, kids getting punished for doing this and chewing pop tarts into the shape that some bureaucrat said looked like a gun. 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Im glad that im not in school today. The things we did back then. We made real threats. We thought they were funny. We played cops and robbers and cowboys and indians. You definite lire cant do that. But people are doing everything they can to create a society free from guns and violence. John in pennsylvania a 5yearold girl had a small he slow kitty gun bubble gun. She was us pended because the school said she made a terrorist threat. We had machine gun bubble blowers so we could play war and blow bubbles at the same time. John kids get punished for playing with toy guns off school property. The Virginia BeachSchool System suspended these 13yearolds because they westerly firing on private property. Reporter the school reached out based on what he was doing to school property. Kids dont play dangerous enough games. We had dodge obama and we would pummel each other. Now that they removed all violence from childhood they have to come down on kids with toy gun. John he was us pended for the year. The daily news first graders us spend for using fingers as guns, playing cops and robbers. An 11yearold suspends for talking about guns. This cute little boy, a 6yearold was suspends for pointing this finger the shape of a gun. Look at him. He looks dangerous, doesnt he . John this is my son. My wife took away his guns. But he would just point or use carrots for guns. My daughter and i were on the playground. A new york dad came over and said no guns. My daughter walked up to the dad and said its not real. John i like this par did called straight out of home room. Every person in my past better take my advice if i ever draw my weapon you will be praying to christ. John require not far from what you see in hip hop video ofs but they have actual video ofs, not pop tarts. This is a great parody. John i could see people discouraging from having real guns in these hip hop videos. Its why any pop laugh culture that features guns and violence and explosions is so popular because drained all this excite many out of kids lives and they will turn to their entertainment. John the real reason we have a Second Amendment. Tyrants and terror if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Ive got two reasons to take thats why i take meta. Meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. Try meta today. And for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. When i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name yes, we are twins. Of my parents and my grandparents. I was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. You start to see documents and you see signatures of people that youve never met. I mean, you dont know these people, but you feel like you do. You get connected to them. I wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. Being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. Com. Youre down with crestor. Alright now theres a way you can get crestor for 3. Adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. Crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing,pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Ask for the crestor 3 card. Ask your doctor about crestor. John today lots of people say americans dont need to bear arms anymore. We dont live in the woods where we have to fight off animals. We have the police to protect us and no Occupying Army threatens us in our house. The british are not coming. We dont need all these guns to kill people. John he went on to say the russians arent coming either. Hes probably right about that. If they did come, they would come with bombs so what good would our small firearms do . Thats why Many Americans where i live say the Second Amendment is out of date. But it isnt. Just as the First Amendment applies to modern tv and the internet, the Second Amendment applies today. What counts is the principle behind it. Americans have a right to defend ourselves and our families. A personal gun wont hold off a modern army. But you dont have to be equally armed to benefit. The colonists held off the british because they didnt know who among us was armed. The british could never if feel safe in oppressing us. Thomas jefferson wrote what country can preserve its liberties if rulers are not warned from time to time their people preserve the spirit of predistance. Let them take arms. I dont plan to shoot oppressive regulators who come to my house. But government will be less likely to go too far if they know more people are armed. The most foolish mistake we could make is to allow the subject races to possess arms. Mist shows conquerors who allowed subject races to carry arms prepared their own downfall. That was from adolph hitler. He wasnt alone. Many oppressors disarmed their people. The syrian resistance is possible only because many syrians disoh paid. Disobeyed. Police department say you are not trained, you dont know how to use it. They are dangerous. If you are threatened call us. But if somebody is attacking me, the police probably wont be much help by the time they get here. They have will draw a chalk line around my body and maybe they will catch my killer but i want to protect myself. I was surprised by what washington, d. C. s police chief said. Run, hide or fight. What we tell them is the facts of the matter is that most active shooters kill most of the victims in 10 minutes or less. The best place in the country will be a 57 minute response. If you are in an option to take it gunman out. Thats counterintuitive to what cops tell people. We tell people dont take action, call 911. Dont intervene in a robbery. We never told people take action. This is a different scenario. You are telling them that now . We are. John they make it tough for people to take action. D. C. Police have only grants 51 gun permits. Politicians talk about bearing arms for hunting. But its allowing all of us to protect ourselves from criminals and tyrants. Thats our show. See you next week. Cenorred in a right here next saturday. But even today they are speaking. Students want to have the space. Safe space is where coaches go. It is not. These people are intimidating. I was